Lunar day in July. Thirteenth lunar day

The star of the night dictates its own laws, and in order for you to avoid failures in 2016 and be able to plan your time and energy, we have prepared for you useful tips and recommendations for every day of July 2016.

Astrological tips will allow you to navigate the lunar and solar rhythms, take into account the peculiarities of lunar days, in order to always be in good health and good mood.

Lunar calendar for every day of July 2016

July 1 - Friday

25/26 l. d. (02:06), Moon in Taurus/Gemini

Try to be friendly and polite today, no matter how you are provoked into different behavior and perception of reality. A good day to start traveling and traveling.

The magic of alexandrite stone

There are many beliefs associated with alexandrite, despite the fact that it is a rather rare mineral, a jewelry variety of chrysoberyl. Although staunch atheists and materialists believe that alexandrite changes color depending on the light, there is another theory. According to this theory, alexandrite retains a greenish color if its owner is not threatened. If the owner is in potential danger, the crystal changes color to an alarming crimson-bloody, warning and alarming its owner.

Another belief states that alexandrite can only be worn in pairs. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Those who are called Alexandras do not need a pair for the crystal, and those who have close relatives of Alexandra, men or women - it does not matter.

July 2 - Saturday

26/27 (02:40), Moon in Gemini

A good day for planning a family budget, writing business plans, thinking through financial and trade deals. You can plan as much as you like, but do not make final decisions.

July 3 - Sunday

27/28 l. d. (03:23), Moon in Gemini/Cancer

A good day for registering a marriage and for a fun wedding, for reaching agreements. Do only those things that you enjoy. A visit to a beauty salon is beneficial.

Twenty-eighth lunar day

The day of awakening creative energies, revealing your talents and abilities. It is intended for us to learn to control our emotions, to accept everything that happens to us with gratitude: negative emotions must be extinguished. The best day to get out of crisis and conflict. The day is perfect for starting new businesses and purchasing real estate. It's good to start learning something. You can plan all your activities for the next month on this day - your plans will be implemented without any special expenses.

July 4 - Monday

28/29/1 l. d. (04:19/14:01), Moon in Cancer, new moon at 14:01

Today, weigh your every action, word and thought on the scales of your conscience, do not let temptations get the better of you. It is useful to have a fasting day.

New Moon in Cancer

The New Moon in Cancer opens a month in which family values ​​and strengthening the family come first. Time family happiness and complete dissolution in the partner. A good period for weddings, buying real estate, as well as renovating an apartment or car.

July 5 - Tuesday

1/2 l. d. (05:25), Moon in Cancer/Leo

It is advisable to wake up as early as possible and immediately get down to business. It is best to deal with current issues. You can start traveling and business trips.

First lunar day

The first lunar day is favorable for introspection, self-knowledge and psychological practices. A great day to track the manifestation of your complexes and fears, remember your childhood and understand the causes of current problems and complexes.

Seemingly perfect little things and accidents can help you: for example, you get stuck in a traffic jam not far from the house where you lived as a child, you are nervous because of the delay on the way and suddenly you remember how angry you were with your father for coming home too late and you're late for the football match. And since then, you perceive every situation of “forced downtime” extremely painfully, and you personally have developed a “fad” for punctuality, because of which you sometimes arrive at the place an hour earlier than necessary. And Byron, by the way, argued that “punctuality is the thief of time.”

July 6 - Wednesday

2/3 l. d. (06:38), Moon in Leo

A day of joy and communication, exchange of information and experience. It is useful to exercise and improve physical health. You can file a lawsuit.

Third lunar day

Risk your personal life, just like risking your life and success in life in general is not the best idea, is it? Therefore, just try not to get annoyed once again with your loved ones and your partner, even if, in your opinion, they deserve it a thousand times over. Don’t start arguments and quarrels, don’t say bad things to anyone (and if possible, don’t even think bad things).

July 7 - Thursday

3/4 l. d. (07:54), Moon in Leo

The energies of the day are not conducive to business, social and commercial activities. You should be especially careful about the words you say. It is advisable to devote the evening to family.

July 8 - Friday

4/5 l. d. (09:11), Moon in Leo/Virgo (01:40)

Day of activity and initiative. If you have been planning to do something for a long time and could not decide, then today is the day when you can take a risk, take responsibility and achieve the desired result.

July 9 - Saturday

5/6 l. d. (10:25), Moon in Virgo

A good day to register a marriage and for a fun “my big Greek wedding” type wedding. Today it is undesirable to be alone, especially sad.

July 10 - Sunday

6/7 l. d. (11:38), Moon in Virgo/Libra

A wonderful day for new acquaintances, casual communication, funny harmless jokes and joyful surprises. Do not forget that “we cannot predict how our word will respond,” and be prepared for the most unpredictable situations.

July 11 - Monday

7/8 l. d. (12:50), Moon in Libra

Today you can hold important social events and sign important legal documents. The less rest you have, the more you will have time to do. The day is unfavorable for shopping.

Eighth lunar day

On the eighth lunar day, it will be more prudent to abstain from sexual contacts, including marital ones. On this day you can “burn” your past, cut it off and start life anew, as if you were just born today. A good day for a secluded relaxation. As in “Confessions of the Son of the Century” by Alfred de Musset: “The madman wants to possess the sky, the sage admires it, kneels and has no desires.”

July 12 - Tuesday

8/9 l. d. (14:01), Moon in Libra/Scorpio

Today it is advisable to remain silent as much as possible, work with documents, and engage in self-education. Signing documents is not recommended. Fasting is beneficial.

Eighth lunar day

On this day it is useful to meditate on fire - with sufficient concentration and concentration on the subject of meditation, you can receive a revelation.

It’s bad to get burned on the eighth lunar day, even worse - if your electricity is turned off (as bad as if your candle goes out): this means that you have made serious mistakes, and you will have to start something all over again, return to the original positions in the area of ​​life where you made these mistakes.

July 13 - Wednesday

9/10 l. d. (15:11), Moon in Scorpio

In the first half of the day, be especially attentive to food - there is a high risk of food poisoning. With the beginning of the 10th lunar day, you can go shopping. The things you buy today will serve you for a long time.

July 14 - Thursday

10/11 l. d. (16:20), Moon in Scorpio

A good day for resolving serious financial issues, signing agreements and concluding contracts. The purchases you make today will bring you joy for a long time.

The magic of alexandrite stone

Alexandrite helps to resist temptation and not succumb to temptation, brings peace and tranquility to the soul. An excellent crystal for meditation (only natural; it is pointless to meditate on synthetic alexandrite). It is considered the stone of monks and philosophers, hermits who renounced everything worldly. It is not recommended to wear alexandrite to people who are attached to things and material goods, since the mineral “tests their strength,” sending all sorts of difficulties and forcing them to overcome obstacles. For people, “not of this world” acts as a talisman, like a cat’s eye.

Alexandrite is a good stone for strong people who do not run away from trials, but withstand them with honor.

July 15 - Friday

11/12 l.d. (17:27), Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius

The day is favorable for communication, new acquaintances, making useful connections and contacts. It's good to go on trips and trips. Exercise is beneficial.

July 16 - Saturday

12/13 l. d. (18:32), Moon in Sagittarius

It is advisable to spend this day at work, caring for those who are near and dear to you. If you feel lonely, doing something good for other people without expecting anything in return, not even a simple “thank you,” will be the best cure for depression.

Protection from the evil eye and damage. Amulets against misfortune

If you are in old clothes unexpectedly found some small money, then buy some trinket with it and keep it with you. This is your talisman, and it will bring you good luck and also protect you from misfortune.

July 17 - Sunday

13/14 l. d. (19:31), Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn

Today, attempts to look into the future may be crowned with success. The day is favorable for shopping and sewing clothes, for self-education. It is not advisable to travel far from home.

Thirteenth lunar day

One of the critical days of the lunar month. Everything that happens to us on this day is deserved by us. On this day, many situations are repeated, people and events from the past return to us. We once made a mistake in a similar situation, and on this day we are given the opportunity to correct it. If nothing can be corrected, then we must sincerely repent and mentally ask for forgiveness from those with whom we did not treat properly. It is wise to use the 13th lunar day to break off relationships with people who bring disharmony into your life and take away your energy. Beginnings on the 13th lunar day are unfavorable.

July 18 - Monday

14/15 l. d. (20:21), Moon in Capricorn

A good day to complete previously started tasks. It is not recommended to show increased business activity, be in crowded places, or go on trips and trips.

The magic of the mineral opal

A given opal gives rise to hostile feelings towards the giver. However, contrary to these superstitions, many magicians consider opal to be a good stone that helps to forget the insults caused by a loved one and helps to survive failures. It is believed that opal has absorbed the life-giving power of water. Ancient sources mention a case when lost travelers managed to get out of the desert only because each had a piece of opal under their tongue, which prevented them from dying of thirst.

Opal cannot stand the bright sun; it “dies” from the sun’s rays, becomes dull and loses its charm.

July 19 - Tuesday

15/16 l. d. (21:03), Moon in Capricorn

The rhythms of the day set the mood for intellectual and business activity. It is very important to wake up in a good mood and maintain it unchanged throughout the day.

July 20 - Wednesday

16/17 l. d. (21:37), Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius, full moon at 01:58

It's time to translate your ideas into the material world. But you need to be aware of everything you say and do. A good day to gain new knowledge.

July 21 - Thursday

17/18 l. d. (22:05), Moon in Aquarius

An excellent day for practical actions, solving material issues, planning income and expenses. Try to keep your emotions under strict control of your mind.

Seventeenth lunar day

A great day for new acquaintances, engagement and marriage. It is good to register a marriage of mutual love, based not on passion and hasty acquaintance, but on long-term relationships and confidence in one’s feelings. On this day, you may be visited by love - a passion that most often arises at first sight. A wonderful day for holding all kinds of holidays and feasts, however, it is advisable not to overdo it with alcohol.

July 22 - Friday

18/19 l. d. (22:28), Moon in Aquarius/Pisces

Today it is contraindicated to be lazy and remain idle. The rhythms of the lunar day point us to the world as a large mirror, which reflects our own attitude towards the world and towards people.

July 23 - Saturday

19/20 l. d. (22:48), Moon in Pisces

A good day for restoration and improvement of relationships, for reconciliation. It is best to spend this day in peace and harmony, taking care of people close to you.

Nineteenth lunar day

The day gives us the opportunity to change. If we blame everyone but ourselves for all our difficulties and don’t even try to improve, then we’d better spend this day at home and not go out anywhere. If we are ready to work on ourselves, to change ourselves, then the world around us will change. On this day, a bitter melancholy may fall upon us completely unreasonably, and the desire to drink may arise. It is necessary to clearly analyze what is happening around you, get rid of illusions and negativity in yourself, transforming it into a positive attitude.

July 24 - Sunday

20/21 l. d. (23:07), Moon in Pisces/Aries (15:32)

The rhythms of the day incline us to rest and complete relaxation. You can spend this day the way you want, without being overtired in any way. Any health practices are useful.

The magic of rhodonite stone

Stone of art, awakening hidden talents. Reveals to its owner the essence of things, gives the opportunity to see the past and future. Strengthens mental strength and self-confidence.

Rhodonite has strong energy, enhances the aura of its owner, creating a kind of “body armor” against damage and the evil eye. Improves memory and boosts immunity, strengthens health.

Rhodonite is a talisman for artists and creative people, as well as teachers.

Rhodonite balls work best (you can also carry such a ball in a keychain).

July 25 - Monday

21/22 l. d. (23:26), Moon in Aries

It is useful to visit a bathhouse or sauna, engage in physical exercise and sports. All things that you have carefully thought through and planned in advance will be successful. In the evening you can have a small family celebration.

Twenty-first lunar day

A good day for magical practices. Mastery Day own energy and getting rid of fears and complexes.

July 26 - Tuesday

22/23 l. d. (23:47), Moon in Aries/Taurus

This Tuesday may be a day of unpredictability and various surprises. Try to accept with gratitude absolutely everything that life sends you. What seems like an insoluble problem today may seem like great happiness tomorrow.

July 27 - Wednesday

23 l. d., Moon in Taurus

A good day to start business trips and any trips. It is useful to engage in physical exercise and sports, and walk as much as possible. It is best to solve problems as soon as they arise.

Magical properties of plants

Each tree, each flower has its own reputation, which has developed over the centuries. Many healers, sorcerers and soothsayers in their miraculous manipulations resorted to the help of well-known plants. Ancient sages and healers often attributed misfortunes and failures that happen to people to the harmful influence of one or another flower. Some plants are especially loved by the people: it is believed that positive biocurrents emanate from them and they can bring good luck in business, a cheerful mood, and even prolong a person’s life, protecting him from many troubles. There are also those that, on the contrary, are notorious, and superstitious people avoid planting them near their home or decorating their premises.

July 28 - Thursday

23/24 l. d. (00:11), Moon in Taurus/Gemini

Today it is useful to meditate at a source of water - it will help you cope with doubts and gain confidence. This is a day of contemplation and reflection, try to avoid fatigue.

What can stones do?

Since ancient times, people have attributed semi-precious and precious stones magical properties, believed that this or that mineral protected them from the evil eye, helped to win the heart of a loved one, relieved them of a fatal illness, etc. Today, despite the fact that most people are convinced that they have completely gotten rid of the prejudices inherent in their distant ancestors, many still resort to hidden magical powers hidden in the stones. Centuries of experience have revealed that each stone has properties that can play a significant role in correcting a person’s life, enhancing his natural qualities and revealing those that he did not even suspect.

July 29 - Friday

24/25 l. d. (00:41), Moon in Gemini

But today is not a good day to make plans. Just solve questions and problems as they arise, without delaying anything. This is a day of active work, when you cannot be afraid to take responsibility.

July 30 - Saturday

25/26 l. d. (01:19), Moon in Gemini

An ideal day to relax at home with your family. Even better is relaxing in the country, but not in the garden beds, but on a sun lounger in the shade of trees. It is very important to live this day in peace and harmony with your loved ones.

Color meanings. Green color

This color is associated with peace and harmony. In the East it is considered the color of longevity. Green belongs to the wood element. It is good to use in the bedroom as it calms and relieves tension.

July 31 - Sunday

26/21 l. d. (02:08), Moon in Gemini/Cancer

A great day to start traveling and traveling. It's also good to be on a trip. In no case should you be guided by feelings - all decisions today can (and should) be made only after mature reflection.

In the midst of summer, you want to take a long-awaited vacation and enjoy the beauty of a garden filled with sounds and colors. But in July, gardeners rarely manage to fully appreciate all the delights of midsummer. To traditional caregiving responsibilities, which become more intense due to high temperatures air, there is also more trouble in the decorative garden. It is in this month that biennials are planted and actively fight weeds. True, it is not easy to find days favorable for planting in July in accordance with the lunar cycle: this is a time of active struggle and prevention, tireless care for crops.

Brief lunar work calendar for July 2016

Days of the month Zodiac sign Moon phase Type of work
July 1 Taurus/Gemini (from 14:45) decreasing active garden care
July 2 Twins caring for vegetables and vines
3 July Gemini/Cancer (from 16:21) work with vegetables and prevention
4th of July Cancer new moon harvesting, harvesting and protection
5'th of July growing crops and prevention
July 6 a lion care and protection of ornamental crops
July 7
July 8 Virgo working with ornamental plants
July 9
July 10 Virgo/Libra (from 11:33) protection, harvesting and working with perennials
July 11 Scales gardening and sowing biennials
July, 12 first quarter
July 13 Scorpion growing care, pruning and cleaning
the 14 th of July
July 15 Scorpio/Sagittarius (from 12:15) sowing, weeding and harvesting
July 16 Sagittarius weed and shoot control, composting
July 17th
July 18 Capricorn sowing, planting and harvesting
July 19
July 20 Aquarius full moon care of beds and decorative objects, composting,
21 July decreasing working with soil and basic care
July 22 Aquarius/Pisces (from 11:36) plant protection, basic care and harvesting
July 23 Fish protection, harvesting and seed collection
July 24 Pisces/Aries (from 15:34) protection and basic care
July 25 Aries basic care and reseeding
26 July
July 27 Taurus fourth quarter replanting and lawn work
July 28th decreasing
July 29 Twins vegetable care, soil work and preparations
July 30
July 31 Cancer cleaning, fertilizing and weeding

Detailed lunar calendar of a gardener for July 2016

July 1, Friday

The combination of two zodiac signs allows you to effectively distribute almost all types of gardening work. In the morning it is favorable to engage in reproduction, fertilizing and sowing. But after lunch it’s worth paying attention to vegetables and soil

  • repeated sowing and planting of any plants (in the morning);
  • mowing the lawn and ground covers (in the morning);
  • fertilizing and watering the lawn (in the morning);
  • vegetative propagation of herbaceous perennials that have completed flowering, including daffodils and irises (before lunch);
  • pinching and tying tomatoes (in the evening);
  • pinching shoots to thicken the bushes of vegetable crops (in the afternoon);
  • hilling potatoes (after lunch);
  • transplanting strawberry tendrils;
  • inspections of plants for traces of pests and diseases, preventive work (measures against ground pests are especially effective);
  • fertilizing ornamental plants;
  • loosening the soil and other work with the soil, especially in the garden
  • watering in the afternoon;
  • fertilizers for vegetable plants

July 2, Saturday

With the exception of watering, any plant care work can be carried out on this day. Attention should be paid to vines, decorative compositions, and favorite vegetables

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • hilling vegetables;
  • loosening the soil and weeding;
  • pinching and pinching shoots of vegetable plants;
  • installation of supports and garter in the garden;
  • working with garden vines and climbing berry crops;
  • harvesting berry plants;
  • pruning of ornamental shrubs;
  • lawn mowing;
  • feeding indoor plants and summermen in the garden

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • sowing and planting vegetable plants;
  • watering in any form

July 3, Sunday

It is better to devote this day to vegetable crops, in particular, timely pinching and staking. Prevention in any form will also be effective.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • pinching and gartering tomatoes (until evening);
  • pinching shoots on cucumbers and pumpkins (in the morning);
  • hilling and mulching of potatoes (morning or afternoon);
  • preventive measures against the spread of pests and diseases (in the evening);
  • watering and fertilizing for ornamental plants, trees and shrubs;
  • sowing green manure

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • watering plants in the morning

July 4th, Monday

A favorable day for the treatment of plants affected by diseases or pests, basic care. You can use this day to clean the area and harvest

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • harvesting;
  • drying and processing of vegetables and herbs;
  • pest, weed and disease control;
  • watering, lightly fluffing the soil and updating the mulch;
  • fertilizing with potassium fertilizers;
  • cleaning the site;
  • mowing the lawn.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • sowing any crops;
  • replanting or dividing plants;
  • pinching the tops of shoots and pruning in any form

July 5, Tuesday

This is a great day to plant not only biennials, but also new lawns. Prevention and grafting procedures on fruit plants will also be effective.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • sowing biennials;
  • seeding new lawns and closing bald spots;
  • grafting on fruit trees;
  • collection of medicinal herbs;
  • preventive spraying;
  • hay making

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • watering and fertilizing;
  • working with soil;
  • planting vegetables and ornamental plants (except biennials)

July 6-7, Wednesday-Thursday

IN special attention Ornamental plants need these 2 days and will gratefully respond to attentive care and timely staking

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • rose pruning;
  • gartering and pinching dahlias;
  • garter of chrysanthemums and annual vines;
  • control of diseases and pests in the vegetable garden and ornamental garden;
  • working with a potted garden and a collection of tubs;
  • lawn sowing;
  • digging up bulbous crops;
  • adding organic matter.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • sowing vegetables and ornamental plants;
  • division and replanting of perennials;
  • caring for plants in the garden;
  • application of mineral fertilizers

July 8-9, Friday-Saturday

These two days should be completely devoted to ornamental plants. Do not forget not only about simple care, but also about other vital procedures both in flower beds and flower beds, and in the potted collection. But in the garden it is better to pay attention to the soil

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • application of fertilizing in any form for potted, tub and indoor plants;
  • separation of rhizome-type perennials that completed flowering in the first half of the season;
  • sowing, planting and replanting ornamental plants;
  • loosening the soil and other work with soil in the garden.
  • preventive measures against fungal diseases and infections in the ornamental garden;
  • pest control in the vegetable garden and ornamental garden;
  • care of ornamental plants;
  • cuttings of plants;
  • creating the basis of new flower beds

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • working with plants in the garden

July 10, Sunday

This day is perfect for long-delayed measures to prevent and combat diseases and pests of garden plants. After lunch it is better to start planting, sowing and harvesting

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • prevention and control of pests and diseases (early morning);
  • fertilizing in the potted garden (in the morning);
  • separation of perennials (in the morning);
  • sowing biennials (from lunch);
  • rooting strawberry tendrils;
  • harvesting garlic (after lunch);
  • harvesting greens and herbs for the winter;
  • planting and replanting plants

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • loosening, digging and mulching the soil;
  • picking and trimming

July 11-12, Monday-Tuesday

The focus these days should be on the vegetable garden. Harvesting, garden strawberries, favorite beans and peas require constant attention. But don’t miss the rare opportunity to sow colorful biennials.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • sowing biennial flowers;
  • rooting strawberry tendrils;
  • harvesting garlic and herbs;
  • caring for leguminous plants, corn and grapes

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • watering and fertilizing;
  • working with soil

July 13-14, Wednesday-Thursday

During these two days, you can take full care of garden plants not only in the garden, but also in flower beds, ridges, and alpine slides. Timely planning will help you put things in order.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • garlic harvest;
  • last crops of biennials;
  • caring for southern vegetables and herb plantings;
  • pruning and grafting of fruit trees;
  • watering in the garden;
  • loosening the soil;
  • garden cleaning

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • fertilizers for vegetables and perennial plants;
  • planting and replanting ornamental plants

July 15, Friday

In mid-July, it is important to timely collect berries and fruits that ripen on trees and shrubs, and also not to forget about timely weed control and laying compost, which will help out in the coming season

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • sowing biennial flowers (in the morning);
  • harvesting garlic (in the morning);
  • weeding and weed control (afternoon);
  • collection of fruits and berries not intended for storage;
  • laying compost and creating green fertilizers (in the afternoon)

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • cutting in any form

July 16-17, Saturday-Sunday

It is better to devote these two days entirely to the fight against unwanted plants on the site. Weeds and household waste, cut shoots can be immediately used for composting and to obtain your own fertilizers

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • weed control;
  • creation of green fertilizers;
  • placing household waste and weeds in compost pits;
  • seed collection;
  • removal of overgrowth and cleaning of the site

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • cutting in any form

July 18-19, Monday-Tuesday

It is worth using these rare two days for planting shrubs and trees, re-seeding the space vacated in the garden by quickly ripening plants. On this day, you can water the crops and apply fertilizers, not forgetting to collect the ripening harvest on time

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • harvesting (including for long-term storage);
  • collecting and drying seeds;
  • re-seeding and planting, especially of various types of lettuce;
  • planting shrubs and trees with a closed root system;
  • watering and fertilizing

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • pruning and shaping of shrubs and trees

July 20, Wednesday

A favorable period continues for all procedures for caring for garden and flowering plants, including weeding, watering and fertilizing. This day will also be very successful for composting and collecting herbs and seeds.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • watering ornamental plants and in the garden;
  • fertilizing for abundantly flowering crops;
  • weeding beds and flower beds;
  • lawn mowing;
  • pinching and pinching the tops of shoots for vegetables and summer plants;
  • laying compost and creating green fertilizers;
  • collecting your own seeds and medicinal herbs

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • sowing any seeds, including biennials;
  • replanting any plants (from seedlings to cuttings);
  • vegetative methods of plant propagation

July 21, Thursday

Despite the fact that this day is considered unfavorable both for sowing and planting, and for propagating plants, however, collecting seeds and herbs, watering and fertilizing, and other mandatory measures for caring for decorative objects in the garden will not let you get bored

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • watering in the vegetable garden and potted garden;
  • fertilizers for potted plants;
  • pinching vegetables and pinching the tops of shoots;
  • working with soil, including mulching;
  • cleaning of water bodies;
  • lawn mowing;
  • seed collection;
  • collection of herbs and herbs

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • sowing and planting in any form;
  • plant propagation

July 22, Friday

In addition to traditional watering and fertilizing, on this day you can take both preventive measures and combat pests and diseases that are active both among ornamental plants and in the garden. This is a great day for harvesting, mowing the lawn or cleaning the pond.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • watering for any plants, including potted plants (in the first half of the day);
  • feeding in any form (before lunch);
  • loosening and mulching the soil;
  • lawn mowing;
  • preparation of empty areas of soil;
  • work with the reservoir (including clearing vegetation);
  • monitoring plants for traces of pests and diseases (after lunch);
  • preventive measures to prevent the spread of diseases and pests (afternoon);
  • treatment of infected plants (in the evening);
  • collecting and drying seeds, herbs, fruits and vegetables;
  • juice and wine preparation

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • any crops;
  • dividing perennials and replanting crops to a new place (including changing the form of cultivation);
  • pruning shrubs and trees

July 23, Saturday

This is a great day to collect already ripened seeds of herbs and flowers, as well as to combat garden diseases and pests. However, if there is time left, you will have time to sow the salads

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • control of garden pests and diseases (from initial measures to the use of fungicides and insecticides);
  • sowing salads and herbs;
  • seed collection;
  • harvesting

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • watering in any form;
  • planting trees and shrubs;
  • pruning on garden shrubs and trees

July 24, Sunday

It is better to devote the first half of the day to protecting garden plants from pests and diseases. But after lunch you can do full-fledged care for both the ornamental garden and the vegetable garden

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • plant monitoring (before lunch);
  • prevention and control of pests and diseases (in the morning);
  • watering and spraying;
  • application of fertilizers for fruit trees and vegetables;
  • mulching and other soil cultivation;
  • tree pruning;
  • collection of root crops for storage

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • collection of greens, berries, fruits and vegetables (except root crops);
  • transplantation and propagation in any form.

July 25-26, Monday-Tuesday

It is better to devote these days to basic plant care, both in the garden and in decorative compositions. The only exception is fast-growing greens, which can be sown in open beds

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • watering in potted gardens, vegetable gardens and decorative ensembles;
  • applying fertilizers in any form;
  • mulching for fruit, berry and vegetable plants;
  • reseeding fast-growing greens and salads;
  • pruning for trees

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • sowing, planting and replanting ornamental plants

July 27-28, Wednesday-Thursday

These days you can sow new plants or plant seedlings of late vegetables on the vacated beds. But don’t forget about other vital procedures, including lawn care.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • lawn care (from mowing to watering and fertilizing);
  • separation of herbaceous perennials of the rhizomatous type that have completed flowering;
  • replanting of any plants;
  • thinning vegetables;
  • plant grafting;
  • preparation of herbs and root vegetables

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • procurement of berries and fruits, especially harvesting vegetables for the winter (except for root crops);
  • watering and fertilizing

July 29-30, Friday-Saturday

The combination of the moon phase and zodiac sign allows you to do any kind of work, watering and planting. These days you can pay attention to vegetables, your favorite vines, and prepare herbs for the winter

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • working with vegetables, carrying out pinching, hilling, pinching;
  • garter of vegetables, especially southern ones;
  • working with strawberries and strawberries;
  • care of climbing crops;
  • weeding;
  • working with soil, including hilling;
  • Preparation of spicy, medicinal herbs and root vegetables

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • sowing and planting;
  • watering in ornamental gardens and vegetable gardens;
  • plant transplantation

July 31, Sunday

On the last day of the month, it is better to focus your efforts on basic care, but avoid watering. Haircuts, weeding, preventative procedures and putting the area in order will allow you to prepare for the next calendar month and put in order those objects for which you have not had enough time for a long time

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • prevention of the spread of pests and diseases;
  • caring for melons and pumpkins;
  • weeding and loosening the soil;
  • lawn mowing;
  • fertilizers for ornamental plants;
  • site cleaning

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • watering in any form;
  • sowing, planting and transplanting

Useful tips

At the very beginning of the month, it will still be difficult to achieve your financial goals; you should not start new projects, at least until July 5, since this is the time of the waning moon. During the same period, Mars will be very slow, which means it can somewhat slow down any important business.

The most unfavorable days months can be called July 4, 11, 19, 26 and 28, 2016 when the moon changes phase.

The risks of losing money, fraud, and deception are increasing July 1, 2, 5, 8, 12, 16, 22 and 29, 2016.

Read also : Clues from the stars: astrological forecast for July 2016

Most good days To resolve financial issues, the following can be mentioned: July 9, 17, 18 and 27, 2018.

At the end of the article you will find a listing basic financial issues And better days to solve them in July 2016.

Other useful articles in the category Moon calendar as of July 2016:


JULY 1, Friday. 26th lunar day. TAURUS, GEMINI from 14:45. Moon without course until 14:44. Unfavorable day: they may demand payment of a debt, unexpected expenses may appear. It is better to postpone shopping for large items on this day. Purchases: any small purchases for the home.

JULY 2, Saturday. 27th lunar day. TWINS. Today you may have a tendency to waste money, so when you go shopping, take only an amount that you can easily spend. It’s better not to buy large items today that are designed to last a long time. You can engage in commercial activities, visit sales of small goods. Purchases: books, CDs.

JULY 3, Sunday. 28th lunar day. GEMINI, CANCER from 16:21. Moon without course until 16:20. Starting new things today is a bad idea. If you have important negotiations ahead, listen to your intuition, which is quite strong on this day. Spend your money wisely: don't make big purchases. Purchases : household utensils, large items for the home.

Money lunar calendar 2016

4 JULY, Monday. 29th lunar day from 04:20, 1st lunar day from 14:01. CANCER. NEW MOON at 14:01. It is better not to plan any important things for this day. You can make plans for the future, sum up financial results, and plan budgets. Purchases : It is better to refrain from making purchases, especially large ones.


JULY 5, Tuesday. 2nd lunar day. CANCER. Moon without course from 09:29 to 19:28. Almost the entire day the Moon will be without a course, which means starting important things at this time, the result of which will be significant for you. great importance, it's better not worth it. In the morning it is better not to risk money: there is a high probability of monetary losses and unexpected expenses. Purchases : dishes, cutlery, tablecloths and other small household items.

JULY 6, Wednesday. 3rd lunar day. A LION. A good day for playing the lottery and a variety of gambling games. Today is a good time to approach your boss for a promotion. Purchases : Most of the spending today will be on entertainment and cultural events.

JULY 7, Thursday. 4th lunar day. A LION. Moon without course from 15:06. The first half of the day will not be successful financially: it is better to refrain from large expenses. It is not recommended to start new businesses that involve a lot of money. Purchases : goods for children and creativity.

JULY 8, Friday. 5th lunar day. VIRGO. Today it is not recommended to get involved in debt obligations, and you should not lend money to anyone, as there will be problems with repayment. There is no point in contacting any institutions for important papers today: it will be difficult to get what you want, it will be difficult to agree on something. Purchases : small and insignificant.

JULY 9, Saturday, 6th lunar day. VIRGO. This day is good for various endeavors and solving financial issues. Especially now it is good to conclude contracts, discuss various details, resolve controversial issues, and draw up a will. You can expect help from high-ranking officials, especially women, and any authoritative persons. Purchases : household appliances, medical equipment and instruments, pets.

JULY 10, Sunday, 7th lunar day from 11:09. VIRGO, LIBRA from 11:33. Moon without course until 11:32. You shouldn’t decide important matters in the first half of the day: there will be no results. The second half of the day is more favorable for negotiations and concluding profitable contracts. You can demand repayment of debt and pay off old debts. A good day to build relationships with business partners. Purchases : clothes, shoes, jewelry, handmade items.

JULY 11, Monday, 8th lunar day from 12:16. SCALES. An unfavorable day for resolving financial issues of particular importance. It’s better not to make purchases today, not to invest money; it will be difficult to come to an agreement with partners. Solve only small everyday issues on this day. Purchases : Better to postpone.

Lunar calendar of money 2016

JULY 12, Tuesday, 9th lunar day from 13:22. SCALES. Second phase of the moon from 03:53. Moon without course from 18:01. In the first half of the day there may be some unpleasant surprises that could shake your financial situation. It is better not to risk money at this time and not to promise anything to anyone. Events may be completely out of your control. Haste and nervousness can interfere with achieving your goal. It’s better not to plan to resolve important money matters today. Purchases : everything that has to do with beauty.

JULY 13, Wednesday, 10th lunar day from 14:28. SCORPION. Today you can deal with issues related to various types of insurance, you can invest money in insurance, go for a consultation with an insurance company. Purchases : talismans and amulets, antiques.

JULY 14, Thursday, 11th lunar day from 15:33. SCORPION. Try to resolve all financial issues related to other people's money, inheritance, insurance, etc. in the first half of the day. Don't leave the solution important issues, don't put it off until tomorrow. In the afternoon, nerves and hasty actions may prevent you from implementing your financial plans that day. Purchases : discounted goods.

JULY 15, Friday, 12th lunar day from 16:37. SCORPIO, SAGITTARIUS from 12:15. Moon without course until 12:14. A good day for investments, working with monetary documents, for loans, loans, etc. Today you will be able to accomplish a lot and solve many important matters. Purchases : everything for sports.

JULY 16, Saturday, 13th lunar day from 17:38, SAGITTARIUS. The first half of the day is not suitable for large investments or risky operations. You should not trust your finances to anyone, and we also do not recommend talking about your income. Today the risk of deception and fraud is increasing. There is a risk of waste and unnecessary spending. Purchases : books, magazines and everything that may be related to education and broadening one's horizons.

JULY 17, Sunday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 18:35. SAGITTARIUS. Moon without course from 11:57. Nice day to work with financial documents. You can invest money in advertising campaigns, contact higher institutions and turn to authoritative people for help, there is a greater chance of getting it. A promotion is possible. You can contact your boss for a salary increase. Purchases : vehicles.

JULY 18, Monday, 14th lunar day. CAPRICORN. A favorable day for solving complex financial problems. Today people will be focused on overcoming difficulties, will work hard and will be able to get closer to their current goals. Therefore, it is important not to miss this day and use it to increase profits, expand your sphere of influence, and attract investors and clients. Get ready for difficult and intense work, then success will be just around the corner. Purchases : any things with a long service life, real estate.

JULY 19, Tuesday, 15th lunar day. CAPRICORN. Today is an unfavorable day due to the approaching full moon. Don’t be too gullible today and don’t take much for granted. Take care of current affairs, but do not start new ones. Limit spending, today it is better to save, but you can pay off debts. Purchases : Better to postpone.

Money calendar for 2016


JULY 20, Wednesday, 16th lunar day. AQUARIUS. Full moon at 01:58. Today you can find new, innovative ways to solve various problems. In general, the day promises to be positive: you can do advertising, borrow and lend money. Purchases : equipment and communications (computers, phones, tablets, TVs, etc.)

JULY 21, Thursday, 17th lunar day. AQUARIUS. This day may bring you many surprises related to money. Therefore, try to be prepared for the fact that surprises, both good and bad, may await you. You shouldn’t risk your money today and don’t ask your boss for a promotion. IN best case scenario you will leave with nothing, at worst, you will be overwhelmed with extra work without additional pay. Purchases : inexpensive items for hobbies and entertainment.

JULY 22, Friday, 18th lunar day. AQUARIUS, PISCES from 11:36. Moon without course until 11:35. Today you risk falling under someone's influence. It is better to refrain from loans, credits, etc. Don’t trust people you don’t know: there is a risk of deception and fraud. Negotiations regarding financial matters may turn out to be unsuccessful. If you sign any documents today, check all the details very carefully. Purchases : contemporary art objects, unusual home decorations.

JULY 23, Saturday, 19th lunar day. FISH. Today you risk spending more than you earned, so be careful and don’t make rash purchases. You can negotiate and schedule important meetings. Listen to your intuition. Don't miss important signals. Advertising campaigns will be successful. Purchases : filters and water purification devices, aquariums, home fountains.

JULY 24, Sunday, 20th lunar day. FISH,ARIES from 15:34. Moon without course from 10:06 to 15:33. Auspicious day. Try to start work before 10:00 or after 15:30 if the result is of great importance to you. You can repay debts or demand payment of a debt. Purchases : small and insignificant.

JULY 25, Monday, 21st lunar day.ARIES. A favorable day for resolving financial issues, contacting superiors and any commercial activity. You can ask for a raise. Plan for this day things that need to be resolved quickly. Don't spend money on impulse, otherwise you may regret the purchase. Purchases : cars, bicycles and other vehicles.

JULY 26, Tuesday, 22nd lunar day.ARIES . TAURUS from 18:39. Moon without course from 09:19 to 18:37. The Moon will be in " Idling”, and will also be approaching a phase change, so do not start any important things today. In the evening, you can work on the family budget, count expenses, and think about expenses. Purchases : Better to postpone.

JULY 27, Wednesday, 23rd lunar day. CALF. The fourth phase of the moon from 02:01. A favorable day for resolving various financial issues and signing financial agreements. You can invest money, borrow and lend. Purchases : any things for home improvement and repair.

JULY 28, Thursday, 24th lunar day. CALF. Moon without course from 18:13 to 21:17. Unfavorable day for cash investments, credits, loans, etc. It is better not to get involved in dubious financial ventures due to the negative aspects of the Moon: there is a risk of losing money. Purchases : inexpensive items related to beauty (clothing, shoes, perfumes, cosmetics, etc.).

JULY 29, Friday, 25th lunar day. TWINS. Unfavorable day for making a decision monetary issues, deceptions and self-deceptions, monetary losses and disappointments are not excluded. You can’t risk money on this day. It's better to postpone any major purchases. Purchases : Small everyday purchases.

JULY 30, Saturday, 26th lunar day. TWINS. Moon without course from 14:46. Today you have the risk of spending more than planned, so if you go shopping today, it is better to go with a list of necessary purchases and do not deviate from it. Purchases : books, magazines, newspapers.

JULY 31, Sunday, 27th lunar day. CANCER. Today it is better not to engage in loans and borrowings; any large exchange transactions will be unsuccessful. Today you can pay off old debts. It's better to save money today. Purchases : various household items, including large ones.

Solving financial issues: 7, 9, 15, 17, 18, 25, 27
Investments: 15, 17, 27
Credits, loans, money borrowed (give and receive): 15, 17, 20, 21, 27
Request for debt repayment: 6, 7, 10-12, 24-26
Commercial activity: 1, 2, 9, 24-26
Winnings from gambling and lotteries: 6, 7
Exchange operations: 27
Signing financial agreements: 9, 24, 27
Making wills: 9
Registration of monetary documents: 9, 17, 18, 27
Transfers and receiving money: 1, 2, 27-30
Insurance: 13, 14
Advertising: 15-17, 20-23
Probability of unexpected expenses: 1, 5, 8, 15, 16, 22, 29
Loss of money, deception, scam, fraud: 1, 2, 5, 8, 12, 16, 22, 29
The most successful and favorable days month: 9, 17, 18, 27
Dangerous and unfavorable days of the month: 4, 11, 19, 26, 28

We bring to your attention the lunar calendar for July 2017, which will help you determine the phase of the moon, find out the lunar day and its impact on life in July - favorable or negative. The time indicated in the lunar calendar is Moscow (+3 GMT). Please consider your time zone if you live in another area. The lunar calendar indicates the transit position of the Moon in the zodiac signs - the time of its entry into the sign and the start time of the lunar day for the entire July 2017.

Moon phases in July 2017

  • New moon 23.07 at 12 hours 44 minutes.
  • Full moon 9.07 at 07 hours 05 minutes.
  • Waxing Crescent from 1.07 to 8.07, from 24.07 to 31.07.
  • Waning moon from 10 to 22.07.
  • Moon eclipse - absent.
  • Solar eclipse - absent.

Lunar calendar for July 2017

Lunar calendar: waning moon

Lunar calendar: waxing moon

// 23:55 Moon in Scorpio

Favorable lunar days in July 2017 for beginnings

The lunar calendar for the current month includes 31 days. First lunar day fall on the new moon. This is a good period for new beginnings, analyzing the past, learning lessons, and forgiving old grievances. If you want to quit smoking, it is better to do it on or shortly after the new moon.

On such days, we quarrel less, understand others better, and endure illnesses more easily. Energy and strength appear, everything planned can be accomplished. 14, 20 lunar days guarantee lightning success - these days you can open companies, sign contracts, make deposits.

Energetically favorable days according to the lunar calendar:

  • 23.07. - 1 lunar day /new moon/
  • 24.07. - 2 lunar days
  • 25.07. - 3 lunar days
  • 27.07. - 5 lunar days
  • 28.07. - 6 lunar days
  • 29.07. - 7 lunar day
  • 3.4 .07. - 10 lunar day
  • 5.6 .07. - 12 lunar day
  • 7.8 .07. - 14 lunar day
  • 13.14.07. - 20 lunar day
  • 14.15.07. - 21 lunar days
  • 17.07. - 24 lunar days
  • 22.07. - 28 lunar day

Lunar calendar for surgical operations - favorable days of July 2017: 1-2, 5, 8, 11-14, 20-22, 26.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment - favorable days of July 2017: 16,26,27,28,29.

Lunar calendar for diet and weight loss - favorable days of July 2017: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.

Lunar calendar for beauty procedures - favorable days of July 2017:

Cleaning, removal of age spots, pimples, warts: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.

Nourishing and moisturizing masks: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

A good period for hair removal and depilation: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.

Lunar calendar for home renovation and cleaning - favorable days of July 2017: It is best to carry out these activities on the following dates of the month: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.

Lunar calendar for shopping - favorable days for July 2017::

Sales and purchases of real estate and furniture will be successful on the following dates: 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 24, 25.

Selling or buying a car, motorcycle or bicycle will be successful: 08, 09, 18, 19, 22, 23.

When is the best time to buy household appliances, computers, tablets and phones: 13, 14, 22, 23.

Unfavorable lunar days in July for beginnings

These days the Moon moves from one phase to another. At this time, people behave inappropriately and do not understand what is happening. The number of accidents is increasing, everything is falling out of hand. On 9, 15, 29 lunar days it is necessary to refrain from movement. This doesn't mean you shouldn't leave the house, you just need to be as careful as possible.

On Satanic days, you should not start new businesses or sign contracts, because everything will not work out as planned. It is better to postpone all serious matters until later. lucky days. The full moon is also considered an unfavorable day when quarrels and conflicts arise out of nowhere.

Lunar calendar for 2016 - a calendar for each month of 2016, which indicates the location of the moon relative to the zodiac constellations, the date and exact time main phases of the moon (new moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter). The lunar calendar for 2016 tells not only about the cyclic change of phases of the Moon and lunar days, but also gives recommendations about business, hair cutting, diet, and also gives recommendations for the gardener and gardener.

Lunar calendars 2016

At present, all descriptions and characteristics of lunar days are quite consistent with each other and have been verified more than once modern man. The moon, despite its smallness, also continues to have a strong influence on our natural rhythms in the body, on our subconscious and psyche, on plant growth and many natural phenomena.

One of oldest calendars on Earth is the lunar calendar, which was compiled in Egypt 6000 years ago. The solar calendar we are familiar with appeared much later.

The lunar calendar that we use now is based on the knowledge of ancient civilizations, taking into account modern information and facts known about the Moon and its phases. Even in ancient times, people noticed that the Moon has different effects on humans and the nature around us.

The most unpleasant are the “extreme” phases and days of the lunar calendar. You should not start new and important things during such periods.

The most favorable time is the waxing Moon, especially after the new moon, you can safely begin new and important things. It is worth completing plans on the waning Moon.

The lunar calendar will allow you to plan your affairs more carefully, save time and get maximum benefit.

A perfect lunar cycle consists of 30 lunar days; an imperfect lunar month is also common, its duration is 29 lunar days. We are pleased to present you our Lunar calendar 2016, which indicates all phases of the moon, position in the signs of the Zodiac, favorable and unfavorable lunar days in different areas life.

Our Lunar calendar 2016 will allow you to navigate the phases of the moon without visual observations and complex calculations, you will be able to plan your actions more rationally and fruitfully.

Lunar calendar of beauty and diet 2016

The lunar calendar of beauty, diet and health 2016 will tell you about the days on which you need to cut or dye your hair, do a manicure, take care of your face, fast or go on a diet, do peeling or hair removal, when it is permissible to exercise, and when it is much better to avoid exercise physical activity.

Over many years of astrological observations, it has been noted that taste preferences change on different days. For example, when the Moon moves into Aries, everyone immediately rushes to the refrigerator in search of herring, ketchup and pickled vegetables. So why not stock up in advance so you don't have to run to the supermarket late at night?

Some people don't like milk. However, it happens that you really want milk - when the Moon is in Taurus. And the housewives’ pancakes are a success precisely when the Moon enters the sign of Taurus.

Lunar calendar for gardener and florist 2016

The lunar calendar for gardeners and florists 2016 should be useful to all gardeners, and will help solve practical problems in the garden. Of course, any gardener has the right to decide whether or not to use the advice of the lunar calendar. However, today, focusing on the fertile Moon when sowing and planting plants has become a true fact.

Using the lunar calendar for gardeners and florists 2016 when carrying out agrotechnical measures during their growing season makes it possible to significantly increase the harvest.

The gardener's lunar calendar 2016 tells you on what day and what is allowed and useful to do in the garden. It also provides a wide range of information on the progress of work. They cover the preparation of seeds for sowing, growing seedlings, combating pests and plant diseases, the secrets of agricultural technology, and the timing of harvesting certain crops. He gives a hint on what and how best to feed the plants, how to increase productivity, what vegetables and flowers like and what they do not tolerate.

Navigation by lunar calendar

  • Other lunar calendars for 2016 You can look at the lunar hair cutting calendar for 2016 on the page
  • lunar calendar of haircuts for 2016