Color meanings in psychology. Red: more than a color

16.10.2019 Trips

The properties of palette colors are often used in psychology and psychotherapy as one of effective methods treatment, which allows you to correct a person’s mental state.

Some of them have a calming effect, balancing the mood, while others, on the contrary, have a stimulating effect, activating and filling with energy. In any case, each shade can be both useful in a particular case and cause harm to well-being.

There are many special tests that allow you to determine the characteristics of a person’s psychological color perception. Studies have shown that dosed exposure to a specific shade can cause changes in well-being and correct the psychological state.

That is why attention is paid to the design features of the interior in which a person spends most time. The sleeping and working areas are also separated, in which it is necessary to adhere to different color concepts for optimal well-being.

There are a lot of tests that are based on choosing a person’s favorite color. Depending on preferences, one can interpret the actions of an individual and describe his character, fears and desires.

Characteristics of colors in psychology

To understand the features of color therapy, you should know what colors mean in psychology. Let's look at each of them in more detail and give them a brief description.


This mysterious and mysterious shade contains two almost opposite colors - blue and red. This mixture includes a mild calming effect and an activating component, which when combined have a unique effect.

It is generally accepted that purple promotes the development of artistry and intuition. Under its influence, creative ideas and other activities that require maximum concentration and sensitivity are easier to come by. It will be useful for creative people to surround themselves with this shade for a surge of inspiration and better results in their work.

If a person has symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia or neurosis, the color purple in the interior and even in small household details will have an excellent effect on them.

Red color

This shade is considered to be the color of fire, love and even danger. In any case, it represents powerful force, which is used in any direction of human activity. Eastern teachings associate the color red with yang energy, which represents the masculine principle, thus recognizing red as the most powerful and active color available in the palette.

There are many shades that, when combined with others, can diminish the effect of red and have a slightly different effect on a person. In psychology, it is believed that this color represents aggression, so it is often advised to avoid it if a person needs to calm down and find inner balance.

Red is useful in a specific dosage to activate and awaken strength. In the interior and even in clothing, this color represents a highlight and is used more as an element of elegance or festive style. A large number of red in places where a person spends a lot of time, irritates and negatively affects well-being.

Blue color

In psychology, this shade symbolizes calmness and contentment. It balances mood swings and other aspects of the human psyche, and evens out well-being throughout the day. It is recommended for decorating work areas and offices when it is necessary to develop discipline, diligence, organization among employees, leadership skills.

Blue color develops the ability to find profitable compromises and make cool, informed decisions. Contributes to the stable functioning of all systems of the human body, including mental processes.

Used as a balancing lever that restores sanity and promotes rapid rehabilitation of people with neuroses and other mental conditions. The entire psychology of the color of the sea is based on this.

Green color

It is a completely natural and most adapted color, which evokes only positive feelings in a person’s life.

Naturally, many shades of green can cause some unpleasant sensations, for example, neon. Over time, they irritate the visual analyzer, contributing to fatigue, and worsening well-being. But, besides this, neon shades improve appetite, causing a feeling of hunger. It is often used in rooms intended for eating.

Other shades of green are calmer and more peaceful. They have a beneficial effect on human vision and well-being. A return to the primitive beginning of man associates green with something natural and native, so it is perceived very easily in any interior, clothing and household details.


Quite a cheerful, light and positive color that combines all the warm shades and is wonderfully suitable for home interiors and those occasions when you need to create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

It is well perceived by children and is therefore often used in educational and preschool institutions. Yellow color promotes the development of intellectual abilities, so its inclusion in the work process will be very useful.

Shades of yellow are well perceived by different people and rarely cause discomfort. In addition, the effect of this color on the digestive system is known. Yellow helps activate the pancreas, secrete bile, and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. These properties are used in those rooms where a person needs to stimulate appetite. For example, in cafes, restaurants and even supermarkets.

Black color

A very laconic and monochrome color, which is quite often used today. It is a rich and strong shade that absorbs other colors. It is quite a bold solution for interior design, so it is often combined with other shades to dilute the monochrome palette.

In some cases, psychology is recognized as the color of depression and even more serious mental imbalance. The predominance of black in children’s drawings should definitely alert, since this color is completely uncharacteristic for the child’s psyche.

For adults, most often the color black means closedness, which hides a person behind a mask of reluctance to stand out or open up.

Black in clothing is used by those who do not want to focus attention on their own person and do not even want to attract it to their appearance. In some cases it emphasizes others character traits without diverting attention to yourself.

Orange color

The warmest shade of the entire palette, as it is created using red and yellow. It is a cheerful and optimistic color that is used to maintain a person's mood. In psychology it is used to correct depressive disorders.

It also has a rejuvenating effect, improving the body’s metabolic processes, work internal organs. Orange color almost always reveals only positive aspects of life, showing every event from the good side. Therefore, such a source of joy is used to overcome neuroses and asthenia.

Orange helps improve appetite and enhance the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In the event of a traumatic situation in a person’s life, it provides the necessary support and improves psychological well-being.

Pink color

The most sensitive and delicate shade of the entire range. It is a fairly positive shade that symbolizes youth, femininity and romance.

It is very often used in psychology to calm and restore balance in children, mainly girls. For them, this color is much closer and more pleasant.

In a sense, pink means purity if its shade is closer to white. It is useful in psychological terms for mothers and pregnant women, as it can induce calm and sensitivity. Pink color is often used as a symbol of conciseness, which reveals itself more softly than white.

Grey colour

Quite often it is associated with depression, a lack of color in life and the desire to fill it. If psychological tests carried out on a particular person show gray, it can be assumed that there is an emptiness that is gnawing at him from the inside. This does not necessarily mean depression, but most often symbolizes depression or apathy.

In the modern world, gray color is rarely used independently. Its laconicism and neutrality make it go well with any other shades. Gray in the interior will increase a person’s ability to concentrate on specific tasks and neutralize other distracting details.

The psychology of a favorite color defines this shade as too neutral. A person probably does not feel the need, strength or those vital colors that are needed in his life.

White color

It is the absolute equivalent of purity and purity in any area of ​​human activity. It is used as a laconic component, which is often diluted with more emotionally rich colors. Depending on the application, it most often has a cold effect, which causes a feeling of neutrality and detachment.

White interiors or clothing styles, unlike gray ones, do not make a person want to hide or not attract attention. On the contrary, this shade indicates a specific person, connecting him with everything that is bright and good in this world, which is represented in this color.

For example, Wedding Dress serves as this signpost, drawing attention and showing the positivity of the moment and the happiness it implies.


A fairly neutral color, which is a symbol of restraint, purity and depth of feeling. Depending on the specific application, blue can be quite gentle and sensitive, and can also evoke a feeling of balance, calm, and tranquility.

If a person likes the color blue, they will most often gravitate towards these two aspects of its influence. Usually these are people who love purity, conciseness, and are rather restrained in expressing their emotions. Blue also suggests philosophical reflections, promotes organization and increased efficiency.

Purple colour

This shade represents people who are constantly in search of their ideal balance. Most often these are individuals with ambitions who are trying to achieve more in their lives, business individuals.

People for whom lilac is a favorite color are quite sensitive, artistic and gifted. They have a delicate taste and the ability to be psychologically sensitive, that is, they know how to sympathize and often come to the aid of those who need it.

Lilac helps you stand out, define your own uniqueness and even eccentricity. Often people who like this color feel nostalgic. It is extremely difficult for them to part with unnecessary things from the past, memories of good times More often than not, they cause not a smile, but tears of sadness that this will not happen again.

Brown color

This is one of the conservative colors, which, unlike white or black, has a fairly rich range of warm shades. Most often it is chosen by conservative people who do not want to stand out from the crowd. In everyday life they prefer functionality and comfort rather than energy and originality.

These are far from demonstrative people who do not like to show off their own thoughts and secrets. They are characterized by living without the attention of others, being isolated in their own world with their own rules.

People who like brown do not like change and have a hard time with any moves or changes in their daily routine. In psychology, it is used to balance one’s own desires, as well as to find meaning in one’s life.

Burgundy color

This is a bold color that defines a person as strong enough, but not willing to show his capabilities. A certain muted red calms the raging energy, but at the same time creates a sugary aftertaste of its own style.

People who prefer this color want to stand out, but not as much as red lovers. Their desires are more related to sophistication, uniqueness of sensations and their own style.

Burgundy embodies nobility and sophistication, which people want to show through color. In psychology, such individuals are considered self-confident, with high self-esteem and self-esteem.


Since ancient times, this color was considered a symbol of the mystical principle, purity, healing, perfection, and was used to create amulets. In some cultures, the wedding color is traditionally turquoise, not white. In psychology, it is a talisman of good luck, attracting wealth and even career growth.

This color is chosen by people who are self-confident, quite sociable and sociable. They find it easily mutual language with others and fit into any team. Most often they are open and rarely keep secrets.

People who prefer turquoise need peace and tranquility. They want to balance own desires and find peace.

Beige color

It is more of a background neutral shade that does not attract much attention to itself, but at the same time has a sufficient set of qualities that are appreciated.

People who prefer beige color are quite self-sufficient and do not need to be highlighted and updated. They do not need to emphasize their individuality, since their rich inner world does not require this.

The beige color is very warm and gentle, soothing and gives a feeling of peace and balance.

What colors mean in psychology - watch the video:

Each color is unique in its own way, and also contains many shades, the effect of which may vary slightly. Therefore, to choose the right color scheme for your wardrobe or interior, you should focus more on your own feelings than on designers’ recommendations about the meaning of color in psychology.

Psychological meaning of flowers.

Is it possible to describe music in words? Is it possible to express the meaning of a look in words? How poor are familiar concepts when weWe are trying to describe in words the feelings we experience vividly and strongly!

Colors such as red and brown seem completely different to us. Despite this, we perceive both as warm. The concepts “warm” and “cold” from the point of view of touch do not reflect the true meaning at all.

The fact that different people perceive the subtlest shades of color with great accuracy confirms that the meaning of each color in human perception is objective. Color discrimination in different people causes the same, specific experiences when looking at each color. Therefore, color perception is a generally understood language of sensations that does not require verbal expression - a visual language.

Colors not only have a certain appearance (for example, red or blue), but are also characterized by other types of perception (for example, warm - cold; round - having corners).

The emotional perception of color is its objective meaning. For example, red is activating and exciting for all people. This is true for all cultures of the world. Pure red color carries a meaning of stimulation and energy.

The generally accepted meaning of color is assessed differently by each person. He either agrees with this meaning or rejects it, based on his own feelings (for example, nervousness, rejection). The perception of color is strongly influenced by a personal subjective feeling: attractive, indifferent (indifferent), causing antipathy.

Depending on a person’s state of mind, a certain meaning of color, and, accordingly, the meaning inherent in it, is confirmed, ignored or rejected. If we consider a color beautiful, it means that we agree with its semantic meaning. This color reflects our state of mind. By the chosen or rejected color in the Luscher test, we can clearly determine our emotional or physical state. The choice of color occurs unconsciously, so it allows you to see reality, and not a person’s subjective image of himself (as is usually the case with verbal methods - surveys, questionnaires, psychoanalytic sessions, etc.).

A large number of colors reflect a whole range of emotions. Thus, color is a highly differentiated language of feeling, just like music. This means that colors can be called “visualized feelings.” The meanings of colors and the system of regulatory psychology are described in more detail in M. Luscher’s main work, “The Law of Harmony in Us.”

Blue (1).

Dark- Blue colour evokes a feeling of deepest peace. It has been experimentally proven that when looking at a dark blue color for a long time, breathing slows down, pulse and blood pressure are decreasing. The generally accepted psychological meaning of dark blue is peace.

V. Kandinsky considers blue to be “concentrated movement.”

Dark blue evokes relaxation and contentment. It gives a feeling of deep harmony, orderliness, unity and security. That's why the Virgin Mary's veil is blue.

Blue corresponds to feelings of self-awareness as well as satisfaction or dedication.

In a state of inner peace, a person unconsciously opens up to the world around him, picking up more subtle signals from the outside. The state of mind of “blue color” creates conditions for sensitive aesthetic perception. I. Kant calls this “calm contentment.”

Schelling (1775 - 1854) describes in his “Philosophy of Art” the symbol of blue as peace - a unique state caused by beauty - calm at sea.

The blue color symbolizes eternity, the absence of time frames, so it is chosen as a symbol of tradition, unity and cohesion. (“Blue is loyalty”).

Connections and a sense of belonging are expressed through the choice of shades of blue.

Novalis in his novel Heinrich von Ofterdingen described the romantic mood through the image blue flower. “The sky was black and blue and absolutely clear. He (Henry) was fascinated by a tall, bright blue flower that grew near the source and touched it with its wide, shiny leaves. He didn’t notice anything around except the blue flower and looked at it for a long time, with great tenderness.” Hölderlin has something similar in his novel “Hyperion”: “In the blue of the ether, the young hero sees unity with the universe as eternal peace: “Lost in the distant blue, I often look up into the ether. Unity with all living things, a return to blessed self-denial, to the natural world - a place of eternal peace."

One of the most famous poems by I.V. Goethe fully captures the essence of the color blue:

“Silent peaks sleep in the darkness of the night,

Sleepy valleys are full of fresh darkness.

The road does not gather dust, the leaves do not tremble,

Wait a little - you too will rest...”

Green (2).

Luscher green (2), dark and tinged with blue, like fir needles, expresses stability, firmness, perseverance and constancy. Green does not have expansive energy influencing others (like orange-red), but contains the energy of tension accumulated inside, which is not in a state of rest, but in readiness for action. From the outside it appears static.

Green, like any other primary color, changes its meaning depending on the tone. The more dark blue it contains, the more solid, cold, tense, and rigid it is perceived psychologically. Just as molecules form a structure of a solid body of a certain rigidity that is not visible from the outside, so a feeling of internal tension arises in the human soul. This is “penetration into oneself.” This is self-awareness, self-management, self-esteem.

By creating stability and permanence, green (2) represents a value system.

One who gives preference to such green (2) can be characterized as a person who is firm in his convictions, able to withstand internal and external influences, incl. temptations, temptations; a person with a deep sense of self-respect.

The words “noblesse o” blige” (position obliges) or “do the right thing and don’t be afraid of anyone” - just about such people.

Green (2) – stability of beliefs, self-respect, inviolability of moral values.

The psychological meaning of green (2) is also a sense of self-worth, manifested as respect, dignity, competence, authority, property, dominance in a certain space.

If there is no internal stability of green (2), and, accordingly, integrity, inviolability, impeccability, then these qualities are replaced by demonstration, for external effect - mannerism, arrogance, excessive “pride,” sometimes boastfulness, etc. Prestige becomes a pose.

Someone who needs external approval uses status symbols to create the appearance of self-worth. He finds himself in the spotlight, turning the spotlight on himself, playing out stability, greatness, dignity and prestige.

Red (3).

Of all the colors, yellow-red (3) has the strongest activating effect. If you look at this color for a long time, your breathing will become faster, your blood pressure will rise, and your heart rate will increase.

The psychological meaning of this color is excitement, stimulation, activity. It is also a response to demand and challenge. If there is a joyful activation, then red (3) is considered a powerful force. A person choosing red (3) perceives it as stimulation, capture, a strong driving desire. This is “appetite” in all its manifestations: from passionate love to greedy possession. Red activity (3) – focused energy: physical activity (sports, sex); emotional (ardent, passionate inspiration); it is also a halo over the head of a saint; love is like conquest. This is also a manifestation of power. Red is self-confidence and self-confidence.

It is important to remember that the perception of any color, be it red (activation) or blue (calm), can be either positive (preference) or negative (rejection).

If red (3) inspires antipathy or disgust, it is perceived as unpleasant or painful, threatening. There is irritation, anger, disgust (to the point of a physical feeling of nausea).

A German nursery rhyme sums this up very well:

"Red is love"

Red is blood

Red is the devil in a rage..."

The name “red” as a general name for any other color does not reflect the true essence of the color, because the huge number of shades is not taken into account, each of which has its own, unique meaning. Thus, the term “classical music” covers the entire spectrum, from Handel’s “Largo” to Ravel’s “Bolero.”

Pure red, yellowish, bluish or brownish - they all have completely different shades of meaning.

Brownish red has a tranquil connotation; bluish – stability, stability, just as pure green reflects; If you add yellow to red, activation occurs.

Yellow (4).

Pure yellow (4) – the most bright color. Like the sun, bright and shining. When light hits yellow, the strong reflection creates the impression of sliding across the surface. Yellow lacks the depth and mystery of dark colors.

Yellow corresponds to a feeling of free development, therefore yellow (4) is preferred by people who are looking for changing, free relationships for self-development (maybe partings, long journeys, flights). Yellow is decision, liberation, change, development, wide open space. This is a search for something new.

Thus, yellow (4) is the opposite of green (2): expansion - contraction; change - stability; freedom is restriction.

Yellow (4) is also considered the color of “illumination” and deliverance (the halo above the head of Jesus Christ the Savior).

Carefree fun can be called a “yellow mood.”

Purple (5).

Purple is obtained by mixing red and blue. Red is the impulse for conquest and experience. His satisfaction is carried out in blue. Red seeks to achieve agreement and unity through struggle and conquest. Blue strives for the same thing through calm dedication. Both paths, red and blue, are aimed at unity. Both colors cross their boundaries and transform. Therefore, purple can be described as a barrier-breaking metamorphosis. The red path is autonomous, authoritative. The path of blue is receptive, heteronomous, unconditional acceptance. "Male" red and "female" blue turn into genderless purple. 75% of pre-pubescent children around the world prefer purple. Purple is the color of transcendence, the transition to a world dominated by emotional values. Purple is the unity of opposites. That is why it is so often used by adherents of mystical traditions.

Purple is also an expression of curiosity, passion, identification, impressionability (fluctuating from red to blue, from impulsive desire to cautious sensitivity). The same perception of reality is characteristic of creative individuals.

White (6) and Black (7).

White is the lightest of all colors. It can be perceived as dazzling.

Black is the darkest of all colors, practically the absence of color. White – emission, black – absorption.

Black is the opposite of everything positive, absolute negation, an unconditional “no.” It also manifests itself as the will to destroy the existing, opposition, authoritarian pressure in relation to any other opinion and way of life.

Since time immemorial, people have been looking for relationships between various phenomena in the world. They are especially interested in the possibility of determining a personality type based on certain parameters. Scientific psychodiagnostics originated not so long ago, and until that moment people used a variety of reasons: character and date of birth, character and choice of name, and, of course, character and favorite color. The presence of relationships in the last pair is recognized by many scientists; there is even a whole direction in science - color psychology.

Each person has their own preferences in color scheme: some people like everything bright, some, on the contrary, dull, and some cannot live without black. As a rule, it is difficult not to notice, because color occupies a significant place in the life of every person: the walls in the apartment, clothes, cars, curtains, folders at work - all of this has a certain shade. Often preferences remain stable throughout life and undergo virtually no change. So how are a person’s favorite color and character related?

Red color

This color is a symbol of health, energy and strength. It is a stimulus to activity and initiates activity in a person in all directions. The color red is characterized by a feeling of fullness of life, deepening of experiences and an unbridled desire for success. For many people, it is associated with a fierce thirst for life, passion and excitement. It makes for a vivid picture, doesn’t it?

People who regularly choose the color red are distinguished by sociability, courage, strong will, lust for power, impulsiveness, and participation in the destinies of other people. Sometimes they experience a lack of emotions in life and want to “shake things up” - this is understandable, because they require a lot of energy for all their endeavors. People around you are always interested in being with such a person, because he encourages you not to sit still, but to act.

Unfortunately, every barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment. People who choose red are, as a rule, sick of routine and everyday worries; they want their life to resemble a holiday or at least rafting down a mountain river. They are characterized by fickleness and impatience, stubbornness and excessive self-confidence, and this prevents them from remaining objective in their judgments. Red lovers always do things their own way, even if they ask a close friend or teacher for advice. But, as we said above, this is compensated by their activity and love of life.

Dislike for this color is also quite eloquent: it is possible that you are frightened by the pressure and aggressiveness that go hand in hand with red. And sometimes it’s just scary that this whirlpool of energy will overwhelm you and tear you into small pieces. Fatigue, irritation, preoccupation with life's troubles, dislike of quarrels - these are far from full list things that are characteristic of a person who refuses the color red in his life.

Blue color

Sea, sky, coolness and freshness - these are the associations that arise in the mind when thinking about the color blue. It symbolizes harmony and tranquility, purity and spiritual sublimity. By the way, this color is chosen by people quite often - apparently, we lack all of the above things in our lives.

What can you say about a person who chooses the color blue? Usually he is modest and melancholic, trusting and reliable, conservative and calm. Such a person knows how to build relationships based on intimacy, mutual assistance and sensitivity to the desires of others. For her, strong friendship is more important than large, cheerful and noisy companies - she quickly gets tired of this and needs rest. Such a person is very reasonable: the proverb “measure twice, cut once” is absolutely true about him.

People who give an important role to the color blue in their lives know how to take responsibility. That is why they need to be careful, because more unscrupulous fellow citizens can take advantage of this: “hang” someone else’s work, guilt, force them to do something that they should not do - there are a lot of options.

A dislike for blue is, as a rule, characteristic of energetic and restless people, those who abhor peace and monotony in life. Perhaps they have long wanted to change their job or place of residence, because they are so hungry for new experiences! And sometimes this is associated with self-deception: a person wants to give the impression of being strong and omnipotent, although, in fact, he is withdrawn and unsure of himself.


This is the color of joy and happiness, warmth and good mood - not surprising, because in the human mind it is usually associated with sunlight. He is a symbol of optimism. Typically, yellow is preferred by sociable and outgoing people who have courage and a considerable amount of curiosity about the world. To others they seem to be incorrigible optimists, but, in fact, their opinion is very easy to influence. Such people easily adapt to changes in circumstances, which makes their activities quite successful.

As for thinking and the intellectual sphere, “yellow lovers” are creative and original, have artistic taste and a developed imagination - this helps them to engage in creativity. Thanks to their inquisitive mind, they love to solve interesting and new problems.

Green color

Some associate it with dollars, while others associate it with nature. The latter, fortunately, are the majority. This color amazingly combines the balance of forest coolness and solar warmth. For humans, it has long symbolized youth, blossoming, hope and fun. Although in modern culture the concept of “green” is very close in meaning to infantility.

People who prefer this color are often distinguished by self-confidence and balance of character. They connect well with others, which is reflected in their kindness, generosity and caring for others. Self-affirmation and self-realization are the main values ​​for those who prefer to “paint” life in green tones. They are distinguished by an active and flexible mind that easily perceives new ideas.

However, there are also disadvantages. These include envy and sometimes a love of gossip. Sometimes “greens” are drawn into conservatism, and they do not dare to try something new for their usual situation. They are also distinguished by persistence, stubbornness and uncompromisingness, an explosive combination of which can play a cruel joke on their owner.

There are also those who tend to avoid the color green. As a rule, with the same manic persistence they avoid life’s difficulties and vicissitudes. Such people have problems with communication, because it always seems to them that those around them want a lot from them. Although sometimes this is due to banal nonconformism and unwillingness to accept the rules of the game of society.

White color

A lot has been written about him beautiful words: white is a symbol of purity, the shine of light, the coldness of ice and much more. Artists call it the ideal color, because it is a synthesis of all the others. It can also be filled with any content, and this attracts many people. It turns out that anyone can like this color, because there is nothing repulsive about it.

A few words about the character of a person who loves white. As a rule, he is distinguished by accuracy in everything. White lovers are attentive, critical, insightful and cautious. Often such natures are characterized by innocence and simplicity, because this color is often associated with childhood. They are also completely self-sufficient, so it is practically useless to try to achieve something by force from a “white” person.

Black color

There is probably no person in the world who has not experienced love for the color black at least once in his life. And this despite the fact that it often symbolizes absence and emptiness. Although black seems like a gloomy color, it actually contains a lot of passion and fire, elements and rebellion.

Anyone who chooses the color black in life is constantly ready to fight. The sexual sphere occupies a huge place in his life: passions simply rage inside this ambiguous personality! The emotions and feelings of such a person can generally be called uncontrollable, and this makes communication with him unpredictable. He is determined and prefers to go headlong towards his goal.

Unfortunately, a lover of black often has to lose, because a correct assessment of the situation is far from his most pronounced trait. The vision of the world of this complex nature is rather bleak: it is pessimistic, and everything around seems to be painted in gloomy tones. It seems to him that his dreams are unrealizable.

Those who reject black, as a rule, try to get away from everything associated with it: emptiness, sadness, despair, loneliness. Such pronounced denial is characteristic of people who try to make life an inexhaustible source of positivity. They themselves give the impression of eternally joyful and good-natured persons. Usually this turns out to be just a mask behind which some traumatic experiences for the individual are hidden.


Quite an unusual choice, and this is the whole point of lovers of this color. Those who do it, as a rule, are extraordinary and creative individuals who gravitate towards freedom and independence. Their life path does not at all look like a smooth, well-maintained highway - rather, it will be a mountain serpentine or the route of a crazy designer.

People who choose purple are like mountain birds: they are drawn to flight, but sometimes they hibernate in order to gain strength to conquer new creative heights. They tend to achieve success in everything that interests them: art, communication, science - their area of ​​activity lies within the spiritual sphere. Lovers of purple choose friends with similar interests: they need communication on such topics like air. They have a huge thirst for knowledge, and that is why they like everything mysterious and unsolved.

This color is rejected by down-to-earth, materialistic people. There is some kind of mystery, a riddle in purple, and it may irritate some people - this is quite understandable. Resilience and simplicity are the things you value in others, and purple is by no means the epitome of them.

Brown color

Brown has a rather long associative range: it is fertile soil, chocolate, wood and much more. But at the same time it is the color of strength and reliability, harmony and hearth and home. It can also symbolize support and balance for a person.

People who choose brown are thorough and responsible, have an even character and authority. They think for a long time before making a decision that is important to them. It’s nice to be friends with them, because connoisseurs of brown will never let you down in difficult times, even though they are distinguished by severity and rigidity in communicating with people. They are also sometimes drawn to philosophize, but with a rather practical goal, which, by the way, they almost always achieve.

They have their drawbacks: “brown” people have frugality, which sometimes borders on hoarding. Because of their thoroughness, they often become irritated with those who act or think too quickly. Brown lovers very rarely make a “brilliant” impression on people, despite the fact that they always control themselves.

There are those who prefer to avoid this color in their lives. Some may not like it because of its unpleasant associations, but for others it will be a symbol of boredom and routine. Impulsive and easy-going people often have an aversion to brown, as it is not bright enough for them.

Grey colour

The most neutral and calm choice. It is a symbol of human protection from everything unnecessary: ​​energy, emotions, actions. It is identified with safety and tranquility, because there is practically no sensory load in it. This is the color of reason and rationality, the color of those who are used to living with their minds and not with their hearts.

People who choose gray are distinguished by both their unique character and interests. Many of them are employed in the scientific and technical field, medicine, mathematics - in any field where logic and analytics are the main means to achieve goals. They love solving complex problems and building multi-layered mental structures. There is no place for the elements in their work - they are used to calculating and predicting everything.

This is also reflected in personal life. For them, chaos and disorder are unthinkable - even at home, everything is laid out on shelves, and the painting hangs in a perfectly coordinated place. This is how the scrupulousness and pedantry of lovers of gray color are manifested, but this should not be perceived as a drawback, because it is they who are turned to for help in situations that require deep and serious analysis. The choice of gray largely reflects the desire to isolate oneself from the worries and disorder of the world around us, to escape its craziness.

Those who do not like gray can hardly be called pragmatic and calm, quiet and modest, reasonable and logical. Most likely, you lack madness, some kind of life shake-up. Rejection of gray is a longing for strong emotions, for impulsive and ill-considered decisions.

Choosing a shade color does not mean labeling it for the rest of your life - it is simply indicating a direction, and a very approximate one at that. Perhaps you just like this or that option without reference to your personality type. Don't forget to take into account the possibility of error and continue to enjoy using color diagnostics!

This summer, the ELLE editor simply couldn't pass up the striped pocket edition of Fortune Telling. Book of Colors" at the Los Angeles Book Fair. There was a serious stir around the gilded volume - a tiny copy first went on sale in 2014, then the circulation was sold out, and since then the manual has not been reprinted. Although, we are sure, it could serve as an excellent service (and make money) for local clairvoyants and fortune tellers. Fortune was on our side - the book flew from California to the Russian editorial office. Based on this collection by researcher KC Jones (not to be confused with the basketball player), we decided to prepare a series of “the most colorful and mysterious instructions” for controlling your destiny.

Pale pink


Such a person strives for a balance between passion and tenderness. Caring, sensitive to the needs of other people, with a strong maternal (or paternal) instinct, every minute she yearns to receive no less love in return. However, you do not intend to demonstrate your romantic mood publicly, preferring more elegant ways of showing feelings. The sweet and friendly nature of pale pink can at times result in naivety and immaturity in judgment. In addition, you rely too much on the help of others - it would be nice to believe in yourself and rely on your own strengths. Among the valuable advantages are excellent organizational skills. Work related to guardianship and care, or teaching is the optimal occupation.

Words that describe personality: hospitable, generous, friendly, kind, methodical, naive, caring, romantic.

If you don't like this color: Pink may be too soft and limited for an ambitious and daring character. As a rule, strong-willed, dominant individuals who are in a constant state of excitement exclude this shade from their lives. Planning is not your strong point.



A representative of a truly free spirit who looks at the world through a completely different lens. Artistry, artistic and musical talents - fans of this shade have quite a few hidden and obvious abilities. Friends often, lovingly, call you “crazy” and at the same time cannot imagine company without you. Despite your rather extravagant and eccentric “surface,” deep down you are a strictly organized person, you gravitate toward beautiful things, and strive to create harmony and unite people. By empathizing and paying attention to others, you do not waste yourself, but, on the contrary, you are nourished, so you should choose a profession in the social sphere.

Words that describe personality: attentive, outgoing, creative, impulsive, innovative, motivated, optimistic, spiritual, supportive.

If you don't like this color: too strong energy of this spectrum does not nourish, but suppresses your nature. You prefer to run away from a problem rather than solve it. You are a clear planner who is alien to acting, succumbing to a fleeting desire or impulse.



You openly express your feelings and express your own opinions without thinking. You often act imprudently, but your immediate “combat readiness” and impatience stem from the desire to achieve your goal at any cost. The “red personality” does not suffer from procrastination and rarely delays in making a decision. Such representatives are usually endowed with colossal physical strength, an unlimited supply of energy and a passion for life. Friends and family consider you a “pioneer” in any business: you love adventure, are not afraid to try something new and boldly take the unknown path. A career promises success in finance, consulting or property management.

Words that describe personality: aggressive, assertive, determined, competitive, impatient, impulsive, strong, optimistic, passionate, spontaneous.

If you don't like this color: Red is a high-energy color, and if you're keeping it away at the moment, it could be due to illness, stress, or simply a need for peace and quiet. Such people are not characterized by excessive “self-confidence”; they are afraid of any confrontation or manifestations of anger.





Those who rely on turquoise fit the epithet “soul of the party” - the people around you enjoy your company, find them sensitive, interesting and friendly. The combination of actually two colors in one leaves its mark: you have the altruism inherent in green and the conscious nature of blue. You are accustomed to speaking directly and from the heart, strive to create balance in your life and really do not like to be alone. You think clearly and logically. Chances are you are an excellent manager who leads by example and knows how to motivate your team instead of barking orders and using draconian methods.

Words that describe personality: charming, idealistic, impractical, narcissistic, organized, self-confident, self-sufficient, sensitive, spiritual.

If you don't like this color: You are closed from the outside world and never show your feelings in public. They are usually called “lone wolf”. At the same time, in your work you avoid the established order and behave a little absent-mindedly.



A holiday man who thrives in the spotlight. He constantly demands admiration, surrounding himself with numerous fans. Orange is a harmonious combination of red and yellow, and your personality reflects this: you are both assertive and friendly. Such people easily take risks, in any field. Loyalty and devotion are not their strong point; they constantly strive for new things, exciting adventures and unexpected acquaintances. They thrive in work that requires maximum effort. A career in law enforcement or sales is worth considering.

Words that describe personality: adventurous, enthusiastic, fickle, friendly, optimistic and tolerant.

If you don't like this color: Quite reserved, feeling comfortable only with a small group of friends. Social responsibilities and the attention of a large circle of people make them terribly nervous. You hate criticism and avoid any value judgments.


Greens (predictably) worship nature and strive to spend as much time outdoors as possible, especially in the spring and early summer. Gentle and serene. Loved ones often turn to you in times of crisis, and you always help them, often to the detriment of your own interests and needs. Such people are more likely to act as outside observers rather than active participants in events, which is why they often become victims of rumors. Because blue (a cool color) and yellow (a warm color) are combined in equal proportions in green, so are you balanced in most areas of your life. Careers in Management in cash or sales will suit your temperament.

Words that describe personality: calm, compassionate, emotional, generous, patient, stable.

If you don't like this color: then, as a rule, they are not restrained and are quite hot-tempered. You cannot be classified as one of the people who blindly follows the crowd. You are freedom-loving and constantly change your situation and even your country.



You strive for excellence in everything and almost always achieve success. They are quite reserved and always think a hundred times before expressing their opinion. Supporters of the highest ideals, you believe that you simply must constantly control yourself. At the same time, they are quite trusting. And the “blues” are obsessed with a thirst for knowledge. You are conservative in your manners and actions; and this nature serves you well. Usually such people are excellent for working in high academic circles.

Words that describe personality: confident, conservative, reserved, loyal, deeply emotional, responsible, tough, sensitive, sentimental.

If you don't like this color: You may be very worried about something in the current situation or trying to get rid of excessive worry. They are freedom-loving and cannot tolerate minimal boundaries and restrictions.



You always put others before yourself, and it is very important for you to be constantly needed by someone. Free, open to all ways of understanding the world. You can be so enigmatic and mysterious that even close friends cannot say with certainty that they really know you. The color purple is a mixture of red and blue, and you are constantly trying to balance these two aspects of your personality. This can lead to internal conflict - part of you wants excitement and adventure, while another part craves stability. Meditation can help overcome contradictions. Working in the religious sector or consulting would be a great fit for you.

Words that describe personality: seductive, artistic, compassionate, creative, mysterious, generous, visionary.

If you don't like this color: You do not consider yourself a creative and innovative person. You live in the present and are not inclined to “have your head in the clouds.” Purple may be too melancholic for your nature.



You are in complete control of any situation and believe that those around you certainly need your protection. In times of conflict, you are strong in your beliefs and usually get what you want. You crave power and a high position in society, you are respected and appreciated by others. You lock your emotions deep inside and keep people at a comfortable distance. In order not to fall into a prolonged depression, you should at least bring at least a little color to your home environment. A momentary love for black can also mean the process of finding the true color of your life, just a stage in which you need to work hard. Try a career in banking or teaching sector, it suits your temperament.

If you don't like this color: It is not your nature to be serious. You may find black too dark, or it may symbolize a fear of dark places. You have a trusting and optimistic character.



You are afraid of turmoil and chaos (external and internal) and in any circumstances you try to maintain calm and balance, even if you have to sacrifice your ideals and desires for this. You don't like to draw attention to yourself. On any issue, you have your own firm position and a lot of arguments in its defense, but in any dispute you would rather maintain safe neutrality or agree with the status quo. Excellent qualities for working in a corporation, region scientific research or accounting. Your reliability makes you a loyal partner and spouse. Your main dream is to live a calm and measured life.


Just like white is the purest color in the spectrum, your home is always immaculate. You love minimalism and simplicity; including in terms of appearance: everything is elegant, restrained, neat, hairstyle is hair to hair. It sometimes seems to those around you that you emanate coldness and a certain detachment and artificiality. In fact, you always carefully weigh your every decision and word before taking specific actions. The craving for white usually corresponds to life transitions, big changes, and a readiness to take a new course. Take a closer look at professions related to computer programming and interior design.

Words that describe personality: cautious, inflexible, innocent, practical, reasonable, wise.

If you don't like this color: Mess never bothers you, you can exist perfectly in chaos. You prefer to give in to momentary whims rather than make long-term plans.

In contact with


The influence of color on human consciousness has been known for quite some time. The meaning of each of them lies in different symbols (coats of arms, flags, banners, uniforms in different professions, logos of famous manufacturers, etc.). It is also known that very often people make fateful decisions under the influence of a particular color. There are quite a lot of sayings associated with color, popular sayings and aphorisms. Is this a coincidence or a pattern?

If you think about it, every person, object, phenomenon or event can be associated with a specific color; each of us has our own associative system by which we can remember or recall an event from our life. Human perception and the meaning of colors in psychology are explained in different aspects. For example, if you take the days of the week, think about what color do you associate each of them with? The same can be said in relation to numbers, special dates and holidays (remember, the holiday of March 8 is always associated with colors such as red, orange, green and yellow). WITH psychological point In terms of vision, each color has a different effect on different people.

When looking at any of them, different people may have different associations, moods and emotions. How many of us, and how often, wonder why the color blue appears more often in the political sphere, and red in the advertising sphere? Why do traffic lights only use green, red and yellow? Why can you go to green color(the color of trust, approval), but red (the color of anxiety and danger, prohibiting) is not allowed? What does the expression “I feel violet” or the saying “even if the grass doesn’t grow” mean? The source of answers to all these questions lies in the plane of human psychological perception of color.

How do people perceive colors (physiology of perception)?

The perception of color shapes the attitude of a person and society to many phenomena and events, however, this attitude itself is often formed under the influence of one color or another. It would be more correct to say that the root cause, after all, will be the physiological component of a person, which then becomes the basis for his perception of colors and the formation of a certain attitude towards each of them.

The main physiological component includes the human organ of vision - the eyes, their structural features and functionality to accurately transmit information in the form of a picture or image. The function of the eye is the perception of color and the instant transmission of information about it to the brain, where a complex process of processing the received information begins, the result of which is certain signals that are received by the peripheral nervous system of the human body.

Any object that the human eye sees has a certain degree and wavelength of refraction, reflection and absorption - we know this from the school physics course. The longest wave is characteristic of “hot” (red, yellow, orange and their shades) colors; their perception requires a lot of energy, since these colors are characterized as “active-offensive”.

It has been experimentally proven that their influence on a person helps to increase his pulse rate, respiration and heart rate. These are colors that excite his mental and emotional state. Colors belonging to the spectrum of “cool colors” (blue, green and their shades) are characterized by short waves, their perception requires much less energy, and metabolic processes are reduced. They are able to calm a person’s psyche, have a relaxing, comfortable and calming effect on him.

An important role in the life of each of us is played by color communication - the ability to perceive color according to physiology, taking into account examples from our own life experience. For example, going to important matter, as a consultant (adviser, lawyer, assistant), you will subconsciously choose a person dressed not in a pink suit, but in a black (gray or brown) suit.

Color communication underlies the arrangement of our homes, plots, interior design of rooms, choice of clothing and gifts for our loved ones. It is used in their practice by all areas of production, when enterprises carefully consider the design of new products and develop advertising materials in order to attract potential buyers to them.

Psychologists can answer the question of what colors a person perceives and how they perceive them. In their opinion, the meaning of colors in psychology and a person’s attitude towards them allows us to reveal the secret of the formation and development of his personality.

Purple color in psychology

This color is considered complex because it is formed by a combination of two others - blue and red. During the Middle Ages, the color purple was associated with repentance, and later with pregnancy (remember the paintings of famous artists that they painted of pregnant women). Nowadays, purple is considered a dangerous color that has a negative impact on a person, his psychological and emotional state.

This color is usually preferred by people who are quite critical of themselves and prone to rational control of the situation. Such people, as a rule, fail to realize themselves in life, they are dissatisfied with living conditions, society, laws, they are often irritated, and are very secretive by nature. At the same time, this color affects them positively, increasing their self-esteem.

Red color in psychology

This is an active and hot, even aggressive color that can cause feelings of anxiety and restlessness. It is usually associated with danger, prohibition and aggression. The color red easily attracts attention, so it is often used in advertising and in the design of various danger signs. Since it causes an increase in heart rate, respiratory rate and pulse, and increases blood pressure, it is not recommended to look at it for a long time. For the same reason, designers recommend using it with caution in the interior.

Character traits that are formed under the influence of the color red are courage, activity, perseverance, cruelty, selfishness, intolerance, authority, determination, demonstrativeness, lust, greed, perseverance, sexuality. Also, its carriers strive to be pioneers and dominate in everything.

As you can see, the list above contains both positive and negative character traits. The strength of their influence on a person depends on the goal he pursues and the characteristics of his personality (positive or negative character).

People who prefer this color belong to the category of strong-willed, courageous, active and sociable individuals. It is also preferred by those who want to look sexy or attract the attention of others. Most often, the color red chooses its owner - a “red” person by nature and character. Only such people look harmonious in red and are able to feed on its energy, and not vice versa.

In sexual relationships, “red” people prefer to dominate, they love role-playing games, allowing the aggression characteristic of lovers of red.

Lilac color in psychology

From a psychological point of view, lilac shades speak of affection in general, no matter what or who becomes the object of this feeling - another person, an animal, a piece of clothing or some thing.

Bearers and supporters of the lilac color range are refined natures, they are sensitive, do not tolerate separation and parting with people dear to their hearts and their favorite things. These people are classified as creative; they are distinguished by enviable patience and constant readiness to help those in need. Along with such positive qualities, they are prone to stress and depression, however, they cope with them on their own - without outside help.

For many peoples, the color lilac and its shades are associated with meditation; it is the color of alienation and an unearthly perception of life. Traditionally, it is also considered the color of balance, harmony, philosophical attitude to life, reasoning and a certain style.

Carriers of this color are not like others; they are characterized by ingenuity and excellent mental abilities. Among them there are often individuals who strive for perfection, even allowing for some sophistication. They know how to fantasize wildly, their fantasies are colorful and unrealistic, there is no place for “dark” forces in them, children like their fairy tales.

When communicating with other people, they pay great attention to their appearance. Being aristocratic and sophisticated in nature, they seek these qualities in others. They are quite sentimental and romantic, prone to nostalgia. Due to the fact that lilac and violet colors are similar and close, “lilac” people are also owners creativity and in disputes they always take the position of talented and extraordinary people.

Green color in psychology

Almost all peoples of our planet consider green tones to be calming and relaxing. Green is the color of nature and life, prospects for development. It has a positive effect on the human body, provides relaxation and healing.

The green range of shades of green can mean security, jealousy, fertility, life, purity, ecology.

“Green” people are rational and harmonious, they take life very seriously and appreciate every moment of it, they love all living things, they are very responsive and good-natured. They won't work good warriors, because by their nature they are not capable of causing harm to another living being. Possessing a rich inner world and good nature, they are in no hurry to reveal it to others, they are cautious and tend to listen. However, calling them secretive and suspicious would not be very correct.

In a relationship with a sexual partner, in his eyes they look pure and naive, they are somewhat clumsy and awkward, but they have passion, temperament, gentle and patient. These are faithful companions in a marriage.

Yellow color in psychology

Yellow shades have a stimulating effect on brain activity and nervous system person. However, too long exposure to yellow can give a negative result - overload and overstimulation, which will have an extremely negative impact on human health. This is the color of joy, faith, hope and all the best that a person can wish for himself. This is the color of the sun and that says it all.

This color, especially in combination with dark ones (black and dark shades of blue, green, burgundy) is often used in advertising, as it stimulates the human brain to what is written in dark letters on a yellow background.

Yellow is associated with intelligence, insight and imagination. He is the personification of honesty, a symbol of holiday fun and joy, but at the same time also sadness, betrayal, sadness and separation. Psychology considers this color as a symbol of madness; it is not for nothing that such a concept as the “yellow house”, popularly known as the “psychiatric hospital,” has long existed.

“Yellow” people strive to reveal all their talents and fully realize themselves in all areas of activity and life. They know how to set a goal for themselves and follow the “bright” path towards it. They are characterized by creative thinking and extravagance of actions. Such people know how to concentrate their attention on the main goal, although they are also characterized by some absent-mindedness. People who love yellow tones can be critical of themselves and others, given that they do not have a tendency to low self-esteem, their opinion of other people can be too cruel.

In relationships, “yellow” people unconditionally adapt to their partner, creating all the conditions for their positive communication.

Black color in psychology

Black tones in most countries of the world are associated with authority, officialdom, authoritarianism, and grief. This is the color of weight, which is associated with those in power and rich people, respectability. It is also considered a mysterious, mysterious, witchy and mystical color.

The characteristics of black tones are absolutely opposite to white; black color is capable of absorbing all colors irrevocably. It denotes mysticism, emptiness, foresight and creation, peace and silence. Capable of inspiring fear, giving strength and maintaining intrigue.

“Black” people are considered a mystery, without realizing it, they, in turn, attract the attention of others with a certain secret (often imaginary) that a black outfit provides. Man has always been attracted to everything unusual, strange, hidden and frightening. People who dress exclusively in black are not satisfied with their lives (unless they are in mourning). This is an attempt to hide from everything and everyone, to protect yourself from any influence. “Black” people are by default considered gloomy, closed and prone to depression.

World fashion loves this color for its versatility, practicality, comfort and ease of wear. People wearing black clothes are in constant doubt, they are in a state of struggle with the world and with themselves, they are always creative, bright and extraordinary individuals.

In relationships with sexual partners, people “in black” tend to experiment.

Orange color in psychology

Orange, like yellow, is associated with the sun and warmth. This is the color of mood enhancement, the color of vigor, activity, achieving goals and making decisions. important tasks. Therefore, orange tones are also often used in advertising, just like yellow.

Meaning orange associated with joy, warmth, forgiveness, love of freedom, tolerance, energy. And also with spontaneity, suddenness, deliberateness and pleasure.

“Orange” people love creativity, they are very strong and freedom-loving, and they know how to forgive. They themselves exude “solar” energy and are able to charge everyone around them with it; in their arsenal it is practically inexhaustible. Such people always have too high an opinion of themselves, can be arrogant and endow others with their energy against their will, since they often feel the need to dump its excess.

People with an orange nature are always excellent athletes. They tend to easily get carried away by novelty and new trends, however, they also quickly “burn out” and lose interest in them.

The intimate sphere is an area where one can reveal oneself 100%. They are not characterized by puritanism, they love to fantasize, seethe emotionally and consider themselves excellent sexual partners.

Blue color in psychology

If you want to make a positive impression on someone, dress in clothes of blue tones and shades, since this color is better than others in instilling confidence and causing respect for you from others. With its help, you can emphasize your own status in society, make it clear that you are a supporter of purity, straightforwardness and stability.

Blue color is calming, it is associated with cooling, peace, tranquility. It is often used to motivate employees to work and guide them towards conscientious work. In offices whose walls are painted blue, there are practically no quarrels and strife, the team is more friendly and focused.

The blue color can give strength to seriously ill people in the fight against illness, which is why in hospitals the walls are often painted blue. Athletes who train in a blue gym also show better results in competitions and championships.

Blue color in psychology

Blue shades are often associated with concepts such as transparency, humility, limitlessness, purity and carelessness. It is associated with harmony, simplicity, comfort, dreaminess, peace and balance.

“Blue” people, who are the bearer of this color by the nature of their inner nature, do not know what “borders” or “frames” are. Like the ocean, they are accustomed to act freely and have unlimited power in their domains or in their sphere of activity.

In relationships with other people, they can be infinitely generous or deeply indifferent. These are people of the water and air elements - two polar planes, two extremes.

Carriers and supporters blue color they look at everything from different angles, they judge something from the point of view of “my bell tower”. In this regard, they are able to find a non-standard solution to any, even the most complicated, problem. They are harmonious and strong, attracting other people who often doubt and hesitate in life.

“Blue” people are not prone to daydreaming; they know how to present any reality in several forms - this is their gift. They can be excellent politicians and diplomats. Friendliness, openness, ease of communication, patience and endurance, innate tact and equanimity - this is their strong point.

Sometimes they can drive themselves into the blues, be bored for a long time and languish in idleness, but they also independently find a way out of this state, acquiring a new idea and meaning to life.

Pink color in psychology

The color of dullness of emotions, aggression and anger is considered to be pink, which is also associated with childhood, something soft, warm and comfortable. It can often be seen in the interior of a children's room, in children's clothing. The expression “pink dream” is associated with the same concepts; it means something exclusively positive and desirable, not capable of causing harm.

Pink is a symbol of tenderness, softness, romanticism, frivolity, infantility, something serene and idle.

The color pink is associated with goodness, romance, love and passion. It is preferred by those who strive to experience the fullness of life, gain new impressions and sensations. “Pink” people are able to work tirelessly, they take their work seriously, expecting the desired and expected result.

Some of them are more manifested in the opposite form, when they can be said to be frivolous, infantile and uninteresting individuals. But they are always funny, good-natured and harmless. People Pink colour tend to live in illusions of the past or fantasies of the future. They love publicity, recognition, popularity, they are easily offended and brought to tears, they are sensual, touchy and whiny, and easily controlled. Good imitators of other people, although they always do it with a bit of individuality.

Regarding sexual relationships, we can say that “pink” people can give less than they promise. By luring a partner quickly, they would also quickly lose him, since he also quickly loses interest in them.

Brown color in psychology

Brown color is an integral part of people who are confident in their own abilities. It is associated with difficulties and obstacles that should be eliminated, so it is the color of workaholic people, as well as people who are capable of “cutting the truth.” Clothing in brown tones is a favorable factor when trying to find a job.

The color brown is associated with common sense, reliability, and stability. It is also associated with disappointment, depression, doubts - this is the negative side of brown.

Brown is a complex color because it is formed by two other significant colors (classic red and darkened yellow). It combines activity, aggression and assertiveness of the red color, the properties of which seem to be extinguished by its second component - yellow.

“Brown people” adore life, accept it in all its manifestations, but are more reasonable and sedate. In critical situations, they are able to show composure, rationalism and pragmatism, but they cannot be called cold-blooded or indifferent. They are always ready to support, smooth out conflict, extinguish negative emotions and lead the world around them to lasting harmony. They are optimists and hard workers.

In their sexual life, they are more traditional and conservative; for them, the emotional component of relationships between people is much more important than sex.

Gray color in psychology

Gray tones and shades are always associated with neutrality. Few people like this color, some people find it annoying, others simply don’t notice it. This color has the unique property of not distracting, not “pulling the dress” over itself, pushing aside other colors.

It is the color of friendliness and calm, contentment and order, hidden desires, vulnerability, sanity, balance, realism. It personifies the norm of something, some kind of standard. He does not distract from important matters, is friendly, tactful and reliable.

People dressed in gray clothes are self-sufficient, they do not need anyone’s recognition, they are satisfied with everything, and feel more confident in their “element.” They are very loyal, tolerant, and not aggressive.

Gray color is invisible, has the ability to take on halftones and smooth out boundaries, therefore it is often associated with infinity and freedom. Existing on the edge “beyond the border” forces “gray” people to be careful and constantly monitor the situation. This is probably where the expression “gray cardinal” came from.

Doctors and psychologists are convinced that gray clothes are often worn by people who are on the verge of nervous or emotional exhaustion. Sexopathologists claim that “gray” people view sex as a physiological component that determines the existence of a person in general. Sex is not a great pleasure for them, but they are not inclined to diminish its importance for a person.

White color in psychology

The desire for whiteness is a subconscious human need. This is the color of purity, innocence, new beginnings in any field and relationships between people. This is the color of purity, openness, readiness to reveal all the secrets of the universe, the color of angels and saviors, forces of light. White color represents beauty, harmony, joy and celebration, jubilation, honor, exaltation.

Doctors are dressed in white clothes, as bearers of goodness and selfless help to all those who suffer. Uniforms of the same color are preferred by culinary specialists and cooks, whose specific job is to feed their neighbors with their “daily bread.”

White color is a symbol of selflessness, honesty, completeness and perfection. It is associated with freedom of opportunity, which does not allow any barriers. This is a color that symbolizes equality, since all other colors are included in its structure in equal proportions.

It is impossible to associate the white color with a certain type of character, since it is an “international” or “divine” color. Many people prefer to wear it, some of them by occupation, some by preference. White color for all nations is the main color in several national rituals.

People who like to wear snow-white clothes can more often represent pedants and extraordinary bores, calculating scoundrels and imperturbable swindlers. Since the white color itself is initially attractive, it is often used not only for good, but also with dark intentions.