The meaning of the name Bozhena, history and fate. What does the female name Bozena mean?

24.09.2019 Relationship

The lyrical meaning of the name Bozena fully corresponds to the character of its owner - she is calm, reasonable, and hardworking. This is a woman who knows how to be independent when she can only rely on herself, and tender when there is a strong man’s shoulder nearby. She also tends to hide raging feelings and emotions under a restrained mask of decency.

This female name does not at all indicate a submissive character: as soon as she feels the pressure, its bearer will try to act contrary, and she will do this without a hint of “teenage rebellion,” but with purely feminine elegance. To win her over to your side, you will need to find an approach, because she is one of those who knows how to say an adamant “No.”

The meaning of the name Bozena for a girl begins to fully manifest itself only at an independent age. Throughout their childhood, girls named this way seem to be strengthening their character: they are stubborn, cocky, and often physically developed better than their peers.

The meaning of the name Bozena for a child implies good health and the protection of Fortune. Every time the girl successfully gets out of any troubles that she herself gets into in a fit of mischief or a desire to prove her prowess. Having grown up, she remembers with a smile her wild childhood.

The interpretation of the name mentions sociability and goodwill; its owner often has many friends and acquaintances who willingly turn to her for advice. She herself is extremely picky: paying little attention to everyone, she truly trusts only a select few. Thanks to its developed intellect and common sense, this is a real generator of ideas; difficulties are perceived more as an incentive than as a reason to give up.


The so-called girl has a pleasant appearance and refined manners, so she never suffers from a lack of male attention. The difficulty is which candidate to choose. The period of reflection sometimes drags on for a long time, but don’t marry the first person you meet. Choosing a life partner for Bozhena means a serious decision; she believes in one and only love.


Only a sincere and attentive man can claim his hand and heart. In this family, great importance will be attached to psychological comfort and home comfort, created by the skillful hands of the housewife. As a rule, in such families everything is fine with intimate life. At home, no one doubts that the name Bozena means “gift from above.”

An easygoing disposition allows you to always find a compromise, and a rich imagination will always tell you what else to please your household - from the next culinary delight to the introduction of a new family tradition that will appeal to both older relatives and the youngest. The only caveat is that the husband may feel somewhat discouraged that his wife’s authority is higher than his own.

Business and career

Her range of interests is not limited to the kitchen and nursery; in terms of full self-realization, professional growth also means a lot for Bozhena. But the choice of specialties is small: it is unlikely that you will be able to make a career in a field that requires painstakingness and perseverance, as well as unquestioning obedience to superiors.

It is wiser to make a choice in favor of entrepreneurial activity or find a way to earn money by doing what you love, even if at first the contribution to the family budget seems insignificant.

Origin of the name Bozena

The origin of the name Bozena has a rich history. You will be a little surprised to find out whose name it is: it was originally considered a masculine name and was pronounced Bozhan or Bozhin. It was first mentioned in the chronicles of those times when the Slavic and Tatar cultures were closely intertwined due to historical events, then it became widespread throughout the European continent, and at the same time a new meaning: a glorious protector.

Etymology claims that, according to another version, where did it come from female version of this name, it has purely Slavic roots, its meaning is “God’s”. Everyone to whom the secret of the name is revealed will experience the favor of Fate.

Characteristics of the name Bozena

The characteristics of the name Bozena can be clearly seen in the personal qualities of the woman so named. She is characterized by grace, refined taste, and the desire to surround herself with beauty. Practicality is also not alien to her: intuition, coupled with rationalism, allows her to accurately understand people and navigate situations. A strong-willed character turns rare failures into incentives for new achievements.

It is difficult to separate the pros and cons of this woman’s characterization. The same situation can both mobilize her and make her fall into confusion. In the end, she will pull herself together and make the right decision, but over time.

A peaceful and, at the same time, firm character significantly expands the circle of acquaintances. For a woman so named, the social status or upbringing of her interlocutor is not of fundamental importance - she gets along with everyone mutual language, does not allow too much and almost always leaves a pleasant impression of yourself.

The mystery of the name Bozena

  • The stone is ruby.
  • Name days - March 13, June 20, July 20.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Leo.

Famous people with the name Bozena

  • B. Rynska is a Russian journalist, blogger and writer.
  • B. Nemcova is a Czech writer, the founder of modern Czech prose.
  • B. Stryjkowna is a Polish film actress who played in the film “Sex Mission,” which became a hit movie in the 80s.
  • B. Korchinskaya is a Ukrainian flutist, interpreter, and music teacher.

Bozena in different languages

Whatever language the name Bozena is translated from, it always reflects the basic qualities of the person named so. Phonetics tells us how to translate from Old Slavic: “God’s”. Other meanings are also known: “strong”, “assertive”, “glorious”, “blessed”. It is also interesting to write in other languages ​​far from the Slavic group, for example, in Chinese given name looks and is pronounced like this: 博任娜 bórènnà, and in Japanese it’s like this: 原文を表示.

Forms of the name Bozena

  • Full name: Bozena.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Bogdana, Bozhana, Bozhina, Benedikta, Bonya, Boya, Boyka, Zhana.
  • Declension of the name – Bozhena, Bozena.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Theodora, Theoktista, Theodosius.

Today, parents are trying to give their children rare and unusual names that are not widespread in Russia. Bozena is one of them. The meaning of the name, the character and fate of the woman named by it are discussed in detail in our article. Here we will note when Bozhena celebrates her name day Orthodox calendar and Catholic.

History of the name

Parents who want to name their daughter Bozhena will be interested to know what this name has Slavic origin. It is formed by adding the suffix “-ena” to the root of the word “god”. The result was the independent name Bozhena, which translated means “God’s”, “gifted by God”. The name is most widespread in the Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia, Bulgaria and Serbia. Moreover, the stress during pronunciation can be placed on both the first and second syllable.

The name Bozena is associated with the story of the Czech Romeo and Juliet. The Czech prince Oldrich once went hunting and met the beautiful Bozhena from a poor family in one of the villages. He was so charmed by this girl that he immediately took her as his wife, despite the fact that he was already officially married. Oldřich's German wife Utah was never able to give him an heir, and the village girl gave birth to a son, Břetislav, who later became a prince.

The mystery of the name Bozena is directly related to its origin and meaning. This is a person who remains faithful to God throughout his life, but has a far from meek and peaceful disposition. Moreover, this can be noticed from early childhood.

Bozhena: the meaning of the name for a girl

Active, agile, restless, resourceful, lively - all these qualities can most accurately characterize Bozhena. This is a girl with a very complex character that cannot be adjusted. Bozhena’s parents will have a hard time, because it is almost impossible to re-educate such a child. The girl has a selfish character, stubborn and willful, although over time all these qualities may fade away.

The meaning of the name Bozena can be directly associated with God’s blessing, because surprisingly, despite his character, the child studies with excellent marks and achieves great success in life. Although Bozhena is not so much drawn to knowledge as she strives to become the first in everything. But the girl also has good natural abilities for studying: excellent memory and imagination. During childhood, a child gets sick less than his peers. She manages to maintain good health with age.

Bozena: characteristics of a name for a woman

Bozena is a woman with a strong and strong-willed character. She is not afraid of difficulties in life; on the contrary, they force her to mobilize all available forces to achieve the desired result. This is a woman who almost always achieves success in life, largely thanks to her organizational skills and talents.

The female name Bozena is borne by representatives of the fair half of humanity with a purposeful character, who almost always occupy leadership positions. But what is surprising is that Bozena does not have authoritarian traits in her character. This is a fair person who always acts according to his conscience. She does not need advisers to make a decision. She will listen to advice only from those whom she herself chooses as worthy. A woman is no stranger to sentimentality and kindness, but they only appear with the birth of their own children.

Positive and negative character traits

Positive character traits of Bozhena: determination, self-confidence, endurance, self-sufficiency, independence, education, responsibility, intelligence, stubbornness, kindness. This is a person who knows how to achieve the tasks set for himself with his own mind and acquired knowledge.

The name Bozena also has negative character traits: narcissism, secrecy, selfishness, vanity, cynicism, impetuosity. The owner of this name is ready to go headlong towards her goal, not noticing anyone on her way until a certain time. In general, this is a self-confident, but too serious person who knows how to smile only with his family, but does not show his feelings in public.

Family and marriage

Self-confident, proud and independent, Bozhena becomes a completely different person when surrounded by her family. A woman exhibits both gentleness and tolerance. These qualities are especially noticeable in relation to children. The meaning of the name Bozena is directly related to this woman’s kindness, sentimentality and other peaceful qualities. She is ready to devote all her free time to her children, despite the fact that she will never quit her job, since she does not imagine herself as a housewife.

Bozena gets married late, but always out of great love. She does not seek to get married before her friends, waiting for real feelings. IN family life The meaning of the name Bozena is most accurately reflected. Only next to her loved one does she become feminine, caring, a good housewife and mother.

Choosing a profession and career growth

Leadership qualities are evident in Bozhena as early as childhood, developing more and more over time. Therefore, it is not surprising that Bozena will become a leader. She has excellent organizational skills. In the team of such a leader there is no hostility between employees, but rather peace and mutual understanding reign.

When choosing a profession, a girl is guided not so much by personal preferences, but by the opportunity to achieve success in her chosen field. Among Bozhen there are many bank workers, economists, advertisers (specialists in advertising business), doctors, lawyers. Thanks to the imagination developed since childhood, Bozhen has strong Creative skills, which allows them to become writers, actresses, artists, etc. Aesthetics, art, design, cinema and theater are those areas of life where you can meet the owner of such a rare and unusual name as Bozena.

Name day Bozhena

When naming their child this name, parents should know that in Orthodox church calendar Bozhena is not specified. Therefore, owners of this name can celebrate name days only according to the Catholic calendar. In February, you can congratulate Bozena on Angel's Day on the 11th, in March - on the 13th, in June - on the 20th, and also on July 27th.

History knows many representatives of this unusual name:

  • Czech princess Bozena, wife of Prince Oldřich, who bore him a son, Břetislav I;
  • Bozena Nemcova is a Czech writer, author of the work “Three Nuts for Cinderella,” which was later filmed;
  • Bozena Dykiel - Polish actress;
  • Bozena Adamek - Polish theater and film actress;
  • Bozena Griner is a Serbian pianist.

The name is not very common in Russia. It is extremely rare to find a girl with this name. But in the Czech Republic Bozena is among the top 30 names for girls.

What does the name Bozena mean? A similar question is probably asked by everyone who has heard this lyrical name. It seems that its owner should be a fragile, tender young lady, a kind of angelic creature. But is it? What kind of character does a girl named Bozena actually have? The meaning of the name and its origin will be described in the article.

Meaning and origin of the name Bozena

This name has Old Church Slavonic roots and means “blessed”, “marked by God” or “of God”. Oddly enough, in the times of Theodore and Benedict it was considered masculine and was pronounced Bozhin or Bozhan. Currently, it has lost a little of its popularity in Russia, but in Poland it is quite common to this day.


Bozhena is a name whose origin and meaning had little impact on the baby’s character. She is not growing up like an angel. Little Bozena is stubborn and cocky. The girl is well developed physically, so she often proves that she is right not only with words, but also with her fists. Bozhena (the meaning of the name implies God's protection) was really born under lucky star. From any scrapes that she often gets into because of her desire to show off her prowess, the girl comes out with the least losses. God also did not harm Bozhena with her health. She is growing into a strong baby, who is spared even the usual childhood colds. In principle, if not for her mischievous character, the girl would not have caused any special problems to her parents. Yes, and this will pass with age. As she gets older, the girl will remember her “wild” childhood with a smile.

Characteristics of the name

Bozhena is a name belonging to a smart and wayward girl. She can't stand pressure at all. Moreover, it awakens a spirit of contradiction in her. Therefore, only when she feels that someone is trying to control her, Bozena does the opposite. However, by acting diplomatically, the girl can be persuaded to abandon her decision. Bozena (the meaning of the name is “blessed”) knows how to adapt to any situation. Therefore, she is not at all worried about changing her place of work or residence. The girl takes everything lightly. Bozena is sociable and can rarely be seen alone. Thanks to her ability to analyze a situation and her developed intellect, the girl is a real generator of ideas. Difficulties do not exist for her; she perceives them as an impetus to action.


Bozhena, whose name means “marked by God,” has an angelic appearance. The girl is graceful, attractive, surrounded by many admirers, but she is in no hurry to give her heart to the first person she meets. Only a sincere, attentive and affectionate young man can become her life partner. If Bozena sees that a man really loves her, she will give all her strength to provide him with comfort and

Family and Children

The girl chooses her life partner meticulously, because she believes that love should be the only one. Bozena is a good housewife. Her house is always clean and cozy. She idolizes her children. As a rule, they answer her in kind. Her husband's relatives also love her. They sincerely believe that Bozhena is a name meaning “gift from above,” and they thank God for sending them such a relative.


Despite her love for home economics, Bozena's interests are not limited only to the kitchen and children. Unfortunately, the list of professions suitable for Bozhena is not too long, because a girl cannot unquestioningly obey her superiors. And painstakingness and perseverance are not her strong point. As a result, it would be wisest to open your own business. Moreover, Bozhena’s luck has not left her throughout her life.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is most suitable for girls born under the sign of Capricorn or Scorpio, as these people have a fearless, decisive character. Under the influence of these signs, Bozhena will also become a persistent girl who is not afraid of difficulties. Traits such as sober thinking and prudence will appear in her character, which will allow her to more objectively assess the situation and achieve success in any activity.

and middle names

Bozhena Andreevna, Alekseevna, Viktorovna, Valentinovna, Ilinichna, Evgenievna, Petrovna, Mikhailovna - a persistent, stubborn, but incredibly kind person. The main thing is to find an approach to it. The girl is very patient, but testing her patience is not recommended. she is weakened, and it could happen at any moment. Bozhena is very clean, loves cooking, and comes up with many recipes herself. She is not very happy in her marriage, but she will never admit it, and will try to save the family to the end. The children treat her very well, often much better than their father.

Bozhena Arkadyevna, Alexandrovna, Bogdanovna, Borisovna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Timofeevna, Yakolevna - the owner of a changeable character. He knows how to make an impression, but, unfortunately, not always a pleasant one. Trying to create a strong, friendly family. However, with her character this is rarely possible, since few men will want to tolerate an eccentric, emotionally unbalanced person. However, being married, the girl will try to take her husband under his heel. Bozena knows how to manage money rationally and is a good housekeeper. However, she prefers to discuss serious issues with her husband, but not because she is interested in his opinion, but simply to raise his self-esteem.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Bozena.

What does the name Bozena mean?

The name Bozena means divine (Bulgarian)

The meaning of the name Bozena is character and destiny

A woman named Bozena is willful and intelligent. She cannot stand pressure, it awakens a spirit of contradiction in her, and she does everything the opposite. Only by acting diplomatically can she be won over to her side, convinced to act this way and not otherwise. Bozena is smart enough to accept irrefutable evidence. She is not ambitious, does not strive for primacy, does not pretend to be a leader, but she has to be taken into account. She is reasonable and prudent, serious and prudent. Can give good advice. Bozena is sociable and easily adapts to any conditions. She is somewhat slow, but in extreme conditions a woman named Bozena becomes collected and energetic. She doesn’t get married for a long time, not daring to choose anyone. Bozena is elegant, attractive, successful. He chooses an attentive and affectionate man. If she sees the sincerity of his attitude towards herself, she will give all her strength to make him feel comfortable next to her. After getting married, Bozena enjoys home improvement and knows how to create comfort. She has good taste and is endowed with a subtle artistic flair. A woman named Bozena loves her family very much and tries with all her might to maintain relationships between family members. Often one of the animals lives in her house, but most of all she loves small purebred dogs.

Meaning of the name Bozena for sex

A woman named Bozena loves sex, often changes partners, but not because of promiscuity: she simply cannot immediately find a man strong enough and professional in sex who meets her needs. “December” Bozena requires more dedication than she gives herself. A woman named Bozena is not easy to excite; it takes a lot of time to set her up for a sexual wave and bring her to climax. She should be given the opportunity to take the initiative herself so that she knows what she likes. Bozhena does not recognize any taboos in sex; an experienced partner can skillfully use this.

The character and fate of the name Bozena, taking into account the patronymic

First name Bozhena and patronymic....

Bozhena Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Nikitichna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna- stubborn, persistent, but very kind in character. If you find the right approach to her, she will always give in and will not enter into conflict. She is very patient, but her patience should not be tested. Bozena will be adamant if she feels even the slightest pressure. Nervous system A woman named Bozena is weakened, she is prone to nervous breakdowns and depression. She may take too long to comprehend the current situation, missing a profitable chance. Reliable friend, faithful wife, loving mother. She has many fans, but winning her heart is difficult. She is very clean, loves to play tricks in the kitchen, knows many recipes, and comes up with new dishes herself. Not very lucky in marriage, but very patient. Ready to fight to save the family. The children are more attached to her than to their father. Bozhena is friendly and treats her husband’s relatives no worse than her own.

First name Bozhena and patronymic....

Bozhena Alexandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vladimirovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Matveevna, Maksimovna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Timurovna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna has an uneven character, unstable, changeable mood. This woman knows how to make an impression, although not always a favorable one. If her plans and hopes are not met, she may become irritable. She tries to create a strong family, but with her character it is difficult. Few men can withstand such an eccentric character. Does not tolerate compromises, she is straightforward. A woman named Bozena is sexy, if her partner cannot live up to her ideal, does not satisfy her sexual needs, breaks off the relationship without regret - she has plenty of admirers. In marriage, Bozhena manages the house economically, knows how to manage money rationally, and does not tolerate control from her spouse. However, in serious matters, she always consults with her husband, not because she is interested in his opinion, she simply does not want to hurt his pride.

First name Bozhena and patronymic....

Bozhena Bogdanovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna With youth serious, disciplined. He knows exactly what he wants and knows how to make it happen. A woman named Bozena is always surrounded by admirers, chooses the most reliable of them and accepts his courtship for a long time. Often such relationships end in marriage. In a relationship with a man, Bozhena gravitates towards constancy and stability. After all, she has too many other plans, worries and problems that need to be completed before marriage. But love problems and changing lovers take a lot of time and distract from the main tasks. Bozena strives to get a good education, tries to decide on a profession and position, and only then allows himself to start a family. If the young man accompanying a woman named Bozena all these years continues to interest her, he becomes her husband and faithful friend for life. Bozhena cannot even think of divorcing him - it is so troublesome and does not at all correspond to her plans.

First name Bozhena and patronymic....

Bozhena Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Iosifovna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna has an even character and looks at the world soberly. In communication, he erects some kind of invisible barrier between himself and others. Laconic. Everything is subjected to deep analysis and thorough testing. Listens carefully to the interlocutor, rarely expresses his opinion, most often it differs from the generally accepted one. She is careful in choosing a spouse, does not get married right away, and makes her chosen one wait a long time even after he proposes to her. This woman named Bozena is confident in herself and is not afraid to miss a lucky chance. She is incompatible with her mother and will not be able to live with her family in her parents’ home. It’s easier for her to get along with her husband’s parents; her mother-in-law dotes on her. She gives birth to daughters who are closer in character to their father. Bozhena is as practical in raising children as in everything else. Sex is not the last thing for Bozhena, but everyday problems can relegate it to the background.

First name Bozhena and patronymic....

Bozhena Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Dmitrievna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna- a person with a very complex, contradictory character. But her flexible mind allows her to smooth out rough edges and win easy victories. He may flare up, scream, utter rude, offensive words, then greatly regret what happened, but he will never admit it publicly. In extreme situations, a woman named Bozena is brave, decisive, and resourceful. She is very amorous, but tries not to give free rein to her feelings. If she cannot control herself, then passion will take over her, and all her plans and undertakings will fail, her entire habitual way of life will be disrupted. Her love can be limitless. Bozena is marrying a calm and flexible man. Bozhena will not be able to live with another person; love and family are incompatible for her. She never cheats on her spouse and values ​​his attitude towards her and her children.

Full name:

Similar names: Bazhena

Church name: -

Meaning: blessed, God's

The meaning of the name Bozena - interpretation

Historians date the appearance of this name to the 13th century. . Bozhena – “blessed” or “gifted by God.” The name has ancient Slavic roots; there are several legends about it. Popular in Eastern European countries, in the Czech Republic and Poland, it is among the top most common. Shortened versions: God, Wife.

Name Bozena in other languages

Astrology of the name Bozhena

Favorable day: Tuesday

Years later

She is a strong and strong-willed girl from birth. Bozena cries a lot and shows a stubborn character early on. If the baby doesn’t like something, she becomes hysterical and can become aggressive. To avoid problems in the future, you need to talk to the girl more.

Even little Bozhena has her own opinion on everything, so parents need to listen carefully to the girl and, if necessary, diplomatically persuade her.

Parents need to early years teach her to treat others with respect. It is difficult to get along with peers and tries to lead them. Since childhood, he has shown creative abilities, the development of which will bear fruit over the years.

The girl strives to be a leader, so she tries to achieve success in her studies. Does not accept pressure and commanding tone towards himself. She is restless, but has an excellent memory, a tenacious mind and a good imagination. He enthusiastically participates in school Olympiads.

This is a kind, sensitive and attentive person. The girl will not ignore someone else's misfortune. However, she will not allow her responsiveness to be abused. She is frightened by monotony and routine, so parents should teach the child to be hardworking and consistent. If you develop these qualities in Bozena, then her life will be happy.

Bozhena masters humanities and science subjects equally well. At school she makes real friends, with some of whom the girl will maintain warm relationships throughout her life.

Has a strong character. Bozena is energetic and lively, always finding a way out of a difficult situation. Troubles and various ups and downs of life only shape a woman’s character. Childhood aggression almost disappears in adulthood. A woman with an iron will is her main characteristic.

A woman likes universal admiration, she loves compliments and praise. She remembers grievances for a long time, which often hinders her personal life. If the grief is deep, she will try to minimize communication with people she dislikes.

She is attentive to the problems of her loved ones, but does not tell anyone about her own. Only her parents or her husband, whom she completely trusts, know that some unpleasant event happened in Bozhena’s life.

Bozhena's character

Independence and willpower - these qualities are possessed by all women to whom their parents gave beautiful and rare name. Bozena may seem soft and absent-minded, but at the right moment she mobilizes and shows persistence. She does not always achieve her goals, but she knows how to overcome difficulties.

Bozena is hardworking and strives for excellence. This is a disciplined person. Sentimental, capable of empathy. Ready to help and support in difficult times. The girl is characterized by energy and cheerfulness. .Always tries to control her emotions, but at the same time remains natural. Ambitious.

Bozena adheres to high standards and demands on people and does not accept mediocrity. It can be harsh. The girl is very patient, but in small things she sometimes lacks perseverance. In some situations he shows authoritarianism. Capable of getting down to business without being competent in its matters and without having necessary knowledge. May offend a person with evil irony.

Bozhena is skeptical about advice and prefers to listen exclusively to her own intuition, which she has well developed. He can perceive information only from those people whose intelligence he does not doubt. Therefore, it is not easy to find a common language with her. One can open up completely and remove all masks only in the company of relatives and friends.

Bozhena's fate

Bozena is impulsive, she can set several goals for herself, but will not achieve any of them. A woman wants to appear arrogant and tough, but under this mask hides a sentimental and romantic nature. Bozhena is sure that kindness does not bring anything good, so she carefully hides this character trait, but she is always ready to help. The woman loves to be the center of attention, she has many friends and acquaintances.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Bozena has the talent of an organizer and can work in leadership positions. This is a sensitive and fair boss. IN professional activity she is always successful, but a woman must concentrate on a specific goal and not change her mind.

When choosing a profession, Bozena pays attention to its prestige and financial rewards. He loves money, knows how to count money, spends it without regret, but rationally.

Marriage and family

Bozhena can hardly be called an exemplary housewife; everyday life weighs on her. But a woman wants to please her husband in everything, so she tries to do everything to make him happy. Over time, he learns to cook his favorite dishes, comes to terms with his habits and turns a blind eye to his weaknesses.

She treats children with tenderness, but is strict and consistent in her upbringing. Tries to support a good relationship with my husband's friends and relatives. Her house is not open to everyone, but she loves to please guests.

Sex and love

Bozena is constantly in a state of love; she can have an affair with several fans at once. When her passion fades, she breaks up with the man and starts a new relationship. She is careful when choosing a partner, as she must respect and admire her husband.

She is emotional in sex, tries to please her partner, but does not forget about herself. She is original and loves to surprise. She believes every man, so she often experiences disappointments.


As a child, he practically never gets sick, which makes his parents very happy. He loves active recreation and tries to keep himself in good physical shape throughout his life. This has a great effect on Bozhena’s well-being and her figure.

The woman does not like to take medications and finds it difficult to tolerate high temperature, so he doesn’t want to get sick, he tries to strengthen his immunity. In old age, problems with the spine and intestines arise.

Interests and hobbies

Bozhena is not attracted to handicrafts, reading novels and other domestic pleasures. This is a woman who would prefer excursions to unknown places in the company of relatives and friends to a quiet, measured holiday at home.

When getting ready for a trip, she will meticulously prepare all the essentials. Likes to travel in comfort. He will think about the path in advance. Vacationing with Bogdana is always fun and exciting.