Translation of the name Kira in different languages. What does the name Kira mean for a girl?

03.08.2019 Home and life

Choosing a name is a difficult and responsible step for parents. Of course, first of all, mom and dad should like it, but even on this issue it is often difficult for a couple to come to a consensus. And, as a rule, at this stage, the study and analysis of all the options we like begins, and this is very correct, because by naming, we can certainly know a little about what the character of the new person will be and how his fate will turn out. Let's look at the name Cyrus, get acquainted with its meaning and origin.

Origin and meaning of the name

There are several versions of the origin of this name. According to one of them, it has Greek roots and is a form of the male Kiros, which means “lord”, “master”, “master”, respectively, his female version translated as “mistress”, “mistress”. Another version is that it comes from Persian male name Kirush, meaning “sun”, “ray of light”, and in a figurative meaning - “far-sighted”.

It is also possible that Kira is a shortened form of some female and male names, for example, Kiara, Kerkyra, Shakira, Kyriakia, Kirill, Cyrus, Kirian, Avvakir.
Still, most sources are inclined to believe that the name Cyrus is Greek, but, nevertheless, it contains Persian roots. After the revolution, it became very fashionable to call girls that way, and for him they came up with the following decoding: communism-international-revolution. Although, of course, this does not mean that it is in any way connected with communism or revolution, it’s just that that period is associated with the fashion for abbreviations and all kinds of praise political regime that time

Important! The best companions and partners for Kira will be men with the names Boris, Igor, Efim, Gleb, Yaroslav, Sergey, Nazar or Vladimir.

Name forms

It is difficult to argue with the fact that what a person is called has a certain influence on his character and destiny, and here we are talking not only about its meaning and translation of the name, but, for example, also about semantics. When choosing a name, especially for a girl, it is important to consider how its full form will sound, and it is also extremely important that it has many endearing inflections. Kira, like all names with the letter “r”, is quite tough and domineering; it will endow its owner with the corresponding character traits.

In early childhood, it is better to call the baby Kirochka, Kiryusha, Kirusha, that is, give preference endearing forms, thus softening it.
Abbreviated, or more correctly softened, versions include Kirusya, Kirushka, Kirochka.

You should also know how this name is correctly declined by case:

  • i.p. Kira;
  • r.p. Kira;
  • d.p. Kira;
  • v.p. Kira;
  • etc. Kiroy;
  • p.p. Kira.
With little Kira, parents will not have to look for another name for the girl and choose a church name, since there is such a name in the calendar and the baby will be baptized exactly as her parents named her. In Orthodoxy, there are two patronesses with the same name, Kira of Beria and the New Martyr Kira of Obolenskaya, who, to one degree or another, dedicated their lives to God, and are of great importance in the church.

Did you know? It has been scientifically proven that not only people, but also, for example, dolphins, have names. During the research, scientists were able to record the sound, or more precisely the whistle signal, to which a specific individual responds.

Name Angel Day

Considering biblical meaning named after Cyrus, and the fact that in Orthodoxy there are his patrons, name days are associated with these two saints, that is, with Kira of Beria, who dedicated her life to prayers, and Kira Obolenskaya, who instilled in children the love of God, despite the complete rejection of religion by the Bolshevik authorities. For those with this name, the angel days are March 13 and June 22 in the church calendar.

Name in different languages

Kira sounds almost the same in all languages, which is an undeniable advantage, especially if the parents plan to travel a lot or even move to another country, a girl with that name will have absolutely no problems with its translation, and only the spelling will be different. Its generally accepted full form in Latin will be written in the passport as “Kira”.

The character and fate of people with this name in history

Apparently thanks to the assertiveness and power of women with this name, there are many examples in history that Kiras most often achieve crazy success, and in completely different areas. Even if we take into account its founders in Orthodoxy and study the history of life Kira Beria, who voluntarily renounced a rich, secular life and devoted herself entirely to prayer, for which she was elevated to church canons in the face of the saints.
Or by studying the sad fate of the new martyr Kira Obolenskaya, a woman with a big heart and boundless love for God, who, despite the difficult fate and persecution of the NKVD, continued to instill spirituality in children, and was innocently shot by the Bolsheviks. Even with the example of these two life stories, we can conclude that the owners of this name, endowed with a “powerful” meaning, have character traits that push them towards a set goal, from which nothing can separate them, even fear and the unknown do not matter to them.

One can cite numerous examples of successful women with this name, whose fates unfold differently, but, nevertheless, they are all united by universal recognition and popularity. This and Kira Muratova- famous Ukrainian director and screenwriter, and Kira Zvorykina- Soviet chess player, Kira Izotova- Russian singer, Kira Golovko- Soviet theater and film actress, as well as Keira Knightley and Keira Minturn.

The British actress, who showed persistence even as a child and already at a fairly young age, knew for sure that she wanted to become an actress. One day, as a little girl, she told her parents that she needed an agent and would act in films.
But mom and dad set a condition for the baby: if she studies well, they agree to support her in this endeavor. Knightley easily agreed with this requirement of her parents and, despite the fact that she was diagnosed with the disease dyslexia, which is associated with a reading disorder, the girl was constantly studying, even spending her holidays with books and notebooks, and was able to achieve the desired result.

Already at the age of six, the future actress possessed such a trait as patience, was accustomed to self-discipline and, as her parents promised, she had her own agent. From the age of 7, Kira starred in television and feature films, even if they were still tiny roles, but she clearly knew what she wanted and systematically achieved it. After graduating from school, she received an offer to play the role of a teenage girl in the low-budget film Bend It Like Beckham. It was from this film that Knightley’s world fame and popularity began, after such a debut her career rapidly took off. The actress was nominated for an Oscar in 2014 for her role in the film The Imitation Game, as well as for the Golden Globe and Satellite awards.

An American actress whose television career began at the age of 6. As a child, she starred in the popular TV series Underworld.
Despite the fact that Kira was raised in the most ordinary, unrelated to bohemian family, she knew what she wanted and persistently sought fame and popularity. She played great amount minor roles in films, played in the theater and participated in television projects. And she woke up famous after the release of the serial film “Bhound” on television. For the main role in this film, the actress received a Golden Globe in 2007 and an Emmy in 2010, and in 2009 she was awarded her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for her contribution to the development of the television industry.

Important! The name Kira is widespread both in the CIS and in the West; it is so popular and universal that it is not tied to any nationality.

The main character traits of people with this name

Kira's character begins to manifest itself in early childhood; from infancy, the girl is very assertive and firmly stands her ground. And if at first it’s just a child’s cry when Kiryusha wants to eat or doesn’t want to sleep, then over time her stubbornness takes on new dimensions. Kira becomes independent very early, and perhaps no one can convince her of anything. The girl clearly knows what she wants and does not pay attention to any obstacles. Kirochki, thanks to their responsibility and determination, most often study very well. Exact sciences are easy for them, and they excel in creativity and sports.
With age, the Kiras become very strong and independent women who are very demanding both of themselves and of their surroundings. From the outside it may seem that they are somewhat callous, but this is absolutely not the case; at heart they are very soft and romantic in nature. You can trust them with any secret and share your experiences, and in return you can hear not only words of compassion, but also very practical advice.

The owners of this female name are characterized by complete concentration on their career and dissolution in work, which predetermines their success in almost all areas; we can say that Kirochki are programmed for happiness and prosperity.

Name Astrology

Before naming your child Kira, you need to pay attention to the astrological characteristics, which for her look like this:

  • planet: Uranus, Pluto;
  • sign: Cancer, Sagittarius;
  • color: blue, orange, brown, purple;
  • stone: topaz, amber;
  • tree: honeysuckle;
  • plant: clover;
  • animal: lobster;
  • character: purposeful, powerful.

Did you know? It turns out that disputes between parents on the topic of what to name their child are relevant in almost all countries. And in some areas of India they found great way To resolve them, there is a custom there: mom and dad light lamps: whose one lasts longer, the parent names the child.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

The word Kira consists of 4 letters, such brevity indicates that its owner is quite smart and practical. These women are always balanced and win over those around them. Everything about them is impeccable, from good manners to... appearance. In addition, they are exemplary housewives, mothers and wives. If you spell out this name, you get the following:

  • "TO"- these women are very insightful. They also know how to compromise and find an approach to any person. Nature endows them with grace, and this, in turn, makes them incredibly attractive sexually;
  • "AND"- such a letter in the name indicates that its owner is a spiritualized person, but at the same time strives for harmony in everything. They are honest, straightforward and have a healthy skepticism;
  • "R"- is characterized as a strong letter, therefore its presence suggests fortitude and assertiveness;
  • "A"- talking about leadership qualities, activity and determination.
To summarize, it must be said that the name Cyrus is very euphonious and noble. His “mistress” is a complete reflection of the character of his owners, powerful and purposeful women who give their best and expect this from those around them.
In addition, girls with this name are quite vindictive, do not forgive insults and mistakes, so be careful, and in no case ignore Kiryusha’s name day, as even this can lead to long-lasting resentment.

It is no surprise to anyone that thousands of years ago people put a secret meaning into almost every name, and by unraveling it, you can partially change or foresee events in the future. Giving the name to the baby Kira, character and destiny are knowledge that can change your whole life, especially if parents apply them in practice and in education.

The meaning of the name Kira for a girl is brief

To go to the future and at least from afar see how your beloved little one will settle down there is the dream of every adult who dreams of better life. Kira, the meaning of the name, character and fate - parents will certainly try to find out about these features everything that has been preserved from ancient times. This will certainly help not only to raise the baby without much difficulty, but also to try to correct the shortcomings that were originally inherent in this name.

The meaning of the name Kira for a girl can be briefly learned from ancient Greek mythology. It is thanks to ancient legends and myths that names have spread around the world and have retained their popularity for thousands of years. Until now, many parents are happy to call their offspring names that were worn with pride and honor by beauties, great heroes, famous healers, and skilled craftsmen.

If you carefully study the proposed interpretation, you will find out that it is beautiful name means "like the sun" or "lady". Adults who liked it will certainly hope that their daughter will certainly live up to the secret meaning inherent in this name, and, like a bright sun, will begin to warm those around her with her care and warmth. Most often this happens, but provided that the parents try to raise the baby in peaceful and calm conditions.

What does the name Kira mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

The information provided in many sources interpreting the secret meaning of the name is not always reliable, so people usually turn to the most accurate literature - the church calendar and calendar. It is here that not only everything related to the name chosen for the baby is told with high precision, but it is also announced how many saints will patronize the child and on what days he will be able to celebrate his name day.

What does the name Kira mean for a girl according to the church calendar, when should her family congratulate her on her name day, which saints will take care of the baby - there is a lot of this information in Christian literature. The first thing adults need to do is find out the interpretation of the name they like. It is almost identical to the ancient Greek “lady,” “like the sun.”

Kira, the meaning of the name, character and fate - church calendar claims that all this is interconnected and promises the baby only a cloudless life in which difficulties will appear extremely rarely. The child will be cared for by two holy great martyrs, who are venerated in March (13th) and June (22nd). It is on these holidays that you can congratulate the baby and, together with her, extol sincere prayers to the patron saints, who will certainly protect the girl throughout her life.

The secret of the name Cyrus, signs, superstitions

For many millennia, people not only tried to determine the secret meaning inherent in each name, but also to recognize the mysterious signs given by the saints. This is where numerous signs and beliefs come from, which do not lose their popularity and often help prepare for troubles, increase the harvest, and cope with difficulties.

The mystery of the name Cyrus is associated with saints who were distinguished by kindness during their lifetime. Both of them firmly believed in God, throughout their lives they worshiped him and extolled fervent, sincere prayers that were capable of healing a person from the most serious illness. One of the saints was engaged in healing for many years and it is believed that even now you can turn to her and beg for health and happiness for your child.

The days when these saints are venerated are filled with special meaning for believers. We especially honor summer holiday, because it is believed that dew at this time acquires healing powers. If you go to the field early in the morning, lie down on the wet grass and wash yourself with dew several times, then the disease, even the most severe one, will begin to recede.

Origin of the name Kira and its meaning for children

Often, when choosing a name for their baby, parents try to follow all the recommendations indicated in specialized literature, and that is why Special attention pay attention to its origin. This should not be done - in no way does it affect the child’s life, health or character.

The origin of the name Kira and its meaning for children has nothing mysterious. Like most of the most popular names, it came from distant Ancient Greece. It is no secret to anyone that this country has given humanity best names, which parents are happy to give to their offspring around the world.

Everything turns out to be much more complicated with the meaning of the name, because a lot can depend on the secret meaning. Parents who have chosen this name for their baby can independently verify that the ancient books tell the truth - the child will not cause trouble either in childhood or in adulthood. Most likely, this is due to the patronage of the saints, who tirelessly monitor the girl’s successes and failures and try to warn against mistakes.

Character of a girl named Kira

Will the character of a girl named Kira be able to please loved ones with her virtues? Positive qualities of the baby, which will begin to appear from childhood:

  1. strength of will;
  2. perseverance;
  3. responsiveness;
  4. vulnerability;
  5. impressionability;
  6. ability to concentrate on work;
  7. demanding of others and oneself;
  8. caring;
  9. indifference to someone else's misfortune.

Of Kira's negative traits, only one can be identified - lack of diplomacy and tact. She can express her opinion, even if it greatly hurts and hurts her interlocutor, and she will not be shy in her expressions in any case. This often causes trouble at work - most employers do not want to see employees around them who are undesirably direct.

Character flaws can also include painful experiences that can appear after a quarrel with a loved one or when making an unpleasant mistake. Fortunately, this trait is not common to all girls, so parents should not worry too much about this.

The fate of a girl named Kira

The future of a child, to whom parents try to give only the best, often causes a lot of worry in adults, because almost everyone dreams of an easy path in life for their offspring. The fate of a girl named Kira will not cause worries among her family - if the baby chooses the right path and does not turn off it, she will certainly get everything - a career, loving husband, prosperity in the house, obedient children.

One version of the origin says that the name has ancient Greek roots “Kiros” and “Kyria”, which means the name Kira - “sovereign”. Another source states that Kira is of Persian origin and means "ray of light." The male name corresponding to the female Kira is Cyrus or Kirill, if we are talking about the abbreviated form of this name.

    Planet corresponding to the name: Uranus.

    Lucky stone: topaz.

    Element: air.

Kira's character

The meaning of the name Kira shows that she is powerful and Strong woman, is accustomed to independence and does not need male help. However, behind this external force lies a subtle and sensual nature, capable of empathy and compassion. She is a very contradictory person, and often does things that she would hardly have done a year ago.

Autumn Kiras are softer and more sensual, they treat others kindly and kindly.

Winter Kira has a more domineering character, is not used to giving in to others, and always strives to complete the task first.

Spring Kira is sociable and friendly, has many friends whom she is always ready to help.

Summer Kira is a tireless worker, gets along well with her superiors, and keeps her subordinates in her fist.

Study, career, hobbies

The secret of the name Kira makes it clear that in childhood Kira was a very uncontrollable and self-willed child. If something goes wrong, she still gets her way, with tears, screams and hysterics. Parents should be careful, because Kira is a very unpredictable girl; when she doesn’t like something, she is capable of reckless actions that can shock adults. Since childhood, he has shown autonomy and independence in his actions and demands more freedom. Kira does not particularly need excessive attention from her parents, so she never suffers from a lack of parental love.

At work, all colleagues and superiors respect Kira for her hard work, perseverance and perseverance. Always achieving her goals with blood and sweat, Kira quickly climbs the career ladder. As a boss, she demands the same perseverance from her subordinates; she can easily fire them for disobedience without even blinking an eye.

Kira really doesn’t like listening to gossip, and she doesn’t hold gossips in high esteem. She prefers to build an opinion about a person based on her own observations, personal communication and interaction with him. Well, if she liked the person, then Kira will consider him her friend. Strong Kira is also characterized by such character traits as sensuality, compassion and willingness to help with advice. He will always listen and delve into the essence of the problem, tell you what to do and support you.

IN family life Kira is attached to only one person, considers her husband an ideal and is ready to fulfill all his requests and whims. The house is always cozy, bright and clean. Kira loves to receive guests and organize luxurious parties at home. Kira loves her children very much and gives them all of herself. Important quality The meaning of the name Kira is that she will never cheat on her husband, since most often husbands themselves try to physically please their chosen one.


Kira loves to study different types sports, which significantly improves her health. But, despite this, in the secret of the name Kira there is a great tendency to fractures and dislocations, diseases of the heart and circulatory system. You should not get too involved in extreme sports, which can pose a serious danger to the musculoskeletal system.

Parents should be stricter with little Kira, so that her tantrums about not buying a toy or a failed trip to the zoo do not become a test for your neighbors. In order not to spoil the child, you should not greatly indulge her desires, or “reward” Kira for the work done. For example, a girl wants a new doll that she just saw in the store, but this morning she scattered her toys and did not collect them. Then you can set a condition for her that if she always cleans up her things for a month, her parents will buy her the thing she wants.


Kira Zvorykina is a Soviet chess player. Keira Knightley is an English actress. Kira Izotova is a musician, Soviet singer. Kira Mozgalova - Soviet athlete, medalist Olympic Games. Kira Ivanova is a Soviet athlete and figure skater.

Kira - ancient, but still popular female name. It has a clear, strong sound, and the bearer of this name will have the same character.

  1. Persian. The name comes from the ancient Persian word “khur”, which is translated into Russian as “sun”.
  2. Greek. According to this version, the name Kira was formed from the ancient Greek name Kyria, which, in turn, is the female analogue of the male name Kiros. The name means “mistress”, “mistress”, “power”, “strength”.
  3. Irish. The most unpopular interpretation of the name, but it also occurs. In this version, the name Kira takes on the meaning of “dark” or “dark-haired”.
Kira is one of the popular and fairly common female names in our country.

Although our Kira is “mistress”,
She doesn't need a page at all.
She is also “like the sun”
What shines through every window.
Enchanting, like the game of a fakir,
When meeting the man Cyrus.
The secret to greatness is simple:
“It’s a wonderful moment, wait!”

The revolution of the last century gave popularity to this name in our country. The fact is that “Kira” began to be deciphered as “Communism-International-Revolution”. Thus the name acquired a patriotic connotation.

The name Kira has three possible origins.

IN modern Russia The name Kira is gaining popularity; quite often young parents call their daughters Kira.

Name forms

The name Kira does not have a short form, but is itself a short version of both female and male names. For example, Kirami is the name given to men wearing , as well as women with the names Shakira, Kiara, Kyriakia.

It’s bright for me without a fakir,
And without candle fire,
The name Kira shines for me
Like the light of the moon in the night.

Manevich R.

Diminutive versions of the name Kira: Kirusya, Kirochka, Kirusha.

Kirochka is one of the diminutive forms for the name Kira

Related names are: Kirra, Sira, Chira, Cyres, Sirius.

The church version of the name is similar to the secular one and sounds like Kira.

According to the latest transliteration rules, the name Kira is written as KIRA

Transliteration of the name: Kira.

The name Kira goes well with patronymics such as Andreevna, Vladimirovna, Viktorovna, Petrovna, Romanovna, Yuryevna.

Table: the name Kira in foreign languages

Name day and patron saint

The girl bearing the name Cyrus is patronized by the venerable virgin Cyrus of Beria (Macedonian). She was born in the 4th century AD. e., in a family of rich and noble parents. However, together with her sister Marina, she chose the righteous path. The girls left their father's house together, settled in the desert and dedicated their entire lives to God. The sisters wore chains, which had a serious impact on their health, as a result of which they died at the age of forty. After death they were canonized.

Kira Beria, together with her sister, left worldly life and devoted herself to God

The memory of Saint Cyrus is revered on the thirteenth of March and the seventeenth of December. Those with the name Kira celebrate their name day on one of these days.

Characteristics and influence of a name on a person

The woman, named Kira, has a stubborn, tough and strong character. She is selfish, loves attention, says what she thinks, but behind the mask of the “iron lady” hides a subtle, sensual nature. She easily walks through life, not paying attention to adversity and troubles. You can discuss all your secrets with her and be sure that no one will know about them, but Kira herself is in no hurry to talk about her problems and experiences. Nothing comes into her hands; she achieves everything herself. Kira is a contradictory girl: she combines kindness and severity, intelligence and the ability to buy into flattery.

You can tell Kira all your secrets, she won’t reveal them to anyone, but she trusts only herself

Kira respects her “I”, she will not humiliate herself or prove that she is right. A woman knows how to listen to other people's opinions. Likes to spend time in cheerful companies and receive guests. He behaves reservedly with people he doesn’t know and speaks little.

Kira loves cheerful companies and receiving guests in the house

The girl is not vindictive or touchy, she quickly forgives the offender. She has almost no friends, but those who do value her very much, because she is loyal and honest with them. Kira is used to being the center of attention and shocking the public. Has many male friends.

Kira has no friends at all, but she has many male friends

Kira is rational and consistent; any violation of plans can cause her anger. He does not accept pettiness and lack of composure in those around him. The girl is not used to depending on people or current situations. She constantly strives for self-improvement, she is rarely accompanied by luck and luck, a woman successfully achieves everything herself.

Throughout her life, Kira has been trying to improve herself and her knowledge; she is used to achieving everything herself.

The influence of a name on a child’s character

Kira becomes a leader already in childhood. She has an inflexible character, she will obey her parents only if they can gain authority from her. The girl has few friends; she scares everyone away with her authority and orders. Even parents are afraid of little Kira. The child is always able to stand up for himself, has a purposeful, stubborn and secretive character. It is easy for her to learn, she quickly copes with all tasks.

Little Kira has no friends, as her peers are afraid of her strong and domineering character.

Lighted up the whole apartment
Daughter. They named her Kira.

Pinsky D.

In adolescence, self-confidence and perseverance do not disappear, but the girl becomes more balanced. She still occupies a leading position among her classmates and organizes various events.

As a teenager, Kira gains leadership among her classmates and makes friends, mostly boys.

Kira is a loyal friend, she will always help and will not give offense. He is friends mainly with boys. Doesn't pay attention to problems and is able to quickly resolve them. He keeps his feelings secret.

Talents and hobbies

Kira loves active activities. He enjoys visiting fitness clubs, playing sports, skiing, jogging, and enjoys a healthy lifestyle.

Kira leads active life, playing sports

Career and profession

Kira achieves great success in her career due to such character qualities as perseverance and determination. She quickly becomes a boss and proves herself to be a strict but fair leader. She is an authority figure for her colleagues, but many do not like her. Kira is capable of opening a successful business of her own.

Kira is capable of starting her own successful business

A woman is suitable for professions based on the exact sciences, as well as those that require constant travel and communication with people. Among all the professions, a girl named Kira is most suitable: businesswoman, diplomat, journalist, computer program developer, physician.


Creative professions rarely bring the desired results. Exercising and paying attention to your diet give results - Kira is usually in good health. However, she should not be overtired, work a lot, sleep little, this can have a bad effect on her mental state. A nervous system- Kira's weak point

Kira needs to learn to take a break from work and relax so as not to fall into a state of stress.

Love and sexuality

Kira constantly falls in love, but she is not good at explaining her emotions to a man; she is difficult to understand. She is reserved and cold, which is why young people are afraid of her. Femininity and charm are practically absent in a woman, which makes it even more difficult to establish a personal life.

Kira is cold and reserved with men

Kira values ​​her freedom very much and is in no hurry to part with it. Even when she falls in love, she will not impose herself on her chosen one, hiding her emotions from everyone.

Kira, my dear,
I love you very much
When I first met -
I fell into the pool of your eyes.
You are beautiful, no doubt
Let the whole world know
That beauty is with me,
And I don't need another one.


She is used to dominating in her intimate life, but she treats her chosen one quite delicately and will never say offensive words to him, even if the man does not suit her. Kira needs a sensitive and affectionate partner, next to whom she can open up.

Marriage and family

Kira does not trust men, she loves her freedom, which makes it difficult for her to find a stable, serious relationship. If a woman gets married early, then most likely the couple will face a divorce. A late marriage can become the only one for life.

Early marriage could end in divorce for Kira

Kira is not interested in household chores; the girl will always require personal freedom, no matter how much she loves her husband and children. Although she does not fight for leadership, she will easily obey a strong and powerful spouse.

Kira, you are my love,
Your tender smile
Made me crazy and will drive you crazy
It will take me to love.
Kira, you are my dream
You have both intelligence and beauty,
You are precious to me
I love you madly!


As Kira gets older, she loves spending time at home more and more, with loved ones.

Ideal man for Kira - a reasonable, gentle, calm and caring person. Next to him, a woman will feel protected and needed. Over the years, Kira will begin to spend more and more time with her family, creating comfort and home life. Since a woman does not like to be bored, there are always a lot of guests in her house.

Table: compatibility of male names with the name Kira

Man's nameMatching in loveConformity in MarriageNature of the relationship
Sergey90% 70% Kira and Sergey will rather build friendly relations which can later develop into love. They will become reliable partners for each other, they will always come to the rescue, support and cheer up. A couple will never be bored together, they are completely different and learn something new from their lover.
Alexander100% 30% Love from the first meeting is possible here; Kira and Alexander are simply crazy about each other. The union is quite bright, emotional and passionate, however, most often it is short-lived. Living together It doesn’t work out, because both partners love freedom and independence.
Dmitriy100% 40% Dmitry and Kira have similar characters, both independent and strong. They are unable to immediately discern a worthy partner in each other, but if this happens, then they have a bright romance, but a fleeting one. Dmitry is very jealous, and Kira gives many reasons for jealousy, as a result of which quarrels and scandals occur. The romance can only last long if Dmitry learns to control his emotions, and Kira stops testing the patience of her chosen one.
Eugene70% 40% Evgeniy admires Kira from their first meeting. The girl also becomes interested in the man; he seems reliable and constant to her. But both partners value their freedom very much, so for the relationship to end with a wedding, lovers need to be patient and have a great desire to be together.
Alexei90% 70% This couple has a lot of common interests. They can talk for hours about anything. However, love at first sight does not happen here. Kira and Alexey are more likely to become best friends, and only then lovers. However, during their friendship they manage to get to know each other well, which has a good effect on subsequent relationships.
Andrey100% 30% The couple lives for today, they are fascinated by each other instantly and just as quickly their feelings cool down. Andrey and Kira have a bright, positive romance, which is unlikely to develop into a long family life.
Michael70% 40% Mikhail and Kira are able to build a bright, interesting relationship. The two of them will definitely not be bored. However, feelings will quickly fade, so the romance will be short-lived.
Kirill100% 70% This couple has everything it takes to build a long and strong relationships. They are both a loved one and a close friend for each other. Mutual support, care, common interests - all this is present in the relationship between Kira and Kirill. Lovers do not encroach on each other’s freedom; they receive a charge of positivity and joy from spending time together.
Victor70% 70% The unity of souls is much more important for this couple financial well-being. Kira and Victor spend all their free time in each other’s company, visiting interesting events, travel. They don’t want to do this separately, since they practically cannot live without each other.
Egor100% 90% The relationship between Kira and Yegor seems ideal. He is ready to do anything for his beloved, and she, in turn, responds in kind. Lovers are ready to listen to each other and make concessions.

Table: signs and symbols corresponding to the name Kira

Interpretation of letters in a name

K - the letter characterizes a person as hardy, strong in spirit, and able to keep secrets.

And - a person with a subtle, sensitive, kind nature.

R - self-confidence, efficiency, passion are characteristic of a person whose name contains the letter R.

A - a person who has this letter in his name wants to constantly move forward, do something, achieve comfort.

According to the interpretation of the letters in the name, Kira is self-confident, strong and sensual person

Characteristics of a name in accordance with the time of year in which a person was born

Winter Kira is endowed with authority, masculinity and prudence. She feels other people's suffering. But he has a selfish character that he is trying to correct. She does not know how to compromise, which has a bad effect on her career and family life. She chooses men who are strong and powerful.

Winter Kira has a strong character and is not capable of making concessions.

Spring Kira is a cheerful and cheerful person. At the same time, she is not frivolous, knows how to think, and quickly reacts to circumstances. Capable of building a good, fast career. But in my personal life there are no such successes. The girl is demanding of her partners, her mood often changes, not every man is able to withstand this, so spring Kira is looking for a life partner with good patience and an easy-going character.

Spring Kira is better at building a career than personal life

Summer Kira likes to be alone and does not get along well with people. She is afraid that she may be offended or betrayed, so she prefers not to communicate with people at all. The exception is communication at work; a career becomes the meaning of its existence. There is no hurry with family life; To open up to a man, she needs to trust him. For a relationship, year-old Kira is looking for a sincere and open person.

Advancement up the career ladder is the meaning of life for summer Kira

Autumn Kira has a soft, sympathetic, friendly character. She respects the people around her and will never show her superiority. He doesn’t like to show his feelings in public, but he doesn’t hide them either. For family life, such a girl needs a kind, understanding man who can share her hobbies with Kira.

AriesShe is able to find mutual understanding with any person, sometimes it seems to those around her that she has no character at all and that she adapts to any interlocutor, but this is not true, the fact is that Kira-Aries wants every person to enjoy communicating with her. In men, a girl values ​​responsive character, good nature, and not money or physical strength. TaurusNot inclined to trust others, knows how to communicate with any people. He doesn't like conflicts, so he doesn't get into arguments. She does not reveal her secrets to anyone, even those closest to her, because she is very afraid of being offended. Selects men who are reliable and serious. TwinsHe has a cheerful character and great intelligence. Can support any conversation. She is successful, as a result of which she acquires many envious people, and especially envious women. A sense of humor and positive thinking are the main qualities for which she can fall in love with a man. CancerShe does not like cheerful companies; she is more comfortable at home alone or in the company of a loved one. Her best friend is her mother. There is indecision and self-doubt in the character. A man chooses someone who is able to protect her from everyone, become a friend and ally. a lionA woman is a true leader, and in everything: in the company of friends or at work. She is arrogant and authoritarian, which turns men off. First steps in love relationships Kira-Leo has to do it herself. VirgoIntellectuality, pragmatism and responsibility are the main qualities of Kira-Virgo. She understands people well and has intuition. Around her there are only devotees and honest people, the girl acts closed with strangers. She doesn’t trust men, so it’s difficult for her to build relationships. It is important for her that her partner is a friend to her. ScalesToo trusting, open and vulnerable, which often leads to disappointment in people and in life. She is kind and sees only the good in those around her. An intelligent, affectionate and caring man will be able to win the heart of Kira-Libra. ScorpionConsiders herself perfect in everything. She is pragmatic, responsible and arrogant, which often scares people away from her. Has no friends. Serious relationships are also rare, since Kira-Scorpio scares off men with her selfishness. Only by reconsidering her attitude towards life will she be able to find love and family, but, as a rule, this happens already in adulthood. SagittariusShe got used to wearing a mask of cheerfulness and self-confidence to hide her excessive sentimentality and vulnerability. Family is the main value in the life of Kira-Sagittarius. He chooses his partner carefully; he must have strength of character and physical strength. CapricornAn independent and self-sufficient person. I'm not used to relying on anyone other than myself. He will always come to the aid of his loved ones. A man also chooses an independent man who is able to achieve his goals. AquariusThe woman is very attached to her family, but at the same time eccentric and independent. She is not attracted to generally accepted values; she strives to live by her own laws and loves to express herself vividly. Men are interested in her, but they are afraid of her fickleness, so Serious relationships they don't offer. FishForgives everything except betrayal and lies. She always helps others without demanding anything in return. That's why people often use it. The ideal man for her is strong, capable of protecting from all adversity.

Photo gallery: famous personalities with the name Kira

Keira Knightley - famous English actress Kira Plastinina - Russian fashion designer Keira Minturn Sedgwick - American actress Kira Muratova - Soviet and Ukrainian film director, screenwriter

Kira is a multifaceted and complex personality. She has a good education and analytical mind. Characteristics are clarity, rigor and assertiveness. She is demanding both of herself and of those around her.

Long before the baby is born, arguments begin in the family regarding many things: which stroller to buy, who to choose godparents, what name to give the child. The last point is perhaps the most important and requires special attention, because whatever you name your baby, such will be his fate. In this article we will look at all the features of such a magnificent and rare name for a girl as Kira.


It is quite rare to hear the name Cyrus today. Its origin and meaning have several different versions. According to one of them, the name has Greek roots and comes from the male name Kiros, which means “lord” or “master”. According to another version, the meaning of the name Kira is “sun”, and it comes from the Persian word khur. During revolutionary times in Russia, the name acquired a new meaning: “Communism-International-Revolution”. The pseudonym of one of the most famous members also added to his popularity communist party- Kirova S.M.

Forms and name days

Diminutive forms of the name Kira are: Kirka, Kirochka, Kiryusha, Kirusya. It sounds the same in most languages. However, in some countries there is a variant spelling of the nickname with two letters "r". The name Cyrus is also mentioned in the calendar. The church meaning of this nickname is very favorable. The Monk Kira of Beria, together with her sister Maria, lived for more than fifty years in a Syrian cave in prayer and strict fasting. Her memorial day is celebrated on March 13.


The meaning of the name Kira for a girl has its own characteristics. She has a difficult character since childhood. If parents often give in to her, she may simply become uncontrollable. The name Kira gives its owner responsibility and independence. Importance for a child in this case favorable - she will always be able to stand up for herself. The girl doesn't like being controlled. Kira loves her grandmother very much and listens only to her advice. The girl doesn't like to study. She often conflicts with teachers, although she has excellent mental abilities and a photographic memory. Parents should pay special attention to developing in a girl such a quality as the ability to get along with others. Otherwise, Kira may plunge into her inner world and lose touch with reality. In adolescence, the meaning of the name Kira for a girl receives new characteristics. She actively begins to engage in physical and mental development. She always looks good and takes care of her figure. The girl makes many friends, mostly male.


What changes does Kira undergo with age? The meaning of the name, the character defined by this nickname, give the woman a special originality. She has a strict and domineering disposition. Kira is able to cope with any problems. However, luck does not always accompany her. Often she has to achieve her goals only on her own. Kira is responsive and sociable with other people. She tends to show compassion towards others. The woman tries to help not only in word, but also in deed. He is never offended by trifles, but he cannot forgive betrayal either. The meaning of the name Kira endows its bearer with slight vulnerability. However, the woman tries not to show off her feelings. She knows her worth. She has no desire to discuss others, which is typical of many women. She forms an opinion about people only on the basis of her own impressions. Women with this name, as a rule, have a good education and know how to concentrate on the main thing. Kira can be too direct in communication and say the first thing that comes to mind. This often creates problems for her both in work and in family life. The first meeting with Kira usually creates the impression of a cold and detached woman. However, behind the harsh appearance hides a tender and vulnerable nature. She doesn't like being lied to and hypocritical. But Kira is incredibly susceptible to flattery and compliments addressed to her. The woman is kind and responsive. Sometimes she is too principled in her views, which leads to conflicts with others.

Love and family relationships

The name Kira gives a woman complaisance and calmness. The origin and meaning of this nickname indicate that its bearer will become an excellent housewife and faithful wife. In her family, comfort and harmony will always come first. Kira loves to cook and invite friends over. Despite her strong-willed character, in a family a woman usually puts power in the hands of a man. The girl does not want to get married. However, when the time comes, Kira chooses a calm and sexy man as her husband. Doesn't forgive betrayal. In the sexual sphere, the woman is quite restrained and incredibly chaste. Attachment to a man and family happiness Kira needs them more than other women. She adores children and becomes an excellent mother to them. The meaning of the name Kira makes a woman attractive. However, she does not have a certain femininity and charm that attracts men so much. As a result, the owner of the name often remains alone for many years.

Profession and career

In the professional sphere, the female name Kira exhibits strange characteristics. A woman attaches importance in her work primarily to her superiority over others. Diplomacy is alien to her. Often increased demands on colleagues lead to open conflicts. A woman becomes a good organizer and leader. He is quickly moving up the career ladder. Suitable profession for Kira will become an economist or accountant. This is due, first of all, to the fact that it is difficult for her to communicate with people. Therefore, it is better to give her preference to working with technology and numbers. A woman can achieve success by opening her own business. However, this often requires the help of companions. Kira can work in one place all her life. Monotony doesn't scare her. She differs from her colleagues in her non-standard vision of the situation. This allows you to achieve success where others fail. She gives her one hundred percent effort at work, which slowly but surely leads her to professional success. Her responsibility and diligence can help her in many ways.

The mystery of the name

The meaning of the name Kira adds extreme inconsistency to its owner. In the zodiac, her character is ruled by Cancer, and among the planets - Uranus. They determine all the features of a woman’s character. Favorable colors for Kira are dark blue, purple and brown. Topaz can be a stone suitable for protection from the evil eye. The metal from which the talisman can be made is silver. The totem animal of the name is lobster, and the plant is clover. A happy marriage for Kira can be with a man named Anton, Boris, Gleb, Oleg, Sergey or Yuri. And problematic relationships await her with Valentin, Arthur and Vyacheslav.

Famous personalities

There are many famous people, to whom the name Kira brought popularity. The meaning for a child of this name suggests the presence of talents and good organizational skills. All this allows you to achieve good success in life. Among the most famous personalities With this unique name you can name the British actress Keira Knightley, the young and promising Russian fashion designer Kira Plastinina, the film director and screenwriter Kira Muratova, the Russian singer Kira Izotova, the Soviet figure skater Kira Ivanova and many others. As you can see, women with this name can achieve success in many areas, because for this they have all the necessary qualities. On the other hand, no matter what you name your child, the main thing is attention, tenderness and appropriate upbringing. All this, together with the name, will definitely bring success in life and ensure a happy future.