Dream quarrel with father meaning. Quarrel interpretation of the dream book

12.07.2019 Sport

According to scientific research, every person sees several dreams during sleep, but due to physiological processes it is not always possible to remember them. Dreams can be very diverse, and each of them carries some meaning and warns us about upcoming events.

Sometimes we dream of a quarrel, and we can either be a participant in it or observe this process between other people. What does such a dream mean? Let's try to find the answer to this question.

Why do you dream of a quarrel according to Miller’s dream book?

Such a dream prophesies troubles and disappointments. If you quarrel with someone in a dream, expect conflicts with your soulmate. Perhaps it's time for you to take a vacation and take a break from the daily hustle and bustle. If you witness a quarrel between other people, then be prepared for difficulties in the professional sphere.

For a young girl, such a dream foreshadows a course of obstacles and failures, Married woman may talk about an upcoming divorce and a big family conflict. If in a dream your spouse accuses you of something you didn’t do, then this indicates complete harmony and mutual understanding in the relationship.

Quarreling in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

A quarrel with your mother in a dream can indicate family discord for which you will blame yourself. Moreover, in fact, you will be the injured party, and not the instigator of the conflict.

What does it mean to dream of a quarrel according to Freud?

Dreams of this nature reflect your sexual desire. If a quarrel occurs between people of the same sex, then this may indicate the dreamer’s homosexual inclinations.

A quarrel between a man and a woman indicates the sexual attraction of these people. Moreover, they crave sex in the form of a game with elements of cruelty.

Why do you dream of a quarrel - Modern dream book

A quarrel involving you promises troubles and disagreements with the people around you. For a woman, it means long quarrels with her lover or husband; for a girl, such a dream foreshadows many failures.

A quarrel with an intelligent person indicates that you have great abilities, but because of laziness, you do not develop them. Arguing over little things in a dream often means illness. Seeing others quarrel before your eyes is a sign of disappointment at work.

Interpretation of a quarrel in a dream according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Such dreams reflect your negative attitude towards what is happening in reality. Perhaps you worry too much about something or hold a grudge. Try to relax, calm down, and then the unpleasant consequences of sleep will be less pronounced.

If you enjoy a quarrel in a dream, this indicates minor conflicts in the near future.

What does it mean to quarrel in a dream - dream book of the healer Evdokia

A quarrel in a dream promises you failure and disappointment. If you dreamed of a conflict with a stranger, this means that you will have a new hobby. Watching a quarrel is a loss in the work started.

Why do you dream of a quarrel in Lewis's dream book?

Such a dream shows that you have a conflict with yourself. Maybe in real life you feel pressure from someone around you.

What does it mean if you dream of a quarrel - a dream book for lovers

If an unmarried woman sees a quarrel in a dream, it means trouble and discord with her loved one. For married people, such a dream warns of possible difficulties in family life which can even lead to divorce.

Why do you dream about quarreling in a dream according to the women's dream book?

If you quarrel with someone in a dream, then in reality you will be able to achieve mutual understanding and good relations with this person. To unmarried people, he speaks of the onset of a period of minor disagreements, which will lead to worries.

If they are trying to drag you into a quarrel, such a dream suggests that you are actually facing a conflict, the cause of which will be a stupid accident or manifestations of your own character. Watching a quarrel between other people in a dream means disagreements with others await you.

A dream in which you start a quarrel indicates your harsh character. Try to be more restrained and then you will be able to avoid misunderstandings in reality.

Why do you dream of a quarrel with your loved one, with your husband, boyfriend, or ex?

If you dreamed that you were quarreling with your loved one, it means that soon you will face large financial waste, which is unlikely to be beneficial. Also, such a dream may simply be an expression of your negative emotions and speak of complete harmony in your relationship.

A quarrel with your husband in a dream, during which you remain calm, may indicate an improvement in marital relations or the recovery of someone close to you. If you swear in a dream and feel a storm of emotions, then most likely you will have to face difficulties or illness.

A conflict with an ex in a dream is good sign. Such a dream promises you success in all endeavors and in the love sphere.

Why do you dream of a quarrel with your wife or girlfriend?

To dream of you arguing with your girlfriend means that in real life you are trying to avoid any conflict situations with your significant other. You should relax and just enjoy your lover.

A quarrel with your wife in a dream can have several interpretations. If you scold your loved one, then such a dream speaks of an improvement in your life. In cases where the wife initiates a disagreement in a dream, misunderstandings with the children should be expected.

Why do you dream of a quarrel, quarrels with mom, dad, parents, daughter or son?

A quarrel in a dream with your parents indicates their lack of attention to you. Also expect a new streak of troubles in your family. Conflict with your mother in a dream may indicate your attachment. You may be too concerned about her health.

A dream in which you quarrel with your daughter or son foreshadows troubles and disappointments. If you dreamed of a quarrel with your father, then you need to carefully consider all decisions in order to avoid mistakes. Such a dream may indicate that someone is trying to manipulate you.

Why dream of a quarrel with a friend, girlfriend or friends?

A conflict with a friend in a dream indicates that this person is able to support you in any situation. Quarrel with a friend in a dream - most likely there is some kind of secret between you.

A disagreement with friends in a dream speaks of their devotion to you. Some people may start rumors about you, but your friends will help you solve this problem.

Sometimes dreams in some surprising way coincide with the phenomena of real life.

We are not talking about prophetic dreams. For prophetic dream warns the dreamer about an important event that ends a period of a person’s life or life in general.

Dream, paired event, as a rule, opens a chain of phenomena going into the future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Parents and relatives

Among all people, the most significant for any person are his father and mother (brother, sister).

Parents in a dream represent the leading fateful tendency of some long or important period in the sleeper’s life (depending on how they look and what they do and say).

The image of a father or mother in a dream emphasizes both the significance of the event and some independence of this event from the consciousness of the sleeper.

The father embodies a more decisive, rough, testing stream of consciousness, doom, warning, or new perspective with which the dreamer comes into contact.

The mother plays the role of fate (its segment), rewards, desires, career, business, obstacles in marriage (for a woman).

Positive images of father or mother are equivalent to parental blessings and good luck.

All the rest, other relatives in a dream are more often interpreted in negative meanings, as interference, quarrels, troubles.

Deceased parents in a dream have increased significance: see Deceased parents in a dream.

Interpretation of dreams from

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    If in dream to you dreamed about it Argument or you had to Argue With someone in dream, Dream Interpretations believe that in reality some facets of your personality may come into open conflict. Also, mother With father symbolize protection and support, advice and help from them. Therefore, depending on the context, dream, in which they are present, can mean both the presence of protection and support, and the loss of something important for the dreamer. If dreaming argument With parents, then this is undoubtedly a negative sign. Read more

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    Had a dream swear With Father, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming swear With Father in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol.Today I dreamed about it argument With mine father. It felt like we were sorting things out. Dream it was cold and gray. Read more

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    If dreamed about it argument With a beloved man or a woman who is developing very rapidly in dream, this may indicate that in the real life of the sleeper, not everything is so smooth. Argument With father indicates that a huge turn of events will soon occur in the dreamer's life. This will lead him down a completely different path, one he did not choose. But this is not so bad, it turns out that everything that will happen to him was only for the better, and his beloved relatives and friends will help the dreamer with this. Read more

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    To you dreamed about it Argument what is this about - internal conflict. Aliens quarreling- failures in service; disappointment in your profession. Jewish dream book. What does it mean Argument in dream To you dreamed about it Argument what is it for - You will become closer with the one with whom quarreled in dream. Imagine that argument ends with reconciliation and mutual forgiveness. Psychoanalytic dream book. Meaning sleep Argument Read completely

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    argument With father.I dreamed about it Argument With wife, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Argument With wife in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it! Read more

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    argument With father.I dreamed about it Argument With a woman, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Argument With woman in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Read more

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    argument With father.I dreamed about it Argument With different, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Argument With friend in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Read more

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    "Dream book Argument With beloved girl dreamed about it, for what dreaming in dream Argument With beloved girl." dreamed that my girlfriend and I live with mine parents and mine father He said something to her and she left the house. I looked for her and found her in the hostel. she was with her friends and performed some kind of ritual (I’m writing for the guy). Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it Father, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Father in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream I've seen this symbol. This is not the first time for me dream sex With father. Moreover, stormy, emotional and clear dream. It is worth noting that after quarreling I do not communicate With father about 2 years. But he is still an authority for me to this day.

Quarrels are unpleasant not only in real life, but also in dreams, conflicts always cause negative emotions and sensations. Such night dreams, in which the dreamer quarrels with someone, are interpreted ambiguously. Needed for correct decoding dreams to remember the smallest nuances of the storyline.

A feature of dreams in which quarrels are dreamed is great amount various storylines. Very often such dreams are repeated, and this means that the problem that exists in real life has not been eliminated. That is why you need to understand what quarrels mean in dreams in order to correct the situation in a timely manner in reality. It is very important to remember with whom the quarrel occurred in the dream, since this factor is always the starting point for the interpretation of the dream as a whole. If you cannot determine the identity of the person with whom you quarreled in your night dreams, then this indicates your internal conflict. This means you need to understand your emotions and feelings.

Quarreling with a loved one in a dream

If in a dream you quarreled with your loved one, then this may be a reaction of the subconscious to the fact that in real life you have established a taboo on discussing certain topics with friends or loved ones. Thus, everything unsaid is scrolled through the brain during a night's rest and results in the plot line of night dreams, in which there is a quarrel with a lover. In addition, if this is repeated very often, then this may be evidence that in reality you are very afraid of quarreling with your loved one.

Interpretation of sleep for a guy

For a guy, a dream that reflects a conflict with his girlfriend indicates that he is really very afraid of losing her. In addition, such a dream can be a harbinger of a difficult period in a relationship. If they are dear to you, and you strive to maintain love, then you should strive to spend more time together and pay more attention to each other.

Why do you dream of a quarrel with your ex?

If in a dream you are quarreling with a former lover, then this indicates that you still have feelings for him. We need to remember the immutable truth that dwelling on the past is very bad and try to start life from scratch. If you succeed, then such a dream will stop disturbing you.

Quarrels between spouses

Quarrels between spouses in a dream symbolize a dysfunctional family environment. In real life, most likely, there are a huge number of different misunderstandings between husband and wife. If a woman has such a dream, it may indicate her dependence on her husband. It turns out that in reality the wife agrees with her husband in everything only because she is psychologically and financially completely dependent on him. From the outside, such relationships look very good.

Quarrel with friends - dream book

If you dream of a quarrel with friends, then in real life you will have to face serious problems. At the same time, it may very well be that you will have to get out of a difficult situation on your own, without counting on anyone’s help.

When in a dream you had to quarrel with your parents, this indicates that you are growing up and trying to get rid of parental care. If you quarreled with your mother in a dream, then such a dream foreshadows family troubles in reality. And when in your night dreams there was a quarrel with your father, this symbolizes your ability to defend your own opinion under any circumstances.

Quarrels with relatives - the meaning of sleep

In general, quarrels with relatives in dreams characterize you as a very calm and insecure person. In any situation, you strive to please others and it is unlikely that this is worth doing. But, unfortunately, external politeness cannot protect the lot of negative emotions that accumulate inside and periodically manifest themselves in the form of dreams with quarrels. Other interpretations of dreams in which quarrels with relatives were dreamed:
    A quarrel with your sister indicates that you intend to commit an act in reality that she will not approve of. A quarrel with your brother indicates that he is dissatisfied with your behavior and is not satisfied with your lifestyle.

Quarrel with neighbors

A quarrel with neighbors in night dreams always has a prophetic orientation. Having seen such a dream, prepare yourself that in real life a conflict situation will arise with a number of people living with you. Therefore, prepare yourself in advance to find a compromise. Otherwise, a huge scandal will break out.

Miller's Dream Book

In accordance with the interpretations of Miller's dream book, any quarrel foreshadows life's disappointments. Such night dreams may indicate that you are very tired and need to get a good rest. And if in a dream you become an involuntary witness to other people’s quarrels, then this foreshadows conflicts at work or the emergence of difficulties in the professional sphere. A quarrel between spouses in a dream can be a harbinger of divorce in real life.

Why do you dream of a quarrel with a stranger?

According to interpretations modern dream book a quarrel with a stranger in a dream indicates that in reality you are oppressed and very upset by the circumstances around you. If you don't make an effort to change them, then all your plans will simply collapse overnight. And if you understand from the plot that you are quarreling with a very smart person, then this focuses your attention on the fact that you have very good natural abilities, which you do not develop due to your own laziness.

Women's dream book

The quarrel that they are going to drag you into is interpreted according to the women's dream book as the development of a conflict situation in reality due to a stupid accident. You need to be reasonable in this period of time and not allow yourself to be drawn into conflicts that, in general, will greatly harm you. When you are the instigator of a quarrel in a dream, this indicates your temper. The dream focuses the dreamer’s attention on the fact that you need to be a more accommodating person, and you should learn not to react sharply to events that you don’t like. Any quarrel in a dream is a release of emotions, which means that during a night’s rest the dreamer experiences energy leak. Therefore, dream plots in which there is conflict or scandal lead to the fact that a person does not get enough sleep, and therefore does not rest fully. Therefore, you need to understand as quickly as possible what the quarrel was about in your dream and react correctly in reality.

Fights, arguments, swearing, in a word, conflict situations seen quite often in human dreams. Such dreams cause a lot of anxiety in the dreamer, since many believe that a conflict will soon occur in reality. But is this really so? This article will tell you why you dream of a quarrel.

Fights, arguments, swearing, in a word, conflict situations in human dreams are seen quite often

The dream book gives the following meanings for this image:

  1. A dream in which a person has a conflict with someone indicates that he is too demanding of himself and others. The dreamer sets the bar too high, for this reason he often has a bad mood and health. The dream book recommends loosening your grip slightly and shifting some of the responsibility to others.
  2. A stormy showdown with a girl in a dream means mutual understanding with her in reality.
  3. A dream in which a woman quarrels with a man foreshadows her strong love with him. If the day before of this dream If the dreamer had a quarrel with this person, then in the coming days they will make peace.
  4. If a girl argues with a guy in her dreams, this means that in real life he takes her very seriously.
  5. Swearing is often dreamed of good deeds. Perhaps a person will soon have a need to help one of his close friends or relatives.
  6. A quarrel with an enemy in dreams means reconciliation with him in reality.
  7. If the dreamer hears someone arguing or watches a fight between two enemies, she can expect news. Perhaps one of the distant relatives will invite the dreamer to a festive celebration.
  8. Arguing with a stranger means meeting your love. Also, such a dream can promise a person a passion for some interesting activity.
  9. Finding out a relationship with a friend in a dream means loss.
  10. Scolding a pet means illness.

If children quarrel in a dream, then a conflict will arise between the wife and husband in reality.

Quarrel in the dream book (video)

What does a quarrel mean in Miller's dream book?

Psychologist Miller believes that the image of conflict in dreams always symbolizes problems, misfortunes and deprivations. Therefore, there is clearly no need to expect anything good after such a dream.

  • The dreamer is in for squabbles, gossip and bad rumors. Perhaps ill-wishers will want to denigrate him.
  • A young teenage girl will find herself in the middle of trouble. Perhaps misfortune will happen to her.
  • A married woman risks losing her husband's trust. The possibility of divorce cannot be ruled out.
  • Conflict situations in the dreamer’s family will arise regularly for a long time.

Psychologist Miller believes that the image of conflict in dreams always symbolizes problems, misfortunes and deprivations

If the dreamer watches someone he knows swear, this means that he will be disappointed in his work. Perhaps he will be demoted or have his salary cut.

Why dream of a quarrel with a friend, girlfriend, sister, wife?

The interpretation of this dream can largely be determined by who exactly the dreamer is in conflict with.

  1. Swearing at a girlfriend or friend means that the person will soon lose something important. We are not talking about the loss of material assets or things. The loss will lie in the qualities of the person himself. It is also possible that his circle of social contacts will shrink and he will stop communicating with certain people.
  2. If a man dreams of a quarrel with his girlfriend, this means that his relationship with her in real life will be as good as possible. If on the eve of such a dream conflicts arose in the couple, then they can be easily resolved. The long-awaited harmony will come in the relationship between lovers.
  3. A quarrel with a sister in a dream means happiness for the dreamer in reality.
  4. Arguing with your wife in a dream means receiving good news.

If a man dreams of a quarrel with his girlfriend, this means that his relationship with her in real life will be as good as possible

Why dream of a quarrel with a boyfriend, father, relatives?

Conflicts with relatives in dreams mean that the dreamer is not happy with the relationship with them. In real life, it is not always possible to solve problems in relationships, which is why such dreams come to the aid of people. From a psychological point of view, they have a very important function for a person - cleansing consciousness from negativity. However, arguing with close relatives and loved ones in dreams is always important.

  • A conflict with a beloved man, boyfriend or husband means for the dreamer an improvement in his relationship with him in real life. It is also believed that such a dream may indicate a person’s subconscious readiness to spend money. The dream book warns of the need for more serious attitude to money, otherwise spending it will have Negative consequences for the financial situation in the dreamer's family.
  • Swearing at dad (or another loved one) means the dreamer’s not fully realized need to get closer to him in real life. Most likely, his relationship with his father cannot be called ideal. Dreams in which a person sorts out relations with his parents have negative interpretation. According to the dream book, such a dream promises losses, failures and stress.

Swearing at dad (or another loved one) means the dreamer’s not fully realized need to get closer to him in real life.

If a parent quarrels with his child in a dream, this indicates that he will soon encounter difficulties in his relationship with him. However, the dream book advises a caring parent not to panic, because such dreams always help to find the right way to solve a problem.

Seeing a conflict with an ex-man in a dream

Clarify relations with ex-husband or boyfriends, dreamers have to do this quite often. This can be explained by their recent, and perhaps even current, attachment to this person. A woman thinks about her former lover, this thought is reflected in her dreams. What does such a dream mean?

Dreamers often have to sort things out with their ex-husband or boyfriend

The interpretation of the dream is in most cases positive.

  1. If the dreamer wants to make peace with this man, then the likelihood that this will happen is quite high.
  2. If the girl experienced a difficult breakup with this person, and their relationship deteriorated greatly, then this dream means a quick reconciliation.

Interpretation of this dream in other dream books

  • If two men are in conflict with each other, the dreamers will be very jealous of one of their friends.
  • Watching two women yell at each other means becoming the target of gossip and rumors.
  • To enter into conflict with a stranger yourself means to lose the support of loved ones.
  • If in a dream a crowd of kids are sorting things out, a lot of fun and joy awaits the person.
  • Spouses are quarreling - you should expect good news.
  • After such a dream, the dreamer will become the owner of valuable gifts.
  • Waking up in tears after a dream about strife means living without luck for a long time.
  • For married girl such a dream could mean family discord.
  • To be kicked out of your home after a quarrel with your family means to fail. The dreamer will feel inferior.
  • To sort things out with your ill-wisher means to become friends with him in reality.
  • To start an argument with an innocent passer-by means to get carried away by some interesting matter.
  • Annoyance and disappointment await the dreamer who dreamed of a trial. However, if the court was on his side, he should expect good luck in business.

Why do you dream of a quarrel (video)

It turns out that dreams about conflicts are a kind of “shifters”, and their interpretation for reality, in most cases, is positive. So if a person has dreams in which he quarrels with someone, sorts things out, or even fights, this is an excellent sign that foreshadows happy events.

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