The bear is the totem animal of the ancient Slavs. Sacred animals of the ancient Slavs: What amulets and amulets helped our ancestors

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 14.02.2011 00:00

Wolf - Beast of the Dazhbogs
Wolf - Hort, Vovk, gray, beast, fierce. Predatory beast, long-time neighbor
Slavic tribe. The ancestor of the domestic dog, in many ways close to it in
Habits - gathers in flocks, is carnivorous and fast.

This strong and dangerous animal evoked conflicting feelings among the Slavs. On the one hand, the wolf is the totemic ancestor of many Slavic tribes, and the memory of this is still strong. The wolf still inspires fear and respect to this day. Although he is not brave, he does not go out hunting alone, preferring weak or sick game. But it doesn’t kill unnecessarily, and in a well-fed summer it’s practically harmless.
The Neuroi of Herodotus, who lived somewhere in the region of modern Belarus, turned into wolves for several days a year and this did not surprise even the ancient Greeks. Like any totem animal, the wolf had several nicknames that replaced its real name - “gray”, “fierce”. The word “wolf” was not spoken out loud. In many fairy tales, the wolf is a guide through the enchanted forest, the embodiment the afterlife. The guide, however, is not disinterested; the wolf always took payment for his services - a horse or cattle. In this feature, echoes of ancient justice are heard, “having taken, give back in full.”

The dark essence of the wolf, strangely associated with the moon and frosty clear nights, frightened the Slavs. It was believed that the wolf belongs to the world of the dead and knows its secrets. The sad howl of a wolf made our ancestors shudder and was considered a bad sign. He who heard it was preparing for famine, war or a harsh winter. Many European peoples have faith in werewolves. Having stuck a knife into a tree stump, the sorcerer could turn into a wolf and run in its skin as long as the knife remained in place.

Thus, the wolf is a two-pronged creature. On the one hand, he is closely connected with the solar deities, a wise and faithful companion, a powerful soothsayer. On the other hand, there is a predatory demon, an alien beast from the world of the dead. Anyone who mentioned a terrible name at night immediately stopped short and fell silent, averting trouble. All this can be seen in the form of a werewolf - half man, half beast.

The time of the wolf is mid-winter. Colors - grey, white, black

Proverbs and signs:
Wolf's leg being fed
Either howl with the wolves or be eaten
A well-fed wolf is more humble than an insatiable man
The wolf dragged, the wolf will be dragged
No matter how much you feed the wolf, everything is drawn to the forest
Wolves appear in villages - there is famine.
The wolf will cross the road - fortunately

Mythological animals

Bear - Velesov's Beast

Bear - witch, black beast, forester, breaker, shaggy, bear, forest king. Hunters distinguish three breeds of bear: the large carnivore - the vulture, the medium - the fescue and the smallest - the ant.

The bear was the most revered Slavic animal. It’s not for nothing that Russian people are still compared to bears. According to legend, the bear was the incarnation of the god Veles, also very ancient god, the image of which has been preserved since the Stone Age. Images of bears can be found on the walls of caves of primitive man and on the coats of arms of many cities. Cave bears have long been neighbors of people; the Slavs considered them their ancestors (in addition to some other totem animals). The bear was considered the owner of the forest, the guardian of its wealth. It is possible that the bear’s paws raised to the sky and its threatening stance were adopted by people in their dances and rituals.

While seemingly good-natured and clumsy, the bear is actually very strong, cruel and quick to kill. Hunters who risked going out with a spear to hunt a bear were called “inveterate” in Rus', that is, going to certain death. Unlike the predator wolf, the bear is omnivorous and does not disdain honey, raspberries and other sweet berries. For his passion for destroying the hives of wild bees, he received his nickname - Med-Ved (who knows honey). His true name is ber, this is evidenced by the name of the bear’s dwelling - den (ber’s lair). By the way, the den was considered one of the passages to the Underworld, and its owner was the guardian of the Navya kingdom. The bear climbs into its den with the onset of winter, and comes out with the first warm days of spring. On the days of winter confrontation (Kolyad), the bear turned over in its den, marking the turning of the annual wheel.

Just like the wolf, the bear could be a werewolf. Only, as a rule, the bear turned into a man, while with the wolf the opposite was the case. This feature suggests that people encountered the bear earlier and considered it their main ancestor, that is, man descended from the bear through the ritual of werewolf, and only then learned to take the form of a wolf, hare and other animals.

The time of the bear is the end of winter. Colors - brown, black

Proverbs and signs:
The bear is strong, but he lies in the swamp
The bear is not given the courage of a wolf, and the wolf is not given the strength of a bear.
The bear was wrong for eating the cow, and the cow was wrong for going into the forest.
Don't sell the skins without killing the bear
Two bears do not live in the same den
The bear is happy that he didn’t get caught by the shooter, and the shooter is happy that he didn’t get caught by the bear
A bear in a den turns over on the other side, winter meets summer (about Candlemas, celebrated on February 15).

Fox - Beast Makoshev

Fox - fox, fox, red, Patrikevna, godfather.
The fox is a bright female image in the animal world, the companion and embodiment of Mokosh, the goddess of fate and harvest. The Slavs revered the fox for its cunning, resourcefulness and ingenuity, and affectionately called it godfather and sister. Because of its red color, the fox was compared to fire, and also to a thundercloud due to the brown tint of its fur coat. In Siberia, the pre-dawn twilight, when the sun's rays painted the sky dark orange, was called fox darkness. But the fox was also associated with the winter cold, illnesses and illnesses caused by the cold. The fox owes this relationship to Mara, the goddess of winter, possibly an incarnation of Mokosh.

Fox time is the beginning and middle of winter. Colors - red, red, brown

Proverbs and signs:
The fox is always fuller than the wolf
To pass by a fox is by cunning
Whoever entered the rank of fox will rule over the wolf
If the fox had not arrived in time, the sheep would have eaten the wolf!
The fox also counts chickens in a dream
The fox crossed the road, bad luck.
Hearing a fox bark is bad luck.

Hare - Beast Yarilin

Hare - skoromcha, vystoropen, uskan, kriven, oblique, lop-eared, bely, hare, zets. The spring hare is called a spring hare, in early winter it is a nastovnik, in the fall it is a deciduous hare, and in the summer it is called a herbalist or letnik. The steppe hare, which does not change the color of its fur coat in the winter and remains gray all year round, is called a hare. The hare lives in forests and turns white in winter, hiding from enemies.

The hare was honored by the Slavs as an animal symbolizing young, fierce strength, the power of nascent life. The hare is cowardly, agile, dexterous and fast, and extremely fertile.

The hare, like the wood grouse, was dedicated to Yarila, the spring god of the sun and procreation. The hare is cunning and thereby saves its life, resisting the formidable, but not very intelligent power of other animals. It was often associated with the spring madness that occurs in March. Anticipating the joy of copulation, the usually cautious hare loses his head and easily falls into the clutches of predators. Despite its cowardice, the hare always fights to the end, fighting off the enemy with its powerful hind legs.
For its speed and lightness, the hare is compared either to a ray of light running through water, or to blue sparks on the coals of a fire. The Indians considered the hare (saya) to be a lunar animal because of its white coat, comparing it with the reflections of the moon on the surface of the water. With the advent of Christianity, the image of the hare, as an ancient totemic animal and object of worship, was declared unclean. Hence the sign - a hare crossed the road, there will be trouble. “A stump and a block for you, a path and a road for us,” they say after a running hare in order to ward off trouble.

Fast hares were often compared to lightning, the faithful companions of the thunder god Perun. Lightning was also called sea bunnies, which bathe in the sea of ​​rain, quickly cutting through the water jets. Hares, like other rodents - squirrels and chipmunks, have strong teeth that chew through the strongest wood, like lightning. Hares and squirrels carried with them storms and bad weather that were destructive to people. Sailing in a storm, he never mentioned the name of the hare, fearing the wrath of the waterman. The first spring hare hunt was dedicated to the supreme god, the thunderbolt, and symbolized the arrival of the new season. Just as Perun pursued cowardly lightning bolts, which hurried to hide from his wrath in dark clouds, so hunters drove hares and squirrels to the glory of the thunderer.

The time of the hare is the beginning of spring. Colors - white and gray

Proverbs and signs:
You can't catch a hare without a dog
They laid down the horse and left the hare
You'll chase two birds with one stone and you won't catch one.
A hare runs through the village - towards a fire
The hare crossed the road - unfortunately

Boar - Beast of Perunov

The bear is strong, the wolves and lynxes are fierce, but the hunter’s first fear in the forest was to fight one on one with the formidable wild boar. This predator is stubborn and cruel, and if you anger him, then death from his fangs will not keep you waiting. The wild boar's indomitability and belligerence inspired respect, and this animal was rightfully dedicated to Perun, the god of thunder and military power. An oak tree was discovered in the Dnieper, into which nine boar jaws were inserted, apparently for ritual purposes. The proverb also speaks about this connection: “In public, Ilya is a pig at home!” Ilya the Prophet absorbed many of the traits of Perun. And a pig has many features of a wild boar.

Since ancient times, the boar symbolized military valor, but at the same time - greed, pride, lust, and violation of chastity. Attitudes towards their domesticated relatives, pigs, were also controversial. On the one hand, a well-fed and fertile pig is the embodiment of satiety, wealth and prosperity. In the Indo-European tradition, the pig is a symbol of the plow digging the ground, the spring riot of nature.

The Slavs noticed a mysterious ancient connection between the behavior of pigs and the approach of bad weather, hurricane winds. The golden stubble attributed to the hog according to legend is a poetic image of a thundercloud illuminated by rays summer sun. The sharp teeth of a boar are lightning falling from the dark body of a cloud. This image makes the boar and pig similar to many rodents - squirrels, hares, beavers, rats and mice, also dedicated to Perun.

Despite the nutritious pork meat and lard, these animals' penchant for dirt, indiscriminate eating, stubbornness and greed, inherited from their wild counterparts, brought them a bad reputation. Often pigs belonged to the world of death and darkness. Many peoples have legends about turning people into wild pigs for excessive lust and desire for profit. Possession of pigs by demons is an ancient mythological tradition with roots in Egyptian tales. Set, turning into a black pig, blinded Horus and only Ra himself was able to heal him.

Proverbs and sayings about pigs are filled with contempt and poorly disguised fear. A pig does not have horns and fangs, but if only it had... And people gloat on them, still trembling from the ancient horror of Perun’s beast... It is not for nothing that the white color of a pig’s skin is compared to cold, dirty-white clouds that cover the sun on short winter days.

The time of the wild boar is the end of summer. Colors - golden, brown. The time of the pig is the beginning of winter. Colors - white, gray

Proverbs and signs:
The pig had golden fur, but it lay in the mud and was taken away.
Where can a pig look at the sky?
Angry and powerless - the pig's brother.
The goose is no friend to the pig.
Do not throw pearls before swine, lest they be trampled underfoot.
You're going after a bear, you've laid down the straws. You go to the boar - the coffin of joy.
Don't kick the pig - you'll get sick.
Pigs grunt - this means trouble.
A pig itches means warmth, and squeals means bad weather.
A pig eating hay means hunger or bad mowing.
The pig will tell the hog, and the hog will tell the whole city

Cat - Beast Velesov

Wild cats and lynxes are forest predators endowed with acute vision, incredible flexibility, vitality and patience. Due to its nocturnal lifestyle, it was classified as a harmful spirit and force. Since ancient times, cats have lived next to humans and only wild lynxes still remain a threat to the northern forests.

Cats are known to love affection, home warmth, cleanliness and comfort. At the same time, cats are the most independent and proud animals among those tamed by humans. Cats are people who are secretive, affectionate and deceitful.
If a cat is a pronounced female image, an animal that loves the comfort of home, then a cat is a free, wandering creature, the embodiment of lust and hidden power. The learned cat-bayun (storyteller) is a frequent guest of Slavic fairy tales. His sonorous voice scares away spirits for many miles around.

Cats are attached to the house more than anything, even more than to the owner. There have been cases where a cat remained in an old, cold house when people moved to a new one. In this way, cats resemble brownies, faithful to their corner until its complete destruction.

Black cats were considered assistants to sorcerers and witches; if you meet them - bad omen. Witches rode around on cats and goats. A hostile spirit can enter a cat’s body to escape persecution or to enter a person’s home. In this form, a witch can ride a horse or even a person to death.

A werecat was also called a cat-cat. A cat, jumping over a dead man, will certainly turn him into a vampire. Whoever kills a cat will incur seven years of troubles and misfortunes.

The eternal confrontation between the cat and the mouse reflects the struggle between two forces - earthly and underground, accumulating and creative, dark and hidden (Veles) and heavenly, furious and renewing thunderstorm power (Perun).

Cat time is winter. Colors - black, white

Proverbs and signs:
A black cat's tail appears from a chimney (smoke)
A white cat climbs into the window (about the dawn sun)
The cat washes itself - in anticipation of guests or a change in weather.
A cat lies with its belly up - towards warmth, hides its head - towards cold, fluffs its tail - towards a snowstorm.
The cat is plagued by the ninth death (about the vitality of cats)
The tongue is as lascivious as a cat
The cat would have blurted out, but his tongue is short

Horse - Beast of the Dazhbogs

The horse (komon, klyusya, tarpan) is one of the most revered animals among the Slavs. White and red horses were considered messengers of warmth and sunlight, all good things. The Slavs believed that the solar disk was carried across the vault of heaven by a chariot drawn by three horses. Proverbs and sayings reflect the patience, endurance and inordinate appetite of horses. Images of skates protected the homes of the Slavs from harmful spirits and hostile navias. All significant natural phenomena were represented in the form of wonderful horses - winds, clouds and thunderclouds, a quick flash of lightning.

For example, Morning Dawn (Day Day) leads the bridles of shining white horses (dawn clouds), driving away all harmful creatures with fiery arrows (rays of the rising sun). During the day, the horses become red (red), in the evening - gray (dark gray) and the Evening Dawn takes them away from the sky. Night is a black horse. At this time, the solar disk Khors illuminates the underworld. The stars and constellations were also compared to horses, and the Milky Way to the milk of a celestial mare. Noteworthy is the connection between horses and dew - healing water with strong magical properties. With the appearance of the Sun, the dew disappears, and the heavenly horses drink it.

Horses were compared to fast-winged birds, the embodiment of everything dynamic, violent, restless and at the same time wise. The natural power of a horse is difficult to tame and can only be overcome by a strong and confident rider. To pacify a wild horse in metaphorical language means to tame nature itself, to force it to give up part of its limitless capabilities. For many peoples, such a test was part of the initiation rite that every man must undergo.

A rider on a horse is a multifaceted symbol. It brings with it rapid changes, often leading to death and destruction. If the light horse represents the joy of sunlight, then the black horse carries Death itself on its back. Hordes of nomads came from the distant steppe south and the clatter of horse hooves brought with them bad news. Since then, the black fire-breathing horse has been the image of every misfortune, a demon serving the dark force. Prophetic Oleg died from the bite of a snake that crawled out of the skull of the prince’s favorite horse.

Brownies and other yard spirits like to ride around on horses. They caress and preen their favorites, and if they want to annoy the owner, they will roll them to death. Every major pagan sanctuary had sacred horses. There are many proverbs and signs associated with horses. Attributes of horse harness, horseshoes, bells, horse skulls - all this was considered powerful amulets, protection from harm, a guarantee of good luck and prosperity.

The time of the horse is the end of spring. Colors - white, red, gray, black

Proverbs and signs:
The horse stumbled on the threshold - to trouble
A warrior's horse sniffs - to death
The patient is raving about horses - he will soon die
The neighing of a horse is good, but when parting, it means a long separation
Not to feed the horse
A kingdom without a storm is like a horse without a bridle
Happiness on a horse, unhappiness under a horse
The pig didn't reach the horse's snout or tail
They do not look at a given horse's teeth
Whoever goes on horseback must carry water

Cow - Velesov's Beast

Cow – Burenka, Bodenushka, Kravitsa.
In the shepherd era among the Slavs, the cow was one of the first and largest farm animals. A herd of fat cows, compared to dense white clouds in the sky, was considered the first wealth of a cattle breeder. It is not for nothing that in many Indo-European languages ​​the words “money” and “cattle” sound the same. The Sanskrit root “go” (as, for example, in the word beef) meant the main forces of nature - sky, earth and sun rays.
The cow is a nourishing element, a mother and nurse, a spring rain cloud, oozing life-giving moisture, roaring with hurricane winds. Rain and dew are the milk of the heavenly cow; magical properties were attributed to them, just like ordinary milk. The white cow symbolized the morning dawn, the black cow symbolized night and darkness. The moon served as the horns of this cow. The black cow conquered the whole world - a riddle, the answer to which is night.

The eerie image of the Slavic demon, Cow Death, is also associated with the black cow. This dark horned spirit haunts the herds, infecting them with dangerous diseases. Its appearance was explained by the massive inexplicable death of livestock. Witches sometimes milk cows to death
But light cows are light dawn clouds, which Dawn drives out into the heavenly pasture in the morning. Their milk is dew, in the healing properties of which our ancestors believed so much.

Cow time is mid-spring. Colors - white, black, red

Proverbs and signs:
A man bought a cow, brought it home, began to milk it, and the bull; so be it
The cow has a long tongue, but they didn’t tell me to speak
That cow that was under the bear would be silent
And one cow is healthy to eat
The cow that died gave three milk yields
A duck in a skirt, a chicken in boots, a drake in earrings, a cow in matting, and more precious than anyone else
The cow is polled (hornless), the forehead is wide, the eyes are narrow, it does not graze in the herd, it is not given to the hands - a bear
A black cow walks ahead of the herd in the evening - to bad weather, a mottled one - to variable weather, a white or red one - to a bucket

Bull - Beast of Svarogov

Bull - ox, pitchfork, bull.
If a cow is primarily a milking animal, then the bull was used mainly for arable work. Hence the separation of their mythological images. The bull is the personification of rough and stubborn natural strength, lust, determination, rage, which, however, can be curbed, which is what the first farmers glorified in legends did.

They believed that the gods themselves plowed on heavenly bulls and taught people to cultivate the land. The low bull moo gave rise to many comparisons and poetic metaphors. This is the hum of bees (buchel, in the old way) and the roar of water near a deep pool (buchila) and dense pre-storm clouds (byki) and the cry of a bittern (water bull) in the night mlga. The bull was associated with arable work, with revival, with addition and growth. Many peoples of the world worshiped the golden calf - the embodiment of earthly blessings and wealth.

The ardent tour is an image of the coming spring, the personification of an assertive life-giving water flow and fiery breath that sweeps away the remnants of winter filth along the way. The Bull's Eye was compared to round-shaped lakes and springs. The Bull was glorified on the spring holiday of Turitsa and Kolyady. An ancient custom stated that the owner had the right to such an allotment as he could plow in one day. In the fairy tale, Dobrynya protects Russian lands from nomads by plowing a deep furrow on the fire-breathing Snake, thus securing sacred borders.

The time of the bull is mid-spring. Colors - red, gold, blue, red

Proverbs and signs:
Grab the bull by the horns - with a pitchfork in your hands
Rich as a horned bull: he won’t fit into a narrow gate

Deer - Beast of the Tribes

Deer (elen) has been known to man since ancient times. Back in time immemorial ice age people hunted deer. Nowadays the main habitat of horned beauties is the northern regions, but the image of a deer is forever preserved in fairy tales and legends.

In symbolic terms, a deer is a rapidly fleeing entity, the pursuit of which can lead both to the higher spheres and to the underworld. The endless change of seasons gave rise to images of black and white deer - winter and summer. A golden-horned deer with white skin is a summer sky with the sun shining on it. Black deer - death, misfortune, long and severe winter cold.

The deer was associated with sacred pagan winter holidays- Carols. It was believed that the deer also protects family and marriage. In many folk tales, the appearance of a golden-horned deer at a wedding is a sign of happiness and long life.

The deer represents the supreme Slavic deities– Rod and Rozhanits, who were depicted on the stitches in the form of two deer or elk. In later Slavic times, the place of the supreme god was taken by Svarog, and then by Perun. A deer is also associated with it. The holiday of Perun on August 2 was the last summer day on which you can swim, because on this day the deer urinates in the water and cools it down.

Deer time is mid-winter and late summer. Colors - gold, red, black

Proverbs and signs:
I wanted to catch a deer, but I ran into the forest.

Squirrel - Beast of Perunov

The squirrel (veksha, mys, urma) is a small forest animal, for its strong teeth, like other rodents (hare, mole, mouse and rat), it was assigned to Perunov’s regiment. As if lightning breaks stones and splits trees, squirrels deftly chew nuts and acorns. The squirrel is associated with the very concept of light; like the rays of the sun, it nimbly jumps through the trees. A squirrel crunching nuts with golden shells and pearl (or emerald) kernels is a poetic metaphor meaning thunder and lightning. In many countries there is a custom of spring squirrel hunting, dedicated to the thunderer.

Squirrel time is late summer, early autumn. Color - gold, white

Proverbs and signs:
Squirrels ran into the village - there could be a war or some other big disaster
Veksha chirps - prophesies guests

The ancient Slavs treated animals with great respect and reverence. They considered animals to be the link between man and powerful nature. Many centuries have passed since then, but even today you can increasingly see people wearing amulets with images of animals. What do they mean, and how are they believed to help their owner?

The Slavs had many sacred animals. People believed that amulets with images of animals endow their owners with their best qualities - dexterity, strength, ingenuity, fertility. In pagan times, it was believed that any part of a sacred animal had the same properties as the animal itself. That is why there were many amulets in the form of bones, fangs, scraps of wool, horns, and paws. They decorated clothes, including.

Wolf paw or fang

The wolf was an ambiguous totem among the ancient Slavs. Its meaning and interpretation varied depending on the situation. On the one hand, this animal symbolized deceit and cruelty. On the other hand, independence and justice. The Slavs associated the wolf with the underworld and was considered a conductor of dead souls. Our ancestors believed that it was in the body of a wolf that relatives who had passed on to another world could appear to them.

Wolf amulets impart cunning, courage and help to gain respect in their environment, protect against anger and meanness. The wolf is a symbol of devoted love, a reflection of monogamous people who, like the prototype, are either alone or with one partner for life.

Cow horns and skin

The cow represented fertility, abundance and prosperity. The idol of this animal was “the nurturing mother for all Slavs.” Precipitation was compared with cow's milk, the month symbolized the horns.

Charms with cow symbols are more common among women. After all, they are the continuers of the family. Women wear such amulets when they are planning a child and want to create a strong family. The fertility symbolized by the cow is believed to help infertile couples have children.

Bird amulets

Several species are associated with images of birds Slavic amulets- roosters, ducks, geese, chickens, owls. The ancients believed that birds were messengers of heaven. It was believed that they were able to drive away troubles and illnesses from their owners, show the right path and help make decisions.

The rooster was held in high esteem as a symbol of the sun and fire. He won the popularity and respect of the Slavs with his ability to notify everyone at dawn about the coming of a new day. It was believed that the crow of a rooster drives away evil spirits, and a new day begins with the blessing of the solar gods. Chicken and duck were a symbol of fertility and prosperity. The crow's foot scared away evil spirits and helped those who set out on a long journey find the right path. The owl, a symbol of wisdom and justice, endowed its owner with insight and the ability to accept right decisions.

Bear paw or claw

The bear is the owner of the pagan forest, a strong, powerful and noble beast. It was believed that it protects against all manifestations of evil. In many homes, a bear's paw was kept as a talisman. The Slavs believed that it would protect against people with dark thoughts, diseases and troubles. Our ancestors endowed the bear with wisdom and enormous knowledge in all areas; oaths were often sealed in his name. If a hunter violated such an oath, he would die in the forest. A bear's claw was a sign of strength and respect from others, brought good luck and protected from danger.

Fox paw and tail

The fox is a peculiar embodiment of the female image in Slavic mythology, one of the most popular heroes of all fairy tales and beliefs. Fox for cunning, ingenuity and resourcefulness, the ability to easily find a way out of difficult situations. It was believed that where the fox was, there would be successful deception and deceit.

Charms with the image of a fox helped their owners resolve controversial issues in their favor, avoid responsibility or shift the blame to others.

Deer horns

The deer personified purity, nobility and openness of thoughts. Among the Slavs, this animal was the patron saint of family and marriage. It is not for nothing that to this day you can see embroidered images of deer on wedding towels and towels.

The deer was considered a symbol of fertility, prosperity and prosperity. The Slavs imagined it with huge branched horns - hence the tradition of hanging them above the entrance to the home. People believed that the horns would scare away evil and help them win the goodwill of higher powers. They occupied a special place among them.


The horse was one of the most revered animals. Ancient people believed that these animals were the closest to the gods, and that the sun moved because it was rotated by a chariot drawn by three horses.

The horse was valued for its endurance, patience and ability to endure difficulties and hardships. The Slavs had many iconic symbols associated with the image of horses. White and golden horses are a reflection of goodness, prosperity and wealth. Blacks are harbingers of betrayal, deception and misfortune. A wild, unbridled horse is the personification of the most natural elements; to pacify such a horse is to subjugate Mother Nature and take from her some of her boundless abilities. The symbol depicting a rider on a horse is also multifaceted - here courage and dedication are intertwined with self-confidence and bravado. The horse was often depicted on.

In almost every house one could see attributes of a horse cart - horseshoes, bells, skulls. They were considered the strongest amulets that protected from troubles and evil people and charged for success, wealth and prosperity.

Today they are of great interest. They can tell a lot about both the belief system and their owners.

Hello, friends!

In some previous articles we have already talked about the Old Slavonic horoscope, albeit in passing. And about one of his totems, the symbol of 2018, the Curled Hedgehog. But this is very, very little: the Slavic totem horoscope of animals consists of a cycle of as many as 16 years, and there are very interesting totems there. This is the minimum.

Bored Western and eastern horoscopes, to be honest, I'm tired of it. But it’s interesting to find out your totem animal in accordance with the Slavic horoscope. Believe it or not, it's a personal matter.

In general, it is more correct to call the totemic horoscope of animals not a horoscope, but a yearbook. Even more correctly - a chronicle. But this will not change the general meaning, and the component will remain the same: a sixteen-year cycle, each year is patronized by its own animal, its own totem, which, as in any horoscope, influences the character of people born in that year. And not only.

Slavic horoscope by year

There is an opinion that in ancient times Rus' had its own horoscope (totemic yearbook). It clearly reflected, and still reflects, our unity with nature. Distinctive feature Old Slavic horoscope - a cycle of 16 years, and the fact that the year, if you follow this chronicle, begins not in winter, but in March, on the Day of the vernal equinox.

Each year, and the person born in this year, has its own totem (patron). A total of 16 totems: Dark Plow, Stinging Hornet, Hidden Lut, Fiery Veksha, Pearl Pike, Bearded Toad, Wild Boar, White Eagle Owl, Hissing Snake, Crouching Fox, Curled Hedgehog, Soaring Eagle, Spinning Mizgir, Screaming Rooster, Golden-horned Aurochs, Firemane horse.

Beautiful and poetic, isn't it?

Below will be described the highest qualities of each totem that a person can have. The totem will help you find out who you really are, your inner qualities, can guide you on the right path, and tell you what to be wary of. Or maybe they won’t guide you or give you any advice. Horoscopes are like that.

So, let's find out your year and your totem.

The moose totem represents fortitude, character, strength, charisma, swiftness and pride. People born under the auspices of this totem are bright and active personalities. They can be leaders, and they are great at it. These people literally infect others with their confidence.

The elk is characterized by some dissatisfaction with what has already been achieved; he wants to create more and more, something new, something unusual. And he does this thanks to his high performance and endurance.

Elk people are busy learning and updating, they want and can bring knowledge to the world. Thanks to their totem, they easily realize themselves, climb the career ladder and, in general, achieve any goals they set.

The advice of this totem is to doubt yourself less and act more.

They get along well with people, build relationships well, and are sociable if the situation requires it. But, meanwhile, they can feel great alone.

It often happens that people who are patronized by Elk remain misunderstood in this world. But, what can you do, society is not always ready for new revolutionary ideas.

People born under the Hornet totem are active and purposeful, thrifty, and are born with developed intuition and a good memory, they know how to set goals and achieve them. At any cost, sometimes even bypassing some moral principles. They are terrible owners and jealous people: they won’t give up what they have, and they can put their eyes on someone else’s.

The patron totem gives the gift of eloquence, the skill of effective management and communication with people. Constantly reminds you to respect others and improve yourself. Helps to develop the best qualities in yourself.

From the outside, hornet people may look fussy; they can be very noisy, just like their totem. But this is an appearance; behind this appearance lies punctuality, diligence and enormous organizational talents. All this helps them to be good owners and manage their finances wisely.

By nature, they are leaders, but sometimes with a very complex character: they often put others in the place, sometimes in a very rude, sharp and caustic form.

The Slavic horoscope states that people born in the year of the Wolf are people of enormous strength and at the same time grace: outwardly soft and relaxed, at the right moment they can easily and quickly gather and concentrate. This is a dramatic change in a short time.

Wolves have some kind of magnetism and attract others to them. They are very generous and kind, patient. But no one will be allowed to restrict their freedom! Meanwhile, they are very devoted to their family.

For them, there are only those frameworks, obligations and restrictions that they have set for themselves. Don't stand in the Wolf's way, he knows how to fight back everyone and everything that encroaches on his territory.

They love order, both in business and in the house, but do not like to restore it, however, they can do it. They can also communicate competently and manage others.

The patron totem points out dangerous moments in life, helping to avoid them. Teaches you to make informed and informed decisions and act with confidence. Teaches you to analyze events and highlight the main thing for maximum efficiency.

According to the Slavic horoscope, people born in the year of Squirrel have protection Higher powers. Plus, they are dexterous and agile, they grasp everything on the fly, and can find a way out of any situation. A little crafty, sometimes extremely nervous and prone to depression. The squirrel is an extremely contradictory sign.

People born under the auspices of Vekshi are accustomed to relying only on themselves; they start families and start working very early. Thanks to their thriftiness, ability to save, constant development and training, they achieve a lot.

The totem animal gives its charges a little more positivity, creativity, energizes them, helps them be prudent and organized. Teaches you to complete everything and warns against fussiness.

To achieve more in life, squirrel people need to be able to control their emotions.

This totem is one of the few deceased ancestors strongly connected with the world; people born in the year of the Pike are under their supervision. Maybe that’s why they are such calm and self-confident conservatives, whose inner peace and balance is visible to the naked eye.

The highest charisma of this year is the Embodiment of the Creative, Transformative life principle - its goal is the destruction of everything that is unworthy of existence.

In communication, people born under the protection of Pike are extremely straightforward and honest. They have excellent self-control, are very responsible, and know how to cope with boring and monotonous work.

They respect family and traditions, and know how to create comfort in the home.

This totem animal imparts wisdom that helps to live in harmony with the world, teaches modesty, accuracy, and the ability to appreciate what you have.

People of this symbol are wonderful family men and excellent hosts. They are very hospitable and pleasant to be around, even despite their excessive conservatism and fear of change. They know what they want from life and know how to achieve it, they love comfort.

Those born in the year of Toad often choose intellectual work as their field of activity; they are good psychologists from birth, understand others well, and easily find mutual language. They will convince anyone and anything, they can be very eloquent, if necessary, of course.

This Slavic totem gives people fearlessness, endurance and determination. Do not get involved with those whom he patronizes, they will fight back, and how!

Pigs are stubborn and always strive to be the first in what they like. They sway and think for a very long time, but having made a decision and defined a goal, they will never back down. After the desired is achieved, they need rest and solitude. They may even fall into apathy.

Despite their stunning character, these people do not act recklessly: they make all decisions carefully and wisely. People born in the year of the Boar make good researchers, travelers and financiers.

The boar is a totem of success, material well-being, justice and excellent health. He teaches you to find your purpose in life and follow your dreams.

The eagle owl is the most mysterious and enigmatic totem of the Slavic horoscope; people born this year become mediums and seers. They are closed, they have their own rhythm of life, often the same as that of their totem animal. Often their activities are related to the spiritual spheres of life or the protection of Higher values.

Eagle owls are superstitious and suspicious, they have excellent intuition, and from birth. Independent and strong, they can however work well in a team. But, be that as it may, in order to reveal their full potential, these people really need the support of loved ones, and having it, they will move mountains.

Snakes are philosophers, capable of harmonizing the world around them. The other side of things is important to them, everything secret. Perhaps this is what helps them understand people so well, to see them almost right through.

People who are patronized are slightly secretive in communication, but they love to talk. They are practical and thrifty, very efficient. They achieve their goals, pursue them stubbornly, and carefully avoid all obstacles that arise.

This totem animal teaches its charges flexibility, bestows will, prudence, calmness and the ability to adapt to different life situations.

You can turn to Uzha for restoration of strength and health, wisdom and new opportunities for development.

The fox protects dexterous and inventive people, whose life is a continuous adventure, which, by the way, is not always fun. But you won’t get bored with them! For all their eventful lives, Foxes are very careful, prudent, and will achieve their goals. If necessary, they will go over your heads, but they will do it quietly, on the sly. They are skilled intriguers and you need to be careful with them.

This totem gives the ability to sense danger and guess the right moment for action. Teaches concentration, prudence, and prudence.

Hedgehogs are energetic, very energetic, active, slightly fussy and very responsible. They are outwardly reserved, sometimes prickly, but in reality they are kind, hard-working and reliable people. They are very loyal friends and spouses.

They emerge victorious from almost all situations, have a good understanding of people, are sometimes noisy and restless, and have an excellent memory.

The Curled Hedgehog totem helps to cope with difficulties in character, teaches you to smooth out corners and get rid of excessive irritability. Brings gentleness to life.

The eagle is a symbol of greatness, courage and leadership in many cultures. The Slavic totem horoscope is no exception; the people whom it patronizes also have these qualities.

Eagles are reformers, missionaries, obsessed with ideals and ideas. They are proud and brave, they live by their own rules, and will not tolerate being manipulated. These people are aristocrats, and they are also very loyal, reliable and incredibly charming. Well organized, do not like disorder. They make good leaders.

The Eagle totem teaches you to anticipate troubles, take care of the weak, and act decisively.

People who are protected by the Spider totem cannot exist alone. The support of loved ones is important to them; they need their own clan. They love to unite large groups of people around themselves and they are great at it.

Spiders love power, they are goal-oriented, sociable and have great creativity.

Their special gift is maintaining balance and internal stability. Able to plan their time well and get things done great amount cases in a short time.

Thanks to their totemic qualities, they make excellent leaders, scientists, project managers, researchers, and so on.

People whose totem animal is the spider happy people. And they find their happiness in love. The family honors traditions and takes care of the hearth. In short, a reliable support not only for the family, but also for society.

The Rooster totem awakens sharpness, fearlessness and ambition in people. But along with these qualities, there is also haste in actions and judgments. These people are emotional, and sometimes very strong, hence the impulsiveness in their actions. They are active and fearless, they love to be in sight, they are distinguished by originality of thoughts, therefore the professions characteristic of them are creative.

The source of strength for people of this sign is family. They love their home and children. Cheerful and open. But they lack perseverance; they don’t like to work hard.

Bulls combine good nature and rage; they are very energetic, patient, and sometimes extremely stubborn people. If necessary, they will stand for their beliefs, for their loved ones, and especially for their children to the last. They like to protect the weak, they are generous, slightly romantic, but at the same time they know how to be harsh and even aggressive.

Tour is a symbol of fertility, a well-fed life and hard work. People born this year value family and know how to manage a household. They know how to maintain childlike spontaneity at any age. They are cheerful and kind, they are loved very much, they have many friends.

Without the support of loved ones, it can be extremely difficult for the Bulls, but if their loved ones are nearby, then the Bulls can move mountains. They are successful in their careers and are almost always financially independent.

The totem protects its charges from unnecessary stubbornness and reminds them of the need to establish contacts with people.

The Year of the Horse is the year of the talented, brave, even, courageous and purposeful people. Almost everyone born in this year loves travel and sports, often extreme ones. These people are very active, they are not homebodies at all. Horse's motto:

Movement is life!

There is never a dull moment with them, such people have a lot of ideas, they surprise loved ones with their constantly revealing new features and talents. But at the same time, they are very efficient. They will not sit idle.

The horse totem has long been associated with strength, power, greatness and achievement. It helps you move on, free yourself from internal and external restrictions, develop energy, the gift of persuasion and the ability to work in a team.

Here, in brief, we talk about all 16 totems of the Slavic horoscope. Yes, the article turned out to be very long, but what can you do? We will definitely reveal each totem, but in the following articles, so you can subscribe to the site’s newsletter.

Totem animals

There is also a totem animal, which Perun most likes to transform into when there is a desire or need. Perun willingly takes the form of this animal, which is considered among the Slavs the patron saint of all those who respect and honor the god of thunder and warriors. This is the forest bull Tur. He himself is black with silver spots all over his immense skin. These spots sparkle so much in the sun that they can blind the enemy. And the enemy is struck by the very size of this bull, whose horns rise above the centuries-old pines in the forest. And the horns are golden and so smooth that it’s a pleasure to look at them. The forest bull Tur is also very agile and swift - no one has ever caught up with him, but he himself easily caught up with anyone he wanted; He could scare him, or he could grab him with his golden horns and throw him to the heavens above the clouds. You don’t want anyone to experience the wrath of Perun in the guise of the bull Tura. People recognize the most impressive spectacle that people have ever seen when, in the form of the forest bull Tura, Perun rushes over the clouds, foreshadowing either an unprecedented thunderstorm or a terrible battle with enemies. And it is no coincidence that a bull’s head made of silver traditionally decorated and still decorates the temples of Perun.

From the book of Revelation Slavic gods author Prozorov Timur Ivanovich

Boyan's totem animals are usually accompanied by a gray, green-eyed cat, sitting on Boyan's left shoulder, and a lark sitting on his right shoulder. It is believed that a gray cat can whisper the words of a future song to Boyan, and a lark will sing music in his ear. Boyan connects music

From the author's book

Totem animals It is the black horse that is the totem animal of Bogumir. The second totem animal of this god is the black raven, usually sitting on Bogumir's shoulder when he appears in front of

From the author's book

Totem animals A flock of large green, annoyingly buzzing flies usually flies with Buka. And on Buki’s left shoulder sits a brown and gloomy aga toad, making sounds that make even the most desperate little boy feel creepy. On the right shoulder lies a gray one

From the author's book

Totem animals Many legends of deep antiquity tell how a large Brown bear and with his menacing roar he plunged the villagers into fear and trembling. This usually happened when the ritual in honor of Veles was not performed properly

From the author's book

Totem animals More often than not, Viy appears not in his true humanoid form, but in the form of a shaggy wild dog- black matted fur, a tail dangling on the ground, drooping ears... But the most important thing is the eyes closed with long eyelids. This characteristic

From the author's book

Totem animals The sacred animals of Dazhbog, the talisman in his honor, have long been and are considered in Rus' not only the horse (although the horse in the first place), but the duck, goose and swan. In very ancient times, even Dazhbozhy amulets appeared, which are still widespread in

From the author's book

Totem animals First of all, these include the black cat and the gray hare. Zhelya does not turn into them, does not take on their appearance, as some people think. It’s just that these animals live together with Jelly in the kingdom of shadows. When is Zhelya going to visit the world of the living - to bring news

From the author's book

Totem animals Zhiva stands on the edge of the village, on the outskirts, and at the feet of the goddess is her beloved white marten, called upon to protect life and protect the peace of life. A white dove sits peacefully on Zhiva’s right shoulder, and a white dove sits peacefully on her left. The union of the white dove and the dove means

From the author's book

Totem animals If Zemun appears in the forest, she is most often accompanied by a gray-haired ermine; he either sits on the back of the cow goddess or trots nearby. If Zemun appears in the desert, in a meadow, in an open field or in the steppe, then with her there will be a sparrow, whose feathers

From the author's book

Totem animals In the cold season, the marmot usually comes with Kvasura. He either sleeps on Kvasura’s shoulder, or good-naturedly inspects the place where his patron has appeared. Marmot signifies kindness and tranquility, which should be bestowed by drinks brought

From the author's book

Totem animals Being omnipresent, Kitovras often appears in every area of ​​his habitat accompanied by one or another of his totem animals. Thus, in the skies the winged Kitovras is usually accompanied by a mountain eagle, symbolizing both divine functions

From the author's book

Totem animals Kolyada's favorite totem animal is a black or red cat with always green eyes sparkling in the darkness. These eyes simply cannot be ignored in the snow. Just don't try to catch this cat, pet it, or even just stare at it.

From the author's book

Totem animals On the one hand, Whistle's totem animals include those who act in the status of god's assistants; on the other hand, animals into which Whistle can transform. In the first group there are a horse, a falcon and a huge whale fish, correlated

From the author's book

The totem animals of the Rada do not take on any form except that they show off in the sky after rain in the form of a rainbow. But in true human form, together with Rada, you can often see a peacock butterfly. If you look closely at its wings while the butterfly is resting on a flower, then

From the author's book

Totem animals Thus, Svarog’s totem animals are a red horse, on which the god, armed with a spear, rides into the forest, field or meadow, wanting to give some instructions to the Slavic warriors, and a huge boar emerging from the sea. When Svarog takes on the form

From the author's book

Totem animals The bird Stratim does not exist on its own, it is an image, a hypostasis of Stribog, which he takes upon himself when he wants not only to appear before people, but to strike fear into them, to instill horror in their hearts. Stratim has huge black wings that can

Nowadays, there are a great many horoscopes that help us better navigate among the people around us; indeed, every person at birth is already endowed with characteristics characteristic of him. Likewise, the ancient Slavs had a huge number of horoscopes. One of these is the ancient Slavic horoscope of animals by date of birth. It includes 12 signs, although there is an opinion that before the horoscope was much larger and some of the characters had to be removed. With its help, you can not only find out which time period a particular animal is patronized, but also understand the strengths and weak sides a person born in a specific period of time. Such a horoscope will help you learn better about your capabilities and tell you how to more easily realize them in life.

The Slavic horoscope compares the character of the animal with existing human qualities and endows them with people born in a certain period.

Ancient Slavic horoscope of animals according to your date of birth

Wolverine is considered a beast that no hunter wants to mess with. This beast carefully monitors who walks on its territory, does not like strangers who settle in its possessions and protects them in every possible way.

Wolverine people put public interests above their personal ones. They do not like to be the center of attention and avoid open places. They are critical of themselves, know their strengths and weaknesses very well, and can boast of loyal and devoted friends.

The home of such a person is neat and clean. It is cozy and comfortable.

Such a person has an iron character, he is fair, and only a select few can fall into his circle of friends.

The raven has long been considered a wise and understanding bird. In addition, this wisdom is not acquired, but is already laid down from birth.

Crow people actually see openly the whole worldly essence, and it would take a sage years to come to such an understanding. That is why they say about such people that the spinal cord is quite enough for them; the brain may simply be absent.

A person born during the Raven period always knows the correct answer to a question. He intuitively finds the desired solution to the problem, without fully realizing how he came to it. Such a person sees very far, looks into the future, as if in open book, but it is difficult for him to manage and lead. People do not understand his aspirations and ambitions, they do not want to change their usual way of life and make unnecessary movements to achieve the goal.

If Raven still manages to occupy a high position, it is only because he does not say many things, otherwise he would be mistaken for a madman and kicked out with all his ideas.

The sign of the Raven is unhurried and calm, since vanity and true wisdom are two incompatible things. He can predict and predict the outcome of events. He doesn’t need to peck an apple rolling along the road, but rather takes a place in advance where it will stop.

Such a person is distinguished by good intuition, prudence, leisurelyness, fairness, and the ability to build logical chains.

This beast perfectly feels the great power within itself, which not only overwhelms it, but pours out from everywhere. It is not in his nature to sit idly by. He must be constantly on the move. If someone suddenly finds him in a relaxed state and decides that Ermine is arriving at peace, he will be deeply mistaken. Even being in a motionless and collapsed position, he makes plans on how to get rid of the squirrels he hates or how to get into the neighboring forest and rob his relatives.

The Ermine Man is dexterous, confident in himself and his thoughts and sayings.

He is not interested in law, rules and regulations. He is absolutely sure that he is doing everything right and for the common good. His actions are sometimes admirable.

In fact, people born at this time are selfless, responsive, quickly come to the rescue, and can lend to someone in need.

The ermine clearly understands what is good and what is bad, but lives according to his own beliefs and thoughts. He has a strong character. He takes any loot to his home and family, and helps his friends, who often take advantage of his generosity.

The toad can rightfully be called the most amazing animal. She tends to live in water, under water, on land, even on trees in the forest. She has an amazing ability - she knows how to adapt to everything. Likewise, people born under the sign of the Toad can not only be simple workers, but also lead high positions.

Toad Man can work in the field and lead an army. He is interested in music, literature, art, science, where he can also find himself.

Toads rarely lose heart; they feel good and cozy everywhere. Because of this, they lose the desire for more. They are accustomed to being content with the position they have and not weighing too much responsibility on themselves. But, if the Toad wants something, then with some effort he can get a high position. However, they are quite happy with what they have now.

People are drawn to this sign, value it for its golden soul, but the Toad itself does not really like meeting people, revealing itself and recognizing its interlocutor. She is more accustomed and comfortable alone with herself, where she doesn’t need to change or learn anything.

Those born during this period are characterized as

  • smart,
  • positive,
  • ambitious,
  • able to find themselves in any field of activity.

Grasshoppers are not characterized by fatigue, defeat and misfortune. They are always perky, cheerful, playful and personify solar energy. Looking at the Grasshoppers, people have a smile and joy.

People of this period are very easy-going. They are afraid of new tasks and discoveries, but fighting with themselves, they still go towards the goal. They are frightened by the unfamiliar, the unusual, but the Grasshoppers do not give up and continue their journey to the end. They understand very well that there may be difficulties along the way, but happiness and peace can await in the end. The interest that drives them, the ability to quickly grasp everything, allows them to reach the end and go through all the hardships, overcoming their fears.

The Grasshopper Man will never show his cowardice in front of others; only when alone with himself and his loved ones can he admit it.

To everyone else, he remains a happy-go-lucky and cheerful person who makes everything work out easily.

The grasshopper easily gets along with both other horoscope signs and his own. He is not characterized by hard work, perseverance, constancy, and can give up what he started. However, having many unfinished tasks, over time, he returns to them and quickly completes them.

These people are constantly jumping here and there, looking for something new, but those around them appreciate and love them for their kind and cheerful disposition.

Everyone knows that hamsters love to sleep. Sometimes it seems that their sleep lasts for nine months. However, when the time comes to harvest, they manage to fill their pantries to the ceilings.

People of this sign can work without rest day and night, drink a quick coffee and continue working again. During such days, the Hamster manages to complete a huge amount of work, which a hard worker born under the Ant sign would do for a month. After such work races, the Hamster gets very tired and goes on vacation to regain his strength. The ant continues to work non-stop, and when the time comes to compare the results, the chances of winning may be the same.

The Hamster Man is kind-hearted, unhurried, and has no anger in him. He loves to relax, even if he is not tired from work. Lying in the sun and doing nothing is the best reward.

People love Hamsters and forgive their sluggishness, because they know that they can turn on at the right moment and finish the job.

Ravlik is characterized by a special sensitivity, which helps him accurately and subtly understand people. People of this sign make excellent leaders. Ravliks know how to motivate people, what needs to be said, they know how to lead them even to the ends of the earth. Often, their hypersensitivity has a downside. There are periods when these people can give everything they have to someone else, and having realized this, they try to isolate themselves from their loved ones and withdraw into themselves, because they understand that they have been deceived again.

Due to their hypersensitivity, Ravliks become vulnerable. To save themselves, they withdraw and observe the outside world without interfering in anything. They are accustomed to living in a world they made up rather than dealing with cruel reality. It is sad for Ravliks to exist in such a world. They quite seriously believe that if they had been born several centuries earlier, they could have become princes rather than serfs.

Ravlik is an excellent conversationalist. Possessing innate hypersensitivity, he sees through the mood of the interlocutor, will not allow rudeness towards him, will come to the rescue and help get out of an uncomfortable situation.

This is an intelligent sign, but intelligence does not help them get rich, build a successful career, or achieve prosperity in their business. They perfectly imagine a beautiful future, but in their dreams, they waste a lot of strength and energy on the way to it.

Ants are perhaps the only creatures in the world that are not afraid to overwork. It is almost impossible to see them idle. Even in moments free from work, the Ant does something, for example, cleans his ears or paws, or polishes his armor. Likewise, a person born during this period is ready, in moments of rest, to plan his day in advance and try to more effectively complete the assigned tasks.

A person of this sign is constantly busy; he always has work and minor chores. He can graze cattle, build a house, look for prey and food.

He has no limits on what he can do; he needs to be busy with something all the time. This is a maximalist who will do more rather than less. That is why Ant people are respected and valued in society, and they often try to put as much work on them as possible.

Thanks to his hard work, Ant does not remain unattended. Such a person is quickly noticed, given responsible and difficult work, and may be promoted. An ant cannot be called a genius or smart; he achieves everything thanks to his work and endurance.

Ants make excellent family men, however, problems can often arise due to hard work.

Khrushch is no stranger to experiencing drastic changes in life. Digging into the ground like a worm and eating the roots, he is deeply convinced that this will happen throughout his life. But, having turned into a chrysalis and having found great peace, inspiration comes to him. For himself, he decides that he has now learned the meaning of life, knows what and how to do, what rules to constantly adhere to.

However, after a while, a young beetle emerges from the bursting cocoon and crawls out of the ground. He spreads his wings and flies to new discoveries.

Man-Khrushch is more concerned than others with the question of everyday meaning. He is well aware that he cannot explain to anyone, even children, how to live.

Everyone must go through the whole journey themselves and draw their own conclusions. Therefore, many people of this sign remain fat, blind worms and rarely turn into real winged worms, unable to find their way.

People of this sign love to get carried away

  • philosophy,
  • religion,
  • to seek the truth,
  • seek the moral and ethical gateway to right living.

In their work, Khrushchi are able to easily reach any heights if no one leads them astray from their intended career path.

Khrushchevs are characterized by frivolity and romance, but keeping such people in marriage is very difficult and difficult. Very often they like to change their environment and lifestyle, easily leaving the past behind.

This sign, like the Beaver himself, loves peace and order. It is no coincidence that Beavers learned to build dams, make dams, and raise the level of rivers and streams. These animals are not used to adapting to the weather; it is easier for them to adapt it to themselves, their routine and character.

Beaver people are distinguished by confidence, calmness, and leisurely behavior.

When working, they always have everything they need at hand, which helps them complete it efficiently. They are envied, although they are fully aware that they cannot live like the Beavers.

A person born at this time knows and can do a lot. He creates his life and the environment around him in such a way that everyone feels protected and calm around him. For such a person, any disaster will seem like a trifle, because he is used to being prepared for anything and always has an emergency exit.

These are strong, ambitious people who can achieve their goals, know how to calculate benefits and benefits, and create for themselves comfortable life, we are used to putting everything on shelves and systematizing it.

A person born during this period is distinguished by loyalty and fearlessness. This is perhaps the only one who still observes the old canons of honor, keeps his word and remains faithful to it. He will not hit a man who is down and take advantage of the presented moment to achieve his own benefit. The dog is old-fashioned in his beliefs, but it is for his honesty and decency that he is so valued.

People of this sign are true friends. Even betrayal and betrayal do not prevent the Dogs from continuing to protect people and trust them. It is worth noting that in the eyes of their opponents they have the same trust as their friends. You can safely trust these people with secrets, money and even your own life. Having learned that a close friend is in trouble, the Dog will run to his aid without looking back. He is not afraid of difficulties, he is ready to protect his neighbor even at the cost of his own life. These people always stick to their principles and remain faithful and devoted in any situation.

The dog values ​​conscience above all else, he is used to living in harmony with it, and laws change from day to day. He has no particular desire to career growth, but he can be found in good posts. Among the Dogs there are many businessmen, politicians, and managers, and this is no coincidence. They deserve absolute trust from everyone around them.

Everyone is accustomed to considering the bear the master of the forest, but he has never been the king of animals, steppes, forests and deserts. In reality, it is laziness that destroys the bear. He knows this very well and does not worry. He can calmly tell something about himself and make him laugh at himself.

However, the clumsy Bear can easily outrun a racehorse, strangle an elk and carry his prey in his front paws. He can smell a mouse's nest better than a cat and deftly catches a mouse from under a hard layer of earth. However, he is considered the master of the forest not because of his strength and dexterity, but because, being surprisingly powerful, he remains simple and careless, condescending to the weak. He can safely be called a conservative good-natured person.

The Bear Man is used to being content with little, he is smart and reasonable. It will be enough for him to lie down in a place he has already arranged and enjoy life without disturbing anyone.

The Bear will make an excellent businessman, but not a careerist. He loves to live for his own pleasure and surround himself with everything he needs.

Video: “Slavic totem horoscope of animals”