Love horoscope for January Sagittarius. Will romantic expectations come true? And what is preparing the monetary sphere

04.08.2019 Jurisprudence

Sagittarians are not accustomed to a passive lifestyle and depression. They find a way out of all problems in work, which in January 2017 will be right decision. The first half of the month will be devoted mainly to rest. But you do not plan to relax for a long time, and already in the second decade of January you will return to your previous activity, and you will even demand more from yourself than usual.

Long and short distance trips are possible. But you should not forget about household chores either. Family comfort and stability for you are deterrents that do not allow you to roam.

Hard work and dedication will have a beneficial effect on your financial situation. You will try to implement new projects, but you will not forget about the main source of income.

Old problems can also consume you, but you should not devote all your time to solving them. In the new year, you should move on, forgetting about the unpleasant moments of the past. These problems resolve themselves. It is better for Sagittarius to spend energy on new achievements.

You should be especially careful on the roads, during this period there is a possibility of an accident with serious consequences. If possible, it is better to refrain from driving a car.

Sagittarius family life and personal relationships in January 2017

IN family life some changes are expected, your personal life will be quite active during this period.

The main advice for Sagittarians is to pay more attention to the desires and feelings of others, while devoting less time to their own ambitions. In January, you better refrain from loud showdowns. Even for couples who have lived together for more than one year, they can end in a complete cessation of the relationship. In the future, the general irritability will come to naught, so you should not focus on conflicts.

Sagittarius, whose relationship with a partner has dragged on, will begin to seriously think about marriage.

But it should not this issue make hasty decisions. Legitimate relationships will not last long if they do not have solid ground, and there is no complete understanding between you and your partner.

You may want to renovate. You should not take the initiative in your own hands, listen more to your other half, otherwise conflict cannot be avoided. Most likely, you will need serious expenses. The reason for this will be children or other close relatives. But you do not need to avoid such waste, you still have no other choice. Soon the financial situation will normalize, and you will have nothing to worry about.

Financial income for Sagittarians in January 2017 will be stable. Moreover, in the beginning and middle of the month you can expect a large sum of money. Try not to spend all your savings, it is better to set aside some amount. It will still come in handy for a major acquisition or development of your own business.

Sagittarius businessmen expect good luck in their personal affairs. It is in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity that the stars promise great success to the representatives of this zodiac sign. Now you can count on support from old and new partners. Your projects will be successful, but you should carefully consider everything and make only profitable acquaintances. Cooperation with business partners should bear fruit. Proper distribution of finances is the basis of your further prosperity.

Do not be afraid to attract new customers, they will definitely bring you income next month.

If they offer a profitable project, you can safely invest some amount of money in it. But it’s not worth investing all finances in a business; caution in this matter will never be superfluous.

Significant spending on family and relatives should be replenished by financial receipts this and next month. At work, everything will depend only on you. There is every chance to earn more than usual. Perhaps this is a premium or unexpected compensation for early investment.

Sagittarius health in January 2017

Sagittarians are healthy in January, if they take care of themselves and restrain cravings for addictions. Do not overeat the holidays, your liver is quite vulnerable during this period.

In addition, there is a possibility of colds. No need to overload your body, forgetting about healthy sleep and proper nutrition. A course of vitamins, an active lifestyle, playing sports will help you avoid health problems.

Avoid injuries to the lower extremities, do not neglect protective equipment. On ice, Sagittarians also need to be especially careful.

Those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel should be especially careful. You should not ride in a state of fatigue, and, moreover, alcohol intoxication.

January is the perfect month to start and get creative. Remember this, and happiness in 2017 will become your faithful companion.

Aries, who clings to his freedom, predicts a meeting with his destiny. You yourself will not understand how you fell into the network of love. You will want romance in 2017, you will fall in love for real.

love horoscope as of January 2017 Aries woman predicts an unrequited feeling. You will be rejected by the one to whom you decide to confess your love. It is possible that the partner will accuse you of insincerity and frivolity. Jealousy and distrust are expected on his part. Remember that love cannot be won by force. In the company of friends, you will meet an attractive man in January.

Aries man you need to pay more attention to your beloved woman, and not disappear at work from morning to night. Otherwise, in 2017, the chosen one will often be offended by Aries and the relationship will end in separation. Go to visit together more often, chat with friends and have fun in January. Love is wonderful, and Aries should not forget about a joint vacation.

Aries family in January 2017

The love horoscope for January 2017 advises Aries to strive for mutual understanding with your spouse, as well as organize a joint trip. Speak more heart to heart and give love close person, and do not engage in narcissism and nit-picking. In the family, Aries must clearly distinguish between his duties and those of his spouse, so that conflicts do not brew on this basis in January. Do not seek to command and manage, but more "work" on relationships in 2017. A little relaxation and laziness in January is allowed only to that Aries, who has lived a family life for more than a dozen years.

The love horoscope for January 2017 advises Taurus to be less demanding in relation to the chosen one. Learn to give more than take, then you will be in a romantic mood for the whole of 2017. Free from marriage, Taurus should carefully look at the environment and new acquaintances, so as not to overlook their soulmate in January. If you eradicate your character flaws, you will meet true love and be happy.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Taurus woman predicts many proposals from interesting and wealthy men. In a relationship with the chosen one, do not strive too firmly to defend your principles. In love, Taurus in January needs to learn to give in, and not resent. Leadership skills in 2017, it is better to apply at work, and not in personal life.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Taurus man advises you to listen less to what friends and relatives say about your companion. Do not be jealous of the chosen one for no reason, otherwise she will definitely find a way to cheat on you in January. Clarify relations in public less, but rather sit down at the negotiating table in 2017.

Taurus family in January 2017

Taurus in the family will solve many issues without outside help. Even with your spouse, you sometimes forget to consult in January, which will lead to a serious disagreement. The Taurus horoscope recommends living not only in your own interests, but also listening to relatives. If you want to buy housing for adult children in 2017, then January is ideal for this. Taurus needs to prioritize in order to maintain strong relationships in the family and clearly solve all economic problems.

The love horoscope for January 2017 advises Gemini to be faithful and constant in relations with the chosen one. Flirting and making acquaintances is one thing, but you can really fall in love in January 2017 only if you wish. Moreover, Gemini has a chance to meet their soul mate. If you meet Cancer and Libra, then there is a chance that the relationship will develop into love. Alas, with Scorpio and Leo, you should not count on this.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Gemini women recommends reconsidering your relationship with the chosen one. If you yourself feel that they have reached a dead end, and love is slowly but surely fading away, then do everything to save it. Unrequited love is possible, but the Gemini will decide for themselves who to meet and who to send to the "black" list. If you start a stormy romance with the "man of dreams" of many women, then do not be shy, but show your best qualities.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Gemini men advises not to rush things, even if your beloved is very dear to you. Everything has its time. If Gemini already has a loved one, then do everything possible so that he is not offended and appreciates your actions in January.

Gemini family in January 2017

The horoscope predicts Gemini small skirmishes with a spouse, as well as domestic problems. You will strive for independence, and sometimes withdraw into yourself and limit yourself to household chores. In January, Gemini will have to communicate a lot and meet with relatives. It is better to refuse flirting on the side, otherwise a conflict will occur with your spouse. But, all this will bring you only positive impressions in 2017. To bring something new and unforgettable to the family, Gemini needs to become the initiator of trips and cultural events.

The love horoscope for January 2017 for Raku predicts a strong and happy relationship with the person he met during the holidays. Although, a new acquaintance is also possible, which can also turn out to be fateful. At this time, Cancer needs to be more selective in relationships, and also not to jump to conclusions. If your friends invite you to a party, don't refuse. It is there that Cancer has a chance to meet the long-awaited love.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Cancer woman promises many exciting and pleasant moments. You will make a present to your beloved, and also decide to spend one of the January evenings in a chic restaurant. Cancer in 2017 is not desirable to renew relations with former lovers. The chosen one can behave unrestrainedly, which will push Cancer to think about parting.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Cancer man recommends that you treat all conflicts in your personal life easier and with humor. If a girl wants to have fun and have fun from the heart, then go to a disco together. Only Cancer should not get hung up on the desires of the chosen one, because you also have the right to vote. Trust the one you love more.

Cancer family in January 217

The horoscope predicts Cancer a complex and unpredictable relationship with a spouse. Of course, you will be to blame for many heated disputes and conflicts, so try to compromise. In January, Cancer should not close in on himself and on his problems. If you live with a family, then resolve all issues at the negotiating table. Communicate more often with teenagers, and also consult with them on important family and domestic issues. Cancer should not forget about romance, because it was with her that your love with your spouse began.

Leo in January will be the very nobility and mercy towards the partner. Even if you plan something in advance, improvisation will prevail in your union. The love horoscope for January 2017 advises Leo to “growl” at the chosen one less, and to indulge him more with gifts and compliments. In January, you should not win the person you like by any means. Otherwise, Leo will spoil the whole "picture", and true love will pass by.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Lion woman advises to be less impulsive and pretentious. It is better to retire for a while so as not to quarrel with the chosen one. A romantic acquaintance with Leo will happen in the most unpredictable place - a store, bus stop or entrance. In January 2017, you should not show jealousy from scratch. Especially if the lover trusts you and truly loves you.

Leo men feel abandoned and abandoned to their fate. The love horoscope for January 2017 advises Leos to add a little romance to the relationship with the woman they love. Surprises and a ticket to the premiere of a performance can change your relationship for the better. In January, a short separation from the chosen one is possible, which will strengthen your love.

Leo's family in January 2017

The horoscope recommends prioritizing and cleaning up the house. Just do not overdo it with a commanding tone and orders, otherwise family members will not understand your good intentions. Leo will start in January overhaul in an apartment, for which there is enough time and effort, and Money. Households will be happy to support you in any endeavors, so do not be afraid to involve the smallest children in homework. The financial situation in January 2017 will be above average, so Leo will allow family vacations at the camp site.

The love horoscope for January 2017 does not advise Virgo to idealize her chosen one. After all, you fell in love with a person not only for his dignity, right? So, if in January the Virgo does not pacify her ardor and continues to find fault with her loved one, she will remain alone. At the end of January 2017, the situation will settle down, and relations will become even stronger and more harmonious.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Virgin woman predicts a wonderful period when she meets a faithful and reliable life partner. This will happen in January in the company of friends or at a celebration. Since childhood, the virgin was brought up quite strictly, so she will try to transfer this behavior model to her own. love relationship. Be careful, because not all men are a copy of your father.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Virgo man advises himself to draw conclusions about his personal life and the chosen one. Even if one of your relatives does not like her, then do not follow their lead in January. Show care and gentleness towards the Lady of your heart. Then, see for yourself that love is capable of much. Criticism from the beloved girl Virgo should be taken calmly, otherwise the conflict will flare up.

Virgo family in January 2017

The horoscope advises Virgo to pay more attention to school-age children. Ask how they study, with whom they are friends and who they see themselves in the future. Virgo needs to explain to the children in January by her own examples how to succeed and achieve what she wants. With a spouse in the family, relations will be on highest level in 2017, if someone else does not start climbing into your wonderful life. Devote evening time to rest with your family, walk together before going to bed, and do not forget to go out into nature. Joint activities will help Virgo strengthen relations with her spouse.

The love of love and passionate nature of Libra in January will manifest itself in full force. You will not be left alone with yourself for a single second, because there are so many fans and admirers around. The love horoscope for January 2017 for Libra predicts unforgettable romantic acquaintances with Capricorn and Sagittarius. Conflict situations are possible with Gemini and Aries, so it is better to avoid them. It is desirable that Libra in January does not rush into love, as if into a pool with his head. Otherwise, you definitely won’t run away from disappointments and insults.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Libra women advises to be easier and more frank in relations with the chosen one. If you love a person with all your heart, then do not be afraid to admit it to him. January is perfect for holidays, entertainment and fun with friends. The main thing is that Libra does not go to parties alone, so as not to cause jealousy from the beloved man.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Libra men recommends being bolder and nobler when it comes to dating. If you feel that this is love, then think about a strong and official relationship. Introduce your beloved to your parents, and go to the registry office to write a statement.

Libra family in January 2017

Libras are considered the most zealous opponents of marriage. In fact, all this is just rumors and someone's empty talk. The horoscope predicts Libra a warm and sincere relationship with a spouse and children. But, if you can't wait to show love of freedom, then this is already superfluous. The independent nature of Libra can lead to quarrels in the family. In January 2017, try not to ignore elderly relatives. If one of them needs to make repairs in the apartment, then act as a professional assistant.

Scorpio will have plenty of flirting and connections in January. But, in the end, common sense will prevail, and you will choose the one you love. Just do not criticize and bake the chosen one with suspicions. The love horoscope for January 2017 advises Scorpio to arrange a candlelit dinner for your partner, or take him to a restaurant. If you want, you can organize a trip. Scorpio so wanted to be happy in love, so why give it up.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Scorpio woman predicts a sea of ​​​​optimism and charm, from which all men will be crazy. If Scorpio goes out, he will meet his soul mate. Suddenness is what will lead you to true love in January! Feel free to introduce your beloved to your relatives.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Scorpio man predicts doubts and sorrows in his personal life. By the way, you yourself are to blame for beating yourself up for lack of money. If the chosen one loves you, then certainly not for finances. Scorpio should remember that women love compliments and confessions. Do not skimp on this to win the heart of the beauty you like.

Scorpio family in January 2017

Scorpio, who has a family, should communicate more often with loved ones. Especially if they need your help and moral support. The horoscope predicts quarrels and conflicts with a spouse for Scorpio, the cause of which will be domestic troubles and financial situation. Scorpio should be the first to compromise with the satellite, and also not ignore advice from relatives. In January 2017, everyone will listen to you without exception. Well, children will give a lot of pleasant impressions and vivid emotions.

Sagittarius in January will want to relax a bit and forget. Moreover, lately you have had a lot of novels, casual acquaintances and even partings. The love horoscope for January 2017 advises Sagittarius to organize cultural events with your loved one. It could be watching a movie, going to the cinema or a theater premiere. Although, if you are left alone with your chosen one at home, this will also give Sagittarius many pleasant minutes in January.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Sagittarius woman predicts an acquaintance with a young and attractive man. Don't let this relationship bother you, especially if it's not just an intrigue, but real love. In January, Sagittarius may turn out to be a "vest" for a friend who wants to speak out and cry. Communicate more with your parents and consult with them about your personal life in 2017.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Sagittarius man predicts a cool relationship with the chosen one. Maybe you should take a break from each other, or go traveling together in January? Even banal shopping together will help Sagittarius to return love that is “tired” of quarrels and nit-picking.

Sagittarius family in January 2017

The horoscope predicts a great and energetic time for Sagittarius. You will constantly travel with your spouse and children to nature, skating and skiing in a snowy forest. Use by full program winter holidays and do not sit at home at the computer in January. In 2017, Sagittarius will want to make a lot of pleasant surprises for the family and buy children what they have long dreamed of. At the end of January, you will have to do a general cleaning in the house, not alone, but with all family members. Small children, by the way, also let them be in the role of helpers.

The love horoscope for January 2017 for Capricorn promises little problems in his personal life. The fact is that you do not know how to love half, so you will completely surrender to this feeling. You will have a passionate affair with Libra or someone else from the sign of Air. With Cancer and Taurus, on the contrary, mutual understanding and love will not work out. Capricorn needs to be careful in relationships, otherwise he will fall into the network of deceit and betrayal. Intrigues at work in January 2017 are best avoided.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Capricorn woman advises to be more confident. Demonstrate your best qualities by communicating with the chosen one. Do not look at those who are of little interest to you with irony and disdain. Capricorn in January will be too materialistic in choosing a lover. Remember that love is not measured by the amount of money in your wallet. In January, gossip and unpleasant conversations are possible about the person whom Capricorn loves with all his heart.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Capricorn man predicts interesting acquaintances, a love affair and many compliments from the opposite sex. Just don't be too jealous so you don't mess up a good relationship.

Capricorn family in January 2017

Capricorn in the family may have problems, and the tense situation will unsettle. The reason for this will be your integrity, which will not please your spouse and relatives. The horoscope promises Capricorn a sensitive and lasting relationship with a loved one. The main thing is to make concessions in January and be more optimistic. In the family, Capricorn will have household and household chores, in which his soulmate will fully support him. Don't forget to visit your elderly parents in January 2017.

Aquarius in January will fall in love with a person who, alas, will not reciprocate. The love horoscope for January 2017 advises Aquarius not to despair, because there are still many bright moments ahead. Free Aquarius will meet a man who will become for him a gentle lover and understanding friend. This rarely happens, so value the relationship. The love horoscope for January 2017 does not recommend Aquarius to renew contact with a former partner.

Aquarius woman will be hard to find mutual language with a lover. Just do not make any sacrifices to return love. Catch the admiring glances of men, flirt and then the chosen one will become jealous of you. Aquarius may have scandals with a loved one due to lack of finances. The love horoscope for January 2017 does not advise Aquarius to go on about emotions, otherwise you will miss the real feeling.

Aquarius man meet the chosen one from mutual friends. Although, you will constantly doubt the sincerity of her feelings. She will seem to Aquarius too bright, young and attractive. Personal life in January will be stormy and rich in novels. It is possible that Aquarius will have not one, but two or three mistresses.

Aquarius family in January 2017

Aquarians who have a family will experience many difficulties in communicating with their spouse in January. It will seem to you that the relationship has exhausted itself, and love has passed. There may be quarrels with elderly relatives. To avoid scandals, you need to isolate yourself for a while from those who annoy you and do not understand. A loved one will support and help Aquarius in everything, and friends will give wise advice on how to save a family and warm relationships. At this time, it is worth eliminating any unpleasant relationship with the family.

Pisces are mysterious and enigmatic by nature, so souls do not reveal their secrets to everyone. The love horoscope for January 2017 for Pisces promises not only complete harmony in relations with a loved one, but also a real storm. Romance and passion will be equally divided, but Pisces should decide for themselves what they crave more. In general, you are able to turn anyone's head in January 2017, so do not be shy about your natural charm.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Pisces women advises to become more independent, as well as to behave with a partner wisely and in some cases cunningly. In January, you will not have free space for dates in your personal schedule - everything is scheduled for a month. From the side of the chosen one, not tender love, but burning jealousy may appear. If a Pisces woman in January is a little softer towards her partner, she will keep with him strong relationships until the end of the year.

Love horoscope for January 2017 Pisces men promises a fateful meeting. True, the Lady will be much older than you and wealthier, but this will not be a stumbling block. Most importantly, do not be afraid to show your sincere feelings for the one for whom you really feel love, and not just friendly sympathy.

Pisces family in January 2017

The horoscope recommends Pisces to visit more often, visit relatives and be more active in organizing events and easy-going. The more Pisces will consult in January and talk heart to heart with their spouse, the stronger their family will become in 2017. Arrange holidays for children, friendly parties and romantic dinner don't forget by candlelight. Pisces in January, you can go on a pleasant trip with your soulmate. Cultural trips to the cinema and theater should be a priority for you in the first month of 2017.

How can at least one Sagittarius not pay attention to the truthful romantic astrological forecasts about feelings for their zodiac sign? The love horoscope for January 2019 contains a lot of useful tips and predictions about what events fate promises to the wards of Jupiter. At the beginning of the year, people of the Sagittarius sign will have new opportunities, thanks to which it will be possible to find their happiness. How not to miss them, the exact love horoscope for January will tell you.

Sagittarius in January risk finding their happiness at the very short time and without the slightest effort. At the beginning of the month, they may notice that fortune favors them, so every idea regarding love will have a good chance of being realized. love forecast about a romantic acquaintance will come true at the most unexpected moment, so in January it is better for Sagittarius to relax and calmly wait for a gift of fate.

Astrologers advise Sagittarius to dream more in January. Cosmic forces will not leave their dreams unattended, and most of wishes may come true soon. Those Sagittarians who have been waiting for a declaration of love for a long time will finally hear it in January. During the whole month, Jupiter's wards can be absolutely happy, even if there is no other half next to them yet.

The love horoscope advises Sagittarians not to despair if their chosen one is forced to leave for a long time in January. This will be just the case when feelings in separation grow stronger. The beginning of the year is ideal for joint trips of Sagittarius and their soul mates. In January, you can safely plan a honeymoon or a regular vacation.

It is better for people of this sign to postpone the wedding in January. Sagittarians can be calm if the date of the solemn event is scheduled for the 13th, 15th, 20th, 28th. The rest of the days are not suitable for marriage.

Love horoscope for the Sagittarius woman for January 2019

Sagittarius women in January 2019 will have a clear desire to change their present. Women will want to start managing the boat of love on their own and be its full-fledged captain, and not a sailor or a cook. Therefore, in the love sphere of Sagittarius girls and their soul mates, serious changes will be outlined at the beginning of the year if their chosen ones do not feel in advance that a crisis has ripened in relationships and feelings.

Great luck awaits Sagittarius girls who are in search of their happiness. In January, they will manage to charm the perfect and incredible handsome man with a rare and memorable name. A love union at the beginning of the year promises amazing happiness and an ocean of exciting moments for Sagittarius girls.

Married Sagittarius women will not face a crisis in January. They will be incredibly pleased to be in the company of their husband, which can negatively affect relationships with friends and close relatives, because they will have to refuse to meet with them for now.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius man for January 2019

Sagittarius men will not have to feel the vagaries of fate in January. They will have a new relationship with a girl who has recently appeared on the horizon. Good events will not keep you waiting, and very soon the bachelors will decide to say goodbye to their precious freedom.

Married Sagittarius will begin to spend more time in the family. The stars advise them not only to organize leisure, but also to please their wives with gifts and romantic dates, which were only in their distant youth.

A memorable event at the beginning of the year for single Sagittarius men will be an amazing meeting that will radically change their lives. Even if they don’t start a beautiful romance, fate guarantees a few nerve-wracking dates. Exciting memories will remain in memory for a long time, and in the future, Jupiter's wards will often compare other women with the one that touched their heart, and did not remain in it.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for other months of 2019

Sagittarius, unlike most representatives of the zodiac houses of the horoscope, major advances in professional activity January 2019 is not expected. For almost the entire first month of the year, Sagittarius will have to clear the Augean stables of old unfinished business, pay off old debts and accumulate resentment in life.


Sagittarius is ready for changes internally, but external circumstances will not allow them to be undertaken, at least until the second decade of January. Accept this state of affairs. Already in the near future, the Yellow Pig will more than compensate Sagittarius for all the failures with its patronage and guardianship.

At this time, it is better not to make any cardinal decisions, and to postpone it as long as possible. Not only will you not achieve the desired result, but also correcting the mistakes made in January will distract you from the great deeds for which the stars will give the green light in the near future.

Business trips, business trips, transactions for the purchase or sale of real estate is also better to move aside for the time being. There is a very high risk of meeting unscrupulous people, especially since Sagittarius is trusting and more open than required.

It is better now to shift the focus of vital interests towards family and life. Here, too, unfortunately, a lot of “incomplete” has accumulated, but, at least in this area, you can quickly bring everything to the state of the ideal, to which Sagittarius has an eternal craving.

January 2019 is the right time to start and complete the renovations that have already begun, moving and putting things in order in home accounting. The Yellow Pig, the patroness of the year, will help to put things in order in domestic affairs, because by this time Sagittarius had accumulated many unfulfilled promises to relatives and friends. The beginning of the year is the time to put everything in its place, complete the previously started business, pay attention to those whom you previously deprived of it.

Love and family

Horoscope says that his own children will demand a lot from Sagittarius. Many representatives of the sign will be surprised by the shortcomings in their upbringing. It’s a pity, but Sagittarius doesn’t have to blame other than himself for this. Many of them were very busy with their own careers and professional activities, depriving their own children of attention. It is not too late to turn this situation back, to mend slightly chilled relations and strengthen your authority.

Older relatives will also require attention to themselves and their problems. Sagittarius needs, by all means, to help parents or grandparents. For Sagittarius, this will be a trifling matter, and for the elderly - the problem of the century.

Uninvited guests will often annoy in January 2019. During this period, the setting is likely friendly relations with new people, renewal of old ties. Therefore, Sagittarius will have to make a lot of efforts so that others see him as a cheerful and friendly person, although for this he now has neither the strength nor the time.

The situation will change slightly last decade January 2019. Things will become easier, Sagittarius will feel a sincere feeling of pleasure from communicating with people, a taste for life will wake up in him.
Lonely Sagittarius in January does not shine for a change in the situation. They are too lethargic and dejected by everyday troubles and petty chores to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Representatives of this sign are very attentive to the opinions of others about themselves, and, being afraid to seem like outsiders, they will avoid noisy parties and corporate meetings.


In the relationship of family Sagittarius harmony reigns if the partner of the representative of this zodiac sign of the horoscope knows how to listen to the well-being and worldview of Sagittarius. Otherwise, Sagittarius cannot find a safe haven in this area either. Sagittarius should express their feelings and emotions more openly, not keep all the negativity from the events taking place in his life in himself. Very often, this is perceived by the spouse of Sagittarius as detachment and coldness, and this, as you know, cannot benefit the relationship of two loving people.

Sagittarius Women may expect a decrease in their own self-esteem. The reason may be a dubious compliment or a sidelong glance from a man she likes. In fact, there are no grounds for what is happening, and an action that has absolutely nothing to do with reality can become the cause of resentment.


Sagittarius children, especially those attending preschool and school institutions will try to realize themselves at someone else's expense, ascribe to themselves non-existent merits and create conflicts, as soon as they feel neglect of their own person. Parents have to make a lot of efforts to eradicate such a situation. Spend more time with your child, explain to him what is good and what is bad, because he sees the world through your eyes, and what could be more important in a parent's mission than to raise a worthy member of society?


Sagittarians are awarded by nature with strong immunity and have excellent health. But not a single organism can resist a series of minor troubles and stresses that more than fall to the lot of Sagittarius in January. The horoscope for January 2019 recommends the representatives of the sign to be outdoors more often, to merge into one whole with nature. Winter nature will give you a good mood, a snow-covered coniferous forest will charge you with vigor and oxygen. Even an evening walk along the familiar streets will charge Sagittarius with positive. This will support the spirit of Sagittarius, strengthen his vitality and allow him to carry out all his plans in the very near future!

In January, Sagittarius must cancel business travel.
The horoscope prophesies to all Sagittarius (men and women) excellent health
Horoscope for February 2019 Sagittarius.

The Year of the Dog will bring Sagittarius a lot of worries about the house and loved ones. The beginning of the month will be held in the family circle, by mid-January family ties will require your direct participation: material, moral, psychological. The horoscope for January 2018 Sagittarius warns: "You go quieter - you will continue." Try to resist the temptation to do everything at once. A good result is clearly not going to work, and it’s easy to tear your strength. You will have to fuss a lot, the situation of living in two houses is possible - all this will not let you breathe until February.

A lot of work is expected in the second half of the month, so it is very important to get some rest and energy at the beginning.

Creative Sagittarius will be able to catch inspiration, the month will bring a lot of satisfaction from the work done.

Auspicious days: 4, 12, 16, 18, 20, 27.

Unfavorable days: 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16, 24, 31.


For representatives of the Sagittarius sign, January 2018 will be held under the motto "A healthy mind in a healthy body." If you have a predisposition to bad habits, then now is a good time to try to get rid of them. Do not indulge in alcohol festive table and overeating. Remember that any excess will directly affect your health and well-being. So remember the rule: overeating is an extra lesson in gym, drunk - an extra day to sleep. If over time you are tense, then try to avoid such excesses in nutrition and lifestyle.

The emotional background in January is also unstable, and this will affect the state of all body systems. The cardiovascular system will be especially vulnerable. In order not to provoke the disease, you need to get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet and use feasible physical exercises.

Any changes in appearance in January will not have an effect. It is better to postpone a trip to a beautician or limit yourself to non-invasive procedures.


The Sagittarius horoscope for January 2018 in terms of career and professional activity predicts some calm. Now abrupt career reshuffles and undertakings are not expected, financial injections, respectively, will also be insignificant: neither more nor less than usual. This month, you are expected to simply perform your duties in good faith. You can provide all possible assistance to colleagues - it will be appreciated and soon they will answer you in the same way. In general, in January, try to maintain good relations with everyone, do not quarrel with your leader or partners, be loyal and responsive.

Sagittarius entrepreneurs may be able to expand production or strengthen their positions. When making decisions, show firmness and purposefulness, then there are chances for a good result.


The ratio of income and expenses in January will disturb you: spending is clearly more than income, and it will begin to seem to you that you can fall below the poverty line. Don't panic, it's far from it. And although, indeed, due to the lull at work, there is no need to wait for special cash injections or even decent bonuses, January can be easily experienced without getting into debt. First, you have to cut costs. Unfortunately, now there is no time for excesses, but this does not mean that you need to save on the most necessary. Just dose your spending and, before you buy something, ask yourself the question “Is it possible to do without it now?” Secondly, stay away from gambling and financial fraud. The chance to hit the jackpot is negligible, but the risk of losing everything is very high. Thirdly, try to find a part-time job. The stars promise to help. Work on the Internet, at home, in the field of teaching will be effective. Perhaps you should consider monetizing your hobby.

January is only the first month, and let its difficulties do not upset you, they will not linger for a long time, but with a sound approach to money, you will not be afraid of anything in January.


The love horoscope for January 2018 Sagittarius is marked by trusting warm relationships. Sagittarians who are married, or at least not single, have a chance for a second honeymoon with their chosen one or chosen one. Solving current everyday problems will only bring you closer. Try, however, not to insist too much on your own, reckon with the opinion of your partner, and many dangerous moments can be avoided. The petty quarrels that arise are not worth your attention now, do not get hung up on them, this is a transient phenomenon.

In the second half of the month, when financial difficulties worsen, it is recommended not to discuss these issues in a raised voice. Be more tolerant of your loved ones, it is not easy for them either, and only joint problem solving can get you out of the crisis period.

Single Sagittarians can meet interesting person with whom you would like to continue your acquaintance.

Relations with children in January are developing well, only expenses are possible, which, however, were probably expected, so they will not be a problem.

Horoscope for a man - Sagittarius

As the horoscope for January 2018 recommends, Sagittarius - a man must tune in to a long job. There is not enough money now, so you will have to work hard so that the family does not really need it. Do not worry, this is temporary, but you will have the opportunity to feel support from loved ones in a difficult time for you, and this is worth a lot.

Horoscope for a woman - Sagittarius

As the horoscope for January 2018 recommends, Sagittarius - a woman should immerse herself in household and household chores. No matter how much you want to be distracted and unwind now, the time is not the best for this. Create coziness and a warm atmosphere in the house, your household members will appreciate your efforts. And although you may think that you are not valued, this is not so. Do not be sad from scratch, do not expect reciprocal gestures from others, and soon life will delight you again.