Family tree template for schoolchildren Word. How to make a family tree

15.06.2019 Relationship

We spent several hours and posted it especially for you free family tree word two types of format. In Word, you can arrange pages vertically and horizontally (portrait and landscape orientation), so the site administration decided to make a template for each sample and provide them to visitors free of charge. Links for downloading word files are opposite the picture with the corresponding family tree template in Word, so save the layouts to your computer and enter your family relatives. Let us immediately note that Microsoft Word Although it has decent tools for implementing ideas, there are more professional programs, for example, Adobe Photoshop. If the proposed options do not satisfy your needs, order an original family tree from our family research office by choosing the table template you like, which allows you to print the image up to A0 size (120/85 cm), in contrast to the diagram made in a Microsoft product.

If you want to make a diagram according to your father’s family line, as shown in the picture, you need to download the family tree word version of the book sample. We have already added the main components to the template, such as signs with text inside, arrows, lines connecting a married couple, and other graphic elements. Just insert the first, last and patronymic names of your family members, and you will have a ready-made pedigree in Word. Please note that the family tree template is designed using standard methods, with the exception of the Livemem logo image. All other components are placed on the diagram page using the Word toolbar.

For example, to add signs, you need to go to the "Insert" tab, then select the "Shapes" section, and click on the horizontal or vertical scroll icon. Arrows and lines are added to the Word family tree template in a similar way. Since our template already contains the main components, you can select the desired element by clicking the left mouse button, copy it and paste it into your genealogical diagram layout. Copying and placing in Word occurs by calling the menu using the right mouse button, or by using the combinations “Ctrl+C” and then “Ctrl+V” on the keyboard. Drag-and-drop, zoom in, zoom out and other similar actions are done by selecting an element on the page with a word family tree of the sample and then stretching or compressing it, which makes editing and updating the template as convenient as possible.

Let's look at the nuances regarding the graphic components in more detail. The fact is that a picture has several placement modes: next to the text, behind the letters, in front of them, and some others. Since our family tree template in Word implies the location of the names of relatives inside or in front of the image, then when editing the diagram, you should select the appropriate properties. You will find the ability to change this parameter in the menu that is called up with the right mouse button after clicking on the element. When working with a family tree, you need to go to the "AutoShape Format" section and then select the "Layout" tab, where you specify the desired mode (we're talking about Microsoft Word 2013). By the way, in the same dialog box you can change the colors of the frames and the background shade of tablets (scrolls) with family members. Please note that you do not have to use the classic figures available in Word in the family tree template. If you have your own pictures, you can insert them and install correct setting regarding the text, and play tricks in Word with an advanced version of the template. Visitors might like our family tree coloring page, which is easy to print on your home printer.

Family tree word format - free diagram template

In this part of the tutorial on how to make a tree in Word, we will talk about a more branched genus scheme. First, you need to download the family tree in Word in landscape orientation. If you suddenly don’t know how to change the page layout from vertical to horizontal, then you can set this parameter in the “Page Layout” tab of the main toolbar. You need to select the "Orientation" section and change the format to the desired one. In the second version of our Word genealogical table template, everything has already been done as it should, and you can immediately draw up a family tree based on the composition of your family.

Each family tree in Word is individual; for some, for example, both parents are known in the third generation, while for others the information is lost. In any case, some actions will have to be taken to move or remove signs with the names of relatives in the layout. But we took the trouble to create a family table word template in such a way that its editing and unnecessary editing are reduced to a minimum. If you have any doubts about the correctness of drawing up a diagram, we recommend reading the publication on how to correctly draw up a family tree. Our experts tried to sort out all the nuances and unusual situations that arise when building a family tree.

In conclusion of the article about the word family tree sample, we will touch upon the issue of template compatibility. In our templates, the page header uses a non-standard font “DS Yermak”, reminiscent of the Old Russian style. This elemental design gives the final image what we think is an attractive look. If such a font is not on your computer, Word will automatically replace it, which may cause the template to shift slightly. To improve the situation, download the desired font from the Internet, or adjust the distances between the elements of the family tree in Word. We prepared the templates in Microsoft Word 2013; if you have an earlier version of the program installed and the file does not launch, request a layout for the required format from Livemem through the feedback form in the "Contacts" section. We hope you understand how to make a family tree in Word and drew up their own family diagram.

If you have any additions, please let us know in the comments and we’ll make a useful resource together!

All rights reserved, text copying is permitted only with a link to the site.

Sort of on my father's and mother's side. Some things I managed to find and receive official written confirmation in the form of copies, duplicates of certificates and archival references, but some I didn’t. The reason for the lack of information I need is simple and sad - the lack of safety of the primary documents.

And on my mother’s side – my late interest in my ancestors. The only one who could help me a lot is my grandmother, my mother’s mother, but she, unfortunately, died in 2013. And there all the information ends. And another difficulty is the territorial remoteness: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. Either you need to go out on your own or entrust the matter to professionals. And genealogical inquiries are not cheap; just one certificate costs $200.

But still, I am satisfied with my result, and this is the family tree of our family. There are 5 generations in it from our children to their great-great-ancestors. It very clearly and clearly introduces children to members of their clan.

I want to pass on to our children knowledge about their family and ancestors, so that they know and remember that they are not alone, there are many people behind them. That thanks to these people, they were able to appear. So that our children feel unity through a common family history, because it unites many different clans: the clan of the father and the clan of the mother, the clan of grandmothers and the clan of grandfathers. So that they feel powerful support from their roots, from their kind.

Before Victory Day, I showed the children which of their great-grandfathers fought, who returned, and who died. And Alyosha realized that the war was not something incomprehensible, somewhere out there, sometime there, but that it affected every family, including ours.

There are a great many templates on the Internet, many are free, but, as always, everything is wrong and everything is wrong, so I made mine the way I wanted.

And this is what the “Family Tree of the Ivanenko Family” looks like in a frame under glass measuring 60*40cm.

To compile it, I needed first and last names, as well as dates of birth and death, if the person had already died, direct relatives, i.e. directly children and their parents, parents of parents and so on. I did not take brothers or sisters of any of my parents into this tree. I create such a complete family tree in a special genealogical program, Family Tree Builder.

In the same family tree, I took into account only direct relatives according to the principle of a mixed ascending line of kinship, that is, from son to father and mother, from them to grandparents, etc. There were 32 people in the tree.

I also needed portrait photographs of them. I prepared a beautiful template on aged paper with a beautiful wide tree, and made vignette frames. I wrote down first and last names, as well as dates of birth and death if the person died.

Not all of the photos were found, so for those whose photos were missing, I inserted the silhouette of a man or woman instead of the photos. By the way, the photographs were all different: color and black and white, dark and light, clear and not very clear. To avoid it being too noticeable, I took all the photos in black and white and corrected them a little.

Since we have two children, the whole construction comes from them two.

If you liked my template, you can purchase an electronic version of it.

Template for 31 persons.

Template for 32 people.

Two versions of the electronic version template.

  1. “I can do it myself” Price 450 rubles.

  1. “Almost ready” Price 900 rubles.

Template for 5 generations, 31-32 persons, png file format, size 60*40cm, resolution 150 ppi.

I will insert all the text and photos myself, based on the data you provide me. When ordering, please indicate the relationship of each family member to the youngest.

I accept payments via electronic wallets: Yandex and Webmany.

To receive payment details, write me an email below.

This publication will tell visitors what types of types of family tree and which type is more convenient to use in a given situation. In the second part of the article we will look at the family tree as an interior decoration, showing examples of work and samples of products. If you are primarily interested in how the ascending family diagram differs from the descending one, then look at the picture we prepared with a visual comparison table of all types - types of family tree. The text of the publication specifically provides examples of each type of family diagram, which will allow you to better understand the meaning of this particular structure. We studied the works of genealogists available on the Internet before preparing the material, but did not find any clear explanation using the examples of individual cases, which prompted the authors to examine this issue on the website in detail, providing readers with explanatory images of the types of family tables.

If you want to get an attractive family diagram that you can hang on the wall while admiring the family history, we recommend purchasing a family tree made for you on one of the beautiful templates. At the same time, the family relationship of family members can be formalized by designers both in a descending and ascending form. The assortment of layouts is prepared in such a way that the visitor can buy a product at a budget price and purchase a blank from the premium segment. In the picture developed by our family research bureau you can see an example of a family tree with a classic style (printed and framed by decorators from a framing workshop).

Let's move on to consider existing species family trees. There are only two of them - an ascending family tree and a descending one. Shown on the left ascending family tree, which is more common among Russian families. This type of diagram gained popularity due to its clarity and ease of navigation. At the bottom of the diagram is the youngest representative of the genus (the closing link of the chain at the time of registration). From the sign with his name, arrows shoot upward, pointing to his parents. The father is on the left and the mother is on the right. From each of them there are a couple more signs and so on, forming a geometric progression in the number of people. Because of this construction of family relationships from bottom to top, from young to older, this type of family tree began to be called “ascending”, demonstrating the important relationship between current and past generations.

As can be seen from the image with an example of an ascending family tree, the ideal symmetry of the diagram is present in the first three generations, and then “gaps” can be traced in the history of the family’s origin, and therefore the table takes the corresponding form. In most cases, those who try to do the genealogy of a surname and compile a primary family tree, obtain complete symmetry only up to the grandparents, which is understandable. People usually no longer see older generations during their lifetime, and information about them is lost from the family archive or hidden by relatives. If one or both parents of a representative of the clan are not known, then the chain of relationship in this direction breaks off (just as the father of the great-grandmother on the direct paternal line is not indicated in our example), while one arrow goes from the person or it is absent altogether.

The authors of the site would like to draw attention to Special attention on the nuance associated with the types of family trees. Each of the species is sometimes found in a “vertically reflected” state, which does not make, for example, an ascending inverted diagram descending, since this name is not due to the visual representation, but to the structure - from descendants to ancestors. And the location of the main living person in the diagram at the top or bottom is secondary. In other words, the ascending family tree pattern is used when the researcher wants to know his roots and moves deeper into the family, starting with himself.

What is the difference between an ascending family tree and a descending one?

While reading the material, visitors probably had a question about which programs are used to draw up genus diagrams in different types. With examples and sample family trees, this post will delve into this topic We won’t, but let you know that there are many such editors. From specialized tools like the “Tree of Life” to the popular developments of Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop, which allow you to design. There is a separate detailed explanation about working with a family tree in Word on the website in the “Articles” section, but we recommend that you first look at the family tree for Photoshop, since this program is more flexible for creativity and has decent functionality. It helps create eye-catching templates with luxurious backgrounds and chic elements filling out the layout. However, if in genealogical versions the placement of blocks with names occurs automatically, then in the Adobe product this work will have to be done manually, which, in principle, is not difficult. But in Photoshop you can create a table of any type, both descending and give the family tree an ascending look.

Let's return to the differences between the types of family schemes and analyze descending family tree(an example is shown on the right in the picture). Similar to the ascending structure, it can have a standard appearance or an inverted one. The main difference is that when constructing a descending family tree, the family diagram is formed from ancestor to descendants. This variety is convenient when the task is to describe the history of the family famous person. For example, on such a diagram it would be more clear to study how the Pushkin dynasty developed, from the world-favorite writer Alexander Sergeevich to the present day. In addition, the descending view of the family tree should be used when, during archival search work or during historical research of the family, a sample of an ancient document is discovered where a person with the same surname as yours is listed, but there is no certainty about the relationship with her from - for breaking the chain of relationship over time. Or, for example, it becomes known from the encyclopedia that a nobleman with your last name lived in the analyzed locality, and you want to prove the noble origin.

Of course, it is better to restore your roots and family genealogy from the present to the past - we have repeatedly demonstrated this using the example of family trees studied in our family research bureau. But if one of the above situations occurs, you can try to confirm family relations from the eldest representative of the clan to the youngest. And then, you will need a top-down diagram, not an ascending one. In the clear image attached to the article you can see family tree sample with this structure. For example, we have made a symmetrical table, but the reader must understand that in order to achieve such a construction in practice, each family member from all generations must have strictly two children, which is practically impossible in reality. This means that in the family tree one branch of the genus will be shorter than the other, complicating the work of designers when embedding this type of table into a template with a colorful picture. We hope that, based on our examples, you understand how the types of family trees differ, and you will be able to choose for yourself the most optimal option for drawing up a diagram. Now, let's look at the types of interior decoration using family history.

Types of family tree - interior decoration

There are several common options for decorating the interior of a house or apartment using one or another type of family tree. Obviously, the very idea of ​​arranging a “genealogy corner” is wonderful, and if you come to the same opinion, then you can be sure that your efforts will not be in vain. Of course, there can be countless ideas, and it is not possible to mention them all in one publication. Below is a list of basic ideas that can be implemented to decorate your home space:

1) Family tree on the wall with photographs of relatives;

2) A drawing on canvas or a diagram of the genus printed on photographic paper;

4) Do-it-yourself family tree and the author’s execution of the diagram.

As this picture demonstrates, a family tree on the wall is quite a large project, both in size and cost. However, the result can be impressive; such an interior with a family history looks great, and what an atmosphere! How to implement something similar? If you liked the example of a family tree or you already have an example of successfully completed work in the homes of friends, then feel free to begin the task and believe in yourself. To begin with, decide whether the tree on the wall will be painted or the image will be obtained by gluing photo wallpaper.

If you are good with a brush, then decorating a wall with wood will not be difficult. Moreover, you can paint on standard wallpaper for painting and on top of concrete painted in a monotonous color. In the case when the option with photo wallpaper is more suitable, then choose a company that is engaged in similar activities (there are many of them) and order the appropriate service. We leave the hanging of photographs of relatives at your discretion; we suggest placing them both in the form of a pedigree diagram of the family, and in the “chaos” format (without following any rules). Both options look nice. The example of a family tree from the picture will give you additional strength and everything will definitely work out.

The second type of family tree from the point of view of arranging a home space is a drawing on canvas or a printed blank with a diagram that can be hung on the wall. This option has a big advantage - it is possible to order a family tree with a personalized design and immediately receive ready-made samples in several copies for yourself and relatives. All you have to do is choose a suitable place for the painting and enjoy the art in the form of a family tree with your family. Individual styling will cost more, but exclusive work always costs more than standard work. Modern computer technology and the knowledge of artists in the field of painting allow us to produce durable masterpieces. Such family tree example located on the topmost picture.

Some people are wrongly biased towards layouts, considering inexpensive prices to be an indicator of poor quality. We hasten to dissuade you, the result in our research bureau is excellent, electronic versions are prepared with large-format printing in mind (up to A0 and even more), and individuality is given not by the background of the image, but by the genus diagram, studied for several generations. During the operation of the site (more than 10 years), we have never encountered two identical genealogical family diagrams. This example statistics means that it is impossible to see a completely identical picture in someone else. If the reader is an experienced user of photo editors or is into painting, then try making this type of family tree yourself. We have already mentioned programs and supporting materials in the first part of the article. Rely on our example of a family tree, show responsibility, put your soul into the process of creation, and in the future not only you, but also your descendants will admire your own works.

The third type includes all sorts of examples of family trees, which are products with small frames for photographs of relatives. The main advantage of this type is its compactness and elegance, which will allow you to place such work even in the smallest space. There are types of such a family tree, both metal ones with an application for long-term use, and plastic or even wooden ones. The choice depends on personal preferences, and we are confident that you will find in the assortment of the miniature products market exactly what meets the needs of your taste. On the right in the picture, as an example, there is a sample of a family tree made of metal, the frames under the photo of which resemble cute hearts. But there are also more strict options with a classic look.

In the final point of our selection of types of decoration of family trees, we added handmade labor from craftsmen from different areas, which is very rare, but still occurs. The lack of popularity of this variety can be explained simply: it takes too long and is difficult on all sides. The final appearance of the family tree in this style depends only on the creative component of the performer, skillful hands and budget for the work. For example, you can make a monolithic frame with wood cutting and holes for images, decorating it with decorative elements. Someone even thinks of installing a real dwarf tree, hanging photographs of family members or antiques that belonged to them on the branches. Such original family tree projects look quite interesting and unusual, surprising the viewer. There is no limit to creativity, invent and realize your potential with an emphasis on the genealogy of the surname.

At the end of the article, we suggest ordering a genealogical research, within the framework of which specialists will carry out an archival search, restore the family tree and find your ancestors several generations deep into the family. Nothing embellishes family history with its secrets and unexplored moments more than the depth of known centuries. When conducting research, for example, reliable information will appear about whether the older generations belonged to peasants, nobles, boyars, merchants, military or other segments of the population. Know your roots, the origin of the family, true story surnames are what is really important, and the presentation of the results and the choice of the type of family tree of the family is secondary compared to the main goal. This is exactly what an example of the right approach and sound thinking looks like.

If you have any additions, please let us know in the comments and we’ll make a useful resource together!

All rights reserved, text copying is permitted only with a link to the site.

By tracking them, you can learn a lot about yourself and adjust your own destiny. Even for those who still think little about their own origins, this information will be useful at least at the level of determining genetic predispositions to diseases.

But collecting and correctly filing information about your relatives is very difficult. In this article we will talk about how to correctly create a genealogical (pedigree) family tree with diagrams, examples and templates.

What is a family tree

A family tree is a conventional diagram that describes family ties within one family. It is often depicted as a real tree. Next to the roots is usually the ancestor or the last descendant, for whom a diagram is drawn up, and on the branches there are various lines of the genus.

In ancient times, preserving knowledge about one’s origin was a direct necessity for everyone. Already in Neolithic times, people knew that consanguineous marriages led to the appearance of non-viable children. Therefore, men took wives from neighboring villages, clans and tribes. However, sometimes it was necessary to preserve certain qualities within the line, and then people chose brides and grooms from among a limited circle. But in both the first and second cases, knowledge of one’s ancestors was mandatory.

In the past, blood (consanguinity) meant not only the presence of family ties, but also a certain psycho-emotional community, and in relation to representatives of the same family, the range of expectations from people was quite close.

This behavior has a basis. Have you noticed that there are families whose representatives of different lines and generations themselves choose similar directions of development. There are families in which everyone is connected with the arts, and there are those where, for generations, every second person has a penchant for engineering. And the point here is not only in upbringing, but also in the peculiarities of the functioning of the body. Genetic predisposition manifests itself not only in diseases, but also in the talents of representatives of the family line.

The childbirth system was also supported by the social structure. Most societies go through the stages of first a caste system, then a class system, then a class system. And marriages in them are usually arranged within their social circle.

Family history can shed light on many personal values. A lot is instilled in a person at a very early age through the example of the relationship between his parents and their relatives: patterns of behavior, structure of thinking, habits and words. But inheritance is not always direct. Studying the history of the family and recreating the family tree contributes to the self-identification of the individual and allows one to understand one’s personal foundations. This is useful both for the person himself and for the family as a whole. The process of collecting information and processing it will be useful for establishing contact between relatives.

There are several methods for compiling a family tree:

  • Rising. Here the chain is built in the direction from the descendant to the ancestors. The initial element is the outliner. The method is convenient for those who have just started studying their family. The compiler has information mainly about his immediate relatives: parents, grandparents, etc. - and gradually delves into the past.
  • Descending. In this case the chain has opposite direction. One ancestor (or spouse) acts as the beginning. For such a construction, you need to have fairly extensive information about your relatives.

When compiling a family tree, you need to take into account the lines of inheritance. They come in two types:

  • Direct branch. The chain includes you, your parents, their parents, etc.
  • Side branch. It takes into account your brothers and nephews, brothers and sisters of grandparents, great-grandparents, etc.

These schemes - ascending and descending with direct and lateral branches - can be compiled as mixed: for both men and women of the same clan, or to track inheritance only by the clan of the father or mother.

The family tree can be drawn up as follows:

The branching arrangement that is familiar to us, which is often complemented by a tree pattern. Suitable for designing genealogical diagrams of any degree of complexity.

  • You will draw your child's ascending family tree in this style.
  • Make a wonderful gift for a distant relative by drawing a common ancestor as the starting figure and building a descending system of connections from all first and second cousins.
  • Design the drawing in the form of an hourglass. This option is suitable for older relatives: grandfathers or great-grandfathers. Take them as key figures and make a family tree of these members of your family, combining the descending and ascending diagrams of parents and descendants in the drawing.

The “butterfly” scheme is inherently quite close to the “clock” option. Her starting point is the spouses, on both sides of them are the ascending family trees of their parents, and below them is the descending one.

There is another option for constructing the structure. It is not widespread in Russia, but allows you to create enough Full description family connections. This is the so-called circular table. It is also capable of accommodating an ascending and descending description of the genus.

  • For simple patterns, you can take a quarter circle as a basis - a “fan” pattern.
  • There is an option to design an ascending or descending structure in the form of concentrated circles in which ancestors or descendants are inscribed.
  • Or the circle can be divided and a family tree of the family can be made, combining both directions of the family in a similar way to the “clock” template.

Any of the described options can be supplemented with photographs and notes.

How to create your own family tree

It is better to start your research with the family archive. See if you still have old photographs and official documents of your older relatives. Particularly useful documents will be: marriage or birth certificates, diplomas, certificates, work books, – since it is with their help that it is easiest to start searching in the archive. All papers and photographs should be scanned, saved somewhere in digital format and used in the future. And return the originals to their place so as not to lose this important evidence.

The next important step is interviewing relatives. And since relatives are not eternal, there is no point in delaying relations with him. In order not to overtire older people and not get confused yourself, it is important to outline the range of questions in advance. For example, when we are compiling a family tree, we should be interested in the following information:

  • When and where were certain relatives born?
  • Where and when did they work?
  • Time and place of study.
  • Who did you marry and when?
  • How many children did they have, their names and dates of birth.
  • If relatives have died, it is worth knowing when and where this happened.

As you can see, from the point of view of further searches, the most important information from the list is the place and time of certain events. Knowing them, you can go to the archives for documents.

But from a family point of view, it is much more important to hear stories about the lives of your relatives. Each family keeps its own traditions, in each there was something worthy of the memory of generations. Therefore, do not neglect long conversations about the past.

When collecting oral information, you should use a voice recorder so as not to miss a single detail.

It is important to structure all the information received competently and quickly, otherwise you will simply get confused in the intricacies of your family connections. You can store the information on paper in folders related to each line of the family. Or create a separate folder on your computer where you will place files about each of your relatives.

Some people research their ancestry for years, gradually deepening knowledge about their direct and indirect relatives.

But you can make the initial stages of the process faster; invite your family to participate with you in this important matter. If several people, each along their line, compile a list of their closest relatives with names, photographs and dates, and then combine all this information into a single diagram, you can get a family tree several generations deep in just a few months. In addition, such a decision will help to establish communication between individual branches of the family.

Services and programs that help you create a family tree

Collecting information about relatives is quite a difficult task. Simply because with each generation the number of people about whom information needs to be collected will increase exponentially. Even when using an ascending scheme, taking into account only direct branches, by the seventh generation you will count 126 ancestors.

Registration and storage of all this information using paper media is inconvenient. It is much easier to use electronic databases. You can create the necessary files yourself in Excel or Access. Or use specialized programs that are initially configured to make it as easy as possible to arrange information in your family, display and display it in a beautiful and understandable form.

There are many online services on pedigree topics. They will correctly compile your family tree, help you find information about relatives, and provide design samples.

  • Some of them provide the opportunity to create a diagram of your family online. on them after free registration you need to enter information about each relative, indicate his family connections, provide photographs, and the service itself will graphically build the necessary structure.
  • There are more professional sites with more settings. They automatically conduct additional analysis of the surname and even look for information in the archives.

A convenient solution, but, unfortunately, such services exist for a relatively short time, usually about 5 years, after which you will most likely lose access to the entered information.

  • For deeper work, it is better to use special programs that work independently of the Internet. They are paid and free. The latter have more limited functionality.
  • Or contact a special genealogy company, with its help, find information about your family ties, and beautifully arrange it into a family tree or family book.

With this article I begin publishing regular reviews on narrow topics. I called this section « Book review» . This will be a short overview of the topic and a proposed thematic selection of books.

First review on the topic genealogy and ancestry .
Let's start with questions.

How many generations of your ancestors do you know??

I could be wrong, but, as a rule, no more than 3 generations. Dad-grandfather-great-grandfather (mother-grandmother-great-grandmother).

Why so few?

We somehow don’t have a tradition of keeping family history and filling out genealogy book . Firstly, no one takes on this function in the family, and secondly, few people know how this is done.

One way or another, sometimes we know the pedigree of our pet better than the pedigree of our own family.

Why know this, the question may arise?

Indeed, if earlier this was a necessity, as proof of belonging to one or another noble and noble family, it had a pragmatic meaning.

For example, in Europe, those entering a knightly order were required to prove the noble origin of their ancestors, sometimes for three or four generations.

But now it seems like there’s no need to prove anything to anyone. Everyone is socially equal.

True, sometimes I have a desire to improve my status and find out if I belong to a noble family. Or find foreign relatives who can leave an inheritance.

Or sometimes the question arises - who are the parents of the bride/groom. It is interesting to find out, at least in the first generation, with whom your son or daughter will connect his fate.

For these purely pragmatic purposes, the question is - why know the pedigree, as a rule, ends.

But still, isn’t it important to know your family’s ancestry?

I think that every person is at least interested in knowing who his ancestors were, where they came from, and what they did.

After all, there is such an expression “ Ivan, who does not remember his kinship" One version of its origin: we are talking about escaped convicts and criminal elements. Having fallen into the hands of the police, they introduced themselves as Ivans, and about their origin they said “they don’t remember their relationship.”

In a broad sense, this expression means that a person does not observe or respect the traditions of his ancestors, having renounced his surroundings.

I don't think anyone wants to fall under this definition.

Systematizing family information is not only interesting, but also useful. After all, in this way we generalize the entire ancestral experience and discover some patterns that are passed on from generation to generation. We understand the strength and weakness of our family. At the same time, we strengthen family ties.

We are accustomed to turning to literary heroes or personalities described in motivating books (usually foreign representatives) for examples of fortitude or other qualities.

But why not turn to your family for strength of spirit. Recharge with their energy, learn to cope with difficulties the way they coped.

After all, there are probably such bright representatives in every clan.

Memory in future generations

Isn’t it important to leave a memory of yourself in future generations?

After all, the realization that the genealogy will be carried on for generations means that the ancestors will know about you and your affairs.

Doesn’t this make you look at your life differently and live it in such a way that you won’t be ashamed in front of your descendants?

Do not lose honor before the future generation - good incentive lead a decent life.

In my opinion, this is very disciplined and makes you think.

“I don’t care what they think of me,” is a very common opinion today. This is considered personal freedom, its emancipation and independence. In my opinion, this is not serious.

Pride in your deeds, in your family, in your children - isn’t that important?

Become real chroniclers of your Family

Why not start compiling a family tree, replenishing it, exchanging it, storing it right now.

There are quite enough opportunities to do this and anyone who is interested in family history can do this.

In addition, it is interesting and the search can truly turn into an exciting journey into history. There will be numerous meetings with interesting people, which I didn’t know about before, but which one way or another belong to your Family.

Introduction to Pedigree Theory

First, let's define the terms.

The science that studies the history of the origin of clans and systematizes genealogies is called Genealogy (from the Greek genos genus, origin and logos word, doctrine).

Pedigree - this is a list of generations of a specific genus, which establishes the origin and degree of kinship.

Over the past centuries, genealogy has developed its own rules and norms for the preparation of information.

Let's take a brief look at some of its concepts.

1. Types of pedigrees.

Genealogy has two areas of research:
- ascending,
- descending.

IN ascending In genealogy, information is collected starting from a specific person to his ancestors: father, grandfather, etc.

IN downward they begin with the most famous ancestor in the past and from him follow to his descendants to the present day.

Ascending and descending genealogies can be men's and mixed .

Male genealogy – the entire clan of men is indicated, women are only indicated as spouses.

Mixed genealogy - indicates all generations descended from men and women. Such a pedigree covers several genera in the male and female lines.

2. Types of family tree.

Very briefly, only pictures for clarity.

2.1. Ro literal tree.

2.2. Pedigree table.

2.3. Horizontal table.

2.4. Circular table.

2.5. Genealogical paintings.

The painting is a verbal retelling of the table. As an example, the pedigree painting of A.S. Pushkin (small part).

1. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, b. 05/26/1799 in Moscow, died 01/29/1837 in St. Petersburg from a mortal wound received on 01/27/1837 in a duel with cavalry guard J. Dantes.

2.6. Cards.

3. Terminology.

There are three groups of terms:

1.Kinship (relations by blood).

A few examples:

Grandmother, grandmother - mother of father or mother, wife of grandfather.
Brother - each of the sons of the same parents.

Determination of degrees of relationship:
Grandchild, great-grandson - relationship from the third generation or even further.
Cousin - a relative from the second generation.
Blood - relationship within a family.

2.Properties (by marriage).

Brother-in-law is the husband's brother.
Wife - married woman in relation to her husband.
Son-in-law is the husband of a daughter, sister, or sister-in-law.

3. Close non-family ties.

Uncle - assigned to care and supervise the child.
Stepfather is the mother's other husband, stepfather.
A stepdaughter is a daughter from another marriage in relation to a stepparent.
Stepson is the step-son of one of the spouses.
Step-brothers and sisters from different parents.

Where to start compiling a pedigree?

The algorithm for compiling a pedigree consists of 2 parts:

The first part is a description of living relatives.
The second part is searching for information about ancestors in archives and libraries.

1. Interview with relatives.
2. Working with the family archive
3. Work in the library.
4. Work in the Regional Archives.
5. Work in the Federal Archives.

It’s better to start with yourself – like the initial branch of a family tree. This will be an ascending tree. Collect information about parents, grandparents and earlier generations in family archives.

Detailed information on how to compile a family pedigree and how to make written requests to the Archive can be found, for example, in the book O. Dan “Make your pedigree”. 2011

For those who are interested, here is a list of books on the topic Genealogy:

1. Where are your roots? A guide to drawing up a pedigree. Compiled by: N.I. Yurtaev.

2. Savelov L.M. Lectures on genealogy. 1995.

3. Introduction to genealogy: Textbook. allowance Comp. A. I. Chigrina.

4. Galperin B. My pedigree. 1983.

5. Entertaining genealogy. Comp. E. V. Bibikova. 2007.

6. Kolesnikov P. A. Travels in genealogy. 1997.

7. Dukarevich P. My pedigree. 2007.

8. Onuchin A. N. Your family tree: Practical work. A guide to drawing up a pedigree. – 1992.

9. Blagovo N. “Advice for a beginning genealogist.”

10. Genealogy for Beginners: Toolkit. Comp. L. V. Biryukova. 2006.

12. Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. Genealogical collection of Russian noble families. 1886 -1887.

14. Aksenov A.I. Genealogy of Moscow merchants of the 18th century. 1988.

15. Genealogy of the gentlemen of the nobility included in the genealogical book of the Tver province 1787 - 1869.

16. Bychkova M.E. Genealogy books of the 16th-17th centuries as a historical source. 1975

17. Donald Westlake. "Don't shake the family tree." It's a story, but a very entertaining one.

18. Website: Practical workshop “My genealogy”.

I hope that the information will be useful to you and someone will start compiling today family tree your family.

Best regards, Nikolay Medvedev.