What to name a girl to make her happy. Fashionable names for spring babies

05.08.2019 Business
Once upon a time there was a girl, her name was Mashenka. Mashenka was a kind and smart girl, she helped her mom and dad, tidied up her toys, books and pencils, and even made her own crib. Mom and dad couldn't be happier with their daughter. And she had a lot of friends, because Mashenka was a non-greedy girl, she always shared her toys and molds, helped the kids build sand castles, and in winter lift sleds up the hill. She was always cheerful and never quarreled with anyone. And no one, not a single person knew that Mashenka had a terrible secret - she was afraid of the dark. She was afraid to the point of trembling, to the point of pain in her tummy, that when evening came and Mashenka lay down in her small, cozy bed, mom and dad would come to kiss her good night and wish her “ Good night”, they will turn off the light and leave her alone in the dark, alone with her fear.
The fact is that evil monsters lived in Mashenka’s room. There were a lot of them, they were hiding under the bed, behind the closet, under the table and in the closet. And, as soon as the light was turned off, they began to crawl out of their shelters, spreading their terrible clawed paws and baring their mouths with huge teeth and slowly approaching Mashenka. Every night Mashenka fell asleep crying, huddled in the corner of the crib and pulling the blanket over her head. Mashenka was not a coward. At first, she even tried to fight the monsters, but as soon as she approached one of them, it disappeared, became invisible, but even more of them appeared from other corners.
Mashenka was completely exhausted. I stopped getting enough sleep and became sad and distracted. Even mom and dad noticed this and asked if she was sick. But Mashenka was ashamed to admit her fears. She’s already big, she can even read, but she’s afraid of the dark. Someone else will think that she is a “little one” and a “coward”!
So Mashenka lived with her fears, tormented, suffered, until the happiest night of the year arrived, when even children can stay up until the morning. Can you guess what night this is? Well, of course, New Year!
Mashenka found many wonderful gifts under the tree, but the most wonderful gift was a soft, fluffy unicorn. Bright Pink colour, with a long silken mane and tail and a mother-of-pearl horn on his forehead. The unicorn's hooves were golden, and if you pressed its tummy, the horn began to glow. When Mashenka finally got tired and went to her crib, she took the unicorn with her, snuggled up to him and did not notice how she fell asleep. Mom and dad looked into her room, saw that her daughter was sleeping, and turned off the light...
And then monsters crawled out from all corners, approaching the crib and stretching out their predatory paws to Mashenka. Mashenka woke up and almost screamed in fear, but restrained herself and only hugged her unicorn tightly. But what is it that beats so smoothly and calmly under your hand in the soft pink fur? Out of surprise, Mashenka opened her eyes, closed with fear, and saw that the unicorn’s horn was glowing with a bright pink light. The unicorn stirred in Mashenka’s arms, fidgeted, jumped to his feet, winked at Mashenka with a cheerful blue eye, shook his mane and jumped off the bed onto the floor, loudly clicking his hooves. Impatiently moving his legs, he threw his head back, beautifully arching his neck, and quietly neighing, he began to grow. Now he became the size of a small dog, and before Mashenka had time to be surprised, a beautiful horse appeared before her in all its glory, only pink in color and with a glowing horn on its forehead. Menacingly tilting his head with a horn towards the monsters, flaring his nostrils, the unicorn kicked his hoof so that sparks fell from under it. The monsters suddenly began to shrink, shrink and burst like soap bubbles as soon as they were hit by the magical light emanating from the horn. This continued until all the monsters burst.
Then the unicorn came up to the crib, bowed its head and nuzzled Mashenka’s shoulder. Mashenka hugged his neck and felt that he began to shrink. He became smaller and smaller until he became the same as before, then he jumped onto Mashenka’s bed and lay down next to her. Mashenka snuggled up to his warm, soft side and fell asleep calmly, feeling the strong, brave heart of her friend beating under her hand, always ready to protect her. Since then, Mashenka stopped being afraid of the dark, because she was not alone, her friend, a magical unicorn, who guarded her sleep, was always with her.

We continue to publish therapeutic talespsychologist Elena Khritova -to help parents and children. This time the focus is on children's fears.

Summer is in full swing. Children and parents have long-awaited holidays. You can relax and enjoy the warmth, sunshine and relaxation. Can…. Only every summer parents come to me for consultation with the same request: how to send their child to camp, to distant grandparents, or to go on a hike without worrying themselves and, what is much more important, to calm a child who is afraid change. This is how this fairy tale was born to help both children and parents.

Fairytale therapy is one of the youngest areas in modern practical psychology, but the method used is one of the most ancient. The word has always had magical power and was able to support a person. .

Sveta is a very good and smart girl. Only she had one problem: Svetochka was a big coward. No, not even like that: she was a BIGGER COWARD. The girl’s parents were also very good, but they were worried – they were very worried. This is how Sveta grew up - she was afraid of everything, doubted everything, and her parents were completely worried about their baby. One day, at the end of spring, their old friend, Aunt Anya, who worked part-time as a fairy, came to visit them. She looked at her parents, watched Svetochka and decided that it was time for her to get rid of her big and small fears, and it was time for her parents to let their little girl go... well, let’s say to camp.

What started here! Svetochka shouts: “I don’t want to, I won’t go, I’m afraid!” The parents are fussing, they are calming Svetochka, they are slowly brushing away a tear, but the fairy Aunt Anya stands her ground - we need to go and that’s it! They say that this is the only way to grow and cope with your fears. Sveta is even more stubborn. Aunt Anya looked at the girl carefully and said:

“You know, when I was a child, I was also afraid of a lot of things, just like you are now.” And then my grandmother told me a fairy tale - about the girl Boyuska. Do you want me to tell it to you now?
“Oh, tell me,” Svetochka was delighted.
- Well, then make yourself comfortable and listen.

Once upon a time there was a girl a little like you. She was cheerful, kind, sympathetic, everyone loved the girl, but this girl was afraid of everything in the world. That’s what her name was—Boyuska.

- Let's go to the pool! - Afraid's friend's name is.
- Oh, I won’t go, what if I catch a cold and get sick? - Bojuska answers.
- Come out, let's ride bikes! - Petenka, her neighbor, calls out to Afraid.
- No I'm not going! Suddenly I'll fall off my bike! - Bojuska answers.
“You need to participate in the city Olympiad in mathematics, you have a talent for mathematics,” says Marya Petrovna Boyuska, a mathematics teacher.
- No, what are you talking about! You’d better send Bublikov, he’s certainly a little worse at solving problems, but he’s not afraid at all. What if I can’t cope with the task? What will happen then?! Horrible, terrible! No, I won’t go,” Afraid gets scared.

This is how our Boyuska lived, choosing what was calmer and quieter, so that it wouldn’t be scary. She was a very capable girl, and she did a lot, but she didn’t use her abilities, she preferred to sit quietly in the back desk. So life would have passed by... if Life itself had not become tired of always sitting in the shadows and watching others. And so the girl’s life decided to talk to her frankly.

Life went to the girl, and when she saw her, she began to cry:

- Help, save me, the scary man wants to attack me!
“You yourself are a fearful person,” Life was indignant. - No, just listen to what this girl says about me! She herself brought me to this state, and now she’s screaming as if a pack of wolves attacked her! And there is no point in pretending to be holy innocence! I am your life! It's clear?! - Life barked.

- How is my Life?! — Bojuska didn’t believe it. - Why are you so scary, huh? Why are you so mmmm... dead? — Bojuska asked timidly.
- What should I be like? - Life was offended. “You don’t give me a break, you’re afraid of everything, you limit me in everything—no joy, no pleasure, just fears.”
“Well, I have good intentions,” Afraid began to justify herself. - There are a lot of dangers around...
- Danger! - Life screamed in indignation. “There are plenty of opportunities around, but you invent the dangers yourself!” Here's the right name they came up with for you - you're afraid!
- Well, yes, I’m afraid that I might make a mistake or that I don’t have the right to do something, but I hope, but in vain. After all, I’ll be upset... Why should I be upset? — Bojuska began judiciously.
- Yeah, and so, of course, you are extremely happy and proud of your achievements? — Life asked sarcastically.
“Well, it’s not that I’m proud and it’s not that I’m happy...” began Afraid.
- No, just look at me! - Life interrupted her. - Do you like me?!
- Well…. — Bojuska began diplomatically.
“That’s it,” Life interrupted her again. “But I was given to you for joy, for pleasure, so that, with my help, you become better, so that you achieve something, be happy and upset about something, so that you laugh and get angry.” Yes, there is a lot more of this! In short, it is your right and my duty to make your life bright, interesting, and joyful. And you don’t let me fulfill my duties. You limit me in everything, I’m completely tired!
- Do you have any responsibilities? - Boyuska was surprised.
- But of course! - Life was inspired. - I owe you, and you owe me. I tell you - interesting events, accomplishments, gifts, discoveries, surprises. And you give me freedom, the joy of having me. Understood?
“That’s how it is,” said Bojuska doubtfully. - What if there are some dangers or troubles? So what then, huh?
- Am I putting you in trouble?! - Life was indignant. “You’re the one who declares my gifts a nuisance.” How you look at the situation is how it will turn out. If you only think about troubles, then you will find them in every case. If you try to see opportunities, then so many opportunities will open up that you just have time to realize them!
“But I’m afraid that I won’t be able to implement them,” Boyuska began to doubt again.
“If you continue to be afraid of me, then I will quietly dry up.” There is no life without joy, where there is fear there is no joy. So, do you intend to feed me with joy or have you decided to completely starve me to death?
“Yes, I would be glad, but I just don’t know how to stop being afraid,” Boyuska became sad. — Do you know how impudent their fears are? So you don’t invite them at all, so they show up without asking and run the show as if they were at home.
“Well, that’s understandable,” Life began. “They themselves are afraid of fear, so they “stick” to the one who is weaker. And the more you chase them, the more scared they become and this makes them even more clingy to the person.
- Well, what should we do? — Bojuska asked with fear in her voice.
“Don’t drive away your fears,” Life advised. - Don’t drive them away, but calm them down.
- How is that?
- Well, how-how! How are babies calmed down? They tell them something funny or sing a song... so you try it.
“No, I’m afraid I won’t succeed,” said Bojuska sadly.
- Be afraid and do it! Then it will work out. This is what I'm telling you. Your life. You know, I love the brave and willingly help them.
- OK. “I’ll try,” said Afraid timidly.
- No need to try! - Life said with annoyance. “Just do it, and everything will work out, it will definitely work out, give me freedom,” said Life and added: “Well, it’s time for me to prepare surprises for you!” - And she walked away, comically jumping from foot to foot, like a mischievous girl. Afraid looks at her Life and the girl begins to like it more and more. And I'm afraid I'll start tomorrow new life. Completely different...

I woke up in the morning, and my fears were right there. They were waiting for her, licking their lips, and instead of the usual “I’m afraid,” she began to attack them herself. Attacks and laughs.

“Oh,” he says, “I’m afraid I’ll eat the toothbrush now!”

I went to the kitchen and saw the kettle standing.

- Oh, I'm afraid! What if the teapot starts flying?! How can I pour tea then?!

The night is coming. The girl goes to bed and has fun again:

- Oh, I'm afraid! If fears don’t come, then who will I scare? We need to sing them a lullaby... - and she sang “My cheerful, ringing ball! Where did you run off to?" Our fears became quite sad and we decided to get out as quickly as possible while our legs were still moving.

The girl's life changed, filled with events, adventures and pleasant surprises. The fears were all hidden. It is understandable, who will like it if they are scared from morning to evening, they themselves are attacked, and even laughed at.

And Bojuska decided that since all her fears were hidden, then her old name no longer suited her. And she decided to become Anya. After all, Anechka sounds much nicer. She also hung a poster above her bed that read: “Life loves the brave!”

Here's the story.

Svetochka was silent for a while, looked at Aunt Anya and asked:

- But this is a story about you, right?
“Maybe about me, maybe not,” Aunt Anya smiled mysteriously. - It doesn’t matter at all here. It is important to understand a very simple thing - you cannot live and be constantly afraid. Here you need to choose either fear or life.
- You know? - said Svetochka. - I choose life. And I'll go to the camp. Only I’m a little afraid... well, just a little bit... you can be a little afraid, right? And I will also attack my fears myself, let them fear me.

Questions for children and their parents:

  1. What do you think Boiuska’s life looked like at the beginning of the fairy tale and what it looked like at the end?
  2. Think and draw your Life. What would your Life tell you? Is she happy with everything?
  3. How did Bojuska cope with her fears?
  4. What are your own ways of dealing with your fears?

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Create a joyful, festive mood for all KVN participants. The competition program develops creativity and teamwork skills.

Target: Creating a joyful, festive mood for all KVN participants.

Tasks: development of creative activity, ability to work in a team.

Progress of the event

Today in this hall we will hold KVN “Come on, girls!” I invite our competition participants to take their places!

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests! I sincerely congratulate the most beautiful half of humanity - our teachers and girls on the upcoming International Women's Day!

Leading: Dear girls! You are greeted by your knights - the boys of our school. And they prepared poems for you

  1. The sun is beautiful in the sky,
    The birds are singing merrily.
    They wish you joy,
    And they send greetings to spring!
  2. Today we are like dandies,
    In front of you at the blackboard,
    But more beautiful than our girls
    We didn't anyway.
  3. You are as beautiful as stars
    And the eyes sparkle with fire.
    And your smiles are sweet
    Outshine the sun during the day!
  4. You are so nice to us!
    You girls are simply awesome!
    That's why we all want it so much
    Be like you!
  5. We wish you only happiness.
    And we'll tell you a secret:
    Our girls are more beautiful
    There is simply no one in the whole school!

All: Happy holiday, congratulations!

Leading. Allow me to introduce the members of our esteemed jury!

JURY I salute you,
After all, you are an eye and an eye today.
Please judge them all fairly,
Today you decorate the place with yourself.

(Presentation of the jury.)

Attention attention! Friends!

I am announcing the first competition.

1 Competition "Business Card"

Each team introduces itself: The participants stand in a semicircle. Everyone is dressed according to their flower. The team captain has a notepad and pen in his hands.

We thought and wondered for a long time,
What should we call ourselves?
Soon we are tired of arguing
And they decided to reason.

2nd. Or rather in our honor!

Captain. So. On this day gifts are given.

3rd. Only if you have money!


Okay, then we are with you
We will be like gifts ourselves!

No, I don't understand something
What are the gifts for?

We will be like boxes,
Is everyone tied in bows?


Not really. Think some more.
Well, let's remember!

I know! On this spring day
They give the girls flowers!


That's right, we'll be flowers!
We are just alike!

(Name) will be Cornflower,
Delicate, blue flower.

(Name) violet beauty,
All the girls like her

And (name) is a rose,
Everything looks beautiful.
But this rose has thorns,
May be dangerous.

(Name) – astro-star,
She is always bright.
Blooms closer to autumn
It will go into your bouquet.

I'm like a bright light
Wonderful flower
Magnificent, important, like a gentleman,
And my name is Tulip.


I am a very useful and wonderful flower,
He helped many people escape from illness.
I have great power in cosmetics,
People call me daisy.

We got it all!
We are a top class team!

And the name is no secret,
Who are we?

All. Festive bouquet!

Team Cinderella's business card

Props: bench, frying pan and cast iron.

The song “At least believe it, at least check it out...” is playing.

Dasha is sitting on a chair. Cleans the pan. Sighs.

Cinderella- Dasha:

So everyone left,
The house became empty.
There's a fun ball out there somewhere,
I'm just sad here.
The roses have been replanted and the beds have all been weeded.
And the bags of wheat are also ground.
Oh, how I would like to spin in a waltz.
With the prince, the most fabulous one to take and make friends with.

Fairytale music sounds. The light goes out. A boy comes out. He has a tiara on his pillow.

Boy: This is for you. And go to the ball.

Cinderella: Are you a wizard?

Boy: What are you saying, I'm just learning.

Fairytale music sounds. The light goes out.

At least believe it, at least check it,
But yesterday I dreamed
It's like I'm standing on stage surrounded by friends
And when my dream melted away,
Like night clouds
this dress appeared
Apparently this is not without reason...

Cinderella: Oh, what Nice dress, just like Cinderella in the fairy tale! What a wonderful dream! And here is the announcement: KVN “Come on, girls!” is being held.

The dream comes true...

Of course, I will participate in KVN! I know that I, like Cinderella, will have to try very hard, but I’m not afraid to work, I boldly take on everything! Moreover, I am not alone, my friends are with me.

(The whole team comes out.)

Fairytale music sounds.


Oh, hello, I think I was daydreaming.
Let's get acquainted, this is our team.


We are ordinary girls
We dreamed of going to the ball and a miracle happened,
We suddenly found ourselves at KVN.
We are very excited...
But we are not afraid at all, because we are all together.

(Gesture to the hall.)

Oh yes, about us, we are students.
We study in 3rd grade,
We love our school
As soon as we arrive, everyone immediately: “Hello”
We speak to the whole class.

Cinderella: You know, we are much happier than Cinderella, because we have a family, this is our huge cool, school Family.

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a holiday
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
We will always be together, we cherish love,
Resentment and quarrels are away from us,
I want my friends to say about us:
What a good family we are!

Together: Our team is called CINDERELLA.


And I hasten to tell the contestants,
You and I are certainly not enemies,
This evening you must
be beautiful and smart.
Make jokes, joke and dance,
Don't let all the viewers get bored.

Leading: And now the floor to our judges. (judges give points)

2 Competition “Jokes - Riddles”

Each correct answer is worth 1 point. The teams are given questions and pieces of paper where they write answers to each riddle.

  1. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Out of empty)
  2. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One)
  3. Can a penguin call itself a bird? (No)
  4. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
  5. Which two pronouns spoil the road? (Me, we)
  6. Can a blackbird freeze its tail? (No)
  7. My name is Tolya, my sister has only one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother? (Tolya)
  8. Alyosha spends 5 minutes on the way to school. How many minutes does he spend if he goes alone with his sister? (5 minutes)
  9. When can you injure your hand on water? (When she turns to ice)
  10. When a goose stands on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on two legs? (2 kg)
  11. What happens to the crow when she turns 7 years old? (The 8th will go).
  12. Why do village kids walk barefoot? (On the ground).
  13. The first syllable is a domestic animal, the second is a measure of area, the whole word is the name of the river. (Volga).
  14. Two people were walking and talking. “She’s white,” says one. “No, black,” says another. “I also have a red one,” says the first one. What are we talking about? (About currants).

Leading. There is nothing more beautiful and tender on earth than flowers. Flowers decorate every holiday. With the help of flowers we express our feelings to people dear to us.

3rd competition “Guess the flower”

I give each team an envelope, and in it are questions, dear girls, you must guess what flowers we are talking about and write down the name of the flower on a piece of paper.

1 envelope

  1. Yellow chickens on a green bed, southern belles (mimosa) appear in the spring
  2. The rye is earing in the field, there, in the rye, you will find a flower. Bright blue and fluffy, it’s just a pity that it’s not fragrant. (Cornflower)
  3. A ball grew on a long fragile leg near the path, the breeze rustled and scattered this ball (Dandelion)
  4. There are white bells on a green cord (Lily of the Valley)
  5. It grows on bushes in the garden, the smell is sweet, like honey, but often the tears flow from those who tear with their hands... (roses)

2 envelope

  1. There is a little curl in the field - a white shirt, a golden heart, what is it? (Chamomile)
  2. Pink, white, crimson, red in May I am beautifully fragrant (Peony)
  3. Everyone is familiar with us, bright as a flame. We are namesakes with small nails. Admire the wild scarlet... (Carnations)
  4. Nasadova, on the path there is a white bell on a leg. The aroma intoxicates them all - attracts bees and butterflies (Lily)
  5. A flower in whose petals Thumbelina lived (bell)

While the teams are preparing answers to the task, we will play with the audience.

Fairy tales got mixed up

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a Frog Princess. So one day she sat on a gray wolf and went to look for the feather of Finist Yasna Falcon. The wolf is tired, asks to rest, and she tells him: “Don’t sit down, don’t eat the pie!” And the wolf got angry and said: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets!” The Frog got scared, hit the ground and at midnight turned into a pumpkin. Chernomor saw her and dragged her to his castle.

(“Princess - Frog”, “Finist - Clear Falcon”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Zaykina’s Hut”, “Cinderella”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”)

4 Competition – “Craftswomen”

All girls should always be the most elegant and neat. Now we will check how you can sew on buttons. Choose three (four) craftswomen from each team. On cotton, each of you, in turn, must insert a needle into a thread and sew on a button. Speed, strength and accuracy of work are assessed.

5 Competition – “Daughters – Mothers – Fathers”

Leading: I will give each team hat, jacket, mittens, scarf. Choose two girls to play the role of daughters. For this competition, I invite one boy who will play the role of a dad, because not only mothers should be able to dress their children for kindergarten, and a girl who will play the role of a mother, and we will see who gets their daughter ready for kindergarten more carefully. The team that dresses their daughter quickly and accurately will win.

A word from our jury.

6 Competition – “Make words”

The teams are given pieces of paper on which syllables are written.

Task: in 3 minutes. make up as many words as possible.

For each word - 1 point.




Possible words: river, turnip, milk, galosh, goat, sulfur, hay, horns, village, scythe, company, lard, porridge, note, carriage, rose.

Game with the audience “Fairy tales are mixed up”

Once upon a time there were three bears. And they had a bast hut, and there was also an ice hut. So Mouse Norushka and Frog Frog were running past, they saw huts and said: “Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and turn your front to us!” The hut stands there, not moving. They decided to enter, walked up to the door and pulled the handle. They pull and pull, but they cannot pull. Apparently Snow White is lying there and waiting for Emelya to kiss her.

(“Three Bears”, “Zaykina’s Hut”, “Teremok”, “Baba Yaga”, “Turnip”, “Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs”, “At the Order of the Pike”.)

7 Competition “Homework”

Guys, you know. That in KVN one of the competitions is homework . We also have such a competition. Each team was given the task of preparing and singing ditties . And now we will see who will cope with this task better. Competition of ditties.

Leading: Word to our judges.

8 Competition “In the World of Music”

All girls love to sing and we have just made sure of this, but now we’ll check if they can guess the name of a song or dance using two guesses


First word:

When he is small, he is yellow and fluffy.

He loves to swim and dive in the water.

The storyteller Andersen wrote a sad fairy tale about him with a happy ending.

Second word: Let's say the word we've already guessed again!

Guess: duckling + duckling = composition “Dance of the Little Ducklings” (folk music, lyrics by Yu. Entin).


First word:

His ears are on his knees.

He can jump.

In the picture in the book he is often shown playing the violin.


Second word:

It is soft and green.

She happens in the city and in the countryside, in the forest, in the field, in the garden.

The cow loves to eat it.

Guess: grass + grasshopper = song “A grasshopper sat in the grass” (music by V. Shainsky)

Now let's see if our contestants can dance the “Dance of the Little Ducklings”

(The girls are dancing.)

9 Competition – “Chef”

It's no secret that our women are the best housewives in the world. Guests will arrive unexpectedly, they will do magic in the kitchen, spread something or put something on bread - and a miracle sandwich is ready or they will quickly prepare a pie.

Girls, know that the way to a boy's heart is through his stomach. And now you must prove that you are good housewives.

(Girls simultaneously perform the following tasks.)

  1. Write down as many potato dishes as possible.
  2. I'll ask each team three cooking-related questions. For each correct answer, the team is awarded one point.

Team "Holiday Bouquet"

  1. What is the name of both the document required to obtain medicine at the pharmacy and the method of preparing the dish? (Recipe.)
  2. How can you avoid spoiling the porridge? (Oil.)
  3. In what soup are cucumbers and pearl barley found? (In pickle.)

Great question: What is the name of a salad drenched in kvass? (Okroshka.)

Team Cinderella

  1. Which country gave the world its open pie– pizza? (Italy.)
  2. What kind of fish is in holidays puts on a “fur coat”? (Herring)
  3. Do chefs make cheesecakes from cheese or cottage cheese? (From cottage cheese.)

Great question:“Chicken Solarium” is…. What? (Grill.)

10 Competition “Young Artist”

Every child loves to draw from early childhood. Moreover, when you were little, you probably drew on the wallpaper, on the walls, and on the asphalt. Moms bought you different paints, markers, pencils, and many of you dreamed of being artists.

One person from the team is selected and will receive a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen.

With your eyes closed, under my dictation, you must draw a symbol of home comfort - a beautiful cat. Are you ready?

Draw a big circle
It's small at the top.
There are two ears on the top of the head -
This will be the head.
Let's draw for beauty
Give him a fuller mustache.
Here the fluffy tail is ready -
The cat is the most beautiful of all cats!


I need to tell you:
It's time to start the captain competition!

12 Captains Competition

(Team captains come out.)

Leading: Our girls are not only beautiful, but also smart! And how smart they are, we will now find out in the next competition, which we called "Vasilisa the Wise". So, I will ask our captains a question in turn; each question is given 5 seconds. They must give the correct answer. For every correct answer 1 point each.

  1. Who saved the Tsokotukha Fly? (Mosquito)
  2. What bird did Thumbelina fly on? (On a swallow)
  3. The girl who was very afraid of hot weather? (Snow Maiden)
  4. What did Cinderella lose when she ran away from the ball? (Shoe)
  5. Who did Brother Ivanushka turn into? (Into the kid)
  6. Who did Vasilisa the Beautiful turn into (Into a frog)
  7. What was the name of the kindest and most fearless person who wore a white robe, a white cap and glasses on his nose? (Dr. Aibolit)
  8. What did the fairy make Cinderella's carriage from? (from pumpkin)
  9. What was the name of the girl with blue hair? (Malvina)
  10. Which flower did the monster love most? (Scarlet flower)
  11. Who did the Snow Queen steal? (Kaya)
  12. What was the name of the girl who rushed after the White Rabbit, fell into a very deep well and ended up in an amazing country (Alice in Wonderland)
  13. Name the place of birth of Kolobok (Oven)
  14. Name the fairy-tale long-lived king. (Koschei the Deathless)
  15. Name the only heroine of the fairy tale “Turnip” whose name we know? (Bug)
  16. What animal is nicknamed Sivka-Burka? (Horse)
  17. What was the name of the pig who loved to work? (Naf-Naf)
  18. Who slept in a walnut shell? (Thumbelina)
  19. Who did the trousers run away from? (From the dirty ones from “Moidodyr”)
  20. Who gave Pinocchio the Golden Key? (Turtle Tortilla)
  21. Onion Boy (Cippolino)
  22. Thumbelina's Groom (Beetle)

While the jury is summing up the results of the competition.

I have one game called "He she".

He is an elephant - she is...an elephant.

He is a moose - she is...a moose.

He is a cat - she...

Well, of course she's a cat!

Well, you were a little mistaken.

So let's play again

I want to beat you!

He is a walrus - she is...a walrus,

He is a hare - she is... a hare,

He is a bull - she is...

Is everyone familiar with this word?

Yes! Yes! She's a cow!


Talk less, work more.
It's time to sum it up.

The jury announces the results.


The competition is over
The meeting ended
The hour of parting has come.
We're all a little tired
But they kept us warm
Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.
Goodbye, friends!
See you again!

The period during which mom and dad expect the arrival of a new family member is always filled with joyful excitement and the hassle of settling in. comfortable life for a child. In nine months, parents need to have time to buy many necessary things, secure an apartment or room and, of course, choose the most beautiful and lucky name for the baby. Parents whose ultrasound predicted the birth of a girl approach the choice of a name with particular trepidation.

The name of a little princess, according to moms and dads, should have beauty, euphony, be in line with fashion, and at the same time be quite rare. As a result, mothers, fathers, grandparents arm themselves with all sorts of reference books, remember the names given to the children of distant and close friends, search for information on the Internet and even fiction. We will try to make it easier for you to choose a name for babies born in 2019 by offering you a list of the most fashionable names of the new calendar period!

How to choose a name for a girl?

It is no secret that a name is not just a set of letters by which we identify a particular person. It has internal energy, which it subsequently communicates to its mistress or owner, leaving an imprint on his character and destiny. The power of a name allows you to suppress dominant character traits in a child - for example, a correctly chosen name for a girl can soften the fiery aggression of Aries, add softness to the naturally tough Scorpio, or add romance to the pragmatic Virgo.

A correctly chosen name will provide the baby with protection from higher powers!

Another important aspect is the patronage of good forces. That is why many parents practice the approach that our great-grandmothers followed - and also try to remember whether the chosen name was borne by someone from their relatives or acquaintances with a difficult life path. Of course, you can call this superstition, but in matters related to ensuring a happy future for a child, all methods are good.

Important: do not forget that for many years no one will name your favorite full name! Take a closer look at the chosen name and imagine whether it can be transformed into diminutive forms. Agree that it will be quite difficult to call Nicole or Rogneda affectionately.

Of course, the first name should be harmoniously combined with the middle name and last name, so that in the future they will not cause ridicule at school or at work. A combination like Kate Fomenko or Georgiana Ilyinichna Ivanova is unlikely to be perceived by others without a hint of a smile. Alas, such a reaction will lead to the appearance of complexes or a change of name upon reaching adulthood. Remember that strong middle names need to be compensated for by soft names and vice versa.

The last point to consider is the year in which the baby will be born. In 2019, the world will be ruled by the Yellow Pig. This sign endows its wards with incredible optimism, sincerity and kindness. Pigs are free from rancor and vindictiveness; they forgive easily and are always ready to help if a friend is in trouble. However, they also have weak sides- for example, gullibility and a tendency to spend money. That is why, when choosing a name for a baby, you need to choose those that will give their owner frugality and the ability to understand and see the secret essence of things.

Fashionable female names in 2019

In 2019, fanciful, borrowed and ancient Slavic names did not return to the list of those in demand. Roberts, Seraphims and Pelageyas are becoming less and less common on birth certificates, but Yulenka, Natashenka, Ksyusha, Marinochka, Vikuli, Irochka and Anechka are again at the peak of popularity (especially since girls aged 4-5 years have practically no such names today meet). However, the list of popular names does not end there! Let's find out what unusual and beautiful, spectacular and laconic, gentle and strong names for babies will be popular in 2019.

Names for girls born in winter

A winter baby should be given a gentle, soft name to smooth out her cool temperament

On cold January, February or December days, girls are born who are distinguished by their strong character and excellent health. Natural stubbornness and self-confidence often lead to conflicts with others, but help girls study successfully at school or university.

However, if the winter baby does not have the motivation to master science, it will not be easy to force her to do her homework. Such children try to completely subjugate their home life, they find it difficult to find compromises in relationships with the opposite sex, and their stern disposition does not allow them to put up with the weaknesses of others. These traits will be corrected by an affectionate name that conveys tenderness and softness to the owner. In 2019, the list of such names includes:

  • Eve– a girl named after the ancestor of all women, has special kindness, tenderness and the ability to take care of others. It is not for nothing that this name means “life” when translated. Evas are characterized by integrity and can be guided by unexpected emotional impulses. They listen to reasonable demands, so it will not be difficult for parents to reach a compromise on issues related to games and preparation for lessons. Eva's thriftiness makes her her mother's assistant and support - a girl with early years masters culinary skills and can easily wipe the floors and wash the dishes. Eva must be given the opportunity to throw out excess energy, so enroll your little one in a dance class or sports section.
  • Ksenia- in translation given name It means "hospitable". Get ready that the voices of the baby’s many friends will always be heard in your home. She knows how to gain popularity, so it will not be difficult for Ksenia to change schools or move to another city to study. Constancy and consistency are not Ksenia’s strong traits - some of the child’s actions can unsettle you. Try to instill in your baby that you shouldn’t always be led by emotions. Ksyusha is excellent at almost any kind of sports and mastering school sciences. The only thing these little girls need to learn in order to achieve significant results is perseverance.
  • Juliasummer name, which can soften the harsh temperament of a winter baby. Such a girl is quite impulsive and touchy, but very easily moves from a capricious mood to complaisance and fun. Yulia has increased empathy, expressed sympathy and empathy, so there are always many friends around them. She is easily hurt, as a result of which parents should never deceive the baby - immediately build a relationship on honesty and trust. Usually, Yulia gets married exceptionally well and enjoys immersing herself in household chores. However, this does not mean that Yulia concentrates on one area of ​​life - natural energy and activity make it possible to easily combine typically feminine concerns with achieving career goals.
  • Lada- a simple but very sonorous ancient Slavic name, which translates as “sweetheart”. Babies are characterized by tenderness and sensuality, they are often beautiful and so charming that they quickly make friends and admirers. However, parents need to make sure that stunning successes do not lead to the development of narcissism and self-confidence - these qualities have never brought anyone to good. Ladochka is unlikely to master mathematics or make progress in physics and chemistry, but will demonstrate many creative talents and a penchant for learning foreign languages. However, it doesn’t matter at all how the girl graduates from school - a decisive disposition and the ability to achieve her own goals will definitely help Lada make her life comfortable.
  • Ella- a name that has several interpretations, one of which means “light” or “dawn”. Ella immediately becomes her dad's favorite, because she loves to spend time with him talking about how a car or a computer works. However, a penchant for mechanics and exact sciences does not mean that Ella will look like a boy. On the contrary, these babies have all the fullness of femininity and attractiveness. Ellochka is very curious, so parents will need to make sure that the baby cannot reach sharp objects or a home first aid kit. You can’t call her a workaholic, but Ella knows how to overcome her natural tendency to laziness if you give her a reason why she needs to do her homework or clean her room.

Names for girls born in spring

The name should provide the spring baby with confidence and strength of character

Babies born on warm spring days often have an indecisive and sensual disposition. Every step of these girls will be thought out several times. In independent adult life, they do not strive to become leaders, but prefer the position of a leading member of society.

A change in their lifestyle puts them in a state of increased anxiety - little ones prefer everything that is familiar and understandable, they never take risks and plan everything for years in advance. They are distinguished by curiosity, a lively mind and the ability to enjoy little things. The main thing you need to achieve when choosing a name is to strengthen your strength of character. The following names are suitable for spring babies of 2019:

  • glad– the interpretation of the name says that it can be translated as “cheerful.” And this word fully corresponds to the character of the Rada! These girls are optimistic and know how to easily cope with life's difficulties - while the parents of other little ones spend hours trying to stop hysterics over a lost doll, Rada's mom and dad quickly turn her attention and see a smiling child. She is modest and very tactful, so she will never behave in a way that will cause judgmental looks or remark. Natural pragmatism can lead to the fact that Radochka will always choose the bird in her hand, without chasing the cranes.
  • Nana- the name that one of the Georgian queens bore is not without reason translated as “kind”. A baby named Nana is incredibly responsive, loves games, chatting with friends, knows how and loves to study, but quickly gets tired of monotonous tasks, so mental activity needs to be replaced by games or sports. Nanochkas do not tolerate loneliness; they should not be left unattended by their grandmother or teacher kindergarten so as not to develop a phobia in the child. These open and dynamic personalities are able to show flexibility in relationships with people - it is easy for them to achieve what they want with the help of natural charm. Parents should remember this so as not to get caught in the web of a little manipulator with innocent eyes.
  • Marina– the power of the sea element can endow usually indecisive spring babies with enormous internal energy. Marinochkas are freedom-loving and determined girls who know what they want to achieve in life and stubbornly pursue their goals. Marina's willfulness can bring parents a lot of trouble if mom and dad cannot immediately prove to the child the indisputability of their authority. Marinochka's talents manifest themselves in any field - they perfectly grasp new knowledge, have an excellent sense of rhythm, flexibility and a fresh look at familiar things. Relationships with men will be difficult if Marina does not meet a truly strong personality on her way.
  • Nataliaancient name, which translates as “birth” or “native”. This is a proud person who stubbornly achieves her goal, without fear of difficulties and dangers. Natasha can be angry and quick-tempered - such straightforwardness in relationships with people can create many problems if diplomacy and a tendency to compromise solutions are not developed in the child. Natasha can be safely called a born leader who leads the team. They are friendly and cheerful, characterized by optimism and unpretentiousness. You need to criticize Natasha very carefully. If you are dissatisfied with your child’s academic success, first find something to praise your daughter for, and then gently hint that she made mistakes somewhere.
  • Veronica– the ancient goddess of victory gives her charges the ability to achieve their plans. Such babies are sociable, charming and always positive. Nika's easy-going nature leads to the fact that people are drawn to the girl, trying to win her attention. From an early age, it is vital for Nika to be in the center of events - she plays the first roles at matinees, in school productions and concerts, becomes a class leader and gladly takes part in the social life of a university or company. It is impossible to force Nika into strict boundaries - this child does not like to follow rules and regulations. Mom and dad must definitely instill in her responsibility and perseverance so that the girl does not waste her talents.

Names for girls born in summer

Name year old child should balance his natural impulsiveness

Girls born in July, June or August receive an undoubted charge of solar energy - they are distinguished by their cheerfulness, ability to have fun and find solutions to everything positive points. Summer children are kind and compassionate. They are very artistic and intelligent, but sudden mood swings, bright temperament and imbalance can lead to the fact that all life decisions will be made only on the basis of a momentary impulse. Parents should name the baby so that she becomes more balanced and wise. Fashionable and suitable names for these girls in 2019:

  • Allah. To name a child a name that means “column of light” means to endow her with incredible power. Allochka becomes the center of attention in the family, but this is precisely what can significantly spoil her character. Not everyone around her will think that they owe something to the little or mature Alla. Explain to your little one that any actions have a reaction - both backlash and response - so as not to grow up to be selfish. Otherwise, this child pleases mom and dad with his successes - Allochka is so energetic, active, optimistic and cheerful that she easily overcomes any difficulties and troubles. She is diligent in her studies and chooses the right people to be around. This also applies to your other half.
  • Vita is a somewhat forgotten Latin name that means “life.” Vitochka begins to smile almost from the first moments of her life, she is very sweet, endlessly charming, optimistic and knows how to laugh through even serious difficulties. Her forward movement is like an avalanche - no one will be able to stop Vita at the moment when she is striving towards her goal. Parents need to think carefully about what to do with their child in their free time, otherwise the inventive Vitochka will simply blow the roof off your home. She is an excellent athlete, so any of the many sports sections would be the best choice.
  • Lydia– girls with this ancient Slavic name amaze with their ability to insist on their own and the expressed position of a leader in any matter. It will not be easy for mom and dad to tame the temper of their favorite - Lidochka has a hard time accepting criticism and is too confident in her own rightness and infallibility to give up in an argument. Teaching a child to compromise is the main task of parents. However, Lida is able to perceive reasonable argumentation. These are real mother's helpers - they are caring, love to cook and make things cozy. Don’t be surprised if the child brings home either kittens or dogs - Lida is not able to pass by the unfortunate animal. As an adult, she will never distance herself from her parents and family - traditional values ​​will always be her main priority.
  • Zhanna– a name, one of the meanings of which sounds like “God’s gift,” will make the girl the center of attention in the family. Such babies are stubborn and persistent, witty and resourceful, and do not tolerate gossip and gossip behind other people’s backs. Zhannochka is simply unable to question her superiority - she resolutely moves forward without reacting to obstacles. She is best at exact sciences, she is interested in modern technologies and is excellent at analyzing information. This does not mean that Zhanna will be a tomboy - any girl will envy her ability to wear elegant outfits and look stylish. Zhanna may act contrary to the interests of other people, so her parents need to teach her empathy and responsibility - for example, by giving her instructions to take care of a pet.
  • Anna– a name that translates as “courage” and “grace” will definitely endow the baby with a love of truth, wisdom and the ability to show mercy. In the first years of her life, Anya is a real tomboy who constantly explores the world. Moms and dads should closely monitor the baby to avoid unpleasant injuries. Having matured, Anechka becomes a more feminine and homely girl, who is distinguished by sensitivity, caring and a rare ability to console. Such natures have developed self-sacrifice - all Anechka’s natural talents may remain unrealized if she decides to devote herself to caring for a loser or a drinking man. However, you can try to correct this trait by persuading Anechka in favor of choosing a medical university, so that her need is realized in the profession.

Names for girls born in autumn

The name of the autumn baby should convey to her a little rigor and pragmatism

Autumn girls are wise and pedantic natures, characterized by vitality and attractiveness. These babes are principled, but know how to be diplomatic if they need to find mutual language with some person. A child will never become an instigator or an active participant in a conflict - natural common sense forces them to stay away from any bad situations. Autumn girls are kind, flirty and playful, which is why they enjoy the attention of boys. Parents need to choose a name that will make the autumn girl pragmatic and adaptable to life. The most current names:

  • Elena– An ancient Greek name, which is interpreted as “chosen one” or “bright one”. It imparts to its bearers all the qualities that the beautiful Helen of Troy possessed. Such a girl has truly royal beauty and a regal disposition. Helens are often self-absorbed and reluctant to take part in everyday affairs, waiting for the appearance of a handsome prince. However, do not think that dreams will lead to loneliness - Lenochka knows how to perfectly settle down married to a wealthy man. They show a penchant for creativity very early. You can send your baby to an art or music school, a dance studio or a modeling group. Lena finds it easy to study, but only thanks to her excellent memory - she does not have perseverance.
  • Margarita– babies named “pearl” have a huge reserve of tenderness and sensuality. Margosha enjoys fantasizing and dreaming, and also makes friends with ease. She is always selfless towards others. Margarita will never offend her family and friends, transforming in the blink of an eye from a sweet and fragile girl into a fearless warrior. Margoshas are independent, thoughtful and persistent little girls. It won’t be difficult for them to sit at home playing with toys if mom has to leave for a couple of hours. It will also be easy for them to do their homework without supervision and learn how to prepare food. the main problem Margot is uncompromising and harsh, so try to teach your little one the ability to meet other people halfway.
  • Alice– such a girl really resembles the heroine of Carroll’s fairy tale. She is dreamy and independent, distinguished by courage, alertness of mind and independence in choosing a profession, life path and social circle. Behind Alice's outward modesty and calmness, you will be surprised to discover a strong will and character that even serious difficulties cannot break. Alisochka gets along well with other children and adults, deftly manages her affairs and knows how to pay attention to the little things that are needed to move up the social ladder. Alice's pragmatism and frugality make it possible to fulfill dreams and make planned purchases. The main thing is not to let her develop an excessive tendency to hoard. Teach the girl that money is not a goal, but just a tool to achieve it.
  • Victoria– a baby who will be a winner in life. She immediately tries to control the flow of life in the house - Victoria requires the constant attention of her mother and father, does not like to be alone and cannot sit still. Endless games and the fun that Vikusya arranges can exhaust the strength of even young parents. Such babies have a stubborn disposition and cunning, which makes it possible to get what Victoria wants, bypassing all prohibitions. Teach your child to be honest and be able to accept refusals so that you don’t end up with a difficult child in adolescence. By the way, Vikuli is not afraid of competition with other children, so they easily accept the birth of a second or third child in the family.

Extracurricular event “Come on, girls” for schoolchildren in grades 4-5. Scenario

Khalikova Irina Finatovna, additional education teacher.
Place of work: Palace of Children and Youth Creativity in Neftekamsk, Republic of Bashkortostan
Target: Contribute to the disclosure and development of students’ creative potential.
1. To develop creative skills through aesthetic orientation;
2. Develop creative fantasies and imaginations, emotional sphere, aesthetic taste;
3. Educate friendly relations in a group, the ability to organize practical activities.
Description: This material will be useful to teachers, class teachers, and additional education teachers. Designed for the age category of students 10-12 years old.
Progress of the event
Good afternoon dear friends!
Beauty, smile,
With your outfits
We admire
Our girls.
Show me how you dance
Surprise us with your poems.
Who is the best here of all?
Show us, girls.
Leading: We are glad to see your smiling faces in this hall. It's spring now. We associate it with such words as love, charm, life, beauty. And it is not surprising that it was at this time that we decided to hold our competition “Come on, girls!”
The participants in our competition are like spring flowers: just as beautiful, tender, and sensual.
Now Charm comes on stage
Plus Youth, Attractiveness,
Fun and Skill, Ingenuity, Optimism.
Let it be with you for sure
They last a lifetime!
Host: The girls behind the scenes are very worried. Let's not torment them with anticipation and quickly announce the beginning of the holiday.
(Participants go on stage to the music)
And so, meet our participants.
Leading: So, all the participants are on stage.

Leading: Oh, so many beauties
Gathered today!
Has a western taste
And the manner of the East,
Beautiful ladies of Shakespeare and Blok,
Madonnas, ballerinas, portraits of strangers...
Where is the ideal? Yes, there is no standard!
And today our distinguished jury will choose the ideal.
Leading: We have 3 teams ahead of us. At first glance, these are ordinary girls: they go to school, teach their younger ones intelligence, and read fashion magazines about their peers.
But today they are extraordinary. In their story about themselves, they will tell us something that neither appearance nor photography can tell us. And now our participants will present their teams (team name, motto, emblem, and a short story about themselves) We called our acquaintance “Cover Girl”
“Business Card” competition (presenting yourself as beautiful)

Leading: Our girls are not only beautiful, but also smart! And how smart they are, we will now find out in the next competition, which is called “Vasilisa the Wise”. So, I will ask our teams a question in turn and 5 seconds are given for each question.
1. Who saved Fly-Tsokotukha? (Mosquito)
2. What bird did Thumbelina fly on? (on a swallow)
3. The girl who was very afraid of hot weather? (Snow Maiden)
4. What did Cinderella lose when she ran away from the ball? (shoe)
5. Who did brother Ivanushka turn into? (into a kid)
6. Who did Vasilisa the Beautiful turn into (a frog)
7. What was the name of the kindest and most fearless person who wore a white robe, a white cap and glasses on his nose? (Dr. Aibolit)
8. What did the fairy make Cinderella’s carriage from? (from pumpkin)
9. What was the name of the girl with blue hair? (Malvina)
10. Which flower did the monster love most? (scarlet flower)
11. Who did the Snow Queen steal? (Kaya)
12. What was the name of the girl who rushed after the White Rabbit, fell into a very deep well and ended up in an amazing country (Alice in Wonderland)
13. Name the birthplace of Kolobok (oven)
14. Name the long-lived fairy-tale king. (Koschei the Deathless)
15. Name the only heroine of the fairy tale “Turnip” whose name we know? (Bug)
16. What animal is nicknamed Sivka-Burka? (Horse)
17. What was the name of the pig who loved to work? (Naf-Naf)
18. Who slept in a walnut shell? (Thumbelina)
19. Who did the trousers run away from? (From the dirty ones from "Moidodyr")
20. Who gave Pinocchio the Golden Key? (Turtle Tortilla)
21. It was there that the pig Funtik tried his artistic abilities (Circus)
22. Fairytale hero. defeating the three-headed mouse king (Nutcracker)
23. Onion boy (Chippolino)
24. Thumbelina's Groom (Beetle)
Competition "Vasilisa the Wise" (intellectual)

Leading: Our wonderful participants are not only beautiful and smart, but also talented! Some sing beautifully, some dance passionately, some recite poetry beautifully! And now we will find out which team dances better! So, our next competition is “Dance Competition”. Each team will dance to different music!
Competition "Dance Competition"

Leading: The next competition is for artistry and it is called “First-Class Actress”.
Each team member will receive a very simple poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly,” but she will have to read it with an assignment!
(Task cards: read like a sick person, like a president, like a frightened person, like a foreigner, like Small child from kindergarten, like an old grandmother)
(Competition "First-class actress")

Leading: Well, now our next competition is “Advertising”. Our participants were given homework to make an advertisement, today they themselves act as a director and actor and will show us an advertising video!
(Competition “Advertising”)

Leading: Our next song competition. (Cards with song lyrics, tasks: sing like a military march, like a child at a children’s party, like an opera, like a rap, like a lullaby, like a foreigner)
("Song Contest")

Leading: Our contestants today are simply charming and have probably already captured your hearts. Elegant outfits, beautiful hairstyles, neat makeup. And of course, our participants did not forget about accessories. Now they will show you a bright accessory - a fashionable headdress! Within 1 minute, our participants must come up with the most fashionable headdress from a scarf. So, our next competition is called “Fashion Accessory”.
(Competition “Fashion Accessory”)

Leading: Our beauties love fashion! And they always try to dress in fashion! And today they prepared their fashionable outfit with their own hands and ideas! So, we greet the fashionable beauties with thunderous applause!
(Fashion Competition)

Leading: Dear friends, this was our final competition! Each team prepared and took the competition very seriously and responsibly! And now we give the floor to the jury!
(The jury announces the winners)

Leading: This concludes our “Come on, girls” competition! We hope that our participants received a lot of pleasure from this competition and positive emotions! Goodbye! See you again!