Solar eclipse on the cusp of the 1st house. What to expect from a solar eclipse on the cusp of a corner house? Eclipse on the planets Sun and Moon

28.06.2019 Internet

Solar eclipses occur 2 to 5 times a year. Most eclipses go unmarked and unremarkable for an individual. No wonder: in order to influence the solar eclipse (hereinafter referred to as SZ) signified some certain conditions must be met:

  • NW forms a conjunction with one of the natal planets
  • NW creates an opposition to one of the planets in the horoscope
  • NW conjuncts the South or North Lunar Node in the natal chart
  • NW connects with one of the angles of the horoscope (cusps of I, IV, VII, X houses)

Moreover, if a person was born shortly before or shortly after the solar or lunar eclipse, the influence of an eclipse affecting important points in this person’s horoscope will intensify and appear brighter.

If the influence of eclipses in aspects with natal planets and in astrological literature is described more or less exhaustively, then cases when the eclipse falls on the cusp of an angular house, to put it mildly, have been little studied.

IN best case scenario we can find vague indications that with such a constellation, for some time after the eclipse, we can expect changes in the theme of the house where the eclipse occurred. But what kind of changes, bad or good? The literature is silent about this.

I set out to figure out how to identify the plus and minus events that the NW marks on the cusp of the cardinal house. I did some research and found a marker that shows whether an event will be negative or positive. More on this below.

Material for research

For research I selected 12 natal charts with time stamp. These there were cards me on past life events (for each card at least 7-10 significant events). Thus, I had at my disposal a dozen horoscopes with a well-verified time of birth of a person.

I determined the dates of solar eclipses that were associated with the I, IV, VII or X houses of the selected natal charts. Such There were 22 eclipses. In some cases there was only one eclipse with one corner house, in some cases there was one eclipse with all corners, in some cases there were 2 eclipses with the same corner of the horoscope with a difference of years.

Maximum orb to connect the NW point with the corner house of the natal chart - 2 degrees.

Because the The effect of solar eclipses lasts up to six months(from one eclipse to another), I asked respondents to remember what events occurred within 6 months after the date of the designated eclipses. So, they noted the following.

Solar eclipse in conjunction with the Ascendant (1st house of the horoscope)

Solar eclipse on the Ascendant may indicate the following events:

  • change in appearance or image
  • changes associated with a person's name
  • changes in personality, character, habits
  • beginnings, initiatives, new things
  • something that has to do with the body and/or physical form

This is how it manifested itself at the event level in the lives of owners of natal charts in whose radixes an eclipse was recorded on the Ascendant:

  • the girl took a new online nickname and started communicating under it on forums
  • a woman filled out a lot of documents in her name before traveling abroad
  • girl got her first tattoo
  • one of the respondents underwent surgery, which left a scar on her body
  • another woman gave an important report at an international IT conference, which made her name known internationally, this had a great impact on her professional image
  • for two respondents, SZ on the Ascendant marked the beginning of new romantic relationships, that is, it was lost through the opposite house
  • the person was disappointed after getting an unsuitable job; it was a difficult period morally

As you can see, the range of events in the 1st house is quite wide: here is a new tattoo, an operation that almost cost a person his life, a new relationship and pumping up his image to the point of world fame. Events are multipolar: with both negative and positive connotations.

Let's see what SZ gives on the Descendant.

Solar eclipse conjunct the Descendant (on the cusp of the 7th house)

Such an eclipse may indicate the following events:

  • something important that concerns your partner
  • litigation
  • acquiring open enemies

Those people in whose horoscopes the solar eclipse was on the cusp of the 7th house noted the following:

  • Things improved for the roommate with whom the card holder shared housing and he was able to make payments more regularly and punctually
  • The girl’s relationship with her boyfriend has cracked, her relationship with his mother has deteriorated, and her pregnancy ended unsuccessfully
  • another girl broke up with her boyfriend altogether

Here, too, there are both positive events (things have improved for the roommate) and negative ones (the relationship in the couple has fallen apart).

Let's consider the connection of the NW with the vertical axis.

Solar eclipse in conjunction with the IC (cusp of the IV house of the horoscope)

What events can be expected with such a connection? Events related to:

  • family, parents, father
  • family stories, family history
  • house, real estate
  • relocations and change of residence
  • completion, completion of some important, significant affairs

The interviewed respondents, whose charts included connections between the SZ and the cusp of the IV house, voiced the following events that took place in their lives within 6 months after the eclipse:

  • three people quit their jobs, ending their cooperation with employers
  • two people were involved in home renovation at that time
  • The girl's grandmother died of cancer
  • one woman signed up for a long-term women's training to get to the bottom of the reasons for the unsatisfactory situation in her marriage, which subsequently led to a divorce, which she did not regret for a day

And again: we get diverse events. Both sad (death of a family member) and those bringing positive changes (home renovation, moving to a new job).

And finally, consider the events of the X house.

Solar eclipse conjunct the MC (X house cusp)

Such an eclipse can produce memorable events associated with:

  • business, life's work
  • interaction with government structures and regulatory organizations, as well as with superiors
  • reputation or fame, glory
  • mom
  • change in social status

Thus, the respondents identified the following events that followed the eclipse on MC in their natal charts:

  • one girl moved out from her mother and stopped being dependent on her for housing
  • three others took new jobs
  • another girl changed her social status from single to married - got married
  • a woman created her first significant project at work
  • one girl was fired from her job

As you can see, here there are events with a “plus” sign (marriage, a new job, leaving your mother) and events with a “minus” sign (dismissal from work).

How to determine what events an eclipse will bring, good or bad?

First of all, you need to remember: everything in this world is relative. What we perceive today as a negative traumatic experience may, over time, turn out to be something that brings us luck and prosperity.

For example, we were fired from work and we worry, perceive it as a tragedy. But time passes and we understand that if we had not been fired then, we would still be sitting in our little cozy swamp, and the dream would never have waited for us.

Or we broke up with a person who was significant and important to us, we are experiencing a strong emotional shaken up, we are in stress and melancholy. But here we are, with whom we are happy together. And we understand that the fact that the previous relationship is over is for the better.

However, we are all ordinary people and we would all like to know in advance where to lay the straw, to know what to prepare for. Therefore, it is logical to want to find out how to understand from the eclipse on the cusp of the corner house what events are ahead, whether we cry or laugh.

I spent a long time researching the natal charts of my clients. Most of the events indicated in the forecast through eclipses on the cardinal axes of the horoscope had either a neutral or positive connotation. But some of them were clearly depressing and sad.

I analyzed whether the following factors influence the positivity or negativity of an event:

  • eclipse on the South or North Lunar Node
  • Saros series
  • degree of eclipse
  • strength and aspects of the ruler of the eclipse in transit
  • strength and aspects natal ruler the house on whose cusp the eclipse occurred
  • aspects of the eclipse natal planets horoscope
  • aspects of eclipse planets to each other in transit

Unfortunately, I came to sad conclusions: all these indicators provide some information about the eclipse, but do not directly indicate whether the event indicated by the eclipse will be sad or joyful. In other words, using these parameters you can understand which area the changes will affect, but you cannot understand what kind of changes they will be.

Fortunately, having grouped events by color (positive in one group, negative in another), I drew attention to active participation of Lilith in a number of eclipses, after which negative events occurred in a person’s life. I was able to determine exactly how it is connected Lilith with eclipses - harbingers of failures and sad events.

If a solar eclipse is conjunct the cusp of the I, IV, VII or X house of the natal chart, you need to check if one of the following is present: Lilith's accents and if there is, we can say with great confidence (although not in 100% of cases) that events related to the house affected by the eclipse will not be joyful. If there are no such accents of the Black Moon on the day of the eclipse, then one should expect neutral or joyful events from the upcoming eclipse.

These are the indicators:

  • the transit planet that rules the house of the natal chart with which the eclipse is connected, in converging conjunction with the natal or transit Lilith (orb up to 8 degrees).
  • the transit planet that rules the house of the natal chart with which the eclipse is connected, in a divergent conjunction with the natal or transit Lilith (orb up to 8 degrees).

That is, either the ruler of the house in transit on the day of the eclipse is in conjunction with Lilith (transit or natal), or transit Lilith forms a conjunction with the natal or transit ruler of the house affected by the eclipse.

Example 1.

Eclipse on the Ascendant. The Ascendant is ruled by Jupiter. In transit Jupiter in conjunction with transit Lilith - most likely there will be negatively colored events on the subject of the 1st house.

Example 2.

Eclipse on MC. MC ruled by Mercury. On the day of the eclipse, at a distance of 8 degrees from natal Mercury, Lilith is in transit - that is, after some time she will connect with natal Mercury. You can expect unpleasant events related to work.

However, as I said above, eclipses still produce more positive or neutral events than negative ones. This means that if you find in your chart a connection of the point of a solar eclipse with one of the corners of the horoscope and at the same time you do not find Lilith’s accents on the eclipse, you can relax: you will not be threatened with negative events in the coming years on the subject of this house.

It should be especially emphasized here that orb connection eclipses with a very small house cusp - only 2 degrees. And you need to have it at your disposal. Otherwise, you risk making mistakes, predicting events that, in general, should not happen. Therefore, it is important to have a professional astrologer whom you trust and who has already proven himself as a specialist.

In addition, eclipses alone cannot be a sufficient basis for compiling, but can be used as an additional tool among other forecasting techniques. should always be tested in 3-4 or more predictive methods.

Tatyana Klyachenkova,


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Eclipses usually show true attitude person to problems at home. With a fatal horoscope, a person is indomitably and fatally carried into the abyss. Very often a person does it on his own fatal mistakes, tries what is forbidden. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is triggered.

Eclipse in the 1st house of the horoscope

We can say that Adam and Eve were born during an eclipse. Eve picked the apple when the eclipse was in her 1st house, and in Adam’s 7th house. The snake deceived them, which means it was the year of the snake. The eclipse was on Venus (apple). They tasted the apple with their teeth, i.e. Calf. The serpent's loop is the lunar Nodes. Venus was in Taurus, which means Eve had a Taurus on her ascendant. Venus and the Sun were on Asc, and Adam had Scorpio on Asc.

During an eclipse in the 1st house, it is useless for a person to prove anything; he is drawn to try new things, he acts like a child, and becomes infantilely curious. But for his curiosity he may suffer for the functions of this house.

Even smart people with an eclipse in the 1st house become stupid and run into trouble. When an eclipse occurs, a person becomes, as it were, coded by this eclipse and cannot escape this stupidity. It is therefore necessary to make efforts before the eclipse.

Eclipse in the 2nd house of the horoscope

Before an eclipse, a person usually has a normal attitude towards money and wealth, but during an eclipse he becomes pathologically greedy and begins to hoard. In this case, his relationship to the problems of the 2nd house is fatal.

Money will sink like into sand during a solar eclipse, and into a swamp during a lunar eclipse. There will be fatal expenses; the eclipse seems to take away excess finances. Food is not used for future use, the person begins to eat more. It's like he's hungry.

But any effect of forecasts depends on the radix. An eclipse in the 2nd house gives a person shaky ground under his feet. He becomes unsure of his security, indecisive, as the base is knocked out.

Because of fatal insecurity, a person turns into a glutton and fatally attracts material problems. He is even warned not to waste his money on purchases, but he spends it anyway. All acquisitions go to waste, for example, he bought a carpet, but it is eaten by moths, he breaks his car, gives expensive gifts to his mistress, etc.

Eclipse in the 3rd house of the horoscope

Fatal problems of relatives, contacts, and gossip may arise. A person will not run away from contacts; people will always talk about him. At a more severe level, fatal fussiness appears, a mass of small and meaningless affairs and events.

This is a very serious indicator. They have a positive effect only on serious people who have prepared for changes in advance. Eclipses operate on the principle that if they do not destroy you, they strengthen you.

A person who has passed the test of an eclipse strengthens his position and receives full compensation by the end of the cycle. But this will only happen if a person has prepared for it.

With evil Nodes, if a person has not prepared for the eclipse, there will be incomprehensible conflicts with relatives, troubles while traveling, denunciations and gossip will have a painful impact on him.

At best, everything will end up in fuss, meaningless contacts, stupid and unnecessary conversations, and promises. A person is forced to communicate with people who are unpleasant to him, because they are fatally close to him.

Eclipse in the 4th house of the horoscope

The most severe consequences are caused by an eclipse when it occurs in corner houses. One of the worst manifestations of an eclipse in the 4th house. The closer to the nadir the eclipse is played, the more it touches the house and family. In the worst case, a divorce or house robbery is possible. Troubles that will happen in the house must be determined by the sign. If it is in the sign of Water, then the house can be flooded with water, fire sign fire. These are tests under the roof of your home. In severe cases, someone in your family dies or may cause your death. After all, the IV house is the outcome of life.

Eclipse in the 5th house of the horoscope

An eclipse can cause abortions, miscarriages, troubles with children, and loss in games. Casual relationships have a detrimental effect on health.

Eclipse in the 6th house of the horoscope

At best, fatal dependence, submission, heavy workload. Chronic illnesses may occur.

Eclipse in the 7th house of the horoscope

Often people are sent to prison, there is a sharp conflict, fights with opponents. During an eclipse in the 7th house, the husband and wife should try to have less contact, as there is a tendency to swear.

Eclipse in the 8th house of the horoscope

Does not lead a person to death, not as terrible as, for example, in the 7th house. Here a fatal fear, a threat, some kind of pathological expectation of danger appears. In the worst case, a person witnesses something terrible, and the danger of exposure to black magic and damage increases. This impact will most likely be metaphysical, not manifested on the physical plane. After all, the house is not corner, but middle, so the effect of the eclipse is weaker.

Eclipse in the 9th house of the horoscope

It will be played weaker than in the VIII house. Often these are ideological strife, disappointment in teaching, failure of a long trip, travel. Serious enemies may appear from afar, all roads are destroyed. A person quickly falls under the influence of false ideology.

Eclipse in the 10th house of the horoscope

Possible collapse, fall from height. Fate is at stake, you can lose everything achieved, total destruction. Total collapse and failure is possible. For politicians, an eclipse in the X house can be a career ruin. At best, there will be a test of strength, hardening and loneliness, since the significator of the X house is Saturn. Rarely does a person have troubles at work.

Eclipse in the 11th house of the horoscope

All plans come true exactly the opposite. The true value of a person’s environment is revealed, who is a friend and who is an enemy.

Eclipse in the 12th house of the horoscope

A person is not sent to prison, but mental illness, fears, and a miserable and humiliated position may appear. Everything secret becomes clear. The prison is metaphysically played out on the internal level, the secret is burned out. A person becomes a pitiful, insignificant person, very passive in the face of any tests, exaggerating the dangers in life.

There is no need to go into depth on eclipses in cadent houses, since these are the weakest eclipses. But if these eclipses occur near corner points, then a person can be imprisoned.

Solar eclipse– this is a new moon, which has a stronger influence and a longer lasting effect, as it occurs when the luminaries approach one of . At the new moon, the Moon connects with the Sun and begins a new cycle. But if in the case of an ordinary new moon the lunar cycle is equal to one lunar month, then the new moon on which an eclipse occurs is a stage in the manifestation of longer cycles covering large periods of time.

To the most important lunarcycles include the Metonic cycle and Metonic cycle - this is a period of 19 years, it consists of 235 lunations. Every 19 years, a new moon or solar eclipse occurs at the same degree as 19 years ago. longer, itgives an eclipse of the same series every 18 years plus 9-11 days or plus 10º . The total number of eclipses in one Saros series is 70-72, and the cycle duration is 1280 years.

Thus, an eclipse is not only a date, but a period, not a one-time fact, but a process.Events associated with it do not necessarily occur on the day of the eclipse.The effects of an eclipse may appear earlier, later, or directly on the same day.But near the day of the eclipse, the effect of what is happening is planned or predetermined.Often events occur several days and even several weeks before or after the date of the eclipse, when the Sun and one of the Lunar nodes find themselves in conjunction with the orb18°31".Therefore, by the time of the eclipse, the event often turns out to have already happened. The effects of an eclipse usually last for about six months, until the next "eclipse season." But the topics affected by the eclipse and situations associated with it can develop for many years until the next eclipse of the same.

Aspects of an eclipse to the planets of our horoscope bring up themes related to the symbolism of those planets, as well as activating issues of the house ruled by that planet. For aspects of an eclipse, it is better to take an orb up to three degrees.It is worth considering only the major aspects of the eclipse to the planets and angles, in order of importance: conjunction (0 º), opposition (180 º), square (90 º), trine (120 º), extile (60 º). And the connection here is the strongest.

The greatest impact of an eclipse is felt when it occurs in an exact conjunction with the angular cusp or one of the personal planets of the natal chart.If the eclipse, for example, forms a conjunction with your Venus, then issues of relationships, women, love and money will be involved. Identify the houses ruled by Venus i.e. houses whose cusps are in Taurus and Libra, since they will be activated.

Consider the sign in which the eclipse occurred - themes and types of activity characteristic of that sign will be relevant at this time. For example, if the eclipse is in Scorpio, budget issues, problems with managing joint property, topics of deposits, investments, debts, inheritance, issues of united finances, as well as sex - united energy will be important during this period. An eclipse in this sign can touch upon themes of deep psychological problems, relationships of psychological or financial dependence.
Eclipse orb: for planets and angles 1 . 5 degrees for luminaries 2.5 degrees. The rule always worksh The more precise the aspect, the stronger the influence. The most significant is what occurs near the birthday, when the degree of the eclipse connects with the degree of the natal Sun in orb 2º . This is a so-called solar eclipse, since it coincides with the beginning of our planet. The more precise the aspect, the stronger the influence. Aspects with, - and, - are less effective, but if the highest planet is the ruler A.S.C. , then the aspects of the eclipse to it can be no less significant than the aspects with the personal planets.

When considering the impact of an eclipse, the following must also be taken into account:

The longer the eclipse phase - from partial to total (total), the stronger the eclipse effect will be.

How more planets in major aspects to the degree of the eclipse, the longer and stronger its effect will be.

An important point to consider is the degree of the Zodiac on which the eclipse occurs.
The shadow of an eclipse—the area of ​​its visibility—indicates the countries that will be under its greatest influence.

Solar eclipses are generally more powerful than lunar eclipses.

, which an eclipse falls into, can be activated even if there are no planets in it. The date on which the eclipse occurs should be noted. In corner houses the eclipse will appear more visibly. In subsequent houses (II, V, VIII, XI), the eclipse may bring opportunities or offers, but you need to try to take advantage of them. In cadent or cadent houses (III, VI, IX and XII), an eclipse will require adaptations or changes from you, their influence will manifest itself mainly at the psychic level and will be carried out gradually.

When interpreting the impact of an eclipse, you should pay attention to or in the horoscope on which the eclipse falls. Eclipses that fall on the affected planet have a more pronounced negative effect. Eclipses that fall on a planet that is strengthened or in a house it rules are usually more favorable.

According to astrologer Carol Rushman:« If an eclipse brings you something good, you always have to pay for it. Someone loses, and someone finds. For example, you will fall in love with a person who is involved with someone else. He or she will then leave that other one for you, and the one left behind will have to pay. Another example: you getpromotion because the person before you was fired. You find, but they lose» .

, and eclipses open and complete the energetic impact . If there is a transit of slow planets to the natal chart, new moons, full moons and eclipses show when the influence of the transit will begin, this may be 3-4 degrees ahead. They will also indicate when the transit's energy impact can be expected to end, perhaps with a lag of 3-4 degrees. U there is a beginning and an end, and new/full moons or eclipses define them and allow forecasts to be tied to real time.You can read more about eclipses and how solar eclipses differ from lunar eclipses in the article .

Aspects of a solar eclipse to the natal chart


The Sun in the natal chart characterizes the ego. It is the most important life force. It represents the men in your life—father, husband, mentor, authority figures. This is what you are trying to become, your constant process of growth, of “self-discovery.”When the eclipse aspects the Sun or the house it rules, very significant changes can occur in your life. The Sun represents the positive and masculine nature of your personality and the radiance of your individuality. The Sun rules your vitality, outlook on life, ego, creativity and self-expression. The sun has a strong influence on your appearance and the direction of your career. Being active in relation to the Sun can reveal the interests of your superiors and the company you work for. If you have your own business, the Sun represents your business. Regardless of your gender, the Sun represents the main male figures in your life: husband, brother, father. The eclipse's aspect to the natal Sun can be a major turning point in one's life. A solar eclipse in the North Node can bring focus to your true self, vitality and physical body. Important changes may concern your career or your boss.

A New Moon or Solar Eclipse forming a positive aspect (trine or sextile) to the Sun will stimulate energy, development, self-expression and self-esteem. This placement gives great energy, and is a time of accomplishment in all areas ruled by the Sun (look not only at what the Sun rules, but also at the house it rules in your chart to determine which areas of life will be affected). This is another opportunity to start from scratch, a chance for self-expression, an opportunity for renewal, the prospect of a new beginning, a time of beginnings. Even if doors close in front of you, there will always be opportunities somewhere. Creative endeavors are the focus. A New Moon in favorable aspect with the Sun can give you an important, exciting new connection with a man, not only a potential beau, but also a mentor or business partner.A difficult aspect (square or opposition) formed by an eclipse or new moon/full moon in relation to the Sun can bring problems regardingmen in your life, for example, the illness of your father, husband, authority figure or your boss. You may have problems with the men in your life. You may experience a creative block, everything should have turned out funny, but you just can’t get started. There may be a feeling that something is bothering you, that you cannot fully express yourself. A meeting or some event may occur that will deal a heavy blow to your self-esteem.


When the eclipse aspects the Moon or the house it rules, home and family structure may be affected. The Moon represents your emotions, what you need to feel confident and secure, your softer and more receptive nature. Eclipse aspects to the Moon can activate issues related to children, care and education, automatic behavior and habits. The impact of the eclipse can bring attention to your mind, mental abilities, memories and psychological make-up. The Moon points to important women in your life - wife, sister, mother. The Moon rules the sign of Cancer.Eclipse aspects to the Moon may bring changes in location and home preferences. They can change issues of reliability and security, and financial fluctuations are possible. Public nutrition or maternal care may be one of the topics when the eclipse aspects the Moon.In a man's chart, the Moon represents issues concerning the marriage partner, as well as the mother and sister. For a woman, the main topic may be her mother, sister and closest friends. With aspects of the eclipse to the Moon, the question may concern relationships in general. The Moon is responsible for one-on-one relationships.

Eclipse aspects to Mercury or the houses it rules can bring a lot of excitement and very big changes in your life. Mercury rules neighborhoods, so these aspects often activate changes in residence. This could be the case when you leave home for the first time. I have seen many examples where, with these aspects, people crossed the entire country or moved to another country. Animals can be an important topic. Mercury rules children, uncles and aunts. Characteristic feature These aspects may include increased activity, such as running back and forth to the eye doctor, dentist, therapist, mechanic, or shopping for yourself or someone you care about. An important encounter with eclipse aspects to Mercury may cause a later change in relationships.Mercury's primary role as the ruler of information and communications can initiate important writing activities, spark gossip, or put your name in newspaper headlines. It is common with these aspects to think and worry about important decisions, as well as a busy schedule with many meetings and a lot of paperwork.


Aspects of the eclipse to Venus or the houses it rules can stimulate your "love center", close personal relationships, value system, sensitivity, passionate desires, issues of aesthetic tastes and decoration. The desire for harmony, beauty and happiness is controlled by Venus. It also governs how we treat other people and share our possessions and affection with them. There may be a theme related to the desire to please others and a theme of cooperation, since these are also issues related to Venus. Art, money, important purchases for the home are some of the areas that may change as a result of the eclipse aspects to Venus. Issues concerning young women and sisters are a Venus theme. A man's Venus represents his idealized version of a woman. Changes in social activities can be expected as a person's attractiveness and popularity may undergo a change when the eclipse aspects Venus.When studying real cases of the conjunction of an eclipse with Venus, people were more likely to break off relationships than to unite their destinies. The overall theme was that people were required to find harmony and balance in their lives, even if it meant ending a close relationship or partnership. A relationship that wasn't working ended, or the couple completely changed the way they approached the relationship. Many relationships with constant worry and struggle can still be working relationships. Assessing relationship outcomes is a difficult task. Many couples struggle through seemingly insurmountable problems. I never advise clients to get married or separate. I provide objective information to the client's request. It's not my job to make life-changing decisions for anyone other than myself.


The eclipse's aspects to Mars can be quite a mix of events. On the one hand, you can make noticeable progress in your goals and career endeavors. These aspects can also bring new work because Mars rules how you apply your energy, as well as courage, endurance, competition, arguing, assertiveness, combativeness and sex. Some people think that eclipse aspects to Mars enhance sexuality. I have found that in many cases the eclipse aspects to Mars have the opposite effect. Some people experience the eclipse's Mars aspects as a dramatic event, while others find it to have only a mildly irritating effect.In all cases, when you are assessing what impact an eclipse will have on Mars or any other planet, you should take into account the planetary aspects of the eclipse chart. Example: A particularly active eclipse occurred on September 22, 1987. Destructive Uranus square Mars in the chart of the eclipse that preceded the collapse stock market in October 1987, contributed to the sharp decline in the stock index. Mars recently left a square to Saturn. Unstable Uranus was in quincunx to Vesta, the asteroid of investment, causing turmoil in the stock market. With the eclipse aspects to Mars, you may be constantly battling colds and flu. With eclipse aspects to Mars, there is often an overabundance of energy that makes you susceptible to injury. Eclipse aspects to Mars can sometimes bring violence if the natal chart shows a predisposition to such events.




Eclipse aspects to Uranus or the house it rules can bring an interesting and exciting six-month period. Clients say that eclipses aspecting Uranus give them a sense of great change, although often without outward manifestations. This can be a time of anxiety and accelerated expectations. Uranus rules astrologers and the study of astrology. Aspects of an eclipse to Uranus often bring important changes in a person's appearance. A person may have a desire to resort to plastic surgery, others experience a significant change in weight if Uranus in the horoscope is related to Asc or the first house.Often the desire to achieve reliability is destroyed by the constant change of events. It seems that all areas of life are unpredictable and that the individual is looking for changes that will make his life work. This time period is too unstable to try to gain a foothold on anything. Relationships with other people are most affected. People find that they are unable to make commitments during this time. If a person is already involved in a relationship, he may experience annoying disturbances and changes in feelings. Expect unique opportunities during this eclipse. Of course, the location of Uranus in the chart will have a great influence on the type of events that arise.


For some people, an eclipse aspecting Neptune can be a period of fantasy and romanticism. "Neptunian fog" (a state of euphoria) may be a common state of mind when the eclipse aspects Neptune. If all the necessary characters are present, a motivated marriage is possible romantic feelings. In many cases of marriage in our modern culture the strong influence of Neptune is obvious. An eclipse aspecting Neptune can also be a time of confusion or spiritual awareness. This eclipse may send you on a quest to find a dream or mission, and it can be a time of great inspiration. For a person involved in the arts, this can be a time of important creative growth. Music and art can heal your mood swings and help change your attitude.If any health problems arise under the influence of an eclipse forming an aspect to your Neptune, they may be very difficult to diagnose or chronic. Usually an eclipse aspecting Neptune brings health problems, but there may also be issues of misdiagnosed illness or protracted recovery. This good time to check your vision. Some people suffer from forgetfulness or temporary memory loss during this time. This eclipse may mark the beginning of menopause. Sleep may be restless with numerous vivid dreams, and there may be an excessive need for sleep. Escaping reality with the help of alcohol and drugs can serve as one of the signs of the eclipse aspects to Neptune. Your problems with substance abuse may be caused by a close relationship with someone who suffers from this addiction. You need to "break free" for other people to find their own path, and that can be very difficult to do. With the eclipse aspects to Neptune, questions regarding sacrifice or persecution are also possible. This is the time of all kinds of dreams. Your imagination and creative mood will occupy all your attention. You may have an imaginary project or want to do something special, but find yourself unable to take action due to previous commitments and feelings of being trapped. Your intuition may be strengthened at this time and access to your spiritual core will be increased.


This is a time of liberation and exposure of those matters that were deeply hidden. You may experience a very depressing involvement, as an eclipse aspecting Pluto can be filled with power struggles that involve facing your own inner demons. The surprise may be that there is no inner monster, just that your ideas of surrender and release should be aimed at reducing your resistance to change.The focus may be on a powerful drama involving you and the other person and bringing out their inner demon. Some of the deepest emotional traumas can be revealed and transformed when an eclipse affects natal Pluto. You will be surrounded by difficult people, and relationship breakdowns are possible. This is not the time for frivolous and superficial people. This eclipse will leave you with a new "toolkit" for life. You will break through to your own source of strength, external or internal. Naturally, Pluto rules death, sex and taxes, as well as insurance, property, childbirth and matters of renunciation. All of these themes are significant during an eclipse aspecting Pluto. Your financial status can change significantly, for better or worse, depending on the overall picture of your horoscope. These changes do not happen suddenly, but grow slowly.

North node

The North Node acts like the Ascendant and has first house qualities in that it represents your"I am the principle" and your independent qualities. Eclipses aspecting the Lunar Nodes in your chart bring about changes in relationships and health. When the Northern Lunar Node is activated, both marriages and divorces occur. If there are indications of physical weakness, health problems are possible. Jacqueline Kennedy died during a solar eclipse at 19°48" Taurus. This eclipse was conjunct her North Node.

South node

The South Node represents others important people, opposition, strangers and is also an indicator of health. This is the point of repeating patterns and the return of some life themes. The South Node attracts familiar problems and people into your life. Issues of connection and distance, as well as legal issues, are the areas of the South Node. The South Node acts like the Descendant and has the qualities of the seventh house in interpretation. Eclipse aspects to the South Node indicate important changes in health. It is believed that the North Node is the point of receiving, and the South Node is the point of withdrawal.


A new moon or solar eclipse in the first house is a time of personal enhancementstarted when you get new energy and enthusiasm. As a rule, this is a period of self-absorption. The first house governs personality and how a person appears. It's how you look at the world. Isabella Hickey said that the first house is the window through which you look at the world. Therefore, your attitude towards life may change with a new moon or solar eclipse in the first house. This is also a time of beginnings. The main thing in these endeavors is connected with you personally. You should beware of becoming too self-absorbed.An eclipse aspecting the Ascendant or its ruler focuses attention on your appearance, physical body and close personal relationships. You may find yourself yearning for a cosmetic makeover, which may include plastic surgery, vigorous exercise, or noticeable changes in weight and energy. This eclipse can trigger important changes in your overall health and body care. If the eclipse is combined with aspects to Mars, it may indicate a surgical operation. At this time, any change in your physical condition is more noticeable. Slow down your pace to avoid random situations that may prevail during this time. Probably a magnetic attraction to other people, as the number of acquaintances with new people increases. The result of an eclipse falling on the Ascendant can be an increase in individual awareness. A strong need for independence and self-expression can also be expected at this time.

Midheaven (MS)

An eclipse hitting the Midheaven can change your career significantly. The company you work for may fail or merge with another company. You may find yourself in the midst of a career change, even if you didn't plan for it. Since the eclipse aspecting the Midheaven activates the entire fourth/tenth house axis, you may want to buy or sell a home or focus on your parents. You can change your social behavior in amazing ways. This could be a time when you find yourself in the spotlight in one way or another. You may enjoy this attention if you have sought it, or you may be annoyed by gossip and unwanted publications. Just like when Mercury is stationary here, an eclipse that hits the Midheaven can make you the subject of discussion or gossip.

Used Books:

1. D. Pessin. "Lunar Eclipses", 1998, CAI

2. Carol Rushman “The Art of Predictive Astrology”, 2004, “DILYA Publishing House”

3. B. Hammerslav “Predictions back and forth”, 1996, Central Academy of Arts
4. B. Brady. "Predictive astrology, vol. 2", 1998, CAI

When reprinting is required!

Photo: Sebastien Decoret/

Modern astrologers do not consider eclipses as impending disasters, although they completely underestimate their influence. And what happens at the moment of eclipses has a fateful influence and can manifest itself both two to three weeks before the eclipse itself and after. But the consequences of eclipses affecting a person’s astrological chart sometimes last much longer; it happens that decades can pass.

Relatively fatality associated with eclipses, it must be said that this inevitability is directly related to both the personal choice of a person made earlier, which entailed events - consequences associated with it, and with the implementation of what was planned, what was chosen by us even before incarnation. Therefore, during periods of eclipses, we need to be more attentive to what is happening around us, with us, our friends and loved ones. Because what happens during these periods is more significant than we may at first assume. Projects, events and ideas and people who come to us during periods of eclipses become an important part of our lives for a long time.

But still, it must be remembered that You should NOT make any decisions during the period between eclipses , like not necessary on eclipse days:
- start important events, transactions;
- decisions;
- participate in public events;
- get married;
- do shopping;
- perform operations;
- sign contracts

Planned events even during the week before the eclipse It is rarely possible to reconcile with how they were conceived and planned due to the fact that, as a rule, they tend to acquire a different scope at a much greater speed.

What is going on on the day of the eclipse , practically uncontrollable at all. Especially during sunny, since at this time information that could be provided to us, but cannot be perceived by our consciousness objectively and completely. That is why decisions should be made no earlier than a week after the eclipse. That is, solar eclipses are dictated by external circumstances and are associated with events occurring outside our will, like karmic predestination. Whereas lunar eclipses, on the contrary, are caused by our thoughts and feelings. They point to the area of ​​life where changes associated with the solar eclipse will occur.

In the summer of 2018, three will occur, starting and ending the same series of eclipses 2N two partial solar and between them - one full lunar.

Saros Series 2 N

This is a difficult eclipse family as its members bring bad news regarding friendships or relationships. You will be dealing with ideas of separation or ending unions. However, while the picture may look bleak while the eclipse remains in effect, the actual results are quite positive. You will immediately realize what needs to be done and quick action can bring good results. The themes of this series of eclipses are actions related to personal relationships.

1. First partial eclipse of the sun will happen July 13 2018 in 21° Cancer at 03:02:16 UT (at 06:02:16 in Moscow). It will be possible to observe the eclipse from Tasmania, southern Australia, or eastern Antarctica. And also in the waters of the Indian Ocean (between the above parts of the world).

2. Total lunar eclipse will take place July 27 2018 in 05° Aquarius at 20:22:24 UT (at 23:22:54 in Moscow). The duration of the eclipse is 1 hour 43 minutes. The eclipse will be visible from southern and eastern Africa, the Urals, southern Russia, the Middle East, and southern and central Asia. At the same time, a penumbral lunar eclipse will be observed from all points on Earth except North America, Kamchatka and Chukotka.

3. Last partial eclipse of the sun 2018 will happen 11th August V 19° Leo at 09:47:28 UT (at 12:47:28 in Moscow). The eclipse will be visible in Northeast China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Far East and in Siberia. People located in central Russia, Scandinavia, Greenland and northern Canada will also be able to see the phenomenon.

And this article describes the meanings when the eclipse degree is conjunct with the radix planets.

The Universe calls us to mercy, altruism and love, as well as to knowledge of its secrets. Are you ready for this?

On this site in the comments you have the opportunity to ask the author, astropsychologist Delphi, your question about a specific eclipse and where the degree of any of the eclipses falls in your horoscope, indicating:

1.Date (, time (local) And place your birth.

2. Place of residence and location at the moment of the eclipse.

Event locations- indicate country, region, district and locality, so that I can establish the exact geographical coordinates of this place.

Moreover, no exact time of birth it is impossible to indicate the house of the natal chart, since even 4 minutes time the grid of houses shifts by 1 degree, and for 24 hours does full rotation around its axis.

You should perform your operations for the first two objects only when the sun, earth and moon are in conjunction in the same line and in the same plane.

(c) Magical grimoire “Triangle book” by Count Saint-Germain.

1. Introduction.

Eclipse times are special. At this time, the moon passes between the earth and the sun and for some time the influence of the energy of light in us weakens and the entire shadow is exposed and clearly manifests itself. It is this time that nature freezes and stops, taking a pause. This pause is important because in order to take a breath, you must first exhale. To bring something into your life, you first need to free yourself from the unnecessary. This is precisely why this pause before planning is needed so that the liberated shadow side of our personality can manifest itself and thereby come into the light of awareness and transform.
People born during a time close to an eclipse are unfortunately deprived of much freedom of choice. Their path may be more predetermined on the one hand, but on the other hand, certainty can provide greater stability and solidity. After all, not many of us like too much change and uncertainty. The life of a person during eclipses is associated with a period of 18.5 years, the so-called Saros cycle. Events and situations in life can repeat themselves in this cycle, like a squirrel in a wheel. But this may not be a wheel, but a spiral along which a person rises higher and higher. Here it is important to look at the lunar birthday for women and the solar birthday for men.
The eclipse itself begins from the moment of the first touch. The moment when the shadow just touches the sun and begins to cover it. And it is at this time that you need to begin the practice of cleansing or summing up, depending on how many days there are in the current lunar month. I will give both practices. The practice of cleansing if there is a 29th lunar day before the first lunar day after a solar eclipse. And the practice of summing up if there were 30 lunar days in the current lunar month.
The difference between eclipses occurring at the transition of 29-1 lunar day and 30-1 lunar day is very large.
If the transition occurs after 29 lunar day then the main practice will be cleansing and removing the blocks in ourselves that prevent us from achieving what we want. When the transition begins from the 30th lunar day, then we have a unique opportunity to move to a new level. This must be taken into account in your meditation practice and preparation for the eclipse.
Thus, the practice of working through an eclipse is divided into two parts. The first is purification or purification and summing up. The second is the planning itself.
It is advisable to check in advance on what day relative to your personal lunar Mandala the eclipse occurs and the annual lunar mandala. View external and internal oppositions. This will make it easier for you to understand what exactly needs to be worked on at this time, where the obstacles will be and what the next cycle will be devoted to.
The first part can begin from the moment the shadow touches the luminary and end a few minutes before the highest point of the eclipse. The second begins at the beginning of the 1st lunar day. Therefore, you need to prepare everything you need in advance.
It is also important to know that by their nature, eclipses can be total, partial and annular. A total eclipse and a partial eclipse carry their influence until the next eclipse where adjustments can be made. The larger the shadow, the greater the influence. The ring bears its influence on a person’s life for as long as 18.5 years. It awakens karmic knots that will affect us for many years. person. The changes that will happen to you after a solar eclipse can often be predicted by the events that occurred during the lunar eclipse, before the solar eclipse. Be attentive to signs from space at this time.
If you want to find out in more detail how the ongoing eclipse affects you personally, then it is better to contact a professional astrologer. Based on the location of the sun and moon at the time of the eclipse in your personal horoscope, the astrologer can give you personal recommendations for working out. This is the best option.
The essence of the eclipse is read by nodes. And we need to see what sign they are in and what their connection with the planets is at the time of the eclipse.
South node carries information about what has already become obsolete. This is an experience that has already been mastered and does not need further elaboration. But at the same time, it's something we can lean on without getting attached.
North node speaks of what should enter our lives. This is something you need to pay special attention to when you write plans and perform meditation. Something you don’t need to resist, but rather remove internal obstacles. This is the area in which our spiritual and material development lies for the next period of time.
For example, the April 2013 eclipse took place along the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The Moon was in Scorpio, the Sun was in Taurus. This means that the main theme of working out our world was emotions and related financial questions and stability issues. During this period, it was possible to increase cash and material flows, or it was possible..... vice versa. And this is for the next 18.5 years.

2.Keys to performing the solar eclipse practice.

As life has shown, if all the keys are fulfilled, then the implementation takes place within several weeks. Therefore, these keys are exactly that magical wand that launches your plans into realization. Therefore, preparation for an eclipse begins with the preceding lunar eclipse.

During a lunar eclipse (+- three days), everything that will be important for the next period will clearly manifest itself in your life. Be attentive to signs from space. Situations may escalate and must be urgently addressed and resolved. At the same time, this is the best moment when you can get rid of the internal blocks that prevent us from fulfilling our desires.
Therefore, the first key is to pay attention to the signs during the lunar eclipse preceding the solar one.
The second key is the location of the sun at the time of the eclipse in your personal horoscope on this moment. This is checked by an astrologer, where the main direction is determined, what you will remove and clean, and what you need to pay special attention to in making your plans. What to pay more attention to because then all heavenly and earthly space will help you in your implementation.
The third key is writing plans for the correct period depending on what type of eclipse.
Key four. Don't limit yourself. Sometimes Heaven offers us more high level, and we underestimate it in our plans. Try removing the top bar. Give Heaven the opportunity to give you a gift.
The fifth key and very important. Desires must be from the heart and true, and not imposed from the outside. Be sure to check everything you plan for compliance with your true intentions.
The sixth key is the most important. This should benefit all living beings. Then you receive help and support in the implementation of all your plans from all heavenly and earthly Forces.

3. Preparing for the eclipse and the necessary tools

You can write down a few days before the start of the eclipse practice everything that you want to plan for the next year (if the eclipse is partial) or for the next 19.5 years (if the eclipse is annular or total). This can be done on the 24,25,27 and 28 lunar days.
Check every point of your plans for truth and environmental friendliness. This is done on the 25th or 28th lunar day before a solar eclipse. This will strengthen planning practices and speed up implementation.
Before the eclipse, prepare three white candles. They are intended depending on what tradition you are in for the Highest Manifestations of the Divine. These could be the Three Norns spinning the thread of fate. You can light them for the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. It's up to you.
Also take a figured angel candle in purple, white or just wax. If you don’t find a curly one, then take a regular wax one.
And two working candles. You will light one for the first practice, the second directly for the planning itself. The candles should burn for about an hour. Don't go too big or too small. Although in practice I observed when absolutely identical candles burned out in five minutes during practice. The second one burned for two hours.
And now the keys to the practice itself.

4. Key first.

7. Meditation and planning practice during a solar eclipse:

Before practice, take a shower, put on clean clothes and prepare a place for meditation.
You can do any cleansing practice from my book “Moon Practices”
Light three candles as an offering to the Norns if you are in the Nordic tradition.
Ask higher powers to guide you during your practice. And so that everything is done correctly and on time and that your actions benefit all living beings.
Light a candle for your Guardian Angel. Ask him to help you during your practice
Have a glass clean water in small sips.
Looking into the candlelight, write a list of what you want to get rid of.
Look at yourself in the mirror.

7.1. Purification Meditation:

Purification meditation is performed before the sun has passed the peak of the eclipse and while the 29th or 30th lunar day is still underway.
Take a comfortable position. The arms and legs are open and do not cross.
During practice, breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. Breathing is soft and calm as usual. There is no need to open your mouth wide as you exhale. Just relax and open it slightly while exhaling.
Take three deep breaths. So that as you inhale, your stomach and chest expand as much as possible, and as you exhale, they relax and fall on their own under the force of gravity.
Feel the outer surface of your body and look at the inner space (if you have been doing the practice regularly) The best remedy rejuvenation - Movement at rest" from my book of women's practices, then it will be easy for you to do this)
Imagine that in front of you is the image you just saw in the mirror.
Remember what you wrote on your list.
Find the place in your body where you see and feel the first problem on your list. Something you want to get rid of. How does it look and feel? Maybe it's some kind of symbol or object. For example, resentment may look like a stone or a knife in the back. Or just color and shape. Find a problem in your body that bothers you. Thank her for being in your life for the lessons that you learned thanks to her. Send it to the phantom image that we have created and which is in front of you outside of your body.

Then do the same for the other problems on your list. When all problems are sent to the created phantom. Look at him with love and gratitude. Now these problems are not with you but with the phantom. Thank the phantom for taking on these problems and sending them to those places where they should be outside of our world. Under your attention, the phantom may begin to shrink and gradually turn into a small, shining purple star. Take a deep breath and exhale and send it to the sky.
It is better that the launch into the sky occurs a couple of minutes before the transition begins.
Enjoy the feeling of emptiness and observe what happens to your sensations and experiences at the moment the sun passes through the maximum of the eclipse.

The next practice follows purification and begins only at the moment of the peak of the eclipse and the passage of the first lunar day!!!

And as the sun enters the new lunar day, we need to fill in the empty spaces.
Imagine that a ray of light is coming down from the sky towards you. It fills the entire space around with light, clear light. Feel your skin and the places where it comes into contact with the air and where it comes into contact with clothing. Think of your skin as the outer surface of your body. Start inhaling the light that comes from the sky through the surface of the body, through the skin. With each inhalation and exhalation, the body expands and contracts as balloon. Fill your body with light, especially those places that you have cleansed. Fill yourself with light and clarity.
When you do this, take three deep breaths and exhale, gently stretch your whole body and you can proceed to the next part of the practice. The purification practice is completed.
A sheet of paper with written problems is burned and the ashes are buried in the ground or sent with water into the toilet with the words “where the water goes, there is trouble.”

7.2. Working with planning.

Light a new white or wax candle. Take a sheet of yellow paper and a pen with red ink.
Looking at the candle, think about what you want to happen in your life in the near and not only future. Write a list of your plans.
Before writing each item, first look into the candlelight. Let it help your desire to be pure and clear. Avoid the word NOT and negative expressions. Write not in the future or in the past, but in the present tense. And may all your wishes be wise and bring benefit to all living beings. Having completed the list of plans and desires, we again drink a glass of fresh water in small sips and settle into a comfortable position for meditation.
We are already filled with light, so just remember this state of being filled with light, calm and relaxed. A state of clarity and peace. In this state, paint a vivid picture in your imagination as if your desire and plan have already come true. Create a circle of blue light as a frame for the picture. Remember how in the fairy tale about the silver plate. Who is next to you when your wish is realized. What do you feel? Are you and the other participants in the film comfortable?
Check to see if your wish is true!!!
If the body is tense and there is no smile, then begin to change the picture until a joyful soft smile appears on the face, the body relaxes and the breathing is soft and calm, through the chest and stomach at the same time. And in your imagination you will be able to observe and feel peace, tranquility and calm joy from the picture of a fulfilled desire. Let the image go into the heavens with a blue glow. Smile and thank space, heaven, and your guardian angel for your help.
Then we do the same with two more wishes.
Having sent the third wish into the sky with blue light, check your body and scan your internal space. If there is no light somewhere, then again invite a ray from the sky and fill your entire inner space with the light of clarity. This concludes the practice.
Stretch gently, take a few deep breaths. Give thanks higher power, guardian angel, God in whom you believe or higher self for help in practice.
Written plans can be burned and the ashes thrown to the wind. Do not extinguish the candles; they must burn out on their own.

But each eclipse carries its own energies and each time the practice changes, emphasis is placed on different areas of life. Therefore, stay tuned for new articles on eclipses in the group section