Fortune telling mirror of fate freestyle. Magic fortune telling on the mirror for the betrothed and fate

Predicting the future is not an easy but fascinating process that will help solve the most important and difficult problems in your personal or professional life. Fortune telling on a dark mirror refers to multi-stage magical rituals for which you need to carefully prepare.

Mirror - a magical attribute that helps predict the future

Divination using mirrors is performed at home or in a secluded place where no one will disturb the fortuneteller. How to tell fortunes with an unusual attribute and not get yourself into trouble?

How to guess correctly?

Fortune telling with a mirror is only a small part of those actions that can answer any questions and solve all sorts of everyday difficulties. Fortune telling by candles with a mirror should be carried out only when absolutely necessary, respecting the ancient forces. Why does a person need such experiments?

Magic is an opportunity, a weapon and a tool that, in skillful hands, can change the fate of any person.

Both beginners and experienced magicians can use otherworldly forces for their own purposes without consequences. Energetically, people are susceptible to various external influences, so magic is also used to protect their own life and space.

There are no official rules on how to tell fortunes in nature, but in the magical world there are many conventional recommendations and rules. It will take a lot of time to study such instructions, but such actions will protect the beginner from the consequences. From the mirror, people recognize the future, the appearance of their beloved and significant moments of those events that are yet to happen.

The important aspects of divination are the conditions that people created before divination. Extra ears and eyes will only do harm, and the forecast is unlikely to be true. Guessing without preparation is stupid and unreliable. You need to start making a forecast in a good mood and without unnecessary worries. Restless thoughts will affect the results of divination. What prediction methods are the most accurate and easiest to perform?

Help in personal life for your betrothed

Fortune telling on a new mirror for a betrothed has gained considerable popularity, because thanks to simple actions a person is able to find out where and when he will meet his beloved. The soulmate does not meet twice and sincere love is very easy to miss, so a magical hint will not be superfluous.

A magical ritual performed with a new mirror will help you find out where and when the fortuneteller will meet his betrothed

Mirrors are used in fortune telling at Christmas time or large church holidays. Through the display, a girl or woman can see the features of her beloved. Through the mirror, people find a way out of the most difficult situations and stagnation. Fortune telling on a mirror and candles is more detailed and complex, but it also requires effort and time.

If a woman urgently needs to make a choice between two chosen ones, fortune telling on empty mirrors will also come in handy. Fast, effective and not costly in terms of money, predicting the future in personal life is carried out in the strictest confidence. You cannot tell your family or friends about your actions.

There are several types of popular fortune telling with a mirror:

  • to meet a betrothed man in the near future;
  • fortune telling “who is my favorite”;
  • fortune telling with a candle and a mirror on the image of a loved one;
  • fortune telling with mirrors at the crossroads.

The choice of method for predicting the future depends on the capabilities and goals of the fortuneteller. Before starting, a woman needs to decide on the issue of interest and come to terms with any result. Negative and positive events teach a person and give him a chance to follow his own soul.

Anticipation of a fateful meeting

The betrothed mummer is a mythical, too ephemeral creature. He already exists in the girl’s heart, but the fateful meeting has not yet occurred. Young ladies and older women are impatient to tell fortunes about their future lover. The question of love worries everyone, regardless of age and position in society. How to predict the conditions of a future meeting?

A mirror, as a main attribute, can serve for visions or perform a completely different function. With the help of a little thing that is in the home of every representative of the fair sex, the necessary information will become clear. It will no longer be possible to hide the future. The main thing is to use the mirror correctly.

For fortune telling at the first meeting, you need to put the thing under the pillow and speak own dream. The easiest way to see your future chosen one is to call upon his image. During sleep, a person is not protected, and his body, mind, and soul are susceptible to magical influences. Exactly at the moment deep sleep a girl can see her own lover.

Using a mirror you can summon prophetic dream, where a girl can see the image of her betrothed

In order to find out the conditions of the meeting, you can resort to fortune telling on cards. Various layouts will be a hint. Go to a meeting or reschedule a visit, prepare or work on yourself. The cards will tell you about all the difficulties, obstacles and chances that await the girl.

Fortune telling using 2 cards of the Tarot deck will tell you about the outcome of the entire meeting, what can be found out, and what the potential partner is lying about. Just two cards will not allow a young girl to be disappointed in such a bright feeling as love.

It’s also not worth getting carried away with foresight, because outside the room where the deck lies on the table fortune telling cards and mirrors, a person decides his own destiny. And it depends only on his will how the meeting will go.

Witchcraft and the mirror

If a girl intends to use mirrors, then she should make sure that all precautions have been observed. Rituals and fortune telling with a mirror are carried out exclusively at night (midnight) and without witnesses. Otherwise, you won’t be able to rely on the results of fortune telling. Fortune telling with mirrors is over a hundred years old; in ancient times, girls locked themselves in bathhouses or barns and used a mirror to find out what their future husband would look like.

The most primitive and simple rituals were performed with two candles and two mirrors. It was necessary to make a corridor out of the display surfaces (the mirrors were directed opposite each other). The “tunnel” through which the image of the beloved should appear was illuminated by the candle fire. Not all girls decided to undertake such a ritual, because folk beliefs it is unknown what will appear through the magical corridor.

If the room was completely dark, the mirrors were allowed to be illuminated with a small lamp, whose glow did not fall on the display surfaces. As soon as preparatory work were coming to an end, the girl said to herself magic words:

“My betrothed, come, show yourself to me in the mirror.”

Then the girl peered into the corridor and tried to distinguish the images that came to her.

It was not a good thing to be frightened by various pictures, because this is all part of a magical ritual. The image of the loved one appeared in the mirror located behind the fortuneteller. It was believed bad sign, when the image of a man comes into the mirror that was located in front of the girl’s face.

Night fortune telling using mirrors

An important aspect of all fortune telling is the girl’s reaction. People say that if you frighten away the image of a man, then you will have to wait a very long time for his appearance in a girl’s life. If the fortuneteller passed the test with honor and dignity, then the results of fortune telling were always favorable and encouraging. The girl should have examined the facial features of her betrothed.

Every detail could serve as a clue in the future as to where and when to look for love. From eye color, hair to clothes, gait or things that surrounded the guy in the vision. When the ritual ended, the fortuneteller sharply and very loudly shouted “Church this place.” Knowledge disappears after the conspiracy and only the image of a candle remains in the mirror.

Magicians and witches do not advise delaying the ritual. If you don’t have time to cast the lapel spell, then you can release a spirit into the world of the living, and not always a good one. Modern girls they are not afraid to use ritual for their own needs. Fortune telling with mirrors has become simpler, and the fortuneteller no longer needs to hide in the bathhouse or strip naked. A room in which no one will disturb the girl - perfect place to perform the ritual.

In cases where the image of the betrothed does not appear immediately, you should hold your gaze on one point and concentrate. Then the eyes sharply shift to the mirror behind her. The face of your loved one must appear. It is dangerous to get carried away with fortune telling of this kind, which is why rituals were carried out only once a year at Christmas or before Easter.

Fortune telling at candlelight meetings

Fortune telling with a candle and a mirror is carried out at your own peril and risk; a professional magician does not care about this kind of prediction. For the ritual you will need:

  • mirror;
  • a pair of candles;
  • water in a glass (any transparent container);
  • a pinch of salt.

For fortune telling about your personal life, you will also need a glass filled with water.

Before the ceremony, you need to stock up on wax candles or church candles brought from the temple. The number “13” or the same number of small crosses is drawn on the back of the mirror. A mirror is placed on a wooden table or board, and lighted candles are placed on the sides. Place a glass next to it clean water and a sprinkle of salt.

Preparation for the ritual ends when the girl sits comfortably in front of the mirror and pronounces the words of the spell exactly 13 times:

“Mirror is a lake, fire is power, salt is tears, tell me what awaits me ahead.”

As soon as the magic words are spoken for the last time, the salt must be eaten and washed down with water. The girl leans over the mirror and carefully examines what is reflected in it. Visions can appear one after another or create one whole picture. The whole ritual takes no more than a quarter of an hour, during which the girl can see everything she needs.

After the ceremony you should remain silent and not utter a word. The fortuneteller goes to bed, and the next morning the smallest details remember the dream. A prophetic dream will be a hint about what fate awaits the girl in her personal life.

Predicting the future with a mirror at the crossroads

Fortune telling at the crossroads of two roads is performed during the full moon. At night, when the Moon illuminates the fortuneteller’s path, the girl leaves the house so that no one knows about her intentions. When the celestial body remains behind the shoulders, the fortuneteller takes out a mirror and peers into it carefully. While doing this, the girl gets to the place where two roads converge.

Having collected her thoughts, the fortuneteller says, “Show yourself to me, betrothed,” and then again peers at the month displayed in the mirror. Guidance may not come immediately, but foresight will take some time. It is not the betrothed himself who will appear, but part of his appearance or important detail, indicating a specific person. After what she saw, the girl closes the mirror and returns home, without speaking to anyone along the way. Before going to bed, it is recommended to read “Our Father” and cross yourself three times.

Fortune telling by candle

A mirror is used as a separate attribute of fortune telling or together with other things that help to see the future. Only a whole, not broken or chipped mirror is selected for the secret ritual. If a girl performs the ritual on an object that is too small, the visions will be illegible.

For fortune telling, you must take only a whole mirror

It is best to choose a display surface that the young lady uses for makeup, in which all the details are visible. You can choose the most ordinary candles or stock up on them in the church. The composition of the candles has little effect on the results of fortune telling. After the ceremony, you need to thank higher powers for your help and, if possible, confess in church.

Fortune telling for your betrothed with a mirror - this is a popular and simple magic ritual, for which it is only necessary desire and belief in otherworldly forces. Skeptics will not need such fortune-telling, and conducting them for fun is to their detriment.

The types of predicting the future in your personal life using mirrors are both frightening and fascinating. It will not be difficult to interpret the meaning of fortune telling and will become useful information for each.

What will the betrothed man be like when the fateful meeting takes place and who should not be trusted with his own heart? A mirror and a magical ritual, which is best performed in complete solitude, will help answer all these questions.

Fortune telling on a mirror is one of the most ancient and terrible methods of fortune telling. This is a well-known love fortune telling from literature and is now popular among brave girls. The duration of this fortune-telling is difficult to determine: you can sit in front of the mirror long after midnight and see nothing, or you can take a nap and see a lot in a quick dream. And you will definitely meet the groom, if not in the mirror, then in real life; you can’t escape fate.

Basically, there are two methods of fortune telling on mirrors: fortune telling on one mirror and one candle and fortune telling on two mirrors and two candles. Nowadays, fortune telling on a mirror online is popular.

You can proceed to choosing another method of fortune telling on the page

Virtual version of fortune telling

Fortune telling on the mirror about the betrothed and fate

Fortune telling on one mirror would be more correctly called “Mirror of Fate” or “Mirror of the Future.” This method of fortune telling with a mirror and a candle was used not only by girls, but also by representatives of the stronger sex to tell fortunes about the future and fate. The ideal time for fortune telling on a mirror on Christmastide is around midnight. You need to sit in front of a mirror, put a candle in front of you, ask a question and look into the mirror. What you see is what awaits you in the near future. But after any fortune telling, it is still necessary to remember that we ourselves create our own destiny.

The main goal of girls of fortune-telling in the mirror was to see their love, or, as they used to say, their betrothed, who was the destiny for girls at all times. To tell fortunes on the mirror for the betrothed, a candle is lit to the left of the mirror and the fortune-telling girl carefully peers into the darkness in the mirror, while in the swaying of the candle flame one can recognize the silhouette of a person or his face.

Let's tell you in more detail how to tell fortunes on a mirror. In order to tell fortunes on a mirror, you need to take a mirror, a candle and a towel with you at midnight, in complete silence and solitude, in only a nightgown, without any belts or ties, with your hair down, and come to the kitchen or bathhouse, so so that no one knows about your intention to tell fortunes on the mirror. There should be no one or any sounds. Place a mirror on the table, sit in front of the mirror, light candles and concentrate completely. The candle should be the only source of light. And, peering into the mirror surface, say: “My betrothed, the mummer, come to drink tea”, “My betrothed, the mummer, come to me for dinner”, “My betrothed, the mummer, show yourself to me” - according to legend, the devil in the form of a devil should appear in the mirror narrowed Shortly before the arrival of the betrothed, the candle begins to shine less brightly or the flame sways slightly, the mirror becomes dim or dark, you need to immediately wipe it with a towel.

If you look carefully at the left shoulder of your reflection, the groom comes and looks over the girl’s shoulder in the mirror. Look at the face that appears, cross yourself and say the amulet spell three times: “Cheer out of this place!” After these words, the image of the man will disappear, and you will be out of danger. If these words are not spoken, then, according to eyewitnesses, the groom who appears sits down at the table and puts some thing on it. If a girl says the word “crazy,” then this thing will be given to her. In this method of fortune telling for love, there is an indication that if suddenly the phantom of your betrothed comes out of the mirror, you should not forget why you called him and give him some tea, otherwise the devil will cling to you. As soon as fortune telling on the mirror is completed, you need to blow out the candles and remove the mirror so that devilry I couldn’t get out of the mirror.

Fortune telling on mirrors for the betrothed

In the more common method of fortune telling on mirrors, you can tell fortunes about your betrothed using two mirrors and two candles. In the evening, they take two mirrors and place one opposite the other so that in one of the mirrors a mirror corridor appears from their reflections, illuminated by candles. At midnight, in complete silence and loneliness, the girl lights candles on both sides of the mirrors and says: “My betrothed, the mummer, come to drink tea,” “My betrothed, the mummer, come to dinner with me,” “My betrothed, the mummer, show yourself to me.” " and begins to peer intently at the end of the gallery mirror corridor, hoping to see her fiance.

According to beliefs, this corridor can summon the devil himself, since by creating such a corridor, you create a door to another dimension. As soon as the betrothed appears in the corridor, you need to look at the groom who has appeared, cross yourself, say the amulet three times: “Cheer out of this place!” and lower the mirrors with the mirror surface down to close the door between dimensions.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a mirror in Rus'

In Rus', in the old days, fortune telling for the betrothed with a mirror was carried out in a remote village in an old bathhouse. This method of fortune telling was considered one of the most terrible, since the fortuneteller must be alone at night on the “terrible” days of Christmastide. They started guessing at midnight, the girl was alone in the room and she often fainted from fear. You had to lock yourself in the bathhouse from the inside, strip naked, and sit in front of the mirror by the heater on a wooden bench. On both sides of the mirror there should have been two lit candles, which must have been consecrated in the church. Another mirror was installed between the fortune-telling girl and the mirror, facing the first one. Thus, the girl saw in the mirrors a whole gallery of reflected mirrors. At midnight, she mentally called upon all the forces of earth, fire, water and sky and asked them to show her future betrothed. Then I watched very carefully so as not to miss the moment the figure appeared. She looked at the groom who appeared, crossed herself and uttered the words of the amulet: “Out of this place!”, lowered the mirrors down. After fortune-telling, which lasted from an hour to three, the girl was sure to read a prayer with gratitude higher powers. The face and hands were washed with spring water and dried with a new towel. She dressed in clean clothes new clothes and went into the house. You couldn’t talk to anyone and you had to go straight to bed for the prediction to come true. After fortune telling, the mirrors were carefully wrapped in a new towel and hidden in a secret place.

Fortune telling on mirrors and consequences

Fortune telling on a mirror is considered one of the most creepy and dangerous methods of Russians. Christmas fortune telling for the betrothed. It didn’t matter whether the girl was wondering alone or in the company of friends. Fortune telling fortune tellers in Rus' warned girls about danger and warned them. The girls were told that if the groom sees a woman in a dream and calls her to follow him, and she does not have time to cross herself and say “Forget me!” three times, folding the mirrors, then he will take her spirit into the secret world of the Looking Glass, and the fortuneteller will fall to the floor dead.

There is a legend that Alexander the Great, before the decisive battle, peered into the mirror for a long time and saw himself. A golden helmet was placed on his head, although the great Macedonian commander himself did not have any helmet. The ghost disappeared after a while. The wise old man interpreted what Alexander saw as a good sign and a harbinger of victories.

One day, looking into the rotating mirror brought by Nostradamus, Catherine de Medici was able to see pictures of some celebrations, streams of blood and fires - it was the night of St. Bartholomew. She clearly saw a man on his deathbed, and recognized him as her son Henry III.

The famous writer V. Safonov, who studies everything inexplicable, during a fortune telling on a mirror, saw his bride through the looking glass, whom he nevertheless met after many years of waiting. He owns the book “Unreal Reality”, in which he talks about Through the Looking Glass.

Through the looking glass are worlds that are in an otherworldly connection with reality. The worlds of the Looking Glass become spiritual transitions, manipulating the energies of time and life. These energies in these worlds become “fetishes” of spirits, who are subject to any realization of life.

A look through the looking glass

Since ancient times, people treated the mirror with great caution and apprehension, as a mystical attribute; they believed that the mirror represented a certain magical trait that shared our real world from the world of otherworldly spirits. In those distant times, mirrors had a convex shape and a dark surface. This item caused superstitious fear among people and was called the mirror of witches. Each sorceress had a small mirror in addition to a large cauldron for preparing potions. It had to be fed with light from the full moon, and hidden from the sun during the day. With the help of a magic mirror, a witch could keep evil spirits and demons locked up, summon the devil, and cast the evil eye and damage. The Inquisition also looked at the mirrors with suspicion. It is known that in 1321, the maiden Beatrice de Planissol was accused of heresy and sentenced to life imprisonment simply because a mirror was found among her belongings. Only the fact of owning such a thing could lead a woman to the stake.

What caused such things to happen? It was believed that a star passage was formed in the mirror, and during fortune telling on the mirror, the fortuneteller observed an astral copy of the future. It is assumed that there is a parallel world where any thing or person has a reflection - an astral body, so in the Looking Glass you can see not only your future groom, but also your destiny. However, when, in the process of fortune telling, a person fails to timely stop the connection with the looking-glass world, then either the looking-glass entity penetrates our world, feeling great in it, or it will drag the soul of the fortuneteller into the Looking-Glass World, who will instantly die.

In ancient times, mirrors were credited with magical properties. The custom of covering mirrors if there is a dead person in the house also reflects this attitude of our ancestors to the magic of mirrors. Why did they cover the mirrors if there was a deceased person in the house? It is believed that the soul of the deceased through the “open window” of the mirror can drag a person into another world. Or, on the contrary, restless souls from Through the Looking Glass may enter the house. In ancient times, people took glass surfaces that reflected their appearance much more seriously. The men tried not to look in the mirrors at all. Women did this only when absolutely necessary. For an hour, no one looked at their reflection, because it was considered very dangerous. According to Greek myth, Narcissus, who was unable to tear himself away from his reflection in a pond, turned into a flower. Looking into her eyes reflected from the shiny shield, Medusa Gorgon turned to stone. A person’s appearance and energy attracted a mysterious intangible creature from the looking glass. It was located on the other side of the transparent surface and accurately scanned the image of a person looking in the mirror.

The man stopped admiring himself and left the room with the mirror. But the creature from another dimension in the Looking Glass remained in place. Having accepted living energy into itself, it could no longer return to its world. There was only one way left - to the world of living people. It happened that the entity came out of the mirror, for example, by breaking the mirror, which, by the way, was also always considered bad omen, or went out during a ritual of inept fortune-telling, when the portal with other world. The entity killed the person whose image it took and settled among people; it is not for nothing that they say that the person “seemed to have been replaced.” Likewise, a person who has died but has not yet been buried retains his energy. This is an information matrix. It contains the thoughts, feelings of the deceased, his character and habits. It is not at all difficult for a creature from another world to scan the matrix and absorb all the necessary information. The man is buried, and the alien from the mirror appears on Earth in his guise. In this case, the task of the uninvited guest is greatly simplified. He does not need to kill his double, but can immediately begin to live his life.

There is a lot of evidence of people seeing long-dead acquaintances. They met on the streets, at airports, at train stations. Naturally, the person was immediately struck by the thought that he had made a mistake - who knows? similar people. This can be allowed, but not in all cases. Everyone's gait, gestures, and habits are individual. If they also coincide, then what kind of error can we even talk about?

In life, the transition of the spirit to the world of the Looking Glass is often observed, since in reality he cannot realize himself, this is not “his” world, but in the Looking Glass he can, but this spiritual “unenslavement” for him is illusory, since the Looking Glass has its own limitations on organization of the world order, and then the spirit falls into the trap of its own illusions. In this case, he has two ways out of changing the situation: the first is a return to reality, in which he is untenable and the search for ways of other transitions to other worlds; the second is the so-called “cat and mouse game”, or moving back and forth - from reality to the Looking Glass, or, if you are trapped, look for a way out while fortune telling on the mirror through the endless labyrinths of the Looking Glass.

Spirits may not return from the Looking Glass, since mirror spheres have a qualitative difference from ordinary environments. In them there is a quantum leap in the structural fullness of the spirit, or their peculiar “design”, the acquisition of a certain illusory form. When leaving the Looking-Glass World, this shell liquefies or bursts, and the spirit “blurs, spreads” throughout the environment, losing its structural design. In this state, the transition to another world becomes difficult, because interaction with ordinary reality is quite fleeting. In order not to lose shape, you need to jump back. Therefore, through the Looking Glass, spirits from the past are most often manifested, those that return back.

It is believed that the smooth reflective surface of a mirror is the world without intersections, but in the human mind the visual paths intersect, and vision observes straight and crossed images at once. A person observes the subtle body of another person in the mirror. An even mirror works as a device for getting into even layers of reality, which is why it is used in magical rituals. There is a method of causing damage from a deceased mirror, when a mirror presented as a gift drains the health of the person looking into it. This is mainly done when they want to get rid of a person, for example, the wife of a lover. This is the name of the mirror that was applied to the lips of the dying person, on the surface of which the last breath of the deceased remained, and into which his soul could move.

Mystics attribute the mirror to the invention of the devil, who seeks to stop the development of the mental essence of man, endowed with the ability to leave the boundaries of the material body and monitor it. For a very long time people thought that such contacts were dangerous, and that energy astral body can even kill a person. At the same time, mirrors are capable of storing a huge amount of subtle energies, giving a person the opportunity to see the world invisible under normal conditions.

But the fallacy of these judgments and the harmlessness of the mirror as a tool is proven by Dr. R. Moody, who wrote the book “Life after Death” while working on his other book. He talks about numerous experiments with a mirror, in which people took part, eager to see their dead relatives as quickly as possible. The experiments were carried out for more than 20 years. As a result of these experiments, stunning results were obtained. People looking in the mirror of a dark room not only communicated with their relatives, but also saw completely strangers who had died. After the experiments, the subjects met ghosts of the past on the way home and immediately when leaving the room where the experiment was conducted.

The same mysterious cases of communication with the Looking Glass were collected by the writer of the century before last, Odoevsky. Some documentary evidence and stories he found were published in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski.

In many cases, such meetings with the dead kept people alive, making their fate more serene and happier. The Looking Glass will not soon reveal its secrets to the general public, despite the diligence of many researchers and scientists. But the time will come when the mysterious Through the Looking Glass will open its facets, letting people into its mysterious and amazing subtle world.

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Fortune telling - Mirror of the world

Fortune telling on mirrors has always been considered the most mysterious and fabulous, because the main attribute has always been endowed with a variety of magical properties, and for good reason. On our website you can use a very interesting and useful application Fortune telling "Mirror of the World" online mode. All that is required of you is a little concentration on the mirror and formulation of the question to which you want to receive an answer using fortune telling.
Fortune telling "Mirror of the World" was very popular in Rus', but now the opportunity to tell fortunes on a mirror online is no less popular. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, being girls, told fortunes at Christmas time, for which they took a round or oval mirror coated with silver in a wooden frame, which was kept wrapped in a silk scarf during breaks between fortune-telling. Three days before fortune telling, magnetic water was prepared and the mirror was charged. To do this, hands were held under the stream for 15 minutes. cold water. Three glasses were filled with the same water and placed on a porcelain or marble surface in a triangle, at a distance of 15 cm from each other. After this, the hands were rubbed against each other until the skin was completely dry. Holding over the glass on the left left hand, mentally “charged” the water in it, transferring their positive energy to it. The same thing was done with water from the right glass, holding it over it. right hand. After this procedure, the water in each of the three glasses acquired its own taste: the water from the glass in the middle did not change, but in the left glass it became almost tasteless, acquiring a slightly stagnant hue. The water from the right glass, magnetic, had a pleasant, refreshing, slightly metallic taste.
Then, placing a mirror in front of them, they placed a white candle on the left and a red candle on the right. The candles were lit, and the hands were held above the mirror at a distance of 5 cm, breathing calmly and rhythmically for about 15 minutes. After this session, the mirror was wrapped in a silk scarf and stored in a dark place for 3 days. On the day of fortune-telling, they washed their hands in magnetic water, took out a mirror and lit the right side from it there is a blue candle, and to the left - a yellow one. Then they looked intently into the reflection of their eyes, and after a while the mirror began to move with flashes and circles. After this, the surface of the mirror darkened, then brightened, and various pictures from the past, present and future were observed in it, which were then interpreted.
On our website, fortune telling “Mirror of the World” in online versions at your service 20 hours out of 24.

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In the old days, fortune telling on mirrors was carried out exclusively at midnight, alone and with the addition of an unimaginable number of accessories. Wax candles, incense, charmed rings and other related ones. Nowadays, fortune telling on a mirror has been somewhat simplified, but the meaning, nevertheless, has been preserved.

Fortune telling on the mirror - dispels doubts, predicts the future

Following traditions, we will carry out fortune telling on the mirror after midnight. This will give the greatest effect and add magical influence and mystery. So, what needs to be done before starting the ritual? We free our thoughts from extraneous thoughts, remove doubts from our heads and don’t think about anything other than the purpose of fortune-telling. Online fortune telling "On the Mirror" can predict future events and answer questions. To fully satisfy your own interest, you must be well prepared.

So, the clock has struck, we can begin. Let's start with questions. What worries or confuses you? Do you have a loved one, but you doubt his feelings for you? Ask a question to the Mirror - and you will definitely get rid of doubts. The question should be direct, clear and specific. In this case, you will receive exactly the answer you dreamed of and expected. Doubts about the question will affect the result, and you run the risk of not getting rid of doubts, but, on the contrary, increasing their number.

Prediction of events using the "Mirror" occurs in several stages. You make a wish. It must be specific. That is, you cannot say “I want to be rich,” you need to determine the expression of this wealth. If you are telling fortunes about love or a loved one, the desire should also be clearly expressed. For example, you wished “will there be a wedding?” The answer can be "Yes" or "No". A negative answer, of course, is unlikely to suit you. Ask the same question, but more specifically - “will there be a wedding this year?” The answer will surely satisfy you.

This is the first stage of fortune telling. The second will be late at night, when you are already fast asleep. A sincere desire to see will be reflected in your dreams. You will definitely dream about your groom, the wedding procession, and a cheerful company of guests. Just believe in your dream sincerely. Let us warn you right away that you are unlikely to see the exact date upcoming event. But the fact that you will see a wedding is unambiguous. Dreams are another proof magical power fortune telling, but to obtain such an effect you need truthfulness and sincerity.

So, the rules of fortune telling “On the Mirror” are simple and clear. Let us be honest, open and ready to accept the truth in the form in which fate prepares it for us. Hopes for happiness and desire to find true love are acceptable for every person, because the worst thing in our life is loneliness. Deep faith in future happiness will lead you to it, do not despair and believe in your star. Love is what awaits you ahead, and fortune telling “On the Mirror” will show you the one you are waiting for. Next will be a dream on a magical night, and another confirmation that your dream is beginning to come true. After all, in a dream you will already be in his arms.

Fortune telling on a mirror has been used by Slavic girls since ancient times. This kind of magical ritual helped to find out fate, understand who the life partner would be, how the relationship with the husband would develop. The smooth mirror surface was considered a powerful object endowed with magical properties. Let's talk about how to correctly tell fortunes on a mirror.

Fortune telling on a mirror is a rather dangerous procedure. It is believed that if you break certain rules, you can invite trouble. Therefore, a girl should treat the magical ritual responsibly and follow these recommendations:

  • During fortune telling, you need to let your hair down, remove all hairpins and elastic bands from your head.
  • It is also necessary to get rid of jewelry, belts and sashes. Nothing should hinder your movements
  • Fortune telling is performed in the dark, using only candles for lighting. It is desirable that they be wax. The right time for fortune telling is from midnight to five o'clock in the morning.
  • It is important to maintain silence; no extraneous sound should interfere with fortune telling. There should be no other people or pets in the room. The words necessary for the ritual should be spoken in a whisper.
  • You should be calm and relaxed; if there is the slightest feeling of fear or anxiety, fortune telling must be stopped
  • When you try to make out the silhouette of the future groom in the glossy surface, sit still. Any movement can interfere with fortune telling
  • You cannot leave the mirror open after fortune telling. It is important to complete the magical ritual correctly, and then cover the mirror with a piece of thick fabric
  • In order not to let otherworldly forces out, as soon as you see the figure of a person in the mirror, stop fortune telling and say “mind me!”

And remember: fortune telling on a mirror is one of the most frightening and dangerous. For girls with an unstable psyche, overly emotional and impatient, it is better to refrain and not use this method of fortune telling.

Traditional types of fortune telling on mirrors

Now let's list existing species magical rituals associated with the mirror. Choose the appropriate fortune telling and do not forget to follow the rules that we described above.

Mirror fortune telling for children

This method of fortune telling can be used by girls who are interested in how many children they will have in the future. Therefore, the ritual is also suitable for married women.

You will need a small mirror. Preferably a new one that you have not used in Everyday life. It is carried out during a full moon, when the moonlight is bright enough.

Together with the mirror, the girl must go to the window so that the moonlight is reflected in the reflection. Then you need to start looking carefully at the mirror surface. After some time, months will begin to appear in the reflection - how many there are, the number of children the fortuneteller will have.

Mirror fortune telling

You will need a large mirror. Place candles around so that their light is reflected in the glossy surface. Place a glass of water in the center. Sit down near the mirror and begin to peer into the reflection through the water.

The light from the candles, refracted through the glass and reflected in the mirror, will indicate images and visions of what will happen to you in the near future. Try to carefully look at everything that will be reflected.

Mirror fortune telling for the betrothed

You will need not one, but three mirrors. Also prepare wax candles.

The mirrors must be positioned as follows: two - opposite each other, the third - behind your back. Place the candles in front of the first two mirrors. Draw a circle around yourself and the mirrors; you can use chalk for this.

Sit down by two mirrors and begin to peer into the reflection. Your future groom should appear wearing them. But under no circumstances should you look into the mirror that is behind your back. So be patient and don't look back.

Mirror fortune telling for the future

On the eve of fortune telling, it is advisable to eat only lean foods and give up salty, sweet and alcoholic foods.

The mirror for the ritual should be round. You will also need a bowl of water, a bowl of salt and wax candles.

For magical manipulations, place a mirror with the reflective surface facing up on the table. Draw thirteen crosses on the mirror and place lit candles on both sides.

Sit down at the table and mentally say 13 times: “tell me what awaits me in the future.” After this, dissolve a pinch of salt in water, take a couple of sips and begin to peer closely at the reflection. Images will appear to you that will tell you what future events to expect.

Mirror fortune telling for a wish

This magical ritual is carried out through sleep. Take two mirrors - a large one and a smaller one; you will also need two wax candles.

Sit by a large mirror, light and place candles. On a small mirror you need to schematically depict a devil, make your deepest wish and cast a magic spell: “Devil, damn, tell me if it will come true.” Repeat your wish mentally again, extinguish the candles, cover the large mirror with a cloth.

After this, go straight to bed, placing a small mirror under your pillow. You should dream about the answer to the question: will it come true or not.

Watch a video about fortune telling on a mirror:

When fortune telling on mirrors, be extremely attentive and careful. Be prepared for the fact that anything unusual that starts to happen may scare you. It happens that a girl suddenly began to see her betrothed in the mirror, got scared and ran away. This cannot be done; fortune telling must be completed correctly. Therefore, if you are afraid of everything mysterious, it is better to choose more safe options fortune telling.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: