Requirement of fire safety rules for children's institutions. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Escape routes and emergency exits

23.08.2019 Construction

Analysis of statistical data shows that the location of fires in buildings educational institutions most often are attics, classrooms, utility and storage rooms, as well as basements. Thus, in 2001, 60 fires occurred in attics, in 2002 - 47, and in 2003 - 35 fires. There were 75 fires in utility and storage areas in 2001, 85 in 2002, and 61 fires in 2003. Number of fires that occurred during last years in classrooms has decreased. Thus, in 2001, 119 fires occurred in classrooms, in 2002 - 123 fires, and in 2003, only one fire. Basements are also one of the main places where fires occur; in 2001, 36 fires occurred there, in 2002 - 52 fires, and in 2003 - 31 fires. In 2003, the number of fires that occurred in auditoriums increased significantly. If in 2001 there were 7 fires there, in 2002 - 5, then in 2003 there were already 116 fires.

Of all school premises, the most dangerous in terms of fire are physics, chemistry and production workshops, since this is where flammable substances and materials, flammable liquids, gas burners, alcohol lamps, electric stoves and other equipment that pose a fire hazard are located. In chemical laboratories, fire can occur even without human intervention. Many of the chemicals and reagents used have fire and explosive properties, are strong oxidizing agents, reducing agents, or substances that are unstable when burning. Esters, alcohols, gasoline, kerosene are among the extremely dangerous liquids to handle. Ignition of their vapors can occur from a burning candle or a lit match. Fires in school laboratories can also be caused by faulty electrical equipment and wiring, careless handling of fire and electric heating devices, and discharges of static electricity.

Schools often host children's parties, New Year's parties, performances, and concerts. When such events are held, people often gather in assembly halls. a large number of children, firecrackers are used, sparklers, electric garlands. The high density of the fire load and the variety of ignition sources can cause a fire to spread rapidly even in small fires.

Currently, VCRs are mainly used to show educational films in schools, but some educational institutions still use film installations. Meram fire safety when showing films using such film installations, care should be taken Special attention.

The condition of evacuation routes must meet the requirements of regulatory documents - this is one of the main conditions for ensuring fire safety of educational institutions. Even with full compliance of evacuation routes regulatory requirements It is very difficult to organize an evacuation in a building where the majority of people are children, because children, compared to adults, are more likely to panic and perceive the situation in a fire worse. To carry out emergency rescue operations, the buildings of educational institutions can be equipped with various means of rescuing people from heights - rescue devices based on elastic hoses, jump rescue devices (pneumatic rescue mats), rescue chutes, hanging fire escapes.

In order to minimize the risk of fire, it is necessary to carry out work to teach children the basics safe behavior, beginning with preschool age. The child should receive the main amount of information in the field of fire safety during his studies at school in the lessons “Fundamentals of Safety and Lifestyle” (HS). In educational institutions there are all objective reasons for organizing training of children in the basics of fire safety. Unfortunately, the status of the subject of life safety and the provision of teaching staff and educational materials leave much to be desired. On average in Russia, more than 32% of general education institutions do not teach a life safety course from the 5th to the 9th grade. When it comes to teaching life safety in primary schools, things are even worse. In this regard, some assistance could be provided tutorial“To teachers and parents about fire safety” (M.: VNIIPO, 2004. - 145 p.).

When carrying out control measures in educational institutions, special attention should also be paid to fire prevention measures, which do not require large material costs, but are very important from the standpoint of fire prevention. Among them are the development of instructions and orders on compliance with the fire safety regime, instructing the staff of educational institutions on compliance with fire safety measures, as well as special training of persons responsible for fire safety, conducting classes with students and staff of educational institutions on developing evacuation plans for people in case of fire .

These recommendations are divided into two sections. The first section indicates the directions of control in educational institutions and the numbers of paragraphs of regulatory documents on fire safety, the requirements of which should be followed when carrying out control measures. The second section contains extracts from regulatory documents on fire safety, grouped by areas of control.

PPB 01-03 "Fire safety rules in Russian Federation";

PPB 101-89 "Fire safety rules for secondary schools, vocational schools, boarding schools, orphanages, preschool, out-of-school and other educational institutions";

NPB 104-03 "Warning and evacuation control system for people in case of fires in buildings and structures";

NPB 110-03 "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms."


Directions for control

Numbers of clauses of regulatory documents on fire safety

PPB 101-89, pp.


PPB 01-03, pp. 21-27, 29, 32

PPB 101-89, pp. 2.1.6, 2.1.14-2.1.24, 2.1.26, 4.1.1-4.1.7; PPB 01-03, pp. 13-15, 18, 36-38, 40, 41, 44, 132-141

Escape routes and emergency exits

PPB 101-89, pp.


PPB 01-03, pp. 42, 43, 51-54, 56

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

PPB 101-89, pp. 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.4-2.2.17;

PPB 01-03, pp. 65-67, 70-77

Electrical installations

PPB 101-89, pp.


PPB 01-03, pp. 55, 57-60, 63, 64

Automatic fire protection systems

PPB 101-89, pp. 2.1.13, 2.5.1-2.5.5;

PPB 01-03, pp. 16, 17, 34, 61, 96, 98, 102-104;

NPB 104-03, paragraph 5;

NPB 110-03, clause 14, table. 1 applications

Primary fire extinguishing agents

PPB 101-89, pp. 3.1, 3.3-3.11, adj. 2;

PPB 01-03, clause 108, appendix. 3

Fire safety requirements for public events

PPB 101-89, pp. 5.1-5.23;

PPB 01-03, pp. 19, 39, 42, 43, 50


2.1.1. All child care facilities before the start school year(first shift for seasonal child care institutions) must be accepted by the relevant commissions, which include representatives of the state fire supervision.

2.1.2. The territory of the child care facility must be kept clean at all times. Waste flammable materials, fallen leaves and dry grass should be regularly removed and removed from the area.

2.1.3. Roads, driveways and entrances to buildings and fire water sources, as well as access to firefighting equipment and equipment must always be free.

On the closure of certain sections of roads or passages in connection with the conduct of repair work or for other reasons that impede the passage of fire trucks, the fire department should be notified immediately.

2.1.4. Fire breaks between buildings should not be used for storing materials and equipment, or for parking vehicles.

2.1.5. Making fires, burning garbage and setting up open kitchen fires on the premises is not permitted.

21. The territories of populated areas and organizations, within the fire safety distances between buildings, structures and open warehouses, as well as areas adjacent to residential buildings, country houses and other buildings, must be promptly cleared of flammable waste, garbage, containers, fallen leaves, dry grass and so on.

22. Fire distances between buildings and structures, stacks of timber, lumber, other materials and equipment are not permitted to be used for storing materials, equipment and containers, for parking vehicles and for the construction (installation) of buildings and structures.

23. Roads, driveways and entrances to buildings, structures, open warehouses, external fire escapes and water sources used for fire extinguishing purposes must always be free for passage fire equipment, be kept in good condition, and in winter be cleared of snow and ice.

The closure of roads or passages for repairs or for other reasons that impede the passage of fire trucks must be immediately reported to the fire department.

During the period of road closures, detour direction signs should be installed in appropriate places or crossings should be arranged through areas under repair and approaches to water sources.

24. Temporary buildings must be located from other buildings and structures at a distance of at least 15 m (except in cases where other fire safety distances are required by other standards) or near fire walls.

Separate block container buildings may be located in groups of no more than 10 in a group and with an area of ​​no more than 800 m2. The distance between groups of these buildings and from them to other buildings, shopping kiosks, etc. should be taken at least 15 m.

25. Smoking is not permitted on the territory and premises of warehouses and bases, grain collection points, trade facilities, production, processing and storage of flammable liquids, flammable liquids and flammable gases (hereinafter referred to as GG), production of all types of explosives, explosion- and fire-hazardous areas, as well as in non-smoking areas of other organizations, in preschool and school institutions, in cereal areas.

26. Making fires, burning waste and containers is not permitted within the fire safety distances established by the design standards, but not closer than 50 m to buildings and structures. Burning of waste and containers in places specially designated for these purposes must be carried out under the supervision of operating personnel.

27. The territories of populated areas and organizations must have external lighting in the dark to quickly locate fire hydrants, external fire escapes and locations for fire equipment, as well as approaches to the piers of fire reservoirs, to the entrances to buildings and structures. Locations of fire safety equipment and specially equipped smoking areas must be marked with fire safety signs, including the “Do not obstruct” fire safety sign.

Signal colors and fire safety signs must comply with the requirements of fire safety regulations.

29. In the territories of residential buildings, country and garden villages, public and civil buildings, it is not allowed to leave containers (containers, canisters, etc.) with flammable liquids and gases, as well as cylinders with compressed and liquefied gases in open areas and in courtyards.

32. It is not permitted to establish flammable waste dumps in the territories of populated areas and organizations.

Requirements PPB 101-89 (extracts)

2.1.6. In multi-storey buildings of children's institutions, groups (classes) of young children should be placed no higher than the second floor.

2.1.14. In attic rooms it is not allowed to dry clothes, set up warehouses (except for storing window frames), archives, dovecotes, workshops, etc., use peat, shavings, sawdust and other flammable materials to insulate floors, attach radio and television antennas.

2.1.15. Doors (hatches) of attic and technical rooms (pumping rooms, ventilation chambers, boiler rooms, warehouses, storerooms, electrical panels, etc.) must be locked at all times. Keys to locks should be kept in a certain place, accessible for retrieval at any time of the day. On the doors (hatches) of attic and technical rooms there must be inscriptions defining the purpose of the premises and the place where keys are stored.

2.1.16. External fire escapes, step ladders and railings on the roofs of buildings must be maintained in good condition. It is allowed to cover the lower part of external vertical fire escapes with easily removable shields to a height of no more than 2.5 m from the ground level.

2.1.17. Dormer windows in attic spaces must be glazed and kept closed.

2.1.18. Residential staff and other persons are not allowed in the buildings of children's institutions.

2.1.19. Placing batteries, storing flammable and combustible liquids, cylinders with flammable gases and oxygen, celluloid and other flammable materials in buildings associated with the presence of children, as well as in basements and basements, is not permitted.

2.1.20. Window pits in basements and basements must be kept clean. It is not allowed to install permanent metal bars on pits and windows, block pits or block window openings with bricks.

2.1.21. In the buildings of children's institutions it is prohibited:

a) carry out redevelopment of premises deviating from the requirements of building codes and regulations;

b) use flammable materials for finishing the walls and ceilings of escape routes (recreation areas, staircases, foyers, lobbies, corridors, etc.);

c) install grilles, blinds and similar permanent sun-protection, decorative and architectural devices on the windows of rooms associated with the presence of people, staircases, corridors, halls and lobbies;

d) remove door panels in openings connecting corridors with staircases;

e) block the doors of emergency exits;

f) use non-standard (homemade) heating devices for heating purposes;

g) use electric stoves, boilers, electric kettles, gas stoves and so on. for cooking and labor training (except for specially equipped premises);

h) install mirrors and create false doors on escape routes;

i) carry out fire, electric and gas welding and other types of fire hazardous work in buildings if there are people in their premises;

j) wrap electric lamps with paper, cloth and other flammable materials;

k) use candles, kerosene lamps and lanterns for lighting;

l) clean premises, clean parts and equipment using flammable and combustible liquids;

m) warm up pipes of heating systems, water supply, sewerage, etc. using open fire. For these purposes, you should use hot water, steam or heated sand;

o) store used cleaning materials at work places and in cabinets, and also leave used cleaning materials in the pockets of work clothes;

o) leave unattended calculating and typewriters, radios, televisions and other electrical appliances connected to the network.

2.1.22. Clothes and shoes should be dried in rooms or cabinets specially designated for this purpose, made of non-flammable materials, heated by water heating radiators.

2.1.23. Hot and welding work may only be permitted with the written permission of the head of the child care institution. These works must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Safety Rules when carrying out welding and other hot work at national economic facilities.

2.1.24. The use of irons is permitted only in specially designated areas under the supervision of a child care facility employee. The use of the premises for other purposes, including storing linen, is not permitted. Ironing is permitted only with irons with working thermostats and power indicator lights. Irons must be installed on stands made of fire-resistant materials.

2.1.26. At the end of classes in classrooms, workshops, offices and laboratories, teachers, lecturers, laboratory assistants, industrial training masters, and other employees of the child care institution must carefully inspect the premises, eliminate any identified deficiencies and close the premises by de-energizing the power grid.

4.1.1. In classrooms and offices, only furniture, equipment, models, accessories, manuals, banners, etc., necessary to ensure the educational process, should be placed.

4.1.2. Instruments, furniture, accessories, manuals, banners, etc., placed in classrooms, offices, laboratory assistants or in premises specially designated for these purposes, must be stored in cabinets, on racks or on permanently installed racks.

4.1.3. Storing educational visual aids and educational equipment in classrooms, offices, laboratories and laboratory assistants, conducting experiments and other types of work that are not provided for by the approved lists and programs is not permitted.

4.1.4. Storage of film copies, transparencies, slides, magnetic tapes, etc. must be carried out in premises specially designated for this purpose.

4.1.5. It is prohibited to place scraps and pieces of film and photographic film and magnetic tape in common boxes with garbage, paper and other materials.

4.1.6. Placing film depositories, regional, district and inter-district film libraries in school buildings with children present is not permitted.

When operating regional, district and inter-district film storage facilities, one should be guided by the Fire Safety, Safety and Industrial Sanitation Rules for film distribution organizations.

4.1.7. Demonstration of transparencies, filmstrips, slides and films with the installation of a mobile film projector (slide projector) directly in classrooms and offices is permitted subject to the following requirements:

a) films are shown on narrow film equipment;

b) an overhead projector or narrow film film projector should be installed on the opposite side from the exit from the room;

c) during the demonstration of transparencies, filmstrips, slides and films, students (pupils) of one educational group in the number of no more than 50 people are present;

d) only persons who have a qualification certificate as a projectionist or narrow-film film demonstrator of the established type, as well as a safety certificate issued by local cinema authorities and state fire supervision authorities are allowed to work on film equipment;

e) films intended for regular screening must be stored in tightly closed boxes or filmoscopes.

Requirements PPB 01-03 (extracts)

13. In all production, administrative, warehouse and auxiliary premises, signs indicating the fire department telephone number must be posted in visible places.

14. The rules for the use of open fire on the territory of organizations, the passage of vehicles, the admissibility of smoking and temporary fire hazardous work are established by general facility instructions on fire safety measures.

15. In each organization, an administrative document must establish a fire safety regime corresponding to its fire hazard, including:

designated and equipped smoking areas;

the locations and permissible quantities of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products located in the premises at one time are determined;

a procedure has been established for the removal of flammable waste and dust, and the storage of oily workwear;

the procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment in the event of a fire and at the end of the working day has been determined;


procedure for carrying out temporary fire and other fire hazardous work;

the procedure for inspecting and closing premises after completion of work;

actions of workers upon detection of a fire;

the procedure and timing of fire safety training and fire safety training have been determined, and those responsible for their implementation have been appointed.

18. Employees of organizations, as well as citizens, must:

comply with fire safety requirements at work and at home, as well as observe and maintain fire safety regulations;

take precautions when using gas appliances, household chemicals, working with flammable (hereinafter - flammable) and combustible (hereinafter - GL) liquids, other fire-hazardous substances, materials and equipment;

If a fire is detected, report it to the fire department and take possible measures to save people, property and extinguish the fire.

Citizens provide, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the opportunity for state fire inspectors to conduct inspections and inspections of production, utility, residential and other premises and buildings belonging to them (citizens - ed.) in order to monitor compliance with fire safety requirements.

36. Violations of fire-retardant coatings (plaster, special paints, varnishes, coatings, etc.) of building structures, flammable finishing and heat-insulating materials, metal supports of equipment must be immediately eliminated.

Wooden structures and fabrics treated (impregnated) in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents must be processed (impregnated) again after the expiration of the treatment (impregnation) period and in the event of loss of fire-retardant properties of the compositions.

The condition of the fire retardant treatment (impregnation) must be checked at least twice a year.

37. At the intersection of fire walls, ceilings and enclosing structures with various engineering and technological communications, the resulting holes and gaps must be sealed with mortar or other non-combustible materials that provide the required fire resistance and smoke and gas tightness.

38. When remodeling buildings and premises, changing their functional purpose or installing new technological equipment, current regulatory documents must be applied in accordance with the new purpose of these buildings or premises.

When renting premises, tenants must comply with fire safety requirements for this type of building.

40. In buildings and structures of organizations (with the exception of individual residential buildings) it is prohibited:

store and use in basements and ground floors flammable liquids and gases, gunpowder, explosives, gas cylinders, goods in aerosol packaging, celluloid and other explosive and fire hazardous substances and materials, except as specified in the current regulatory documents;

use attics, technical floors, ventilation chambers and other technical premises for organizing production areas, workshops, as well as storing products, equipment, furniture and other items;

place storage rooms, kiosks, stalls, etc. in elevator halls;

arrange warehouses for flammable materials and workshops, place other utility rooms in basements and ground floors, if the entrance to them is not isolated from common staircases;

remove the design doors for emergency exits from floor corridors, halls, foyers, vestibules and staircases, and other doors that prevent the spread of fire hazards along evacuation routes. Make changes to space-planning solutions, as a result of which the conditions for the safe evacuation of people worsen, access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants and other fire safety equipment is limited, or the coverage area of ​​automatic fire protection systems (automatic fire alarms, stationary automatic fire extinguishing installations, smoke removal systems, warning and evacuation control). Reducing the coverage area of ​​an automatic fire alarm or automatic fire extinguishing installation as a result of redevelopment is permitted only with additional protection of the volumes of premises excluded from the coverage area of ​​the above automatic installations, by individual fire detectors or modular fire extinguishing installations, respectively;

clutter doors, hatches on balconies and loggias, transitions to adjacent sections and exits to external evacuation stairs with furniture, equipment and other items;

carry out cleaning of premises and washing clothes using gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids and flammable liquids, as well as warming frozen pipes with blowtorches and other methods using open fire;

leave oily cleaning material uncleaned;

install blind bars on windows and pits near basement windows, except for cases specifically stipulated in the norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner;

glaze balconies, loggias and galleries leading to smoke-free staircases;

arrange storage rooms (closets) in stairwells and floor corridors, as well as store things, furniture and other flammable materials under flights of stairs and on landings. Under flights of stairs on the first and ground floors, it is allowed to construct only rooms for central heating control units, water metering units and electrical switchboards, fenced off with partitions made of non-combustible materials;

install additional doors or change the direction of door opening (in deviation from the project) from apartments to a common corridor (to the staircase landing), if this interferes with the free evacuation of people or worsens the conditions for evacuation from neighboring apartments;

install mezzanines, desks and other built-in premises made of flammable and low-combustible materials and sheet metal in production and warehouse premises of buildings (except for buildings of the V degree of fire resistance).

41. External fire escapes and fences on the roofs (coverings) of buildings and structures must be kept in good condition and subjected to operational tests at least once every five years.

44. The doors of attics, as well as technical floors and basements, in which the technology does not require constant presence of people, must be locked. On the doors of these premises there must be information about the location of the keys. Windows in attics, technical floors and basements must be glazed and permanently closed.

In houses with a ventilated underground (pile space) with structures made of flammable materials, access of unauthorized persons under the building should be limited.

Pits near window openings in the basement and ground floors of buildings (structures) must be cleared of debris and other objects. The metal bars protecting these pits must be openable, and the locks on the windows must be opened from the inside without a key.

132. The head (responsible executor) of experimental research must take the necessary measures to ensure fire safety during their conduct.

133. In laboratories and other premises, it is allowed to store flammable liquids and flammable liquids in quantities not exceeding shift requirements. Liquids must be delivered to premises in closed, safe containers.

134. It is not allowed to carry out work in a fume hood if it contains substances, materials and equipment that are not related to the operations being performed, as well as if it is faulty and the ventilation system is turned off.

The sides that prevent liquids from dripping from the tables must be in good working order.

135. At the end of the working day, spent flammable liquids and gases should be collected in a special closed container and removed from the laboratory for further disposal.

It is not allowed to discharge flammable liquids and liquids into the sewer system.

136. Vessels in which work with flammable liquids and gases were carried out must be washed with fireproof solutions after the end of the experiment.

137. Before the start of the school year, school buildings must be accepted by the relevant commissions, which include representatives of the state fire inspection.

138. In classrooms and offices, only furniture, instruments, models, accessories, manuals, etc., necessary to ensure the educational process, should be placed, which should be stored in cabinets, on shelves or on permanently installed racks.

139. The number of desks (tables) in classrooms and offices should not exceed the number established by design standards.

140. Lessons (conversations) should be organized with students to study fire safety rules in everyday life.

141. At the end of classes in classrooms, laboratories and workshops, all flammable and explosive substances and materials must be removed to specially equipped rooms.

2.3. Escape routes and emergency exits

Requirements PPB 101-89 (extracts)

2.1.7. The capacity of the premises must comply with established standards.

2.1.8. The placement of furniture and equipment in classrooms, offices, workshops, bedrooms, dining rooms and other rooms should not interfere with the evacuation of people and access to fire extinguishing equipment.

2.1.9. In corridors, lobbies, halls, on staircases and doors of emergency exits there must be safety instructions and signs.

2.1.10. Evacuation passages, exits, corridors, vestibules and stairs should not be cluttered with any objects or equipment.

2.1.11. Doors of staircases, corridors, vestibules and halls must have seals in the vestibules and be equipped with self-closing devices, which must always be in good condition.

During the period of people staying in buildings, the doors of emergency exits may only be locked from the inside using easily opened (without keys) locks (latches, hooks, etc.).

2.1.12. In rooms associated with the presence of children, carpets, rugs, carpet runners, etc. must be firmly attached to the floor.

Requirements PPB 01-03 (extracts)

51. When operating evacuation routes and exits, compliance with design decisions and the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety must be ensured (including the lighting, number, size and space-planning solutions of evacuation routes and exits, as well as the presence of fire signs on evacuation routes security).

52. Doors on escape routes must open freely and in the direction of exit from the building, with the exception of doors whose opening is not regulated by the requirements of fire safety regulations.

Locks on the doors of emergency exits must provide people inside the building (structure) with the ability to freely open the locks from the inside without a key.

53. When operating evacuation routes and exits, it is prohibited:

clutter up escape routes and exits (including passages, corridors, vestibules, galleries, elevator halls, landings, flights of stairs, doors, escape hatches) with various materials, products, equipment, industrial waste, garbage and other objects, as well as blocking the doors of emergency exits;

arrange dryers and hangers for clothes, wardrobes in exit vestibules (except for apartments and individual residential buildings), as well as store (including temporarily) equipment and materials;

install thresholds on evacuation routes (with the exception of thresholds in doorways), sliding and up-and-down doors and gates, revolving doors and turnstiles, as well as other devices that prevent the free evacuation of people;

use flammable materials for finishing, cladding and painting walls and ceilings, as well as steps and landings on escape routes (except for buildings of fire resistance class V);

fix self-closing doors of staircases, corridors, halls and vestibules in open position(if automatic devices that are triggered in case of fire are not used for these purposes), and also remove them;

glaze or close the blinds of air zones in smoke-free staircases;

replace reinforced glass with regular glass in the glazing of doors and transoms.

54. When arranging technological, exhibition and other equipment in premises, evacuation passages to staircases and other escape routes must be provided in accordance with design standards.

56. Carpets, carpet runners and other floor coverings in rooms with large numbers of people must be securely attached to the floor.

2.4. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Requirements PPB 101-89 (extracts)

2.2.1. Before the start of the heating season, boiler rooms, heating units, stoves and other heating devices, and before the start of the school year (the first shift for seasonal child care institutions), ventilation and air conditioning systems and kitchen fires must be thoroughly checked and repaired, and their operating personnel must undergo fire safety training.

2.2.2. Faulty heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as kitchen fires, are not allowed to be used.

2.2.4. A pre-furnace metal sheet with a size of at least 50´70 cm must be fixed to the wood floor at the furnace opening of the stove.

2.2.5. Stove flues and chimneys must be cleaned of soot before the start of the heating season and at least once every two months during the heating season.

2.2.6. It is prohibited to light stoves at night in buildings where children stay around the clock, as well as during cultural events in children's institutions.

In children's institutions with round-the-clock stay of children, the heating of stoves should end two hours before children go to bed, and in children's institutions with day-time stay of children no later than an hour before children arrive.

2.2.7. It is strictly forbidden to light stoves with kerosene, gasoline and other flammable and combustible liquids, leave burning stoves unattended, and also entrust children and unauthorized persons with the supervision of them.

2.2.8. It is not allowed to heat stoves with faulty or open doors, or to use firewood for heating that exceeds the depth of the firebox in length.

2.2.9. When converting stoves from one type of solid fuel to another, they must be appropriately converted (lining the firebox with refractory bricks, etc.).

2.2.10. In attics, all chimneys and walls containing smoke ducts must be whitewashed.

2.2.11. The use of ventilation ducts to remove combustion products from stoves and gas appliances is prohibited.

2.2.12. Coals, ash and slag from furnaces must be raked into metal containers with legs and a tight-fitting lid and disposed of in specially designated areas.

2.2.13. Fuel (wood, coal, peat, etc.) must be stored in premises specially adapted for these purposes or in fenced areas located no closer than 10 m from buildings. In basements and basements with combustible floors, storage of firewood, coal and other types of fuel is not allowed.

2.2.14. Storing equipment and materials in ventilation chambers is prohibited.

2.2.15. Automatic fire-retarding devices (dampers, dampers, valves) installed on air ducts at intersections of fire barriers, blocking devices for ventilation systems with automatic fire alarms and fire extinguishing systems, fire-prevention chimney trims, exhaust hoods and ducts from stoves must be kept in good condition.

2.2.16. When operating ventilation and air conditioning systems, it is prohibited:

a) turn off fire-retarding devices;

b) burn off fat deposits, dust and other flammable substances accumulated in air ducts and umbrellas;

c) close exhaust ducts, openings and grilles.

2.2.17. In places where air is taken, the possibility of the appearance of flammable gases and vapors, smoke, sparks and open flames must be excluded.

Requirements PPB 01-03 (extracts)

65. Before the start of the heating season, stoves, boiler rooms, heat generators and heater installations, and other heating devices and systems must be checked and repaired. Faulty stoves and other heating appliances are not allowed for operation.

66. Stoves and other heating devices must have fire-resistant cuts (derogations) from combustible structures established by standards, as well as a pre-furnace sheet with a size of at least 0.5 x 0.7 m without burnouts or damage (on a wooden or other floor made of combustible materials).

67. It is necessary to clean soot from chimneys and stoves before the start of, and also throughout the entire heating season at least:

once every three months for heating stoves;

once every two months for continuous stoves and fireplaces;

once a month for cookers and other continuous (long-term) combustion stoves.

70. When operating stove heating, it is prohibited:

leave burning stoves unattended, and also entrust small children with supervision of them;

place fuel, other flammable substances and materials on the pre-furnace sheet;

use gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and other flammable liquids and gas liquids to ignite stoves;

burn stoves not intended for these types of fuel with coal, coke and gas;

fire stoves during meetings and other public events held in the premises;

use ventilation and gas ducts as chimneys; overheat the stoves.

71. The firing of stoves in buildings and structures (except for residential buildings) must stop at least two hours before the end of work, and in hospitals and other facilities with people staying around the clock two hours before going to bed.

In children's institutions with day care for children, the heating of stoves must be completed no later than 1 hour before the arrival of children.

Ash and slag removed from the furnaces must be spilled with water and removed to a specially designated safe place.

72. Installation of metal stoves that do not meet fire safety requirements is not allowed.

When installing temporary metal and other factory-made stoves in dormitories, administrative, public and auxiliary buildings of enterprises, in residential buildings, the instructions (instructions) of the manufacturers of these types of products, as well as the requirements of design standards for heating systems, must be followed.

73. The distance from stoves to goods, racks, display cases, counters, cabinets and other equipment must be at least 0.7 m, and from combustion openings - at least 1.25 m.

74. In attics, all chimneys and walls containing smoke ducts must be whitewashed.

75. Chimneys of boiler installations operating on solid fuel must be equipped with spark arresters and cleaned of soot in accordance with clause 67.

Boiler rooms built into commercial buildings are not allowed to be converted from solid fuel to liquid.

76. Fire-retarding devices (dampers, dampers, valves, etc.) in air ducts, devices for blocking ventilation systems with automatic fire alarm or fire extinguishing installations, automatic devices for shutting off ventilation in case of fire must be checked within the prescribed time limits and maintained in good condition.

77. When operating ventilation and air conditioning systems, it is prohibited to: leave the doors of ventilation chambers open;

close exhaust ducts, openings and grilles;

connect gas heating appliances to the air ducts;

burn off fat deposits, dust and other flammable substances accumulated in the air ducts.

2.5. Electrical installations

Requirements PPB 101-89 (extracts)

2.3A. Electrical networks and electrical equipment used in children's institutions and their operation must meet the requirements of the current Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations, Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations and Safety Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations.

2.3.2. The administration of children's institutions is obliged to ensure the maintenance and technical operation of electrical equipment and electrical networks, timely conduct of preventive inspections, scheduled maintenance and operation of electrical equipment, equipment and electrical networks in accordance with the requirements of the documents specified in clause 2.3.1 of these rules, and timely eliminate identified deficiencies.

2.3.3. Connections, terminations and branches of wires and cables must be made using crimping, welding, soldering or special clamps.

2.3.4. The installation and operation of temporary electrical networks, with the exception of electrical wiring supplying sites for construction and temporary repair and installation work, is not permitted.

2.3.5. In production, warehouse and other premises with the presence of flammable materials, as well as materials and products in combustible packaging, electric lamps must have a closed or protected design (with glass caps).

2.3.6. Portable lamps must be equipped with protective glass covers and metal mesh. For these lamps and other portable and mobile electrical equipment, flexible cables with copper conductors with rubber insulation in a sheath resistant to corrosion should be used. environment. Connection of portable lamps should be provided from branch boxes with plug sockets.

2.3.7. The installation of overhead power lines and external electrical wiring over combustible roofs, sheds, stacks of timber, containers and warehouses for storing flammable materials is not permitted.

2.3.8. The lighting electrical network must be installed so that the lamps are located at a distance of at least 0.2 m from the surface of building structures made of flammable materials and at least 0.5 m from the containers in warehouses.

2.3.9. Electric motors must be regularly cleaned of dust. Do not cover electric motors with any flammable materials.

2.3.10. All faults in electrical networks and electrical equipment that can cause sparking, short circuits, or excessive heating of cable and wire insulation must be corrected immediately. Faulty electrical networks and electrical equipment should be immediately disconnected until they are restored to a fire-safe condition.

2.3.11. When operating electrical installations, it is prohibited:

a) use cables and wires with damaged or lost protective properties isolation;

b) leave live electrical wires and cables with bare ends;

c) use damaged (faulty) sockets, branch boxes, switches and other electrical installation products;

d) tie and twist electrical wires, as well as pull wires and lamps, hang lamps (except for open lamps) on electrical wires;

e) use rollers, switches, plug sockets for hanging clothes and other items;

f) use radio and telephone wires for laying electrical networks;

g) use homemade and uncalibrated fuses as electrical protection;

h) remove glass covers from closed lamps.

2.3.12. Any new connections of various current collectors (electric motors, heating devices, etc.) should be made only after appropriate calculations have been made that allow for the possibility of such connections.

2.3.13. In all rooms (regardless of their purpose) that are closed and not monitored after completion of work, all electrical installations (except refrigerators) must be turned off.

2.3.14. Oil-fired electric radiators and factory-made heating electric panels used for heating small rooms must have individual electrical protection and working electrical regulators.

2.3.15. Children's institutions must be provided with electric lights in case of power outages.

Requirements PPB 01-03 (extracts)

55. In buildings with large numbers of people, in the event of a power outage, maintenance personnel must have electric lights. The number of lanterns is determined by the manager, based on the characteristics of the facility, the presence of duty personnel, the number of people in the building, but not less than one for each employee on duty.

57. The design, installation, operation of electrical networks, electrical installations and electrical products, as well as monitoring their technical condition must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents on the electrical power industry.

58. Electrical installations and household electrical appliances in premises in which there are no personnel on duty at the end of working hours must be de-energized, with the exception of emergency lighting, fire extinguishing and fire water supply installations, fire and fire alarm systems. Other electrical installations and electrical products (including in residential premises) may remain energized if this is due to their functional purpose and (or) provided for by the requirements of the operating instructions.

59. The laying and operation of overhead power lines (including temporary and cable-laid ones) over combustible roofs, canopies, as well as open warehouses (stacks, stacks, etc.) of flammable substances, materials and products is not allowed.

60. When operating existing electrical installations, it is prohibited:

use electrical energy receivers (electrical receivers) in conditions that do not meet the requirements of the manufacturer’s instructions, or receivers that have faults that, in accordance with the operating instructions, can lead to a fire, as well as operate electrical wires and cables with damaged insulation or loss of protective properties;

use damaged sockets, switches, and other electrical installation products;

wrap electric lamps and lamps with paper, cloth and other flammable materials, as well as operate lamps with removed caps (diffusers) provided for by the design of the lamp;

use electric irons, electric stoves, electric kettles and other electric heating devices that do not have thermal protection devices, without stands made of non-flammable heat-insulating materials that eliminate the risk of fire;

use non-standard (homemade) electric heating devices, use uncalibrated fuse links or other homemade overload and short circuit protection devices;

place (store) flammable (including flammable) substances and materials near electrical panels, electric motors and starting equipment.

63. It is prohibited to operate electric heating devices in the absence or malfunction of thermostats provided by the design.

64. Openings at the intersections of electrical wires and cables (laid for the first time or replacing existing ones) with fire barriers in buildings and structures must be sealed with fire-resistant material before turning on the power supply.

2.6. Fire water supply

Requirements PPB 101-89 (extracts)

2.4.1. The administration of the children's institution is obliged to ensure the maintenance, good condition and constant readiness for use of fire water supply systems on the balance sheet of the institution (external water supply networks with fire hydrants and signs installed on them; fire reservoirs and reservoirs; pumping stations for increasing pressure in external and internal water supply systems networks; fire piers and approaches to natural water sources; internal fire hydrants; stationary water supply installations adapted for water intake in case of fire).

2.4.2. Internal fire hydrants must be periodically maintained and tested for functionality by running water. Reports are drawn up on the results of maintenance and inspections.

2.4.3. Fire hydrants internal fire-fighting water supply must be equipped with sleeves and barrels placed in cabinets that are sealed. There should be a lever in the cabinet to make it easier to open the tap.

Fire hoses must be dry, well rolled and attached to valves and trunks. Once a year, the hoses should be checked by running water under pressure and rolling them “on edge”.

The following must be indicated on the door of the fire hydrant cabinet:

Letter index PC;

The serial number of the fire hydrant and the telephone number of the nearest fire station.

2.4.4. In the event of repair work or disconnection of sections of the water supply network, failure of pumping stations, leakage of water from fire reservoirs and reservoirs, the fire brigade must be notified immediately.

2.4.5. Reservoirs and reservoirs should be kept in good condition, prevent them from becoming clogged, regularly check the presence of the estimated amount of water in them, and monitor the safety and good condition of water intake devices.

2.4.6. The hatch covers of fire tanks and underground hydrant wells must be kept closed at all times. They must be promptly cleared of dirt, ice and snow.

Requirements PPB 01-03 (extracts)

89. Fire water supply networks must be in good condition and provide the required water flow for fire extinguishing needs according to the standards. Their performance must be checked at least twice a year (in spring and autumn).

Fire hydrants must be in good condition, and in winter they must be insulated and cleared of snow and ice. Parking of vehicles on fire hydrant well covers is prohibited. Roads and access points to fire-fighting water supply sources must ensure the passage of fire fighting equipment to them at any time of the year.

When sections of the water supply network and hydrants are turned off or the pressure in the network decreases below the required level, the fire department must be notified.

Electric motors of fire pumps must be provided with uninterruptible power supply.

90. Appropriate signs (volumetric with a lamp or flat, made using reflective coatings) must be installed at hydrants and reservoirs (water sources), as well as in the direction of movement towards them. They must be clearly marked with numbers indicating the distance to the water source.

91. Fire valves of internal fire water supply must be equipped with hoses and stems. The fire hose must be connected to the valve and the barrel. It is necessary to re-roll the hoses onto a new roll at least once a year.

94. If there are natural or artificial water sources (rivers, lakes, swimming pools, cooling towers, etc.) on the territory of the facility or near it (within a radius of 200 m), entrances to them with platforms (piers) with a hard surface of dimensions not exceeding less than 12´12 m for installation of fire trucks and water intake at any time of the year.

Maintaining constant readiness of artificial reservoirs, entrances to water sources and water intake devices is the responsibility of the relevant organizations (in populated areas - local government bodies).

95. Water towers must be adapted for water extraction by fire equipment at any time of the year.

The use of water reserves intended for fire extinguishing needs for economic and production purposes is not permitted.

2.7. Automatic fire protection systems

Requirements PPB 101-89 (extracts)

2.1.13. Buildings of children's institutions must be equipped with means of warning people about a fire. To notify people about a fire, internal telephone and radio broadcast networks, specially installed broadcast networks, calls and other sound signals can be used.

2.5.1. The administration of the children's institution must ensure the operability and reliable operation of fire automatics in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Rules for the Technical Maintenance of Fire Automatic Installations. Maintenance of fire automatics installations must be carried out in accordance with the Instructions for organizing and carrying out work on regulated maintenance of fire extinguishing, fire and security fire alarm systems.

An institution that does not have the ability to carry out maintenance of installations on its own and maintain maintenance personnel is obliged to enter into appropriate contracts for the maintenance of sprinkler, deluge and other automatic fire extinguishing installations, as well as fire alarm installations with specialized organizations.

2.5.2. When maintenance and repair work is carried out by a specialized organization, control over the quality of their implementation is carried out by the official of the child care institution responsible for the operation of the installations.

2.5.3. Fire automatics installations must be operated in automatic mode and be in working condition around the clock.

2.5.4. During the period of maintenance or repair work, the implementation of which is associated with the shutdown of installations, the administration of the child care institution is obliged to ensure the fire safety of the premises protected by the installations and notify the fire department.

2.5.5. When using fire automatics it is not allowed:

a) install plugs and plugs to replace broken and faulty sprinklers;

b) obstruct the approaches to control and signaling devices and instruments;

c) store materials at a distance of at least 0.9 m from sprinklers and 0.6 m from detectors;

d) use installation pipelines for hanging or fastening any equipment;

e) apply paint, whitewash, plaster and other protective coatings to sprinklers and detectors during repairs and during operation.

Requirements PPB 01-03 (extracts)

16. In buildings and structures (except residential buildings) when more than 10 people are on the floor at a time, plans (schemes) for evacuation of people in case of fire must be developed and posted in visible places, and a system (installation) for warning people about a fire must be provided.

At facilities with a large population of people (50 or more people), in addition to a schematic plan for evacuation of people in case of fire, instructions must be developed that define the actions of personnel to ensure the safe and quick evacuation of people, according to which practical training must be carried out for everyone at least once every six months. involved in the evacuation of workers.

For facilities with people staying at night (kindergartens, boarding schools, hospitals, etc.), the instructions should provide for two options for action: during the day and at night. The managers of these facilities daily, at the time established by the State Fire Service (hereinafter referred to as the State Fire Service), report to the fire department in the exit area of ​​which the facility is located, information about the number of people present at each facility.

17. In buildings and structures with round-the-clock occupancy of people classified as low-mobility (disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders, people with visual impairments and hearing impairments, as well as elderly and temporarily disabled people), the timely receipt of accessible and high-quality food must be ensured. fire information, including duplicated light, sound and visual alarms connected to the fire warning system.

Light, sound and visual information alarms must be provided in premises visited by this category of persons, as well as at each evacuation, emergency exit and on evacuation routes. Light signals in the form of luminous signs must be turned on simultaneously with sound signals. The flickering frequency of light signals should not be higher than 5 Hz. Visual information should be placed on a contrasting background with the size of the signs corresponding to the viewing distance.

The service personnel of such organizations must undergo special training in carrying out the evacuation of persons classified as having limited mobility, according to programs agreed upon with the State Border Service.

34. Fire protection systems and installations (smoke protection, fire automatic equipment, fire water supply systems, fire doors, valves, other protective devices in fire walls and ceilings, etc.) of premises, buildings and structures must be constantly maintained in good working order.

Self-closing devices for doors must be in good condition. It is not allowed to install any devices that prevent the normal closing of fire or smoke doors (devices).

61. Three-dimensional self-illuminating fire safety signs with autonomous power supply and from the electrical network used on evacuation routes (including illuminated signs “Evacuation (emergency) exit”, “Emergency exit door”) must always be in good working order and on. In auditoriums, demonstrations, exhibitions and other halls, they can be turned on only during events with people present. Evacuation lighting should turn on automatically when the power supply to the working lighting is interrupted.

96. Routine maintenance and preventive maintenance (hereinafter referred to as “maintenance and repair”) of automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations, smoke protection systems, warning people about fire and evacuation management must be carried out in accordance with the annual schedule drawn up taking into account technical documentation of manufacturers, and timing of repair work. Maintenance and repair work must be carried out by specially trained service personnel or a specialized licensed organization under a contract.

During the period of maintenance or repair work associated with disconnecting the installation (individual lines, detectors), the manager of the enterprise must take the necessary measures to protect buildings, structures, premises, and technological equipment from fires.

98. Fire automatics installations must be in good condition and in constant readiness, and comply with design documentation.

Converting installations from automatic to manual start is prohibited, except in cases specified in the rules and regulations.

102. Fire warning systems must ensure, in accordance with evacuation plans, the transmission of warning signals simultaneously throughout the entire building (structure) or selectively to its individual parts (floors, sections, etc.).

In medical and preschool institutions, as well as dormitory buildings of boarding schools, only service personnel are notified.

The procedure for using warning systems must be defined in the instructions for their operation and in evacuation plans, indicating the persons who have the right to activate the systems.

103. In buildings where technical means of notifying people about a fire are not required, the manager of the facility must determine the procedure for notifying people about a fire and appoint persons responsible for this.

104. Annunciators (loudspeakers) must have no volume control and be connected to the network without plug-in devices.

To ensure reliability when transmitting warning texts and evacuation control, it is allowed to use internal radio broadcast networks and other broadcast networks available at the facility.

Requirements NPB 104-03 (extracts)

5. Determination of types of warning systems and control of evacuation of people in case of fire for buildings and structures for various purposes

5.1. The type of SOUE for buildings is determined according to Table 2. It is allowed to use a higher type of SOUE for buildings, subject to the conditions for ensuring the safe evacuation of people.

table 2

Group of buildings, complexes and structures (name of standard indicator)

The value of the standard indicator

Largest number of floors


6. Preschool institutions (number of places)

In preschool institutions, only service personnel are notified.

When placing preschool institutions and primary school(or residential premises for staff) with a total capacity of more than 50 people, they are allocated as independent warning zones.

The school notifies staff first, then students

Special children's institutions

7. Schools and educational buildings of boarding schools (number of places in the building, people)

Special schools and boarding schools

Dormitory buildings of boarding schools and other orphanages (number of beds in the building)


1. The required type of SOUE is determined by the value of the standard indicator. If the number of floors is more than that allowed by a given type of SOUE for buildings of a given functional purpose, or there is no standard value in Table 2, then the required type of SOUE is determined by the number of floors of the building.

2. In these standards, the standard indicator of the area of ​​the fire compartment is understood as the area of ​​the floor between the fire walls.

3. At facilities where, in accordance with Table 2, building equipment of the 4th or 5th type SOUE is required, the final decision on the choice of SOUE is made by the design organization.

4. In premises and buildings where people with physical disabilities (visually impaired, hearing impaired) are located (work, live, spend leisure time), the educational system must take these features into account.

Requirements NPB 110-03 (extracts)

14. The list of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms is presented in the mandatory appendix.





Table 1

Object of protection

Standard indicator

9. Public and administrative buildings

Regardless of area and number of floors

2.8. Primary fire extinguishing agents

Requirements PPB 101-89 (extracts)

3.1. Children's institutions must be equipped with primary fire extinguishing means, regardless of the equipment of buildings and premises with fire extinguishing installations and fire hydrants. Standards for primary fire extinguishing agents are given in Appendix 2.

3.3. Manual fire extinguishers must be placed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.009-83:

a) by hanging it on vertical structures at a height of no more than 1.5 m from the floor level to the lower end of the fire extinguisher;

b) by installation in fire cabinets together with fire hydrants, in special cabinets or on fire stands.

3.4. The fire extinguisher must be installed in such a way that the instructions for use on its body are visible. The design and external design of cabinets and cabinets for placing fire extinguishers must allow visual identification of the type of fire extinguishers installed in them.

3.5. Fire extinguishers should be placed in easily accessible places where they cannot be damaged or exposed to direct sunlight or atmospheric precipitation, direct impact of heating and heating devices.

When placing fire extinguishers, the conditions for evacuation of people should not worsen.

3.6. Fire extinguishers placed outdoors or in unheated rooms must be removed during the cold period. In these cases, fire stands must contain information about their locations.

3.7. For the period of recharging and maintenance of fire extinguishers associated with their repair, fire extinguishers from the reserve fund must be installed instead.

3.8. When operating and maintaining fire extinguishers, you should be guided by the requirements set out in the manufacturer’s passports and the duly approved maintenance regulations for fire extinguishers of each type.

3.9. On the territory of buildings IIIa, IIIb, IV, IVa, V degrees of fire resistance, located in rural areas, fire stations should be equipped with a set of the following primary fire extinguishing equipment: foam fire extinguishers with a capacity of 10 l or powder fire extinguishers with a capacity of 5 l - 2 pcs., buckets - 4 pcs. ., axes - 2 pcs., shovels - 2 pcs., hooks - 2 pcs., ladders - 1 pc., barrels of water with a capacity of 0.25 m3 - 2 pcs. (on winter period are replaced by boxes of sand with a capacity of 0.25 m3).

3.10. Day-to-day control over the safety, maintenance and constant readiness for action of primary fire extinguishing means is carried out by persons appointed by order of the head of the children's institution.

3.11. The use of primary fire extinguishing agents for household and other needs not related to firefighting is prohibited.




The name of a room


Foam fire extinguishers 10 l or powder containers. 5 kg

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers 2 l

Tarpaulin or asbestos sheet size 2´2


Classrooms, offices, auditoriums, lecture and administrative premises, sleeping quarters, group kindergartens, dormitories of vocational schools

30 linear meters of corridor, foyer, hall, recreation area

At least two per floor or part thereof, separated by blank walls or partitions

Chemistry, physics, biology laboratories, laboratory assistants, premises for labor training (except metal processing workshops), technical modeling, painting, young naturalists, film and photo laboratories, libraries, rooms for storing and cleaning weapons, studios

At least one per room

Computer science and computer science classrooms, radio engineering centers, electrical machine rooms for ventilation systems

At least one foam and one carbon dioxide per room

Indoor educational and sports halls, dining, assembly, lecture and reading rooms, metal processing workshops

At least two per room

Garages, open parking for cars, tractors and other equipment (excluding the primary fire extinguishing equipment equipped with vehicles)

100 m 2 or 5 units.

equipment in an open parking lot

At least two per room and parking lot. Additionally equipped with a box with sand and a shovel

Boiler houses using solid and gaseous fuels

For 2 boilers

Box with sand and shovel

Liquid fuel boiler houses

For 1 boiler

Film projection, film moving

Requirements PPB 01-03 (extracts)

For 1 device

108. Premises, buildings and structures must be provided with primary fire extinguishing means in accordance with Appendix 3.

Primary fire extinguishing means must be maintained in accordance with the passport data on them and taking into account the provisions set out in Appendix 3. The use of fire extinguishing means that does not have the appropriate certificates is not allowed.




I. When determining the types and quantities of primary fire extinguishing agents, the physical, chemical and fire hazardous properties of flammable substances, their relationship to fire extinguishing agents, as well as the area of ​​production premises, open areas and installations should be taken into account.

4. The choice of type and calculation of the required number of fire extinguishers in the protected room or facility should be made depending on their fire extinguishing ability, maximum area, as well as the fire class of flammable substances and materials:

class A - fires of solid substances, mainly of organic origin, the combustion of which is accompanied by smoldering (wood, textiles, paper);

class B - fires of flammable liquids or melting solids;

class C - gas fires;

class (E) - fires associated with the burning of electrical installations.

The choice of fire extinguisher type (mobile or manual) is determined by the size of possible fires. If they are large, it is necessary to use mobile fire extinguishers.

5. When choosing a fire extinguisher with the appropriate temperature limit for use, it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions of operation of buildings and structures.

6. If combined fires are possible, then preference when choosing a fire extinguisher is given to one that is more universal in scope.

7. For the maximum area of ​​premises of different categories (the maximum area protected by one or a group of fire extinguishers), it is necessary to provide the number of fire extinguishers of one of the types indicated in Table 1 before the “++” or “+” sign.

8. In public buildings and structures, at least two manual fire extinguishers must be located on each floor.

11. Fire extinguishers sent from the enterprise for recharging must be replaced with an appropriate number of charged fire extinguishers.

12. When protecting computer premises, telephone exchanges, museums, archives, etc. the specifics of the interaction of fire extinguishing agents with protected equipment, products, materials, etc. should be taken into account. These premises should be equipped with halon and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, taking into account the maximum permissible concentration of the fire extinguishing agent.

14. The distance from a possible source of fire to the location of the fire extinguisher should not exceed 20 m - for public buildings and structures; 30 m - for premises of categories A, B and C; 40 m - for premises of category G; 70 m - for premises of category D.

15. At the facility, a person must be identified who is responsible for the acquisition, repair, safety and readiness for action of primary fire extinguishing equipment.

A record of checking the presence and condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment should be kept in a special free-form journal.

16. Each fire extinguisher installed at the facility must have a serial number painted on the body with white paint. A passport is issued for him in the prescribed form.

17. Fire extinguishers must always be kept in good condition, periodically inspected, tested and promptly recharged.

18. In winter (at temperatures below 1 °C), water-based fire extinguishers must be stored in heated rooms.

19. The placement of primary fire extinguishing equipment in corridors and passages should not interfere with the safe evacuation of people. They should be located in visible places near exits from premises at a height of no more than 1.5 m.

Table 1

Standards for equipping premises with manual fire extinguishers

Maximum protected area, m 2

Fire class

Foam and water fire extinguishers with a capacity of 10 l

Powder fire extinguishers with capacity, l/weight of extinguishing agent, kg

Freon fire extinguishers with a capacity of 2 (3) l

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers with capacity, l/weight of extinguishing agent, kg

Public buildings


1. To extinguish fires of various classes, powder fire extinguishers must have appropriate charges: for class A - ABC (E) powder; for classes B, C and (E) - BC (E) or ABC (E) and for class D - D.

2. For portable foam, water, powder fire extinguishers and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, double markings are given: old marking by body capacity, l/new marking by mass of fire extinguishing agent, kg. When equipping premises with powder and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, it is allowed to use fire extinguishers with both old and new markings.

3. The “++” sign indicates fire extinguishers recommended for equipping the facilities, the “+” sign indicates fire extinguishers, the use of which is allowed in the absence of the recommended ones and with appropriate justification, the “-” sign indicates fire extinguishers that are not allowed for equipping these facilities.

4. In confined spaces with a volume of no more than 50 m3, self-acting powder fire extinguishers can be used to extinguish fires instead of portable fire extinguishers or in addition to them.

26. The use of primary fire extinguishing equipment, non-mechanized firefighting tools and equipment for household and other needs not related to firefighting is prohibited.

2.9. Fire safety requirements for public events

Requirements PPB 101-89 (extracts)

5.1. Responsible for ensuring fire safety during cultural events (evenings, performances, concerts, film shows, Christmas trees etc.) are the heads of children's institutions.

5.2. Before the start of cultural events, the head of the children's institution must carefully check all premises, evacuation routes and exits for compliance with fire safety requirements, as well as make sure that fire extinguishing equipment, communications and fire automatics are available and in good condition.

All identified deficiencies must be eliminated before the start of the cultural event.

5.3. During cultural events, employees of children's institutions and high school students must be on duty.

5.4. During a cultural event, the teacher on duty, class teachers or educators must always be with the children. These persons must be instructed on fire safety measures and the procedure for evacuating children in the event of a fire and must ensure strict compliance with fire safety requirements when holding a cultural event.

5.5. Cultural events should be held:

a) in buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance - in premises of any floor;

b) in buildings of III-V degree of fire resistance - only in the premises of the first floor, while the enclosing structures inside the premises of buildings of V degree of fire resistance must be plastered or treated with a fire retardant compound.

Holding cultural events in basements and basements is prohibited.

5.6. Floors and premises where cultural events are held must have at least two dispersed evacuation exits.

5.7. The number of seats in the premises is set at the rate of 0.75 m2 per person, and when holding dances, games and similar events at the rate of 1.5 m2 per person (excluding the stage area). Filling the premises with people in excess of the established norms is not allowed.

5.8. The number of continuously installed seats in a row should be no more than:

For one-way evacuation

For two-way evacuation

In buildings of I-III degree of fire resistance

In buildings of IV and V fire resistance degrees

5.9. The distance between rows should be:

Number of continuously installed seats in a row

Smallest distance between seat backs

(in meters)

Aisle width between rows

(in meters)

with one-sided evacuation of a row

during bilateral evacuation of a row

5.10. The width of longitudinal and transverse passages in premises for holding cultural events must be at least one meter, and passages leading to exits must be no less than the width of the exits themselves. All passages and exits must be located so as not to create oncoming or intersecting flows of people.

Reducing the width of aisles between rows and installing additional seats in aisles is prohibited.

5.11. In premises for cultural events, all chairs and chairs must be connected in rows to each other and firmly attached to the floor.

In rooms used for dance parties and children's games, with no more than 200 seats, chairs may not be secured to the floor.

5.12. Evacuation exits from premises must be marked with illuminated signs with the inscription “Exit” in white on a green background, connected to the emergency or evacuation lighting network of the building. If there are people in the premises, the light indicators must be on.

5.13. Conducting classes, rehearsals, performances and concerts, as well as showing films in assembly and similar halls of children's institutions is permitted only in strict accordance with the current fire safety rules for theatrical and entertainment enterprises, cultural and educational institutions, cinemas and film installations.

5.14. In premises used for cultural events, it is prohibited:

a) use shutters on windows to darken rooms;

b) cover walls and ceilings with wallpaper and paper;

c) use flammable materials not treated with fire retardants for acoustic finishing of walls and ceilings;

d) store gasoline, kerosene and other flammable and combustible liquids;

e) store property, equipment and other items, substances and materials under the stage or stage, as well as in basements located under the premises;

f) use room decoration, decorations and stage equipment made from flammable synthetic materials, artificial fabrics and fibers (foam plastic, foam rubber, polyvinyl, etc.);

g) use open fire (torches, candles, candelabra, fireworks, sparklers, etc.), use firecrackers, use arc spotlights, arrange lighting effects using chemicals and other substances that can cause fire;

h) install chairs, armchairs, etc., the structures of which are made of plastics and flammable materials;

i) install locks and other hard-to-close locks on the doors of emergency exits;

j) install blind bars on windows.

5.15. The floors of the premises must be level, without thresholds, steps, cracks and potholes. If there is a difference in the levels of adjacent rooms, gentle ramps should be installed in the passages.

5.16. All combustible decorations, stage decorations, as well as drapery used on windows and doors must be treated with fire-retardant compounds with a report drawn up in two copies, one of which is transferred to the customer, and the second is stored in the organization that carried out the impregnation.

5.17. Heads of children's institutions are required to check the quality of fire-retardant treatment of decorations and structures before holding each cultural event.

5.18. When holding a New Year's Eve party, the tree should be installed on a stable base (stand, barrel of water) in such a way that leaving the room is not difficult. The branches of the Christmas tree must be at least one meter away from the walls and ceilings.

If there is no electric lighting in the children's institution, New Year's performances and other cultural events should be held during the daytime.

5.19. The decoration of the Christmas tree should only be done by an experienced electrician.

5.20. The Christmas tree illumination must be mounted firmly, reliably and in compliance with the requirements of the Electrical Installation Rules.

Light bulbs in garlands should have a power of no more than 25 W. At the same time, the electrical wires powering the Christmas tree lighting bulbs must be flexible, with copper conductors. Electrical wires must have proper insulation and be connected to the electrical network using plug connections.

5.21. If the Christmas tree lighting malfunctions (extreme heating of the wires, blinking bulbs, sparking, etc.), the illumination must be turned off immediately and not turned on until the faults are clarified and eliminated.

5.22. Participation in the Christmas tree celebration of children and adults dressed in costumes made of cotton wool, paper, gauze and similar flammable materials that are not impregnated with a fire retardant compound is prohibited.

5.23. When decorating a Christmas tree, it is prohibited:

a) use celluloid and other flammable toys and decorations for decoration;

b) use candles, sparklers, fireworks, etc. to illuminate the Christmas tree;

c) cover the stand and decorate the branches with cotton wool and toys made from it, not impregnated with a fire retardant.

Requirements PPB 01-03 (extracts)

19. Organizers of events with mass participation of people (evenings, discos, celebrations around the New Year tree, performances, etc.) must carefully inspect the premises before the start of these events and make sure that they are fully prepared in terms of fire safety.

39. Organizations with large numbers of people, as well as potentially fire-hazardous oil refining, woodworking, chemical industry, etc. enterprises must be provided with direct telephone communication with the nearest fire department or the central fire communications point of populated areas.

42. In rooms with one emergency exit, the simultaneous presence of 50 or more people is not allowed.

In buildings of IV and V fire resistance degrees, the simultaneous presence of 50 or more people is allowed only in the premises of the first floor.

43. The number of people simultaneously present in the halls (premises) of buildings and structures with mass occupancy of people (premises with simultaneous occupancy of 50 or more people - auditorium, dining, exhibition, trading, exchange, sports, religious and other halls) should not exceed quantity established by design standards or determined by calculation (in the absence of design standards), based on the condition of ensuring the safe evacuation of people in case of fire.

When determining the maximum permissible number of people in a room in the above cases, the estimated area per person should be taken in the amount of 0.75 m 2 / person. At the same time, the dimensions of evacuation routes and emergency exits must ensure the evacuation of people outside the premises within the required evacuation time.

50. When organizing and conducting New Year's holidays and other events with large numbers of people:

it is allowed to use only premises that are provided with at least two emergency exits that meet the requirements of design standards, do not have bars on the windows and are located no higher than the 2nd floor in buildings with combustible floors;

the tree must be installed on a stable base and in such a way that the branches do not touch the walls and ceiling;

if there is no electric lighting in the room, events at the Christmas tree should be held only during daylight hours;

Illumination must be carried out in compliance with the PUE. When using an electric lighting network without a step-down transformer, garlands can only be used on the tree with sequential switching of light bulbs with a voltage of up to 12 V. The power of the light bulbs should not exceed 25 W;

If a malfunction is detected in the illumination (heating of wires, blinking lights, sparking, etc.), it must be immediately de-energized.


hold events in rooms with locked swing bars on the windows;

use arc spotlights, candles and firecrackers, arrange fireworks and other fire-hazardous light effects that can lead to a fire;

decorate the Christmas tree with celluloid toys, as well as gauze and cotton wool, not impregnated with fire retardants;

dress children in costumes made of flammable materials;

carry out fire, painting and other fire and explosion hazardous work;

use shutters on windows to darken rooms;

reduce the width of the aisles between the rows and install additional chairs, chairs, etc. in the aisles;

completely turn off the lights in the room during performances or performances;

allow the premises to be filled with people in excess of the established norm.

When holding events, duty must be organized on the stage and in the halls responsible persons, members of volunteer fire brigades or fire department employees of an enterprise.

Previously, it was in one of the legal acts (I don’t remember exactly) that departmental PPBs have the right to life if they do not contradict the law and establish standards that tighten those prescribed in PPB-01-03 (PPR). Although it amused me, how could the departmental rules for the 80-90s be tougher, i.e. Newer than the ones just released?
But if you open any NIS, then in the section “Fire regulations, fire safety” there are governmental safety regulations next to them. On the website you can find a bunch of VPPB and there are inscriptions whether they are valid or not.
Well, PPB-101-89:
1.1. These Rules establish fire safety requirements for all types of secondary schools, vocational schools, boarding schools (including boarding schools for children with mental and physical disabilities), orphanages, preschool institutions (kindergartens, nurseries- kindergartens for children with mental and physical development defects), children's out-of-school institutions (educational and production plants, palaces and houses of pioneers and schoolchildren, youth clubs, houses of artistic education for children, stations young technicians and young naturalists, etc.), children's music, art and choreographic schools and children's and youth sports schools(hereinafter referred to as children's institutions) regardless of their departmental affiliation.
Requirements establishing the specifics of ensuring fire safety in training and production workshops, labor training workshops, offices and laboratories, labor and recreation camps, canteens, cafeterias, first-aid posts, museums, sports facilities, warehouses, etc., during agricultural and other types of special work and activities in children's institutions are determined by the relevant all-Union and industry fire safety rules.
2.1. Maintenance of the territory, buildings and premises.
2.1.1. All children's institutions before the start of the school year (the first shift for seasonal children's institutions) must be accepted by the relevant commissions, which include representatives of the state fire supervision. Where is this written now???
5.18. When holding a New Year's Eve party, the tree should be installed on a stable base (stand, barrel of water) in such a way that leaving the room is not difficult. The branches of the Christmas tree must be at least one meter away from the walls and ceilings.

The last proposal migrated to the PPR-2012, and you say...

Chairman of the trade union committee
___________ /___________________/
Protocol No. ____ dated “__”___ 201__

Name of institution
_________ N.V. Andreychuk
Order No.__ dated "_"._.20__

on fire safety rules at school for students

1. General provisions of fire safety rules at school

1.1. This instructions on fire safety rules at school designed for students during their stay at school in order to prevent the occurrence of fire hazards, preserve the life and health of children.
1.2. When developing the instructions, the following were taken into account: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390 “On the fire safety regime” as amended on March 21, 2017; requirements of Federal Law No. 69-FZ of December 21, 1994 “On Fire Safety” as amended on July 1, 2017.
1.3. The instructions contain new fire safety rules at school for children, as well as the actions of schoolchildren in case of a fire at school.
1.4. Students in all grades of the school must know and comply with fire safety rules at school for students.
1.5. Students are required to know the plan and methods of evacuation (exiting the building) in case of fire, approved by the head of the institution.
1.6. If a fire occurs or if you smell smoke, immediately report it to a teacher or employee of the institution.
1.7. Students are responsible for informing a teacher or facility employee of any fire hazards.

2. Fire safety rules at school for students

2.1. It is prohibited to bring or use any incendiary or smoking materials (matches, lighters, cigarettes, etc.) to school. Smoking is prohibited in the school and on its territory!
2.2. It is prohibited to bring explosive objects (crackers, firecrackers, fireworks) to school and play with them.
2.3. It is prohibited to bring and use flammable, combustible materials and liquids, or gas canisters at school.
2.4. It is prohibited to make fires on school grounds.
2.5. You cannot turn on electrical appliances in the classroom without the teacher’s permission.
2.6. Do not heat unfamiliar devices, powder or paint packaging. Especially aerosol packaging (metal cans).
2.7. Experiments are carried out only in physics and chemistry classrooms.
2.8. Do not set fire yourself or allow your younger ones to set fire to poplar fluff and dry grass on school grounds. It is very dangerous!
2.9. There is a fire extinguisher in every classroom. You need to learn how to use it.
2.10. All children should remember where the evacuation plan is located and understand how to use it.
2.11. If you detect a fire or smoke, immediately notify teachers, school technical staff and call the fire department.

3. Actions of students in the event of a fire at school

3.1. If a fire occurs (the appearance of an open flame, the smell of burning, smoke), immediately inform a school employee, follow the rules of conduct in case of a fire at school
3.2. If there is a fire danger, stay near the teacher. Strictly follow his orders.
3.3. Don't panic. Listen carefully to school announcements and act as directed by school staff.
3.4. At the command of the school teacher (teacher), evacuate the building in accordance with a certain procedure and evacuation plan. At the same time, do not run, do not interfere with your comrades, help the kids and classmates.
3.5. Do not walk in a smoky room full height: Smoke always accumulates at the top of a room or building, so it is better to bend down, cover your nose and mouth with a scarf, and get out of the room.
3.6. You cannot hide under a desk or in a closet during a fire: it is impossible to hide from fire and smoke.
3.7. When leaving the school building, stay in the place indicated by the teacher.
3.8. Students are not allowed to participate in firefighting of a building or evacuation of its property.
3.9. Students and their classmates must immediately report all injuries (wounds, cuts, bruises, burns, etc.) to the teacher.

The instructions were developed by: __________ (________________)

Head of the OT service (OT specialist or engineer) _________ Mishkin R.P.

How to avoid a fire at school

1. All personnel of educational institutions and students must comply with fire safety rules.

2. It is necessary to ensure that various flammable waste (garbage, old desks, tables, chairs, dry leaves, etc.) do not accumulate on the school grounds. In the event of a fire, this highly flammable debris will contribute to the spread of fire to school buildings.

Sometimes, after clearing the area adjacent to the school from fallen dry leaves, they are raked into heaps. Previously, they were burned, which led to a fire hazard: the wind could blow smoldering leaves onto the roof of a building or into dormer windows, forming fire pits. In accordance with the law, burning leaves and garbage is prohibited, because in addition to creating a fire hazard, this leads to increased carbon dioxide in the air, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming. (Federal Law No. 89 of July 24, 1998 “On production and consumption waste”).

2. It is equally important to monitor the condition of roads, driveways and entrances to school buildings, to ensure that they are not cluttered with vehicles, and in winter they are regularly cleared of snow drifts and ice. This is done so that fire trucks have the opportunity to freely enter the school grounds.

3. If the fire has become large, firefighters use local water sources: reservoirs, ponds, reservoirs, water pipelines with a network of fire hydrants. These water sources must be properly inspected and maintained.

It is necessary to ensure that the covers of inspection wells of underground fire hydrants are not covered with earth and debris, covered with ice and snow, and that on the wall of the nearest building there is a hydrant sign with numbers indicating the coordinates of the hydrant’s location relative to the building.

Fire safety measures in physics classrooms,

chemistry and production workshops

Blackboards, desks, cabinets, tables are located and maintained in such a way that the passages between them leading to emergency exits from offices, laboratories, and production workshops are free.

Fire safety regulations must be strictly observed in school carpentry and mechanical workshops. Before you start working in workshops where there is electrical equipment, you must study the instructions and follow the established rules for operating electrical equipment. Garbage and waste must be removed after each lesson. The supply of materials in the workshop should not exceed the amount required for one day of classes. It is forbidden to dry workpieces and wood on stoves in carpentry workshops, or to paint products with nitro paints.

After classes, you should thoroughly clean the room, and collect oily rags and rags in a special metal box with a tight lid always closed. To avoid spontaneous combustion at the end of the day, the contents of the box must be removed outside the building.

The chemistry teacher (laboratory assistant) must turn on the ventilation before starting classes; make sure that fire extinguishing equipment is available and in working order. At the beginning of classes in physics and chemistry classrooms, students should be informed about the fire hazard of substances used for regular educational purposes. Students are prohibited from using flammable substances and heating devices in the absence of a teacher.

In chemical laboratories, fire can occur even without human intervention. Many of the chemicals and reagents used have fire and explosive properties, are strong oxidizing agents, reducing agents, or substances that are unstable during storage.

It is necessary to comply with the rules for storing such substances and materials, otherwise there may be undesirable consequences: explosion, spontaneous combustion, etc. Substances that are hazardous when interacting must be stored separately, in appropriate packaging and in acceptable quantities. Ensure that all reagents are clearly labeled with safety information.

In laboratories and other similar premises, it is allowed to store flammable liquids (FLL) and flammable liquids (FL) in quantities not exceeding shift requirements. Liquids should be delivered indoors in closed, safe containers.

Esters, alcohols, gasoline, kerosene are extremely flammable liquids when handling. Ignition of their vapors can occur from a burning candle, a lit match, an accidental spark from shoe heels, or emery. Therefore, these liquids should be used with extreme caution and should be used in strictly limited quantities. Students are not allowed to refill heating appliances themselves.

It is prohibited to extinguish a number of substances and liquids with water (sodium, magnesium, gasoline, kerosene), as well as live electrical equipment. Therefore, in chemical and physical laboratories, in production workshops there must be appropriate fire extinguishing agents, for example, such as powder, air-foam, halon fire extinguishers, asbestos felt, sand. Competent specialists must be responsible for fire safety in such laboratories and workshops.

Compliance with these measures will ensure normal training conditions in terms of fire safety in chemical and physics classrooms and in production workshops.

Film screening

Schools primarily use VCRs and DVD players to show educational films, but some schools still operate film installations.

Demonstration of films on wide-film equipment in school buildings may only be permitted from a film room equipped in full compliance with fire safety requirements.

It should be borne in mind that film screenings may only be permitted on the ground floor. The exception is premises that have non-combustible floors under the auditorium and at least two exits. If the premises do not meet fire safety requirements, holding film shows, performances and evenings there is not permitted.

Screening of educational films for schoolchildren in the classroom is permitted only on narrow film equipment. In this case, only one class can attend the film viewing; the film projector should be installed so that it is in opposite side from the exit. The exit from the room where the film is shown must be outside, into the corridor or staircase.

In the room where the film is shown, the electrical wiring must comply with the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE).

Film copies intended for display must be stored in special metal boxes or film libraries. In schools where educational films are shown, it is allowed to store no more than 10 film copies in locked cabinets. Standing in the aisles of a classroom where a film is being shown is not permitted.

In a film screening room, the chairs in each row must be fastened together.

In the classroom, in the hall during the screening of a film, performance, festive evening, disco, there must be a teacher or educator who is responsible for fire safety. At this time, under no circumstances should emergency exits from the premises be locked.

Procedure for evacuation from educational institutions

Each school develops and displays in a visible place a fire evacuation plan.

If there is a fire at school, it is necessary, first of all, to call the fire department and quickly organize the evacuation of all schoolchildren. The slightest confusion or panic can lead to irreparable consequences.

The evacuation plan reflects the issues of notifying teachers and students about a fire, leaving schoolchildren from burning rooms that are at risk of spreading fire and smoke, and indicating evacuation routes and exits. The evacuation plan consists of two parts - graphic and text. The graphic part shows the floor layout of the building. Plans can be simplified by depicting structures in one line, excluding small rooms not associated with human habitation. But all emergency exits and escape routes must be marked. The names of the premises are indicated directly on the floor plans, or all premises are numbered and an explanation is attached to the plan. Emergency exits and staircases are numbered. This allows you to shorten and simplify the explanatory note to the evacuation plan. The doors on the evacuation plan are shown open.

Arrows are drawn on the plan indicating the direction of movement of human flows, based on the shortest exit time and greater safety of evacuation routes.

Evacuation routes are divided into main ones, which are indicated by solid green lines with arrows, and backup routes, which are indicated by dotted lines with arrows.

Practice shows that in the event of a fire it is not always possible to get people out via stairs. People often escape by going onto the roof of a building.

In addition to traffic routes, the locations of manual fire call points, fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, other fire protection equipment, and telephones are indicated.

The graphic part of the evacuation plan, framed under glass, is hung in a visible place, usually at the entrance to the floor. The text part of the evacuation plan is approved by the manager of the facility and is a table containing a list of actions in case of fire, their order and sequence, positions and names of the performers. Prescribed actions must be carefully thought out and specifically specified.

The first action is to call the fire department. In order for the call to be clear, the text of the call is provided. The second action is a verbal notification of evacuation. The notification should be made calmly, but in an imperative and impressive tone. This can happen over a public address network as part of the Alert and Evacuation System (WEC), with pre-prepared text broadcast throughout the building.

When evacuating children in children's institutions, teachers and educators are obliged to:

Prepare children for evacuation: stop activities, games, eating; it is necessary to quickly dress the children;

Announce the order, direction of movement and meeting place;

In accordance with the evacuation plan: open the doors in the direction of travel; take the children out; after the children have been removed, in order to reduce the rate of fire development in the building, it is necessary to close the doors;

Gather all children in the place provided for in the evacuation plan (“gathering place”);

Provide first aid, if necessary;

Check the presence of children on the list and report the results to the director or commander of the arriving fire department, the head of the fire extinguishing.

Before firefighters arrive, high school students can be involved in helping teachers organize the evacuation of children: helping them dress, taking children to a warm room; call " ambulance» to provide medical assistance to victims; carry out individual assignments to extinguish minor fires.

Each school building must have at least two emergency exits.

If one of them is cut off by fire, the second one is used to save people.

Doors on escape routes must open freely and in the direction of exit from the building. Locks on the doors of emergency exits must ensure that people inside the building can freely open them from the inside without a key.

It is allowed, in agreement with the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, to close emergency exits with an internal mechanical lock. In this case, a responsible person on duty from among the service personnel is appointed on each floor of the building, who always has with him a set of keys for all locks on the doors of emergency exits. Another set of keys must be kept in the building duty officer's room. Each key in both sets must have a designation indicating that it belongs to the corresponding lock.

In the event of a fire, you need to try to get outside in a matter of minutes, or at least into a room where you can breathe fresh air. Intensive formation of combustion products (smoke, vapors) and their rapid spread throughout rooms and escape routes occurs already in the initial stage of a fire. In this situation, the concentration of CO is extremely dangerous for a person, when a few breaths are enough to lose consciousness.

You can move through thick smoke (with visibility less than 10 meters) only if you are sure that the distance is short and you can hold your breath at this distance, and also will not lose your bearings or get your clothes caught on something.