Why do you dream of chicks in a nest? Assyrian dream book Why do you dream of a Nest according to the dream book? An ancient dream book Why do you dream of a Chick according to the dream book

21.09.2019 Home and life

Birds have always symbolized receiving news or the appearance of guests. A flying bird in a dream foretells receiving news. If it is white, then the news will be good, and if it is black, then vice versa.

Flying with birds in a dream foreshadows communication with people who have come from afar. You can judge your guests by the type of birds and their colors.

Catching or eating birds in a dream means winning or profit. Seabirds are predators and do not disdain anything. Seeing them in a dream means that you have envious people. But they are not dangerous for you. In addition, after such a dream, know that what you lost will not be found, but what you want can come true.

Night birds in a dream symbolize people who prefer a nocturnal lifestyle to a daytime one, because not everyone can see their activities at night. Such a dream warns you of danger from thieves, night robbers, speaks of obstacles in long journey.

Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that your nightly adventures may become known and will greatly damage your reputation. Songbirds in a dream symbolize prosperity and life's pleasures. Birds of prey in a dream mean our enemies. However, if in a dream we kill them, then the dream predicts victory over our enemies.

Drive away birds of prey in a dream means that you will achieve success unless you are afraid of difficulties and danger. A dream in which you saw that you have a bird of prey trained for hunting means: great success in business and wealth awaits you. For the poor, such a dream predicts great and good changes in their lives.

The tail of birds in a dream foreshadows the end of some business or some relationship. Bird plumage in a dream characterizes events or news that await you ahead. The brighter the plumage, the more happiness and fun the dream foretells.

Sparrows symbolize anxiety, worries, doubts.

A raven in a dream is a symbol of evil, cruelty, and the deceit of enemies.

Dreaming of a crow is a warning about theft or greed. Often her appearance in a dream foreshadows grief and dissatisfaction with oneself.

Seeing a jackdaw in a dream is a sign of stupidity, a useless existence.

A dove in a dream is a sign of innocence, chastity, and reciprocity of feelings. In a dream, he promises happiness, fun, success in business and happiness in love.

A goose in a dream symbolizes stupidity and unwise actions.

We dream of a woodpecker to warn us of the need to be vigilant, patient and persistent.

The lark is a symbol of receiving good news.

Seeing cranes in a dream means loneliness.

A cuckoo crows in a dream - a sign of loneliness and unhappy family life.

A swallow in a dream means receiving news from home.

Seeing a swan in a dream is a harbinger true love, affection. A dream about him portends receiving news from those we love. It is sometimes believed that a swan in a dream symbolizes the discovery of some secret.

The rooster is dreamed of to warn of a meeting with a dandy who is constantly on the move and whose courage cannot be denied.

Those who are overly trusting dream of a parrot. A dream about him portends deception or empty chatter.

An eagle in a dream means strength and quick reaction.

Seeing a starling in a dream means displeasure and chagrin.

Seeing a falcon in a dream is a sign of a bold act, a deft and bold move. If you dream about falconry, then you will have to take part in a risky business. A dream in which you saw a falcon rushing at its prey foreshadows attacks from envious people and slanderers. After such a dream, you should be wary of the revenge of your enemies. A flying falcon in a dream foretells receiving bad news.

A nightingale in a dream foretells receiving news from a loved one and pleasant conversations or meetings. If in a dream you see that a nightingale has built a nest in your home, then happiness and prosperity await you. Hearing him sing in a dream is a harbinger family happiness and reciprocity in love. It is believed that the singing of a nightingale in a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding. If you dream that the singing of a nightingale alarmed you, then you will face unpleasant explanations.

Magpie is a sign of idle chatter, theft, gossip or slander.

Catching black grouse in a dream is a sign of imminent marriage, which will not bring you happiness.

A duck in a dream means marital harmony, family happiness.

Seeing an eagle owl in a dream is a warning about the need to be attentive so as not to miss an important event.

A heron in a dream is a symbol of patience.

The hawk is a symbol of toughness and mercilessness.

It is always better to see white birds in a dream than black ones, which symbolize evil, bad news, and the machinations of enemies.

Fairytale birds in a dream symbolize the unusualness of news or an incident that may happen to you.

Seeing slaughtered birds is a warning of danger.

Catching (many) birds in a dream means that soon there will be many guests in your house.

Hearing bird noise in a dream means that your house will be filled with fun and chatter from guests.

Catching a bird in a dream is a sign that what was lost will be found, and hope will be realized, although not in full.

A bunch of different birds to see in a dream is a harbinger of a process or meeting in which you will have to take part.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

See chicks in a dream - If parents dream of stork chicks, then they should pay attention to this dream Special attention, because it concerns their children. Healthy chicks promise health and happiness for your children. If the chicks are sick or something bad happens to them, then in reality some evil may happen to the children, from which only their parents can protect them.

A dream in which a woman sees a sparrow chick predicts great doubts about the upcoming choice and the need to be careful. A chick falling in a dream is a symbol of a successful turn in your affairs, but if the hairstyle is too short, then you should not be too wasteful in order to avoid misfortunes. But if a fallen chick dies before your eyes, then this is a sign of failure and unpleasant changes. For lovers, such a dream means the appearance of rivals.

Abandoned chicks in the nest are a sign of future sorrows, the fault of which will be your rash behavior and reckless actions.

If you see a person or an animal harming a nest or killing chicks, this means that some sad event awaits you ahead, which will have the worst impact on your relationship with your household and disrupt family well-being and harmony.

If you dreamed of a nest with eggs or chicks of an eagle, then such a dream is a harbinger of your strong business friendship with influential people and good luck in business.

Dream Interpretation of Peter I

Chicks in the dream book:

Rook chicks are a bad omen, you are in danger of trouble. Be constantly alert to avoid it. Abandoned chicks in a nest in a dream are a sign of future sorrows, the cause of which will be your rash behavior. Seeing birds making a nest, observing the life of birds is a joy.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do chicks dream according to the dream book?

Seeing Chicks in a dream - Finding a nest with chicks in a dream means profit, and an empty one means the end of things.

Universal dream book

If you dream about Chicks, what is it for:

Chicks - Eggs symbolize hopes and desires, chicks symbolize commitment, work and devotion.

Adaskin's Dream Book

Why do Chicks dream according to the dream book:

Chicks - Eagle's nest with chicks - business influential friends who will help. Seeing the chicks of a bird of prey in a dream is a sign that the dreamer will achieve the fulfillment of his wildest desires, but only if he shows all his innate hard work.

A dream in which you watch chicks fussing in a nest portends you extraordinary success in business. If you have never tried yourself in this field before, then in the very near future you will have a good chance. Try not to miss it.

If in a dream you see a bird hatching its chicks, then all the hardships that befell your family will soon recede. Even if now it seems to you that the situation is irreparable, very soon you will be convinced of the opposite.

You should not embark on risky adventures if the nest you dreamed of is empty. Also does not foretell anything good sleep, in which you saw chicks abandoned in a nest. He prepares you for the fact that your frivolity and carelessness will bring you many problems. However, if there are large white eggs in the nest, then what has long been planned will come true. Any trip after this dream will be successful.

Everyday dream book

Seeing Chicks in a dream:

Chicks - Seeing in a dream a nest in which chicks are sitting - expect pleasant romantic acquaintances, which quite possibly will develop in the future into strong feelings. If in a dream you saw an empty nest, then such a dream is a harbinger of disappointments and empty hopes. It is also possible to lose a close friend.

If you dreamed of an eagle's nest with chicks, then such a dream can be interpreted as soon meeting people who in the future may become your reliable business partners or your patrons.

Let's find out together why the chick is dreaming!

It is generally accepted that birds and chicks bring something. Be it luck or news, or even death. Seeing chicks in a dream can cause both negative and positive consequences in real life. You just need to understand the dream itself.

If a chick in a dream just sits in a nest, you should expect a happy occasion soon, but if it flies to meet the dreamer, then some good news is imminent that will improve your mood. Well, if a chick sits on the dreamer’s head, then this is a sure sign of the imminent death of someone from his environment. Catching chicks means an early pregnancy, so says the women's dream book. Chicks are a symbol of the birth of something. To see a bird hitting the window in a dream means that very soon you need to expect an addition to the family; if you catch it in your hand, it means there will be a girl. If the chick flies away from the dreamer, most likely a boy will be born.

Sometimes you also dream about how many young chicks rush towards the dreamer in a school; from such a dream you can expect empty negative conversations about the dreamer and gossip. If at the end the flock scatters, then all gossip will be refuted. Also, to analyze such a dream, you need to remember the plumage of the chick.

If it is dull and gray, then unhappy love will soon come, but if the feathers are bright and colorful, the search for the beloved will not be in vain. And grabbing a chick by the motley tail is the same as grabbing a bird of happiness and wealth by the tail - material reserves will soon be replenished. Wealth is just around the corner if you catch the chick on the fly. This will mean that the money itself flies into your hands.

If in a dream a chick often flies up and flies away again, this means that an old acquaintance or friend really wants to start communicating again, but due to some fears he does not do this. Maybe you need to take the first step? After all, the chick is flying to meet him, it’s worth flying to him.

If you believe the Ukrainian dream book, then a chick in a dream is a sure sign of news. And judging by the entire dream, they determine the nature of the news. If a chick hits a window or something else in a dream, then the news will be about death, but if a bird lands on your hand, it will be news about success in all endeavors. If you dream that a chick is sitting among other unhatched eggs, then you should soon expect an addition to the family. The number of eggs there were in the nest, the number of children will be born.

If these eggs are eaten in a dream, you can expect big health problems. Modern dream book interprets such a dream a little differently. But there are still coincidences, since all analysis comes from the ancestors. To know why such a dream is happening, you need to remember the entire dream as a whole. If a chick flies peacefully above the dreamers, love, happiness and good luck await him in real life.

If the bird flies quickly, as if in panic, someone is spreading dirty gossip. Seeing a lot of chicks in a dream means that you should soon expect a small profit and material well-being. If the dreamer feeds a little chick in a dream, then soon he will meet a new interesting person, which will remain in his life for a long time. If birds sing in a dream - friends are discussing, loud birdsong - their discussion will lead to a quarrel with the dreamer.

If two chicks are fighting in a nest for food, in real life two women will most likely have a big fight over a man. If in a dream the dreamer talks to a chick, there will soon be a fun moment in his life that he will remember for a long time.

A small chick wants to hide in the dreamer’s bosom - the happiness that he has been waiting for all his life will unexpectedly come. If in a dream a small chick falls from the nest and breaks off its wings, it means that in real life a person will fail in his undertaking, but you should not give up, because any wing can be healed. In a dream, a chick interferes with going somewhere, flying into your clothes or onto your face, which means enemies will interfere in life.

But if you shoot such a chick in a dream, it means getting rid of ill-wishers in reality. A dream where a woman protects her child from birds of prey means her hard work in her favorite pastime. But if you fail to scare off the chicks, then all the work will go down the drain, no matter how much time it takes. If a girl dreams of small vocal chicks for more than three nights in a row, this is a sure sign of pregnancy, and with a girl.

And this means that the subconscious gives her a lot of strength for this pregnancy, and she bears it with ease, she will flutter like a free bird. In general, if a dream is perceived with ease and good emotions, then its meaning will be positive. The dreamer woke up cheerful and satisfied after it, which means that this feeling will await him in the near future.

This article explained in detail why the chick dreams. But the most correct designations are stored in the very subconscious of a person. You just need to delve a little into yourself, find your secret meanings sleep. Remember its details and analyze it yourself.

In general, such dreams, involving a chick, are usually dreamed by dreamers and those who reject reality. They want to flutter like a free bird, so they embody this idea in their dreams. And already in a dream they reflect all their desires with the help of objects and some situations. Knowing the meaning of the elements, you can find out what is what in your dreams. Chicks dream of good luck.

Dream Interpretation Nest, why dream of seeing a Nest in a dream

Star dream book Dream Nest why do you dream?

Dream interpretation of dreams: Nest - dreams of illness and a long stay in the hospital. Evidence of impurity in your body. Change of home. Axis 6 - 12th house of the horoscope.

Home dream book Why do you dream of a Nest in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Nest is a family. Empty nest - separation, collapse in business; a female hatching eggs - thoughts about starting a family; broken eggs in the nest - disappointment and failure; abandoned chicks - a desire to quit fulfilling their family responsibilities; feeling of guilt in front of children, since you have to devote a lot of time to your career; a nest full of white eggs - success in life; dead birds in the nest - fear of losing your family.

Jewish dream book What does a Nest mean in a dream:

Nest - Find a bird's nest - move to a new place.

Big dream book Why do you dream of a Nest:

Nest - Seeing a bird's nest in a dream foreshadows an interesting business in which you will take an active part. For young people, this dream means a change of place of residence. If the nest is empty, you will experience sadness from parting with a friend. An abandoned nest means failure in business endeavors. Seeing a nest full of eggs foretells the opposite plus successful trips. Chicks in the nest - to sadness and awareness of one’s own guilt. Seeing a bird sitting on eggs in a nest means that everything will be fine in family relationships, at least in the near future. If the bird flies away and there are broken eggs underneath it, this is a sign of disappointment.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream of a Nest?

What does it mean to see a Nest in a dream - with chicks - an addition to the family, a bird builds a nest - settled life, permanent residence. A nest with many eggs means having many children. To empty or destroy a nest is to show injustice. A nest near your window is patronage from above. Seeing a nest among tree branches means interest in a profitable business. To see a cuckoo flying near the nest means a homewrecker will appear. A nest with chicks means the appearance of a long-awaited child.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Nest mean in a dream:

Nest - A quick change of “home place” - housing or work. Imagine the nest is large, strong and comfortable. The nest contains eggs or chicks. Caring parents bring them food.

An ancient dream book Why do you dream of a Nest according to the dream book?

Seeing a Nest in a dream - A Nest is a symbol of all kinds of connections. Seeing, finding a nest is joy, true happiness; family growth; the feeling of having established a strong connection with another person. Having it in your hand means profit. To carry somewhere - to feel the “burden of connections”, to be burdened by them. Destroying a nest is bad luck. To be in a big nest is to be captivated by various kinds of connections with people. A nest carefully lined with down, a hidden nest, hiding it - in your life there are connections with people hidden from your consciousness, and they determine a lot in your destiny. Seeing a swallow’s nest in a dream means you will soon live your own home. To see a birdhouse in a dream, to build it, etc. - your relationships and connections with people are largely a figment of your imagination.

Assyrian dream book Why do you dream of a Nest according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see a Nest in a dream - Seeing or building nests can mean building or installing a new house. The feeling of being a mother, the mistress of the house, and the desire to “build a nest” are typical for pregnant women. The desire to return to one's home can also be reflected in this symbol.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does the Nest mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream of a Nest? - You dream of a bird’s nest - you were not mistaken in choosing a profession; It is in this matter that you are able to achieve the best results, because you were created for it. A young woman dreams of a bird’s nest - it is possible that this woman will change her place of residence. You see a nest full of eggs in a dream - success awaits you; it's time to start new things; these deeds will glorify you; if you have a trip ahead, it will be successful; no sadness will darken your family happiness. You dream of an empty nest - a business on which you spent a lot of effort will lead nowhere; your partners will be annoyed. You see in a dream a nest with broken eggs - the dream warns that you, relying on luck or the classic “maybe!”, do not always calculate the situation in advance; your frivolity can lead you to a mistake, as a result of which your affairs will be upset.

Lunar dream book Why do you dream about the Nest?

As the dream book interprets: Nests - Marriage.

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream of a Nest according to the dream book:

Seeing a Nest in a dream - “Wasp’s Nest” - concentration of dangerous influences; "Cuckoo's nest" is a sign of absence. “to build or make your own nest” - home improvement, family; "enemy nest"; “nests” - accumulate, concentrate.

Summer dream book Why do you dream of a Nest according to the dream book:

Nest - Dreaming of a nest means wealth, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why do you dream of a Nest according to the dream book:

Nest - Seeing a bird's nest in a dream means that in the near future you will become interested in entrepreneurial activity. A young woman dreams of a nest to signify a change of home. An empty nest means separation from a friend or failure in business life. A nest full of bird eggs promises a good start to many things and successful trips. Seeing a bird hatching eggs in a nest means improving family relationships and good behavior of your children. Broken eggs dream of disappointment and failure. Abandoned chicks in a nest are a sign of future sorrows, which will be caused by your rash behavior.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Nest according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a Nest in a dream - Symbolizes a “home nest.” Finding a nest with eggs or chicks means joy, profit, family growth. Seeing an empty nest means poverty.

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does a nest mean?

Nest - Betrothal, marriage; with chicks - big profit; with eggs - family happiness; removing from a tree is a short-lived joy; to devastate, to break - to trouble, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Nest:

Nest - Finding a nest is great happiness; removing it from a tree means weddings soon; destroy the nest - your enemies rejoice

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about the Nest?

Nest - Seeing a nest in a dream means happiness and wealth, finding it means joy, happiness, luck, if it is empty means a mistake in business, ruining it means a breakdown in business, holding it in your hand or seeing it with chicks means profit.

Spring dream book Why do you dream of a Nest according to the dream book:

Nest - Marriage.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Nest – Symbol of home, engagement, marriage. With eggs and chicks - profit, happiness in the house; empty, destroyed - a break in relationships, children will leave the house. See Add. Chicks, eggs.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about the Nest:

Nest - Looking at a bird's nest in a dream means that you will be interested in successful entrepreneurship. For a young woman, this dream foreshadows a change of home. Seeing an empty nest is a sign that you will be saddened by separation from a friend. Seeing a female hatching eggs in a nest means that things will go well with you family relationships, and your children will be cheerful and obedient. Seeing broken eggs in a nest portends disappointment and failure. An empty nest in a dream can also portend failure in business life. But a nest full of white bird eggs promises you a good start to many things and successful trips. Abandoned chicks in a nest are a sign of future sorrows, which will be caused by your rash behavior, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream about a Nest:

Solves the dream book: Nest - Acquisition of some thing, a quiet life

Esoteric dream book If you dream of a Nest:

Nest - Household chores. Ruined by small domestic troubles.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Nest in a dream

In a dream, why do you dream about seeing a nest in a dream - Empty - joyful life - with dead chicks - poverty, melancholy

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Nest:

Interpretation of the dream book: Bird's nest - A good sign; finding him with birds means profit, but an empty end to things; a nest of snakes, crocodile and other harmful insects portends great concern.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of a Nest in a dream:

Bird's nest - Go to the best place, family affairs, marriage (young); find – joy, prosperity, happiness; to ruin - enemies are lurking, trouble; remove from the tree - quick wedding // not to rejoice for long; with eggs - family happiness; with chicks - profit; with dead chicks - losses, poverty; the nest of an unclean creature is bad.

Dreamed/dreamed of finding a Nest – Well-being.

Dream Interpretation: A ruined nest - For divorce.

Why do you dream of a hatching chicken?

A chick or chicks being born in a dream symbolizes the appearance of new minor troubles and problems in a person’s life. But each dream can be interpreted differently, taking into account small parts. For a man, chicken can mean an imminent illness. But, in no interpretation, the meanings carry serious consequences.

As a rule, seeing chickens in a dream will definitely lead to troubles in real life. But a newly hatched chick can mean new beginnings and opportunities. If in a dream the chicken hatched normally, it means that things will turn out well in life. A dead chicken indicates additional physical effort in achieving a specific goal. The result of such undertakings can exceed all expectations. A large number of hatched chickens speaks of upcoming worries that suddenly fell on a person. And yet, it will be quite pleasant troubles.

If a child dreams of a hatching chick, this means that he is in great need of support from loved ones. At this time, he is faced with something that is not entirely clear to him and he needs the advice of an adult. A child who dreams of a chicken is usually quite weak morally and needs the attention of others to fully develop.

Curious about what dreams of a hatching chicken mean, people also found very unusual interpretations of dreams. For example, a hatching chick could mean the beginning of a new long-term romance. But, just as a chicken makes an effort when it is born, a person will have to show a lot of patience with his new hobby. If a person drives newly hatched chickens into a chicken coop, this means the envy of his friends. Such a dream warns a person to be careful in any new business; one should not trust dubious acquaintances.

Thus, a hatching chicken portends a person the beginning of something new and profitable. But to achieve results you will need to put in a lot of effort. A dream can warn of future worries, but for minor problems. A chicken that is also trying to fly leads to long-awaited good news. It is worth paying attention to the general atmosphere of sleep. If a person feels joyful at the sight of a hatching chicken, then the dream is exclusively positive. If a person is disgusted, one should expect bad news.

A dream about a little chicken may simply reflect a person's condition. As a rule, he feels weak and defenseless. In addition, the hatching chick symbolizes the plans and motives of a person, his plans that have not yet been realized.

Each dream has its own unique meaning. It is extremely important when interpreting a dream to pay attention to the smallest details of the situation and the general atmosphere of what you see. A chick hatching in a dream can lead to both positive and negative consequences.

Chick in hands

Dream Interpretation Chick in hands dreamed of why you dream about a chick in your hands? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Chick in your hands in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chick, bird

“just hatched (flew) out of the egg (nest)” stage of childhood, inexperience, immaturity. BIRD “high-flying bird” big boss, talented a famous person. “blue bird” (happiness). “A bird in the hands is a crane in the sky” (pragmatism), “a magpie on its tail brought” (news), “dove of peace”, “first swallow” (news, beginning), “falconry”, “crane song” (devoted love, farewell), “swan loyalty, song” (last, final), “reborn from the ashes like a phoenix.” “Shooting a cannon at sparrows” – incommensurability of means and ends. “Bird joys” (small), “nightingale (love) trills.” “To be filled with a nightingale” is eloquence, joy, a declaration of love, “To repeat like a parrot” is comedy, deception, satire. “knock like a woodpecker” to report. "blind as an owl" “Like a bird in a cage” - strong melancholy, lack of freedom. “Woodpecker” is about a bad person, an “informer.” See add. rooster, duck, eggs.

Dream Interpretation - Chick

Successful business, creative endeavors, plans.

Dream Interpretation - Hands

Admiring your own hands in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity. In the old days, it was believed that the right hand in a dream means the present or close male people, and the left hand means the future or close female people. Losing a hand in a dream means losing some loved one. Shaking hands in a dream means tying good friendly relations with anyone. If in a dream some important person shakes your hand, then soon you will have a high-ranking patron, using whose capabilities you will be able to succeed in life. A dream in which you shake someone's hand to comfort the person indicates that you will soon fall out with that person. If you dream that you want to shake someone's hand but cannot, it predicts that you have competitors. A dream in which you saw someone kissing your hands encourages you not to trust this person. If the person is unfamiliar to you, then you should be wary of envious people and slanderers who want to discredit you, but at the same time gain benefit. If in a dream they say about you that you are sitting with your hands folded, then you should immediately begin to implement your plans. Having many hands in a dream is a sign that you will have a lot of work that will provide you with a decent living. But such a dream foreshadows criminals that they will soon be caught and they will suffer a well-deserved punishment. If you dream that your hands are stained with blood, then soon you will face a difficult separation from a loved one. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a quarrel with relatives awaits you. See interpretation: burn. A dream in which you saw that your hands are covered with ulcers or pimples portends you sadness and disappointment. If you break your arm in a dream, then poverty, deprivation, need, hunger or illness await you. For women, such a dream predicts a short separation from a lover or husband. Seeing dirty hands or getting your hands dirty in a dream is a harbinger of failure in business. Sometimes such a dream warns you that you should refrain from risky or gambling activities or games. Sometimes such a dream warns you of slander or envious people. Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of some unpleasant responsibilities or will be able to refuse to do some unpleasant work. If you dream that someone said about you that you have golden hands, then success in business awaits you. However, it is believed that having golden hands in a dream means that obstacles await you in business. A dream in which you saw that your arms have become stronger and longer promises profit and wealth. For women, such a dream foretells that their husband or lover will become richer or receive a promotion. Seeing hairy or rough hands in a dream is a sign of wealth and good luck in any endeavor. If you dream that your arms have become muscular, then you will successfully overcome difficulties and be able to stand up for yourself in any matter. For patients, such a dream predicts a speedy recovery. Seeing the hands of a child in a dream is a sign of prosperity and family happiness. If in a dream you find out that your hands have become weak and small, then you will be disappointed due to constant failures in everything you undertake. Sometimes such a dream indicates that your friends or partners may betray you at the most inopportune moment. A dream in which you saw an arm without a torso predicts losses in business and the danger of deception. If you dream that your hands are tied, then you will find yourself in a difficult situation and will be powerless to do anything to improve this situation. To give up on something in a dream means that you do not have enough patience and perseverance to carry out your intentions. If in a dream you saw that someone covered your hand with his or took you by the hand, then someone will interfere with the implementation of your plans or will convict you of a dishonest or vile act. See interpretation: palm, fingers, wash, soap, foam, nails, hair.

Dream Interpretation - Hands

“rule with an iron hand”, “iron fist” (strength, strong power), “hairy hand” (patronage, money), “hand washes hand” (support). “I wash my hands of” stepping away from business. “warm your hands on this” income, a winning situation. “Without getting your hands dirty” without risking anything. “Give or extend a hand” (help, friendship). “second-hand” (second-hand, gossip). “Getting your hands dirty” means getting involved in an unseemly event. “to grab the hand” to catch, to catch. “Sticking to your hands” or “floating into your hands” is easy enrichment. “my hands are itching” (for a new business, for a fight, for money). "at arm's length". “at hand” (very close). “your hands are bloody or dirty” (bad deeds). “Pull yourself together or control yourself” - strict self-control. “You can’t take it with your bare hands.” “arms are short” (difficult to achieve). “to go with an outstretched hand” poverty, misery. “as if it were gone” a quick, miraculous deliverance, a cure. “the hand does not rise” (no desire). “give up” (inactivity). “to let go” to miss, to miss something. “Give up” to call, refuse the activity. “give on the paw” (bribery). “Hands tied” - inability to act. “to be the right hand of an influential person”, “dishonest” (deceiver, swindler. “Ask for someone’s hand” to propose marriage. “We have long hands” the threat of inevitability of punishment. “giving hand”, “punishing hand” (fateful, invisible force). “hands do not reach” (lack of time for a certain task). light hand» luck, favor, skill. “heavy hand” (difficulties, rejection). “Handshake”: meeting, farewell, acquaintance, support, friendship. “Give military honor with your hand” to pay tribute, a sign of honor, respect. "tit in hand" “Hold something in your hands” i.e. possess, have what you hold. “Carry in your arms” to nurse, cherish, help, protect, revere. “feet in hand” run out of fear. “Keep your arms wider” - failure to get what you want, failure. See add. fingers, touch.

Dream Interpretation - Hand

whoever sees his hands outstretched and outstretched in a dream is a very generous person who spends and distributes most of your property. And whoever sees that he is walking on his hands will rely and rely on his brother, or son, or companion in the work that he wants to do. And if he, as a student, sees that he has put his hand under his armpit and then withdraws it with emitting light, then he will achieve highest degree and primacy in his knowledge, and if he is a business person, he will acquire primacy and good memory of himself. The right hand symbolizes a son, or a father, or a friend, or anyone who is the right hand (ie helper) for him. The left hand is the wife, mother, sister, daughter and servant. If he sees that he has lost his hand, then this indicates the loss of one of those whom this hand symbolizes. And whoever sees that his hand has been cut off, then this is a sign the death of his brother or friend, or a sign of loss of friendship and sympathy between them. If his brother has it, then he will lose support in life. They also say that anyone whose hand is cut off in a dream is a thief. The Koran says: “Cut off the hands of both the thief and the thief.” (Sura Maid, 38). Whoever sees that his arm has become long will surpass people in dignity, good deeds, generosity and complacency. And whoever sees that his hands are clenched and short, this is a sign of his stinginess. And whoever sees that he has cut his hands with a knife will see something that will greatly surprise him, for the Almighty says: “When they saw him, they praised him and cut their hands.” (Sura Yusuf, 82). And whoever sees himself biting his hand or part of it will do something for which he will repent or, according to the Almighty, become an oppressor: “And on this Day the infidel will bite his fingers.” (Surah Al-Furqan, 27). Seeing yourself losing your arms in a dream means wanting something unrealistic from life. Long arms also in a dream it means victory for a warrior, profit for a merchant and good luck for a traveler. If the imam of a mosque sees his arms long in a dream, then this indicates the strength and conscientiousness of his assistants and that he will live the rest of his life in prosperity and joy. Turning hands into wings means the birth of twins. Turning your hands into marble means joy and longevity. Anyone who sees his golden hand in a dream will have his spouse, close friend or partner die. See your third hand to birth son or little brother. Seeing your hands as eyes in a dream means that you will touch something you shouldn’t.

Dream Interpretation - Hands

If you twirl a brush or ink in your hands, it foretells a letter from afar. Holding hands with someone and climbing onto a bridge - foreshadows your wife's pregnancy. Entering a boat holding a lantern, torch, or lamp in your hand is great happiness. Blood or pus appears on the hands and feet - a sign of great luck. Holding a sword in your hands, injecting another person is a loss. Holding banners in your hands means favors, praise, rewards. Holding arrows and a bow in your hands is great happiness. Holding a knife in your hands and stabbing another person is a loss. Holding a constellation in your hands means great wealth and nobility. Another person holding your mirror in his hands portends misfortune with his wife. A woman holding a sword in her hands means great happiness and honor. Walking along the road with a torch in your hands - portends great success in business. Lighting a well with a torch in your hands portends illness. If you wash your hands or feet, it means that an old illness is going away. If you suddenly pick up a fan made of feathers, a matter will arise related to the official authorities. You climb the mountains, holding an object in your hands - your wife will give birth to a noble son. Climbing a cliff while holding a stone in your hand is a necessary promotion. Hand towel - you'll get sick. Traveling with a sword in your hands is a material benefit. If you travel with fire in your hands, you will be appointed to a position. Traveling, walking with a sword or knife in your hands - portends material gain. You clutch regalia in your hands, an award, a sign of your position in society - indicates the support of a noble person. Breaking an arm is a disease. Walking around with a knife in your hands is a material benefit.

Dream Interpretation - Hand

If you dream beautiful hands— Fame, quick mastery of your profession and a high position in your circle await you. Ugly hands or hands that have ugly shapes portend trouble. Blood on your hands promises temporary alienation among people close to you, unfair condemnation of a friend. If you see that your hand is damaged, you will have to give up part of what is very dear to you. Burning your hands in a dream promises you a loss in a competition with fate: having put all your efforts into achieving wealth, you will miss out on something more valuable. Seeing your hands thickly covered with hair in a dream promises you strong and courageous partners and competitors in your work. It is possible that such a dream warns you of the futility of intrigues against those who are actually loyal to you. If the size of your hands is larger than natural, you will quickly advance towards your brightest goal. Too small hands encourage you to be more active. Dirt on your hands is a sign that you are capable of injustice towards people who love you. If a woman admires her hands in a dream, the dream foretells that she will be able to conquer more than one sincere heart. If she sees that someone takes her hand in his and kisses it, the dream warns her to be more careful in her behavior. If you see fire in your hands that does not burn your fingers, success will take you to very great heights. Tied hands foreshadow future difficulties. Untying them in my sleep. In reality you will master the situation. An amputated hand means separation or mutual dissatisfaction between lovers (or spouses). The dream warns of possible deception or fraud.

Dream Interpretation - Hands, fingers, mittens

This symbol is very significant: hands are considered a part of the body, without which it is impossible to lead a normal life and enjoy what you live. People have a lot of proverbs and sayings in which there is a mention of hands. They have different meanings, so it is impossible to talk about the meaning of the symbol even approximately. To dream that you are looking for glasses and understand that you need them like hands, you cannot do anything without them - this dream indicates the need for an assistant; You have to find a new way to achieve what you need; You won't be able to deliver what you promised. Seeing parents in a dream who scold you for broken glass and, laughing, they say that you don’t have hands, but assembly hooks - to criticism, dissatisfaction with yourself; to reflection and the next awakening of old complexes. To dream of a person with strange hands, they look like wings and stick out from his back - you will have no luck with new employees; to problems around the house; to problems. To dream that your hands are very itchy means a fight; to clarify relationships with unbalanced people; to an accident or money. To dream that you are trying on large mittens with prickly spikes on your hands - this dream foreshadows a promotion; family relationships will improve; Your children will be a pleasant surprise; You will find a solution to a problem that has been causing you headaches for a long time. To see that you are carefully trying to wash your hands without soap, and therefore rub them together with all your might, means you have no one to rely on, so make the decision yourself; in order not to get into a dirty business, be able to give a categorical refusal in time; You will not be able to hide what you have done. To dream that water is being poured into your hands from a jug and you are washing your face - you are preoccupied with plans that you keep secret and are trying to develop a course of retreat in case of failure; You will be persecuted for hiding the truth. To dream of a person who does everything with his own hands and offers his help means that you will make a successful acquaintance; a person with great connections will appear in your circle; You have to get out of a confusing situation. To see a dream in which you are appointed as the boss’s right-hand man means that your ambitions are not destined to receive a worthy reward; do not rush to change your place of work; to a good conversation; to fulfillment of desire. To dream that you are sitting in a hole and cannot get out, but no one comes to your cry for help, no one extends a hand to you - this dream portends disappointment; You will quarrel with a reliable person; You are destined to experience new sensations. To see a man who sits like an idol, and his arms are hanging at his sides - you will have to deal with an incorrigible lazy person; what you have in mind will not come true because you will not have real allies; to misunderstanding and communication with empty people. To dream that you are starting to drown, but do not ask for help, but are trying with your last strength to get out on your own - to recognition of your merits; to a new project; to a profitable deal. You are looking for the culprit who left dirty handprints all over the apartment - this dream warns you that you should expect trouble; You will be involved in unpleasant rumors; you have to work hard to insist on your own; You have to learn something special that will cause a lot of trouble. To dream of a person who is constantly spinning in a whirlwind of affairs and cannot even sit down to rest - this dream foreshadows boredom, fatigue and monotonous activity. To see in a dream a person whose whole appearance inspires confidence and the ability to stand up for himself, about whom they say that you should not put your finger in his mouth - it seems to you that your opinion is not taken seriously; to doubts; to collisions with strongmen of the world this, the powers that be.

Dream Interpretation - Hands

Shake in a dream, as usual, right hand- a sign of true friendship and selflessness, the left - treason and vile betrayal. Seeing an armless person in a dream means losing something dear to you. If your arm is amputated in a dream, this portends separation for lovers due to the dissimilarity of characters and sexual temperament. A wounded or broken arm means that you will have to give in to the pressure of brute force; bandaged or encased in plaster promises great success in the creative field. Burnt hands warn you to be more careful and not rush into words. Seeing your hands stained with blood foreshadows a fatal combination of circumstances that will prevent you from carrying out a brilliantly developed plan in all its details. Hands stained with chalk or white paint are a sign of disappointment in love. Bruises on the arms are, on the contrary, a sign of complete success in everything related to love and sex. Seeing warts on your hands means that your enemies are not asleep; touching a toad with your hands means you will become the culprit of misfortune with your friend. Seeing a watch on your hands in a dream foreshadows complete success in business life; a bracelet is a sign of an early and happy marriage. If handcuffs snap on your hands, this is a dream foreshadowing dependence on creditors. Hairy hands portend an unexpected change in plans; large, strong and muscular - you will find a reliable patron and protector; subtle and gentle - earn universal love for your cordial attitude and goodwill.

Dream Interpretation - Hands

If you dreamed that you had beautiful, smooth, well-groomed hands, success awaits you. You will achieve a high position in society and reach heights in your profession. Ugly, cracked red hands, emaciated, ugly - such a dream portends trouble. If you wound your hands until they bleed, you will be nervous about the deterioration of relationships between your family. Burn your hands - you will lose an important matter. If your hands are covered with a thick layer of hair in a dream (and this is not true) - make a profit or good gift. This dream is not very favorable for unmarried girls: it means that in exchange for an expensive gift they will be required to provide intimate services. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, imagine that the hairy arms are not yours. Seeing your hands as too small is a symbol of the fact that you do not have enough strength and means to accomplish your plans. Imagine that you are training your arms and they become big and strong. If a woman dreams that her hand is being kissed, this means that she should be careful in her words and actions - they can be misinterpreted. Imagine that you are wearing gloves. They kiss not the hand, but the glove. Seeing your hands tied means you will not be able to achieve your goal or you will have difficulty solving an important problem. Imagine that your best friend is giving you a free hand. Giving someone your right hand means getting help from friends. If they greeted you for left hand, the dream warns of betrayal. Imagine that you didn’t say hello, but used a combat technique. You sharply pulled your opponent's left arm and knocked him to the floor. He's defeated. If one or both hands are cut off in your dream, your competitors will bypass you and you will not be able to do anything about it. Imagine being taken in an ambulance to surgery and an experienced surgeon sewing your arms back on. Everything heals quickly, your hands are able to work again. Desperately gesturing in a dream or giving someone some kind of signs with your hands - in reality you will try to warn a friend about deception or fraud. If the one to whom you gave the signs noticed them, you will be able to help your friend out, but if not, your friend will not listen to your assurances. Imagine that your signs were noticed and the one to whom they were intended interpreted them correctly.

Parrot chick

Dream Interpretation Parrot Chick dreamed of why the Parrot Chick dreams in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Parrot Chick in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Parrot

The parrot is the personification of human stupidity. There is a well-known expression among the people: “Stop repeating like a parrot.” This is what they say about people who do not have their own opinions and repeat different thoughts after other people, without completely understanding what they mean. Perhaps the image of a parrot appeared in a dream, thanks to a childhood tongue twister deposited in your subconscious: “The parrot said to the parrot, I will parrot you.” This tongue twister did not arise out of nowhere, but was a consequence of the fact that previously the parrot was a constant companion of any pirate and sat on his shoulder. So, perhaps, the image of a parrot that appears in a dream is a warning that in real life you will have to meet an evil person who threatens your honor and financial situation. Seeing a beautiful “overseas” parrot in a dream is a sign that in real life you will try in every possible way to regain the favor of an influential companion, whose trust you lost due to your own stupidity. If you dreamed of an ordinary parrot, then in reality you should be on guard, otherwise you will seriously suffer from human stupidity. Seeing a parrot in a cage in a dream is a sign that you will be able to disarm your enemy before he can stop you. If you dreamed of a parrot in the wild, then in real life you are not even aware of the danger that threatens you. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will soon have a bad meeting with a person who has recently returned from not so distant places. Seeing a talking parrot in a dream means that someone’s rash words will greatly disturb you. Perhaps such a dream indicates that in your environment there is a stupid, but very sarcastic person. If in your dream a parrot repeats your words after you, then in real life you are helping the wrong person: he is using your thoughts for his own selfish purposes. If a parrot screams loudly, then such a dream warns of great danger. You are under threat of a bandit attack. If you see a large number of parrots in a dream, then in real life you stand out favorably against the background of the people around you. You are very smart and quick-witted for being a simple employee. Watching parrots perform in a circus in a dream is a sign that you are too trusting and therefore follow advice unquestioningly. evil people. See in dead person's sleep parrot - such a dream means that you will be able to refute the evil gossip of your envious people. Perhaps this dream is clear evidence that you should gather all your will into a “fist” and refute the false information about you that was received by influential, superior people.

Dream Interpretation - Parrot

Seeing a parrot on the ground means your companions are of no use. A pregnant woman sees a parrot - signifies the birth of her daughter. Seeing a parrot flying means well-being; all difficulties and problems are behind you. Seeing a parrot on a tree means illness. Seeing him in a cage means difficulties. Seeing a dying parrot means your friends will deceive you. Selling a parrot means victory over difficulties.

Dream Interpretation - Parrot

A parrot chattering in your dreams promises you empty activities and idle gossip among your friends. Seeing a parrot in a calm state foretells long periods of peaceful silence in family discord. For a young woman who dreams that she has a parrot, the dream foretells that her lover will assume that she has a bad temper. Teaching a parrot to speak means that you will have troubles in personal matters. A dead parrot foretells the loss of friends.

Dream Interpretation - Parrot

The parrot is the personification of human stupidity. “He’s stuck on the same things like a parrot,” they say about people who don’t have their own opinions. Seeing a beautiful, colorful parrot in a dream is a sign that in real life you have come across a talker and talker. A parrot in a cage, you will be able to get rid of an unnecessary person. The parrot screams loudly, you are threatened, some kind of danger.

Dream Interpretation - Parrot

If you dream of a chatty parrot, empty activities and idle gossip among friends await you. A silent parrot portends a long period of peaceful silence in family life. If a young woman dreams that she has a parrot, her lover will have reason to suspect that she has a bad temper. Teaching a parrot to talk means trouble in personal life. A dead parrot foretells the loss of friends.

Dream Interpretation - Parrot

Seeing small budgies in a dream foretells that you will soon be privy to some purely feminine secret. A macaw parrot seen in a dream foreshadows deception on the part of partners. Seeing a parrot in a zoo preening its feathers or fluttering around foreshadows an important meeting with influential people who have enough power to provide you with the necessary support. A talking parrot in your apartment - such a dream means future happiness in married life and prosperity in the home. Buying a parrot in a dream means that you will hear such gossip about yourself that you won’t believe your ears. Feeding a parrot means marriage to an unreliable person.

Dream Interpretation - Parrot

A flying parrot is news from another country. Sitting in a cage means idleness and idleness. A talking parrot - to gossip, deceitful chatter. Teaching a parrot to speak means trouble in your personal life. A dead parrot means loss of friends. If a girl dreams that she has a parrot, her admirer will think that she has a bad character.

Dream Interpretation - Parrot

(See interpretation: birds) A parrot in a dream symbolizes deception and gossip. If you dream that he screamed, then be afraid of the machinations of enemies and envious people. Feeding a parrot in a dream means that deceitful people will want to take advantage of you for their own selfish purposes. Many parrots in a dream are a sign of empty chatter and empty promises that should not be trusted. Seeing a large bright parrot in a dream is a warning about the deception of a close friend. The brighter the parrot's plumage and the larger it is, the bolder the lie you will hear. See interpretation: feathers.

Dream Interpretation - Parrot

A parrot chattering in your dream predicts empty activities and idle gossip among your friends. A silent parrot portends peace and silence in family life. If in a dream you taught a parrot to speak, get ready for troubles in personal matters.

Dream Interpretation - Parrot

You should talk less to anyone about your problems. Your words can be used against you. If the parrot was talking in your dream, try to remember what he was talking about and draw conclusions. A flock of bright parrots sitting on the branches of a tree portends you pleasure and fun. But be more careful about your money - unexpected expenses can plunge you into the abyss of debt. Parrots attacking you, beating their wings. – You shouldn’t fly by plane. It may be dangerous. Killing a parrot in a dream means being disappointed in a good acquaintance or friend. Don't be surprised if you find out that someone close to you has spread gossip about you or spilled your official secrets.

Dreams about chicks, toilets, mice


Yuri Petrov

Don’t attach importance to dreams - that’s the advice



It is well known that the egg is a symbol of the origin of life and has the power of rebirth and renewal.

In dreams, this symbol can have several meanings and interpretations. According to ancient legends, sorcerers and magicians whose actions were associated with evil spirits They ate an egg in the shell to double their strength.

You probably remember that the fairy-tale villain Koschey the Immortal kept his life in an egg. In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality, longevity, and infinity. The custom of painting and eating eggs is still very popular.

Folk wisdom contains many sayings and proverbs related to this symbol. They said about an empty and insignificant matter: “Not worth a damn.” In another case, the egg was considered a symbol of infancy.

They said about a caressed and spoiled child: “A hatched egg is always a chatterbox.” It was believed that no serious actions should be expected from such a person.

If in a dream you eat an egg, this means that in reality you are paying too much attention to an empty and unnecessary matter.

A dream in which you dropped and broke an egg means that with your careless actions you can destroy your own happiness.

Seeing broken eggshells in a dream is a sign that you need to take care of your health.

To dream about how you collect eggs in nests means that significant changes for the better will come in your life.

If you saw in a dream how you hatched eggs yourself, it means someone close to you will need your attention and help.

A dream in which you treat someone to an egg dish indicates that a person will appear in your life who will change your whole life.

See in a dream rotten eggs- a bad sign.

Seeing a two-yolk egg in a dream means an ambivalent situation.

If in a dream you are trying to cook scrambled eggs, and a living chicken comes out of a broken egg, this is a sign that you are using your chance unwisely.

Seeing a huge mountain of eggs in a dream means prosperity.

A dream in which you saw a snake devouring an egg means evil and illness.

To see a pike hatching eggs in a dream is a sign that you are overly carried away by your fantasies, which are replacing your real life.

A dream in which you are waiting for a chicken to finally hatch from an egg means that you are too passionate about something that has long been in the past. They say about this: “These are hatched eggs.”

If in a dream you are trying to break and peel the shell of an egg, in reality you will have to be more careful. They will try to deceive you and involve you in significant financial expenses. People say: “They peeled off like an egg.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Hello! I would like to know what the dream I had today could mean a strange dream. But first, I'll tell you the backstory. Last night I was at a friend's birthday party. Stayed the night. I tossed and turned for half the night, for some reason I was afraid that I wouldn’t wake up in the morning. In short, in the morning, on the verge of sleep and wakefulness, I dreamed the following: The alarm clock is ringing. My friend wakes up first and says that she is afraid to get out of bed because yesterday she made a purchase, and in the bag, in addition to what she bought, there were some yellow chicks that terribly pester people if they are stirred up. Having said this, she still jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I, consumed by curiosity, carefully approached the black travel bag. It was half filled with walnuts, and between these nuts sat motionless small completely yellow birds, probably still chicks. As soon as I came closer, one of the chicks fluttered up and began to flap its wings quickly and quickly in front of my face, thus staying in the air in one place. I tried to brush it off, but the chick was persistent and got in my face like an annoying fly. Then I took a net that had come from nowhere and all the chicks that were in the bag, caught it in this net and threw them over the balcony. When my friend came out of the bathroom, I said that I had found a way to deal with these chicks: you just need to catch them with a net and shake them out over the balcony. It’s strange that in the dream I wasn’t afraid of these chicks, unlike my friend (in reality I’m very timid, afraid of all sorts of surprises). Then the phone rang (she doesn't actually have home phone), I picked up the phone and heard the voice of another friend, who asked me to give a letter to one of our mutual friends, since she herself could not, because she was in another city and would never return. I was sad that I would never see her again. During the entire conversation on the phone, I was cutting cabbage. Why all this?;-) About myself: a young lady of 27 years old. The only thing I understand is the cabbage, since the day before I was actively cutting it. The rest surprises me and scares me a little.


I walk and see a chick on the ground, I start catching it this way and that, then I cover it with a cage. I hold him in my hand, and he keeps trying to break free, and then suddenly he becomes a dog, the same breed as the dog at my house. And the three of us went home: me, my dog ​​and the transformed chick. Then I’m either at the dacha that they bought for me, or I’m just looking at the surroundings. But the two-story house for two owners made an impression. Firstly, one half of the house was painted green, but much darker than the other. I look at the wall of the house; there was clearly a door at the second floor level, but now it is blocked. You can also see holes from nails and lighter outlines on the wall, like a staircase once went down from this second floor. I walk around the house, and it turns out to be in a dilapidated state. I understand that I don’t even want to go into it and that a new one needs to be built in its place. I'm at my ex's house young man with whom I broke up 4 years ago. And there is complete debauchery, some women, some men. I don’t like it, I go out into the yard, I look in the booth behind the bars and an angry dog ​​rushes at me. He comes out and opens the cage, and there is a man sitting there with the dog (apparently a homeless person), he has bloody scabs around his mouth, I am so disgusted that I am even afraid to touch any object around me. My boyfriend said this guy is only there for the money. And he sits like this with this dog, and she shares this little world of hers with him. The picture touches the soul. Then we go into the room and the guy starts pestering me, and in the dream, apparently I’ve been living with him for a long time. But I’m so disgusted, I push and look at the clock, it’s already 12 noon. And he so crazy grabs me by the hair and says: “You promised me a child!” What a freak! Honestly, it ruined the whole mood! I haven’t seen him for 4 years, but here he is on you!


What does a director want to say when he makes a film about the bleak plight of the oppressed? First a chick sits in a cage, then a homeless person. Both will sit “for money” until they learn to earn their living in another way. The heroine of the dream almost finds herself in a similar position. We see a house “for two owners”, where everyone – in theory – should have their own space. But this house is not suitable for living. This picture may be related to the current situation, or to the past. Since your boyfriend from the dream “showed up” from the past, we are talking about a warning about the possibility of a repetition of the negative past. Perhaps you are trying to build a new relationship according to the old pattern. Then, they might end up the same way. You will feel better if you gain economic independence from your friends.

How interesting it is sometimes to look through a dream book and find out what a dream you had at night means! Sometimes you can find unexpected forecasts, practical advice and reasonable warnings in interpreters.

If you dreamed of a chick, this is also not without reason, and interpreters have decodings of this symbol. Do you want to know why chicks dream? As easy as pie!

Looking ahead, let’s say that it is very rare to find such positive and pleasant interpretations in dream books as in this case. A chick - whether it is in the nest, in your hands or just hatched, is always a symbol of something beautiful. So know in advance that your dream means something very pleasant! But to find out more specifically what the chick is dreaming about and what awaits you, it’s worth remembering all the details. Eg:

  • I dreamed of a bird’s nest, and in it were eggs or chicks.
  • The chick is in your hands, catch or hold it.
  • Bird with babies in the nest.
  • Chicks without a mother bird in a dream.
  • Seeing the baby hatch from the egg.

There are still many options and subtleties, you must remember for yourself, because each dream is individual. So, remember - and start interpreting!

Only see

First, let's look at a dream in which you did nothing but just saw the chicks from the outside.

The chick itself is a positive sign of pleasant changes. Such a dream means that it is time for you to prepare for something new and very important for you in life. The dream book also says that this symbol can promise everyone the fulfillment of their cherished desires. But for this you need to move actively, not sit still and show courage.

If you dreamed of a brood in a nest with, or even better - with two, mom and dad, this is a great sign. This dream of yours signifies all the best things associated with family. If you dream of a family, your dreams will soon become a happy reality. Perhaps the birth of a baby or a wedding. A period of peace and complete harmony begins in your home.

The nest itself is a symbol of your plans and inner potential. If it is empty, then it’s time for you to think - the time has come best time in your life to do something. Look for something that is truly interesting to you. If you find yourself in the nest, your idea is ready to be realized, you just need to take the first step! Well, if the eggs were already empty, cracked, the step was taken. You are on the right path, keep taking action and move towards your goal!

Now let's see what chicks dream about without an adult mother bird. This is also a very good omen. You are a strong, self-sufficient person, and are ready to realize your bold plans. Higher power as if they are hinting to you that you are doing everything right, just believe in yourself more! Then everything will work out for you in the near future, and in the best possible way. Realize yourself!

If you see a chick that is already flying, know that your creative ideas will also take flight. Perhaps you still feel some uncertainty about your own plans and ideas, but you just have to start implementing them - and everything will work out!

Bird in hands - and not only

If in your dreams you not only saw chicks, but also did something, the interpretation will be different. For example, you could catch a chick, hold it and do many other things. After all, this is a dream! If you happen to feed or save a baby, great! Your prognosis is extremely fortunate. With your own hands you can build complete well-being and your own happiness, and it depends only on you.

If you found a bird's egg and broke it, then in reality you are ready to act boldly, take a decisive step right now. The dream book assures that fears, anxieties and uncertainty will recede, the main thing is to decide on the first, main step and begin to implement your plans. This is how you will come to your dream.

Killing a chick in a dream is a warning. Your rash actions can harm yourself, and above all, disrupt your plans. If you strive to achieve something, then think about every step, comprehend everything, be responsible. You can either destroy or build your prosperous future with your own hands.

Have you ever held a chick in your own hands? This is rare good sign! Now everything depends on you, and only that. Luck will smile on you and will always be on your side. So start walking towards your dream, it is about to come true!

Dreams about chicks are extremely happy. You are lucky if you have such a dream, know this. Believe in the best, and happiness will soon knock on your door!