If you are looking for a person in a dream. Why do you dream of searching in Miller’s dream book?

19.08.2019 Psychology

Perhaps in real life a person is looking for a way out of the situation, a desire for clarity. If the person could not be found, then the solution to the problem takes drastic measures that one does not want to take. A person may be confused and looking for new way in life.

If in a dream they are looking for a person and still find him, then things will get worse in life. And if you don’t find a person in a dream, then something important will be found, things will go uphill. It happens that a dream is repeated day after day - this means that in life a person is looking for self-realization, trying to solve some important problems. As soon as everything gets better, the dream will stop happening.

Most often, people dream of looking for a person because people are afraid to make decisions. Somehow he will assert himself in life. There may be some troubles and troubles. It's best not to find a person.

Although sometimes you dream about searching for a person, because something is going to happen to him in life. Especially if it is a loved one. Maybe you are afraid of losing him or fear for him. A person may have problems that cannot be rushed to correct.

In general, dreams are a complex science. Everyone interprets them differently, and everyone relies on life experience. All life experiences, frustrations, surprises, happiness - all this is reflected in a dream. Even what is missing in life or, conversely, in abundance. But all changes in life are only for the better.

Looking for a person in a dream, of course, is better than finding him. So in real life you can resolve the situation and be in an advantageous position.

It’s strange why, if you dream about something bad, then in real life there will definitely be something good. And the most harmless thing can turn the wheel of fortune in the opposite direction.

It seems that finding a person promises a bad turn of fate in life. If you don’t find him, then luck has fallen on you. As already mentioned, dreams are not an intelligible science.

Although philosophers believe that this is just superstition. People invent and interpret dreams themselves, thinking that this will make their life easier. They just don’t just overwhelm themselves with unnecessary worries. If everything in life is stable, then your dreams will not be impressive. After all, they are dreams because events, some important moments, surprises happen in people’s lives every day. So they are reflected in a dream.

And then people think that it is supernatural and incomprehensible. Such a twist of fate. As they say, it’s inexplicable, but it’s a fact. Yes, if you have turned to those who are excellent at interpreting dreams, then you must believe everything, no matter whether it is good or bad. Because it could be even worse.

This is especially true for superstitious people. After all, then they begin to reproach themselves, and why didn’t they listen and listen to the words. And no one except them can give a normal answer to these questions, because it is inexplicable. After all, people build their own happiness.


As the dream book indicates, looking for a person in a dream is a subconscious reflection of searching for a way out of some difficult situation in reality. If you dream that you are looking for a person, such a dream means your desire to find a solution to some problem.

If you have had a dream many times where you were looking for someone, the dream says that in real life you are striving to discover your real needs and find out your true path in life. If you engage in this search in reality, the dream will no longer be repeated.

If in your dream you searched for a long time and persistently for some person, but in the end you did not find him, the dream foreshadows a disorder - fruitless searches in a dream are a symbolic reflection of futile attempts to find a way out of a difficult situation or your purpose in reality.



Dream Interpretation by D. Loff

Search for an object that constantly changes its location- may irritate, but the find may be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about searching for something, it is important whether the plot ends with the finding of an object or not. If the dream ends successfully, it is important to note what or who you were looking for and how these objects were found. Think about the connection that exists between the object and the person who helped find it (if there was such a person). In many cases, the object that gets lost reflects an area of ​​life in which we feel unskillful and incompetent.

Searching for him in company with others- may be a hint that you should seek wise advice to resolve the current situation. A 48-year-old man tells his dream: “I’m looking for the keys to my car and I can’t find them anywhere. I turn everything in the house upside down, yell at my wife, and generally lose my temper. My daughter is not at home, and I start blaming her for everything. Suddenly her friend comes in and advises her to look at the castle. front door. That's what I do. My keys are there.

This dream is about searching- is interesting because in his detailed story the man showed how much he was worried about his daughter driving a car. The feeling of losing control over her daughter's life was consuming most his emotional energy. After figuring out the meaning of this dream, he realized that most of the conflicts at home were caused by his own anxiety, and not by actual disobedience on the part of his daughter. The understanding developed by the dream led to normalization of relations with my daughter and, as a result, to peace in the family.

Dream about a search ending unsuccessfully- typically illustrates the need to heal emotional trauma. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person. Common dreams about searching for a person include a crying child who cannot be found, chasing a fugitive who cannot be located, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. Such dreams can occur during periods of prolonged emotional decline caused by an extraordinary event, for example, death of a loved one. Another unsuccessful search scenario is searching for a place or item without results. For example, in a dream you may have a plan that goes nowhere, or perhaps you cannot find an object after leaving it on a table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are achieving them.

If you often have dreams like this- perhaps you should check whether your goals and behavior are consistent with each other, or whether they are mutually exclusive.

Dream book for a bitch

Search- the future will bring many disappointments and troubles.

If they're looking for you- aggression and malicious attacks from rivals and ill-wishers.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Search- reflection of the search as such in all areas. The need to look for answers within yourself.

The inner spiritual search is no less important, if not more, than the search in the outer world.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you were knocked down searching for a missing child- portends that in reality they will try to drag you into a scam, which can lead you either to big money or to a long prison term.

Take part in the search for missing and distressed people- to losses that can be incurred by receiving deliberately false information from your assistants.

If in a dream you turned the whole apartment upside down in search of a missing thing, and even then you couldn’t find it- this means that in reality you will face real losses not only of a material, but also of a moral nature.

A dream in which you are busy looking for the person you need in an unfamiliar city- means that you have to go through obstacles and hardships in order to achieve your goal.

If you are looking for one of your relatives- this means that in reality you will be amazed by the news of the tragic death of one of them.

A dream in which your search was crowned with success- means temporary dissatisfaction with the progress of affairs, which will be replaced by complete contentment and well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Internal search- means no less than searching in the outside world.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Search for an unknown thing, some object (emphasis on the unknown and the object)- empty state of yin (content lost) and aimless empty action of yang. A state of uncertainty, emptiness of internal, external loss, doubt. Even if a thing is only a symbol of something, the thing is physically searched for with hands and eyes.

Search for non-physical data (for example, solving a problem)- it is not necessary to express it through external actions: this process takes place inside the person’s self.

Search for an external symbol of forward confidence in inner strengths- there is an error: the prospect of being unable to use what was found arises. If you do not know how to use what you have for your own benefit, then you will not be able to use the additional power you have found.

It is unknown what to look for in a dream- there is a sign of uncertainty in the consequences of one’s decisions and a lack of understanding of the essence of the problem; looking for an unknown object is a lack of confidence in oneself and a desire to avoid responsibility in case of failure (the talisman did not help).

Search by wandering through corridors, streets, desert, forest- see the relevant articles and connect the meanings.

Search for a very specific object in a dream- in reality being one of the main symbols human culture(symbolism outweighs external form).

Search not for an object, but for an exit/entrance from a dungeon or apartment- means trying to actively solve a problem. Interpretation is given according to the relevant articles.

Collection of dream books

Search- as a rule, it marks a spiritual journey.


Dream Interpretation Beloved Person

Why do you dream about a loved one in a dream according to the dream book?

I dreamed about a loved one - you are dissatisfied with something, something is tormenting you in life. This person is the source of your worry and anxiety.

A loved one hugs - a warm attitude towards this person, a desire to be closer to him.

Looking for a loved one - be careful. Take a closer look at your lover; it is possible that a changed behavior indicates his betrayal or that he is using you to achieve his own selfish goals.


Finding a loved one

Dream Interpretation Finding a loved one dreamed of why you dream about searching for a loved one? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a search for a loved one in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Searches

Finding an object that constantly changes its location can be frustrating, but finding it can be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about searching for something, it is important whether the plot ends with the finding of an object or not.

A 48-year-old man tells his dream:

"I'm looking for my car keys and I can't find them anywhere. I'm turning everything in the house upside down, yelling at my wife and generally losing my temper. My daughter isn't home and I'm starting to blame her for everything. Suddenly her friend comes in and advises me to look in the lock of the front door. That's what I do. "

What is interesting about this search dream is that in his detailed story the man showed how much he was worried about his daughter driving a car. The feeling of losing control over his daughter's life consumed most of his emotional energy. After figuring out the meaning of this dream, he realized that the cause of most of the conflicts at home was his own ANXIETY, and not real disobedience on the part of his daughter. The understanding developed by the dream led to normalization of relations with my daughter and, as a result, to peace in the family.

A dream about a search ending in vain usually illustrates the need to heal emotional trauma. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person. Common dreams about searching for a person include a CHILD crying who cannot be found, chasing a fugitive who cannot be located, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. Such dreams can occur during periods of prolonged emotional decline caused by an extraordinary event, e.g. DEATH of a loved one.

Another unsuccessful search scenario is searching for a place or item without results. For example, in a dream you may have a plan that goes nowhere, or perhaps you cannot find an object after leaving it on a table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are achieving them. If you often have these types of dreams, you may want to examine whether your goals and behavior are consistent or mutually exclusive.

Dream Interpretation - Searches

D. Loff wrote in his dream book: “Searching for an object that constantly changes its place can be annoying, but the discovery can be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about searching for something, it is important whether the plot ends with the finding of an object or not.

If the dream ends successfully, it is important to note what or who you were looking for and how these objects were found. Think about the connection that exists between the object and the person who helped find it (if there was such a person). In many cases, the object that gets lost reflects an area of ​​life in which we feel unskillful and incompetent. Looking for it in the company of others may be a clue that you should seek wise advice to resolve the current situation.

A dream about a search ending in vain usually illustrates the need to heal from emotional trauma. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person. Common dream variations of searching for a person include a crying child who cannot be found, chasing a fugitive who cannot be located, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. Such dreams can occur during periods of prolonged emotional decline caused by an extraordinary event, such as the death of a loved one.

Another unsuccessful search scenario is searching for a place or item without results. For example, in a dream you may have a plan that goes nowhere, or perhaps you cannot find an object after leaving it on a table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are achieving them.

If you frequently have these types of dreams, you may want to examine whether your goals and behavior are consistent or mutually exclusive.”

Dream Interpretation - Searches

A dream in which you are knocked down in search of a missing child foreshadows that in reality they will try to drag you into a scam that can lead you to either big money or a long prison term.

Taking part in the search for missing and distressed people means losses that can be incurred by receiving deliberately false information from your assistants.

If in a dream you turned your entire apartment upside down in search of a missing item, and you still couldn’t find it, it means that in reality you will face real losses, not only of a material, but also of a moral nature.

A dream in which you are busy looking for the person you need in an unfamiliar city means that you have to go through obstacles and hardships in order to achieve your goal. If you are looking for one of your relatives, it means that in reality you will be amazed by the news of the tragic death of one of them.

A dream in which your search was crowned with success means temporary dissatisfaction with the progress of affairs, which will be replaced by complete contentment and well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Climbing to heaven in search of an object means obtaining a high position.

Ascend to heaven in search of a wife - sons and daughters will achieve high positions.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Internal search: means no less than searching in the external world.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Search - the future will bring a lot of disappointments and troubles.

If they are looking for you - aggression and malicious attacks from rivals and ill-wishers.

Dream Interpretation - Favorite

Dream Interpretation - Beloved, beloved

Meet soon; to love someone is deception, sadness; lover, mistress - shame; admiring yourself is a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Favorite

Seeing your loved one in a dream indicates that you are satisfied with life and your surroundings.

Dream Interpretation - Searching for something

If in a dream you were looking for something and found it, it means achieving what you wanted; if you didn’t find it, it means difficulties and decline in trading affairs.

Imagine that you have found everything you were looking for.


Finding a loved one in a dream

Search for a loved one

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of Searching for a loved one mean, or what it means to see Searching for a loved one in a dream.

Beloved man in a dream

He should come to me, we should see him, he comes, and among many people I met his eyes, and I go to meet him, but he turns away, avoids meeting me. In my dream I had a feeling that he didn’t like me. There are a lot of people around, acquaintances, they help me meet him, but they say that he doesn’t want to, they reassure me, they feel sorry for me. I climbed the stairs and went into a restaurant, then into a cafe, there people were sitting at tables and eating, I looked for him among the people, waited, tried to get him into a conversation through his friends, but nothing came of it.

Searching for a friend in a dream

The memorable fragment of the dream begins with the fact that I am looking for my friend (a high-ranking person), the purpose of the search is not significant, just to communicate. During my search, I visit several places where I can find him, but I don’t find him in any place. The last place I visit (one of the work areas where he works is a large room with high ceilings and large windows) I meet several men who, when I ask if my colleague is there, tell me that he is not. When I ask if he can be in his office, they answer that it’s a working day until 8 pm, and since it’s already late, it’s unlikely he’ll be there, and I understand that they’re unlikely to let me in there that late.

As I understand it, the time is around 9 pm. But it's light outside. I sit down and just sit, thinking about the current situation (I think that, in principle, it was not very important to find him) and at that moment my friend in a light green shirt comes up to me from the right, I was slightly surprised and pleased that the search was crowned with success so unexpectedly (he also apparently has no negative emotions). We are talking about general topics and suddenly I notice that there is a hole in one of the glasses, I understand that quite recently it was not there and this is a bullet hole. I tell him that they are shooting at us, so that he calls security, he cannot understand why I am worried and asks why I decided so, I begin to show him with my hand the bullet holes in the glass, and I notice that there is not just one, but six of them.

A comrade goes to the phone and starts calling the security, and at this time I notice how another bullet pierces the wall high above the windows and fragments of brick rain down (but it was high and did not please us).

A comrade begins to say that they are shooting from the street, at the same time he takes a device out of his pocket and brings it to the phone, I understand that this is a device that allows you to block eavesdropping, when he presses the button of the device and a flash begins to spread from it, very quickly, but I noticed that it was a bluish luminous sphere that was rapidly expanding. When she reached me there was silence, but I was sure that my friend was now calling security.

I had a dream on 4/7/2009

Finding a child in a dream

I’m traveling on a train, standing in the vestibule, next to a woman with a child, a boy, maybe five years old, I remember well that his name is Maxim. Suddenly, while the train is moving, a boy walks through the door of the train and disappears. I turn to the driver with a request to stop the train, and the search for the boy begins, but to no avail. I want to open the door to the next car, but something stops me and the train starts moving. The boy was never found.

Searching for jewelry car man road in a dream

I was sitting in the forest near a tree with one of my friends. In the distance I saw a man with a metal detector. I remembered that I had a watch on my wrist that had a metal detector built into it. I also tried to look for something. And the clock rang. I looked around. On the left I saw a small knife, took it in my hands, it was antique with engraving. I put the knife in place, because K. Knew that my watch only rang for drag. Metal.

I looked around again and saw another knife on the right - more like a large cleaver. I didn’t take it, but it became kind of creepy. I looked around again and saw a velvet bag behind me, so I looked inside. It was filled with antique jewelry. I took them and decided to share them with my friend. We went with her in my car. Then I found myself in my car with my friend and tried to share these jewelry with her.

We couldn't decide where to do it. I only managed to give her one ring, I decided that it wouldn’t suit me because it was very large. Then, I'm in another car. A stranger was driving, he made me wary, he asked me to give him these jewelry, because they belonged to one woman who was worthy of them and he knows that I have the jewelry. I realized that this was his woman. I didn’t want to give these jewelry away and I lied that I didn’t have them. My friend was with us. I understood that if a stranger saw the ring on my friend’s finger, he would understand that I had the jewelry. She unwrapped the ring in time so that it could be mistaken for an ordinary engagement ring. Then we were always driving somewhere together with this stranger. We ended up at the place where I found these jewelry. He pointed out that this was where I could find them. I stubbornly repeated that I didn’t have them. After some time, we were driving separately... Then I found out that something happened at home with my mother. I went home. After some time, this stranger appeared again. There was no longer any caution. He simply said that he knew that I had these jewelry and asked if I would give them to him. I didn't know what to answer. I wanted to give them away, but at the same time I wasn’t sure about it. This is where the dream ended, but I still can’t forget it.

Searching for missing shoes in a dream

I had a dream about two weeks ago, one might say “stale”) But, all the same, I’m interested in its meaning. So..

I come to the tax office (!) to look for my shoes, but I don’t remember what color they are, I remember what they look like only approximately, and very approximately)) But to search, so to search... We are looking.. Having shoveled two or three boxes of shoes forgotten by someone, I don't find what I'm looking for. I turn my attention to the brand new shoes standing nearby on the counter: stilettos, a beautiful blue-green color, I pay attention to the cost (a little expensive for my pocket), I think that I will have to save up to buy them. And then someone grabs me tightly from behind and hugs me rather tenaciously and unpleasantly around the waist... Turning around, I manage to notice a woman dressed in a burgundy jacket and a hat of the same color.. I recognize her as my brother’s godmother.. I break free quite sharply from her tenacious embrace. And then she tells me:

Why don't you listen to me?

In response to this remark, I tell her that I don’t have to listen to her, and, in general, she almost killed my brother...

All the people at the tax office are silent, listening to our squabble... Then the godmother, shy away from my statement, disappears into the crowd...

This is where I woke up...

Please, tell me what this could mean... Thank you in advance.

Searches in a dream

I can’t understand why I was looking for this particular girl... This is not my child. This is the child of a good friend of mine. In the dream, the girl is not even a year old, but in reality she is already 8 years old. I lost her and could not find her. My heart was bursting with anxiety. I looked for her everywhere. She pestered her friends with a request to return her, because she assumed that they knew where the girl was. I found her. In a room with carpet on the floor. I hugged her and kissed her. This child was so dear to me that words cannot express it. This feeling stayed with me all day.

I know that the girl is some kind of miracle. But why her? Is it this girl? Sleep since Monday. 12.04.10 to Tuesday 13.04.10

Searching a box of black and white photographs and old books in a dream

I dreamed that I was searching and sorting through clear black and white photographs in a large cardboard box with people unknown to me and old books with unknown text that I was trying to read and then understand.

Beloved person in a dream

Beloved girl in a dream

I saw my beloved girl in a dream. In the dream, we were driving a car, and she was crying and complaining about how bad her life was. In real life, this girl told me that I was just a friend to her. Tell me what this could mean: Beloved girl in a dream?

Your loved one died in your sleep

Beloved person in a dream


Looking for a loved one in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Looking for a loved one. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams mean: Looking for a loved one, or what it means to see Looking for a loved one in a dream.

Looking for a loved one in a dream

I dream that I’m looking for my soulmate, although I’m married, my husband seems to be my favorite, I’m sorting through men, this one is not like this, not this one, I feel like someone is beckoning me but I can’t understand, I look at my husband, no, it’s not him, there are no SUCH feelings for him , although it’s like family... I’m well aware of everything... A girl helps me, like a friend... And it turns out that among whom I’m looking, men who were once dear to me, I felt some kind of feelings for them, I’ve been with one not the same with someone else.. Everything is wrong... And suddenly I understand that the girl who helps me loves my husband, I don’t resist, I allow them to meet, since there is love between them, and I continue to search and find everything is mutual and this is not my husband , and our mutual friend and I feel at ease and I’m happy.... I wake up and have a ache in my chest...

The person I found in a dream is a mutual acquaintance with my husband, I still feel something for him, but not as a friend... I don’t know anything about him now, since 2005 I haven’t known anything about him

A loved one in a coffin lies not alive in a dream

I go into the room with strangers, I understand that this is the apartment of my beloved (we haven’t been dating for long, I haven’t been to his house, and I don’t know his relatives). I see a coffin, my beloved lies in it, not alive. I want to go up to the coffin and cry next to him, but his relatives are against it, they start shouting who she is, what right does she have to be next to him.

I was confused, I don’t know how to behave, I’m trying to see if it’s really my beloved, I’m trying to get closer, at some point it works and I understand that it’s him. I am very confused and don’t even want to cry anymore. I just don't know how to react to all this.

Because I didn’t do anything bad to my relatives, or to my loved one, I behave ideally with him, and I don’t understand why such a negative attitude towards me.

Beloved person in a dream

I dreamed of a loved one with whom I broke up and the separation was very painful, and he was already almost married. I dreamed that I was visiting his house, there were only his parents and him, his wife was not there. My parents are very hospitable to me, fussing about, preparing for something, he is nearby. I sit and think: where is his wife? Is she really NOT? And then I understand that she IS, just visiting somewhere. I jump up and start getting ready, I want to leave because it hurts me, he doesn’t want to let me go, he hugs me. His parents tell me: don’t leave, just sit as OUR guest. But I'm leaving anyway. I go out into the yard, there is a large, frightened spider sitting on the web at the gate, I blew on it and it ran away. I'm leaving the yard. My beloved catches up with me, starts hugging me, and I start hitting him and calling him obscenities. He lets go and I turn and take a step forward. I stopped and thought: turn around or move on. That's all.

Beloved girl in a dream

I saw my beloved girl in a dream. In the dream, we were driving a car, and she was crying and complaining about how bad her life was. In real life, this girl told me that I was just a friend to her. Tell me what this could mean: Beloved girl in a dream?

Your loved one died in your sleep

I had a dream from Thursday to Friday. My beloved me and our friends were relaxing at the dacha. Then my beloved went to the store by taxi and returned on foot. Some time after his arrival, there was a noise in the street. We all went to see what happened. It turned out that the taxi in which he left had an accident and after that he turned around and came back to the dacha. Some time after this he became ill and died. I saw his funeral as he lay in a coffin. What does it mean. Why do you have such a terrible dream???

A loved one cries over an ex-girlfriend in a dream

I dream about reading a letter from my beloved from his ex-girlfriend, where she confesses her undying love for him... Then I find my beloved reading this letter, I watch and he cries, cries because he wants to go to her but because of me he can’t .. In the letter she indicates that supposedly because of me she will not write to him anymore and blocks him on the site..

He begs his friends with mailing lists to persuade her to give him access.. When he suddenly saw that I was crying.. It’s as if he’s not one of us, rushes to me and says that he will never leave me.. But he himself is still crying.. And in continuation of the dream.. I just dream about the enlarged face of this girl...

Beloved person in a dream

I dream about my ex-boyfriend almost every night. In my dreams, I see how we spend time together, and sometimes we just walk, most often we try to have sex, but it never comes to that.

In real life we ​​were together for a long time, but the relationship ended several years ago. But the feelings remained with both him and me. Lately we have virtually no relationship. Please tell me what a loved one might dream about in a dream? - I'm already going crazy from these dreams.

Favorite singer and man in a dream

For the umpteenth time I dreamed about my favorite singer. I've never seen him live. But I love him madly. And not only as a singer, but also as a man. And over the past month I have already dreamed about him for the third time. Dreams are varied. And in almost all of them he touches me. Or I'll go to him. And once we even kissed. Why is this all a dream? You can also go crazy.

The woman she loved picked out a shirt for a man in a dream

My beloved man had a dream in which I gave shirts to everyone. And for him, it’s as if I picked it up and put it aside separately - a checkered one, just the way he likes it. I gave him this shirt, he puts it on, but the shirt turns out to be too small.

And I tell him, it’s okay, I’ll pick another one in size.

A beloved man lies in a coffin in a dream

I clearly see an open coffin, my young man lies in it. At first I am horrified, and then I see how his eyelashes tremble - as if he had not died, but was only sleeping.

My loved one repainted the car in a dream

I dreamed that the person I love was going to repaint his car from black (it’s like that in real life) to silver. And somehow quickly... It becomes a gray-silver color, the same as in the picture, and I like it even more in my dreams. Help me interpret it correctly. Thank you.

Beloved in a dream

Today I dreamed of a loved one, there is nothing strange about it on the one hand... Well, I dreamed and dreamed... But the fact is that we know each other and have been dating for only a little over a month.... Everything seems to be fine... A couple once this month we went to the sea to relax... Since this the only possibility really meet... We live 300 km away from each other... Everything is just perfect... And here last days He started selling three in the evenings... Everything seemed to be fine, but still... Added fuel to the fire ex-girlfriend writing me a letter...

About the fact that he is a womanizer constantly cheating... He promises mountains of gold but does not deliver... I am confused... On the one hand, I know this, he did not hide such details of his life from me, but on the other... Just today it’s his birthday) 30 years anniversary... And at night I dreamed about him... Honestly, I didn’t remember the dream... There were some actions... Something was happening... I even woke up in the middle of the night... . I just clearly remember the white underpants he was wearing.... Not family men's underpants... But not understandable ones... I can't even explain what they are...

Swimming trunks, shorts... Etc.... Something probably in between... And they are sewn from white knitwear... Soviet... There was such soft knitwear with a hole, from which T-shirts and children's underwear were sewn. ..He was wearing such panties.... Maybe you can try to explain what this means....

A loved one cheats with a girl in front of me in a dream

I have a dream where my boyfriend (we’ve been dating for 9 months and we’ve been living together for the same amount of time) is talking to a friend of mine (we once spent time in the same company, and he liked the girl, you could say a spark ran between them), then she starts to caress him, he does not pull away, he likes it, he begins to moan... The action takes place in an unfamiliar apartment, but in a dream it is ours. I see all this, but I can’t stop or kick out my rival, although I really want to - because I’m afraid that I’ll still be guilty. Then she leaves and he and I continue to talk about her, I stroke his hair, and he tells me that she wants to “snatch” him from me but is not trying to calm me down and, as I understand it, is not going to interfere with this either

Beloved person in a dream

I dreamed that my loved one and I were standing on the roof. A couple of minutes later, we began to take pictures: several photographs were etched in my memory: how the two of us hugged, kissed, etc.

After that, we began to lie on the roof and enjoy this time))

In reality, we don’t have a relationship, the feelings are mutual, but for now he works constantly and doesn’t find time, and he’s shy)): with

Beloved girl in a dream

I’m standing on the street at work, the area is large and fenced, I see not so far away my girlfriend (we work together) gets into the car with some guy and starts to drive away, I’m attacked by terrible jealousy and the feeling that this is cheating, I’m breaking down

And I start running after the car, I run after it for a while, she sees it, stops, comes up and says, I’m not leaving, I’m just giving my friend a ride and that’s it, I look, and there’s actually a girl sitting in the car, and a guy was getting in


Looking for a loved one in

Dream Interpretation Search for a loved one in dreamed of why you dream about looking for a loved one in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Looking for a loved one by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Search

Dream Interpretation - Search

Dream Interpretation - Look for something

Dream Interpretation - Lawsuit

Dream Interpretation - Search

Change your goal.

Look for a way out of the building.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Dream Interpretation - Look for fleas

Dream Interpretation - Search

Dream Interpretation - Favorite

Beloved - A dream in which you kiss your beloved in the dark warns you that you are under the gun of numerous gossipers and envious people. If the kiss took place in the light, then you will be able to avoid scandals and intrigues. If you dreamed that your fiancé married someone else, prepare your heart for an attack of jealousy. And in reality, everything is perfect. If in a dream you are upset that your chosen one is indifferent to you, then you simply cannot decide whether to get married or continue to live on your own. A dream in which you feel love from your chosen one promises you joy family life and true love. If in a dream you allowed yourself to cheat on your loved one, it means that you will just as easily deceive him. However, if you dreamed that your loved one was cheating on you, then in reality he may do the same. A dream in which you receive a photograph from your loved one warns of the selfish feelings of your chosen one. He doesn't love you at all, he's just using you. So think about whether you should date him.

Dream Interpretation - Search


Search for a loved one, search for a person

Dream Interpretation Search for a loved one, search for a person dreamed of why in a dream you dream about looking for your beloved, looking for a person? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Looking for a loved one, looking for a person, by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Search

A dream in which you are looking for something lost and cannot find it is a bad omen; in reality, losses and illnesses await you.

Looking for someone's favor in a dream means that soon you will stop needing and will begin to pay more attention to yourself.

Looking for a hotel in an unfamiliar city in a dream means obstacles that you must go through in order to achieve complete happiness. Looking for a needle means that your worries are in vain, your friends still value and respect you.

To dream that you are looking for a map means unexpected dissatisfaction with your surroundings, which will give you new impetus in your work and allow you to rise to a higher level of well-being.

If you dream that you are looking for someone in the morgue, this means that you will be stunned by the news of the death of a relative or friend.

Looking for fleas in a dream is a sign that in real life they want to drag you into a scam that can give you nothing but losses.

Looking for bedbugs means suffering a loss due to the dishonest attitude of people you know.

Dream Interpretation - Search

What - losses are not good; search and find - fulfillment of what you want; if you don’t find it, it’s bad; what you’re thinking about won’t come true; looking for good is bad, you will get lost in the forest.

Dream Interpretation - Look for something

Search and find - to achieve what you want, not to find - to difficulties.

Imagine that in your dream what you were looking for was finally found.

Dream Interpretation - Lawsuit

They file a lawsuit against you - such a dream is reconciliation with enemies and finding a compromise with competitors.

If you file a lawsuit, you will be a source of disagreement and contradiction in resolving serious issues at work or at home.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Look for an object, money.

Tip of the day: if you haven’t found the item, then your hopes for the best in the near future will not come true.

Change your goal.

Look for a way out of the building.

Tip of the day: changes in your life will happen gradually.

You won’t even notice how you find yourself in a new situation.

Don't take drastic steps.

Only perseverance and perseverance will lead you to success

Dream Interpretation - Search

Looking for something in a dream means losing.

And vice versa: to lose something is to seek.

That's why put things in their place!

Dream Interpretation - Look for fleas

deception; bedbugs are a loss, in general it’s always bad to look for them

Dream Interpretation - Search

Look for (something) - Uncertainty, there may be losses.

Dream Interpretation - Favorite

Beloved - A dream in which you kiss your beloved in the dark warns you that you are under the gun of numerous gossipers and envious people. If the kiss took place in the light, then you will be able to avoid scandals and intrigues. If you dreamed that your fiancé married someone else, prepare your heart for an attack of jealousy. And in reality, everything is perfect. If in a dream you are upset that your chosen one is indifferent to you, then you simply cannot decide whether to get married or continue to live on your own. A dream in which you feel love from your chosen one promises you the joys of family life and true love. If in a dream you allowed yourself to cheat on your loved one, it means that you will just as easily deceive him. However, if you dreamed that your loved one was cheating on you, then in reality he may do the same. A dream in which you receive a photograph from your loved one warns of the selfish feelings of your chosen one. He doesn't love you at all, he's just using you. So think about whether you should date him.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Search - you will take a responsible position.

This dream often means an attempt to reach his heart, feelings, and also try to understand him as a person. In some situations, looking for a person in a dream means that he is indifferent to you and treats you with distrust, as well as an indicator of an insincere and false attitude in reality.

Very often in dreams people continue to search for someone who escapes in life. Whether it will be successful or not depends on how lucky your efforts were and whether you managed to find it or not. This is why you dream of losing a person and spending time and energy trying to find him or waking up in unpleasant anticipation.

Close and dear people

Various anxieties and concerns may be associated with them. The Dream Interpretation writes that quite often the fear of losing such a person begins to express itself in the fact that you have to walk the streets in anxiety, trying to find him.

The modern dream book does not interpret a dream in which you have to look for a person when it is caused by news or similar problems in someone's life.

For example, you watched a program in which a person disappeared or was found, after some time, then you may dream that you are losing a daughter, son, or even a spouse.

Sometimes such night pictures repeat scenes from a film, a program, or illustrate the story of a friend whose relative has disappeared.

The dream book does not interpret such dreams, since they are simply inspired by impressions and conversations.

But if you are worried about something and you suddenly had to look for a loved one in a dream, the dream promises you a quarrel, misunderstanding and a conflict situation with him.

Sometimes such a vision means that in some life situation he will turn away from you and will be unavailable.

Therefore, mothers before adolescence begin to dream that you have to look for your son or daughter, spending a lot of time and effort on this. The same is true for the dreams of a wife who worries about her husband. Nightmares about how he might cheat on you or simply pack up his things and leave one day often mean that you will actually quarrel with him or simply have a disagreement.

Why dream of looking for a person you like, but you are not dating him? This dream often predicts troubles and quarrels for you. If he doesn't know about your crush, pay attention to the place where you start looking for him.

If it is connected with your place of activity, work, then in reality the seeker is trying to understand the direction of his activity, the secrets of success or wealth. In some cases, a lost person shows that you want to achieve some interesting life goal, wealth or simply material acquisition. Sometimes the people we are looking for in a dream show the way not to them, but to the solution to some problem in life.

For example, a girl may be looking for a guy she knows, but in life she will need not so much him as confirmation of her attractiveness and tenderness.

This is very important for people who are completely unsure of themselves and want to feel more interesting. Therefore, you should not be surprised if in a dream you begin to look for your boss in order to kiss him, although in life you do not allow such thoughts.

Find the right person safe and sound in a dream - to joy. You will be able to solve a problem or get an answer to a question of interest.

The dream book writes that finding in a dream an acquaintance or someone who interests you in a dream as sick, maimed, wounded or killed means that you will soon cease to be interested in him.

Modern books indicate that very soon your relationship with him will go wrong due to severe disappointment. If this person died or was killed, then in fact he will live very well, but at the same time you yourself will lose interest in him.

Look for an important person whom you only know from a dream

This could be a civil servant, a boss, or just someone who manages various affairs, but you are unfamiliar with him. Such a dream may mean that you want to find support and support in some life situation, and the profession of this person can play a very important role here.

If you are looking for a doctor, then such a dream means trouble, as well as a desire to restore mental comfort and balance. In some cases, such a dream means that you are subconsciously looking for a healthier, both physically and mentally viable way to improve your mood and life.

Why dream of looking for a person. Dream interpretation

It is possible that you cannot find a way out of the situation that has developed in reality; a reflection of this state of uncertainty, the desire for clarity, is such a dream. It has an unfavorable meaning if you dreamed that you couldn’t find a person - perhaps drastic measures will be needed to solve your problem, which you are trying with all your might to avoid.

However, such a dream also has one more meaning, a philosophical one: it is possible that you are subconsciously trying to find your path in life (for example, you want to decide on your area of ​​​​professional interests), but for now you only imagine it intuitively, without making any attempts to move along the chosen road.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you have dreams about looking for a person, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a person in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.



Dream Interpretation by D. Loff

Search for an object that constantly changes its location- may irritate, but the find may be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about searching for something, it is important whether the plot ends with the finding of an object or not. If the dream ends successfully, it is important to note what or who you were looking for and how these objects were found. Think about the connection that exists between the object and the person who helped find it (if there was such a person). In many cases, the object that gets lost reflects an area of ​​life in which we feel unskillful and incompetent.

Searching for him in company with others- may be a hint that you should seek wise advice to resolve the current situation. A 48-year-old man tells his dream: “I’m looking for the keys to my car and I can’t find them anywhere. I turn everything in the house upside down, yell at my wife, and generally lose my temper. My daughter is not at home, and I start blaming her for everything. Suddenly her friend comes in and advises her to look in the lock of the front door. That's what I do. My keys are there.

This dream is about searching- is interesting because in his detailed story the man showed how much he was worried about his daughter driving a car. The feeling of losing control over his daughter's life consumed most of his emotional energy. After figuring out the meaning of this dream, he realized that most of the conflicts at home were caused by his own anxiety, and not by actual disobedience on the part of his daughter. The understanding developed by the dream led to normalization of relations with my daughter and, as a result, to peace in the family.

Dream about a search ending unsuccessfully- typically illustrates the need to heal emotional trauma. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person. Common types of dreams about searching for a person include a crying child who cannot be found, chasing a fugitive who cannot be located, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. Such dreams can occur during periods of prolonged emotional decline caused by an extraordinary event, for example, death of a loved one. Another unsuccessful search scenario is searching for a place or item without results. For example, in a dream you may have a plan that goes nowhere, or perhaps you cannot find an object after leaving it on a table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are achieving them.

If you often have dreams like this- perhaps you should check whether your goals and behavior are consistent with each other, or whether they are mutually exclusive.

Dream book for a bitch

Search- the future will bring many disappointments and troubles.

If they're looking for you- aggression and malicious attacks from rivals and ill-wishers.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Search- reflection of the search as such in all areas. The need to look for answers within yourself.

The inner spiritual search is no less important, if not more, than the search in the outer world.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you were knocked down searching for a missing child- portends that in reality they will try to drag you into a scam, which can lead you either to big money or to a long prison term.

Take part in the search for missing and distressed people- to losses that can be incurred by receiving deliberately false information from your assistants.

If in a dream you turned the whole apartment upside down in search of a missing thing, and even then you couldn’t find it- this means that in reality you will face real losses not only of a material, but also of a moral nature.

A dream in which you are busy looking for the person you need in an unfamiliar city- means that you have to go through obstacles and hardships in order to achieve your goal.

If you are looking for one of your relatives- this means that in reality you will be amazed by the news of the tragic death of one of them.

A dream in which your search was crowned with success- means temporary dissatisfaction with the progress of affairs, which will be replaced by complete contentment and well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Internal search- means no less than searching in the outside world.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Search for an unknown thing, some object (emphasis on the unknown and the object)- empty state of yin (content lost) and aimless empty action of yang. A state of uncertainty, emptiness of internal, external loss, doubt. Even if a thing is only a symbol of something, the thing is physically searched for with hands and eyes.

Search for non-physical data (for example, solving a problem)- it is not necessary to express it through external actions: this process takes place inside the person’s self.

Search for an external symbol of forward confidence in inner strengths- there is an error: the prospect of being unable to use what was found arises. If you do not know how to use what you have for your own benefit, then you will not be able to use the additional power you have found.

It is unknown what to look for in a dream- there is a sign of uncertainty in the consequences of one’s decisions and a lack of understanding of the essence of the problem; looking for an unknown object is a lack of confidence in oneself and a desire to avoid responsibility in case of failure (the talisman did not help).

Search by wandering through corridors, streets, desert, forest- see the relevant articles and connect the meanings.

Search for a very specific object in a dream- in reality, being one of the main symbols of human culture (symbolism outweighs the external form).

Search not for an object, but for an exit/entrance from a dungeon or apartment- means trying to actively solve a problem. Interpretation is given according to the relevant articles.

Collection of dream books

Search- as a rule, it marks a spiritual journey.


The dream book interprets a dream in which you had to look for a loved one as a warning. Perhaps this person is deceiving you and trying to manipulate you.

If in a dream you are calm and your actions are quite logical (as far as a person’s actions in a dream can be logical), then attempts to manipulate you will fail, and you will be able to see the true motives of your lover. But be very careful if you panic or even cry in your dream. Such a dream speaks of your attachment to this person, and his behavior in real life can hurt you.


Dream Interpretation Search

Search, Search for a way out, Search for a door, Search for a house, Search for a road, Search for a daughter, Search for a treasure, Search for keys, Search for someone, Search for a loved one, Search for a mother, Search cannot be found, Search for the right door, Search for shoes, Search for glasses, Search for a job, Search for a child, Search for your house, Search for a dog, Search for slippers, Search for a phone, Search for a toilet, Search for shoes, Search for a person, Search for something

If in a dream you had to Look for Something, For example, you were forced to Look for your Home or the right Road, Dream Interpretations warn that in reality you will experience a period of problems and worries. Looking for Someone or Something in a dream is a sign that in reality you are depressed or painfully trying to find the answer to some difficult question.

Search for something in a dream- uncertainty; internal fears.

Looking for someone in a dream, Looking for some person- help and support is needed.

The exact interpretation of what you saw can only be determined on the basis of a detailed analysis of the dream. However, in most cases, dreams about searching for someone or something are dictated by internal problems - fear, uncertainty, loneliness or confusion.

Look for a way out or the right door in a dream- attempts to find a way out of their current situation.

The door symbolically signifies the exit, which you are painfully looking for and cannot find in reality.

Search for your home in a dream- internal uncertainty; doubts and fear.

Any kind of disorientation in space in a dream indicates the loss of some significant part of one’s self. Psychological dream, The true reasons that gave rise to which, It is vitally necessary to find, Having deeply understood oneself.

Looking for a way in a dream- trying to find your path in life.

Probably, in reality you are now at a crossroads, you don’t know which future path in life you should prefer. By remembering and analyzing all the additional images and symbols of this dream, you will be able to make a near-term forecast for yourself.

Looking for a loved one, Mother, Child, Looking for a son or daughter in a dream- preoccupation with the affairs of the person seen.

Close people appear in a dream primarily due to your extreme concern for the state of their affairs. However, such a dream may also indicate that in reality you have “lost” a loved one (you are not receiving the affection and warmth you need from him, or there are major disagreements in your relationship).

Search for treasure in a dream- to wealth; machinations of dark forces.

In the old days, the Treasure was considered to be not unexpected wealth, but the machinations of Dark Forces, which hide treasures underground. For modern people such a dream rather indicates a strong concern with material issues in reality. Probably, the Treasure is the only way for you to improve your financial situation. The dream predicts that you can really count on receiving unexpected financial support.

Looking for keys in a dream, Looking for keys and not finding them- you won’t be able to find the answer to a painful question.

The key is a way for you to lift the veil of some secret that torments you in reality. You did not find the Key in a dream, which means that what is secret for you will not become apparent in real life.

Looking for shoes in a dream, Looking for slippers or shoes- to departure; otherwise - sexual dissatisfaction.

In the traditional interpretation, Shoes symbolize either an imminent departure. or a person of the opposite sex. Looking for Shoes in a dream is a sign that in reality you are dissatisfied with the intimate side of your life and are ready to search for a new sexual partner.

Looking for glasses in a dream (for those who wear glasses)- fear of one's own weakness.

Glasses for you are a means for objective perception reality. Left without Glasses in a dream, you experienced weakness, helplessness and fear - you will experience these emotions in real life.

Looking for glasses in a dream (for those who have good eyesight)- not an opportunity to objectively look at what is happening.

You try, but for some reason you cannot objectively assess what is happening to you in reality. Glasses are another way for you to achieve what you want. “Glasses” are only a symbolic image for you, which means that you need support, advice and help.

Looking for a job in a dream- changes in business; otherwise - material problems.

The dream does not foretell material losses, but on the contrary, it is a consequence of strong preoccupation with the financial side of one’s life.

Looking for a dog in a dream- the need to find a soul mate.

A dog seen in a dream is traditionally deciphered to mean Friend, Close Person, Soul Mate - it is probably a reliable comrade that you lack in real life. However, if in a dream you were looking for your own Dog, the Dream can be considered empty. It was provoked by your strong affection for your four-legged friend.

Looking for a phone in a dream- fear of being left without means of communication.

The telephone is probably much more to you than a simple means of communication. This is a way to make contact at any time convenient for you - perhaps in reality at the moment you are deprived of the opportunity to contact the people you need, you are in forced isolation.

Looking for a toilet in a dream- diseases of the genitourinary system.

A physiologically determined dream, which indicates serious problems in the functioning of the genitourinary system.


Looking for a person in a dream and not finding him

Dream Interpretation: Looking for a person in a dream and not finding him dreamed of why you dream about looking for a person in a dream and not finding him? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Search for a person in a dream and not find him by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Search in a dream and not find your cat

Go broke yourself or someone close to you

Dream Interpretation - Search

Dream Interpretation - Search

Dream Interpretation - Look for something

Dream Interpretation - Lawsuit

Dream Interpretation - Search

Look for an object, money.

Change your goal.

Look for a way out of the building.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Dream Interpretation - Look for fleas

Dream Interpretation - Search

Dream Interpretation - Search

Search - you will take a responsible position.


Looking for a loved one in a dream

Dream Interpretation Search for a loved one in a dream dreamed of why you dream about looking for a loved one in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Looking for a loved one in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Riding on a person in a dream

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Search

A dream in which you are looking for something lost and cannot find it is a bad omen; in reality, losses and illnesses await you.

Looking for someone's favor in a dream means that soon you will stop needing and will begin to pay more attention to yourself.

Looking for a hotel in an unfamiliar city in a dream means obstacles that you must go through in order to achieve complete happiness. Looking for a needle means that your worries are in vain, your friends still value and respect you.

To dream that you are looking for a map means unexpected dissatisfaction with your surroundings, which will give you new impetus in your work and allow you to rise to a higher level of well-being.

If you dream that you are looking for someone in the morgue, this means that you will be stunned by the news of the death of a relative or friend.

Looking for fleas in a dream is a sign that in real life they want to drag you into a scam that can give you nothing but losses.

Looking for bedbugs means suffering a loss due to the dishonest attitude of people you know.

Dream Interpretation - Search

What - losses are not good; search and find - fulfillment of what you want; if you don’t find it, it’s bad; what you’re thinking about won’t come true; looking for good is bad, you will get lost in the forest.

Dream Interpretation - Look for something

Search and find - to achieve what you want, not to find - to difficulties.

Imagine that in your dream what you were looking for was finally found.

Dream Interpretation - Lawsuit

They file a lawsuit against you - such a dream is reconciliation with enemies and finding a compromise with competitors.

If you file a lawsuit, you will be a source of disagreement and contradiction in resolving serious issues at work or at home.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Look for an object, money.

Tip of the day: if you haven’t found the item, then your hopes for the best in the near future will not come true.

Change your goal.

Look for a way out of the building.

Tip of the day: changes in your life will happen gradually.

You won’t even notice how you find yourself in a new situation.

Don't take drastic steps.

Only perseverance and perseverance will lead you to success

Dream Interpretation - Search

Looking for something in a dream means losing.

And vice versa: to lose something is to seek.

That's why put things in their place!

Dream Interpretation - Look for fleas

deception; bedbugs are a loss, in general it’s always bad to look for them

Dream Interpretation - Search

Look for (something) - Uncertainty, there may be losses.

Dream Interpretation - Favorite

Beloved - A dream in which you kiss your beloved in the dark warns you that you are under the gun of numerous gossipers and envious people. If the kiss took place in the light, then you will be able to avoid scandals and intrigues. If you dreamed that your fiancé married someone else, prepare your heart for an attack of jealousy. And in reality, everything is perfect. If in a dream you are upset that your chosen one is indifferent to you, then you simply cannot decide whether to get married or continue to live on your own. A dream in which you feel love from your chosen one promises you the joys of family life and true love. If in a dream you allowed yourself to cheat on your loved one, it means that you will just as easily deceive him. However, if you dreamed that your loved one was cheating on you, then in reality he may do the same. A dream in which you receive a photograph from your loved one warns of the selfish feelings of your chosen one. He doesn't love you at all, he's just using you. So think about whether you should date him.


Cry hard to look for a person

Dream Interpretation Cry a lot and look for a person dreamed of why in a dream you dream about crying a lot and looking for a person? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Crying and looking for a person in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cry a lot

To liberation, relief, joy.

Dream Interpretation - Cry

A sick person sometimes cries, sometimes laughs - portends recovery.

Crying with someone - celebration, congratulations, gifts.

Crying while sitting on the bed is a great misfortune.

A person cries, baring his teeth - there will be rivalry, litigation.

Shedding tears with someone - foretells celebration, congratulations with gifts.

The dead man is crying - foreshadows a squabble, a quarrel.

Dream Interpretation - Cry

We often cry in our sleep. Crying, as a rule, is a person’s response to the influence of images or people appearing in a dream. Crying in a dream, you are not crying in the literal sense of the word, as in reality. You are simply overcome with a feeling of compassion and pity for the touching scene unfolding before your eyes. In this case, follow your sleep. Emotional release has a cleansing effect on the psyche, so try to take advantage of this release at every opportunity. However, you must identify the TRIGGER EVENT that triggered the relevant emotion.

Who made you cry?

Did you cry for a specific reason or was it just a general release of emotional tension?

Dream Interpretation - Cry

We often cry in our sleep.

Crying, as a rule, is a person’s response to the influence of images or people appearing in a dream.

Crying in a dream, you are not crying in the literal sense of the word, as in reality.

You are simply overcome with a feeling of compassion and pity for the touching scene unfolding before your eyes.

In this case, follow your sleep.

Emotional release has a cleansing effect on the psyche, so try to take advantage of this release at every opportunity.

However, you should identify the trigger event that led to the corresponding emotions.

Who made you cry?.

Did you cry for a specific reason or was it just a general release of emotional tension?

What did you feel after crying: relief or heaviness?

Dream Interpretation - Cry

Crying in a dream means joy, and laughing in a dream means heavy thoughts and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Cry

If you cried bitterly in a dream, life will soon provide you with a reason for joy and carefree fun. Your affairs will go smoothly and end in success. If you show enterprise in your work, the results will exceed your wildest expectations. Perhaps your rival will interfere with your cordial union, but, having lost your beloved being, you will be consoled by the fact that you will find a wonderful friend, benevolent and passionately loving you. After such a dream, you will soon be convinced that the clouds passing over your head do not portend trouble. If in a dream you heard the pitiful crying of other people, it means that joy will soon visit the house of your beloved friends. The dream foretells them great joy that you will share with them. The bitter crying of other people often foreshadows a happy wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Cry

Dream Interpretation - Cry

Cry - Your emotions require an outlet and you have to throw them out: there is a quarrel or a scandal with tears ahead, or laughter until hiccups; the drinking party will end sadly.

Dream Interpretation - Cry

Crying bitterly in a dream is a sign of receiving news that will comfort you and dispel your worries. If in a dream you feel that your crying sounds false, then this is a dream in reverse, and therefore the louder your crying is, the greater happiness, coupled with constant worries, such a dream promises you. Seeing people crying in a dream is a sign of remorse due to the fact that you will undeservedly offend a person who has not done anything bad to you. Hearing crying in a dream means unpleasant or sad news. See interpretation: moaning.

Dream Interpretation - Cry

Crying for some reason in a dream means rejoicing in reality.


Search by Muslim dream book

Dream Interpretation Search by Muslim dream book dreamed of why in a dream Search in a Muslim dream book? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Search in a Muslim dream book in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Searches

Finding an object that constantly changes its location can be frustrating, but finding it can be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about searching for something, it is important whether the plot ends with the finding of an object or not.

A 48-year-old man tells his dream:

"I'm looking for my car keys and I can't find them anywhere. I'm turning everything in the house upside down, yelling at my wife and generally losing my temper. My daughter isn't home and I'm starting to blame her for everything. Suddenly her friend comes in and advises me to look in the lock of the front door. That's what I do. "

What is interesting about this search dream is that in his detailed story the man showed how much he was worried about his daughter driving a car. The feeling of losing control over his daughter's life consumed most of his emotional energy. After figuring out the meaning of this dream, he realized that the cause of most of the conflicts at home was his own ANXIETY, and not real disobedience on the part of his daughter. The understanding developed by the dream led to normalization of relations with my daughter and, as a result, to peace in the family.

A dream about a search ending in vain usually illustrates the need to heal emotional trauma. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person. Common dreams about searching for a person include a CHILD crying who cannot be found, chasing a fugitive who cannot be located, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. Such dreams can occur during periods of prolonged emotional decline caused by an extraordinary event, e.g. DEATH of a loved one.

Another unsuccessful search scenario is searching for a place or item without results. For example, in a dream you may have a plan that goes nowhere, or perhaps you cannot find an object after leaving it on a table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are achieving them. If you often have these types of dreams, you may want to examine whether your goals and behavior are consistent or mutually exclusive.

Dream Interpretation - Searches

D. Loff wrote in his dream book: “Searching for an object that constantly changes its place can be annoying, but the discovery can be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about searching for something, it is important whether the plot ends with the finding of an object or not.

If the dream ends successfully, it is important to note what or who you were looking for and how these objects were found. Think about the connection that exists between the object and the person who helped find it (if there was such a person). In many cases, the object that gets lost reflects an area of ​​life in which we feel unskillful and incompetent. Looking for it in the company of others may be a clue that you should seek wise advice to resolve the current situation.

A dream about a search ending in vain usually illustrates the need to heal from emotional trauma. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person. Common dream variations of searching for a person include a crying child who cannot be found, chasing a fugitive who cannot be located, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. Such dreams can occur during periods of prolonged emotional decline caused by an extraordinary event, such as the death of a loved one.

Another unsuccessful search scenario is searching for a place or item without results. For example, in a dream you may have a plan that goes nowhere, or perhaps you cannot find an object after leaving it on a table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are achieving them.

If you frequently have these types of dreams, you may want to examine whether your goals and behavior are consistent or mutually exclusive.”

Dream Interpretation - Searches

A dream in which you are knocked down in search of a missing child foreshadows that in reality they will try to drag you into a scam that can lead you to either big money or a long prison term.

Taking part in the search for missing and distressed people means losses that can be incurred by receiving deliberately false information from your assistants.

If in a dream you turned your entire apartment upside down in search of a missing item, and you still couldn’t find it, it means that in reality you will face real losses, not only of a material, but also of a moral nature.

A dream in which you are busy looking for the person you need in an unfamiliar city means that you have to go through obstacles and hardships in order to achieve your goal. If you are looking for one of your relatives, it means that in reality you will be amazed by the news of the tragic death of one of them.

A dream in which your search was crowned with success means temporary dissatisfaction with the progress of affairs, which will be replaced by complete contentment and well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Climbing to heaven in search of an object means obtaining a high position.

Ascend to heaven in search of a wife - sons and daughters will achieve high positions.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Internal search: means no less than searching in the external world.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Search - the future will bring a lot of disappointments and troubles.

If they are looking for you - aggression and malicious attacks from rivals and ill-wishers.

Dream Interpretation - Searching for something

If in a dream you were looking for something and found it, it means achieving what you wanted; if you didn’t find it, it means difficulties and decline in trading affairs.

Imagine that you have found everything you were looking for.

Dream Interpretation - Finding a Comrade

The dream reflects your current impressions and experiences, not necessarily those that you dreamed about. You are emotionally overloaded and need rest. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Finding a Child

You are “rushing through life on a train” of habitual narrow attitudes and views on life (vestibule). This is not yours (the train leaves without you), but you must be MAXIMUM interested in change in order to see the exit (door). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Finding a Child

Life goes like a train, which is what you dream about. There is a woman you know in your life with a child. You are not indifferent to the fate of this boy, but he has his own life, his own path, incompatible with yours. And you cannot open the door of the next carriage in a dream, you still have to live in real world, and the train of change leaves without you.




in a dream I was looking for a friend.
I ran all over the city. I went to the address where he used to live, but I never found him.
very interesting what this is for.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Ann, most likely your dream about looking for a friend suggests that in reality you will have some troubles, worries related to your loved ones and friends.


I dreamed that I was riding on a bus with my grandson. When I got off the bus, my grandson was not with me. I followed the bus route and looked for him for a long time. I was very worried and woke up with heaviness. Sleep from Thursday to Friday.


I constantly have the same dream in which I am always looking for something in the house where I used to live with my parents (they are no longer alive), they walk next to me and tell me something, but what exactly I can’t I can remember...now I have moved from there, I live with my grandmother and ml. little sister..studying..


Please tell me. I dreamed that my friends, with whom I no longer communicate, were looking for me, and I was running away from them. What would that mean?

CHERRY 2011:

My school teacher and I (deceased, I graduated from school a long time ago) seem to find ourselves in a neighboring house and how can I explain this to you... in general, we did not go along the entrances, but along the corridor from the 1st entrance to the last, inside the house (right in the middle, there was floor 5) - along (well, horizontally, through all the entrances, although of course such corridors do not exist). Almost at the very beginning, the teacher disappears, I walk alone along this long corridor and open the doors with my hands, there are sooooo many of them, I open everything without obstacles. And it turns out like a communal apartment - I see the doors of apartments, people... And I walk straight and open doors after doors, I walk quickly and the doors flash right in front of me, also quickly, quickly, I open them all and walk.
And then I realize that I’m not just walking, I’m looking for a toilet.
I go and look into the apartments - but I don’t find the right one, so to speak. Then I see myself already in the city, first one friend is with me, then another with a girl in her arms... either they are with me, then I am on my own. But I keep going and looking toilet - I go into shops, offices, hospitals, cafes... - I go quickly and look.
And then a guy appears next to me (I know him from work) and I tell him to wait outside, and I go into the room and look for the toilet again, some respectable guys work there, I go out (and the main thing is that I’m not with anyone I ask, I look for myself), then I see a salon like a hairdresser and I understand that if I go in and ask, they will show me. But I don’t do this, for some reason in a dream I want to find it MYSELF, without help. And then I go into a cafe and see that I’m holding a saucer, there are 2 cakes on it, very appetizing, I take them out into the street with me, knowing that this guy I know is waiting for me there.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream in which there was a search in the company of a deceased person most likely indicates that it will be difficult for you to achieve what you want.


Hello! Perhaps I chose the wrong category, so I apologize in advance, but I had such a dream that it is difficult to understand which specific category it belongs to. I dreamed that I was in a school, my own, but it was modified - renovated, beautiful, bright (in real life I studied at a school without renovation, it is very old, it is now being renovated). Everyone was sitting at their desks in the classroom. A man was sitting at the teacher’s table. Everyone sat quietly. Then suddenly he called my name and asked me to stand up. Then he named my classmate’s last name. He also stood up. The teacher asked us to approach him, and he did it in a threatening, military way. We approached and he told us - You should go to the “Silver Ball” store and buy red paint (or dye, in short, something like that) there, and then go to another store and buy peaches there (I don’t remember the exact name of the store , but I remember that it was some kind of chicken). We were surprised, but still went. When we left the office, for some reason the light was on in the corridor. A classmate said - come on quickly, we only have 5 hours! (yes, I almost forgot, the teacher said that paints and peaches should be delivered in 5 hours, not a minute later). We sped up, and when we went out into the street, I was very surprised, because firstly, it was terrible darkness there, and secondly, I came out of my school, but the city was not mine, it was kind of huge and there was a bunch of different shops, traffic , in general, approximately the same as in Moscow or St. Petersburg. I looked at my watch and the time was either 02:42 or 03:42, I don’t remember exactly. I asked, well, what are we going to do? Where is this “Silver Ball”? And is it working at this time? A classmate said that he had already seen it somewhere today and would try to remember. We stood there for a long time, then he said: “We need to cross the road and go straight, he’s somewhere there.” We crossed the road, and on the other side of the street there were so many shops that it was simply crazy! I turned on the flashlight on the mob and we walked forward, looking at the names of the signs - what was there - and some kind of local store, and “Banana”, and some other names, generally stupid. We walked for a long time and I already started to panic. I said that I was tired, we sat down to rest, and as soon as we sat down, I saw a tower-like house with a sign saying “silver ball.” I screamed - here he is! My classmate ran ahead of me, we ran into a store, but, as it turned out, it was not a store, but a two-room apartment, the furnishings were quite ordinary, sofas, armchairs, etc. We saw a grandmother in the room (she reminded me very much of my good friend’s grandmother). She saw us and said - oh, guys, you came for paints! Here, take it! There was a red tube of paint on the table. A classmate took it, and the second grandmother said - there are peaches in that room! I say, how did you know about peaches (by the way, the second grandmother also reminded me of someone...)? But she remained silent and said, peaches are on the sofa, take them! I went to another room and saw 10 peaches there, huge and ripe, I picked them up, and when I came out, my classmate was no longer in the room and there was no one at all. I ran out into the street, and there was no one there. Then I started calling my classmate and saw him running along the other side of the street and yelling: “Run! There is little time! I looked at my watch, and 4, 5 hours had already passed, I ran, ran for quite a long time, then I saw a familiar area, my school was there. Near it stood a pink house, a transformer booth. a huge stage was built around it, on which our teacher stood, and on the booth I saw a huge digital screen, on which, for some reason, was the face of my good friend, I once loved him, contented and happy. I looked at this and cried, I was very offended! And she swore some more. And at this time the voice of my teacher announced - We won, I congratulate you! Hey, you and the peaches, what are you worth, come here! I walked while there was no one around, but as soon as I got up, I saw a whole bunch of people, and my classmate with paint in his hands, satisfied and happy. Everyone applauded us, but I was still in tears. My classmate came up to me and said - don’t cry, everything worked out! He hugged me, and then told me to turn back - my friend with an angelic face was no longer there, but for that a heart was drawn with paint and something was done there from peaches, I don’t remember, and it was written - marry me. I turned to my classmate and buried my face in huge bouquet red roses! And the crowd also screamed, admired, and you could hear the people yelling - agree! I stood silently for a long time, then I took the bouquet, threw it into the crowd, turned to my classmate, hugged it and said that I agreed, he was happy and so was I. That’s all, it seems... The dream was very bright and clear (by the way, it was dark all this time, and when we stood on the stage too, and also when we stood on the stage, there was very colorful lighting and bright decorations, in short, everything was beautiful ). Why such a thing could happen in a dream, I’m simply amazed... Thank you SO MUCH in advance!

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Such a dream most likely indicates that you will be given a difficult task that may confuse you.


I dreamed of parachute lines from a descending parachute on the screen of my mobile phone, and then of the parachute itself, and I realized that it was my friend who was jumping and landing. I looked, and the parachute was unusual, four paratroopers jumped, each under their own parachute, but they were connected into one system. I approach them, go into the premises of the military unit, there are a lot of military men there, three guys are changing clothes after the jump, but I don’t see my friend. I asked the military “Where is so-and-so” (by name), they answered “Yes, there he is!”, One pointed in the direction with his hand. I look there, but I don’t see him, I look into the faces, but I don’t see his face, it seems that I even called him by name, but he doesn’t respond.
Why do you dream about this?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream of this kind probably indicates that you will have to make difficult decisions on your own.


I dreamed of a pink, fragile house with a checkered pattern, which is made of plastic, and I’m trying to persuade my mother to make the house more durable because it can fall apart in a cataclysm, why is this? Thank you in advance!




I dreamed that my mother and I didn’t get on the bus (it didn’t pick us up because we needed to buy tickets in advance) and I went to a friend in another city to call him and figure out how we could get home. he was calm, but I kept running, searching, calling and didn’t know what to do.
I wonder what this is for. Thank you


I was looking for a room where they do tattoos, because I really wanted to get a tattoo, but I couldn’t find it. I knew where this room was, but when I came to this place, this room was not there.


I parked the car somewhere abroad in a remote, poor province. I got a little distracted and lost both my car and the friend I came with. I ran around the town, looking for a car, a friend, and lamented that I had left my phone in the car. The more I ran, the more I became convinced that I was lost and would not be able to return to the right place. A dirty and smelly mongrel was constantly spinning under their feet and between them.
And suddenly I meet an old school friend whom I haven’t seen for forty years. And he looked exactly the same as in that last meeting. At that moment I blurted out:
- you have to get to Colombia to meet once every forty years.

The dream ended there. Help me explain.


This is my first time asking a question. A colleague I knew was supposed to come up and I was waiting for her, guarding the camel on which we either had to ride, or it definitely had to be returned. I was distracted for a minute and the camel disappeared into the darkness. I ran around looking for him, asked people, and even came across a flock of sheep. I didn’t find the camel and I began to express my indignation to a colleague who appeared on the road that the camel had disappeared and woke up.
I'm trying to de-salt my right shoulder joint so it doesn't become frozen. Very worried.
Thanks for the answer, cuties :)


Please tell me what this is about, I dreamed that I was running away from my husband and when I saw him nearby, I pretended not to notice. And suddenly I see that my husband’s friend is approaching people with a broken face and in his hands is my photograph, and asks if they have seen me somewhere. And I look at him, I want to go to him, but I can’t. Why is this all? Please answer


Hello! My husband and I are now in a quarrel and live separately. I dreamed that I was running and looking for him, when I found him we came home. Then we came home, I fell asleep, and he left again with his nephew. I then dreamed of my dead dad, we hugged him and cried. I asked him for forgiveness and he said that everything was fine! Thanks a lot!


My mother had this dream. In a dream, my mother-in-law came to visit her and began looking for her thing in her house, allegedly I took it from her and hid it with my mother. Mom says that before that I left her an envelope, either with documents or with some kind of shares. The mother-in-law asked for this particular envelope, but did not say what exactly she was looking for, or rather she said it, but indistinctly. Having looked at the envelope, she did not find it lost item and returned it to my mother. The dream alerted my mother because my mother-in-law blamed me for the loss of her belongings.


A guy is looking for me and today I dreamed that he found me, but his friend helped him find me, he opens a new one wooden fence and comes out happy, can’t take his eyes off me and says I finally found you


In my dream there was a friend, my aunt, and I, some people were looking for us, we were walking along the road, then somehow we ended up in the apartment, I looked and there was a lemousine nearby and people who were looking for us, later they finally pulled us out and then I cried because because they took my phone and wanted to read my text messages. These people were looking for us because in a dream my friend deceived some influential man and he and his wife were looking for us... why I don’t understand us, but when I woke up I had a panic, my heart was pounding as if after a fright, but it quickly passed


I had a dream that I was with a group of people near the sea. it was like this with a small surf, but I was about 300 meters from it, the same route was laid, and on this route by the sea I saw a car accident, and then at the end a young man comes up to me and says “Andrey is looking for you, go in pairs, otherwise he’s already pissed off”...


it was a black field, beaten with concrete slabs and burnt trees to the very roots, there were many people in uniform, similar to the German military during the Second World War, they all ran and looked for me, there was no one except me and the Germans, only WE. And I just I ran and hid laughing, they never found me.


I dreamed that my friend was looking for me ex-boyfriend, he is standing in the entrance and, as if mockingly, is calling for me to come out to him, from the very beginning of my dream it was clear that I would not come out to him, we have two doors, one separates the corridor from the elevator, the other is the entrance door. And I put my ear to the first door, that is, he gets behind the second one and it pawns me, I go to my grandmother’s room and she’s not there, then I go to the kitchen and she meets me. I ask her, do you hear? She tells me a hundred hears and I need my parents wait, and then we started arguing, and a second later we hear the sound of an angle grinder, she looks through the peephole and apparently sees how our door is being sawed. and then I woke up, it seems not horrible dream but it’s not nice.


I'm looking for a man with shoulder-length hair (I don't know him), I ask people. All around I see an ice landslide with people snowboarding. And subconsciously I know that the man I’m looking for could have died precisely because of a landslide (also while snowboarding), but I hope to find him.


There’s either a swamp around or just a huge dirty puddle and a stone path is laid through it and I’m trying to get to the side where the house is located by means of transport, at first it was a car, and then, as it turned out, it was a bicycle. And I make a jump maneuver, as if jumping over this end of the road to the other side. Then we are standing with my sister and mother at the window, and my sister pushes me from the floor into the same swamp, I fly and see a lot of thickets, tree crowns, I try to catch on, and land softly. Nearby people are looking for something, and I join them and start looking for earrings with precious stones. I pick at the clay and search in the sand, but we find nothing. Finally, my friend hugs and kisses me, like she’s in love with me.


Hello, I had a dream today that one person was looking for me... and he was nearby, as if he felt that I was nearby, and then I woke up... in fact, I love this person, but we are not together!


I dreamed that I was looking for something, something very important (I don’t know what exactly), I was searching persistently for a long time and to no avail... I was looking everywhere - at home, in the room, on the street... That’s basically all...


In a dream, my former loved one was looking for me, I was hiding from him. But later, I came out to draw his attention to myself. But I couldn’t find him anymore.


When I was going down to the subway, I saw my ex-boyfriend on the opposite descent. He was wearing an orange shirt and a black hat. I rushed all over the subway and searched: I met different guys in similar clothes, but I never found him.


Hello Tatiana. in a dream, I contacted my friend by cell phone, we agreed where we would meet, and I know this place for sure. but for some reason I went in a completely different direction, but as a result, we called again, and he picked me up from the indicated place, but after some time. In the meantime, I got to the right place, I got lost a lot, and constantly ran into some obstacles.


My daughter wanted to take a taxi, I tried to dissuade her, but she still left, her kidnappers, I looked for her for a long time, found her, but there was no leg...


I dreamed that the National Guard was looking for me and I was running away from them, then I discovered a fallen tooth (fang) under which the same new one was growing


I often dream that I am looking for people I know and are close to. Usually, these are different people. And, most often, I know where they are, but I can’t find them.


I was in some dark room (there were black, dark blue, red colors), I was also on the street (but I can’t describe the street), I forgot my package in this room (in the toilet, in my opinion) I searched for a long time, I constantly ended up in the wrong places: either a restaurant or somewhere else. (my acquaintances were waiting for me in a taxi, they were going to go somewhere and I urgently needed this package), at the end of the dream they brought me this package and said that they had been looking for me with this package for a long time.


Good afternoon I dreamed that we somehow missed my boyfriend, that I lost him in a dream, I couldn’t find him, I was looking on different streets for an incomprehensible village or a bazaar, it’s generally very unclear, but in my mind this happened at the border, that is, customs between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan as if if we were going to Kazakhstan, when I couldn’t find him, I cried a lot, sobbed, screamed, everything was very strange, but then a Russian woman appeared from somewhere and seemed to calm me down, invited me to her place, but I refused, we walked through some strange area not in the city and I saw an empty area, a green village along the highway and a railway, so strange, I screamed the guy’s name in the hope that I would find it, then there was such a plot that I was in my apartment and this woman was lying next to me and hugging me, as if protecting me or something, and then it happened like that someone knocked on the door and I woke up from this, also before that, at the beginning I dreamed that I was lying in an incomprehensible hospital and he was there looking after me and all that, and I dreamed that I was talking to my dad on the phone and he was telling me to break up It was as if we were leaving somewhere with him, and I told dad nothing, he would wait for me, but dad insisted on his own. I think you are a professional in your field and I hope you will explain to me what this could mean. Thank you in advance.


I dreamed that I was running around the hospital, looking for the man doctor who delivered me. I have had this dream rarely for 5 years since I gave birth to my son. I also dreamed that I was looking for this doctor to find out which ward my son was in. Why is this?


I was looking for clothes in the closets that were in my photo. Moreover, I looked at these clothes in the photo and knew that I had them. and frantically ran around the house and tried to find it. In the end, I didn’t find it and realized that I had never bought such clothes. then I started running around the house and looking for various other little things, they were at my fingertips, but I didn’t see them and continued to look


I dreamed that I was going to some city by train, then I got off in the wrong place, stayed at the station, people were helping me, and I was looking for a guy, going to Kyiv, and he, on the contrary, was going to where I was going, I somehow got on the train to Kyiv, I saw I'm looking for a guy, and he was waiting for me on the platform in Kyiv


I’m at a bus station in a foreign city, I meet friends there, they say that they’re going to my city where I live, I explain to them that I didn’t take my things with me, they’re at the apartment and I need to pick them up, I told them the address, they went, I ran myself, but I got lost and got lost, then I drove in a passenger car and looked for a landmark, like I found a landmark to find the house and still couldn’t find it, so I woke up and couldn’t find the house. ,


I was in my village with an unfamiliar dog (later it turned out that the dog while sleeping was mine), with my grandfather, with my mother. At the beginning of the dream, my grandfather told me the dog’s name and kept saying it throughout the dream, but I constantly forgot it. then my mother, grandfather and I got on our bicycles and commanded the dog to “track”, we were looking for a dog (he died in reality) named Baron. the dog found only his corpse... in the previous dream I was looking for a military barracks, and also did not remember the name of the dog that helped me.


I was looking for a SIM phone card in a dream. I remember that I put it in the pocket of my bag. When I started looking, I looked everywhere: in my bag, in my clothing pockets, and in other places. And she repeated the search several times: she looked again and again in all places. For some reason, I saw a lot of strangers in my dreams, both women and men. But there were more women.


I met my friend! She had to go to school and I accompanied her! walked and chatted nicely! she was laughing! then we reached the building! let's go inside! I met my friend and started talking to him about something! then I lost sight of that friend! started looking for her in the offices, shouting her name


I’m in an unfamiliar house, getting the kids ready for kindergarten, going to work myself, constantly having to look for something - a bag, cosmetics, clothes, and I realize that I’m late, then my ex-mother-in-law comes and asks *are you going to wash the floors?* I tell her I answer that I’ll wash the floors when I get home from work.


Write your dream here for interpretation... In a dream, I dreamed that my friend and I were walking through a shopping center and he suddenly disappeared when a group of people ran past me


I flew to a man close to me. I wanted to surprise him. But he was not at home. Different people told me where he was. But I could not find him in those places.


my sleep was very intense different people from the past and present, relatives and friends. But I don’t remember the details, but I only remember from the moment when I took the bed that another woman was supposed to buy (we go to church together with her) and she then asked me when my husband would bring her a new bed, and since she didn’t know what she wants it, I went to find her a bed. and when I was driving, I began to hear in a dream that a friend was looking for me, in a dream he seemed to have left for 6 months somewhere and he wanted to see me before he left.. And when I heard that he was looking for me, I turned my car around to go to him. And my dream ended when we met..


Hello. Please tell me what the dream is about. I go into my ex-boyfriend’s house, and the house is all whitewashed inside and oilcloths are hanging, as if the house is being renovated inside and I walk around in this house and try to find my ex-boyfriend. I go into the room, and there are people and three women with the same face sitting in the room. I ask one of them who she is? She replies that she is the sister of my ex-boyfriend. I tell her that I came to say goodbye to my ex-boyfriend, but I can’t find him. And she begins to tell me that my ex got dressed on Friday, took flowers and a ring and went somewhere. And in a dream I understand that Friday has already passed and that he has already proposed to someone, and he won’t care that I came to say goodbye to him. I asked his sister not to tell him anything and left the house and walked along the path through fields home. Help me understand the dream, what it was for.


I dreamed that I was going somewhere and couldn’t find my earrings, I rummaged through all my things and came across some pendants, pendants, chains - unfamiliar ones, but I couldn’t find what I was looking for


Yesterday I dreamed that I gave a large sum of money to an unknown person and looked for him all night and couldn’t find him. Today I dreamed that I lost my luggage, plane tickets, phone, dog and sister at the station and searched all night.


Hello, I dreamed of an old abandoned building without windows, my mother and I decided to renovate it, and walking along the corridors we looked for window frames, I also found an escalator to the second floor, not working, I went up, but the floor was destroyed and I could not look around. Then she went down, stood on the table and began to try to see what was above. Although I could have stayed on the landing and looked around the 2nd floor, I went down and did it all from the table!


In the courtyards where I have lived my whole life, I have been looking for an apartment for 33 years where my friends once lived! at the beginning of the dream, the mother of their family asked my older sister to stay with me because they were leaving, and throughout the entire dream I was looking for this apartment, but the houses from the inside had changed beyond recognition and at the end of the dream I began to feel some kind of apathy that I had never experienced in my dreams, but an apartment with my sister I still haven’t found it!


I met a friend by chance
we decided to go somewhere with her, but before that I had to pick up something
Not far away there was a very large house, like a wooden one, I went there to pick up something... but I couldn’t get out of there, because every time I went out I remembered that I had forgotten a certain thing, I remember once it was a bag, I don’t remember the other times, I went in I went there through a specific entrance, although there were many exits (there could have been entrances) and I exited in different ways..
I don't remember the outside of the house very well
but inside it seemed like a beautiful autumn palace
I wasn't alone inside. I saw a couple of people, one was definitely a guy


Hello, in a dream I was running around the school where I once studied, supposedly I knew that a former MCH and a girl were at the school, and I had to pick them up, they did something there, and they billed me.


A year ago I really fell in love with a young man. To such an extent that I came every day to look at him, and he at me. but soon the paths diverged, he left work. but a year later I met him, feelings flared up again. although we never even communicated. and today. On August 28, I dreamed that he was looking for me. as something valuable in his life. I woke up from this dream all wet and scared. I thought this was reality. oh if it were like that, what could it mean? I saw the dream very clearly, it was colored, but more blue shades.


Hello! In the dream, I was at a relative’s house, a pipe suddenly burst and there was a small flood, and for some reason I was left without panties. I spent the entire dream trying to find them, walking around the apartment! :)


First, a third-person view, the main character (a boy) is having something like a birthday party, he leaves the room where his friends were for just a couple of seconds, returning to the room there was no one there. And then I, in the body of this boy (first-person view), begin to look for friends in complete darkness, I have a flashlight on my forehead, I understand that no one should leave the room, since all the guests’ things are in place, I walk in the dark and no one I can’t find it, but suddenly around the corner I saw someone’s shadow and I rush to catch up with this someone. Then they woke me up.


I dreamed that my sister and I were looking for a street called Quiet. We searched all night and then we kind of knew that all we had to do was cross one yard and there would be this street, but then I woke up.


I see that in a dream 2 guys are looking for me and they are twins. They send a girl to our yard so that she finds out about me, as well as my exact place of residence. And this girl also approaches our neighbor, but he doesn’t say anything


The whole point of the dream is that I am always looking for someone (Looking for). These missing people are always given the roles of my friends. Usually the girls with whom I previously had warm relationships.
In this dream: We were walking with a girl (Alina), we were happy, there was love. I felt sleepy, I went to a completely unfamiliar house and an unfamiliar apartment... I slept, then a man came (I didn’t know him) I apologized and said (I really wanted to sleep, please excuse me.) I took the bag that I came without. He started checking her. But there were my everyday things (iPad, headphones, phone and wires (I don’t know why)) then I left the apartment, went down to the first floor, there were three doors (Light, dark and light with a window). I didn’t remember which one I entered and remembered Alina... I ran out and started looking for her... I didn’t have her phone number to call, I ran back and through another door... then I ran through the streets of the city... Somehow I was able to jump high, but later falling, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, leading me to think that I would crash.... Running through the streets and jumping high, more and more tall trees appeared, the branches of which I often grabbed, but still touched the ground, but stubbornly continued to jump high, to see Alina... After a long search and a big jump. After which I flew quickly to the ground, there was a feeling that I would crash. Even when I fell from a high height with a feeling of speed and fear, I still remained intact. help me please.


For a long time I have been dreaming about the same young man, we don’t know each other, both in a dream and in reality, yesterday I dreamed that he found me, my father took him to an apartment that was unfamiliar to me, for the first time in many years I saw him face, before that in dreams it was blurry, I remember well what he told me - finally I found you (he said that he had been looking for me since kindergarten), this despite the fact that I currently have a permanent young man with whom I have been alive for more than 2 years years, then I see our wedding with my martyr, at which the one who was looking for me confesses his feelings and asks not to get married, then I woke up in a cold sweat... since we are planning a wedding in our lives. Please tell me what this could mean?


I went to the kitchen and saw that I was sleeping on the floor, I thought and made tea and woke myself up and I went with me to the living room fell on the sofa fell asleep then woke up and found myself on the street there was my dog, he barked and howled then I went and climbed onto the barn and listened to music then fell and woke up


I dreamed that I was sitting in class, a regular lesson, although I was sitting alone, which has never happened, then my art teacher comes in and says that if anyone has seen Anna, that is, me, let me know immediately. She is extremely dangerous!
Somehow, I ended up under the table, I don’t know how it happened. My friends covered for me. But everyone at school was talking about me, insults were heard from the corridor, etc. And I just sat there, then I got tired and I surrendered to the teacher myself. I woke up with this
In the dream there was a feeling of fear, as if this was not a dream, but reality.
Thank you in advance)


I haven’t lived in Russia for a long time, but in a dream I dreamed that I was in my yard, there were a lot of my friends in it, including my best friend and my girlfriend. I go up to my best friend, he tells me that I got him, then I lie down and my friend pushes me and looks at me with a very angry look. Then I rush around my room and look for something, but I don’t remember what.


A man whom I have known for a long time is looking for me, I am surprised, but very happy and am preparing to meet him. I talk to him on the phone: he asks, “Where are you?” and says his name. But the people next to me start talking loudly, and I can’t hear what the man is saying to me on the phone. I shout at people louder, they fall silent, but the phone is already silent. I was very upset that I had lost this man again for many years. But he finds me, we retire to the room and this is happiness. but I hear the voice of my husband and the man needs to leave. I quickly clean the room. Then I dream of a man in a secret room, he can’t get out, it’s locked, only I know about it. The end of the dream is that I am again preparing to meet a man with trepidation and excitement, because I have been waiting for this so much. In my hands long skirt gray with a pink flower, from my work colleagues
I ask: - Should I wear a long or short skirt? - They answer: - A short woolen dress. I understand that he likes the short one better and climbs up the landing to the floor above. I am completely ready to meet a man whom I have loved for many years and now he has announced that he is looking for me.


Well, I don’t really remember, from the beginning I was with friends, then with a girl, everything flew by in pictures, after that they told me that a man (Nyada) was looking for me, this is the name of one of the residents of my city, he is a good fighter from a wealthy family, we don’t know each other personally, but everyone knows him, I felt a little scary why is he looking for me, that’s all


My friend and I were looking for something in the dark (they wanted me to eat m/h), it was noisy, in order to say something, you had to be very close to each other and shout, there were quite a lot of people around


I’m going about work, I’m going out on the street and looking for a house with number 26/1... I’m going, I’m going... I meet a guy who is also looking for this house... in the end he asks his girlfriend on the phone to throw him the keys, and I hear some keys falling from the neighboring house that stood nearby was 4 stories high... and some small guy threw the keys from the window... and in the end the man went into this house and I look at the inscription on the house, house 1A... hmm, not my house, I said to myself... and I look at another house, I see 26/1, oh here it is... I’m going, I’m meeting some girl... she seems to have some kind of problem and I don’t know what’s wrong with her... in the end I invited her to go with me... and we went to this house, then we immediately ended up at me at home in the kitchen... the two of us are sitting, I'm surfing the laptop... I'm looking for something, she starts to stick to me for something, I think I know her, but no, damn what kind of crap is that, it's clouded over my shoulder, hmm I thought, how come, damn it I have Masha (the girl I like) ... in the end I put my hand on her shoulder ... space ... she is sleeping under the table in the kitchen ... I wake her up and in the end it turns out that this is a guy unknown to me ... I tell him, that maybe we can move you to the hall, he says yes... oops, I put him in the hall on the bed, he starts to moan... put a piece of cardboard under my back, otherwise my back is crooked... I looked at him like that... why are you crazy... and I think who He’s like that in general... and I’m already going to the closet where the cardboard is when I wake up...


Hello. In my dream I was in another city. It was already evening, and I was looking for the guy I was in love with. I drove my car all over the city. He just lives in that city. I remember houses, streets, and they actually exist. But I never found it. What could all this mean?


I was looking for a garage, rode around the garage complex on a motorcycle (which I don’t have in my life, and never wanted), tried to navigate by the numbers, but they were located there at random, I saw people building roads, a Kamaz truck that was chasing me even caught me , a woman with a drill or something similar, who was destroying everything around her, some severed fingers, I drove through the same place many times, then someone said that my motorcycle was not very good, I don’t remember how it ended, like a garage I didn’t find it, but I don’t remember why I needed it either, it seemed like there was someone in it, I still thought it was open and I’d see it


I dreamed that I was looking for my 2 female rams near the market and Pine forest and a bull is chasing me, but then he ends up on a chain like a dog, a man’s voice says, “don’t be afraid, he won’t get you,” and I leave the bull through a construction site. I've been dreaming a lot lately strange dreams I don’t know what to do, I don’t get enough sleep and I’m completely exhausted. I would be very grateful if you help me figure it out, dreams are always colorful


I was looking for a document, they gave it to me and immediately began to look, but it was not there, they looked all around, but it seemed to disappear into the water, the document is not very important, I was looking for something like that in the evening in reality


I dreamed that I was at my grandmother’s, walking around the garden, and all the time I had the feeling that the teeth on the lower left side were loose. then I started to crawl around with my tongue and eventually crushed the tooth to the base, there was no blood, and then I started to loosen it nearby, but didn’t have time to crumble it. then the frame switched and I found myself at home, then it seems I went to the neighbors for some reason, they told me some story that interested me and I started looking for the person from the story. I was walking down the street and found found him. I started to say why I was looking for him, he didn’t want to answer, I got him talking and he took out his laptop. on it he began to show a boy of about 12-14 years old, as I realized it was him and told this story, then I ran home in tears to show my mother that my tooth had fallen out, she tells me that it’s possible that not all the milk teeth have fallen out or says maybe my grandmother’s genes My eyes are wet and I suddenly wake up covered in sweat.


swim in the sea with people, the sea is calm, warm, sunny day), and then look for keys in the sea and on the seashore, but not yours


I was near a familiar lake, then I shot at a bear, but I ran out of bullets, the bear ran towards me, I pulled out the thing into which I needed to put the bullets, but they were still there. I put the thing back and continued shooting, the bear fell. Then they told me that I saved a friend and I went to look for him in some building, but I never found him.


i dreamed that I was in college, which I graduated from 3 years ago, walking and wandering))) then I meet my classmates (not all), only two and recess begins, everyone rushes out of their offices and I start looking for one person))) my ex ))) but I can’t find it))) I go outside and it’s snowing (it’s really stormy), there’s a small bus and they tell me to get on, they take me home))) I refused and I was covered in snow))) it was already dark


as if we went on a picnic with the guys who I don’t communicate with anymore, then suddenly we ended up at my grandmother’s, but there was already a different company and
they were all asleep, and among the sleeping people I was looking for one person, but I couldn’t find it, someone said that he had already left, and I talked to someone else among the sleeping people, but I don’t remember what


From the beginning I talked with my friend, he got into the car and drove away.
Then I found out that he became famous and tried to find him the whole dream, but I never found him.
Everything happened in a forest park in such a summer
And I spent half of my sleep barefoot, and then I found that my shoes were just on the road
Thank you!


Good afternoon. For the second night in a row, I’m looking for my daughter in my sleep (she’s 10 years old, lives with me, we sleep in the same room, and I don’t plan to let her go anywhere alone). The dreams are disturbing, I take my mother to help, the next night I take my ex-husband, we are looking for him by bus and for some reason with luggage and packages. In the first dream I found her sad and bandaged in the abdomen and chin with a laceration without blood. Last night they searched in different directions and did not find it. Tomorrow I planned a short trip with her and I’m very afraid of these dreams. Decipher it, please, maybe it’s not worth leaving the house for a couple of weeks... [email protected] Thank you


I called a person, a woman with whom I had not spoken for a long time... she told me where I had gone, she and Maxim were looking for me


I often have dreams where I go somewhere but I don’t have time, I don’t find the right place, I’m late and I’m always alone with no one next to me


I asked my friends for directions, the direct road was flooded with water, moving around it was difficult to move forward - there was a swamp and along the way I met a teenager who insulted me, whom I tried to deal a targeted blow with the toe of my shoe, then unmemorable events like at work.


I dreamed that in a dream I saw my ex-boyfriend with another girl. Afterwards I tried to find him, but everywhere I saw only her. But she couldn’t find him. I talked to her in my sleep, we didn’t argue, but the conversation was negative. The action took place in some shopping center, where I later hid from someone.


I found beautiful shoes that fit my feet and showed them off to my mother and younger sister. Then I started choosing shoes for them too, boots for my mother, sandals for my sister and shoes for my son. And I was able to find them only one of a pair, I took a long time to find a pair for these shoes searched among the many various types shoes. And this selection of shoes was in my apartment.


in the winter we were looking for a close friend in the forest, we were on the rise of a mountain. I constantly turned around and something scared me. We are still looking for him in reality. He left on the 13th and did not return home


In my dream, I run down the street and look for a guy I like, then somehow I end up at my school and teach a lesson to my classmates. Please explain what this means?


I was looking for galoshes - it turned out that they were not mine


I was walking home in the evening and met a girl on a bench, she asked me to stand with her, in the end she led me into the entrance and I walked along a very long corridor through all sorts of obstacles. Then, during the day, I found myself far from the city and there was almost no one there, and I tried to ask who I met, but it didn’t work out well for me (I spoke in a whisper and inaudibly). I decided to go on my own without any help. In the evening I came to the city, but I didn’t know what kind of place it was. I crossed the roads, although I knew the rules of the road. I walked down the street past the store and my parents met me in a car, they asked me to go to the store, but when I came out they had already left, then I felt like they were stuffing me into a bag and I woke up already in some apartment. I immediately left there and locked the door. I went down into the yard and, meeting the first person I came across, asked where he was... the man understood me, although I didn’t speak clearly, he pointed with his hand and I got on a minibus and went to my place. I was walking along the same street where I met the girl, she called me again and asked me to take a walk, and out of naivety I went again, but when we reached the entrance, strength appeared in me and I hit her. When I came home, my parents didn’t remember anything.


Hello. I dreamed that I was on a bus, sick and very sick, a doctor sat down next to me and started checking my head, found nits and gave them to the second doctor, she put this nit in some kind of machine and from there a lot of lice hatched, although this nit was gone, and I rode on this bus all day with a doctor, then I got off at the bus stop, went shopping and began to feel very bad and ended up on this bus again. Why is this?


I dreamed that I was looking for a room in a huge hotel and couldn’t find it. The rooms are out of order and the corridors are confusing. While I’m looking for someone, someone is being killed, events are happening, and I’m still looking.
Thank you


Hello, I dreamed of my grandmother who died, but in the dream she was alive and we communicated with her and then she ran away, and I looked for her and asked everyone if they had seen her. And I saw myself in the mirror (face).


Dad died in September and I was given something urgent and very important to find at his house
And today I had a dream that I had a headache and I forgot everything. My family treated me like a chronic patient. I went outside barefoot in the snow. I remembered - there are shoes. Found it. Didn't take the old shoes. and took new boots. I completely picked up the shoes, forgot to put them on and went barefoot


I dreamed that I was in some kind of settlement - a courtyard, two-story wooden houses, my friends and my boyfriend live there. I leave there (I don’t remember why) and find myself in big city. I want to go back but I can’t find the way to this place. I’m trying to contact my friends and realize that I don’t have their contacts either on my phone or on Skype. Before this, a few days ago, I dreamed that I also left the hotel (I was also there with friends) and could not find the way back to it.


On October 12 at 4 am my best friend died, after I found out I was in another locality I couldn’t come on the night of October 12-13, I dreamed about my deceased friend, I came with my father to their deceased friend’s birthday, my father had a house there them without windows and without doors and without a roof, like an ordinary log house, my father stands and twice with a pause asks how? How? And the deceased friend says she has risen from the dead! In her dream, she had a belly like a pregnant woman’s, bigger, tell me what that means, of course a lot of time has passed, but I’m very interested in what this dream meant!


At the beginning, I dreamed that I was doing everything at work the same way, then there was some gap and I was at home and started looking for something, but I don’t know what I didn’t even understand when I woke up. I searched and knew that it was somewhere nearby, but I couldn’t get it.


I dreamed that I lost a friend in the forest....then my friends and many strangers were looking for him....but they were looking for him at night, even though it was light outside..it was like a level (even though I don’t play games myself) for us Yes, it was possible to find him before the morning because the time was written like that on the board... and when it was up... it was written that it was already morning and there was no need to look for him... and they didn’t find him... then I dreamed of a concert where there were a lot of people... I saw there are my friends and an ex-girlfriend... and I was also in the city, but the city from the future did not have any cars that drove (just stood there), although there were trams... but I didn’t want to get on them...


Hello. I would like to contact you.
I usually figure out the meaning of my dreams myself, since they are very specific. In addition to their prophetic meaning, they have psychological implications, which are very important to distinguish. And since no one can know what’s going on in my head, I do the interpretation myself.
However, after this dream I am confused. Understand it as you wish.
Before, when I was little, I often had dreams like this. But only with my favorite cartoon characters. So.
I dreamed of a strange resort place in my city (this is normal, I live by the sea).
As night fell, I met my childhood friend. (This person has no great value to me. We had a gap, but now we seem to communicate sometimes.)
We started swimming in the sea and having fun. Time seemed to stand still. Nothing existed around.
No matter how romantic it looked, everything had a slightly different look. Not so sweet and fabulous. It was very strange and even creepy, but I felt good with this person, I was drawn to him with all my soul. And they were ready to follow him anywhere.
There was no relationship, intimacy, nothing. We were just close, and everything else just happened in my soul.
Suddenly the picture changes dramatically. Night, rain. I walk along my street, but I feel it completely differently. Not like in life. I'm starting to look for this young man, with the realization that he is the one I was looking for. And I can't live without him.
I start looking for him. Looking for. However, what is the probability of finding a missing soul? I didn’t know where he lived, who he might be with. I didn't know anything. Searching in the endless void.
Hoping to find at least some clue, at least a small door to a solution. I am torn by overwhelming incomprehensible feelings and I, walking over my heads, not seeing laws, life and other people, am soon heading to that place (picture 1)
Beach, with a hotel for tourists.
I start walking around the rooms, asking people in the hope of finding out at least something. But all attempts are in vain.
In despair, going behind the hotel, I saw young people sitting on armchairs and having fun near the cave. As I approached, I saw his best friend. He was cheerful. I ran up to him and started asking questions.
Then the smile left his face. My eyes filled with tears.
I found out that he was in the hospital.
But the hospital does not mean a threat to him.
Everything is connected purely with me and only. This means that I found him, but at the same time I didn’t.
The meaning of my life was only in this young man.
but in my life I have never felt anything like this for anyone, especially for the hero himself.


Hello! I dreamed that I was losing something from my things, that I was constantly in a hurry and was afraid of being late. And I dream very often that I am afraid of being late, and sometimes I dream that I forget to put on something.


I dreamed that I was with some people and with my daughter, who is now 21 years old, but in the dream she was less than a year old, we were running away from bandits. Then we forded the river, the water was clear. Then the dream was interrupted and I was already looking for my daughter in the hospital. But she’s been here for about 12 years now. I wandered the corridors for a very long time. At the end I found her in the room, on the bed. When I was looking for her, I was worried that she was crying there alone. And when she found it, her soul calmed down, she just lay there and talked with some girl. In the morning I woke up all broken.


We sit with friends in the computer club and talk. (I don’t visit them at all) They tell me that my life is difficult. I notice a familiar face opposite, but I can’t remember who this guy is. I strike up a conversation with him. He obviously feels out of place, and I try to communicate with him kindly. He understands that I don't recognize him. I name a couple of names. He smiles tightly. I suggest you go outside and get some air. I feel like I need to find out who this guy is. On the street he suddenly appears as an ugly, thin woman in white clothes, and while I look at her strange figure in amazement, she tells me: “You didn’t recognize me, but I’m your betrothed.” I get distracted for a second by some noise, turn around, and she’s nowhere to be found. I begin to anxiously look for her in the club, on the street, everywhere. And I don’t find it. I wake up in alarm, when I fall asleep again I see everything from the moment I was looking for her, I continue to look, ask - no one recognized him (her). All.


I had a dream that I lost my daughter and my friend and I were looking for her and then I ran to the toilet


I came to the house where my friends lived already dead relatives. The son said that my husband was looking for me. Then I helped myself to the soup, it was very tasty. Mother and son were in a good mood. Then I went home and the dream ended.


I constantly dream that I can’t get through to the guy. I call his friends and parents but there is no contact with him. And I remember that I have an apartment... like I abandoned it. (I actually live there)


I have a broken dream... I remember that I walked along familiar corridors and they were looking for me... then I climbed somewhere... and there were cameras... a very incomprehensible dream... and I dreamed of food, but I didn’t eat... only then in the next dream


Hello! Is this paid? I dreamed that I was in a dimly lit room at the border institute in our city, as if it was already evening and I saw a guy - a border guard with whom my friend was now communicating on the Internet. In this room there is him, some guy, also from the institute (he’s just there) and 2 girls, cheerful and easy-going, as if I’m asking this guy (with whom my friend is corresponding) about some thing, as if I’m something... I'm looking for something. The girls seemed to just look at me and said that they didn’t see anything, and this guy also said that he didn’t see this thing (which I’m looking for, I don’t even remember what) and looks straight into my eyes and very carefully and I answer the same. (And in the dream he had vague facial features and I didn’t recognize him right away, and then the thought “oh, this is the guy with whom Yulia is corresponding”) came to my mind.

Searching for something or someone in real life is almost always associated with a feeling of anxiety and anxiety. But, if you are looking for something in a dream, the interpretations may be radically different from each other. For example, one of the dream books believes that looking for something means having an impossible desire. Why else do you dream of such a plot is described below.

Wardrobe items

If in a dream you have been looking for shoes for a long time, then in reality you will long road. Losing shoes means unjustified hopes, shoes means problems with marriage, boots means future changes. Grishina also explains why you dream of losing shoes and looking for them. Grishina’s dream book says that, most likely, you are dissatisfied with your current life and are making every attempt to change it. Looking for one of your things in a dream means trying to find a solution to your current problem in reality. Losing a bag means suffering property losses. Search in vain Wedding Dress- to late marriage, a simple dress - to problems in relationships with representatives of the stronger sex. The modern dream book believes that looking for clothes in a dream means that in reality you need protection and understanding. If you didn’t find the socks where they were supposed to be, you will have to face quarrels in the family. If you dreamed that you were looking for a jacket - you were in danger of a secret danger, slippers - you needed the understanding and approval of loved ones, various things - a thirst for some kind of change.

Of people

Looking for a loved one in a dream is a negative sign. Your lover is deceiving you for his own gain. If a friend was in the place of the other half, gossip and empty slander cannot be avoided. Universal dream book believes that the search for his beloved wife predicts disagreements with her. Looking for a child in night dreams means futile attempts to find inspiration, a mother for a comfortable existence, a father for family support, a daughter for a love affair, a son for new achievements. Search stranger, means trying to solve a fairly complex problem. If a husband was in the person’s place, then you are probably in reality making attempts to improve marital relations. If you want to communicate with a man, you dream of a passionate love affair. You may dream about searching for a girl or guy if you are not ready for serious relationship and count only on short emotional adventures.


The modern dream book suggests that looking for a dog in your night dreams means trying to find a true friend in reality. Searching for a cat, cat or kitten means a desire to defeat your enemies. If you dreamed that you were looking for a snake, then in reality you are asking for trouble. Grishina's dream book strongly advises avoiding all situations that could cause serious harm.


Looking for a car in a dream, but not finding it, means unjustified hopes. If the car was nevertheless found, then you will be able to find a way out of the difficult situation and turn all the problems in your favor. If you dream that a train is missing, it means that you are passionate about traveling, but for some reason you cannot afford it at the present time.

Real estate objects

Looking for an apartment or house in a dream means trying to solve a difficult problem. If you need just one room, then in the near future in reality you will decide on a divorce, moving, or changing jobs. If you dreamed that you were trying to find the store you needed, this would indicate a feeling of dissatisfaction. The modern dream book is convinced that you cannot be content with existing opportunities and are constantly in need of new horizons. Looking for housing in a dream means moving.

New duty station, documents

Do you want to get a new job? In reality, you will benefit from participating in an unexpected business. Losing your passport and any important documents means getting into trouble and incurring losses.

Jewelry and cash

Shereminskaya's dream book suggests that looking for a gold ring in a night vision means having a passionate desire to find a soul mate. It is interpreted in the same way and what dreams mean wedding ring. Searching and finding a ring means a quick wedding. If in a dream you were looking for gold and became the owner of a real treasure, you will be able to find a solid source of income. It will bring big profits regularly. Did you dream that you lost your wallet with money? You will incur unplanned expenses. If you dream that you are looking for earrings, get ready for a fleeting pleasant flirtation.

Dead men and cemetery

Looking for a cemetery in a dream means wishing for peace. Looking for a grave in a cemetery means finding a person with whom your soul will be calm and good. Searching for a dead person according to Miller’s dream book means the emergence of sadness. If you manage to find a deceased person, you will be able to quickly and easily cope with depression. Vain attempts to find the deceased in a dream indicate fruitless efforts.


Did you dream that you were looking for a road in the forest and couldn’t find it? The universal dream book believes that you have not yet decided on the direction of your life path. Finding a way out of a building or the right way home means in reality understanding what you really want and what needs to be done to achieve what you want. Looking for a way out into the street in a dream means a feeling of one’s own lack of freedom, inner constraint. If you dream that the treasured door was never found, then you will not be able to become happy for a long time. If you dream that there is nothing at the specified address, then all efforts to change something will remain unfinished.


The Dream Book of Health warns that looking for mushrooms in a dream means problems with the functioning of the body. You may even need to see a doctor. If you needed water vitally, then in reality you do not get satisfaction from what you do. The dream indicates that you should think about changing your activity. Aesop's Dream Book believes that needing food means trying to increase your earnings.

A few more options

Not finding the keys in a dream means the constancy of life. Changes should not be expected in the near future. There definitely won't be any. Aesop's Dream Book reports that looking for a book in your night dreams means experiencing spiritual hunger in reality. If there was a telephone in place of the book, then you lack communication; if there is a suitcase, you are striving to gain new experiences. If you dream that you are looking for the door to the toilet - you need financial support from the outside, entering the office means the desire to gain new knowledge and take a higher position. If you dreamed that you were pulling out lice, this means that your financial situation will improve significantly. Looking for a needle in a dream means mastering new skills, flowers - a thirst for romantic adventures.


    Hafiza Mirzaeva:

    Please tell me today I had a dream that I was in a store with my sister, and I got lost and found myself in the forest among immigrants, all strangers. And I lost my things, although I took care of them so much not to lose them. Then I found myself where pure water waves flow to pass the road, I began to swim and moved on. My mother appeared nearby and was very nervous that we couldn’t find the road and my sister. At the end, two sisters appeared and took us away from there! (Can you tell me what my dream means? Thank you in advance).

  • I don’t remember how we were in the maternity hospital, but I clearly remembered that my old friend was giving birth. This was her first child, a boy, he did not cry during the entire sleep, he just looked. It all started from the moment she dressed him. He was wearing a vest and rompers, and on top she dressed him in a light autumn jumpsuit, but incorrectly. The hood of the overalls was on the side of the baby's face, but they did not change clothes, it was cool outside (the hood itself soon ended up where it was supposed to be). Since this was her first child, she didn’t have the skills to hold him, so he was in my arms (I don’t have children myself yet, I was babysitting my brother, we are 15 and a half years apart). When I took him, we hurried to leave the hospital and headed home (in the dream he was very close). I kept looking at my feet so as not to slip, I heard my friend walking ahead, but as soon as we found ourselves near the entrance building, I lost her from sight. The child was constantly exposed to the wind, the overalls were thin and the hood, with buttons, was always unbuttoned, I adjusted it every minute. Most importantly, I was looking for his mother. There were a lot of people on the street, I started asking everyone if they had seen her. But no one remembered it. But I knew for sure that she lived in this house, but the entrance... I didn’t know. I called her by NAME, knowing that it was HER name, I looked in all the entrances, asked everyone I met, but no one saw her. I was already desperate, I went out onto the porch, there were three girls around me. I don’t remember whether they spoke to me or not, but then the one who stood in the center pointed under the porch, there was a dead dog lying there (I don’t know the breed, similar to a dachshund, only the body is not so long, somewhat similar to Jack- Russell Terrier). I don’t like such “pictures”, my face expressed sadness and tears were about to come when she, the girl in the center, smiled at me, with her index finger at her lips “shhhhhhh”.. she calmed me down and said: “look” My gaze turned to the dog ...she came to life. No, rather, she REVIVED her. And only then, looking at this girl again, I realized that this was her, the mother of the baby, and her name was completely different. At this point I woke up, but I felt uneasy. Please help me disturb my sleep.

unemployment as described - Being left without a job in a dream promises you a stoic attitude towards impending difficulties, your optimism will be based on faith in your own strengths, in your ability to work. If you dreamed that your friends became unemployed, you will face troubles in your family life and loss of attention from your loved one. Looking for a job means in reality receiving benefits as a result of an unplanned enterprise. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

question by description - A dream in which you ask someone a question means that you will staunchly defend your rightness and will certainly achieve success. A dream in which you are asked about something suggests that in reality you will find yourself a victim of injustice. If, for example, a sick person asks you about grasshoppers, it means that unexpected events will soon happen to you in reality. If the question is asked on the merits of the matter, it means that suspicion has crept into you about your loved one and you will be looking for an opportunity to confirm your guess. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

umbrella as described - An umbrella seen in a dream foreshadows a quiet, secluded life with average income. Buying an umbrella means seeking protection from pursuers or hiding from annoying friends. Losing an umbrella in a dream means that unforeseen circumstances will force you to cheat. Finding or buying an umbrella in a dream means a threat of ruin as a result of robbery or fire. If you see a large men’s umbrella in a dream, you will achieve recognition from your superiors; if it is a women’s folding umbrella, you will find support and support in your superiors. A black or dark umbrella warns against the temptation to fall into fornication with co-workers. Colored or variegated umbrella - only things await you ahead joyful events. If your umbrella was stolen in a dream, in reality this speaks of disappointed hopes that will cause you a lot of trouble and anxiety. An open umbrella is a sign of threat, lies and violence; a folded umbrella is a sign of resigned submission. Walking under an open umbrella in the pouring rain means that in reality you will provide all possible assistance to your neighbors or friends. Exchanging umbrellas with someone means a quarrel with friends or a loved one due to a misunderstanding. An old and holey umbrella means that in reality your actions will be misinterpreted, and your words will be twisted in the most unscrupulous way. Walking into a rainstorm under a leaky umbrella means finding yourself alone and regretting your own rashness. Sitting under a large sunny umbrella on the beach or at a table in a street cafe is a sign of unfulfilled dreams and unrealizable hopes. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

play according to description - A dream in which you see yourself gambling portends trouble. If you win at the same time, in reality you will find yourself in bad company and, trying to get out at the expense of others, you will make enemies for yourself. If you lose, they will laugh at you; by acting dishonestly, you can cause unwitting damage to your friend. Playing cards in a dream means that in reality you will succumb to temptation and be deceived; while playing a dishonest game is a harbinger of a serious illness. Playing chess or checkers means you will have fun in reality, playing billiards means trouble, badminton or tennis means a surprise awaits you, and playing bowls means a loss awaits you. Playing games with children means that in real life you will experience sadness, boredom and frustration. Playing musical instruments means success, joyful prospects and peaceful relationships with others, as well as a pleasant pastime. Playing in an orchestra is a harbinger of fun entertainment, a sign that your chosen one will be faithful to you. Playing the accordion is a harbinger of sad events, but with a happy ending. Playing the harp means marriage and happy life married. A dream in which you play the balalaika foretells joyful events in the near future. Playing a drum in a dream means you will receive good news; playing a tambourine means surprises await you, caused by idle gossip. Playing the cello in a dream is a sign of a great joyful event in the family circle. Playing the bagpipes is a positive sign, foreshadowing that everything will be fine. Play the guitar - get pleasure in a new interesting society in which you will find a life partner. If you play the oboe in a dream, this indicates that you have hidden artistic abilities. Playing the pipe in a dream means joyful amazement and pleasant surprises. In general, playing some kind of wind instrument of unknown origin means experiencing a strong shock from unexpected events. Playing the organ in a dream is a sad sign, a harbinger of someone’s death. Playing the horn - such a dream means that in reality slanderers will bring you to tears. Playing the violin foreshadows making a profit and controversial issues regarding its distribution. Playing the flute means unsuccessful meetings, failed deals and unsuccessful purchases. Playing the piano means a date with your loved one, playing other instruments means things will go well. If in a dream you play notes, this portends positive changes in your life. Playing ceremonial hymns - in reality you will have to take on extremely boring duties; marching music - means receiving a letter from afar. Hearing others play musical instruments portends joyful events in the family circle. Playing scales in a dream means being disappointed in your lover in reality. Play the accordion - in reality you will take part in noisy entertainment with a hearty feast and drinks. Playing dominoes and losing means that your best friend will insult you. In addition, this dream foretells that you will make your loved ones worry about you very much. In reality, you should be more careful around strangers, especially men. If you play dominoes and win, this portends a dubious hobby that will greatly poison your life. Playing dice in a dream means unsuccessful speculation, which can lead to ruin and despair. For a young girl, such a dream portends that her lover is not worthy of her respect and love. Playing blind man's buff with someone in a dream means that in reality you will actively begin to look for a groom. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

ring as described - A wedding ring seen in a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding and a happy marriage. Seeing a lot of different rings on your fingers in a dream means that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck. Losing a ring in a dream means an annoying mistake; looking for it means a lucky chance will help you avoid trouble; finding it means you will receive good news. Receiving a ring as a gift from a loved one - such a dream promises true love, strong family, healthy children. Gold rings mean increased wealth and new useful acquaintances. silver ring– imperceptibly but steadily you will gain power over your beloved, while calling yourself his faithful slave. Rings with precious stones foretell that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to meet an interesting man. Seeing a coiled snake in a dream means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your real enemies are. If you dream that a snake wraps itself in rings around you and with a hiss releases its forked tongue from its mouth, it means that you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies. Seeing gymnastic rings in a dream foretells that you will be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation with your superiors. Hanging on them means you won’t take someone’s promise seriously and will do the absolutely right thing by insuring yourself with a backup option. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

offense as described - To worry in a dream about an offense unfairly inflicted on you is a sign that you tend to look for the causes of your troubles, for which you are often to blame, in other people. If you harbor a grudge against a friend who has made fair reproaches and comments to you, you will realize it too late, when no amount of regret and repentance can compensate you for the loss of a loved one or close friend. If in a dream you inadvertently offended someone mentally and later apologized, in real life you will be nominated for a promotion. A dream where you deliberately offend a person you dislike means that you will soon incur the wrath of your superiors and troubles in your family life. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

insult by description - Being verbally insulted in a dream is a sign that you tend to look for the reasons for your troubles, for which you are often to blame, in other people. Being publicly and deliberately humiliated means that belated repentance will not help you make up for the loss of a loved one or close friend. If in a dream you inadvertently insulted someone and immediately apologized, in real life you will receive a promotion. A dream where you deliberately insult a person you dislike is a harbinger that you will soon incur the wrath of your superiors and troubles in your family life. Insults expressed with abundant use of the most sophisticated obscene language mean that in reality you will have the opportunity to show your oratorical abilities in a serious argument or dispute, which, however, can develop into a public scandal, even leading to assault. An insult by an action inflicted on you in a dream foretells that you will find yourself in the company of people unpleasant to you, from whom it will not be so easy to get rid of. If in a dream you yourself inflict an insult by opening your arms, this promises even greater trouble, the higher the intensity of passions in your dream. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

ring as described - A ring you saw in a dream means that in reality a pleasant surprise awaits you. Putting a ring on your finger means minor events will, however, cause you a lot of trouble and anxiety in reality. Fingers covered with rings mean that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck. Losing a ring in a dream means an annoying mistake; looking for it means a lucky chance will help you avoid trouble; finding it means you will receive news that will make you happy. To receive a ring as a gift from a loved one - such a dream promises true love, a strong family, and healthy offspring. A gold ring seen in a dream foretells an increase in prosperity and new useful acquaintances. A silver ring means that you will quietly but steadily achieve the fact that you will gain power over your lover, while calling yourself his slave. Ring with precious stone portends ease of communication with strangers, which will make it easy to lure an interesting man into your network. A signet ring means that you have to decide something that will require a lot of patience and perseverance. If in a dream you bought a supposedly gold ring, but it didn’t turn out to be one, it means that in real life, having saved on a little, you will lose on a big one. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

apocalypse, end of the world, cataclysm according to the description - Final destruction peace theme , which is affected in many world CULTURES, cults and RELIGIONS. In some of them, the end of the world is followed by a renewal and reorganization of the world order, which implies the supremacy of a certain group of people. Other worldviews envisage the reincarnation of the chosen sons of humanity into a structured paradise on earth, and the most pessimistic teachings depict irrevocable destruction and merciless chaos on earth. Sometimes we treat dreams about the end of the world as a dire warning. We have a strange feeling (or even a faint confidence) that what just happened in the land of dreams could soon happen in reality. The end of the world can be seen in different ways - the exact picture depends on the personal, individual vision of the world - but the general feeling caused by such dreams comes down to approximately one thing: the days of the universe are numbered. The meaning of such dreams can be sought using various approaches. These approaches depend on the person’s personality, cultural beliefs, spiritual needs and religious beliefs. The feeling that your life is getting out of control can lead to dreams about the end of the world - the APOCALYPSE. The reasons may be the activity of hormones in youth, the death of a dearly loved person (especially one of the parents), divorce or other significant breakups and losses of relationships for you. The end of the world is a kind of defense mechanism that our subconscious resorts to in order to avoid a devastated state and problems caused by new circumstances. In such dreams, the sleeper is usually alone among people unfamiliar to him. This is a reflection of the fact that people close to him have passed away. Culturally, dreams about the end of the world are due to universal fears about the fragility of our planet and humanity. It's the fear of what shouldn't happen. Such dreams are typical for periods of prevailing general hopelessness and unpredictability. Some people often have such dreams at the turn of the millennium. For some, they are inspired by messages about the catastrophic state of the Earth, global warming or possible space collisions. For others, doomsday dreams are a result of economic uncertainty. In general, moods of hopelessness and uncertainty are almost inevitably accompanied by apocalyptic dreams. When interpreting such dreams, answer the question: how does the end of the world come and who is to blame for it? The dream may be a call to protect yourself from an outside threat; calling for greater activity in specific cases; a call to think again about the rational essence of your fears. A powerful image is an end-of-the-world religious or spiritual revelation. As a rule, the sleeper dreams of how the pillars of his faith are the initiators of destruction or resist it. Here is another option: adherents of mysticism resist destruction due to their cohesion. Such dreams symbolize the reorganization of the world order. They appear, as a rule, at such moments in a person’s life when it seems to him that the whole world has rebelled against him and only unification with something more powerful can show the path to success in the fight against earthly troubles, and perhaps this is an omen of the outcome of this world... Archetypes Archetypes are components of the collective unconscious, endowed with a number of characteristic features. For example, many people commit heroic deeds in their dreams. Everyone knows that a heroic act is the result of a person’s perception of the ideas of goodness and sacrifice, the manifestation of a person in the image of an archetypal hero-savior. There are many archetypes in life. During his studies of human psychology and world mythologies, Carl Jung characterized many of them. Many ethnic cultures and religious communities have myths that embody the ultimate version of various archetypal experiences. Examples of heroes are Hercules or Sinbad. During transitional moments in our lives, we tend to identify with archetypes. Change usually makes us anxious and forces us to rethink our own behavior. You finish your student life and start working, move from single life to marriage, say goodbye to childlessness and become a parent - these are just some examples of the transition from one archetype to another., Loff's Dream Book

searches by description - Searching for an object that constantly changes its location can be annoying, but the discovery can be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about searching for something, it is important whether the plot ends with the finding of an object or not. If the dream ends successfully, it is important to note what or who you were looking for and how these objects were found. Think about the connection that exists between the object and the person who helped find it (if there was such a person). In many cases, the object that gets lost reflects an area of ​​life in which we feel unskillful and incompetent. Looking for it in the company of others may be a clue that you should seek wise advice to resolve the current situation. A 48-year-old man recounts his dream: "I'm looking for the keys to my car and I can't find them anywhere. I'm turning everything in the house upside down, yelling at my wife and generally losing my temper. My daughter isn't home and I'm starting everything Blame her. Suddenly her friend comes in and advises her to look in the lock of the front door. I do so. “My keys are there.” What is interesting about this search dream is that in his detailed story the man showed how much he was worried about his daughter driving a car. The feeling of losing control over his daughter's life consumed most of his emotional energy. After figuring out the meaning of this dream, he realized that the cause of most of the conflicts at home was his own ANXIETY, and not real disobedience on the part of his daughter. The understanding developed by the dream led to normalization of relations with my daughter and, as a result, to peace in the family. A dream about a search ending in vain usually illustrates the need to heal emotional trauma. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person. Common dreams about searching for a person include a CHILD crying who cannot be found, chasing a fugitive who cannot be located, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. Such dreams can occur during periods of prolonged emotional decline caused by an extraordinary event, e.g. DEATH of a loved one. Another unsuccessful search scenario is searching for a place or item without results. For example, in a dream you may have a plan that goes nowhere, or perhaps you cannot find an object after leaving it on a table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are achieving them. If you often have such dreams, perhaps you should check whether your goals and behavior are consistent with each other, or whether they are mutually exclusive., Loff's Dream Book

searches by description - D. Loff wrote in his dream book: “Searching for an object that is constantly changing its place can be annoying, but a find can be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about searching for something, it is important whether the plot ends with the finding of an object or not. If the dream ends successfully, it is important to note what or who you were looking for and how these objects were found. Think about the connection that exists between the object and the person who helped find it (if there was such a person). In many cases, the object that gets lost reflects an area of ​​life in which we feel unskillful and incompetent. Looking for it in the company of others may be a clue that you should seek wise advice to resolve the current situation. A dream about a search ending in vain usually illustrates the need to heal from emotional trauma. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person. Common dream variations of searching for a person include a crying child who cannot be found, chasing a fugitive who cannot be located, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. Such dreams can occur during periods of prolonged emotional decline caused by an extraordinary event, such as the death of a loved one. Another unsuccessful search scenario is searching for a place or item without results. For example, in a dream you may have a plan that goes nowhere, or perhaps you cannot find an object after leaving it on a table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are achieving them. If you frequently have these types of dreams, you may need to examine whether your goals and behavior are consistent or mutually exclusive." Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

lose dear people or objects according to the description - The things that are most dear to us are a continuation of our self-awareness. A favorite hat, a car, or a person dear to us reflects our vision of ourselves. Therefore, the loss of these objects or people means a lot to us. It also matters whether you actually possess the item or not. If the lost item is a personal item, what does it symbolize to you? Is it jewelry, favorite clothes, paintings or family jewels? You may be nervous about losing a new, expensive or important item. If you lose a person, who? You may be questioning your own commitment to another person or, conversely, that person's commitment to you. However, it is likely that you will be looking for a stranger. Why are you looking for this man? Are you able to find it? Where?, Loff's Dream Book

children as described - Pretty kids dream of prosperity and happiness. If a mother dreams that her child is slightly ill, he will actually have very good health. Seeing children learn is a sign of peace and prosperity. Upset about something, crying children dream of trouble. If you played with children in a dream, you will achieve your goal in all commercial and love affairs. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga said the following about dreams in which children are present: Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you have many small problems ahead, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet. If you saw yourself as a child, it means that in real life you are not behaving in the best way. Your childish antics are extremely inappropriate and offend those around you. Crying children dream of danger. Such a dream prophesies troubles from one’s children or the children of close relatives. A person who dreams of disabled children should know that his addictions harm not only his health, but also the health of those around him. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows an environmental disaster. When you see your own children in a dream, think about whether you are offending your family? Try to be more attentive to them. Looking for children in a dream is a bad omen. Minor troubles will prevent you from finding a way out of the current situation. If you played with children in a dream, then in real life you are most likely looking for a job you like. However, you will have to spend some more time at your old, not very favorite job. D. Loff said the following: “Children are an image that deserves special attention, because it conveys a true reflection of all our thoughts and experiences. Children are always afraid of what is worth fearing; they have a heightened sense of justice, they clearly distinguish between good and evil; They also tend to openly express their feelings to the objects of both adoration and hatred. If you dreamed of friendship with some child you know, then this is simply a projection of your desire. If the child is unfamiliar to you, then perhaps it is you yourself in the past. The main thing is to determine how you relate to this child and how you behave with him. If you have children in a dream, then most likely this is a reflection of your desire. However, this may also be an indication that your relationship with your parents is not going well. In addition, a dream in which you see yourself as a parent means your desire to influence someone. For example, a relationship with someone around you is getting out of control and you want to put this person in his place. Most of us have experienced the domineering attitude of our parents, so as adults we do the same thing in our dreams. A dream in which you yourself are a child may mean that your colleagues enjoy more authority than you." Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

to lose by description - D. Loff wrote: “The things that are most dear to us are a continuation of our self-awareness. A favorite hat, a car, or a person dear to us reflects our vision of ourselves. The loss of these objects or people means a lot to us. It also matters whether you actually possess the item or not. If the lost item is a personal item, what does it symbolize to you? Is it jewelry, favorite clothes, paintings or family jewels? You may be nervous about losing a new, expensive or important item. If you lose a person, who? You may be questioning your own commitment to another person or, conversely, that person's commitment to you. However, it is likely that you will be looking for a stranger.", Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

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Search for a loved one



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Fly with your loved one
