Why do you dream of hugging according to the dream book? Why dream of hugging a loved one or a stranger? Basic interpretations - why do you dream of “hugs”

28.08.2019 Trips

Young girls and boys dream of hugging a loved one in their sleep, and sometimes it can be a stranger. When you wake up in the morning in a great mood, don’t rush to draw conclusions. A dream can also carry a hidden meaning, because hugs in a dream are very contradictory and can carry different meaning. When interpreting, it is also necessary to take into account who you hugged and who this person is to you in real life; how you feel about him or what you have experienced before. The smallest details can give night vision different meanings, which we receive thanks to the dream book.

According to the dream book, hugging in a dream means that in real life you improve relationships with the people around you.

In a dream, you do not feel the desire to reciprocate a man’s hugs - there is a chance that you will feel a feeling of loneliness, even when surrounded by people.

For girls who do not currently have a relationship in real life, it speaks of desire and readiness to find one. A long, tender hug from a man indicates the emergence of happiness and love in real life, even if your heart is still free. Your familiar world will change soon, be prepared for it!

Still, it is necessary to interpret the dream in more detail in order to answer the question: “Why do you dream about hugging?”

The modern dream book says that hugging a man in a dream can talk about different things. If you hug a man, that's it what you have in mind will definitely come true, if you are hugged in a dream, then this speaks of a warm, trusting relationship with this person.

In some dream books, hugging a man you like speaks of your gullibility and recklessness.

Various images of a man in a dream


You dream about hugging a stranger, then such a dream promises new acquaintances and hobbies. This meeting with a man can change your whole life. If you hugged a stranger in front of your husband or wife, this could lead to a quarrel that was motivated by jealousy, or you are suspected of infidelity. You may also be drawn into a quarrel, the reasons for which may become known to third parties. The dream book recommends understanding yourself and making the right choice.

If you dream about how your lover hugs an unfamiliar girl, then this cause for jealousy. The dream book claims that your partner has a girlfriend who is showing him signs of attention, be vigilant.


  • According to the dream book, hugging your husband in a dream means a quarrel. If he hugged you and kissed you at the same time, then there is a possibility of betrayal. But you shouldn't make hasty conclusions.
  • If you hugged with ex-husband- you can't get rid of past life. Too much attachment to the past prevents you from moving on.


In your night dreams you dream of hugging your beloved guy - then this talks about happy relationships, especially if you were separated before. You have a strong and sincere relationship. If a guy hugs you from behind, then most likely his intentions towards you are not entirely pure. Take a closer look at it.

In night vision, you may also dream of hugging your boss.

Hugging your boss in a dream indicates that you need to seize an opportunity. Your manager is very supportive of you, although this may not appear in any way on his part. This time for decisive action which will lead to good luck.

Hugging a friend in a dream can have several different interpretations. This may indicate either a long-awaited meeting, if you have not seen each other for a long time, or an absurd quarrel. The dream book recommends not making hasty decisions.

Do you dream about hugging your father? Don’t worry, you are reliably protected from everything, as the dream book says. You have support and support. This is very important in real life. Listen to the advice of the dream book.

If you hugged your mother in a dream, you communicate little. Spend time with your family and you will find happiness and peace.

There will be very important changes in the near future for those who hugged a pregnant girlfriend or wife in a dream, as they say in the new dream book.

Hugging your child in a dream indicates that in your family harmony and mutual understanding.

Did you hug an enemy in a dream? You will be a winner in disputes and conflicts that currently exist in real life.

A sign that you are not giving away your tenderness and love is hugging someone else’s child in a dream. Open your heart to people, tell them how much you love them and you will see - the result will not keep you waiting.

Hugging in a dream with dead man, who in real life left this world, talks about an imminent trip. If you are not going on vacation, then perhaps a business trip awaits. This is a fruitful journey, in which there will be an opportunity not only to work well and express yourself, but also to relax. Start packing your bags!

If a deceased person hugs you in a dream and at the same time gives you some advice, then you need to listen to them. Perhaps you are so engrossed in something right now that you do not notice what is happening around you.

But our dreams can also be a little bizarre. For example, you might dream of hugging a deceased celebrity. This speaks of your desire to be a public figure, fame and popularity.

Sometimes we dream about hugging our favorite animals in our sleep. According to the dream book, these can be like wild animals, and pets. The appearance of a patron in real life is what hugging a wild animal means, according to the dream book.

Our night visions sometimes bring us more emotions than events in real life, but we should not forget that fate has prepared many different pleasant surprises for us.

Dream books give two interpretations to dreams in which you hug a man. On the one hand, such a dream can have a purely positive meaning: if you dream of hugging a man to whom you are not indifferent, it may portend changes for the better in your life. personal life- perhaps the subject of your interest will soon reciprocate your feelings.

If in your dream you are hugging a man who is completely unfamiliar to you in reality, the meaning of such a dream, on the contrary, is negative. Such dreams foreshadow the appearance of unpleasant rumors and gossip about your personal life in the near future.

If you dreamed that you were hugging a man you know, for whom you have exclusively friendly feelings, it means that in real life your friendship will become even stronger due to some trials you have gone through together.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you have dreams about a man, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a man in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

A man hugs according to the dream book

Usually it’s so nice when a man hugs you in a dream. It's a different matter if you're being caressed by an ugly stranger or a former admirer. Why do you dream of these signs of attention? Dream books often consider them predictive, and interpreters assign a large role to the degree of closeness of the characters in a love scene.

Embrace of a Stranger

First of all, I would like to know the opinion of the psychoanalyst Freud. In his dream book, he interprets the situation as follows. When a woman dreams that a strange man is hugging her, he personifies the ideal hero of her novel. For an unmarried young lady, his features will tell him which of those around him can become her partner.

If a guy dreams of being hugged by a stranger in a dream, he should be seen as his rival, whom he didn’t even know about, or a person he envies.

Pastor Loff's dream book, explaining why she dreams that a lady is being hugged by a man unknown to her, draws attention to the hidden male hypostasis of a woman. In the image of a stranger, the dreamer recognizes new facets of her Self. If in a dream a gentleman shows feelings of aggression or sexuality, it is these that her subconscious suppresses.

Miller’s dream book says: if he was handsome and courteous in a dream, good changes await you; if he is unpleasant, disappointment or failure lies ahead.

Nostradamus predicts a successful start if you dreamed of an unfamiliar young man, and well-deserved recognition when you saw the caresses of an old man. Hasse's dream book predicts: the hero's youth promises anxiety, and old age promises longevity.

If in a dream a stranger suddenly comes up from behind and kisses you, this is a sign of danger - perhaps you have been betrayed.

Just someone I know

Why do you dream about being hugged by a man you know? This is a sign that unexpected decisions will have to be made to save the situation, act on the verge of an adventure, and agree to a risky project. This portends a meeting with her betrothed for a young girl.

Caressed by an acquaintance whom you have not seen for a long time - dream books predict brilliant prospects for the family business and a warm atmosphere at home. If in a dream you were hugged by a man who is not well known to you, who was an enemy in the past, then in reality you will be able to resist the intrigues, you will give him a decisive rebuff.

Why does a man dream that he was tightly hugging his girlfriend around the waist: success in love awaits him. Dream books foretell health for a girl if she saw a thin waist in her dream.

If you dreamed about your ex trying to come up from behind and kiss you, causing shame and disgust - unpleasant events await you. A man from your distant past hugs you - life will delight you with stability and prosperity.

Close to a loved one

When it is not a stranger who hugs, but a beloved father, one should expect upsetting news. According to Esoteric Tsvetkov’s dream book, this promises a quarrel. A relative caressed you - there will be a holiday at home, guests, and the son will be fortunately in the family.

Why do you dream that a woman is hugged by her beloved man? If you dreamed about a husband, this has two interpretations: it reflects either harmony in a relationship, entering a bright streak of married life, or a lack of attention and affection. If the second is true, it is necessary to discuss mutual claims in order to find a way out of the situation.

We woke up smiling joyfully - we can hope that the discord was temporary and a marital idyll lies ahead. In addition, such caresses predict very expensive gifts from a loved one.

Unfamiliar man from the dream book

Men... busy with them most of female consciousness, and it is quite normal to see your boyfriend or husband in a dream, but what if the dream contains a plot with a person whom you have never seen in your life? Our dream book will tell you why an unfamiliar man dreams and what events such a picture promises.

A dream with a stranger, as the personification of the unknown, and therefore frightening, according to the prediction of many dream books, is interpreted as the possibility of enemies appearing in real life. But not everything is so bad, it is very important to take a closer look at the details in a dream, and also to feel the emotional situation. What feelings does the person make you feel, what emotions did you experience when you saw him? Armed with the answers to these questions, you can proceed directly to the interpretation of the dream.

Why do you dream about a stranger - for worse or for good?

IN different dream books There are discrepancies in interpretations about what it means to see an unfamiliar man in a dream. For example, the Small Veles Dream Book interprets such a plot as a prediction about failure and possible gossip around the dreamer’s person. And if the stranger also fights, then it is better not to get involved in quarrels and conflicts, they are fraught with danger.

According to the interpretation of the Erotic Dream Book, a never-before-met person in a dream promises positive changes in relationships and intimate life. But this interpretation is correct only if the dreamer is a young, lonely girl. What such a picture means in a dream may be a harbinger of an unplanned, but no less pleasant meeting.

According to Miller’s dream book, an unfamiliar man in a dream is an omen of good changes in life in general, and in financial matters in particular. Especially if the young man was unusually handsome. The same dream book promises troubles and disappointment if the guy aroused repulsive feelings in you, was ugly and unkempt.

What does a stranger dream about according to the Wanderer’s dream book? According to this interpretation, the dream is given a more subconscious meaning. A guy in a dream, whom you have never seen in reality, symbolizes some trait of your character - be it negative or positive - which has not manifested itself until now, but will very soon make itself felt.

For a young single girl to see an unfamiliar man in a dream, according to the interpretation of her grandmother’s dream book, it is a kind of warning, a warning against a dissolute and unrighteous life. If the dreamer does not take the path of correction, then an unpleasant pregnancy awaits her, which neither she nor those around her will desire.

The most extensive interpretation of why the unknown person dreams is given by Loff’s dream book. From a psycho-emotional point of view, the mysterious Mr. X in a woman’s dream is a projection of her masculinity. Why do you dream about such a picture? With the help of all facets of the relationship to this image, you can understand real life and find answers to the questions that currently exist.

Intimate actions with a stranger in a dream

In fact, performing intimate actions in a dream, such as kissing and warm hugs, and even more so entering into sexual relations with an unknown person, is very rare. More often, the dreamer simply sees a character in a dream, experiences some feelings for him, but does not enter into physical contact. But still, dream books have an interpretation of contact dreams.

For example, for an unmarried girl whose relationship is just beginning to be built, kissing an unfamiliar man in a dream is not very good sign, especially if during a kiss she feels negative, disgusted, and tries to push the person away from her. In this case, she will experience a cooling of her relationship with her partner, even to the point of a complete breakup.

A negative prediction is given even if the girl experiences unprecedented passion when kissing an unknown person. Most likely, a rival will come between her and her lover, who can destroy tender feelings. A bad outcome can only be avoided if there is sincere love between partners.

Why else would you dream of kissing a stranger? For a young and romantic person, this is a harbinger of a short-term surge of feelings, a small attempt Serious relationships, which ultimately ends in nothing. If the dreamer herself is not looking for a permanent partner, then such a plot may foreshadow for her a short-term, but very sensual relationship with the opposite sex.

Beware if a stranger kisses you in a dream, and he does not do it according to your desire. The dream book predicts a great danger that new connections will pose. Also, according to the dream book of Lovers, this is a symbol of the dreamer’s immoral, base actions in the future.

If a kiss is enough bad sign, in all its manifestations, then hugs with a mysterious stranger can bring the dreamer good luck or love, the dream book’s predictions are completely dependent on small parts dreams, from the emotional situation, and from a direct relationship to an unknown person.

When a woman is hugged by a stranger with a huge belly in a dream, the dream book predicts a prosperous time that will bring only pleasant troubles and positive feelings. If he is also gray-haired, then why such a plot is dreamed foretells the dreamer a long and serene life until old age.

If a woman had to warmly hug an unfamiliar man in a dream, then, according to the interpretation of the dream book, this is a harbinger of the arrival of unexpected guests. But only on condition that these were really only friendly hugs, and not sensual and affectionate touches of passion. Why do you dream of negative emotions when hugging? They promise trouble at work.

Sleeping with an unfamiliar man is a bad dream book prediction for unmarried people. This is a kind of warning that a dissolute life, an unwillingness to wait for sincere feelings, will ultimately lead to a loss of respect from others. It can also be a symbol of an unwanted pregnancy in the near future.

From the point of view of psychoanalysis, sex with an unfamiliar man is a reflection of the dreamer’s ingenuity and adventurism. But if during intimacy you did not receive satisfaction, then the dream book promises small, unpleasant quarrels within the family that will arise due to everyday trifles, and ultimately will not lead to either positive or negative changes.

Aggression from a stranger

An unknown person, as the personification of everything unknown and unknown, often signals in a dream a real danger for the dreamer. Moreover, if the stranger displays aggressive actions directed against the dreamer, then, according to the dream book, this is a doubly bad sign.

Why do you dream about an aggressive stranger? If successful young man If he dreamed that he was being attacked by a stranger, who was also armed, this is a symbol of the presence of hidden enemies around him who are trying to plot intrigues, obstacles that can easily interfere with career growth.

However, if in a dream you had to run away from an unfamiliar man, then this is not so bad, especially if he fails to catch up with you. Obstacles that arise on your way will be easily overcome, and any gossip about yourself will be refuted. If, nevertheless, the aggressor managed to catch up with you, then expect big troubles.

According to Freud's dream book, a stranger in a dream for a single woman is a symbol of an ideal partner, and by his features, you can understand which representative of the stronger sex to choose from your environment. For a man, this is a subconscious rival, and all those qualities that he considers to be his shortcomings are displayed as opposites on his opponent.

Based on the above, we can draw the following conclusion: if married woman in a dream, an unfamiliar man pesters her, then this is a reflection of true preferences, and the personification of those qualities that she currently does not see in her soulmate. But this is only in a situation where she does not feel disgusted by the advances.

If in a dream an unfamiliar man in the house pesters a woman, and at the same time she feels fear and tries to escape from his embrace, then the dream book promises the dreamer big troubles that will arise due to the excessive jealousy of her husband, and from her inability to hide her sensual impulses, and love of flirting.

Why do you dream about a man you know?

Many people believe that they are dreaming about a man they know because they are bored and really want to see each other. But this is not always true. Perhaps the person himself constantly thinks about this man and his subconscious gives him the desired images. Very often such a dream does not carry any information, and Freud claims that seeing a man in a dream is a sign of strong attraction and desire.

If a person dreamed of a handsome and healthy man, then soon prosperity and joyful events. Sleep is considered favorable. If a man is ugly and unattractive, then the person who sees him will be disappointed. If a woman dreams that she is a man, then adventures await her that will not turn out to be anything good for her. And she will most likely find herself in an unpleasant position. An aggressive man in a dream means great disappointment in friendship. Perhaps a close friend will not be who he said he was.

If a child saw a man in a raincoat in a dream, he is hiding something and is afraid to tell about it. Perhaps unpleasant events have occurred in his life that torment him and do not allow him to relax.

Seeing men figuring something out among themselves is a sign of solving accumulated problems. You should pay attention to the past and take responsibility.

The man he knew could actually be thinking about the person who saw him in his dream. It is believed that in a dream a person can capture the thoughts of other people. But this has not been proven. Most often, such a connection manifests itself among close relatives or lovers.

Seeing your friend in a dream, whom you have not seen for a long time, means an unexpected meeting or some news from him. Such dreams carry information that a person has minor problems or is simply bored.

To see a dream in which a familiar man climbs through a window means someone is trying to interfere in the lovers’ relationship. If a woman has such a dream, she has a jealous admirer. A dream in which a man gives flowers to a woman has a similar meaning. The admirer tries to attract the woman's attention, but in reality she does not notice him.

If in a dream a man gives flowers, then you should pay attention to their condition. Withered and dried flowers mean something bad. Perhaps the guy is insincere in the relationship and is hiding something. Beautiful and fresh flowers - to sincerity and long relationship. A person values ​​relationships and respects the one to whom he gives these flowers.

Now we know why a familiar man dreams in a dream. But sometimes a familiar man can appear in a dream simply because the person was thinking about him. This happens very often to girls. They remember a certain man, think about him throughout the day. And it’s not surprising that she dreams about this man at night. It’s just that the subconscious shows what the girl wants to see. It continues to work and scroll through certain, desired images.

A dream in which a girl strokes a man’s head foreshadows a truce. If there is a conflict between people, it will soon disappear. Perhaps the man in such a dream represents calm and forgiveness. Holding a man you know by the hand means not seeing each other for a long time. Such a dream foreshadows a long separation; it is most often dreamed of by lovers, but it does not bring anything good to them.

Hugging a man you know in a dream means a breakdown in your relationship with him. The dream most often foreshadows a quarrel and even separation. If lovers dream, the relationship will end.

Seeing a familiar man in a dream is generally a favorable omen. But, you need to pay attention to the man’s mood. If he is irritated or upset, this is bad news. Perhaps a close friend is having big problems. If a man is happy and calm - to success in matters of the heart.

It's always nice to see a familiar person, a friend. Even if this did not happen in reality, but only in a dream. But if a person begins to dream very often, maybe don’t look for the meaning of the symbols in dream books, but just call and find out how he’s doing?

Dream Interpretation Hugging, why you dream about Hugging in a dream

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream about Hugging according to the dream book:

Seeing Hugging in a dream - “Welcome with open arms” (cordiality), “embrace (embrace) a wide range of issues,” “embrace of parting or meeting.”

Maly Velesov dream book Why do you dream about Hugging:

Hugging - Success in business // quarrel, betrayal; a guy hugs - bad, means illness (for a girl); hug relatives and friends - betrayal, quarrel; stranger - road; woman - treason.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Hugging:

Interpretation of the dream book: Hugging - Relatives or friends means betrayal, hugging a stranger portends the road.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Hugging:

Hug - Friends help, support. They want to hug you, or hug you without reciprocity; a feeling of loneliness, despite the presence of an environment.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing in a dream Hugging

In a dream, what does it mean to dream about Hugging - Relatives and friends - trouble - women - betrayal

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Hugging according to the dream book:

Hugging – Hugging in a dream means making friends with someone.

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does hugging mean?

Hugging - Treason, big quarrel.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Hugging according to the dream book:

Hugging – To a close-knit team of employees; to working in one place for a long time.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Hugging - To a quarrel, conflict.

Love dream book

Hugging - If you dreamed that you were hugging your chosen one and could not contain your feelings, you were promised peace and many years of happiness. If feelings are muted, then you are not destined to be together.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing hugging in a dream

Why do you dream about hugging - yearning, being sad about someone

Modern dream book If you dream about Hugging:

Solves the dream book: Hugging family, friends - Quarrel, troubles; girl - cheating

Dream interpretation guy hugs

Why do you dream about a guy hugging you in a dream?

The most obvious explanation for such a dream is the lack of warmth and care in real life. However, it can be interpreted in another way.

For example, great happiness and new meetings can be expected when a stranger hugs you in a dream. True, one should be careful and not rush, as they say, into the pool headlong.

The opposite meaning is a dream in which you are hugging a loved one or a guy you really like. It is likely that your relationship with him will not last, and quarrels and conflicts are possible, the cause of which will be a lack of mutual understanding and support.

When in a dream you see the hugs of someone close to you, but not your beloved (for example, a friend or brother), you should prepare for trouble. They may not be too serious, but it is unlikely that you will be able to cope with them without outside support.

In our dream book you can find out not only about the meaning of dreams about a guy hugging you, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a guy hugging in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Hugging a man you know

Dream Interpretation Hugging with a familiar man dreamed of why you dream about hugging a man you know? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Hugging a familiar man by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Hugging - If you dreamed that you were hugging your chosen one and could not contain your feelings, you were promised peace and many years of happiness. If feelings are muted, then you are not destined to be together.

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

relatives, friends - quarrels, troubles; hugging a woman is treason

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Hugging means yearning, being sad about someone.

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Hugging - Friends - help, support. They want to hug you, or hug you without reciprocity - a feeling of loneliness, despite the presence of an environment.

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Success in business // quarrel, betrayal; a guy hugs - bad, means illness (for a girl); hug relatives and friends - betrayal, quarrel; stranger - road; woman - treason.

Hugging a naked man

Dream Interpretation Hugging a naked man dreamed of why you dream about hugging a naked man? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Hugging a naked man in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Seeing a naked man

fear; woman - happiness, honor; yourself - disaster, misfortune

Dream Interpretation - Naked man

Fear awaits.

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

If in a dream you hug your relatives, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to gather them all on the occasion of a big family celebration.

Warmly hugging those who have come from afar after a long absence of friends foretells a brilliant course of affairs and excellent prospects in the future. Cuddling with strangers- to meet your future chosen one. Loving embraces with women - you will be suspected of committing a dishonorable act.

Hugging your husband - you will receive a gift from him, if he hugs you - he will drink away his salary. Hugging children in a dream is a sign of family joys and peace in the house; if they wrap their arms around you and kiss you, you will be courageous in misfortune with your loved ones, not giving free rein to tears. Desired, affectionate hugs mean success and prosperity. If in a dream you avoid the embraces of a hateful hanger-on or tipsy Don Juans, in real life you will experience a painful feeling of loneliness and orphanhood.

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

It is believed that hugging in a dream is with feeling loved one, a good sign and promises a trusting relationship with this person; hugging a stranger is a sign of deception. Sometimes such a dream indicates that an unexpected guest will come to you soon. Hugging a person of the opposite sex or a lover in a dream means that you will soon learn about treason and betrayal. After such a dream, be ready to part with him forever. For spouses, such a dream predicts quarrels. Hugging one's enemy in a dream means reconciliation. Perhaps reconciliation will not be obvious, but reconciliation in the soul. Hugging a dead person in a dream is a sign of death for the patient, unless it is your loved one. Healthy people such a dream predicts obstacles in business.

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Hug your husband - portends a happy event.

You hug your wife - portends a joyful situation.

If you hug your son or daughter, it foretells a squabble.

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Hugging - If you dreamed that you were hugging your chosen one and could not contain your feelings, you were promised peace and many years of happiness. If feelings are muted, then you are not destined to be together.

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Hugging - If you dreamed that you were hugging your chosen one and could not contain your feelings, you were promised peace and many years of happiness. If feelings are muted, then you are not destined to be together.

Dream Interpretation - Naked man

To illness. A stranger - be at risk of contracting viral infections; a familiar person - exacerbation of a chronic disease; loved one - receive news about a fatal illness of one of your relatives; child - to the death of a loved one from a long illness; a lot of naked people - the dream foreshadows a disaster in which your relatives or people you know will be injured.

Seeing yourself naked - your actions will lead to a scandal: you are the only one in the company who is naked - a quarrel with a person close to you will make you an outcast among your relatives; being naked without witnesses - you will demonstrate the ability to self-control throughout the scandal; your nakedness causes laughter among those present, but at the same time you do not feel shame - your frankness will cause a major quarrel; seeing yourself naked in a public place - your inappropriate actions will put you in a delicate position.

To see a representative of the opposite sex naked - you will experience financial turmoil: you admire the beauty of the body - the shine of small victories will hide the most important thing from you; ugly body - the cause of financial collapse will be the distrust of business partners in you; be disgusted by the nudity you see - you will be disgraced; to see an old flabby body - financial problems will drag on for a long time.

Imagine that the people you saw in your dream are dressed in beautiful, expensive, high-quality clothes.

A naked man swims in the water - forbidden love affairs that can cause unpleasant consequences: in clean water- innocent flirting will lead to a break in relations with the person you care about; V dirty water- yours love affairs will give rise to many rumors that can ruin your career; to see yourself floating in the water - you will be faced with a choice on which your family happiness depends.

Imagine that a person is swimming in a pool (see Swimming Pool). Try to catch his good mood, hear how he purrs a funny melody under his breath, infecting you with positive emotions.

Dream Interpretation - Naked

Shame, misfortune, they will steal; naked himself - shame, scolded, robbed, neither for good nor bad, illness, misfortune, troubles, poverty; in water - health; in the bathhouse - joy, soon to get married (for the girl), husband will soon die (for the married woman); naked man - fear (for a woman), trouble; naked woman - happiness // losses, unpleasant news, illness (for a man); beautiful - joy; ugly - misfortune; a friend naked - you will find out something shameful about him; stranger - fear; one of the relatives is sick.

Dream Interpretation - Naked (nudity)

“to bare your feelings” to show them off.

“to be naked in front of someone” to open up, trust, show sincerity. "The Naked King" conceit, self-deception.

"naked", "naked" essence.

“naked” poor, needy, “to be naked” shame, guilt, repentance, ruin.

Hugging with a girl you know

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Hugging in a dream means making friends with someone.

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

“welcome with open arms” (cordiality), “embrace (embrace) a wide range of issues,” “embrace a parting or meeting.”

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Relatives or friends mean betrayal; hugging a stranger portends the road.

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

If you dream about being fat beautiful woman in a dark dress, and you hug her in a dream, then most likely the next day you will catch a delicious animal (in our culture this means a successful deal, profit, success).

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Seeing a lot of girls in your house is good news. For men, seeing a nice-looking girl in a dream means big expenses; kissing her is a sign of unexpected and joyful events that will surprise you. A very young girl with a fresh blush on her face, which you dreamed of, means that you are about to have a pleasant meeting with a nice person, which will significantly improve your mood. An ugly girl you dreamed of foreshadows a disruption in the normal and calm course of your affairs or way of life. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows obstacles in business. A sick girl in a dream is a harbinger of bad news from a loved one. Perhaps someone close to you will get sick, which will greatly upset you. Dancing girl pleasant appearance in a dream - to a love date or good news. Buying or catching a girl in a dream is a sign of promotion; for a prisoner - release; for a sick person - recovery; for a rich person - benefit. A sad girl (or crying) in your dream means discord between lovers or partners. For a mother to see a blossoming young girl in her dream, the dream foretells receiving good news from her children. Being a girl in a dream - for a woman - is a harbinger of a pleasant pastime, which may be fraught with consequences for her, which will not slow down to affect her reputation; for a man such a dream is a sign of ill health; for people of creative professions - a surge of inspiration. See interpretation: lady, freak.

Dream Interpretation - Friends

A dream about acquaintances whom you see in a dream usually carries information about events or news that are closely related to your everyday life. An unexpected meeting or a chance conversation with them that surprises you in a dream, in reality means unexpected news and an unexpected turn in the relationship. Whatever impression you have about the meeting in a dream, so it will be in life. Quarreling with them in a dream means harm and experiences that will have a detrimental effect on your health. A lively conversation with a familiar person in a dream is a sign that your business, thanks to this person, will go uphill. A rude conversation with an acquaintance in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business and a breakdown in relationships. Feeling awkward when meeting friends in a dream means that your deception will be revealed. Trying to get to your friends in a dream foretells that you will have to endure a lot of suffering and humiliation in order to achieve their level of well-being and equal their status. If you dream that someone you know with whom you are in a quarrel is friendly towards you, then beware of a conspiracy against you for selfish purposes. Seeing your friend handsome in a dream is a sign that he thinks badly of you and will denigrate you anywhere, trying to damage your reputation.

Dream Interpretation - Friends

A dream in which you start a conversation with an acquaintance, having accidentally met him on the street, foreshadows the successful progress of industrial affairs, but unsatisfactory progress in your personal life. Arguing with friends in a raised voice foreshadows about the same thing in reality.

Avoiding in a dream meeting with acquaintances to whom you owe a considerable amount of money means that in reality you will be drawn into some kind of scam, from which it will be very difficult to get out of it with an unblemished reputation.

To be invited to visit and see many of your acquaintances there, but not be able to talk to any of them - in reality your path to true love will be long and winding, but will be worth all the effort spent on it.

To meet an acquaintance in a dream, whom you know as a stingy and petty person, and to be surprised by his kindness and generosity shown in a dream - this portends you joyful discoveries in the people around you who will give you love and respect. If in a dream you find out that your friend was raped, in reality, hurry to your friends in trouble. Hearing a familiar voice calling you for help in a dream means illness in real life of the one who called you.

Dream Interpretation - Girls

Girls always dream of honor, profit, and good society. In a dream, marrying a girl means that fate will give you tender love. If you see in a dream beautiful girl, then this dream is intended to remind you that small gifts support friendship. If the girl you dreamed of is not beautiful, this is a sign of rare devotion that your loved ones will show to you. Seeking marriage to a lovely young girl is an omen of prosperity in life. In a dream, kidnapping a girl by cunning or force means tears and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Dream Interpretation - Girl

When you see a girl in a dream, you need to be prepared for something amazing to happen in life, bringing with it a lot of joy.

If you see a girl combing her hair in a dream, someone in your family will soon get married. If you dreamed that you were combing your own hair, you will soon receive an expensive gift.

If you dreamed of a girl sledding, this portends separation from your loved one. A girl walking through a blooming spring garden promises prosperity, success in personal and social life, and abundance.

Seeing a girl laying out napkins on the table in a dream means that you will become a target for the machinations of gossips and deceivers.

If you dreamed of a girl with rapidly growing hair, this means that your dream will never come true. However, such a dream may foretell the receipt of small amounts of money, as well as the appearance of a rather stupid person on your way who will “put a spoke in your wheels.”

She hugged a man in her sleep and stroked his neck... What is this for?



Everything will be fine!! !

Ioanna Knyajna

Hugging a man in a dream means separation. Tested by personal experience.


By autumn. Autumn hormonal exacerbation. It will get closer to winter, be patient.

Agni Devi

To a sudden acquaintance.

Oleg Mashnenkov

to something interesting


you will separate from the man you love. in dreams it's always the other way around...


Well, I don’t know... This is probably exactly what you want in reality.

Ultimus Samurai

Elena Zubkova

I probably missed you

Igor Sidorov

Is he even familiar or just unknown? If unknown then to separation...

dron ivanov

This means - It will rain in Paris.

Empty ytmpE

Because you want sex.


get laid with someone

Olga Vlasenko

need to make a friend

Nastya Chirik

Grief associated with some man who is close to you. The initiative will be on his part

Ulvham Werewolf

to sex with a woman.

Yuri Manokhin

will you sit on the neck?)))

*** Veronica ***

Because when you are awake, you lack affection and tenderness and want a man.

Dreams, undoubtedly, sometimes bring no less, or even more, pleasant emotions than real events in reality.

Of course, there are also creepy, unpleasant, scary dreams, but often you still have to experience the most pleasant feelings. What could be more joyful than melting in the arms of your beloved man, or that guy you really like and about whom all your thoughts are!

Alas, it happens that the very young man you secretly like does not take steps towards you in reality. And then hugging him in dreams is even sweeter and more pleasant.

But besides emotions, the dream also carries a hidden meaning. And, perhaps, hugs with a guy, a beloved man, or maybe even a stranger, promise something very important, some significant changes.

So, when remembering dreams, it would be useful to find out why hugs are dreamed of - probably this does not happen in dreams without a reason. There is no need to rush, because the interpretation of the dream depends on exactly whose arms you found yourself in in your dreams and what they were like.

In addition, the emotional coloring of dreams is also extremely important. If, while hugging someone, you felt joy and happiness, calmness, pleasant peace - rest assured, the dream promises only the best. When feeling anxiety or sadness, it is worth remembering that there is a possibility of some losses or even separations in reality, or maybe just minor troubles.

The interpreter will tell you in more detail why hugs are dreamed of. The dream options are as follows:

  • Hugging in dreams with your own spouse.
  • Finding yourself in the hands of a stranger in a dream.
  • Tender, affectionate hugs in a dream.
  • I dream about someone hugging me very tightly.
  • Passionately hugging someone in a dream.
  • Hugging a friend, sister.
  • Hugging a child.
  • A loved one, a partner.
  • Hugging your loved one while feeling sad.
  • To be hugged by the guy you really like.
  • The one you like suddenly hugged you tightly in a dream.

Such visions most often leave a sweet, pleasant aftertaste after waking up. Sometimes you really want the dream to last and not end! But don’t rush to be sad, perhaps the dream book will predict events for you that will turn out to be no worse than those that happened in the dream itself!

What to expect in reality?

As already mentioned, when remembering a dream before interpreting it, it would also be useful to remember the feelings and emotions that overwhelmed you in it. Although in general, a dream about hugs cannot promise any trouble, since this is a good sign.

On the contrary, hugs are a symbol of friendship, affection, warmth and love. So rest assured, nothing bad awaits you in reality. But the dream book will tell you what exactly to expect.

1. As the dream book says, hugging your own husband (or wife) in dreams is a good, bright sign. It promises you happiness in your family and love life. Maybe, new period, the blossoming of feelings - strong, mature and conscious. There will be harmony and reliable peace in the family.

2. Such a dream, where you happened to feel the arms of a stranger, always portends a big surprise, most often unexpected guests. And this is where it’s worth carefully remembering what you felt.

If there is joy or at least calmness, then an unexpected surprise in reality will be pleasant for you, or even make you happy. But if it was very unpleasant for you in a dream, and you experienced any kind of negative experiences, the surprise is unlikely to bring you much joy.

3. Tender, affectionate and careful hugs in dreams are a symbol of great happiness in love. If you are still free, then know that this is temporary - very soon that same feeling will come into your life, and it will change you!

4. If you dream that someone is hugging you very passionately, beware of uncontrollable feelings in reality! You may be overwhelmed by a storm of joyful and pleasant emotions, but still, try to keep them under some control so as not to ruin everything.

5. A tight hug in dreams is a symbol of your man’s reliability. Do not doubt, your loved one is faithful to you, and you can definitely rely on him - there is no reason for jealousy or mistrust!

6. If you dream of hugging your girlfriend, sister, friend, this is also a good sign. A joyful meeting awaits you, which will bring many pleasant minutes!

7. Hugging a child in a dream is a wonderful sign. In reality, cloudless, serene happiness awaits you. Everything around will make you happy, problems will disappear as if by magic, and a white streak will come for a long time.

8. If your loved one hugged you, know that your union will be strong and harmonious. Be firmly confident in this, and do not be afraid of anything. It is your relationship that has a chance to become ideal if you believe in your partner and appreciate him!

9. Hugging someone you love while feeling sad is a warning. Perhaps some troubles may soon arise in your union. But don’t be afraid - everything depends only on you.

And if you can show patience and wisdom, if you remember how important it is to maintain a strong union and not lose trust in each other, if you always respect your partner, then no troubles are scary. You will be able to endure difficulties with dignity without losing anything - they will only make your relationship stronger!

10. Pleasant dream, in which you hugged a guy who you secretly (or openly) like in reality, means either a quick date with this person, or at least good news from him. You shouldn’t expect your chosen one to just propose to you tomorrow, but rest assured, this is a good sign.

11. If this same chosen one in your dreams unexpectedly hugs you tightly, in reality he will probably take a step towards you. Or maybe he is just thinking about it, but everything is not decided. Maybe you should take the first step?

Dreams of this kind are rare, and you are lucky to see a hug. Know that only good things are ahead - and believing in this will certainly make reality much happier!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Hugs can be desired or undesirable, because it all depends on the personality of the man who touches the woman. What does it mean to hug a man in a dream? You may have a dream unmarried girl and a spouse with family experience. Dream books will help you decipher the riddle.

Seeing the embrace of a beloved or desired man in a dream has no interpretation. Psychologists consider sleep a continuation of daytime dreams about the object of love. For young girls a dream with hugs is a symbol of the desire to find a loved one and arrange your personal life.

However, not only a desired man or an abstract young man (collective image), but also an enemy can come into a dream. The image of a man can be different:

  • stranger;
  • relative;
  • comrade;
  • boss;
  • dead.

Hugs with the person you want, with whom you have not seen for a long time - to an unexpected meeting, renewal of relations. This dream has an interpretation if you have not thought about this person for a long time. If you had thoughts, then the dream is a reflection of your daydreams.

Hugs of the spouse in a dream they promise a quarrel and misunderstanding, followed by reconciliation and an apology. If your spouse hugged you himself, it means that a plan of betrayal has matured in his head. If there were hugs and kisses on his part, the fact of betrayal is already obvious.

Embrace of a stranger in the presence of her husband- to a scandal based on jealousy. The husband can be jealous, and jealousy on the part of the wife is also possible. Do not bring the conflict to the point of no return, try to smooth out the rough edges.

Hugging your ex-spouse- you are too attached to your past life, it’s time to get rid of it. Until you banish the past from your life, you will not be able to find the present.

Embrace of a Stranger promise a meeting with interesting person, if the man’s appearance was attractive. A stranger with a repulsive appearance prophesies misfortune. Either you will meet a rogue or become a victim of violence.

If there was a hug with a stranger In bathroom when the water tap is open, the meeting will be short-lived - only memories will remain from the novel.

If your spouse or guy hugging unknown girl in your dream - there is a reason for jealousy. The man has a fan whose attention flatters his pride.

If a guy hugs the dreamer from the back in a dream, it means he has dishonest intentions. He just wants to have fun with you for a while.

Hugging with relatives- soon there will be an opportunity to get everyone together for a festive dinner. The occasion for the meeting will be joyful.

Friendly hugs

Hugging with a friend- to a quick separation from him. If a friend lives in a different place, then the hug promises a quick meeting. The dream of hugging a relative has the same meaning.

If a friend cried during a hug, the dream foreshadows an imminent loss. Embrace With married man in a dream portends troubles in family life and divorce from her husband.

Hugging with the boss- get a chance to take advantage of his favor. Don't miss the opportunity to improve your position in the workplace - now is the time.

Hugging the enemy- to reconciliation. The dream book considers a repeating plot with the friendly embrace of the enemy to be a good omen. However, if the initiator of the hug was the enemy, expect a trick on his part.

Hugging the deceased- the dream does not have an unambiguous interpretation. If the deceased caused unpleasant feelings, expect illness and sadness. If you hugged a relative or friend, the planned business will be carried out successfully.

Hugging your dead father- to gain a strong patron who can replace the help of his father. You also have to make a responsible decision, on which your future fate will depend.

Interpretation by days of the week

The interpretation of the dream also depends on the day of the week on which you saw the plot of interest:

  • Sunday night - your sex life is not distinguished by prudence;
  • Tuesday night - the hero of your dream is a noble man;
  • Wednesday night - to harmonious relationships;
  • Thursday night - your partner is playing a double game;
  • Friday night - to family troubles;
  • Saturday night - promises illness and family conflicts;
  • Sunday night - you will receive a pleasant surprise.

Meaning according to dream books

Miller's Dream Book promises family troubles if spouses hug in a dream. Hugs from relatives promise trouble and illness. If you hugged someone with a feeling of gratitude or joy, the dream prophesies happiness. Hugging a stranger means unexpected arrival of guests.

Dream book of lovers also foreshadows a family scandal if spouses hugged in a dream. Hugging your loved one in a dream and experiencing positive emotions is fortunate.

New family dream book portends family troubles if a husband and wife hug each other in a dream. Hugging a loved one with joy is a sign of happiness in life. The embrace of a stranger - to unexpected guests.

Modern combined dream book also considers hugs between husband and wife a bad omen - disagreements and a showdown await you. Hugging relatives in a dream means they will soon get sick. The joyful embrace of lovers promises happiness, the sad embrace promises quarrels due to jealousy. A stranger dreams of uninvited guests.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse believes that hugs symbolize love. If someone hugs you in a dream, it means they feel a feeling of love and sympathy. If the dreamer hugs someone, it means he will be able to carry out his plan.

Dream book of a gypsy sees in this plot uncontrollable feelings that can lead to trouble. A strong, tender hug promises the spouses a happy family idyll.

Erotic dream book believes that the symbol of hugs is the fear of losing something or someone dear to the dreamer. Hugs are a desire to preserve a piece of happiness that fills the dreamer’s heart.

Longo's Dream Interpretation prophesies reconciliation after a scandal or the creation of a new family. If you have a dream during the waxing period of the moon, expect joyful events with a small amount of sadness.

Why do you dream if in your night dreams you happened to hug someone? Hugs in a dream symbolize the possibility, need or desire for contact in any of its manifestations. However, it is important to remember who exactly you were squeezing in your own vision. Dream books will tell you where to look for answers.

Interpretation of the plot according to Miller

Did you dream that you hugged your wife or husband with tenderness and love? Wait in reality great joy and great relationships. A bit of sadness during a hug promises domestic troubles.

Why do you dream if you had to hug a relative or loved one? Alas, the dream book prophesies illness or a quarrel. If a lover hugs his chosen one in a dream, then most likely he will quarrel with her.

If in a dream you were filled with joy from meeting, then in real world you will know true happiness. But the hug of a stranger guarantees unexpected guests.

Opinion of Danilova’s erotic dream book

Why do you dream about hugs? In dreams, they rarely reflect a desire for intimacy with sexual overtones. On the contrary, it is a symbol that you are afraid of losing someone or something. Moreover, if in reality you are worried about a certain person, then it is not surprising that in a dream you hug him warmly.

Dream hugs ensure a close connection in real life and harmony in any relationship. Moreover, the tighter you hug someone, the closer and stronger your attachment to this character.

Interpretation according to the eastern dream book

Did you dream that you were hugging with great tenderness and love? In reality, they are quite happy with their situation and do not intend to change anything. If at the same time your heart is filled with joyful and happy feelings, then by overcoming life’s obstacles you have earned prosperity and well-being.

Why do you dream if you have to hug with force and with obvious hostility? The dream book believes that you will have to choose between loneliness and an unpleasant union.

Hugging your spouse means a long and cloudless life family happiness. Parents - to commit good deeds that will help improve their future fate. Hugging animals in a dream means that you will receive complete satisfaction in life.

Interpretation of Medea's dream book

Why do you dream of friendly hugs? It is a symbol of devotion, selflessness and mutual respect. If in a dream you literally squeeze someone in your arms, then the hope that was once lost will return. However, the character you happened to hug in a dream will most likely leave your destiny or play a minor role in it. Hugging while making love means that you have to literally fight for your own happiness.

Why do you dream of hugging and kissing?

Hugs and kisses in a dream can symbolize varying degrees of love or friendship. Depending on the type of kiss and the strength of the hug, they reflect both light flirting or friendly relations, and ardent passion or true friendship.

Did you happen to hug and kiss someone in a dream? Deep down in your soul, you experience a feeling that, through some invisible threads, ties you to a certain person. Moreover, this may turn out to be a completely different person, and not a strictly dream character.

Hugging and kissing with joy means quick happiness, with sadness and sadness means parting. Sometimes such stories indicate some kind of spiritual breakthrough, liberation from past attachments or habits. Literally a farewell before complete cleansing.

What does it mean to hug from behind, by the legs?

Did you dream that you were hugging someone from behind? Long-time hopes and aspirations will come true. If in a dream you gently hugged your chosen one from behind, then you are guaranteed years of happiness and love. In the absence of any emotions, the vision promises a quick separation or an unstable union.

In a dream, did someone suddenly hug you from behind? In the real world, the same unexpected event will happen. If someone is trying to escape from your embrace, then you should accept the changes that have already happened in life.

Why do you dream if you had to hug someone’s legs? This is an eloquent symbol of absolute submission and obedience. Sometimes a dream hints at the possibility or desire to beg for forgiveness.

In a dream, hug when meeting

Did you dream that you met an old friend and hugged him? The vision is a clue that indicates in which area changes are possible. Remember what was connected in the past with this person.

Why do you dream that you suddenly rushed to hug during a business meeting? Great difficulties await you in business sphere or at work. These may be unexpected obstacles or difficulties, you will have to make a difficult choice or make a fateful decision.

Have you ever hugged a friend or loved one when meeting you at the airport or train station? Soon a problem will surface that will require immediate intervention. The same image marks the receipt of news from afar.

It is bad to hug guests in a dream. In reality, you will have to communicate with hostile people. Moreover, excessively violent and emotional hugs upon meeting indicate a period of complete loneliness and melancholy.

What does it mean to hug when saying goodbye?

Why do you dream that you happened to hug someone goodbye? If at the same time you felt a pleasant slight euphoria, then you will know pleasure and have a pleasant time. A bit of sadness and sadness hints at minor losses.

Hugging and experiencing difficult feelings means that soon you will really part with your loved one. An easy separation reflects a mandatory meeting with this person in the future.

Hugging a character when saying goodbye for a long time means a bad trip. Did you dream that you were hugged? An upcoming business trip or just a visit to another city will bring many useful acquaintances and pleasant impressions. In a dream, hugging your loved one before separation literally means that the romantic relationship is at a dead end. You need to either break up or renew your relationship.

I dreamed about hugging a loved one, husband, ex

Why do you dream that you had a chance to hug your husband (wife)? This is a sure sign of impending misunderstandings and disagreements based on everyday life. For a person in love to hug his chosen one - to quarrels and jealousy. I dreamed that hugs brought a lot positive emotions? In reality, happiness and mutual love await you.

Did you dream that your ex was trying to hug you? For an indefinite period, loneliness and melancholy will become your companions. If someone tries to hug you, and you resist it, then even in a crowd friendly attitude you remain alone. Hugging colleagues in a dream is good. In reality, your team will be united and friendly, and you will work in your chosen place for a long time.

Why do you dream of hugging a child?

In general, hugging children in a dream is always good. This is a sign that joy and harmony will settle in the house. But if you dreamed that a strange and very dirty child was trying to hug and kiss, then you are about to experience some kind of misfortune.

In a dream, hugging a baby means longevity and preservation of youth until a very old age. Why do you dream that you happen to hug a small child? A pleasant meeting with relatives or friends is coming. But if you dreamed that the baby was whining or was not healthy, then the reason for the meeting itself would not be very happy.

Why dream that you are trying to hug a whole bunch of kids? Numerous hassles and excessive fuss will only upset your plans. Did you dream that your own child hugged you? There will be new concerns in the real world. Seeing children hugging means reconciliation after a quarrel, stability and general satisfaction with life.

Why hug a dead person in a dream?

Unlucky to hug a dead person in a dream? Alas, in reality you will have to say goodbye to great hope. The same plot can symbolize joy, profit, illness and even death. But you shouldn’t make hasty conclusions. The interpretation of the dream depends entirely on your personal feelings and how you generally feel about visions involving the dead.

Why do you dream that you hugged the deceased and experienced real happiness? In real life, joyful events and a successful combination of circumstances are coming. If, having embraced a dead man, you felt cold in your soul, then difficult trials are in store for you - a deterioration in your life situation, illness and even death.

What does it mean to hug an angel or a witch in the night?

Did you dream that an angel hugged you or did you personally reach out to him? Get ready for dramatic, not necessarily favorable, changes. If the dream atmosphere was bright and friendly, then these will be good changes. There is a possibility of receiving an inheritance.

If the angel cried and was sad, then get ready to undergo a difficult test. Try to think through every step and not make hasty decisions. Why do you dream that you happen to hug a smiling angel? Soon there will be a chance in your life to find your true love, try not to miss it.

What does it mean if you had to hug a witch in a dream? This plot hints that you strive to satisfy your own whims at any cost. Look for illicit entertainment and meet strange people.

Alas, very soon you will be deeply disappointed in your chosen lifestyle and will have a lot of problems. In addition, imaginary friends will abandon you, and unbearable melancholy will settle in your heart. Did you dream that you were hugging a good witch? This plot has the opposite interpretation. Incredible powers and abilities that will change your life awaken in you. But be careful - excessive frankness can cause a scandal.

In a dream, hug a dog, a bear, a wolf

Why do you dream if you had to hug a huge dog? You get along well with people, and this gives you a good chance of achieving your desired goal. This same image promises loyal friends and decent allies.

Did you dream that you were hugging a trained bear? Very soon a calm, good-natured and compliant person will appear in your life who will help you improve your life.

For men, hugging a bear in a dream symbolizes strength and masculinity. For women, such a plot promises a new lover or future spouse. At the same time, the bear warns of a dangerous connection.

Why dream if you hugged and slept with a bear? An idea has been brewing in your head for a long time, but you can’t wait to share it with others. Take your time and think it through as best you can.

Did you dream that you were hugging a wolf? In the real world, you will have to communicate with a person whom you thought was not very good, believing bad rumors. However, upon closer acquaintance, your opinion will change dramatically. In a dream you literally hugged a wolf sheep's clothing? There is a friend, partner or ally nearby who is planning to harm you.

What does it mean to hug a friend or enemy in a dream?

Why do you dream if you had to hug an enemy? In reality you will defeat him and will certainly achieve success. In addition, the plot points to a quick reconciliation with a friend. Sometimes hugging an enemy in a dream literally means that a real war is taking place in the soul. Try to accept yourself and move forward.

Did you dream that you were hugging a friend? Alas, this is a warning about temporary or final separation from him. If in a dream you met an old friend and hugged him passionately, then in reality you will have to do things that you had forgotten about.

Why do you dream of hugging new, yet unknown to you friends? You will discover a rather unusual talent in yourself, and a new business will bring good luck and satisfaction.

Why hug a tree?

Did you dream that you were hugging a tree? Consider that in a dream you received the necessary energy boost. Pay attention to the appearance of the plant itself and personal emotions. This will help you understand why this image is being dreamed about.

It is good to hug strong, flowering, green and fruit-bearing trees. The dream guarantees universal prosperity, stability and prosperity.

If a stunted, sick or withered tree was present in your dream, then you have health problems. Moreover, the vision predicts failure in a very important enterprise, but can sometimes reflect a relationship with an elderly person.

Hugging in a dream - even more examples

To better understand the plot, it is necessary to take into account as accurately as possible the personality of the character who had to be hugged. In addition, deciphering additional nuances will help.

  • hugging relatives - troubles, quarrel
  • friend - pleasant meeting
  • stranger - unexpected guest
  • loved one - separation, quarrel
  • spouse - a happy event
  • wife - good luck at work
  • husband - gift
  • he hugs - he drinks away his salary
  • son/daughter – family conflict
  • mother - respect, love
  • father - good luck in business, at work
  • parents - stability
  • grandparents - wisdom, useful tips
  • ancestors - spiritual search, gaining knowledge
  • brother - pleasure
  • sister - improvement of conditions
  • first love - significant changes
  • lover/mistress – dissatisfaction, secret desires
  • stranger/stranger – meeting your chosen one
  • colleague/co-worker – complete mutual understanding, trust
  • boss to a man - profit
  • woman - harassment
  • famous artist - new goals, hope
  • another celebrity - success, manifestation of qualities characteristic of this character
  • your bride - reconciliation of friends
  • someone else's - the appearance of an opponent
  • for a woman to hug the bride - danger
  • hugging a girl - betrayal, jealousy
  • guy - changes at work
  • man - troubles, obstacles
  • woman - a dishonorable act
  • enemy - victory over difficulties
  • pet - peace, joy
  • wild beast - moderate your ambitions, emotions
  • cat - flattery, deceit
  • dog - friend
  • hugging someone who is far away - meeting him
  • who is nearby - separation
  • hug passionately - uncontrollable emotions
  • firmly, but gently - happiness, luck
  • rough - test
  • pleasant hugs - success, prosperity
  • unpleasant - bad luck, failure
  • sit in arms - you are loved
  • wear - fulfillment of plans
  • hugging shoulders - respect, friendly support
  • behind the neck - pressure, direction
  • by the legs - submission, servility
  • around the waist - close contact
  • for the fifth point - flattery, an attempt to adapt
  • hugging, saying goodbye - theft, loss
  • leaving on your own - need a rest

I dreamed that you were hugging an unknown creature, perhaps from other world? It is this essence that constantly accompanies you in real life. If the creature was friendly or pleasant in feel, but not necessarily beautiful, then it has a positive influence and there is nothing to be afraid of.