Tiger man what awaits in September. Money & Career horoscope for Tiger

09.09.2019 Internet

2017 promises many good things and interesting events for representatives eastern calendar- tigers, which is filled with both pleasant moments, both difficult and unpleasant.

Tiger Woman: Horoscope for 2017

Tigresses are very proactive, and this trait will be fully revealed. They are able to act first even in matters of relationships with men, not to mention in solving family or business problems.

But the Year of the Rooster recommends not to abuse aggression. Initiative is needed and will be rewarded, but you cannot go towards the goal “over your head.” Tiger women are advised to exercise more caution and carefully weigh their words and actions. Otherwise, they risk quarreling with important people or lose a loved one. We will have to learn to apologize and forgive people for their little weaknesses.

If Tigresses can keep their temper in check, they will have success both in business and in their personal lives. In the service, everyone will need their help, which will lead to career growth and financial gain. On a personal level, unmarried girls will have the opportunity to get married successfully. Family Tigresses will be very necessary for their families and appreciated by them.

Tiger Man: Horoscope for 2017

Some Tiger men will be quite happy being single, but others will want to have serious relationship. They will do this well - the chosen one will reciprocate and rise to the occasion.

Success awaits the tigers in business sphere. The main thing for them here is not to indulge in the aggressiveness and laziness characteristic of this year. Conflicts at work can prevent you from getting a promotion. Laziness can do even more harm to this. However, the development of the situation will quickly show the Tigers that they cannot let things take their course, and they will have time to fix everything. In fact, their working capacity is very high, they just don’t always strive to use it.

But in the year of the Rooster it will not work out any other way - Tigers will achieve success and prosperity only through persistent work. If they do not indulge their laziness, then by the end of the year they will be able to occupy a fairly prominent social position. In this case, they will have to be careful and carefully choose their circle of acquaintances - seekers of easy money and undeserved privileges will flock like flies to honey.

Tiger: Love horoscope for 2017

In general, Tigers will be able to achieve exactly what they want in love, but only if they can overcome some of the shortcomings of their nature.

Thus, being very busy at work can make them somewhat lazy and indifferent in love relationships. Such neglect will offend either your beloved or your spouse. And it can cause scandals. If Tigers value their existing relationships, it is better for them not to allow this to happen.

Another tiger weakness is the habit of sometimes “going to the left.” Quite often they get away with these adventures - after all, their intentions are not to destroy existing permanent relationships. But this will not work in the year of the Rooster. A Tiger who is on a spree will definitely get caught, and the offended partner will not let him off the hook.

Lonely Tigers can make their own decisions. If they want to maintain freedom, the Rooster will save them from annoying admirers. If you are in the mood for a romance, there will definitely be a suitable candidate.

Tiger: Finance and career horoscope for 2017

Tigers strive for wealth, and for the sake of this goal they are ready to take serious risks. The Year of the Rooster will give them success, but only if the risk does not contain elements of breaking the law. Perhaps the Tigers will even be able to win the main prize in the lottery, but cheating is a no-no.

Good results will only come from persistent, honest work. The bosses will note her excellent results and reward the Tigers with a promotion in position and salary. Business trips can also be very profitable.

Tigers love to spend money, but in the year of the Rooster they will have to do this carefully. The point is not that there will be no money, but that it will flow unstably. Therefore, it will be difficult to calculate whether, after spending the premium on a large purchase, you will then have to go into debt to survive.

Speaking of debts. It is better for Tigers not to make them, especially not to borrow from friends and relatives. There is a risk that financial surprises will make it impossible to repay the loan on time, and this will ruin the relationship.

Tiger: Health Horoscope for 2017

Tigers are distinguished by good health, but are often indifferent to it. The Year of the Rooster will change the situation. Many Tigers suddenly become interested in the state of their body, give up bad habits, and switch to a healthy lifestyle.

No serious illnesses are expected, but it is better to take measures against possible disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and nervous system. There is no self-medication; if problems arise, you need to contact professionals. But preventative measures will benefit the Tigers more. They need to exercise regularly (any kind will do) and prefer active recreation. Massages and visits to the pool will help you cope with overwork.

This sounds somewhat strange, but the Tigers are shown a completely non-predatory menu - vegetables, fruits, and if meat, then dietary. Then they are unlikely to have health problems.


An unusual thing - Aries-Tigers will tend to carefully think through all their actions and stay away from risks. Unusual even for Aries, even for Tiger.


These people will combine the best of two patrons. They will be strong, persistent and intelligent. They should be obeyed.

Tiger Gemini

Here the situation is the opposite - Gemini seems to break loose. It’s better for those around you to hide, because a tiger without brakes is serious.


It’s better not to cross their path - they’ll deal quickly and for sure. But with neutral or friendly relations everything will be fine.


There is no need to be afraid of such a terrible combination - its representatives will behave quietly. True, they will be inclined to sacrifice principles for the sake of profit.


Virgos will be a pleasure to deal with - in the year of the Rooster they will be in a mostly good mood. It's better not to spoil it, and everything will be fine.


Libra will turn their tiger into domestic cat. For them, the most important thing will be family peace and tranquility.


Here there will be more kings of beasts than among the Lions themselves! Scorpios will be in the mood to command, and they will often be quite good at it.


Unusual mood - romantic Sagittarius will transform into sober pragmatists. But you can rely on them.


If you need a new business partner, this is them. You won't find them more reliable, honest and consistent.


The height of charm, but it’s better to keep your ears open. Tigers-Aquarius will be the star of any company, it will always be interesting to be with them, but you cannot trust them completely - they are absolutely unpredictable.


If someone needs a partner for a flight to Mars or a trip to the South Pole, he will find one among the Pisces tigers. In the year of the Rooster they will be capable of anything.

Predictions for the year are rarely quite accurate, especially when it comes to horoscopes. At least that’s what skeptics say, but astrologers are confident that their predictions are correct, because they know how to interpret signs and natal charts. Therefore, the Tiger is called one of the most positive among all signs. Luck will accompany him in any endeavor, but he will also have to make an effort.

Horoscope for 2017 for Tiger

The Tiger's main problem this year will be his inability to agree with the opinions of others. Despite the fact that luck will be a constant companion of the Tigers, conflicts will go on the other side of them.

It is in your nature to strive to lead and manage others, but not everyone agrees with this, so there will be many who disagree with both your opinion and behavior. It will be difficult for you to restrain yourself and this will become the cause of most quarrels and disputes. If you are absolutely sure that you are right, do not try to take over your opponent with authority and a meaningful look - bring up arguments with which he will agree, to which he will not find anything to answer. You can also look at the issue from a different angle and reconsider your position, at least try.

Your conflict nature can cause you to be fired or lose a bonus at work, which is why it is so important for you to learn to curb your temper and not let your ego take over. You may lose important partners or investors if you do not become more accommodating; think: is your integrity worth success? Of course, no one is asking you to take classes on anger and aggression control, but you should learn restraint.

Another skill you should learn this year: asking for forgiveness. It’s not enough to just admit your mistake somewhere in the dark of your office or kitchen; it’s important to tell about it to someone you’ve managed to offend or offend. Admit that others are right openly and some conflicts may end up much more successfully than you thought. You may have to apologize for something that is not your fault. Or you think that you are not to blame. Step over yourself. This will definitely work in your favor. It is also important to learn to ask for forgiveness because the stars predict that you will have a serious disagreement with a loved one and dear friend in the middle of the year. And it is you who will need to seek reconciliation, and if you fail to do this, you will lose your friend forever.

Your work is very important to you, but you are used to leaving a lot of things to chance. Of course, this year luck is on your side and the Rooster will help his brother in every possible way, but this does not mean at all that you can idly lie on the couch and do nothing. This is especially true for owners of their own business. Firstly, you may be deceived by your own employees, and secondly, you risk missing the right moment to conclude a money transaction and then all your success will go down the drain. If you are committed to a real breakthrough in business, take it seriously. Improve technologies, update personnel, change management tactics, or go together to trainings and seminars - team building will be one of the secrets of your success.

In financial matters - in matters of investing money - do not rely on anyone other than your intuition and the voice of reason. Your instinct for successful trades may let you down, but cold calculation will not. Check the numbers, calculate the possibilities and only then agree to the deal. It is good to invest in innovative developments, new technologies and other types of production, something material. Do not invest money in friends’ projects - you risk a serious quarrel if it fails. Although you will receive offers from friends and this will undoubtedly flatter you, refuse. The business is too risky and will most likely be a loser.

Your friends will truly need you. In your presence and company: joint trips, walks, shopping and relaxation will be pleasant and exciting, but you should not attach too much importance to this. Most often, people you don’t know well will invite you to such events just to get to know you better. Take a closer look too. Some of them will be useful to you, while others, on the contrary, will be too annoying. Remember what the stars told you about conflicts - minimize them as much as possible.

Your family will also need you, so try to stay at home on weekends or spend your holidays together: hiking and nature walks, active recreation in the summer and sledding in the winter will bring you and your children closer. If you want to gain their trust, try to show that you are also wrong. Many people are afraid to tell you about their experiences, because they think that you will judge and be unhappy. Your children are first on this list. Learn to talk to them and not order them and everything will work out. In general, everything in the family will be more or less calm, except for disputes due to your fatigue at work and exhaustion. Control yourself.

For single Tigers, the year does not promise marriage, but it predicts meetings and romances. A lot, often and not for long. Almost all your endeavors will end the same way - separation. But don’t be upset, the kaleidoscope of meetings also has its own charm. Just remember to take precautions and control your passionate nature.

Horoscope for 2017 Tiger: woman

You will be very popular and in demand. Both at work and at home. What the stars definitely don’t advise you to do is turn up your nose and climb too high. The situation can change at any moment, but you will have a long way to go.

Perhaps this year you will get tired of working for someone, and you will seriously think about your own business. Don’t start it in the year of the Rooster, it’s better to plan everything well, consider all the risks, think through a strategy, write a detailed business plan, contact a consultant and look for investors. It is not recommended for you to invest your own funds yet. However, you may never decide to take the final step.

Speaking of planning. Your quarrelsomeness is quite boring to those around you, so you need to learn not only to restrain yourself in a fit of anger or quarrel, but in ordinary communication, think through your every step and check every phrase. Many are just waiting for a reason to break all ties with you. You may lose a good friend if you continue to behave aggressively and defiantly towards others. Remember, not everyone can do what you do, not everyone has the traits, character and habits that you have. Difference is not a reason to reproach someone. Better start eradicating your shortcomings.

The year promises you ease of learning. Try to master a new profession, improve your skills in an existing one, or learn another foreign language. Courses, seminars, trainings and seminars will benefit you. Firstly, you will have somewhere to put your unbridled energy, and secondly, there is no such thing as unnecessary knowledge.

Somewhere in the middle of summer, you may need help from colleagues or friends in resolving an urgent issue: seek support. You can’t do it alone, but your request will definitely be answered. At the same time, you will find out who your most faithful friend is.

Your desire to rise up and follow your ambitions will make your spiteful critics jealous. On the one hand, this will flatter you, but on the other, it can harm you. Try not to leave anyone behind you, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid the knife.

Since Tiger women generally tend to give great importance outsiders' opinion of them, they will spend quite a bit of time taking care of their appearance. And this is also one of the ways to keep yourself busy, but remember - you need to restrain yourself and your temper. As for the rest, don’t deny yourself the pleasures. New purchases, makeup and hairstyle will become a reason for conversation in the office for more than one day. You will be the center of attention. Just know that you will have to choose: either success in business, or good relationship those around you. You won’t be able to get both this year; people around you will be too envious.

If you intend to change your marital status, this year is not very successful for this. You're kind of afraid to do last step and put a stamp in your passport, so you don’t dare accept your partner’s offer. But the year is not conducive to marriage for you either. Something will constantly interfere and distract you: trips, illnesses, quarrels. Don’t think that this is bad luck, you’re just not ready for this step yet.

But married women should beware of affairs on the side. You are really risking your marriage, since adultery cannot be hidden from your spouse, and he will not tolerate cheating. However, if your goal is divorce and a new relationship, go for it! The Rooster will give you the courage to do this.

As the horoscope for the Tiger for 2017 assures, a woman will lead a very active social life: parties, meetings and receptions, where she will have a lot of acquaintances and flirting. This is a great opportunity to stroke your ego and make useful connections. Not all of them will end in a love affair, but business contacts will be long-term and useful.

Women also need to take care of their health. The tiger in nature loves water and so do the people whose totem this animal is. But it’s still water that you need to be wary of this year: the risk of accidents on water is high. Simple precautions will help you avoid trouble. As for illnesses, you need to worry about the condition respiratory tract. A common cold can quickly develop into bronchitis or pneumonia, which can be difficult, time-consuming and expensive to treat.

Horoscope for 2017 Tiger: man

The stubborn and stubborn Tiger man really likes the symbol of the year - the same workaholic Rooster, which is why luck and success in business will accompany him throughout the entire period. But only on the condition that the Tiger does not stop trying and does not become lazy, having received praise from his superiors.

Management really likes your ability to perform even the most complex tasks, so they are already thinking about promoting you or transferring you to another position where you can better prove yourself. Now it’s important for you not to relax and slow down, otherwise all your hard work will be lost. If you want to take a leadership position, it's time to become more active as a manager and leader. Organize your colleagues, try to implement a joint project where you will be the driving force and inspirer. People will follow you, be sure, but also remember that you can only achieve respect from your colleagues by doing the same - respecting their requests and proposals, even if you already have a ready-made solution, let everyone speak, consider the options, put everything to a vote and discussion possible moves and make a decision collectively. This way you will allow everyone to express themselves and will not make enemies at work.

By the way, you don't need to change your job. You will receive several offers at once about a change of activity or just a place of work, but astrologers strongly discourage you from accepting them. Since there you will have to start everything from scratch, but at your current job you already have a reputation and your word has weight.

You may have to start training a newbie: take this task as responsibly as possible, consider that this is a test for you as a future boss. Try to develop your own teaching method or find an approach to your student, this will be another plus in your favor when management considers candidates for promotion.

You should also remember the advice to hold back. Your temper and desire to prove that you are right can play a cruel joke on you and provide important support at work or business partners if you are an entrepreneur. In general, learn to filter your statements; a carelessly dropped word, or said in a quarrel, can sow real enmity. On the contrary, you need to look for supporters.

As for finances, here you will not feel the need. Thanks to your hard work, you always have money. But remember that it is important not only to retain, but also to increase funds. Since spontaneous purchases and meaningless acquisitions are not typical for you, the only option in which you will lose your money is to voluntarily give it away. The sweet speeches of scammers can mislead you, try to be more careful and not give in to persuasion. Even if a former classmate gives you advice. Also beware of bad investments. If you prefer deposits, choose a good and reliable bank, preferably a foreign one, and for investment a proven and no less reliable project. You may receive a unique offer, but you will begin to receive profit from it only next year. Agree only if you are willing to wait. Otherwise, it's better to find something else. And you should completely avoid gambling and other easy ways to get additional funds: you will lose to smithereens. The Rooster does not like freebies and therefore allows few people to win. But even if it happened, the money then flows away very quickly, like sand through your fingers. So you should forget roulette, blackjack and preference for a while. As well as all kinds of bets, bets on horses and sports victories.

It's better to go in for sports yourself. You need to strengthen your heart, so cardio exercise will come in handy. Morning or evening jog Gym or simply climbing stairs to work and home will help strengthen the heart muscle. It is also good to follow a work-rest schedule, otherwise overwork will overwhelm you in the middle of the year, when you really need strength.

Peace will reign in the family only if you yourself do not disturb it. People at home will be more understanding of your busyness and constant problems at work, so you also need to be patient with them. There is no need to emphasize shortcomings or focus on failures; on the contrary, try to look for the positive even in this together. Also pay attention to your significant other: your wife has already forgotten why she married you, so remind her why she loves you so much. In general, rekindling the fire of passion in marriage is a great idea.

The taste for risk pushes Tigers to adventures in the love sphere - the Fire Rooster will allow you to roam to the fullest. Free Tiger Cubs will be at the height of bliss in 2017 - numerous acquaintances, passionate romances and meetings under the moon are just a small part of the pleasures that the owner of the year has in store for the Tigers. Family Tigers can also trust the Rooster - joyful events will be enough to make you feel happy. Well, and of course, the Rooster will pamper many couples with the birth of children - babies born in 2017, the Rooster will provide a rich dowry - the children will be smart and healthy.

Although Tigers are calm about money, in the year of the Rooster they are able to make a fortune. It will be difficult to fill the ranks of the oligarchs, but trying, as they say, is not torture. The main thing is not to waste money on nonsense, but to learn to count money, entrusting part of the capital to reliable banks. In 2017, it is important for Tiger Cubs to listen to their intuition - it, together with the caring Cockerel, will suggest the right decisions and protect them from dangerous transactions. Many Tigers will be able to solve housing problems - why not have fun and thank the caring Red Rooster with a party thrown in his honor?

 Horoscope for 2017 for the Fire Tiger

The Fire Tiger Cubs will be Cockerel's favorites. Of course - one element, and by nature, the Fire creatures are attractive to the owner of 2017. Tigers' business partners will get the impression that you are testing your luck - a constant craving for risk and endless adventures. As you know, fortune favors bold individuals, so throw caution to the wind and rush up the career ladder with your usual enthusiasm and courage. Not only will the current work of the Fire Tigers be status and prestigious, but you will also get pleasure from it.

What about love? – the romantic Fire creatures will ask. The cockerel will not let you down here either - the green light will be on all year for weddings and the conception of children. Tiger cubs who are not ready to start a family also have nothing to worry about - there will be enough fans for you to enjoy both romances and frivolous dates under the moon. Family Fire Tigers will be like affectionate kittens all year - even angry relatives of the older generation will change their anger to mercy in the year of the Rooster and will support you in any endeavor. So, you can build a house, plant trees, and so on, according to plan.

Bathing in family happiness Tigers do not need to forget about the financial sector - there will be many profitable offers in the year of the Rooster, and you will be able to choose the most suitable activity for yourself. Only Tigers should remember - Luck is a fickle lady, and you need to think less often and act more often. The Fire Cockerel will protect you from all sorts of scammers and pests - dishonest people have nothing to do near the charming Tiger Cubs. “Big money - great vacation” - this is the rule Tigers need to remember and periodically arrange a weekend for themselves. With scope, fun and your typical chic!

 Horoscope for 2017 for the Water Tiger

Water Tigers are gentle and sentimental guys, and even in matters of business they can be soft and too trusting. But the Fire Rooster will not allow anyone to offend the tabby cats - the competitors will run away in all directions. Water Tiger Cubs will be respected by everyone around, from the boss to the service staff, so you can climb the career ladder calmly - you won’t meet envious people or enemies on the steps. Good luck in 2017 will accompany you in all business negotiations and meetings - you won’t have to growl at your partners, rest assured!

Water Tigers strive for the ideal in love, so in the year of the Rooster you can enjoy life. Free Water Tigers will easily start romances and charm everyone - just don’t get too carried away, and if you switch from one admirer to another, try to remain friends with the abandoned boyfriend. The owner of 2017 will do everything so that you don’t get bored - every day will be filled with dates and acquaintances. Well, family Water Tiger Cubs can warm their skins in a warm homely atmosphere - the Cockerel will enchant both the adoration of the partner and the respect of all family members. By the way, it’s time to talk to your chosen one about heirs.

Once the conversation turns to adding to the family, a logical question arises: where can I get the money? The Red Fire Rooster took care of this literally from the first days of his reign - one of the Water Tiger Cubs will become a lottery winner, someone will be repaid an old debt, and some Tigers will receive a tempting offer for a dust-free part-time job. Besides, you can't look for geniuses like you - any oligarch will be happy to give you a couple of billions if only you would share your fantastic ideas.

 Horoscope for 2017 for the Wood Tiger

Wooden Tigers in the year of the Fire Cockerel may feel lucky - well, why not, if the owner of the year decided to shift almost all of your problems onto his multi-colored shoulders. He will give you a new position, negotiate with your competitors, and convince your colleagues that you are worthy only of respect and love. Don’t worry, the Rooster will not demand your souls for such benefits - all you need is persistence and self-confidence! Success in your career and success in your profession automatically raise your self-esteem - don’t be proud, and remain as sweet and kind.

With love, everything will work out perfectly - Wooden Tigers will be playful, like kittens, and the opposite sex will be piled up at your furry paws. Free Wooden creatures can try themselves as brides and grooms - the Rooster will be very happy to bring you together with your soul mate. Those Wooden Tiger Cubs who have a stamp in their passports will have many chances in 2017 to improve their relationship with their chosen one. Grow less, caress more and, as a logical result, a flock of storks with blue and pink packages will fly to you.

The Fire Rooster loves money, and it reciprocates. The owner of 2017 is generous - he will share with the Wooden Tigers, you will even refuse, fearing that there was too much capital. If they give, take it, and don’t worry that your head will hurt from thinking: where to spend your money? They are struggling with this problem the best minds humanity, but as soon as a pack of extra bills rustles in your wallet, questions instantly disappear. For example, who can stop you from having great fun? – there are no such people. The circle of acquaintances will increase - be careful and remember the saying that one old friend much better than a couple of new friends.

 Horoscope for 2017 for the Earth Tiger

Earth Tigers are the most persistent and patient - the Rooster will do anything to make you smile. So buy expensive shampoo for your skin - you will have to show off often, and you will receive diplomas and bonuses almost every month. Earth Tigers may worry that with the new position there will be more enemies - calm down, nothing like that is expected. Well, there will be a couple of competitors there, but you won’t even need a menacing roar - the Fire Rooster will solve problems without a fight. Do you want your own business in 2017? - you will have business too. You can at least buy out a candy factory - the Rooster knows what kind of sweet tooth you are, so he will help.

In respectable suits and with an important expression on their faces, Earth Tigers will become tempting prey for the opposite sex. If you have not yet known the happiness of marriage, then the Rooster will open the doors to a fairy tale for you - just do not let out your claws so as not to scare your fans. The stars will be happy to attend your weddings. And for family Earth Tigers, the green light will not turn off at all. Do you want kids? – please, do you dream of going to the islands with your loved one? - yes, at least every month. Comb your striped backs and forward - to joy, tenderness and harmony.

There will be enough money for travel, and for apartments, and for yachts - after these words, the Water Tiger Cubs happily stretched and relaxed. But you shouldn’t relax - the Red Cockerel won’t bring all these delights of life on a silver platter. But the Fire Bird will help in any business you start, so the payment will be worthy. It won’t be a bad idea to save capital in 2017 - believe me, oligarchs don’t eat strawberries and champagne every day either, and billionaires have a reserve for a rainy day (it’s a pity that the stars never found out where this wealth is stored).

 Horoscope for 2017 for the Metal Tiger

Years of birth: from February 17, 1950 to February 5, 1951, from February 14, 2010 to February 2, 2011

Metal Tigers are stronger than their brothers, and in the year of the Fire Rooster your capabilities will increase several times - after all, fire hardens metal. Take advantage of the chances that fate will throw at you in 2017 - you can succeed in almost any field. Do you want your own restaurant? - tenants instantly lowered their rent for square meters, and the best chefs stood in line just to work for you. Are you dreaming of a beauty salon? - yes stylists Fashionable sentence They are already flying ahead of the plane, just to have time to take a position under your leadership.

Career issues, business plans and other joys of life for business people will take up a lot of time from Metal Tigers, but how can the Cockerel in his year leave someone without love affairs. Wait, Madame Love is about to knock on your door, although Old Lady Jealousy will loom behind her, but you know this weakness behind you, and will try to refrain from sorting things out - the Fire Cockerel really does not like scandals. The rooster is friends with all the birds in the world, and his favorites are storks - wait for their arrival, in 2017 these birds will be extremely active.

The Rooster promises a great financial situation, but it is advisable for Metal Tigers to try hard - meet 2017 on a grand scale. The owner of the year will appreciate your generous welcome - New Year's expenses will pay off quickly. Prosperity not only brings joy, but also questions will arise: what to wear to a reception with ministers, and what gift should you give to the oligarch you met the other day? The demands of Metal Tigers in 2017 will also increase - the two-room apartment in the center will become cramped, and mink coat, bought a month ago, will suddenly begin to put pressure. Spend on your health - Cockerel understands everything and will not block financial flows!

Year of birth: 1926,1938,1950,1962,1974,1986,1998, 2010

What awaits Tiger in 2017?

There are all the prerequisites for success in business. A scientific trip abroad, if one is planned, will also be successful. You are very ambitious and strive for success by any means necessary.

Be careful not to damage your relationships with friends and colleagues. This is not reasonable, forget and don’t remember!

Tiger love horoscope for 2017 Year of the Rooster

Personal life in the year of the Fire Rooster will bring a lot of experiences. You will not complain and, most likely, you will suppress your emotions, which can undermine your psyche and health.

The tiger is not able to take the first step towards reconciliation, apologize or admit that he was wrong; most often he will portray coldness and arrogance. Be more mature! Learn to forgive the mistakes of others and constructively sort things out without raising your tone.

August is most favorable for those Tigers who are directly or indirectly related to creativity and art. But autumn will call into question many agreements. Partnerships in September and early October they will be tested for strength; difficulties with meeting deadlines and mutual understanding with clients are possible.

November and December also promise to be successful. There will be an opportunity to increase personal savings and solve financial problems through investments and investments. But be careful, do not participate in dubious transactions, be sure to double-check all information before investing cash wherever.

Tiger Career in the Year of the Rooster 2017

Your intuition will tell you when to act immediately and when to back off, but still be careful with large expenses, collect information in advance and check it carefully. You should not lend money - otherwise you will never see them again and ruin your relationship with an old acquaintance.

Tiger health in the year of the Rooster 2017

Throughout the year of the Fire Rooster, the Tiger will be irritated a lot, especially with the onset of spring. Therefore, you should prepare in advance - go to an appointment with a homeopathic doctor or herbalist, start a course of spa treatments or buy a yoga video course. Try to relax with health benefits, for example, go on vacation to a sanatorium or resort where there is a spring with thermal or mineral water.


The Fire Rooster will not bring any special difficulties to the Tiger in his work. The only thing worth considering: do not trust your work to other people, do everything yourself and do not impose your rules of life on everyone, because everyone has their own karma, and a person must clear it himself.

CELEBRITIES BORN IN THE YEAR OF THE TIGER Stars: Agatha Christie, H.G. Wells, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Isadora Duncan, Jodie Foster, Marilyn Monroe, Demi Moore

Zodiac Stone: Sapphire

Totem plant: Violet

Best time: from 3 to 5 am

Season: Winter

Favorable colors: green, blue, yellow

Lucky numbers: 4,5,7,9,13,34,44,45,54

The equivalent in Western astrology is:

The tiger is powerful and ferocious by nature, so difficulties in life only strengthen it, and do not drive it into depression. Even if the Rooster takes a “pose” in 2017 and decides to test the Tiger’s strength and fortitude, he will withstand all the vicissitudes of fate. The main thing is not to be lazy, observe and collect the necessary information. The horoscope predicts many quarrels and scandals, both in the family and at work. IN in this case, The Tiger should be more compliant, and not demonstrate his leadership and ambitions. The horoscope for the Tiger for 2017 promises serious rivalry and battle with competitors. Here you will need not only physical strength and pressure, but also mental flexibility. The Rooster will sometimes be overly fussy and picky, but the Tiger does not pay attention to such “sentiments.” Summer is all about vacation, energy, and relaxation, so take full advantage of this season. If in the autumn the Tiger is offered a profitable job or participation in business projects, then you should not refuse. In 2017, try to settle your financial situation by any means possible. At the end of the year, the Tiger's family is expecting the birth of a baby.

Work, career and money of the Tiger in 2017

The Tiger will find itself in a difficult financial situation in 2017. This is what will push him to look for another and more promising job. Especially. In his previous position, Tiger found it difficult to get along with colleagues who did not want to put up with his innate pride. The horoscope promises a lot of small work, but it is not advisable to ignore it. If the Tiger builds a strategy and tactics of behavior with partners in 2017, then by the end of the year he will sit on the throne. Find reliable like-minded people, then you will feel even more confident and morally stronger. The Tiger 2017 horoscope promises successful development in the autumn personal business. Frequent business trips, meetings and correspondence are possible e-mail. The tiger will receive a decent amount for the work previously done. In addition, close relatives will actively help him in 2017. Just don’t start cooperation with a friend, otherwise you will lose all your accumulated funds.

Tiger love horoscope for 2017

In the summer, the Tiger will prove himself to be a true romantic, so he will not be left without fans. During your vacation in 2017, you will meet a nice person with whom you will begin a long love affair. The tiger will behave so original and noble that his lover will be crazy about him. You will not only sunbathe on the beach, but also go to the mountains, and also take a boat ride. Even the Rooster will be amazed at how wonderfully and excitingly the Tiger will spend the summer period. Tigers who have not yet met their soulmate can hope for such a chance in 2017. But just don’t be mercantile, because true feelings and calculation are two different things. In order to understand whether your chosen one loves you or is just “playing” with feelings, look at how he behaves in everyday life. The horoscope for Tiger for 2017 reminds us that love is not sighs on a bench, but hard and joint work.

Tiger family horoscope for 2017

The tiger in 2017 will be respected and revered by household members. By the way, there is a reason for it, because he is not only a tireless worker and breadwinner, but also a gentle husband and a caring father. Of course, it will not happen without disputes and conflicts. Especially in the spring, when even the Rooster will have difficulty resolving “hot” situations. In 2017, the Tiger needs to consult with relatives on many issues. Try to solve household and economic problems together to eliminate any shortcomings. The Tiger horoscope 2017 recommends giving gifts to loved ones just like that - without any special reason. Calm your temperament, otherwise your spouse will definitely pack his bags and go home. If the Tiger goes against his desires and ambitions in 2017, this will have a remarkable impact on his family life. At the end of the year you will have a child, so there will be more troubles and worries.

Tiger health horoscope for 2017

The Tiger is not expected to have any special health problems in 2017. But this does not mean that you need to forget about basic caution on the road, or preventive measures. You will have plenty of opportunities to avoid colds, infections and more serious illnesses. On weekends, the Tiger needs to rest more and go to bed earlier in the evening. The Rooster himself is an optimist by nature, so he advises the Tiger to distract himself from gloomy thoughts. After all, half of them can materialize. The Tiger horoscope 2017 recommends doing physical exercises, running in the morning and eating according to a schedule. A contrast shower and swimming pool will help you strengthen your immune system. Don't forget about sports such as billiards, bowling, football and tennis. The tiger needs to walk more and go out into nature, even in cloudy weather.

Water Tiger horoscope for 2017

The calmness and self-control of the Water Tiger in 2017 can only be envied. Moreover, these qualities will manifest themselves in all spheres of life - from personal to professional. There will be no trace of doubt and “digging” in oneself in the year of the Red Rooster. Naturally, not everything will go smoothly and without mistakes, but the Water Tiger will quickly find the right path that leads to achieving the goal. New work, experiments and even risky ventures are possible. Horoscope for 2017 predicts the Water Tiger career and successful resolution of financial problems.

Wooden Tiger horoscope for 2017

The eastern horoscope for 2017 promises the Wood Tiger a wonderful time when no one will dare lead him astray. Moreover, with the Fire Rooster he will immediately develop trust and friendly relations. The main thing is not to miss the right moment, and to work hard and tirelessly. The Wooden Tiger will occupy a high position in 2017, which will add to his ambition, positivity and self-confidence. True, maximum responsibility and dedication will be required, but this will not raise any questions.

Fire Tiger horoscope for 2017

In 2017, the Fire Tiger will be full of strength and energy, which he will try to put in the right direction. Alas, not everything will work out as previously planned. You will have to pacify your appetites and emotionality so as not to harm your main job and not quarrel with worthy people. The horoscope for 2017 advises the Fire Tiger to be more prudent, especially if he is the head of an enterprise or runs his own business. Remember that you are responsible for your subordinates.

Earth Tiger horoscope for 2017

A good period in work and love is expected in 2017 for the Earth Tiger. You will plan everything clearly, so shortcomings and obstacles will remain behind the ship. Flexibility of thinking and common sense will help to arrange safely and without haste personal life. A creative approach to projects and skillfully conducted negotiations will affect the authority of the Earth Tiger in society. You can handle any job if you don’t forget about punctuality and communication skills.

Metal Tiger horoscope for 2017

In 2017, the Metal Tiger will begin to actively and wholeheartedly help people in need. Charitable events will take up most of your time, but they will allow you to strengthen your authority and win the trust of many. The horoscope for 2017 advises the Metal Tiger to avoid swindlers and selfish people. When communicating with friends and colleagues, you need to be sensitive, not arrogant. Especially if your well-being and mental comfort entirely depend on them.

Eastern horoscope for 2017 for other zodiac signs: