A miscarriage occurred in a dream. Why dream of a miscarriage? Dream Interpretation: miscarriage

26.06.2019 Sport

A dream in which a miscarriage occurred does not necessarily portend the onset of any fatal situation. It indicates a problem or error that needs to be addressed. If you correctly interpret the dream, you can warn yourself against the appearance of possible troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Razgadamus. If a woman is not pregnant and she had a miscarriage, this indicates a successful resolution of problems. A miscarriage acts as an unbearable chore that will resolve itself. The dream has another interpretation: if a woman has a young man, perhaps a quarrel will happen to him. If in a dream a woman is an observer of a miscarriage (it happens to someone else), in reality, trouble will happen to someone close to her, but she will not be able to help. You should think carefully about who exactly may have trouble and still try to warn the person. If a miscarriage was dreamed of by a man who is soon to become a father, most likely he is a little alarmed by the imminent appearance of the baby and the troubles that follow. Perhaps he is not yet ready to create a serious relationship and provide for a family. A miscarriage for a woman who is in a position means the fear of losing a child. This dream is a dream of many expectant mothers, so do not wind yourself up. Just keep an eye on your health and visit your doctor regularly. If a miscarriage was dreamed of by a woman who already has children, one of them may cause her inconvenience. This dream means that you need to be more attentive to your children, spend more time with them and be interested in their problems. Esoteric dream book. A dreamed miscarriage indicates a symbol of loss. If you are aiming for the implementation of global plans, be prepared for the fact that they may not be successful, so you will have to pull yourself together and start all over again. Take this dream as a warning - do not lend a lot of money and do not rush to take loans, because something may go wrong. It makes sense to wait a little. Miller's dream book. A dreamed miscarriage predicts betrayal. It is likely that a big mistake or injustice will be made in relation to the dreamer. Also, a dream can reflect a negative event that happened in the past. If so, you think too much about the fact that injustice happened to you. Let go of your resentments and start feeling free. Freud's dream book. This dream book indicates that a miscarriage symbolizes a desire to get rid of a large load as soon as possible. There may be something (or someone) that is preventing you from being free, confident, or relaxed. The dream indicates that the problem needs to be solved in order to be able to move on. This dream is often dreamed by people who have problems (usually psychological) that they cannot deal with in any way. Dream Interpretation Hasse. The dream symbolizes the fear of losing loved one. It may be just a projection of your fears, but trouble could really happen to someone close. Therefore, contact your relatives in the near future so that you do not later regret your inattention. Modern dream book. If a woman dreamed that she had a miscarriage, the dream symbolizes the safe disposal of damage or the evil eye. The dream indicates that she is enough strong man able to deal with any kind of trouble. In real life, it is recommended to do an energy cleansing.

As you can see, dream books differ in their interpretations. In any case, if you had a miscarriage, do not get hung up on sleep too much. Continue to lead a healthy lifestyle, carefully plan all your affairs and continue to develop. Then you will be ready for any situation, and no matter what happens, at the right time you will be able to direct things in the right direction.

Seeing such a dream, most women get scared and rush to look into the dream book. A miscarriage with blood is not always a harbinger of something bad and terrible, sometimes experiences and anxiety can cause something similar. It is also important who exactly and in what circumstances had a dream.

What if you dream of a miscarriage and blood?

If a woman is expecting a child, then she does not need to think about what a miscarriage and blood are dreaming of. In this state, the psyche is disturbed, constant thoughts about the bad and fears do not give rest, especially during the first pregnancy. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that such dreams begin to torment a woman. If you had such a dream, then first of all you should try to stop being afraid and constantly worry, this can harm the baby. And, in order to get complete confidence and make sure that the dream is empty, you need to undergo an examination and try to avoid stressful situations.

A miscarriage and blood can also be dreamed of by a non-pregnant woman who has never encountered this in her life and has not even thought about it. In this case, the dream warns of possible illnesses or a quarrel with blood relatives. Moreover, both the sleeping person and her relatives can get sick. Do not immediately fall into despair, you just need to be alert. You also need to be more careful when communicating with relatives, try not to offend them in any way, not to say too much. A miscarriage and blood can portend a strong resentment, which can lead to a break in relations.

It's important enough not to give dreams of great importance, prophetic dreams Although they do exist, they are very rare. What you see in a dream may well be caused by the experiences received the day before, the stories of acquaintances, and your own anxieties.

A dream - a miscarriage with blood - can also be a dream for a man, this is a signal that you need to take care of your beloved woman, otherwise everything can end badly. Moreover, the same thing does not have to happen in reality, but a painful break in relations is quite possible. Therefore, if there is no desire to lose a loved one, then for our part it is required to make every effort to ensure that this does not happen.

Such a dream can also portend serious trouble at work, which will lead to material losses and even ruin. Having seen such a dream, one must be as careful as possible, do not sign dubious contracts, do not trust either close friends or new acquaintances.

A miscarriage with blood is not always bad dream, this may be seen if there is a serious problem and it will be solved soon, but not without loss. Blood and miscarriage symbolize getting rid of everything bad. For example, he may dream before the upcoming operation, after which recovery will come, a break in relations with ill-wishers.

What portends?

Having seen such a dream, many people wonder why they dream of a miscarriage with blood, is it worth taking such a dream for a prophetic one? In this case, it is best to resort to psychological dream book. Some experts believe that seeing yourself in a dream in a similar situation indicates that in life a person cannot cope with the problem in any way, difficult life circumstances burden him. It is the subconscious desire to get rid of troubles in any way that causes such a dream.

Seeing a friend in such a dream in such circumstances means that in the near future she may be in danger from outside or the illness of one of her family members. If a completely strange woman dreamed, and the sleeping woman, as it were, was watching what was happening from the side, then this is enough good dream. He portends that future troubles will pass by and almost not affect the sleeper. Such a dream can also mean that soon you will have to witness some not very pleasant incidents. A subpoena as an eyewitness to the event or an unfair accusation is possible, which, however, will be dropped.

Having seen some disturbing dream, it is important not to panic, but to analyze all the events that happened the day before. Perhaps the reason for such a dream lies precisely in this. For example, a friend told something similar, or the plot of the movie you watched was just on this topic.

A miscarriage and blood is, of course, a very disturbing dream, but whether it is prophetic or not, it is quite difficult to understand. Therefore, it is important to know that most dreams are provoked precisely by impressions from events that occurred in the recent past.

A dream in which a miscarriage occurred or a birth occurred dead child, is not necessarily an omen of a fatal event. Such a dream can mean, for example, a miscarriage of justice, which you have to figure out.

For a woman who is not pregnant, to see a miscarriage in a dream means getting rid of overwhelming troubles. The troubles that haunted you will be resolved safely by themselves.

If someone has a miscarriage in a dream, and you are observing this process: in real life, trouble will happen to one of your loved ones, in which you cannot help, with all your desire.

As the dream book interprets, a miscarriage for a future father who dreams of the birth of a dead child means that he is afraid not only of his imminent birth, but also of the hassle associated with caring for the baby. Perhaps you are not yet ready for the fact that you will have to provide for your family, deprive yourself of a certain freedom and throw all your efforts into caring for the baby.

As the classic dream book explains, a miscarriage for a pregnant woman is, first of all, the fear of losing a baby. Pay Special attention on the state of your health. Go to the doctor once again to make sure that everything is in order.

For a woman who already has children, a miscarriage means that one of her offspring will cause serious trouble in reality. Be more attentive to your children, perhaps you devote little time to them.

For a young girl, according to interpretations modern dream book, a miscarriage may portend a quarrel with a loved one. Do not be upset in advance - most likely your chosen one is far from the person with whom you are destined to link your fate.

Why dream of a miscarriage in other dream books

The psychological dream book interprets a miscarriage as an explanation for internal fears for one's life and health. Do not pull - consult a doctor, perhaps your dream warns of serious problems in the body.

The esoteric dream book interprets the birth of a dead child as a symbol of the unsuccessful or unexpected completion of carefully planned events. We must be ready in time to gather our courage and adequately withstand all adversity. Do not despair - the crisis will be left behind and you will have a chance to start all over again.

Why dream of a miscarriage in Miller's dream book: to see in a dream a miscarriage in a woman, or in any female (dog, cat) - in reality you will receive a stab in the back from a very close person. There has been, or will be, a great injustice against you.

A modern dream book interprets a miscarriage seen in a dream as a symbol of great loss or loss. Be very careful in your endeavors - perhaps they are not destined to come true. It is also not worth lending money - it is unlikely that they will be returned. Wait a bit with loans: something will go wrong, and you will lose the opportunity to stay afloat.

Why dream of a miscarriage in Hasse's dream book: a dream reflects your fears of losing native person. This is a sign that trouble may have happened to your loved ones. Do not delay, contact them, so that later you will not regret your inattention.

Freud's dream book interprets a miscarriage as a desire to get rid of an overwhelming burden. What prevents you from feeling confident, relaxed and free? Perhaps there are people in your environment who suppress your individuality.

Why did I dream that I had a miscarriage? Interpretation of a miscarriage in a dream book

There is currently a large number of dream books that interpret the meaning of dreams in different ways, but most of them agree on certain statements. Young girls who say: “I dreamed that I had a miscarriage” almost always think that in real life it will definitely happen.

Most people who report in a dream that I have a miscarriage subconsciously set themselves up only for negativity, so it is quite expected to receive such news in reality. Of course, not everyone wants to even think about the fact that a miscarriage can happen, but such a dream can dream not only of a girl who is expecting a child, but also of an accomplished mother or even a man.

If a girl dreamed that she was suddenly losing a child, then in reality it is quite possible that she did not complete the planned work to the end, or she chose an ineffective method of solving the problem. You just have to be a little attentive and then all issues will be resolved soon, so you should wait and go in the right direction.

If a girl who does not yet plan to become a mother sees such a dream, then this is a sure sign that she will get rid of any problems that have been tormenting her for a long time. Very soon, the dreamer may receive very pleasant news about a promotion at work or strengthen financial well-being his strong family.

If a person witnessed a miscarriage in a dream, then it is likely that in reality he will face certain life difficulties that an outsider can prepare for him.

Young unmarried girl a dream about a miscarriage may indicate an imminent quarrel with a loved one, and the reason for such a disagreement may be her distrust of her soulmate. It is worth learning to find mutual language with a partner, and also do not forget about his desires, otherwise the girl will remain in splendid isolation.

If a man had a dream about a miscarriage, then this means that he feels responsible for someone or is very worried about work. Also, this dream indicates that the guy is simply afraid to start serious relationship, because this is a responsible step, which not many immediately decide.

If a dream in which a woman had a miscarriage was dreamed of by the future father of the child, then this is a sign of worries and anxieties that await him soon. This dream does not indicate Negative consequences pregnancy, but simply warns of upcoming changes in the life of a couple who are preparing to become parents. If a pregnant woman had such a dream, do not be afraid and worry, because this means that in real life she simply does not want to lose her baby.

A miscarriage dreamed of by the mother of a child suggests that she will have to take care of her children and help them realize themselves in life, but it is worth noting that this dream does not portend anything bad. In general, dreams about the loss of a child indicate the presence of serious problems that prevent a person from developing normally both mentally and emotionally.

If a girl dreamed of a miscarriage accompanied by bleeding, then we can say with confidence - this is quite good sign, because dream books say that this is a harbinger of building relationships with relatives and close friends. The surrounding people will begin to listen more to the opinion of the dreamer, because they will feel some kind of connection with her, so you should really enjoy such a dream.

The birth of a dead child in a dream suggests that future parents are not fully aware of their situation and are not completely ready to take into account what will appear in their house very soon. new life. For a girl who had a miscarriage on her wedding day, a dream may be a warning that she may lose a loved one, but this does not immediately mean death, because he can only go to another woman.

If in a dream a girl herself provokes premature birth, then in reality she simply wants to get rid of some people who interfere with her in the implementation of her plans. If a young lady dreamed that after a miscarriage the child remained alive, it is a sign that collapsed dreams and hopes will suddenly come into their own again and even bear fruit.

Scientists have proven that the more terrible the dream, the happier and more joyful the memories will be in real life, so you should not be upset. This is just a dream, which is rarely directly related to the real person, in which case you should learn to separate fantasy from everyday life.

Why dream of a miscarriage?

If this symbol was dreamed of by a lonely girl, then she will never be able to get married, so she should not even try to build a relationship, as they will always end in failure. If she managed to prevent the threat of a miscarriage, then soon she will meet her betrothed, only she should not be too arrogant, as she may lose him, and fate will not send her another.

If a pregnant woman saw in a dream that she had lost her child, then in reality she should not be afraid that she would have a miscarriage. Since such gloomy dreams are a reflection of her own fears. When a woman who has children saw in a dream that she had lost her fetus, in reality she needs to look after her child, since it has completely blossomed.

Because of this, they already gossip about her that she does not know how to raise children. Provoke a miscarriage - you should be prepared for unexpected events, and if the sleeper does not take control of what is happening, then he will have serious problems. If an elderly lady had such a dream, then she should pay more attention to her health than to the gossip that she loves to collect so much.

If a miscarriage is dreamed of by a man, then he should be careful in making responsible decisions, as they will lead him to inevitable collapse. Also, such a dream can promise failure in business and personal life so nothing new should be planned.

If a pregnant woman saw herself in a pool of blood, but her gynecologist said that everything was in order with the fetus, in reality she would have a tedious pastime with her husband's relatives. However, she can easily avoid this, she should only tell her husband that she does not feel well.

If a man dreamed that his wife had a miscarriage, then in reality he could lose her forever, so he should be more attentive to his wife and not quarrel with her over trifles.

If the midwife dreamed of a miscarriage of one of her patients, then in reality she normally conveys her child, and the birth will be easy. When a woman in a dream is glad that she had a miscarriage, in reality her problem will be resolved miraculously, so she should not worry about this, it is better to direct her efforts in another direction.

Thinking about what a miscarriage is dreaming of, it would be useful to look at the interpretation of this symbol in several dream books, perhaps in one of them you will be able to find the best option. So, if you rely on the opinion of Nostradamus, then such a dream is a harbinger of terrible events in a woman’s life, so she should not quarrel with her enemies, otherwise they will strike her back, after which she is unlikely to recover.

Dream Interpretation Hasse warns a man that his rash decisions can lead to serious problems. And Miller promises a woman a new acquaintance, her gentleman will be very gallant and quickly fall in love with her. However, she should not lose her head, as this affair could end her marriage.

A modern dream book foreshadows a woman's discord in family relationships, and for a man - the complete collapse of his plans. Dr. Freud is of the opinion that a miscarriage dreams of a new lover who will be so skillful that he will outshine everyone else.

If a woman had a dream in which she woke up in a pool of blue blood, holding an embryo in her hands, then in reality she should accept the fact that her husband has long cooled off towards her, he has long been on the side of a mistress who is much younger, and only with he feels satisfied with it.

A miscarriage can promise very unpleasant events, therefore, so that they do not come true, you should tell your dream to water or a loved one - this way it will never become a reality, which means that the dreamer will no longer have reasons to worry.

Dream Interpretation Miscarriage, why dream of a miscarriage in a dream to see

Home dream book Why dream of a miscarriage in a dream?

Interprets the dream book: A miscarriage is a lack of new ideas.

Everyday dream book Why dream of a miscarriage in a dream book:

If you dreamed of a miscarriage, then it would be useful to think about whether there was any injustice or judicial error in your life. It is also likely that your plans have recently collapsed. Maybe you are still upset about this, but it really bothers you, so you need to calm down and let go of the past.

For men and women, seeing a miscarriage in a dream is a warning that the business you are currently doing is doomed to failure. It is recommended to change your plans according to the circumstances.

If a pregnant woman had a miscarriage, then this is a warning to be more careful. It would be helpful to see a doctor.

Seeing a miscarriage in a dream can also mean that soon you will find yourself in a strange situation that you cannot accept. Waking up should be more patient, because you don’t have to waste your nerves and health in vain.

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy and miscarriage

Why dream of Pregnancy and miscarriage in a dream from a dream book?

Dream Interpretation considers pregnancy and miscarriage as a negative sign. A dream is especially unfavorable for a childless girl.

Soon she expects a complete destruction of plans. You should not make serious decisions and start important things, there will be no success in them.

A miscarriage in a dream

A miscarriage in a dream

In a dream, I saw my sister (she is now 25 years old), who was lying in bed, covered in blood, was very tormented, she had a miscarriage. The dream was autumn clear and detailed. In life, the sister is not married, there are no children.

A miscarriage in a dream

Hello! Please tell me what my dream means? The dream was gray, I went to the shore of the reservoir, without feeling pain, a bag in the form of a “gut” came out of me, I realized that this was a miscarriage. I am not pregnant, I have a child 2.5 years old. In life, I am now faced with a choice: divorce my husband or stay with him. It torments me a lot. Maybe the dream is connected with this situation? I was predicted that we should have a second child, or this is still in the plans. Thank you.

A miscarriage in a dream

I dreamed that I had a miscarriage in the bathroom and it was painless

A miscarriage in a dream

From November 15-16 this year. I have a dream that I’m near a church or monastery and I’m talking with a priest and saying that I’m pregnant from my father who raped me and I want to have an abortion, but my mother is against it and I understand that this is a huge sin (which is why during my life I was a drinking tyrant and despad, even once tried to kill my mother and hanged himself the day before my wedding). Batiushka examines the stomach and slightly presses with his hand and says, you have several months of pregnancy and everything will be resolved soon. Then I walk down the street, pregnant, but I don’t have a belly yet, my mother and some unfamiliar guy are walking next to me. Suddenly it starts heavy bleeding but the blood is not bright, but as if diluted with water. I go alone to the hospital, I go up to the floor and to the gynecologist 2 men are waiting in line, I sit down, and this reddish liquid is pouring under me. The men let me out of the queue. I'll light it up in a bright office, a blonde doctor starts an examination and says there is a threat of miscarriage and says we will be saved. I started crying and said I didn't want this. I talked about rape. Then she did an ultrasound for me, but she didn't tell me the results. She let me go home and said be happy. Then I found myself in an old and dark cemetery, there were people near several graves and they behaved very quietly, they commemorated loved ones. I saw many painted eggs on the graves, as they do on the days of commemoration of the dead. I want to take the eggs, but there is nowhere to look for a bag among the garbage that someone left. Then a middle-aged woman comes up and asks why I need this, I say to feed the dogs. And my mother appears and tells this woman that she (mother) feeds the dogs here. Suddenly I look around and on all the graves there are large and fresh bones. I woke up. In general, I don’t remember dreams at all, but I remember only prophetic ones. But this one is incredibly scary and I remember it in detail.

A miscarriage on a ship in a dream

I had a very terrible dream. Please help me to understand it, it can warn against something. I dream that I am sailing on a ship, pregnant, I go up on deck, and I see that there is a big storm, I feel bad, they help me go down, but they tell me that I had a miscarriage, I cry a lot ... And I woke up, from very unpleasant feeling. Thank you in advance!

In a dream miscarriage

Hello, on the night of April 24-25, 2010, I dreamed that I was going to the gynecologist, everything is fine with me in this part (the doctor says so), then I go to a club with my friends, dance in white long skirt, I look at the skirt and understand that it is covered in blood, they called an ambulance, they took me to the next room where there was only a table in the middle, they put me on it and then the doctors tell me that I had a miscarriage, the period was 3, 5 months, although there are signs I didn’t have any, my stomach too, and the doctor didn’t see the pregnancy, I saw the baby clearly in the blood, I woke up on this, but didn’t immediately realize that it was a dream, because just at that moment my critical days began. The dream was vivid and quite realistic. Why is he? I myself am not married and have no children, but I really want to, I had an abortion at 16. In general, I absolutely always have dreams, and always in color and I remember them all, they often come true, but not quite like in a dream (since in a dream it is often quite unrealistic) Due to the fact that they often come true and I am afraid that this dream may be plausible, because in the near future I am planning a pregnancy. Thank you in advance!!!

Pregnancy blood miscarriage in a dream

Today I had a very disturbing dream ... I dream that I am visiting an old friend, in the house. It's like she's pregnant with her second. Then my husband (still a civilian) came for me, let's go home ... I constantly touched my stomach after I left my friend. She turned out to be pregnant too. But when she was there, she didn't know what it was. Went to the doctor. The doctor put some kind of device inside me, on the child, so that he could breathe, it looked strange - a gray plastic circle with a long tube, dressed like next to the head, in the baby’s ear and it was pretty big. It turned out that I was already 16 weeks pregnant. I return home, I look in the mirror, I begin to see the outline of the child's face, appearing through the stomach, just a profile! I open the door to one of the rooms and blood starts to flow out of me, from women's places. My legs buckle, this device falls out, the baby, the placenta, the umbilical cord ... Everything was so realistic. My husband turned around in a dream and left, saying that he no longer wanted to talk to me ... He just helped me wipe everything everywhere from blood ... I'm very scared ... Tell me, please, why such a dream ???

Childbirth miscarriage in a dream

I dream that I live in another city and in another country with my husband, that I am pregnant, but we hide this from my relatives from everyone. And then the contractions began, they decided to give birth at home in the bathroom, my gynecologist came from the city where I used to live to help. In general, I suffer from contractions all my sleep, I wait until I can give birth, the doctor looks and says that in an hour or two, not earlier. I decided to go to the toilet and the child fell out there so easily, once and for all. I was in a panic, I was sure that the child would no longer survive, he was dead. / But I take it out and see that it doesn’t look like a child at all, like a piece of meat of some kind. I cry, the doctor says that he can no longer be saved, he will not survive. I don’t believe it, and I hold it in my hands and stroke it, it turns into a real child, only scary. I call for help so that someone cuts the umbilical cord, that it turns black for some reason. At the last moment we cut it, it becomes so beautiful, beautiful, with cheeks, with long cilia. Was born good boy but in this way. The dream ends with the fact that I run up the stairs for a very long time, I run to my husband and we start sending SMS to everyone that we have given birth to another boy.

Relationships in a dream

I am walking around a beautiful building with my girlfriend. It looks like a registry office or some kind of palace. But in it you seem to walk around some kind of cabinets. First, I sneak into this building alone through some small hole. Some of the guys are coming with me too. This building is located in some warm place, the climate is very pleasant, maritime. On the street next to it, a swimming pool with a tower. Then I'm with a girl. We have a miscarriage. We are shown it. It's not pleasant. We remember that during sex we thought to stop, but continued anyway. Then we leave the office and go somewhere together. We almost run. And we hold hands. We are very good.

Pregnancy quadruplets in a dream

I dreamed that I was pregnant with quadruplets. My young man took me to the pharmacy to do an ultrasound. I say - but this is a pharmacy, not a hospital, they don’t do it there. He insisted, I went. At the pharmacy, the pharmacist took me to her office behind the counter, did an ultrasound, said everything was in order. She looked at the documents and asked, why did you do an analysis for hCG twice, doubted that you were pregnant? And she smiles. We answer - no, they were afraid that there was a miscarriage, they checked it.

Pregnancy in a dream

Hello! I had a very vivid and complex dream. I am 28, not married, I have a child - a daughter. In a dream, I was at my grandmother's house. I suddenly realized that I was pregnant. I told my grandmother, she was very happy, but asked me not to tell anyone yet. I knew I was 8 weeks pregnant. I tried to tell the father of the child (a man who likes in life), but he did not answer messages and did not call back. I cried, I was very afraid. Then I had a miscarriage. Only instead of a baby there was an egg. I was very sad, holding it in my hands, crying, it seemed to me that it had to be a girl. I tried to save it, wrapped it in cloth and pressed it to myself, but it cracked and everything leaked out. I felt that I was still pregnant, so I went to the doctor. The doctor confirmed my feelings, said that initially there were twins, but I lost one child and I have to be very careful to save the other. It was a boy. I still could not get through to the father of the child. And suddenly he appeared. He was cold and aloof. My belly was growing fast and I could feel it moving. Then I wanted to go to the toilet and went to the small one in front of the mirror (It's not very convenient to say this, but I think this is an important part of the dream. I'm sorry.) For that, this man and I ended up on the street. Before us was a lot of fruit: peaches and apricots. They were juicy and ripe. I really wanted them and I asked the owner of the fruit for a peach. He asked me to wash my hands. I went to the basin of water, the water was very clear, and began to wash my hands. And the fruit owner began to help me. He washed my hands and said that they were very thin, then he noticed three scratches on my arm and asked from where. I didn't know. She looked at the father of the child, he stood aside, still the same cold and emotionless. I wanted to take a peach, but the owner of the fruit said that a green one might come across, but I took a ripe one. I ate it, it was very sweet, juicy and tasty. Then I woke up. I'm a little worried after what I saw, although it's hard to say from what exactly. Please help me understand what this means! Thank you in advance!

dream wedding

I dream that I am getting married, moreover, for a person completely unfamiliar to me (in reality, I have a friend). At the same time, I am pregnant, the period is short. On myself, I see a dress, but not long, about the middle of the calf, and a veil. Suddenly, I begin premature birth, a lot of blood. I stained my dress with blood. I was taken to the hospital. Then I don't remember anything. Tell me what does that mean? Thank you.

Pregnancy heavy in a dream

I dreamed that I was pregnant and my friend also lost her child, but they saved my pregnancy!

miscarriage to lose a child

Dream Interpretation Miscarriage to lose a child dreamed of why in a dream a miscarriage dreamed of losing a child? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a miscarriage in a dream to lose a child by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Child

The child is a symbol of hope, the future. If you dreamed that a child was bitten by a beast, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, which in the first place will pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who wants to make him his disciple. Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will happen, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world. If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will very much need his help. To dream of a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future, SP & Home will be infected with an unprecedented number of people, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that the plight will not change anything, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease. If you dreamed of a child who had no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in real danger. Because of environment very heavily polluted, a lot of children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders. Seeing a healthy smiling baby in a dream is a lucky sign. A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will no longer be afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore they will give birth to many healthy beautiful children. To dream of a child running across the earth means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity. A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war. If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to that life line when you need to reconsider and change your life. To see a crying child is to jeopardize your future. To look for your child in a dream is to try to find lost hope. To dream of a child picking flowers means spiritual enlightenment. To hold a baby in your arms in a dream is to try to find a way out of a predicament.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child will dream: to give birth to a child is wealth. How a plump child dreams - these are worries for good; thin, weeping worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big chore. A child is a dispute, a brawl. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. The same dream will be seen by an old woman - heralds severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking a pile, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. Child - attack, quarrel, chores. The child is on the table, comes to life - the death of this child. Many children - anxiety. A child on the shoulders (on korkosh) of a man - a pregnant woman will have a boy, on the shoulders of a woman - a girl will be born.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship. A crying child - to poor health and disappointment. A child walking alone is a sign of independence. A woman who nurses a child in a dream will be deceived by the person she trusts the most. Nostradamus believed that the child dreams as a symbol of hope, the future. He interpreted dreams about a child as follows. If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then this dream prophesies to the dreamer a meeting with a person who will very much need his help. To see a healthy, smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A dream in which a child runs on the ground means renewal. If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life. Seeing a crying child, know that you are endangering your future. in your child’s dream, you will find lost hope. A dream about a child picking flowers means spiritual enlightenment. If you held a baby in your arms in a dream, you will try to find a way out of a predicament. And here is D. Loff’s interpretation: “As an object of your dreams, a child is something requiring care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or is it imposed from outside. A dream involving a child can be dreamed of by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be associated with fear of the obligations of fatherhood.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child (child) is a symbol of the continuation of life, but also of trouble and anxiety. If you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that in reality, you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you rest. A crying baby in a dream means that despite your efforts, you are not getting the desired result. Holding a child in your arms, lulling it, will require a lot of you, and the path to success will not be easy. The dream in which you feed the child promises you a troublesome business, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction. Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation - Child, child

When they care too much about someone or take care of them, then in this case they say: "Seven nannies have a child without an eye." Probably one of the most common expressions is the following: "Whatever the child amuses, if only he does not cry." A child is a symbol of trouble, anxiety, capriciousness, inconstancy, so if you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you rest, and as a signal of your state of mind in a dream it appears child. If you dreamed of a crying baby, then this is a sign that despite all your efforts, you will not get what you want. Holding a child in your arms, rocking him, putting him to sleep - in reality you will need a lot of work, because the path to success will be very difficult. The dream in which you feed the child promises you a troublesome business that will end with a benefit for you, will bring moral and material satisfaction. Punishing a child in a dream - in reality, experiencing inconvenience, discomfort, because you will do work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Seeing crying children in a dream is a sign of ill health and disappointment. A cheerful, clean child is rewarded love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and disdain for unworthy opinions. If a woman sees in a dream that she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one she trusts the most. Bad sign- to see in a dream that you take your sick child in your arms if he has a fever: this dream portends mental suffering and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Crying children in a dream portend deterioration in health and disappointment. A cheerful, cheerful child dreams of mutual love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and contempt for worldly vulgarity. If a woman sees in a dream how she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one whom she trusts the most. A bad sign is to take your sick, feverish child in your arms in a dream: such a dream portends mental suffering and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Child, baby, boy

if this is an infant, then in a dream he indicates anxiety, care, weakness and fatigue from the flattery of the ignorant. A boy who has reached maturity is good news. Seeing a healthy baby in a dream - to get rid of life's problems and to happy love. Seeing a sick baby is a nuisance. Whoever sees that he is holding a child in his arms will acquire property. If in a dream a child was born to a person, then in reality he will have troubles and worries. If in a dream you teach a child the Koran or something good, then you will strongly repent of your sins.

Dream Interpretation - Child

If you experience anxiety and anxiety for your own child: in reality your family happiness nothing serious is in danger. At the same time, if your child appears to you hopelessly ill or dead, this means that you anticipate a real threat, and you should be on the alert. Such dreams usually urge you to take some urgent action. Play with children and experience pleasure from it: a sign that all your plans can lead you to success. Many frolicking children in your dream: portend some fuss and not very serious chores. Perhaps something will distract you, interfering with your main activities. Crying children in a dream: portend trouble and annoying obstacles in business. Seeing yourself as a small child is a sign of a problem that you cannot cope with. Usually such dreams warn you against in order not to take on any cases in which you understand little. Seeing one of your friends as a small child portends that you will have to correct other people's mistakes or solve other people's problems.

Dream Interpretation - Miscarriage

Accident, accident, catastrophe.

A person spends a third of his life in a state of sleep and sees pictures and events that are understandable and confusing, one-time and often repeated. In any case, dreams carry any information that a person wants to understand and recognize. However, it is rather problematic to independently interpret the stories seen in a dream, so people turn to dream books for help. If you dreamed horrible dream about pregnancy loss, then you may be excited. This article answers the question of why a miscarriage is dreamed of.

If you had a scary dream about pregnancy loss, then you may be excited.

The loss of a child can be a dream for anyone, regardless of age. There are many interpretations and assumptions about what a miscarriage dreams of. It symbolizes the feeling of loss, the collapse of hopes and plans, the loss of something valuable and necessary. This state is the complete opposite of the happy state of pregnancy. After all, pregnancy has long been associated with a change in life for the better and the happy realization of creative ideas.

Miscarriage with blood

  1. The bleeding miscarriage at the center of the dream of a young girl who has never known intimacy is a reminder of the fright during recent talk of abortion and painful conditions during pregnancy.
  2. For a pregnant woman, a dream of a miscarriage with blood can mean the possible occurrence of problems with gestation. It is possible that such dreams are a reflection of women's fears associated with pregnancy.
  3. For both a man and a woman, the loss of blood during a miscarriage in a dream means a loss of vitality and patience in reality. Such dreams portend a difficult period and indicate that a clear injustice has been committed against a person and the things that the dreamer is now busy with will not bring success.

Perhaps this is a warning about accidents and accidents on the roads, so your plans need to be reconsidered. Such a dream is considered a harbinger of adverse events, a prediction of problems and troubles. On the eve of a new business, such a dream may indicate an impending failure, so long-term plans should not be made.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a miscarriage

These dreams are normal if the woman is in her third trimester right now.

Such a sad event may be a reflection of her hidden emotions:

  • fear of losing a baby
  • fear of complications and doubts about their abilities and strengths
  • memory of people who do not let you forget the feeling of pain, resentment and injustice

These dreams are normal if the woman is in the third trimester of pregnancy right now and can mean mild anxiety about the pregnancy and fear of childbirth.

Dreams of miscarriage may seem more disturbing than others, as the loss of a child is considered a bad omen in the public mind. Most often, such dreams cause negative emotions and have the same meaning, but not always. However, dreams of miscarriage disturb and disturb not only pregnant women. Emotionally sensitive ladies can see in such dreams a reflection of their life fears.

Seeing a miscarriage in a dream

  1. If a dreamer sees a miscarriage in his dream, then this may mean the following:
    helplessness and confusion in the face of unexpected life circumstances
    insecurity in people with whom it is planned to do something important
    the desire to relieve the burden of accumulated problems
  2. According to Freud's dream book, such a dream means a desire to get rid of a person who suppresses the dreamer in real life. The dream suggests that the time has come to change a lot in life, including reconsidering your surroundings.
  3. For a man, such a dream portends the collapse of even carefully thought-out plans. He should be more careful and attentive in financing even the most reliable projects at first glance.
  4. If a man who is preparing to become a father sees such a dream, it means that he is tormented by doubts whether he will be able to abandon his usual way of life and properly raise a child.

Seeing an embryo in a dream

Thus, a woman’s secret desire for pregnancy in life can manifest itself, which cannot be realized in any way.

The embryo has various meanings in dreams for men and women.

For a woman, the embryo predicts:

  • possible pregnancy in reality
  • confidence in your feminine charms

Thus, a woman’s secret desire for pregnancy in life can manifest itself, which cannot be realized in any way.

For a man, such a dream can mean:

  • the emergence of a new idea and fruitful work on its implementation
  • possible participation in an interesting project and a likely promotion at work

The main thing is to be patient and not waste your nerves in vain.

Risk of miscarriage

The threat of a miscarriage in a dream for a man can mean possible difficulties in communicating with business partners and colleagues who are not too late to eliminate and improve the situation in the professional field.

Such dreams warn against a stab in the back, which is possible from a loved one or colleague. Such a dream can predict and fatal mistake which can be prevented.

The loss of a child even in a dream is a tragedy, such dreams leave unpleasant sensations after waking up, and a person is preparing for troubles and various problems, so you should think over your steps so that thwarted plans are not painful. Since such a dream serves as a warning, it is better to listen to it.

A miscarriage from a dreamer's friend

If a dreamer's friend had a miscarriage in a dream, then he will have problems, and the dreamer will not be able to help his friend in any way

If a dreamer's friend had a miscarriage in a dream, then he will have problems, and the dreamer will not be able to help his friend in any way. It is likely that the dream warns of a possible betrayal by the protagonist or heroes of the dream.

A miscarriage in a dream of a woman with children

A miscarriage dreamed in a dream by a woman who has children is for her a warning about emotional coldness in communicating with children. The dream interpretation invites her to spend more time with them, pay more attention to them, talk with them about their interests. It is important to remember that such dreams are always designed to draw a woman's attention to difficulties in relationships with children.

A miscarriage in a dream of an unmarried girl

For an unmarried girl to see a miscarriage in a dream portends a quarrel or even a break with a loved one.

For an unmarried girl to see a miscarriage in a dream portends a quarrel or even a break with a loved one. The dream interpretation recommends reconsidering your plans for life and taking a closer look at the man who is nearby, more carefully. Most often, for an unmarried girl in love, such a dream portends an imminent parting with her loved one.

An example of the interpretation of sleep

You can consider a dream in which a person is sitting in the hotel lobby, waiting for someone, and at this time the waiter brings him a cup of coffee. Having finished his coffee, the man wanders into the lobby of the hotel, when he suddenly notices hemorrhage, despite not being pregnant.

Such a dream includes three important symbols:
1. Hotel
2. Coffee
3. Miscarriage.

The hotel represents luxury and happiness. At the same time, coffee symbolizes anxiety. The actual significance of such a miscarriage is that, while undertaking a project, it was expected to have positive results, but it turned out to be useless. This means that the expected result turned out to be far from reality.

A dream in which there was blood (video)

Why dream of pregnancy (video)

It is important to remember that a dream is not always a continuation of reality, and its meaning in life can be much less significant or different than it seems to the dreamer. At the same time, dreams help a person understand his state of mind and send him help and support.

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Why dream of a miscarriage

If you dreamed of a miscarriage, then it would be useful to think about whether there was any injustice or judicial error in your life. It is also likely that your plans have recently collapsed. Maybe you are still upset about this, but it really bothers you, so you need to calm down and let go of the past.

For men and women, seeing a miscarriage in a dream is a warning that the business you are currently doing is doomed to failure. It is recommended to change your plans according to the circumstances.

If a pregnant woman had a miscarriage, then this is a warning to be more careful. It would be helpful to see a doctor.

Seeing a miscarriage in a dream can also mean that soon you will find yourself in a strange situation that you cannot accept. Wake up should be more patient, because it is not necessary ...

A miscarriage, or spontaneous termination of pregnancy, in reality is a very traumatic situation, both physically and psychologically. A dream about a miscarriage can be a dream for a woman, regardless of her age and physiological state. Such dreams can also occur in men (although quite rarely). The symbolism of a dreamed miscarriage is based on the antagonism of the state of pregnancy, which is traditionally associated with the appearance of something new in life, an increase in well-being, the realization of creative ideas, that is, a miscarriage in a dream portends the collapse of hopes, the loss of something valuable, the collapse of conceived plans.

Dream Interpretation Denniz Lynn. What did the miscarriage dream about?

A dream of a miscarriage may indicate that some kind of injustice has been committed towards you. Be careful when making plans for the future - they can break. If a pregnant woman had such a dream, she should be extremely careful.


Regardless of who is dreaming about a miscarriage, this is an unfavorable sign. So, if he dreamed of a young nulliparous girl or woman, she would face the collapse of all plans, especially those relating to the sphere of personal relationships.

For a woman who has already given birth, a dream is a harbinger of problems caused by her children, their unseemly behavior. There are also some misfortunes, troubles with the children themselves.

A pregnant woman after such a dream should not be frightened, since it can serve as nothing more than a reflection of her real fears and fears. However, if she saw this process very realistically, with blood, experienced pain in a dream (especially if she had a dream in the second half of pregnancy), then she still needs to behave more carefully: monitor her health more closely, visit less often public places, more rest, eat in compliance with the recommendations of doctors.

If a miscarriage (perhaps even at home) was dreamed of by a man, his ...

Find out exactly what a miscarriage of a pregnant woman dreams of!

As you know, dreams in many cases reflect the thoughts and actions of a person in real life. Many women in anticipation of the birth of a child are tormented by fears that something unpleasant might happen to the fetus.

The question of why a pregnant woman dreams of a miscarriage worries many expectant mothers who are impressed by such an unpleasant night vision. Firstly, you can immediately reassure pregnant women - such a dream does not promise any trouble for the baby in the womb.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a miscarriage, most likely, this becomes the result of the woman’s feelings and worries about the state of her born child. Perhaps she often imagines a miscarriage mentally.

Experts say that a miscarriage of a pregnant woman is seen in a dream by almost every woman. future mother. This vision becomes the materialization of the gloomy thoughts and fears of the future woman in labor. Get rid of such dreams will help ...

For any woman in reality, a miscarriage is stressful. In the same stressful state, you can wake up if there was such a dream. But the dream of a miscarriage carries only a positive connotation.

What, in essence, does a dream about pregnancy hint to us? About the burden, about the heavy burden that we take on ourselves. A miscarriage means getting rid of the problems that torment us.

Why dream of a miscarriage if it comes out with blood? This means that you will get rid of the annoying care and guardianship of any relative. If your mother-in-law (father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law) “gets” you with excessive care, interfering in your family life, and pointing out what and how to do in order to make a bright life for your child, then the dream of a miscarriage is a clear sign that soon you will live far from your annoying relative.

If you cry in a dream because a miscarriage has occurred, in reality you will be glad that you got rid of problems. If you see someone...

The nature of dreams, no matter how much it is studied, still remains mysterious and raises many questions. Sometimes in a dream we see pleasant things, and sometimes we have nightmares that are difficult to explain. For example, why dream of a miscarriage. Unfortunately, dream books agree that this dream does not bode well.

If a girl or a childless woman dreamed that she had a miscarriage, she should be prepared for the fact that her plans (especially in the field of personal relationships) could be destroyed. If a woman who has children dreams of a miscarriage, then she should pay more attention to children. It is believed that such a dream portends a woman problems associated with the unseemly behavior of her children or their illness. But a pregnant woman should not be afraid if she dreams of a miscarriage. For her, such a dream is just a reflection of her daytime fears for the development of the unborn child and the outcome of the pregnancy. Strange as it may seem, dreams of a miscarriage can also be seen ...

Dreams often surprise us! Sometimes they even make you suffer. At the same time, it seems completely impossible to understand why this or that scene is dreaming. In any case, the images have nothing to do with the impressions of the day. So why dream of miscarriages? This event does not happen so often in life. Most of People have only heard that this happens. Many simply do not have their own experience of experiencing such an unpleasant event. And the subconscious mind throws it up. For what?

Why do women dream of miscarriages

For a mother, such an image can only be an echo of long-standing experiences, especially if the last pregnancy was not ideal. But a dream can also be prophetic. Unfortunately, its interpretation does not cause optimism. A woman needs to prepare for the fact that her children will bring only problems. The older ones will be mischievous so that she will have to blush more than once in front of neighbors and teachers. And the kids can get sick. Why else do miscarriages dream? This tragic vision...