Victor Pronkin: It is very important that Russia has an engineering elite ready to make breakthroughs in the field of technology. A.G.: Why engineering personnel? About major home renovations

11.07.2019 Relationship

Victor Pronkin: “Professions cannot be learned from pictures”

In the Moscow region, as part of the finals of the national championship WorldSkills“Young Professionals”, competitions for schoolchildren were held JuniorSkills. How do they differ from adult competitions, what skills are needed for modern children - the portal site learned about this from the head of the program “ JuniorSkills", deputy general director Oleg Deripaska Foundation " Volnoe Delo» Viktor Pronkin.

WorldSkills is a competition for students and aspiring professionals. Why were competitions for schoolchildren needed?

JuniorSkills is actually the same WorldSkills only for children. The main task is to give every student the opportunity to succeed, master real professions, learning from professionals. Moreover, these are not only modern professions that exist here and now, but also professions of the future. We must understand that in 10-15 years, when children leave educational institutions, completely new technologies will exist in the world.

WorldSkills is not only a test of knowledge, skills, abilities, it is also a good tool for modernizing secondary professional or higher education. In this sense, JuniorSkills opens up a completely new area of ​​content for the education of schoolchildren, since now there is practically no training in professions anywhere. This is a kind of restricted area in schools. So far, all career guidance comes down to ordinary lectures, after which it is difficult to get a complete understanding of a particular activity. JuniorSkills gives you the opportunity to experience the profession with your hands.

We hope that JuniorSkills will continue internationally. So far it's Russian initiative, developed by Oleg Derepisk’s Volnoe Delo Foundation and the WorldSkills Union - Russia.

- What does the Junior Skills program consist of?

From the outside, JuniorSkills looks like an ordinary competition, because it is the engine of children's interest; it is important for them to see themselves in comparison with others. But if you dig deeper, you can see that the program consists of five parts.

The first is the JuniorSkills standards. We describe professions and competencies so that they are understandable to the child and can be mastered. The WorldSkills methodology is used to test the mastery of competencies. We have a measurement line that allows you to objectively check the level of achievability of certain skills, regardless of where the competitions are held in Yakutia, Krasnodar or Kaliningrad. There can be up to 250 aspects in this line, each of which is assessed on a yes-no basis. All this avoids subjectivity. It is important to note that it is not knowledge as such that is being tested, but rather skill. A student may or may not know the formula, the main thing is what he embodied in a specific model or project.

The second part is the championships themselves. This is a public presentation of its level.

We called the third component the JuniorSkills Academy. It directly includes programs for training schoolchildren in professions. There is also a JuniorSkills Academy for mentors, since they also need to be taught the standards and competence itself.

The fourth element is regional infrastructure. In order for JuniorSkills to have the opportunity to live in the region, it is necessary to create a regional coordination center there. It is expected that specialized competence centers will be created where training will take place. Such centers may appear in schools, youth creativity centers, private additional education centers, technology parks, laboratories of universities and colleges, and training centers of enterprises.

The fifth component is the expert community, which is why JuniorSkills brings together specialists from the real sector of the economy and teachers. Together they make up technical description competencies, come up with tasks, evaluation criteria.

- How interested are modern children in working professions?

And you ask them. Of course they do. They work with sparkling eyes, you can’t drag them away from the machines. The whole point is that they get something that the education system does not provide. Schools have created a kind of artificial environment for children so that the child does not touch anything from real life, because it is dangerous, difficult, and so on. Many professions are learned from pictures, and are completely incomprehensible to children, because they require work on equipment that they have never seen. The JuniorSkills program aims to give children the opportunity to become familiar with professions.

The next step is real projects. We think that the competence centers that will be created in the regions will also become centers for real activities, such as business centers and social projects. Children should be included in real life processes, be able to change life outside the window, and not sit in schools, studying only certain academic disciplines. After all, the school was created following the example and requirements of university professors, assuming that everyone should be scientists, go to universities, and so on. Now this postulate is in great doubt.

- How many professions does JuniorSkills offer schoolchildren to master? How were they chosen?

Standards for 17 competencies have been officially described. We chose mainly Hi-Tech because we understand that technology is now the engine of the economy and life changes. But there cannot be too many engineers and technologists, otherwise they will not be in demand. At the same time, any person must be technically literate, must understand how to use various devices and connect them to each other. Thus, two tasks are solved - increasing technical literacy and career guidance. If a child feels interested in something, nothing will stop him. It is important that this understanding comes on time.

JuniorSkills competitions motivate people to make a conscious choice of their profession. Even if a child chooses a different path, the acquired skills and abilities will remain with them for life.

- In the professions of the future there is neuropiloting - how promising is this direction?

Neuroresearch is now being actively carried out, studying how to connect impulses from the human brain with real world. In this competency, we show how neuroimpulses directly allow you to control objects of the material world - a robot, some kind of structure. Children try to move a robot using only the power of thought. This is a non-trivial task, you need to understand how to enter a certain state of consciousness, how to change these consciousnesses, since with a change in the state of consciousness, the impulse that is sent from the helmet to the computer also changes, and it already sends a signal via Wi-Fi to the object.

Neuroresearch can reveal completely new world opportunities both technological and educational.

- There is a lot of talk about the Internet of Things.

Yes, because this “profession of the future” is already actively being introduced into our present, entire factories are being created based on the Internet of Things. Essentially, this is the inclusion of a smart system in every thing. For example, there is some kind of workpiece, and a specially created program allows you to process it, take it to a warehouse, promote it on the market, deliver it to the buyer, track payment, and so on. The connection of all these things creates a completely different information space. In the same agriculture you need to know what the condition of the soil is, what is missing there, and when to water. All these tasks can be included in sensors that will be in the fields: at the right time at in the right place a signal will be given and without human intervention watering will be carried out, fertilizers will be applied, and so on. Take the “Smart City” task. Children are developing a system that allows an ambulance to get to the desired address in the minimum time, taking into account traffic jams, traffic lights, and location.

- If a school wants to take part in competitions, where to go, where to get the necessary equipment?

As part of the preparation of the roadmap for the Young Professionals movement, a plan for implementing the program in the region is being developed. Anyone wishing to take part in the competition will be able to contact the regional coordination center. There you can also resolve the issue of creating a competency center on your site. We, in turn, help organize the training process for experts.


For record short term The Ryazan region has become a leader from outsiders. Based on the results of 2012, according to the summed up results

assessment of the effectiveness of local government bodies, the Ryazan region took first place in the region.

development of municipalities. They are assessed on the state of affairs in various sectors, including economic development, preschool education,

general and additional education, culture, physical education and sports, housing construction and providing citizens with housing,

housing and communal services, energy saving and increasing energy efficiency, organization of municipal government.

Victor PRONKIN: « Only as a result systematic work we can talk about success»

Just four years ago, the Ryazan region was in one of the last places on the list, in 2010 it was in fifth place, and according to the results of 2011 it took third place,

and a year later he rose to the highest level. About what has been done to achieve such results and what remains to be worked on,

says the head of the administration of the Ryazan region Victor Pronkin

About progress

By what indicators is the district ahead of other municipalities?

“We strived for this, we worked hard. For a long time, the region was stagnant in a number of industries. Today we have reached high values

in terms of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as profitable agricultural organizations, improved positions in the cultural sector,

road maintenance, heat supply organization, physical culture and sports. Last year - for the first time in 25 years -

a record grain harvest was obtained, and the Ryazan region at the end of 2012 took first place in the region in terms of grain, potato,

vegetables and oilseeds. As a sociological survey has shown, the area is also demonstrating qualitative changes

in the field of organizing municipal government.

About small and medium businesses

– How were the noted results achieved?

– Small and medium-sized businesses are one of the most important factors in the economic and social development of the region. Today in the area

more than 3,000 entrepreneurs are registered. The administration is working to identify and support beginning entrepreneurs,

in connection with which, within the framework of the regional long-term program “Development of small and medium-sized enterprises”, a competition was organized

to provide subsidies in the form of grants to small and medium-sized businesses. Correct allocation of budget funds

allowed us to ensure payment in full wages public sector employees, update and strengthen the material and technical base

in a number of educational, cultural and leisure institutions, and also actively participate in co-financing of regional target programs.

Thanks to the governor of the Ryazan region Oleg Kovalev and the government every year the number of programs with which you can solve

actual problems population is increasing, and we try not to miss a single program that is significant for the region.

We also attract federal funds. Only as a result of such systematic work can we talk about success today.

About youth policy

– In the field of education, the Ryazan region is also cited as a positive example.

– Yes, we devote both to children and youth Special attention. We try to make every effort so that the younger generation can realize

their opportunities, study, work, start families and live here in their home area. In 2012, modernization work was carried out

general education system, which made it possible to increase the number of kindergartens and schools that meet modern educational requirements.

Every year we try to hold more cultural festivals, support the volunteer movement, and pay great attention to the development of sports.

Last year, according to the results of a regional competition for the best organization of work on the development of physical culture and sports, the district came second.

Our athletes have achieved high results in martial arts, rhythmic gymnastics.

The Vityaz football team became the silver medalist in 2012, and this year the guys won the regional Super Cup for the first time in history.

Increasingly, schoolchildren are participating in olympiads, competitions and scientific projects. We are ready to encourage talented children and their mentors in every possible way.

About roads

– Viktor Nikolaevich, tell us what problems exist in the Ryazan region today and how they are being solved?

With the creation of road funds the situation must change for the better

- Roads. This problem is constantly voiced, not only here, but throughout the country. We mainly have roads to and between populated areas

have inter-municipal significance, it is the region’s responsibility to maintain them in proper condition and repair them. Work is currently underway

to transfer these roads to the Ministry of Transport so that they include them in their list and take them for maintenance.

The problems of roads within populated areas are resolved by the heads of settlements. Starting next year, the distribution of funds for construction,

in turn, municipal road funds have been created in the region and settlements. Thanks to this, the situation with roads should change for the better.

ABOUT major renovation houses

– Are there any problems in the housing and communal services sector?

– Yes, the problem affects the major renovation of apartment buildings. Almost all houses in the area are 30 years old and older.

and they have never been repaired. Major repair work in the area intensified only in 2008, after the formation of the Assistance Fund

housing and communal services reform. Apartment owners contributed 5% of the cost of repairs, and 95% were subsidies under targeted regional programs.

Thus, to date, 11% of housing has been renovated. However, the real needs are much greater. Starting next year in the Ryazan region

will start working new law, according to which major repairs of apartment buildings will be carried out at the expense of the owners.

The regional government will set the minimum amount of monthly contributions, and apartment owners will choose the method of forming the fund,

where will they transfer cash. This could be a regional fund managed by a single operator.

In addition to accumulating contributions from owners, he will become the direct organizer of repairs. Owner of the account for transferring monthly contributions

may also become an HOA or housing cooperative. In this way, a mechanism for carrying out major repairs of all houses will be established.

About warmth

– Is it possible to solve heating problems once and for all?

– This is another important question. We see a solution in transferring apartment buildings to apartment-by-apartment individual heating.

Unprofitable boiler houses are dragging down the already small budgets of settlements; residents suffer from the fact that the heating season

begins untimely - as a rule, when the problem of gas supply to the boiler rooms is solved. And we cannot be satisfied with this.

We are talking, first of all, about such settlements as Murmino and Listvyanka. We have developed an action plan

on the transition of apartment buildings in these villages to apartment-by-apartment individual heating. It is currently presented

to the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services. The transition to individual heating is possible if the majority of residents of the houses wish and are ready.

The district and settlements, by including them in regional programs, will significantly reduce costs, most of costs will be financed

from the regional budget. This year we are gaining similar experience in Zaborye. The new houses that are being built in the area today

already planned with individual heating. Of course, all this is not very simple, there is still a lot of work to be done,

but I have no doubt of success. We will try to maintain the set pace.

The first deputy general director of the Foundation spoke on OTR about the programs of “Volnoye Delo”

Angelina Grokholskaya: There are not only billionaires on the Forbes list. This year the magazine, which most people probably associate with big money, business giants and ratings powerful of the world this, for the first time published the TOP 12 charitable foundations. In the final list, organizations were distributed by budget size. The top five included Rusfond, Give Life, Our Future, CAF Russia and the Timchenko Foundation. In sixth place is “Volnoye Delo” by Oleg Deripaska. This fund was created in 1998. Over 17 years, 500 projects have been implemented in the fields of education, science, culture and territorial development.

We’ll talk about “Free Business” today in the “Funds We Choose” section. In the Big Country studio is the first deputy general director of the foundation, Viktor Pronkin. Viktor Nikolaevich, hello.

Victor Pronkin: Good afternoon.

A.G.: I’m wondering, do you aim your wards – those whom the fund helps – directly on the Forbes list?

V.P.: No, we aim them to receive a quality education, to obtain a profession, to master modern competencies and skills in order to enter the engineering and technical elite of Russia, the professional elite of Russia.

A.G.: Well, everything else is probably up to them.

V.P.: Yes, this will already apply.

A.G.: Then let’s talk about the directions of the fund. So education is the most important thing?

V.P.: Yes, education is the most important area of ​​the foundation’s activities, although not the only one. There is also support for science and culture, territorial development, animal protection and other areas.

A.G.: Why engineering personnel?

V.P.: You know, now we are at a very interesting stage of development, when the engine of both the country and the economy is new technologies, and robotics or automation, IT technologies occupy one of the central places in this development. Therefore, it is very important that Russia has a cohort, an engineering elite, that is ready to undertake breakthrough projects in the field of technology.

A.G.: So even the status of the engineering profession needs to be raised a little? Because at one time it was almost a dirty word. "Who is your dad? An engineer? Oh, how do you live?"

V.P.: Absolutely. I think that this is exactly the direction that should be very interesting for both children and politicians as well.

A.G.: Then tell us how you support and who you support. Who are they – our future elite, our future engineers?

V.P.: Among the areas of education there is a whole portfolio of projects called “School of Engineering Generation”, which includes programs: “School of a New Generation”, “Robotics”, JuniorSkills, “School of Engineering Culture”. And these two largest projects - "Robotics" and JuniorSkills - are mainly devoted to the training of the engineering and technical elite.

For example, “Robotics” is a system of both training and engineering competitions for children and youth from 6 to 30 years old. Currently, about 40 thousand children and youth take part in this program. And the central event of this program is the All-Russian robotics festival "RoboFest", which has been held in Moscow since 2008.

A.G.: Oh, they show such amazing things there! We had participants in this festival. This is truly something fantastic. Sometimes it even seems that this is the future, that this is not now, but this is from somewhere from there, already from the 22nd century.

V.P.: Children do absolutely amazing things, including on orders from specific enterprises. In particular, the GAZ Group has been holding the RoboCross competition since 2010. Every year it is held at the GAZ training ground in Nizhny Novgorod, where students and student teams make, for example, robot cars. Russia thus became the third country in the world to initiate such a program - a robot car competition.

A.G.: How does preparation begin? How to get into this program? And in which regions is it being implemented? Let's go straight from the beginning.

V.P.: Now there are 69 regions. We work through resource centers in these regions.

A.G.: Which ones are on the ground?

V.P.: They are there, on the ground. We enter into partnership agreements. And these resource centers further develop a network of clubs or circles in robotics, where children can come and complete either project tasks or competition tasks. For example, you need to collect certain parts, bring them to a warehouse, put them on certain shelves: one color or one shape - in one place...

A.G.: That is, they are already learning logistics.

V.P.: Yes. That is, these are such serious tasks that are really required in the field of automation and robotization.

A.G.: You said that the age is from 6 to 30. Such a fairly wide range.

V.P.: Yes. Therefore, graduates are also our target audience. For example, the Aurora team from Ryazan University - they created a small aviation enterprise and are now actually working on solving problems in the field of automation and robotization.

A.G.: So I just wanted to ask you: what prospects open up for the participants in your projects, including future engineers? It’s clear, you train them, you support them. What then?

V.P.: According to our data, more than 30% of the guys who study in the Robotics program, for example, enter engineering and technical universities in Russia.

A.G.: We are just now seeing the result of the work.

V.P.: This is just filming from RoboFest. For example, in the GAZ Group there are already about 70 graduates of the program working as engineers and technicians.

A.G.: JuniorSkills – as I understand it, this is a unique project that was invented by the foundation.

V.P.: Yes, this is a new direction, a truly unique project for the world. This is actually a vocational training program for schoolchildren from 10 to 17 years old. And we are preparing teams, including for further WorldSkills competitions.

A.G.: You are collaborating with this project, right?

V.P.: This is, of course, a partnership project of the WorldSkills Russia union and the Volnoye Delo foundation. We started just two years ago. Now 40 regions have already joined and are holding regional qualifying competitions. We have already held five national championships, three Hi-Tech championships in Yekaterinburg, Kazan and Moscow, and are now preparing for 2017 in Krasnodar.

This is also an international initiative of Russia, since the president also supported this initiative and proposed to combine the JuniorSkills and WorldSkills competitions into unified system championships "Young Professionals". And we are now promoting this initiative in the international arena. Belarus has already joined, one might say, the JuniorSkills program and is holding its own competitions. A team of Swiss electrical installation specialists came to us for a championship in the Moscow region. But literally tomorrow at EuroSkills we will present the JuniorSkills program to a European audience.

A.G.: “Learning is light.” How to turn ideas into good deeds? First Deputy General Director of Oleg Deripaska's Volnoe Delo Foundation, Viktor Pronkin, talks about supporting domestic science and solving significant problems in the educational process.

Is JuniorSkills for schoolchildren?

V.P.: For schoolchildren – from 10 to 17 years old. Here we learn the same professions, and the guys compete on the same platforms in the same professions as adults. For example, these are CNC machines, milling, turning, mechatronics, electronics, engineering graphics, prototyping, genomic engineering, neurotechnology. That is, we also take into account the future of technology, the future of the profession, since the guys will live in 15–20 years, and they should be the most active economic segment of the population.

A.G.: Who do you collaborate with? You are now naming professions that... It seems to me that not all schools, not even all regions, have even heard of this, especially since no one there prepares children for these specialties. How does this all happen?

V.P.: For each competency, we have an industrial partner who is the bearer of this competency, who understands how to develop it, and so on. For example, in neurotechnology it is the Moscow Institute of Technology, in electrical installation - other companies. That is, of course, it is impossible to develop further here without professionals. This is exactly the point. The guys receive professional competencies from their carriers, from engineers, technologists, and specialists.

A.G.: On whose basis are they trained?

V.P.: The bases are very different now, depending on the region and capabilities. These can be clubs in schools, as well as CMITs, quantoriums, centers of technical creativity, training centers of enterprises, centers at universities, colleges - it doesn’t matter where. It is important that there is correct equipment, close to real equipment, and trained specialists.

A.G.: Viktor Nikolaevich, it is very good that you cooperate directly with some enterprises that already have specialists. They are essentially preparing their own personnel. But here’s my question: why doesn’t the Ministry of Education, for example, cooperate with you?

V.P.: Why?

A.G.: Collaborates?

V.P.: Absolutely!

A.G.: You just name the sites now: clubs, colleges, something else, some resource centers - this is all additional education. Where are the schools?

V.P.: There are also clubs in schools.

A.G.: Is there?

V.P.: Yes, of course, schools. For example, in Novosibirsk there are very strong schools and gymnasiums that promote engineering classes, and on the basis of technology lessons they study these professions. Of course, all our projects are public-private partnership projects, intersectoral partnerships. It would be impossible to promote them in this way if we had not collaborated with the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Industry, and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, which provides us with unconditional support. In particular, on his initiative it was the Robotics program, and RoboFest received the status of an All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren. Starting this year, schoolchildren participating in RoboFest can enter the best universities in Russia.

A.G.: Let's talk about other projects. A very interesting project, in my opinion... I have not yet met or communicated with funds that would support this direction. I'm talking about archeology now. Tell us why archeology? And what’s interesting with the help of the Volnoye Delo Foundation...

V.P.: This is such a comprehensive project that combines support for culture, support for science, and territorial development, since it is located in Oleg Vladimirovich’s home region - in Krasnodar region. This is Phanagoria, the Taman Peninsula, this is ancient city.

A.G.: The places there are unique.

V.P.: The places are very unique. This is an ancient city that was one third submerged in water, in fact the Russian Atlantis. And the unique thing about this city is that it died of natural causes around the 5th century AD, and nothing else was built there. This is truly a Mecca for archaeologists.

A.G.: A treasure trove.

V.P.: There are huge areas there - about 900 hectares are occupied by the city itself, and the necropolis, and there are mounds around. And we have been supporting the archaeological expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2004. Now this is one of the largest and best expeditions in Russia. Nakhodki ranks TOP 10 in Russia.

A.G.: And some unique artifacts were found?

V.P.: Yes, there were very interesting finds found. The TOP 10 finds included the discovery of the palace of King Mithridates. This season, cuneiform steles were found that are unique to this region; they are usually found only in Asia Minor. They are talking about Darius there.

A.G.: And this work will continue, right?

V.P.: Yes, definitely. After the president visited this expedition, it was decided to create a state museum-reserve, unique for Russia. And our foundation has already built a scientific center there, where finds are processed and studied year-round. Moreover, this expedition is also very unique. There are submariners there, there are numismatists, zoopaleontologists, and aerial reconnaissance is being conducted.

A.G.: You have already said that this is the small homeland of Oleg Deripaska. In general, it seems to me that this is a very illustrative example. This is very important when a person becomes successful, rich, but supports his small homeland and returns to that territory. Firstly, he is not shy to say that he is not from somewhere in the capital.

V.P.: And I am also very pleased with this.

A.G.: This is incredibly pleasant. Because not all of our successful people, including businessmen, can do this and do it. And it is also very important when a person supports his small homeland. Not only archaeological excavations are carried out there. I know that the Territorial Development project is being implemented there.

V.P.: Yes, that’s what it’s called – “Small Motherland”. Here we support education and culture, and we build churches, including hospitals, medical centers. Several sports grounds were built, and the “Homestead Development” program was built. We are now starting the “Lean Ust-Labinsk” program in the Ust-Labinsk district of the Krasnodar Territory.

A.G.: What does this mean? This is energy saving, probably some new technologies?

V.P.: In fact, Oleg Vladimirovich brought to Russia and for the first time began to implement the program of the so-called production system or lean production at the GAZ plant, following the example of the Toyota Production System. This is an initiative to conduct both business and production processes in such a way that we understand what losses exist during the achievement of our goals (what is valuable to the consumer), and we highlight these losses. This includes downtime, overproduction, storage of unnecessary things, and so on. And these principles have also been transferred to public administration. We want to do this using the example of the Ust-Labinsk region.

A.G.: What other areas are there that we haven’t talked about, and maybe they’re just beginning now? Because I think that thought always works.

V.P.: For example, during the Olympics in Sochi, the problem of stray dogs was identified, and Oleg Vladimirovich decided to build a shelter for stray dogs there. And now about 500 pets have already been adopted, and not only in Russia, but also abroad, Olympic athletes took them away. Now we are doing the same project of shelters “Leash” in the Moscow region.

A.G.: Viktor Nikolaevich, thank you very much for taking the time to come to our Big Country studio, talk about the foundation, and introduce us to the projects of the Volnoye Delo foundation. I wish you success!

V.P.: Thank you.

A.G.: Thank you very much.

V.P.: Goodbye.

A.G.: First Deputy General Director of the fund, Viktor Pronkin, told us about the Volnoe Delo Foundation.

Victor Pronkindoesn't sink. As it became known from unofficial sources, the former head of the administration of the Ryazan region was appointed deputy minister of environmental management and ecology of the Ryazan region.

Novaya's sources say: the heating situation in the village of Murmino was only a reason for Pronkin's resignation. The real reason lies in the fact that he became a switchman during a showdown between the regional authorities and an influential entrepreneur Igor Trubitsyn.

The regional Duma deputy and co-chairman of the Ryazan Popular Front failed to get all his people through the local elections in the region. The entourage of the head of the region found the last one - the head of the district administration. But Pronkin would hardly have decided on his own, without sanction Oleg Kovalev, to cheat an authoritative businessman. However, having agreed to play the role of a ritual victim, he received an appointment to the government.

Pronkin is known as the unquestioning executor of Oleg Ivanovich’s will. So, on the instructions of the regional authorities, the local “princeling” organized a real persecution of the people’s head of Polyany. Nadezhda Izosimova was illegally removed from office because she refused to integrate into the notorious “vertical of power” and carry out the criminal instructions of her superiors. She also did not agree to rig the elections in favor of United Russia. An attempt to achieve justice through a hunger strike turned out to be a demonstration of Kovalev’s indifference and poor health for Izosimova.

On the first day of 2015, Nadezhda Nikolaevna died.

Indirect evidence that the real reason for Pronkin’s resignation was not a heating failure is the appointment of his former deputy for housing and communal services to the vacated position. It turns out, supported" United Russia"and personally by the governor Natalya Zhuneva did not bear any responsibility for the residents who froze (including to death)?

But it was she who oversaw this area in the district administration.

The whole performance about Kovalev’s “righteous anger” and Pronkin’s supposedly voluntary resignation was played out as absurdly and cynically as possible. In other areas of the region, the problems are exactly the same, and even more serious, but the governor does not care about the people there dying from the cold.

Having agreed with the governor’s “proposal” to resign as head of the district, Viktor Pronkin did not bear the deserved responsibility in accordance with the law. Due to direct guilt in delaying the heating connection, he only slightly ahead of schedule lost his position and immediately got a new one. Plus, it turns out that Kovalev has now hidden a “state criminal” in his government.

The personality of Pronkin’s new boss, the minister, is also interesting Igor Avdeev.

In 2010, the prosecutor's office published the results of an audit of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, according to which the head of the department, Vladimir Sadofyev, using his official powers, openly lobbied for the interests of two companies. According to the prosecutor's office, contracts were concluded with them at inflated prices, and certificates of completion of work were unreasonably signed by them. In addition, the prosecutor's office reported that Sadofyev and his deputy at that time, Avdeev, after being appointed to the civil service, illegally continued to be the founders commercial firms, and both of them appeared in the constituent documents of one of them.

The prosecutor's office not only handed over the materials to the investigation, but also raised the question of Sadofiev and Avdeev's tenure in office with the governor. The inspection resulted in a criminal case, but a low-ranking employee of the Ministry of Natural Resources became a defendant. Sadofyev got away with resignation, but Avdeev served time and escaped punishment. Moreover, after some time he got promoted. Corruption scandals did not stop him.

Theft has long been no longer considered something reprehensible in the Ryazan government.

26.01.2015, 16:27

It became known that a new Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology was appointed in the Ryazan region. It turned out to be the ex-head of the Ryazan district administration Viktor Pronkin.

Residents told Novaya about the real reason for Pronkin’s removal from office: it was not the situation with heating in a small village, but mediation in the showdown between the regional authorities and the influential businessman Igor Trubitsyn.

At the local district elections, the regional Duma deputy quickly found someone to blame for his failures. On his own, Pronkin would never have decided to “dump” an authoritative businessman. It turns out that Kovalev:

Gave him a position in the government;

Helped me avoid punishment.

It must be said that Pronkin always unquestioningly carried out the will of Oleg Ivanovich, no matter how terrible it was. When the order came from above to persecute Nadezhda Izosimova, the people’s head of Polyany, the former head of the district administration provided her with hell on earth. Soon, through illegal means, Nadezhda Nikolaevna was eventually removed from her position because she did not want to cooperate with the criminal superiors: the woman refused to falsify the election results in favor of United Russia, for which she paid with her own health.

Indirect evidence of the real reason for Pronkin’s removal

The silence about the real reason for Pronkin’s resignation is evidenced by the appointment of Natalya Zhuneva, a former deputy of housing and communal services, in his place.

If Pronkin had really been fired due to a heating failure, then Zhuneva would have been the second to be punished, because she was the one in charge of the housing and communal services sector in the district administration.

One way or another, the ex-head of the district administration never received due punishment. Having kindly agreed to resign early due to a heating failure, Pronkin received a new position, and even in the government. However, everyone knows that Pronkin is a “state criminal” brought by Kovalev.

Corruption schemes in the Ministry continue to flourish

Minister Igor Avdeev became Pronkin’s new boss: he also managed to escape punishment at one time.

Thus, in 2010, the district prosecutor’s office published the results of the department’s audit. As a result, ex-minister Vladimir Sadofyev, taking advantage of his official position, openly promoted the interests of two large enterprises.

The prosecutor’s office also managed to find out that Avdeev, who at that time worked as a deputy minister, together with Sadofyev, were simultaneously listed as the founders of commercial firms. Soon the question of their tenure in office was raised, and a simple check turned into a criminal case. It is interesting that Sadofiev was removed from his post, but Avdeev not only stayed in his place, but also achieved a promotion.