Compatibility Pisces (woman) - Pisces (man). Pisces and Pisces Compatibility

24.09.2019 Animals

The relationship between a Pisces man and a Pisces woman is complicated, incomprehensible, there are a lot of “buts”, and, despite the similarities, they are somewhat strange for each other. Marriages between representatives of this sign occur quite often, but the success and duration of such a marriage depends entirely on them. The zodiac sign of Pisces characterizes their chaotic movement through life. There is no certainty, no specifics, many secrets and isolation. The flow of life, which brought them into the same river of relationships, will force them to take into account similar character traits in their chosen one.

The Pisces man and woman are quiet, peaceful, calm people for those around them. They are burdened with responsibility; for a long time they will have to choose who is in charge in the family, constantly shifting the burden of leadership onto each other. They like to be on the sidelines, watching different stories or the lives of other people, selflessly criticizing or analyzing people’s actions, simply gossiping. The couple has the same interests; they like everything unknown, unknown to humanity. You can often find them
behind deep philosophical discussions about the meaning of life, about other planets or other world. Both believe everything and everyone, are easily suggestible, and someone else’s word is authoritative for them, especially if the information is gleaned from printed publications or television.

They sense falsehood very keenly and quickly react to it, but at the same time, it will not be difficult for them to “dust their brains.” Both try not to stand out in life and, as a rule, lead a reclusive lifestyle, trying not to attract outside attention to themselves. Pisces are endowed with sensitive intuition, sometimes they see prophetic dreams or signs promising upcoming changes. By directing your abilities in a professional direction, guided by them, you could achieve good results.
She understands and sees her man literally right through. Her insight will not miss a single detail or change of mood. Conflicts and quarrels pass quietly without shouting or noise and only over minor misunderstandings.

The Pisces man feels comfortable and cozy with the Pisces woman, and he is impressed by the same carefree and easy outlook on life. He does not need to remind or control his chosen one; in an alliance with her, he completely trusts her. The love of Pisces is on an invisible level, airy, immaterial, magical. They are drawn to each other, they are constantly together, they can rarely be seen apart. To outsiders, their union seems real still water, and no one knows what the real relationships are there.

In relationships, a special place is given to love, respect, feelings, even if they are not ostentatious and not visible to everyone. In disagreements, they always find a compromise and solution to problems. The couple is faithful and honest to each other and aims only at a peaceful and kind existence in marriage for many years.

Pisces woman and Pisces man compatibility

In a couple where he and she were born under the sign of Pisces, harmony and understanding reign. They perfectly see the shortcomings and weaknesses of their partner, as in other similar pair combinations. But if, for example, a Scorpio couple finds it damn difficult to reconcile their own ambitions for the sake of their other half, then a Pisces woman and a Pisces man can get along very well.

They say that with an ideal partner it is interesting to even be silent together, this is exactly such a case. The compliant nature of each of them allows them to solve all the few problems that arise in their communication. None of them seeks to take a dominant position and suppress their partner with authority; they are ready for a mutually acceptable solution to any issue, relying on common sense and mutual benefit.

The tender, romantic Pisces woman always strives to meet a handsome prince. Often, this attitude to life leads to love dramas and partings with people who, in reality, turn out to be not at all as noble as they try to present themselves. A Pisces man can become an ideal partner for her. He will be ready to do anything in order to earn (and subsequently maintain) her favor. He is not greedy, he will not seek to suppress her will. Communication with a Pisces woman can
give him a lot of pleasure, he will discover more and more new sides of her rich nature and will never cease to be surprised.

Their acquaintance, as a rule, happens quickly, but it takes a very long time to develop. Neither of them wants to rush. Both the Pisces man and woman enjoy the smooth, harmonious development of relationships. It actually brings them joy. It's not as flexible as you might think. She fully possesses all the subtleties from the arsenal of female attractiveness. Periods of communication, jokingly, are replaced by whims and reluctance to communicate with a partner. It teases and attracts him. She will never cross the line that will push her loved one away from her. It's simple traditional game into a cat-mouse relationship, which brings them joy and the rules of which both know perfectly.

Pisces man and Pisces woman marital compatibility

Of the difficulties that they may encounter on the way to family happiness, it is worth noting that the partner is excessively suggestible. She, on the one hand, is impressed by the balance and slowness with which he implements his plans, on the other hand, it is quite possible that evil tongues will try to convince her of his indecisiveness and futility. This can undermine the harmony of their relationship. The Pisces man calmly accepts criticism from his beloved, but if he goes too far, he can flare up and harbor resentment because his obvious merits are called into question. It is important to take control of the situation in time and not say too much. The Pisces woman is very vulnerable and has difficulty forgetting what was said in a fit of anger.

The sign of Pisces is the most ambiguous among the entire zodiac circle. It has absorbed the features of all previous signs and is both the final stage of the old and the start of a new cycle. Often representatives of this sign are attracted to each other like a magnet, because no one else can understand the deep and vulnerable soul of this bright representative. water element. Compatibility of Pisces and Pisces in love relationships almost one hundred percent - this is one of the brightest and strongest pairs of the zodiac constellation.

a brief description of

It is unacceptable to unite all Pisces under one horoscope, since these versatile personalities have absorbed the traits of previous signs to varying degrees. But, judging by the reviews, there are still some features that are common to all representatives of this sign:

  1. All Pisces strive for the ideal, harmony in spiritual life and beauty. They are interested in everything unknown, otherworldly, hidden from the eyes of the mediocre person.
  2. A distinctive feature of people born under the sign of Pisces is their sensitivity, vulnerability and irrepressible daydreaming.
  3. Such people can be very inattentive and miss out on many promising opportunities for this reason.
  4. All water signs They are able to adapt well to new surroundings and easily get along with new people.
  5. Girls of this sign often fall under the influence of an emotionally stronger partner.
  6. Pisces' character is never half-hearted - they are either too conscientious or too insidious.
  7. They have very developed intuition and successfully use it in understanding the world around them.

Both Pisces men and women have a calm, gentle character. They do not like to be the center of attention, but are active observers from the outside. Even at work, they will not go to great lengths to achieve their goal. You should not expect any active actions from representatives of this Moon sign, since they are quite passive and are not inclined to take over leadership. It is much easier for them to shift their problems to a strong and confident partner.

PISCES + PISCES - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Pisces man and Pisces woman

Compatibility Horoscope - Pisces

Many couples have a question about whether the signs of Pisces men are compatible with Pisces women in love and marriage. Despite some difficulties between them in the domestic sphere, these zodiac signs are well compatible with each other. Having overcome minor problems and disagreements, these couples form strong families that carry their love through many years.

Having met once, a Pisces man and a Pisces girl find peace of mind and peace in each other.

This is not a couple who will chase popularity and success; they are more inclined to go with the flow. They do not need hours of conversations and showdowns - Pisces understand each other without further ado. You will not see the intensity of passions and all-consuming love between them. Perhaps from the outside such relationships look cold and unreal, but you can be sure that they are comfortable and at ease in their little world.

Sexual compatibility of the zodiac signs of Pisces men and Pisces women is also very high. Thanks to their ingenuity and irrepressible imagination, people of this sign are considered skilled lovers. They love a variety of sexual games and know how to please their partner. Pisces do not strive for leadership in sexual relationships either; all their attention is focused on surprising and pleasing their other half. Compatibility in bed is also an important factor that brings a couple together and helps them understand each other more easily.

Compatibility in love relationships between Pisces men and Pisces women

This couple is simply made for each other; it is quite difficult to find deeper and more understanding partners among other zodiac signs. Thanks to the similarity of characters and views, it will be very easy for lovers to find mutual language and find a compromise in any difficult situation. Such relationships amaze others with their tenderness, devotion and caring participation.

Conflicts, which arise extremely rarely, are resolved easily and naturally, since representatives of this sign do not like scandals and a tense atmosphere in relationships.

The beginning of a love relationship in such a couple is always very beautiful. Lovers do not skimp on romantic surprises and gifts, beautiful words and actions. The main problem in a pair of two Pisces may be their absolute isolation from real world. These two dreamers are so absorbed in high relationships that they can completely forget about earthly problems, which at one point reach an alarming number. This state of affairs frightens Pisces, they try to evade and shift their decision to their other half. No one wants to take responsibility, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflict situations.

The compatibility horoscope for Pisces women and Pisces men advises lovers to at least sometimes take off their rose-colored glasses and not shift the solution to their problems onto the shoulders of their partner. People of this sign are quite sacrificial and are ready to change a lot in themselves for the sake of a loved one, so fulfilling these conditions should not cause difficulties.

A Pisces man and a Pisces woman try to spend almost all their free time together. They never get tired of each other's company, as they always have something to talk about and dream about. In the company of friends they are active, cheerful and pleasant to talk to. They are not at all like incessant and colorful parrots - such people do not tend to draw all the attention to themselves. Those present sometimes get the impression that, in addition to the general conversation, they are also constantly communicating with each other on an emotional level. Such sincere and touching relationships are worthy of changing your lifestyle and overcoming possible difficulties for their sake.

Marriage compatibility between Pisces men and Pisces women

IN family life the inability of both partners to real life becomes more obvious. The fact is that at the beginning of the relationship, dreamy Pisces managed to fantasize about a beautiful and cloudless life together, and the emerging everyday problems and difficulties that are characteristic of any relationship frighten and repel partners. People of this sign are psychologically unstable, and an alliance with an equally contradictory partner doubles both the positive and negative traits of Pisces.

To make such relationships more comfortable and successful, the horoscope advises taking into account some rules:

  1. For family life, it is better to choose a more mature partner. The advantage of such a choice will be the accumulated experience of the beloved, which will help to more easily cope with the difficulties that await the couple on the path to a happy marriage.
  2. Do not enter into early marriages. Representatives of the Pisces sign need to fully find their feet before making such an important decision in their lives, otherwise all the problems will have to be solved by the parents of the young spouses.
  3. Pisces are very dependent and easily fall under the influence of others, so you should avoid partners who have bad habits.
  4. Distribute household responsibilities. Pisces are accustomed to avoiding housework, hoping for help from their partner. This has a detrimental effect on family relationships, since constant disorder leads to frequent quarrels and reproaches. Special attention attention should be paid to the distribution of the family budget.
  5. The interior should use soft colors that will calm and calm restless Pisces. Family photos, figurines and souvenirs brought from trips abroad will become a good decoration for the family nest. It would be nice to complement the interior with a small aquarium. This small living world stabilizes the state of mind of water signs and gives a feeling of comfort. Judging by the reviews, representatives of this sign prefer such aquarium fish, like neons, goldfish, thorns.

The high compatibility of the signs where he is Pisces and she is Pisces is also due to the great sacrifice of the partners. It is this quality that allows them to maintain their relationship in difficult life situations, since each partner is ready to sacrifice their interests and aspirations for the sake of their other half.

The inability to take responsibility often leads to the fact that such marriages suddenly break up. If partners manage to overcome themselves, become more economical and save their family, then as a reward they will receive support, care and reliable support in the person of their loved one.

The young wife plays a special role in this, since it is she who must distribute household responsibilities between her and her husband.

But you shouldn’t plunge headlong into solving everyday problems, as this will also have a bad effect on the relationship between the two Pisces. You should spend time outside the home more often: travel, attend various events, entertainment venues. Good compatibility in marriage it can also provide a hobby that will captivate both partners. But you should not try to organize a joint business, since these signs are poorly compatible in work.

If you want to know in advance what to expect from your loved one and you are interested in the prospects for a relationship, then Astrology! After all, horoscopes and descriptions of compatibility of zodiac signs are exactly what you need! In this article we will look at the compatibility of two identical types of Zodiac - the Pisces man and the Pisces woman.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Pisces woman is very good. And this compatibility is good in all areas, both spiritual, physical and emotional.

Their union will be long-lasting and harmonious, although, like any relationship, it will not be completely cloudless. Since Pisces are dreamers, not realists, relationships will be built more on fantasies. True, this is not always good and favorable.

In order to achieve something, you need to be able to filter your fantasies and dreams. You need to carefully select those that can be implemented in the future and that are actually very valuable. The same applies to career growth, self-development, self-improvement. Both the Pisces man and the Pisces woman expect initiative and responsibility from each other. But they do not always understand that they are too similar to expect actions from their loved one that they themselves are not ready for. For everything to work out well, one of the couple must become more responsible and practical.

Love between such people, as a rule, appears out of nowhere and becomes all-consuming and immeasurable. Such feelings are filled with romance and tenderness. When they are together they are happy. Although relationships do not always lead to marriage, even though compatibility is quite high.

Their romance can develop unpredictably and shock everyone around them. And this is facilitated by some inconsistency that both the Pisces man and the Pisces woman are endowed with. They can successfully love and hate each other, and at the same time! And all this is intensified due to the power of illusions.

Compatibility in such a couple depends very much on the age of the partners. Age refers not only to a number, but also to a person’s experience and wisdom. The younger the partner, the more he will avoid constancy and responsibility. Such a partner will want to shift all decisions and problems onto the shoulders of their loved one.

In sex, a Pisces man and a Pisces woman will be able to satisfy each other as much as possible. Also, with the help of sex, they will be able to smooth out all the misunderstandings that happen to them in other areas. If there is anyone in the zodiac who can make peace during sex, it is this couple.

Each of them has a rich imagination, tenderness and subtle eroticism. They embody all ideas, doing it sensually and elegantly. In sex, people often like games and fetishism, and since both can enjoy it, the partners will be simply happy.

None of them makes a secret of their desires, telling their loved one directly what is expected of him. This may seem wrong to some, but to get true pleasure in sex, you can’t do without honesty and sincerity.

Marriage can be a bit of a trap for them as they will have to make decisions and not rely on their partner. They weave, each around themselves and around each other, an invisible web of dreams and fantasies. But sometimes these illusions have nothing to do with reality.

Naturally, if both are young, it will be more difficult to create something stable. Therefore, compatibility will be higher when lovers have some experience and are ready for constancy. At an early age, they can ruin everything by getting married. After all, it often happens that happy and harmonious relationships are broken due to simple everyday problems. And if other zodiac signs can somehow cope with this, then for Pisces everything can end tragically. Everyone will consider themselves a victim and their choices wrong.

It would be very simple and logical to associate yourself with a responsible and powerful partner. After all, such a partner will be able to take care of Fish, protecting him or her from everything negative. However, as a rule, it is after a relationship with such a person that a Pisces man and a Pisces woman begin to appreciate each other. If Pisces tie the knot at a young age, then the problem of financial support for the family may fall on the shoulders of the parents. To grow up, such a union needs time and the support of loved ones to overcome all difficulties.

Despite the fact that compatibility in the union is good, the couple will have regular quarrels. Under the influence of emotionality and frequent mood swings, real “Brazilian” scandals with breaking dishes and stormy reconciliations can occur.

In friendship, a Pisces man and a Pisces woman will be an excellent option for each other. Each of them loves to help and support loved ones, taking everything to heart and participating in each other’s problems.

Since friendship does not involve solving family problems and making responsible decisions, everything will turn out great for them. In addition, it is Pisces who can direct each other in the right direction. They can say without hesitation everything that others may simply remain silent about. Therefore, the advice of such a friend will be more than valuable.

Their tastes and interests are very similar, so they will always find something to do. By the way, it is from such friendly couples that love couples often turn out. These two will get so used to each other and will know all the little things that building a strong alliance will not be difficult. And even if each of them is married, they can turn into lovers.

One should not expect great results from such a union, since they are not the most effective employees in business and work. If you give them a clear assignment, then Pisces will cope well.

But where the boss is Pisces and the subordinate is Pisces, everything can be complicated. And it’s difficult not because they don’t understand each other, but because neither of them has an entrepreneurial spirit.

In this tandem there must be someone else who would harmoniously dilute Pisces and direct them in the right direction. By the way, if a good boss appears, then managing two Pisces will be simple and pleasant, especially in the field of science and art.

Compatibility of Pisces man and Pisces woman (video)

If you like intelligent men - dreamers, in their fantasies conquering heights and defeating dragons, if you are ready to take on everyday life and leadership in order to take care of a person with a huge and subtle inner world - get ready, man born under the constellation Pisces in front of you.

General characteristics of men born under the sign of Pisces

An intelligent, subtle creature, with a soul like a crystal chandelier. Numerous facets, and extreme fragility. You should not expect courageous actions from him and the ability to resist harshly dangerous world. The key to understanding the character of Pisces is their fantasy world. They are separated from the cruel reality and react only to emotional outbursts. Usually they don’t make very good money, but only if the idea of ​​a golden calf is not present in their fantasies - then they will be able to rise very seriously financially, because their imagination will help them.

Attitude towards women

A man born under the constellation Pisces is interested in the opposite sex with all the depth of his infinite sensual potential. He likes sensual girls, with pronounced leadership qualities. Usually Pisces in love begin to idealize their girlfriend, they diligently do not notice her shortcomings and exaggerate her advantages, but at the moment of insight they experience disappointment. It also often happens that Pisces use their charm for numerous romantic interests.

Sexual addictions

When it comes to sex, Pisces are tireless and inventive. True, their zeal mainly concerns not the physical aspect, but the process of caresses and foreplay, but their creative streak and magical sensuality in this aspect makes them excellent lovers. In bed pleasures, Pisces value tenderness and smoothness of actions; they can completely immerse their partner in the world of their sexual fantasies. It is also common for Pisces to fuel their attraction role-playing games, don't be afraid to use it to improve your sexual relationship.

Compatibility with other signs

Pisces will be most comfortable in alliance with water signs, that is, Scorpio and Cancer. With Scorpio, Pisces will feel strong emotional support, and in bed they will complement each other perfectly. If Scorpio can be tolerant of some of the effeminateness of Pisces, everything will be great. In alliance with a Cancer woman, Pisces will also speak the language of feelings that is familiar to them, and if they calmly accept some of the habits of possessiveness characteristic of Cancers, then there will be a harmonious development of relationships. Paired with Sagittarius, despite the opposite elements, it may arise a good relationship, since both signs will complement and stimulate each other. And if they direct their mutual flight of fantasy in the right direction, they will be able to realize many bold joint plans. In alliance with Aquarius, you will be able to quickly establish friendship, but Pisces will miss the intensity of passions. Aries will put too much pressure with its authority, just like Taurus. If Pisces quickly explore these partners, they will become bored and the couple will fall apart. Libra and Gemini change too quickly for Pisces, which will not have a very positive effect on the union.

If you decide to connect your life with a man born under the sign of Pisces, remember a few tips. First, be delicate and try not to rudely express your complaints about your loved one, since Pisces have a very delicate mental organization, and such behavior will repel them. Tip two - use Pisces’ habit of living in a fantasy world to teach them how to earn money or do something around the house. To do this, dream together with your partner about how wonderful he is, adding the properties you need. If this is done carefully and regularly, the result will exceed your wildest expectations. Tip three - accept it as a fact that you will be the leader in real life, and you shouldn’t expect Pisces to take care of the household or provide everything they need. In any case, even if you can change this with the help of the second tip, you will remain the engine of progress. Tip four - don’t put pressure on Pisces, trying to establish your control. They will notice obvious manipulation and respond with coldness and isolation. Use the ability to praise correctly - this is The best way control Pisces.

The compatibility of pisces and pisces in a marital marriage is quite high, since two representatives of the water sign get along well with each other. Due to the fact that their characters are similar, they can form strong alliances - cooperation, friendship or love affairs.

However, such an alliance has its own characteristics that are worth knowing about. Let's find out from the horoscope about the compatibility of Pisces and Pisces in marriage and other areas.

How to create a union with a Pisces man

The male half of the water sign of the zodiac values ​​​​its inner world and likes to maintain harmony in everything. He will not be comfortable being in company with emotional and hot-tempered people.

For this reason, a Pisces man often chooses a Pisces wife as a companion. This is due to the fact that she has a calm, balanced character. She can achieve what she wants without pressure, by pressing the right buttons and influencing certain fish receptors in a man. Although often resort to feminine tricks there is no need, a common language appears by itself.

Where to meet a Pisces man

How can two fish find themselves in the ocean? A Pisces woman needs to look for a partner in non-standard places, since he does not like to attend exhibitions, does not wander idle along the evening streets and does not sit in in social networks, looking at the photo. His time is occupied by having fun with colleagues or friends. In union with a fish you won’t be bored; fun and smiles will always be nearby. But you shouldn’t consider them frivolous and superficial, they are not. Despite the fact that the Pisces man is the life of the party and the ringleader, he has a subtle, vulnerable soul capable of sincerely loving and being devoted.

If two representatives of the water element meet in a company, they themselves will swim towards each other, since they can be a reflection and continuation of each other at the same time.

How does a pair of two fish work out?

If two fish meet in a body of water, it is almost impossible to separate them. It is unlikely that they will separately attend friends’ birthdays or go to exhibitions. Only together will they feel complete and whole. For those around them, such a couple is an example of family relationships:

  • Gallant man
  • Attentive woman
  • Collaborative dialogue
  • Common interests

And this is not the entire list of properties that others see. It is worth saying that the fish couple never gets bored. Even in the company of librarians, they will find something to do and cheer up in the company.

PISCES + PISCES - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Pisces man and Pisces woman

Compatibility Horoscope - Pisces

If you try to characterize the union of two fish in one word, then this word is Love with capital letters. Moreover, this feeling is not overshadowed by profit or lust, only 100 percent love. One can only envy such a union. In family life there is no place for omissions and lies, and rudeness and disrespect always remain outside the family raft.

In addition to the full love compatibility Pisces man and Pisces woman, they have complete order in bed. Children in such unions are born and raised in love and enter adulthood, bringing love and happiness.

Stumbling blocks in the union of two water inhabitants

Despite the rosy description of the water couple, there are certain difficulties that every such union faces. Pisces man and woman are too carried away by wonderful feelings and forget about earthly hardships; it is safe to say that everyday problems can put Pisces representatives into a stupor. Difficulties arise in such trivial questions:

  • Cooking food
  • Buying groceries
  • Financial management and so on

The thing is that the thinking of fish creatures is controlled by the illusory planet Neptune, so they are simply not interested in thinking about something mundane; it is easier to live in the illusion that everything is fine, and utility bills, for example, will be paid off by themselves.

Often representatives of the water sign of the zodiac escape from pressing problems into their familiar world of illusions, but they can find it in alcohol, and sometimes even in drugs.

How to strengthen the union of two fish

How can you save a marriage between two Pisces, how can you prevent problems from escaping into a fictional world that can only aggravate the situation? First of all, you need to be attentive to each other, do not forget about small gifts and romantic little things. Choosing between watching the next TV series or passing a level in computer game, prefer family, even with problems and unresolved tasks.

As for misunderstandings and disagreements, do not accumulate them, but resolve them as they arise. It is much easier to solve a problem immediately, devoting a minimum of time, than to unravel a lump of hostility and misunderstanding. If you follow this principle, the likelihood of turning to alcohol and drugs is not so great.

What is the compatibility of Pisces in professional activities?

Speaking about the compatibility of the zodiac signs Pisces and Pisces in work, you need to remember that this zodiac sign flies in the clouds more than others. However, the fish is distinguished by good performance and well-coordinated work in a team, especially if there are two fish in it.

If there have been squabbles in the workplace, then with the advent of fish inhabitants, they may worsen. These representatives of the zodiac signs, due to the desire to communicate, will gladly participate in gossip and discussions, and can sometimes become the initiators of boycotts. However, it is worth saying that the fish know where to stop, so things will not go further than gossip, and the organization in which they work will not suffer damage.

Can fish become business partners?

Are these two signs compatible at work? If a Pisces man and a Pisces woman become full partners in a joint business, the nature of their cooperation changes radically. There will be no place for those squabbles and intrigues that were written about earlier. Work can, in some cases, absorb them completely, leaving no room for feelings and emotions. However, success will accompany you in any endeavor.

If emotions overwhelm you, you will most likely have to forget about business. Since doing two things at the same time is not the destiny for this zodiac sign.

If a woman is a leader and a man is a Pisces subordinate

Pisces tend to obey, as they are used to being led. For this reason, a Pisces man in the role of a performer is ideal, since he will carry out the tasks assigned to him unquestioningly. The question is, can a Pisces woman be a leader? The answer to this question is ambiguous. Due to the dreaminess of this zodiac sign and the personal ambitions of the director, the organization’s activities may come to a dead end sooner or later.

From positive traits In such a union at work, it should be noted that the Pisces man will never stand in the way of his boss. The same cannot be said about other employees who often take advantage of the Pisces woman’s weaknesses and try by all means to take her place.

When a man leads and a woman obeys

When a Pisces man manages the processes in an organization, work is in full swing. However, this is often just the visible part of the iceberg. If you dig deeper, you can see disorganized work processes and irrational work organization.

It is difficult to work in such teams, since no one really understands their function and does not know ultimate goal, which is worth going to. In such situations, the Pisces woman prefers to step aside and not take active steps. This happens because she understands what is happening and can predict what such irrational leadership will lead to.

Is friendship possible between a man and a fish woman?

Above we talked about love relationships and joint professional activity two fish. How are things going in terms of friendship, what is their compatibility? Pisces can find a common language with each other, as they have common interests and similar views on the world. Therefore, we can say with confidence that there will be friendship between two fish.

It is worth saying that fish can and do know how to be friends. But due to close communication, there is always the possibility that seemingly harmless friendly gatherings can sooner or later develop into something more.

Sex life of fish

The union of Pisces is good in all respects, including in sexual relations, so we can say that the sexual compatibility of a Pisces man and a Pisces woman is great. Due to complete harmony and mutual understanding, they will perfectly understand and feel each other in bed. At the very beginning of the relationship, both representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign are open to sexual experiments, which adds color and taste to their life together. In the future, the fervor may decrease, but sex will remain an integral part of seminal life.

Pisces man and sex

A Pisces man opens up to a partner who can clearly say what she wants from him and what exactly gives her pleasure. Find an approach on your own, spend time on long foreplay and search erogenous zones, a fish man will not. But on the other hand, if the partner gives instructions in bed, the courageous Pisces will be extremely uncomfortable and the sex life will crack.

What excites a man born under the sign of Pisces? First of all, a rejection of everyday life. That is, the partner should be ready to experiment, both on his initiative and independently propose innovations in bed.

What is a Pisces woman like in sex?

The Pisces woman is a skilled lover and this cannot but attract the Pisces man. Erotic lingerie, dim lighting, a few candles, rose petals and relaxing music under the light of the moon - this is how a Pisces woman imagines ideal sex.

It is worth saying that a romantic mood is far from the main component of the intimate life of a Pisces girl; the novelty and relaxedness of her partner are important to her. No need long foreplay and words, a Pisces woman is always hot and ready for sex, as she is used to getting maximum pleasure from it. There is an opinion that Pisces are so skilled in matters of sex that the author of the Kama Sutra was probably a Pisces by zodiac sign.

In conclusion, we will say that the union of two fish can confidently be called one of the most successful. Of course, it has its own peculiarities and problems, but they can and should be dealt with while maintaining harmony in the relationship, since compatibility in love relationships is high.