Checking firefighters what is needed. How to pass a fire safety inspection

23.07.2019 Construction

Key issues:
On what basis does a fire inspector conduct an inspection?
What will inspectors check?
How is the State Fire Inspection inspection carried out?

On what basis is an inspection carried out by a fire inspector?

Employers traditionally worry about labor inspection inspections. But a visit from State Fire Inspectorate inspectors can bring no less trouble.

Here are the main documents that guide inspectors:

Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ “On fire safety»;
Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”;
Regulations on federal state fire supervision (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2012 No. 290);
Fire regulations in Russian Federation(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2012 No. 390);
Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 25, 2009 No. 182 “On approval of the set of rules “Definition of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazards”;
Temporary guidelines for checking systems and elements of fire protection of buildings and structures during control (supervision) activities (approved by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations on July 3, 2014).
There are other by-laws that define fire safety requirements in certain industries and industries. For example, in maritime transport, in hospitals, residential buildings and premises, in multifunctional buildings and complexes.

The procedure and rules for conducting inspections of employers are determined by the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), as well as the Regulations on Federal State Fire Supervision. The law established the types of inspections, the deadlines within which they must be completed, and their frequency.

Employers need to remember that routine inspections of firefighters can be carried out no more than once every three years. However, there are also unscheduled inspections, the reason for which may be a complaint or a fire that occurred at the employer, as well as repeated ones. The last type of inspection is used if, during the initial visit of inspectors, the employer was issued an order.

The basis for the inspection is the order of the head of the territorial division of the State Fire Supervision.

What will inspectors check?

During inspections, employers of firefighters will be interested in the document on fire safety and its actual condition at the facilities.

Here is the main list of documents that firefighters will require:

1. Orders:

on the establishment of a fire safety regime;
on the appointment of a person responsible for fire safety;
on ensuring fire safety on holidays;
on the procedure for cleaning up flammable waste and dust, storing oily workwear;
about the smoking ban;
on identifying and equipping smoking areas;
on the procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment in case of fire.
2. Regulations on conducting fire safety briefings.

3.Introductory and initial training programs on fire safety.

4. Instructions on fire safety measures - general facility, in offices, production premises and other employer facilities.


on the results of practical testing of evacuation plans;
on conducting a practical lesson on evacuation from a building;
checking the condition and operating conditions of fire-retardant coatings;
maintenance of fire alarms and fire warning systems;
on the acceptance into operation of automatic fire extinguishing systems;
maintenance of automatic fire extinguishing systems;
checking compliance of completed fire protection work with regulatory requirements;
carrying out maintenance and inspection of internal fire hydrants;
holding fire safety day.
6. Magazines:

recording fire safety briefings;
on accounting for fire safety training;
on accounting for emergency training;
inspection of warehouses, laboratories, offices and other premises before closing them at the end of work;
training sessions with employees during fire evacuation;
accounting of primary fire extinguishing means;
fire extinguisher inspections;
maintenance of fire extinguishers;
testing and recharging fire extinguishers;
inspection and testing of fire hoses;
checking fire hydrants, pumps and panels.
7. Fire safety certificates for:

materials used in finishing;
fire doors.

If you have not yet appointed a fire safety officer, use the sample order and do so now.

When checking the actual state of fire safety, inspectors will be interested in the presence of evacuation plans on all floors of the building (if it is multi-story), fire safety signs, emergency exits, primary fire extinguishing equipment, automatic fire extinguishing and smoke removal equipment, fire alarm equipment and fire warning systems. The internal fire water supply will be checked if necessary.

They will check whether emergency exits are blocked. Basements and attics will also be of interest to inspectors. There they will study the clutter with flammable objects. They will see if those responsible for fire safety have solid bars on the windows, emergency lighting, and electric lights.

Firefighters will also be interested in which way doors open, especially at emergency exits. If they open inward, claims cannot be avoided.

How is the State Fire Inspectorate inspection carried out?

Probably, many are familiar with the picture: a man in the uniform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations walks through the territory of the organization, and next to him, smiling guiltily and looking ingratiatingly into his eyes, walk two or three employees of the organization being inspected. As you might guess, this is an inspector from the State Fire Safety Inspectorate, who is accompanied by the person responsible for fire safety, the chief engineer, a legal adviser or other employees with a similar status.

However, a scheduled inspection begins with the employer receiving notice three days before the inspection begins. Then the inspector appears. He must present a certificate and a decision from the head of the territorial unit of the State Fire Inspectorate. It indicates: the organization being inspected, the grounds for the inspection, its timing and the name of the inspector. Check the information about the inspector with the information from his ID. If they match, he can be allowed into the organization’s territory. In the case when several inspectors come, all of them must be listed in the decision (order).

Without an order or with incorrect information about the organization being inspected and the inspector himself entered into it, you have the right not to let the inspector in.

Typically, firefighters begin an inspection by checking existing documents. After studying the documentation and recording comments, the firefighter will go around the territory of the organization. Keep in mind, firefighters have a wide range of responsibilities.

They have the right:

Freely visit the territory and objects of protection and conduct their inspections;
- conduct research, tests, examinations, investigations and other control activities;
- involve experts and expert organizations in carrying out control activities;
- request and receive, on the basis of motivated written requests from organizations and citizens, information and documents necessary during the inspection (Clause 9 of the Regulations on Federal State Fire Supervision (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2012 No. 290)).
While inspecting the organization's territory, firefighters will meticulously inspect emergency exits, fire doors, hatches, pits, roofs, attics and basements. All this may be accompanied by measuring the dimensions of passages, flights of stairs, roof railings, etc. Of course, fire extinguishers will not be ignored.

Tatyana TRETYAKOVA, lawyer at Finam (Moscow)
During the inspection, fire inspectors can take measurements of emergency exits, evacuation stairs, roof railings, etc. In doing so, they often use ordinary tape measures. However, special certified and verified measuring instruments must be used for measurements. Therefore, the fact of tape measurements can be used in court to challenge the claims made by the fire inspectorate.

The inspector will probably demand to open all the doors he meets along the way. Excuses that there is no key to the lock will not help. You must allow him into all premises.

Electrical panels, wiring, lighting, lamp shades. All this will be closely studied.

Based on the results of the inspection of documents and territory, the inspector will draw up an inspection report. On its basis, a protocol on an administrative offense is drawn up. Could it happen that the protocol will not be drawn up? Such situations are from the realm of fantasy. There are almost no inspections during which no violations are found.

Sometimes the protocol is drawn up directly on the territory of the organization. But more often, a representative of the employer is invited to the inspection, where a document will be drawn up in his presence. In this case, a separate protocol is drawn up for each violation.

Here you need to show attentiveness and perseverance. If you disagree with something, ask for your comments to be included in the minutes. If you do not do this, it will be much more difficult to prove in court that the firefighters’ actions were unlawful.

In addition to the protocol, the inspector will issue an order, which will list the violations and indicate the time frame for their elimination.

The final document of the inspection is a resolution on bringing to administrative responsibility. It indicates the place, time and elements of the offense. That is, they list those norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses that have been violated, and also describe what the violation was.

How to minimize the size of a possible fine? Since the inspector is also a person, there is no need to conflict with him. On the contrary, try to create a friendly atmosphere during the inspection. In such a situation, there is a chance that the inspector will turn a blind eye to minor violations and verbally ask to eliminate them. Especially if this is the first inspection or the first such violation. Of course, we are not talking about a missing fire alarm if it is required in the room.

If it was not possible to reach an amicable agreement with the inspector, we can only hope for procedural violations on his part.

Thus, the act, protocol and resolution must indicate specific violations, as well as the places where they were found. In the protocol and resolution, the inspector must indicate the violated clauses of the law and other regulations establishing fire safety rules. Do not forget to make your comments both on the verification procedure and on its results. In the future, you will be able to use all this in court if you decide to appeal the inspector’s decision.

However, one should not place high hopes that errors in drawing up a protocol or resolution will lead to a complete abolition of the punishment. If violations actually occurred, you can only count on the minimum fine established by the Code of Administrative Offenses.

The fine for violating fire safety rules for an organization varies from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles (parts 1, 3, 4 of article 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). For the same offense, the head of the organization can be fined from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles. If we are talking about violations in maritime, railway, inland waterway or air transport, inspectors can resort to punishment under Article 11.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. This provision provides for a fine for an official in the amount of 4,000 to 5,000 rubles.

The court cannot impose a fine less than that provided for in the article of the Code of Administrative Offences. Administrative law does not provide for the possibility of choosing a punishment below the lower limit.

Answers to your questions

What requirements must a smoking area meet?

I can't find it in regulations requirements for a smoking area. How should it be equipped?
Dmitry ZHAVORONKOV, HR inspector (Krasnogorsk)

The regulations do not say much about the installation of smoking areas. Thus, Part 2 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of February 23, 2013 No. 15-FZ “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption” states that it is allowed to smoke:

outdoors in specially designated places;
in isolated rooms equipped with ventilation systems;
in isolated common areas of apartment buildings that are equipped with ventilation systems.
Smoking areas must be marked with “Smoking Area” signs (clause 14 of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390)).

Smoking areas should not be located closer than 10 meters from sludge storage areas.

Additional requirements for the allocation and equipment of special places in the open air for smoking tobacco, as well as in isolated rooms, should be established by the State Construction Committee of Russia together with the Ministry of Health of Russia. But at present they are not accepted.

What regulates the composition of materials for finishing evacuation routes?

We are preparing for the visit of the fire inspector. We would like to clarify whether the evacuation routes are lined with the necessary materials. What document regulates this?
Andrey KULCHEV, deputy chief engineer (Kostroma)

Requirements for fire resistance of materials used in lining escape routes are established by clause 4.3.2 SP 1.13130.2009 “Code of Rules. Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits" (approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 25, 2009 No. 171).

Thus, on escape routes it is not allowed to use materials with a higher fire hazard than:

G1, V1, D2, T2 - for finishing walls, ceilings and filling suspended ceilings in lobbies, elevator halls, and staircases;
G2, V2, D3, T3 or G2, V3, D2, T2 - for finishing walls, ceilings and filling suspended ceilings in common corridors, halls and foyers;
G2, RP2, D2, T2 - for floor coverings in lobbies, elevator halls, and staircases;
B2, RP2, D3, T2 - for floor coverings in common corridors, halls and foyers.
In this case, the frames of suspended ceilings in rooms and on escape routes should be made of non-combustible materials.

When is it necessary to create a fire technical commission?

During the inspection, the inspector of the State Fire Safety Inspectorate demanded an order to create a fire-technical commission in our country. Is he right?
Timur ISAEV, labor protection specialist (Ulan-Ude)

By general rule the head of the organization has the right to create such commissions to prevent fires at production and warehouse facilities, as well as at facilities, except residential buildings, where 50 or more people can be present at the same time, that is, with a large number of people present2. However, certain industries may have binding rules. For example, in the energy sector there are Fire Safety Rules for energy enterprises RD 153-34.0-03.301-00 (VPPB 01-02-95*). This document entrusts the heads of organizations with the obligation to create such commissions. Similar documents are available in agriculture, ferrous metallurgy, railway transport.

The most necessary regulations:

Remember the main thing:
1 The main regulations that guide fire inspectors during inspections: the laws “On Fire Safety” and “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”, Regulations on Federal State Fire Supervision, Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation, Law “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities” and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control.”

2 During the inspection, firefighters are interested in a large number of local regulations on fire safety and the actual state of affairs. At the same time, they have the right to enter any premises in the organization.

3 Before the inspection, check the inspectors’ documents and the inspection order. If other names or an incorrect address of the organization are included in it, the inspectors can be refused.

4 You can minimize the size of the fine if you maintain a friendly atmosphere during the inspection, be careful when drawing up the inspection report, a protocol on an administrative offense and issuing a decision on bringing to administrative responsibility. And there is no need to be shy about expressing your objections.

Alexey SUTYAGIN, Chief Editor magazine "Occupational Safety and Health: Simple and Clear"

Documents required to be provided to state fire inspection authorities during an inspection.A scheduled fire inspection is carried out once every three years, and is notified three working days in advance.

When conducting an inspection, you must provide the following documents:

  • Lease agreement or certificate of ownership of the occupied space.
  • Statutory documents and bank details.
  • Order on the appointment of the General Director.
  • Order on the appointment of a person responsible for fire safety.
  • Order on the appointment of an authorized person to represent interests in government bodies. fire supervision.
  • Certificate for completing training under the fire-technical minimum program for persons responsible for fire safety (not older than 3 years).
  • Protocol on completion of training.
  • Instructions on fire safety measures at the facility.
  • Magazine about undergoing fire safety training.
  • Log of inspection of premises after the end of the working day and disconnection of electrical appliances.
  • Logbook for registering primary fire extinguishing agents (fire extinguishers).
  • Certificates for fire extinguishers or recharging certificates.
  • A logbook on the maintenance of the automatic fire alarm system and evacuation of people in case of fire, if the facility has an emergency fire protection or fire extinguishing system, then, accordingly, a logbook on the maintenance of these systems with monthly notes on maintenance and copies of licenses for the right to carry out work.
  • Commissioning certificate, passports and certificates for the installed equipment of the fire alarm system, fire protection system, fire extinguishing system.
  • Act and conclusion on testing the fire water supply system (no later than 6 months).
  • Calculation of the category of premises according to fire hazard (for warehouse and industrial premises).
  • Act and conclusion on testing of external fire escapes (no later than 5 years).
  • Passports and certificates for fire doors.
  • Measuring network resistance (lack of measurement is not grounds for an administrative fine).
  • Certificates for fire-retardant materials used in fire-retardant processing of wood or metal structures.
  • Certificates for Construction Materials used in the decoration of premises, special attention is paid to escape routes.
  • Evacuation plans and instructions to personnel ensuring the rapid evacuation of people from premises.

The specialists of the company Confidence will prepare everything Required documents to carry out a fire inspection.

Conducting various types of business activities in modern state, regardless of the form of ownership, implies total control of your enterprise or business for compliance.

Among all the different and possible areas of control at enterprises, offices, factories, and government institutions for various purposes, one can note compliance control.

What a manager needs to know before a fire safety inspection

First of all, every manager needs to remember and know that verification of compliance with fire safety rules and regulations of all facilities is carried out only by State fire supervision authorities (Ministry of Emergency Situations or other government agencies).

Based on this, the first thing every manager should check upon arrival of a fire inspector is This is his official identification and an order for inspection.

The next factor that you need to pay attention to is the schedule of the inspection. What is meant?

Since we live in a rule-of-law state, every action of services and departments must be accompanied by some kind of complex plan, that is, fire safety inspections can be scheduled or unscheduled.

Scheduled fire safety inspection the facility must be planned and approved at least three months in advance. In addition to this, the management of the inspected facility must be warned about the upcoming inspection in advance. So this moment can be used both to prepare for the inspection and to give reasons for refusal to the inspector (if he did not warn you)

An unscheduled fire safety inspection is a little more serious. Since this type of inspection occurs only on the special instructions of the higher management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in connection with the appearance in the media of compromising information or other serious precedent.

As mentioned above, to confirm the legality of conducting such checks there must be a corresponding order or order, a copy of which you must request.

What mandatory documents must be present when checking the industrial safety regulations?

Every manager needs to remember that most violations that will subsequently be included in the instructions of the fire inspector these violations are related to documentation .

Majority GPN inspectors during inspection have a standard set of rules, which are 90% related to documentation, so it is very important to forget about them.

After all, if there is documentation, the inspector will simply not be ready to check something much more serious (with the exception of fire shields, etc.) for example, the regulation of fire breaks, the correctness of equipment, etc.

The first document that the manager must take care of is the order to establish a fire safety regime, in which it is necessary to display the person responsible for fire safety, the procedure for turning off electricity at the end of the day and during a fire, smoking areas, etc.

It would also not be amiss to develop instructions on what to do during a fire for employees at an enterprise (an example would be the article “.”), watchmen, etc.

It is also necessary to create a number of journals for conducting the same briefings (), for accounting, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to the availability of fire evacuation plans (which must be prepared in accordance with the rules and approved) and.

This is just a short list of the basic rules and documents required when preparing to inspect the fire safety of a facility, but by now it should be clear to you that this is a very serious process requiring special knowledge and experience.

Therefore, if the issue of fire safety inspection is relevant to you and you do not have a responsible and experienced person on this issue, we recommend contacting a specialist in this field.

As is the case with the protection of personal data, many issues in the field of fire safety are resolved by the internal documents of the organization. And the fire inspectorate controls the presence of such documents no less than the presence of fire extinguishers, fire hoses, taps, hydrants and alarms. Therefore, we will focus specifically on this “paper” side of fulfilling the requirements...

When it comes to non-tax audits, auditors from the fire department are remembered more often than others. How scary are fire inspections really? What documents does an entrepreneur or organization need to have to successfully pass such a check? We tried to give answers to these questions in our article.

Introductory information

As is the case with the protection of personal data, many issues in the field of fire safety are resolved by the internal documents of the organization. And the fire inspectorate controls the presence of such documents no less than the presence of fire extinguishers, fire hoses, taps, hydrants and alarms. Therefore, we will focus specifically on this “paper” side of meeting fire safety requirements.

What types of checks are there?

Checking compliance with fire safety requirements can be scheduled or unscheduled. Scheduled inspections can be carried out, in most cases, once every three years. In this case, the organizations that will be inspected this year are determined in advance.

An inspection plan is drawn up, which is approved by the management of the fire supervision authority (unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations). You can find out whether an organization is included in the inspection plan using the Expert service (see “Expert users can check whether an organization or individual entrepreneur is included in the non-tax inspection plan”) or on the Ministry of Emergency Situations website. That is, it is quite possible to prepare for a scheduled inspection in advance by putting all the documentation in order.

But unscheduled inspections are carried out without warning, and the reason for them can be almost any information received by the fire supervision authorities (EMERCOM) and containing information about possible violations of fire safety rules or the threat of harm to the life, health or property of citizens, the state or legal entities .

However, it should be noted that an unscheduled on-site inspection is possible only with the agreement of the prosecutor’s office. The need for such approval serves as a kind of filter against frequent and far-fetched reasons for audits (for more information on the procedure for assigning administrative audits, see “What an accountant needs to know about non-tax audits”).

Fire fines inspire respect

Liability for violations in the field of fire safety depends heavily on the consequences that this violation entailed. For example, if as a result of violations committed, people or property were injured, then we can talk about criminal liability, and with very significant prison terms.

In particular, Article 219 of the Criminal Code establishes sanctions of up to seven years in prison (if the violation negligently resulted in the death of two or more persons). But these are exceptional cases and responsibility here comes, of course, not for the absence of this or that document, but for real actions - blocking escape routes, removing chimneys, etc.

“Fire” inspections, as a rule, are carried out preventively, when there are no casualties yet. Therefore, their result usually is not criminal prosecution, but administrative liability under Article 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Violation of fire safety requirements.”

This article provides for liability for several types of violations, and the fines are quite impressive. Thus, even the minimum fine for organizations under this article is 90 thousand rubles, and the maximum is half a million! In addition, at the request of the inspectors, the court may suspend the activities of the organization for up to three months.

Cases of administrative offenses in the field of fire safety are considered by the authorities exercising state fire supervision, namely: a special unit within the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and its local units (Article 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Tenants are also responsible

When talking about violations in the field of fire safety, it is important to understand who may be subject to liability, that is, a person who can be fined or subject to other sanctions. Let us remind you that according to the Code of Administrative Offenses, liability can arise for both a legal entity and its officials. But in the case of violation of fire safety rules, there is another important point regarding the person to be held accountable.

It is no secret that a significant part of business premises is not owned by the organizations that are located in them, but is rented. In this regard, a logical question arises: who should be responsible for compliance with fire safety measures in such buildings. The answer to this question is clearly stated in the legislation: property owners bear responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements, unless otherwise expressly provided by the lease agreement.

Note that, as a rule, lease agreements indicate that tenants are responsible for maintaining fire safety inside the rented premises, while concern for the fire safety of the building as a whole lies with the owner. Therefore, even if an organization rents premises, it will most likely have to comply with fire safety documentation requirements.

From this conclusion, let’s move on to the documents that inspectors may require.

When carrying out business activities, any business entity, be it an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, has to enter into relationships with various government bodies. These include the State Fire Supervision. Fire inspectors “pamper” themselves with their visits more often than other inspectors, since failure to comply or improper compliance with established fire safety rules can lead not only to material damage, but also cause harm to the life and health of citizens. One striking example is the fire in December 2009 in the Perm club “Lame Horse,” which killed 155 people.

In our article we will try to cover as fully as possible the issues related to the fire inspectorate’s inspections of compliance with fire safety rules in organizations, in particular:

What regulatory documents should be followed to ensure fire safety in organizations;
- what violations can be identified by fire inspectors;
- by whom fire inspections can be carried out, their types, timing and frequency, recording of the results;
- what is a fire declaration, where and in what cases is it applied;
- who is responsible, what types of liability for non-compliance with fire safety requirements are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Fire safety enterprises in any country are regulated and controlled by the state. Likewise, in Russia, fire safety is ensured by a system whose main elements are state authorities, local governments, enterprises and citizens. This is an important concept of the place and role of the enterprise as one of the elements of the fire safety system. In other words, the state has given enterprises all the rights in this area and assigned them the corresponding responsibilities for fire prevention and fire protection.

In particular, in the Russian Federation, all organizations without exception are required to strictly comply with the “Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation” (PPB 01-03) (hereinafter referred to as PPB 01-03), approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 2003 N 313.

This is the starting document on the basis of which the organization’s fire safety strategy should be built. Also, some of the main regulatory documents in the field of fire safety currently in force on the territory of the Russian Federation are:
. Federal Law No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety” dated December 21, 1994 (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 69-FZ).
. Federal Law N 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” dated July 22, 2008 (hereinafter referred to as Law N 123-FZ).

These voluminous regulations represent a set of rules about how things should and should not be allowed to fire element did not become an uncontrollable mistress.

The norms of special rules adopted in accordance with Law N 123-FZ are also subject to mandatory execution., for example, the Code of Practice “Fire fighting equipment. Fire extinguishers. Requirements for operation" (SP 9.13130.2009), and some building rules (SNiP) and fire safety standards (FSN), which continue to be in force until the entry into force of the regulations provided for by Law N 123-FZ.

In particular, the following continue to apply:
- SNiP 21-01-97 “Fire safety of buildings and structures”, adopted and put into effect by Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 02/13/1997 N 18-7;
- NPB 110-03 “List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 18, 2003 N 315;
- NPB 253-98 “Fire safety standards. Smoke protection equipment for buildings and structures. Fans. Test methods for fire resistance”, approved by order of the Main Directorate for Fire Resistance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated May 29, 1998 N 39.

Of course everything the smallest details established by numerous acts cannot be taken into account, but the basic rules should be followed.

What is the object of inspection?

Let us immediately note that the main task of the fire inspector is to check compliance with PPB 01-03.

List of fire safety standards that organizations and institutions must comply with is quite large, so we will focus only on those standards what fire inspectors pay attention to.
The general rules, which are given in section I of PPB 01-03, apply to and are binding on all organizations without exception, regardless of industry affiliation.

The first thing the fire inspector will require from the organization being inspected is: order from the head of the organization and instructions on fire safety measures, which, in accordance with clause 6 of PPB 01-03, must be in every institution (organization).

The instructions on fire safety measures must reflect the following information (Appendix 1 to PPB 01-03):
1) the procedure for maintaining the territory, buildings and premises, including evacuation routes;
2) measures to ensure fire safety during technological processes, equipment operation, and fire hazardous work;
3) procedure and standards for storage and transportation of explosive substances and fire hazardous substances and materials;
4) smoking areas;
5) the procedure for collecting, storing and removing flammable substances and materials, maintaining and storing protective clothing;
6) limit readings of control and measuring instruments (pressure gauges, thermometers, etc.), deviations from which can cause a fire or explosion;
7) responsibilities and actions of workers in case of fire:
- rules for calling the fire department;
- procedure for emergency shutdown of process equipment;
- procedure for turning off ventilation and electrical equipment;
- rules for the use of fire extinguishing means and fire automatic installations;
8) procedure for evacuation of flammable substances and material assets.

In accordance with clause 7 of PPB 01-03, all employees of the organization must be allowed to work only after undergoing fire safety training, and if the specifics of work change, undergo additional training in preventing and extinguishing possible fires. The procedure, frequency and list of questions for briefings are determined by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 N 645 (as amended on January 27, 2009). If any employee in the organization being inspected has not undergone fire safety training, the state fire inspector will note this violation in the report.

In buildings and structures where more than 10 people are simultaneously on the floor, plans (schemes) for evacuation of people in case of fire must be developed and posted in prominent places, and a fire warning system must be provided that complies with fire safety standards “Warning and Control Systems” evacuation of people during fires in buildings and structures" (NPB 104-03), approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated June 20, 2003 N 323.

At facilities with large numbers of people (50 people or more), in addition to the schematic plan for evacuation of people in case of fire, instructions must be developed that define the actions of personnel for safe and quick evacuation, according to which practical training on the evacuation of all workers should be conducted at least once every six months - training alarms. It is necessary to take into account that evacuation plans (schemes) must coincide with the plan of the building (structure).

In addition, in each room, signs must be posted in visible places indicating the telephone number to call the fire department, so that if danger arises, any employee of the institution can contact it (clause 13 of PPB 01-03). Doors on escape routes must open freely and in the direction of exit from the building, with the exception of doors, the opening of which is not regulated by fire safety documents (clause 52 of PPB 01-03).

According to clause 33 of PPB 01-03, standard safety signs must be posted near equipment that has an increased fire hazard.
The next point that controllers will focus their attention on is provision of organization premises with fire extinguishers and other primary fire extinguishing means(clause 108 PPB 01-03). The quantity, types and types of fire extinguishing agents, depending on the area and types of premises, are defined in Appendix 3 to PPB 01-03.

Scroll premises and equipment that must be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations (AUP) and fire alarm systems (AUPS), is given in the fire safety standards “List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms” (NPB 110-03), approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 2003 N 315. To heads of organizations We should not forget about timely maintenance and inspection of such installations. They must be kept in working order at all times (clause 34 of PPB 01-03).

According to clause 23 of PPB 01-03, roads, driveways and entrances to buildings, structures, open warehouses, external fire escapes and water sources used for fire fighting must always be free for passage fire equipment, maintained in good condition, and in winter cleared of snow and ice.

Powers of persons exercising fire supervision in the Russian Federation

According to Art. 6 of Law N 69-FZ, state fire supervision in Russia is carried out by officials of state fire supervision bodies, which are under the jurisdiction of the federal body executive power, authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety.
Along with Law N 69-FZ, the normative act in accordance with which fire supervision authorities operate is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2004 N 820 “On State Fire Supervision” (hereinafter referred to as Resolution N 820), which was approved and put into effect Regulations “On State Fire Supervision” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations)

For example, clause 9 of the Regulations lists the rights of state inspectors of cities (districts) of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for fire supervision and state inspectors of closed administrative-territorial entities for fire supervision. According to the provisions of this paragraph, they have the right to carry out state fire supervision over compliance with fire safety requirements by organizations, as well as officials and citizens, conduct surveys and checks of territories, buildings, structures, premises of organizations and other facilities (including during non-working hours), enter freely, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, into residential and other premises if there is reliable data on violation of fire safety requirements that create a threat of fire and (or) a threat to the safety of people.

In addition, fire inspectors have the right to demand the submission of documents, information, samples (samples) of products, if they relate to the subject of inspection, and to give heads of legal entities and officials mandatory instructions to eliminate violations of fire safety requirements.

In some cases they may suspend for short term(before the case is considered by the court in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses) the activities of branches, representative offices, structural divisions of a legal entity, production sites, as well as the operation of units, facilities, buildings or structures, the implementation of certain types of activities (work), and the provision of services. Such a measure is taken by them if it is necessary to prevent an immediate threat of fire and (or) a threat to the life or health of people and if preventing these circumstances by other means is impossible (clause 9 of the Regulations).

As a result of fire safety control, fire inspectors submit to the relevant organizations and submit to the relevant officials in the manner established by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), submissions on eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of administrative offenses in the field of fire safety, and also draw up protocols, consider cases of administrative offenses and impose administrative penalties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that in order to regulate relations in the field of protecting the rights of legal entities during state control (supervision), the provisions of Federal Law dated December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision)” apply. and municipal control" (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 294-FZ). In particular, restrictions have been established on the rights of officials of state control (supervision) bodies when carrying out control activities. So, according to Art. 15 of Law N 294-FZ, officials of fire supervision authorities, when carrying out control measures, do not have the right to:
- verify compliance with mandatory requirements that do not fall within their competence, carry out scheduled inspections if officials or employees of the inspected organizations or their representatives are not present during their conduct, disseminate information that constitutes a secret protected by law and obtained as a result of control measures, with the exception of cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, exceed the established deadlines for carrying out control measures;
- demand the submission of documents, information, samples (samples) of products, if they are not the objects of control measures and do not relate to the subject of inspection, as well as seize original documents related to the subject of inspection, demand samples (samples) of products to conduct their research ( tests), examination without issuing an act on the selection of samples (samples) of products in the prescribed form and in quantities exceeding the norms established by state standards or other regulatory documents.

Types, timing and frequency of inspections

Law N 294-FZ regulates relations in the field of organization and implementation of state control
(supervision), municipal control and protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, as well as establishes the basic principles for carrying out such control activities.

In particular, fire control authorities have the right to conduct scheduled, repeated and unscheduled inspections of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, regardless of their form of ownership. Scheduled inspections of one organization can be carried out no more than once every three years. Scheduled inspections are carried out on the basis of an annual plan developed by state control (supervision) bodies, municipal control bodies in accordance with their powers, which is brought to the attention of interested parties by posting on the official website of the state control (supervision) body or municipal control body on the Internet or others in an accessible way.

In addition, before September 1 of the year preceding the year of scheduled inspection, drafts of annual plans for conducting routine inspections must be sent to the prosecutor's office, which review them for the legality of including in them objects of state control (supervision), objects of municipal control in accordance with Part 4 of Art. 9 of Law N 294-FZ and before October 1 of the year preceding the year of scheduled inspections, make proposals to the heads of state control (supervision) bodies and municipal control bodies to conduct joint scheduled inspections. The prosecutor's office, before December 1 of the year preceding the year of scheduled inspections, summarizes the annual plans for conducting scheduled inspections received from state control (supervision) bodies and municipal control bodies and sends them to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation for the formation of an annual consolidated plan for conducting scheduled inspections. , which is also posted on the official website of the Prosecutor General's Office.

According to Part 8 of Art. 9 of Law N 294-FZ, the basis for including a scheduled inspection in the annual plan for conducting scheduled inspections is the expiration of three years from the date of:
1) state registration legal entity, individual entrepreneur;
2) completion of the last scheduled inspection of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur;
3) the beginning of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur carrying out entrepreneurial activities in accordance with the notification submitted to the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation in the relevant area on the commencement of certain types of entrepreneurial activities in the case of performing work or providing services that require the submission of the specified notification.

In relation to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out activities in the field of healthcare, education, and the social sphere, scheduled inspections can be carried out two or more times every three years. The list of such types of activities and the frequency of their scheduled inspections are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Inspections can be carried out in the form of a documentary inspection and (or) an on-site inspection in the manner established according to Art. 11 and 12 of Law No. 294-FZ.

In accordance with Art. 13 of Law N 294-FZ, the period for conducting inspections (documentary and on-site) cannot exceed 20 working days. In exceptional cases related to the need to conduct complex and (or) lengthy studies, tests, special examinations and investigations on the basis of motivated proposals from officials of fire supervision authorities conducting an on-site scheduled inspection, the period for conducting an on-site scheduled inspection may be extended by the head of such body, but no more than 20 working days.

In accordance with Art. 9 of Law N 294-FZ on conducting a scheduled inspection, a legal entity is notified by the state fire supervision authority no later than three working days before the start of its conduct. The control body sends copies of the order or order of the head (deputy head) on the start of a scheduled inspection by registered by post with acknowledgment of delivery or other available method.

A legal entity is notified of an unscheduled on-site inspection by the state fire supervision authority at least 24 hours before the start of the inspection by any available means (Clause 16, Article 10 of Law No. 294-FZ). The exception is cases when an unscheduled on-site inspection is carried out, the grounds for which are:

a) the emergence of a threat of harm to the life and health of citizens, animals, plants and the environment, state security, as well as threats emergency situations natural and man-made;
b) causing harm to the life and health of citizens, animals, plants and the environment, violation of state security, as well as the occurrence of natural and man-made emergencies;
c) violation of consumer rights (in the case of appeals from citizens whose rights have been violated).
At the beginning of the inspection, inspectors are required to present certificates and an inspection order, which must indicate the date, timing and type of inspection, and list the inspectors. The order must be issued to an entrepreneur or organization. Control check without an order is illegal; the detailed procedure for organizing inspections is determined by Article 14 of Law No. 294-FZ.

Registration of fire inspection results

After the inspection, the official (persons) of the state fire supervision body draws up an act of the established form in two copies (Article 16 of Law No. 294-FZ).

It indicates the following mandatory information: date, time and place of drawing up the act, name of the fire inspection authority, date and number of the order on the basis of which the control measure was carried out, last name, first name, patronymic and position of the person(s) who carried it out, name the organization being audited, the position of its representative present at this process, the date, time, duration and location of the process.

In addition, the report must list the results identified during the control, including violations, their nature, and the persons who committed these violations.

If a representative of the organization, as well as a person present during the inspection, refuses to familiarize himself with the inspection report, this fact must be recorded in this report.

The act is signed by the official who carried out the control.

The act on conducting a fire inspection is accompanied by acts on the selection of samples (samples) of products and inspection of objects environment, protocols (conclusions) of studies (tests) and examinations, explanations of officials of state control (supervision) bodies, employees who are held responsible for violations of mandatory requirements, and other documents or copies thereof related to the results of control activities.

Note: according to paragraph 8 of Art. 16 of Law N 294-FZ legal entities are required to keep a log of inspections, which must be stitched, numbered and certified. In it, an official of the state fire supervision body makes a record of the control event carried out, containing information about the name of the state supervision body, the date and time of the control event, the legal grounds, goals, objectives and subject of this event, about the violations identified, about the drawn up protocols, on administrative offenses and on issued orders, and also indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person (persons) who carried out the inspection, and his (their) signature.

One copy of the act with copies of the attachments is handed over to the head of the legal entity or his deputy, or their representatives against signature, or sent by post with a receipt receipt, which is attached to the copy of the act remaining in the file of the state fire inspection body.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 17 Law No. 294-FZ if violations are detected during an inspection of the institution in compliance with mandatory fire safety requirements, officials of the state fire supervision authority within the powers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are obliged to:
- issue an order to a legal entity to eliminate violations, indicating the time frame for their elimination;
- take measures to monitor the elimination of violations, prevent them, prevent possible harm to the life and health of citizens, as well as measures to bring those who committed these violations to justice.

Fire safety declaration

On May 1, 2009, Law No. 123-FZ came into force, according to which, in order to increase the level of fire safety of protected objects, heads of legal entities have an obligation to submit to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, before 05/01/2010, a fire safety declaration approved by the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated 02/24/2009 N 91 “On approval of the form and procedure for registering a fire safety declaration” (hereinafter referred to as Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations N 91), and choose a voluntary or mandatory form for assessing the compliance of the object of protection with fire safety requirements of technical regulations, regulatory documents on fire safety or terms of contracts.

Under object of protection These regulations mean products, including the property of citizens or legal entities, state or municipal property (including objects located in the territories of settlements, as well as buildings, structures, structures, vehicles, technological installations, equipment, units, products and other property), to which fire safety requirements are established or should be established to prevent fire and protect people in case of fire.

An independent assessment of fire risk (fire safety audit) and declaration of fire safety are essentially measures to ensure the general fire safety requirements imposed by Law N 123-FZ on objects of protection.

In accordance with Art. 144 of Law N 123-FZ, the fire safety declaration and independent fire risk assessment are forms of assessing the compliance of the protected object with fire safety requirements. The conditions for compliance of the protected object with fire safety requirements are set out in Art. 6 of Law No. 123-FZ.

The rules for assessing the compliance of protected objects with established fire safety requirements by assessing fire risk are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2009 N 304.

Let us consider separately issues related to the mandatory submission of a fire safety declaration to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and an independent assessment of fire risk (fire safety audit).

A fire safety declaration is a form of conformity assessment containing information about fire safety measures aimed at ensuring the regulatory value of fire risk at a protection facility.

For protection facilities operating on the date of entry into force of Law N 123-FZ, a fire safety declaration is submitted no later than one year after the entry into force of the Technical Regulations, i.e. until 05/01/2010.

For designed protection objects, a declaration is submitted before their commissioning.
Draw up a fire safety declaration:
- developer or person preparing project documentation;
- the owner of the object of protection or a person who owns the object of protection on the right of lifelong inheritable ownership, economic management, operational management or on another basis provided for by Law No. 123-FZ or an agreement, or the management body of an apartment building.

A fire safety declaration is drawn up for the following protected objects:

1) capital construction projects for which the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities provides for state examination, with the exception of:
- residential buildings with a height of no more than three floors;
- detached capital construction projects with a height of no more than two floors, the total area of ​​which is no more than 1500 sq.m., which are not intended for citizens’ residence and production activities; detached capital construction projects with a height of no more than two floors, the total area of ​​which is no more than 1,500 sq.m., which are intended for production activities;
2) kindergarten buildings educational institutions;
3) specialized homes for the elderly and disabled;
4) hospitals;
5) dormitory buildings of boarding educational institutions and children's institutions.

A fire safety declaration can be drawn up both for the object of protection as a whole, and for individual buildings, structures, structures and premises included in it, for which fire safety requirements are established.

In case of changes in fire safety requirements, as well as changes in the information contained in it, the declaration is developed again or clarified by making changes to it, which are attached to the declaration, and is registered in the manner established for registering the declaration.

Responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in the fire safety declaration lies with the person who compiled and signed it in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The declaration is drawn up in the prescribed form in two copies and signed by the person who compiled it, after which it is sent to the territorial department (branch, inspection) of the structural unit of the territorial body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia directly or by mail. Officials of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations check the compliance of the completed declaration with the established form within five working days and, if the declaration complies with the requirements established for it, register it by entering the necessary information into the list of fire safety declarations.

If the completion of the declaration does not comply with the requirements established for it, officials of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations return the declaration to the declarant with a written indication of the reasoned reasons for the refusal to register it.

The fire safety declaration consists of three sections:
section I - Assessment of fire risk provided at the protection site;
section II - Assessment of possible damage to property of third parties from fire;
Section III - List of federal laws on technical regulations and normative documents on fire safety, the implementation of which is ensured at the protection site.

Section I is completed if a fire risk calculation has been carried out. The section indicates the calculated values ​​of the fire risk level, as well as a set of engineering, technical and organizational measures to be carried out to ensure the acceptable value of the fire risk level.

Section II is filled out based on your own assessment of possible damage to the property of third parties from fire, or information from insurance contracts is provided.

Section III is filled out on the basis of the fulfilled requirements of federal laws on technical regulations and regulatory documents on fire safety for a specific protected object.

The declaration is accompanied by calculations for assessing fire risk, an independent assessment of possible damage to the property of third parties from a fire, or a copy of the insurance policy.

Self-filling of the fire safety declaration by the owner of the object of protection determines what fire safety requirements he will comply with without additional approvals from any government bodies.

An independent assessment of fire risk (fire safety audit) is, like the declaration of fire safety, a form of assessing the compliance of protected objects with fire safety requirements. The purpose of an independent fire risk assessment (fire safety audit) is to achieve an acceptable level of facility safety. At the same time, non-governmental organizations and risk assessment experts are included in the scope of assessing the condition of objects, along with government supervision bodies.

If a fire safety audit has been carried out at the protection site, then control by the state in the form of inspections by a fire inspector is no longer planned.
Unlike declaring fire safety, this form of assessing the compliance of protected objects with fire safety requirements is voluntary or mandatory in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for assessing fire risk is established:
- Federal Law of July 4, 2009 N 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”;
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2009 N 304 “Rules for assessing the compliance of protected objects (products) with established fire safety requirements by assessing fire risk”;
- Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated July 10, 2009 N 404 “Methodology for determining the estimated values ​​of fire risk at production facilities”;
- Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 30, 2009 N 382 “Methodology for determining the estimated values ​​of fire risk in buildings, structures and structures of various classes of functional fire safety.”

A fire safety audit is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded between the owner or other legal owner of the protected object and an expert organization operating in the field of fire risk assessment, and includes:

Analysis of documents characterizing the fire danger of the protected object;
- inspection of the protected object to obtain objective information about the state of fire safety of the protected object, to identify the possibility of the occurrence and development of a fire and the impact on people and material assets of dangerous fire factors, as well as to determine the existence of conditions for compliance of the protected object with fire safety requirements;
- in cases established by regulatory documents on fire safety - carrying out the necessary studies, tests, calculations and examinations, and in cases established by Law N 123-FZ - calculations to assess fire risk;
- preparation of a conclusion on the fulfillment of the conditions for compliance of the protected object with fire safety requirements, or in case of their failure - development of measures to ensure compliance with the conditions under which the protected object will comply with fire safety requirements.

Confirmation of the fire safety audit is a conclusion on an independent fire risk assessment, which is presented to the owner or other legal owner of the protected object. It is signed by officials of the expert organization who conducted an independent fire risk assessment, approved by the head of the expert organization and sealed with the seal of the expert organization.

Within five working days after approval of the conclusion, the expert organization sends a copy of the conclusion to the structural unit of the territorial body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the scope of which includes issues of organizing and implementing state fire supervision, or to the territorial department (department, inspection) of this structural unit.

Liability for fire safety violations

Before you start talking about responsibility in the field of fire safety, you should determine who it applies to.

So, on the basis of Art. 38 of Law N 69-FZ, liability for violations of fire safety requirements may be assigned to property owners, persons authorized to own, use or dispose of property, including heads of organizations, persons responsible for ensuring fire safety, as well as officials within their competence.

For violations of fire safety rules, officials are subject to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with current legislation.

Administrative responsibility

Administrative responsibility can be exercised both by the rights of supervisory authorities and judicial procedure in accordance with articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses RF.

Violation of fire safety requirements established by standards, norms and rules entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 500 to 1,000 rubles, on officials - from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles, on legal entities - from 10,000 to 20 000 rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days. The same actions committed under the conditions of a special fire safety regime entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 1,000 to 1,500 rubles, on officials - from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles, on legal entities - from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles (Clause 1, 2 of Article 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Violation of the requirements of standards, norms and rules of fire safety, resulting in the outbreak of a fire without causing serious harm to human health, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 1,500 to 2,000 rubles, on officials - from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles, on legal entities persons - from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles (clause 3 of article 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with paragraph 6 of Art. 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, unauthorized blocking of passages to buildings and structures installed for fire engines and equipment entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 300 to 500 rubles, on officials - from 500 to 1,000 rubles, on legal entities - from 5,000 up to 10,000 rubles.

The consequences of an inspection carried out by fire inspectors directly depend on its results (identified violations).

So, for example, if during the inspection the inspectors identified minor violations of the safety regulations, then they may not hold the organization or individual entrepreneur accountable, but limit themselves only to warnings and recommendations for eliminating these violations. For example, emergency exits from a building are filled with boxes, in which case inspectors may order the boxes to be removed, and that will be the end of it. However, if, based on the results of a repeated unscheduled inspection, inspectors discover that their requirements have not been fulfilled, then, most likely, penalties will not be avoided

For failure to comply with inspectors' orders, a fine is provided (clause 1 of Article 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) for citizens in the amount of 300 to 500 rubles, for officials - from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles, for legal entities - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. And also for officials of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, disqualification for a period of up to three years has been established.

Note: if the inspectors drew up an inspection report and a protocol on an administrative offense on the same day, then the protocol can be declared illegal in court, fortunately, there is practice confirming this. Thus, in the Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of North Kazakhstan dated September 27, 2006 N F08-4766/2006-2045A, the judges did not support the fire inspectors, pointing out that the drawing up of a protocol on an administrative offense and the issuance of a decision on bringing to administrative responsibility on the same day deprived the company of the opportunity to properly familiarize itself with inspection materials, to competently object and give explanations on the merits of the offense charged to her.

In other words, in in this case the organization was deprived of the guarantees provided by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for the protection of its rights.
It should also be taken into account that, according to paragraph 1 of Art. 4.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a resolution in a case of an administrative offense cannot be made after two months from the date of commission of the administrative offense. At the same time, the expiration of the statute of limitations for bringing to administrative responsibility is one of the circumstances excluding proceedings in a case of an administrative offense (clause 6, clause 1, article 24.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Criminal liability

For violation of fire safety rules, which through negligence resulted in serious harm to human health, the guilty person bears liability: minimum - a fine of up to 80,000 rubles, maximum - up to three years of imprisonment with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions (clause 1 of Article 219 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ). If violations of these rules negligently result in the death of a person or two or more people, then the culprit may be imprisoned for a term of up to five or seven years, respectively (clauses 2, 3 of Article 219 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

In conclusion, I would like to say: in order to eliminate the unpleasant need to pay a fine, and even more so in order to avoid the more serious consequences of fire safety violations, not many conditions are necessary. The main thing is to thoroughly study and strictly comply with the requirements enshrined in the current fire safety rules and comply with the necessary fire safety standards. We hope that this article has made its contribution to the coverage of this issue and served as simple and visual material in developing a position.

It is also useful to remember that the fire inspection, like any other regulatory body, deals not only with inspections and imposition of penalties, but can also provide valuable advice in the proper organization of fire safety for your enterprise.