Dream Interpretation why the number 9 is dreaming. Dreaming "Numbers" in a dream

09.08.2019 Trips

Numbers can appear in any way - not necessarily written on paper in the form of specific numbers, but for example, in the form of a certain number of any objects, people, animals or birds. The interpretation of the plot will depend both on the objects, phenomena or people themselves, and on the numerological meaning of their number. Every time it is necessary to analyze the dream in a general context, turning Special attention and on the background, and on events, and on personal feelings during sleep.

Numbers can be puzzles that you must solve in order to get certain information. By interpreting the numeric symbols, you can apply what you've learned to specific events. For example, numbers can tell you about the time and place where an event that excites you will occur. Or vice versa, they can remind you of a past event that still affects your life.

Just waking up, try to immediately return to your dream, restore all the twists and turns of his plot. Carefully analyze what feelings you experienced at the same time - pleasure or annoyance, joy or disappointment. This is very important, because it is precisely such nuances that can radically change general interpretation dreams - even positive signs, accompanied by bad feelings, can portend unkind events or turns. Conversely, good perception can smooth out the effect of gloomy visions.

The meaning of numbers in dreams can be literal when it comes to their basic meanings. In this case, the numbers can be represented in their own style - on paper or in another form. Be sure to pay attention to the color. Black, ominous tones can hardly promise anything pleasant, and vice versa - light cheerful colors carry a positive charge. It is necessary to recall their surroundings, the outline, in other words, the overall picture. If the numbers are uneven, lopsided, torn, then their interpretation will always be with a minus sign. Beautiful, calligraphic, "peppy", stable numbers will always carry positive information in addition to what is embedded in them, that is, the general interpretation will have a plus sign.

Numbers in a dream can draw your attention to upcoming significant events in life, the beginning or end of its next phase. "One" and "five" speak of decisive changes and the beginning of active actions. The "four" will remind you of stability and steadfastness, it warns against sudden movements. "Troika" can give the green light to a fun event and portend success in some social endeavor.

We must try to understand why, for example, beautiful butterflies were dreamed of and why there were seven of them. Butterfly is a symbol of success, love, good shopping, good news, and the "seven" can correct these symbols in the direction of the spiritual. This dream portends good news rather than material acquisitions.
Counting large banknotes in a dream (neat, not torn or dirty) may portend an improvement in your financial situation. How much - depends on the number of banknotes and their denomination. This may be in the form of a salary increase, a bonus or an honorarium.
Counting people in a dream (a line in a store, a crowd under a window, students in a class, etc.) portends numerous chores, responsibilities and unfulfilled deeds. Again, it depends on how these people looked - were they dressed smartly or poorly, smiling or frowning. Long and tedious counting alone - to hard monotonous work without much hope of success, and if in a dream someone helped with the score, this could mean support in career growth.
Errors in calculating numbers, formulas, solving problems seen in a dream can portend miscalculations and blunders in everyday situations. Probably, luck will turn away from you for some time, so be careful and careful.

For more accurate interpretation dreams, it is best to combine a good dream book and numerological analysis of numbers.

0 - symbolizes the cycle of life; usually portends failure and empty chores, vain expectations, disappointment.
1 - is a symbol of creation and intelligence; "one" offers to immediately begin active actions, promising the achievement of the goal and success. The main thing is not to deviate from what was planned.
2 - a symbol of the feminine; "deuce" recommends thinking about finding a partner and, in general, about the benefits of collective efforts. You can take a wait-and-see position in an exciting issue.
3 - a symbol of the trinity and the creative masculine principle; "three" promises success and joy.
4 - the figure associated with the elements of the Earth means solidarity and justice; "four" shows that there is no need to rush to change anything in your life. It is better to leave everything as it is and direct efforts to hard work and creation.
5 - a symbol of marriage, connecting the feminine and masculine. "Five" means that you may need to travel or change jobs. An important change in life is not ruled out - a wedding.
6 - a symbol of integrity and tranquility; "six" promises a serene life and harmony in all respects. With friends and relatives, everything is also settled, you can do what you love and relax.
7 - magical and sacred number representing wisdom, holiness and secret knowledge; "seven" good sign- such a dream suggests paying more attention to the spiritual sphere, not focusing on material problems, thinking more about the future, analyzing your mistakes.
8 - symbol of infinity; "Eight" - the time of balance of power, sustainable development. Success and achievements are not far off.
9 - a sign of fertility and good luck; "nine" means success in creation, construction, repair work, smooth flow of life. This number sometimes portends pregnancy.

Of the two-digit numbers, the following deserve special attention:
10 - in dreams, this is a good sign, personifying the integrity of the Universe, the completion of a certain phase and the creation of a positive atmosphere conducive to progress.
12 is a symbol of completion. Probably, some large-scale project, for example, study, is coming to a logical end.
13 - a symbol of strength; this number in a dream is not at all a harbinger of misfortune, as is commonly believed, sometimes such a dream portends entertainment, useful acquaintances and important meetings.
19 - this number in a dream symbolizes good luck and inspiration in your life;
21 - predicts the implementation of goals that will bring you freedom. Definitely a positive sign of victory, success, positive events and benefits.

Numbers in a dream can be combined with letters, and each letter also has its own digital code. By adding up all the numbers and letters, determining their meaning, analyzing the general impression of what you see, you can predict the events of the near and distant future. In addition, it will allow you to track trends and remember the interpretation of dreams.

For decoration used a fragment of a painting by Salvador Dali

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This number is filled with mystical meaning, it symbolizes the success and fullness of being, but does not give peace and does not allow a person to rest on his laurels. The number "9" reveals the beyond to a person, hones his mind and rewards him with a magical gift. A person ceases to be a slave to circumstances and takes power into his own hands, becoming the master of his own destiny. The number "9" gives a person an independent mind and unbending will, an iron character and artistic talent, the ability to transform into people and objects, to feel their inner essence. Mystical insight, magic, gloom and inability to relax, power and once again power - all this is contained in the number "9".

ADDRESS - if in a dream you hear an address in which the main place is given to the number "9", then this is a clear sign of your desire for power. The louder the voice that pronounces the address, the more you strive to take a leadership position. Perhaps you yourself do not fully realize how much you want to rule.

However, pay special attention to the speaker's diction: an address delivered in a lisping or stuttering voice shows that you are not worthy of power, you still have a lot to do to deserve this honor. Worst of all, if it is the number “9” that is not clearly pronounced - let this serve as a warning to you: do not climb up the career ladder, by doing this you will cause yourself irreparable harm.

If the voice pronouncing the address is melodious and gentle, then this promises you success in the near future, but only on the condition that you do not rush things. Be patient, soon you will receive the news that interests you and everything will fall into place. If, moreover, in your dream a pleasant voice emphasizes nine or intonation emphasizes this number, then this is a clear sign that your luck is on the way.

If you see an address written in clumsy handwriting and only the number "9" catches your eye, then try to moderate your ambitions and listen to what your boss says. This is not the time to take the initiative. If the address is written in a beautiful, neat and legible handwriting, then you can act - all your wildest aspirations and hopes will come true, since you have worked hard and deserved your reward.

The printed address indicates that unforeseen events will soon occur in your environment - most likely, one of your colleagues or friends will bypass you in the service or get a promotion, thereby hurting you. But if at the same time the nine was poorly printed, then you will not take what happened to heart.

If the entire text of the address, except for the number "9", is poorly visible, then this is a clear sign that you will soon be deceived by those who have been completely trusted.

If the nine is highlighted in the text with vignettes, drawings, various colors or bold, then this is a good sign - unknown forces have come into action, listen to what your heart says. But if the number "9" scares you, then do not count on easy changes in life - most likely, you will have a hard time, a lot of dangers and unpleasant events await you on the way to victory.

If you got the number "9" by adding all the numbers in the address, then this is a good sign - so you can understand what you need to pay special attention to. Perhaps you have become too calm and stopped looking for new ideas, so it's time to get down to business again, otherwise you will miss the chance to achieve a great result. It is likely that within a month you will be offered to conclude a lucrative contract, take on a new business or take a leadership position, you should be ready for this.

If you dream that you are walking down the street and looking for a house with the number "nine", then this is a clear warning to you - by all means solve the problem that you constantly put off! This burden does not allow you to free your mind and do other things. If at the same time you can’t find the right house in any way, then this bad sign- most likely, due to your inertia, you will not be able to accomplish what you have in mind, all your undertakings will fail. If you find this house, it means that after a long and hard work you will get what you expect.

If in a dream you are surrounded by houses with the same number "9" on the facades, then try not to make any serious decisions in the near future: you are trapped in circumstances, and it will take time and your willingness to improve yourself to get out of this impasse. Try to understand why you are in this situation, but it is too early to act.

If the houses around you are gloomy and there is no gap between them, then this should alert you - this means that in reality there are unfriendly people around you who make a lot of efforts to harm you. If, in addition, there are nine houses, then this is a direct indication that you have made a catastrophic mistake: most likely, in the near future your entire environment will take up arms against you.

If you dream that you are entering a house with the number "9", then this is a guarantee that you will be lucky, as you have embarked on the right path. If, in addition, you entered an apartment with the same number, then you need to prepare for decisive action, since your success depends on your timely actions. Such a dream promises women speedy execution desires, and for pregnant women - a safe and painless resolution of the burden.

If in a dream you do not remember the house number and count the ninth building from the intersection, then this means that you are unsure of your abilities and are afraid to make an independent decision. However, within two weeks you will need to act quickly so as not to miss a real opportunity to become the master of the situation. For novice businessmen, this dream serves as a warning not to argue with the authorities, since it is during this period of time that the management should get an impression of you, do not spoil it. This dream tells young women not to be deceived by the beautiful appearance of men, since it is likely that they will simply be used and abandoned, listen to the arguments of the mind, not the heart.

If in a dream you write your address to someone and put special emphasis on the number "9", then this is good - it means that in life you have gained authority and a strong position in society, you have nothing to fear, you have a well-deserved rest ahead of you. worries. But if you are afraid that the enemy will find out your address, then this is your real fear of losing your place.

If in a dream a young man writes down the address of his beloved and cannot write the number “9” in any way, then this means that his love is short-lived, his feelings will soon cool down. If a girl cannot write a nine, then this warns her against hasty actions, she should pay special attention to her words and deeds so as not to cry later.

An address consisting of only nines draws the attention of a person to the fact that the time has come to change. If you do not heed the advice, then in a month you will find yourself drawn into the maelstrom of events and lose all control over what is happening.

If in a dream you carefully draw all nines, then in the near future something unusual will happen to you. If all nines come out from under your hand fuzzy, crooked or torn, then you need to take care of your health: you may be in danger of mental overwork. If your nines look menacing or even come to life, aggressively attacking you, then immediately consult a doctor: these are the first signs of a mental disorder or approaching schizophrenia.

TIME - if in a dream you look at the clock (see also 9, CLOCK) and see that it is nine o'clock in the morning, this means that you must immediately begin to act, most likely, you have already done or are about to do very a good offer that you should definitely accept. You may not immediately understand what the benefit of this offer is, as it will be noticeably different from what you are used to, but if you take a risk and take on a new business, you will not lose. For girls, this dream promises a new interesting meeting, which will turn into marriage for them.

If you look at the clock and do not understand if it shows nine in the morning or nine in the evening, then this is a warning to you: you spend too much time on the needs of other people, pay more attention to yourself. If at the same time you see the number “9” very clearly, it stands out on the dial and catches your eye, then you need to abandon your usual line of behavior - you are trying to please everyone, and the authorities can interpret this manner of behavior as a desire to curry favor.

If you look at your watch and realize that it is already nine in the evening, then this means that your work is coming to an end. If you feel joy in your soul, then the result of your labors will be the most favorable, but if you are afraid, then events will completely get out of your control. Fatigue or resentment when looking at the clock is an undeserved reproach from the authorities in reality.

If in a dream the question "What time is it?" you answer - "Nine hours", this means that you are ready for a change for the better. At the same time, nine o'clock in the morning means that the change will come very soon and will be joyful and pleasant for you, and nine o'clock in the evening is an unpleasant event that will radically change your usual way of life. In any case, within three months your habitual existence will undergo tremendous changes.

Men see in a dream beautiful girl asking this question, and answering her clearly and specifically - “Nine hours” - means getting married soon. If the girl is unattractive, then the marriage will be unsuccessful. To answer a girl’s question vaguely, to pronounce words badly, especially the number “9”, to swallow consonants means to get into a delicate situation in life, to lose authority and trust from others.

If a girl in a dream answers a young man's question and clearly says "Nine o'clock", then this means that she will soon have to make a serious decision. If a young man flirts with her in a dream, then in reality the girl will be tempted, succumbing to which, she will make a huge mistake. If a young man in a dream is unsympathetic to her, then the girl should think about her future, especially with regard to study and work, global changes are possible in this field.

Asking yourself what time it is, and hearing in response that it’s already nine o’clock is to unexpected events. If it seems to you that you are being deceived, then in the near future you will have a strong enemy or rival in business, which you cannot ignore. If you suddenly felt frightened when you heard the answer, then this means that you are not decisive enough in life and allow your environment to play on your weaknesses.

If in a dream you have an appointment at nine o'clock and you are afraid to be late for it, then in real life this is a sign of your inability to be responsible for your actions, you are afraid of responsibility and like to shift it onto other people's shoulders. If in a dream you never get to this meeting, then in the very near future you will have a serious conversation with your superiors or business partners, and the result of this conversation will be deplorable for you. Married women this dream promises trouble with children or cheating on her husband.

If you yourself make an appointment for someone at nine o'clock, this is good, your ambitions will be satisfied in an unexpected way. At the moment, someone is already preparing to lend a helping hand to you, but do not wait for this, act, and the result will exceed all your wildest expectations. In addition, the meeting scheduled for nine in the morning is an advice to you to work patiently in the direction that you have chosen. If the meeting is scheduled by you at nine in the evening, then your area of ​​\u200b\u200baction is not yet known to you, some unexpected events will push you in one direction or another.

If in a dream you are the first to come to a meeting at nine o'clock, then this means that in reality you have power over your surroundings. If you come at nine and find that they are already waiting for you, then this shows that in real life you don’t know much, and soon your friends, relatives or colleagues will give you an unpleasant surprise.

If you receive a note asking you to come somewhere by 9 o’clock, then this means that after some time you will be faced with a choice: whether to continue moving in the same direction, or change the field of activity. Notice how the note says nine. If she correct form and bright, then continue to work on the business that interests you now, but if this figure is poorly outlined or drawn carelessly and carelessly, then leave what you are working on at the moment and do something else - it will bring you more benefits.

If in a dream you spend nine hours or nine minutes on something, then be prepared for good news. Soon, news will reach you that will make you take a fresh look at a person whom you seem to know very well, or easily cope with a difficult problem. If you walked for nine hours, then in reality you will emerge victorious from a fight with an enemy or competitor, if for nine hours you enjoyed the company of nice people, then in reality you will be able to expand your horizons and engage in self-education. If for nine hours you were engaged in an unpleasant duty, then in reality you will complete a long work and receive a well-deserved reward.

FORTUNE - if you dream that you are guessing on nine mirrors, then this means that in reality your rivals will bypass you. This dream is especially unpleasant for businessmen, as it clearly shows how weak you are as a competitor.

Notice the reflections in the mirrors. If the surface of the mirrors is foggy and does not reflect anything, then this means that you have failed the business that you have been working on for a long time and hard, and all because you succumbed to other people's persuasion and let yourself be convinced. If at least one of the mirrors reflects something, then you still have hope to correct the current state of affairs.

If you are reflected in all nine mirrors, then this means that in reality you are striving for power and soon you will receive it. Most likely, you will be promoted, entrusted with an interesting project, or transferred to a new facility. If your reflections in the mirrors are calm or smiling, then this is a good sign - you will show your abilities and the authorities will be pleased with you. If your faces in the mirrors are distorted with grimaces, then this means that you will not justify the hopes placed on you.

If, guessing on nine mirrors, you break them all, then in reality you will be able to break out of the vicious circle and cope with the burden of problems that have piled on you. If you break some of the mirrors, then you will need the help of friends: how many mirrors will remain intact, how many people are currently your comrades-in-arms.

If you hang all the mirrors on the wall in three rows of three mirrors and wonder while standing in front of them, then in reality you will be seriously disappointed in yourself, you will realize that you are not able to cope with the task that you have taken upon yourself. For women, this dream is especially dangerous, because what they see in these nine mirrors will be fulfilled within nine days.

Divination by nine candles shows that you devote too much time to work and forget about the house. If the candles are white and long, then in the near future things will go very well for you and you can take a vacation in the service, but if the candles are black or small and crooked, then expect trouble.

If all nine candles are burning, then you will pass any tests that will fall on your head in the coming days. Smoky or extinguished candles symbolize your defeat in the fight against competitors.

Broken candles indicate that for a certain time you or your family will have health problems, how many broken candles, how many months the illness will last.

If, after fortune-telling on nine candles, you throw them all out, then in real life you will receive a profitable offer or get rid of a long-standing enemy.

YEAR - if in a dream you add up the numbers that make up a particular year, and get the number "9", then this means that your happy time has come. Your luck is on the way, but do not forget that you must become the master of your destiny, and not its slave.

If you count for a long time, get confused, and get the number "9" only after long calculations, then this indicates that you are too limited, you do not understand what is happening around you, so you constantly miss your chance to advance. If in a dream someone helps you to make calculations, then most likely, in real life, it is this person who does not give you the opportunity to prove yourself.

Pay attention to what year you are performing this algebraic operation: the number "9" encourages you to expand your horizons and stop thinking stereotyped, but in order to go beyond the limits that limit you, you need a push. Perhaps this particular year contains important information that can move you off the ground.

COMB - A comb with nine teeth seen in a dream means your desire for victory and obstacles on the way to it. If you hold this comb in your hands, then soon you will be able to deal with all your problems and achieve your goal.

If in a dream you are presented with a comb with nine teeth, then soon expect changes on the love front - no matter how reasonable you are, you cannot get away from cupid's arrows. If you gladly accept the gift, then the love affair will be bright and joyful, but if you took the comb only because you didn’t offend the giver, then love will be painful and short-lived.

If in a dream you carefully looked at your nine-toothed comb, you can even determine the day when you will meet your future lover or beloved. On some tooth there could be a special mark, say, a scratch or a stain. It is this tooth that is taken as the basis - if, say, it was the fifth tooth of the comb, then you will meet your future lover on the 5th, 14 or 23. If all nine teeth were unmarked, then the meeting will take place in nine days.

If in a dream you yourself give a comb with nine teeth to a familiar person, then this means that you can have excellent relations with this person, both friendly and business. This dream tells women to pay attention to this person as a potential gentleman or faithful friend. However, if your gift was indignantly rejected in a dream, this means that after a while you will find out about the betrayal of the person you trusted, and you will be acutely worried about this fact.

If you extended the comb to a stranger or a stranger, then this is an expression of your desire to establish control over the situation. If your gift was accepted, then soon you will find out important information. This dream is especially good for big businessmen: a comb with nine teeth is their power, and if this gift is accepted in a dream, then in reality the businessman will strengthen his position. If the gift is rejected, then in a couple of weeks you will lose the position that you have won for so long.

If in a dream you run a comb over your body and see nine stripes left on your skin, then in nine days your wish will come true. But if these stripes are bloody, then the dream that has come true will not please you at all.

NINE-STOREY is a symbol of power, the ninth floor is the limit that any businessman aspires to. For him, such a dream means a lot: if there are many nine-story buildings around him, then soon he will have to fight with strong competitors. If in a dream gaps are visible between the nine-story buildings, and a clear blue sky is above your head, then the businessman will emerge victorious from the battle, but if the nine-story buildings are close to each other and the sky is either not visible at all, or it is painted in a gloomy color, then the dream promises defeat.

A pregnant woman who sees a nine-story building in a dream will be able to determine the gender of the unborn child: if on the ninth floor there is some bright detail that stands out from general view, for example, linen hung out on the balcony or a spinning weather vane, then she will have a boy. If there is no such mark, then the girl. If at the same time the nine-story building is bright and beautiful, then the birth will be easy, but if it is unpresentable, then the birth will be difficult.

To dream of nine nine-story buildings standing three in a row is good luck in money, if you look at them from above, then this dream promises victory over the enemy, in the near future you will enter into an argument with strong enemy and get the better of him. If you see people on the roofs of these houses, then trying to win at all costs, you will make a lot of mistakes and as a result your victory will not give you any pleasure.

An unfinished nine-story building is your unfulfilled dreams and desires. If in a dream you are sad to look at unfinished construction, then after nine months you will realize that your plans are not destined to come true. If the type of construction does not upset, but rather inspires you, then this is evidence that you will soon be able to implement a risky idea. To know exactly how to do this, pay attention to what the people around you will say for nine days - among the empty conversations there will be information that interests you.

NINE (CARD) - if you dream that you are playing cards, and you have solid nines in your hands (see also 4, CARDS), then you should rethink your behavior. You are too wasteful and frivolous, the number "9" tells you to act wisely, abandoning the usual and convenient ways. This is especially true of the last case, which you took on with several like-minded people (their number corresponds to the number of people playing with you). Be careful and careful - if you do not use your mind, you will be deceived.

If you had a load on your soul, for example, some unresolved problem tormented you, then seeing a card in a dream is like getting a clear answer to your question. Moreover, the nines of hearts and diamonds will tell you that your problem is solvable, and the two remaining nines, spades and crosses, will show that the matter will not work out. There are also subtleties here: the nine of hearts is “responsible” for heart affairs, and the tambourine is for money, but both of them clearly show that things will turn for the better on the 9th, 27, 18 or in September, since this is the ninth in a row month (see also 9, SEPTEMBER).

If you get a peak or cross nine, then in nine days you will receive confirmation that your projects are not destined to come true. Be prepared for this.

THE NINTH SHAFT - even if you have never seen the ninth wave, you still know what it is, at least from a painting by Aivazovsky. The ninth wave is a force beyond your influence that frightens you with its power and mystery. Frightened in a dream approaching you huge wave means to lose confidence in the future and a large share of your power. If you run away from this scourge and know for sure that you cannot escape, then soon you will fall into a trap prepared by someone from your inner circle.

A married woman who saw the ninth shaft in a dream may not count on a calm family life- in nine days, an unforeseen event will happen that will shake up her peaceful life and turn everything upside down.

If a young girl sees in a dream the ninth wave, which overtakes her and covers her head, turning over and taking her to the sea, then in the near future she will be dishonored and in nine months she will give birth to a child. If she enjoys the sea and is not afraid of the ninth wave, then in the coming days she will enter into a love affair and after a while she will get married.

NINE POINTS (SCORE) - this dream is especially good for athletes, since getting nine points for them means going to the final. However, if you dream that you are speaking to the jury and at the end of your speech, everyone raises the signs on which there is a “9”, then expect news in the near future. Perhaps you will be offered a new job or you will have the opportunity to move, make a bargain purchase or sell real estate, the main thing is to think it over carefully. The number "9" in this case is a call not to take everything for granted, the situation is not what it might seem to you at first glance. Free your thoughts from routine, it is best to tell fortunes on the success of your enterprise - remember, nine is a mystical number.

NINTH GRADE - to a carefree pastime if you see yourself in a dream at a break in the company of ninth graders. However, if at the same time you understand that you have already left this age and are in the ninth grade due to a misunderstanding, then this is advice for you to pay attention to your behavior - soon you will make a mistake that can adversely affect your work.

Seeing yourself as a ninth grader sitting at a desk and solving a test is a sign that your desire has been taken into account. higher powers and in nine days you will receive an answer to your question. If the control goes well with you, then your desire will certainly come true, but if you experience any difficulties, then your idea will not come true.

Going to the ninth grade in a dream means that in reality in the near future you will have to make a difficult choice, if you heed the advice of your superiors, then the outcome will be most favorable for you.

If you finish the ninth grade in a dream, then this indicates that some large and important period of your life has come to its logical conclusion. Within nine months, you must take stock, because your life will change dramatically after this period. If in a dream you were kicked out of the ninth grade with shame, then do not expect pleasant changes - in nine days or nine months you will learn something important that will make you drastically change your usual way of life, for example, start a new business, divorce or break off relations with someone -or.

MONEY - if you dream of old money, Soviet nine rubles or nine kopecks, then this indicates that in life you cling to unprofitable cases and people that you absolutely do not need. If you give this money to someone, then in nine days it will become clear to you that you need to throw off the burden of the past and start living. new life. If this money is given to you, then soon you will be deceived and betrayed.

If you dream of foreign money, then this is a direct indication that you are spending too much money. You need to get smart and try to use money properly - for example, invest it in some business. If in a dream you have a large amount of money, say, not 9 cents or 9 pence, but 9 thousand dollars or francs, then this means that in real life you are about to have a chance to get rich. However, in order to know exactly what will help you acquire capital, pay special attention to the 9th number, 27, 18. Your main assistant will be a person whose year of birth numbers add up to the treasured nine.

If you dream of acting Russian money, then this is an important sign - unknown forces recommend that you start building friendships and business ties. For women, this dream promises marital joy and the birth of healthy children soon. Young girls, however, should beware - if she gives nine rubles young man, then in the next nine days she will commit a stupidity, which she will later bitterly regret.

DOMINO - if in a dream you play dominoes and you constantly fall out knuckles with the number nine, then wait for a month of news from afar. Perhaps relatives will come to you and you will have to solve family problems and resolve conflicts. Maybe, we will talk about the death of one of your relatives and funeral arrangements.

If in a dream you simply pull a domino from a bag or box and get the number “9” in the sum of two digits, then this is a clear sign from above: expect an important message soon that will noticeably affect you. If you pulled out a knuckle with a value of 6:3 or 3:6, then you can be congratulated - you are planning a wonderful love affair, which, although it will not last very long, will be bright and memorable. If you have a bone 4:5 or 5:4 in your hands, then try not to tell anyone about your plans for nine days, otherwise they will fail. At this time, the main thing for you is to exercise restraint and patience!

If the same knuckle falls out to you several times in a dream, then this is a very revealing message - look at what these numbers are, and it will become clear to you on which day something very important for you will happen. Let's say you get 6:3 - this means that on March 6 you will receive an interesting offer or make a good deal. For young men and girls, this dream promises a meeting with a person with whom they will subsequently connect their fate.

LOTTO - in a dream, playing loto and constantly pulling out a barrel with the number "9" means that in reality they will turn to you for help. Your career will depend on how you perform in this situation. For women, this dream is especially favorable - in reality she will have a chance to bind her loved one to herself, having rendered him an important service. If at the same time she wins over the rest of the participants in the game, then this is a symbol of her success in life.

If you simply pull the keg out of the bag or it ends up in your hands in an unknown way, then this is an appeal to you by unknown forces: be careful not to lose the respect of others.

If you pulled out a barrel with the number "9", then this means that in life you have already committed an unseemly act and you urgently need to correct your mistake so as not to bury your plans and ideas. If you don’t do “work on the mistakes”, then you can put an end to your wonderful future.

Barrel with the number "18" - expect changes on the personal front in the near future. Perhaps you will have a child or have new love, or maybe you will break off relations with relatives. Just try not to do anything on August 1, because on this day you can make a catastrophic mistake that you will never be able to correct.

A barrel with the number "27" means that in the next two weeks you will have an exacerbation of a chronic disease or an accident will happen to you, especially a traumatic day - July 2, be especially careful at this time. If you need to undergo surgery or receive medical assistance, then try to postpone the visit to the hospital on the 18th, 27th or 9th.

If you have a barrel with the number "36" in your hands, then you can count on an interesting journey, most likely it will begin on June 3, at least on this day you will receive important information about the upcoming road. The barrel at number "63" promises you a business trip or a good deal, which will take place on March 6th. If you already have something in mind, then try to schedule this event for these dates so that you know for sure that you will succeed.

The barrel with the number "45" is a warning to you. There is a person in your environment who is deceiving you, most likely, he wants to let you down and has planned a decisive blow for May 4th. Be vigilant and careful, do not let the enemy knock out solid ground from under your feet.

If you are holding a barrel with the number "54", then be prepared for the fact that in the near future you will have to have a serious conversation with a loved one. Most likely, we are talking about breaking a friendship or love relationship. Be tactful and understanding, ideally if the conversation takes place on April 5, but if this is not possible, try to at least make an appointment for the 9th, 27th or 18th, or at 9 am or pm.

The barrel with the number "72" is a hint to you: on February 7, you can safely make a variety of bets and buy lottery tickets in bulk, you will certainly win a large sum of money!

The keg number "81" is your chance to take the lead, in nine days you will receive an important business offer, but you should only accept it if it is made on the 9th, 27th or 18th, in September or January 8th.

The barrel with the number "90" is your chance to resolve all conflicts and get rid of problems, but you need to act quickly and at your own peril and risk: if within 9 days you do not cope with all matters, you will never become the master of your life, it is not enough moreover - completely lose the trust of friends, authority from colleagues and superiors.

MUSES - if you see nine muses in a dream, then this is a good sign, you will be lucky very soon. It does not matter if all nine muses will be in your dream, or only some of them, because at the subconscious level you still remember their total number. The number "9" in this case tells you to educate yourself and abandon the usual and calm way of being. Your dream will even tell you in which direction you should start the process of self-improvement - which of the muses will be the most attractive to you, and take up that type of activity. This, as you know, can be dancing, history, poetry, tragedy and so on.

If in a dream you feel like your own among the muses, then this is a sign that you will soon receive an unpleasant message, your professional competence may be called into question.

NUMBER - to see an exam ticket with the number "9" in a dream means that in nine days you will have to answer for your misconduct. A woman who sees herself in a dream at an exam with a ninth ticket in her hands should take a closer look at a new acquaintance: in nine months she will either marry him or part forever.

The number "9" standing on the transport is your happy opportunity to find out your future. If a trolleybus, tram or bus leaves you, this means that within a month you will face continuous losses and disappointments. If you managed to get on this transport, then soon you will be happy and satisfied, pay attention to the other passengers - if you like them, then you will soon make new friends, if not, then you will have to fight enemies, but you will get out of it winner.

If in a dream you count the numbers of cars and get the number “9” as a result, then this is evidence that in nine days or months you will take revenge on your offenders. Especially good for you if all cars are light.

Wake - to be in a dream at a wake means that you have made a serious mistake and lost the case. In nine days you will know about it. Do not be discouraged - in another nine days you will receive an equally interesting offer.

BULLET - as a rule, a bullet weighs 9 grams, you may not think about it, but your subconscious mind sends you this allegorical signal and recommends paying attention to what is happening around you.

If in a dream a bullet hits you and injures, then this is a clear sign that you are, unwittingly, in the thick of things. If the wound bleeds heavily, then you need to ask the authorities for advice and ask them to clarify the situation. If there is no blood at all, then you must act independently and trust no one.

If you shoot and the bullet hits a person, then in real life you should be persistent and go on the offensive. To understand what you are involved in, be active, make appointments for the 27th and 9th, and all the information you receive on the 18th will most likely turn out to be false.

Seeing a bullet lying on the ground or hitting a wall is a sign of impending trouble. You must have overlooked something very important, in September you will find out what your mistake was, but you are unlikely to be able to correct the matter.

DISTANCE - if you dream that you have traveled 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81 meters and so on (adding all the digits of the number, you get 9) or the same number of kilometers, then this means that you have entered a new phase of life. If at the same time you are terribly tired, then after some time you will have to prove your right to a good place under the sun. If you are full of vigor and desire to continue the path, then in due time you will receive a reward for your labors. When this happens, it will show the number of meters or kilometers you have covered: April 54 - April 5, July 27 - July 2, and so on.

If you dream that you are measuring the distance from one object to another, then in reality you will find yourself between two fires. You have to make a difficult choice, perhaps your work will be on one side of the scale, and your house on the other. What to choose is up to you, but there is a hint - the number of millimeters, centimeters, meters or kilometers that you have intended should be the starting point in your calculations. Suppose you got the number 54 - open any book that comes to your hand on page 54 and select line 9 from the top. Read what you got, and based on this prediction, act. If you need specification, then you can count the 9th word from the left - there is nowhere to be more precise.

WOMAN IN BIRTH - if you dream of a woman giving birth, then in reality you will be able to accomplish what you have been dreaming of for a long time. If a woman gives birth easily, then you can quickly and painlessly cope with everything that stands in your way. If she is tormented, then your enemies will put obstacles in your way and put spokes in the wheels, but you will still overcome them and emerge victorious from the fight.

Seeing a woman who is just about to give birth is a warning to you: you have not done everything to achieve your goal. There is little left, do your best.

For an unmarried woman to see herself in demolition, she will soon be made an immodest offer, and if she accepts it, then in nine months she will face sheer troubles and disappointments. For a man to see himself pregnant is to become a universal laughingstock, this dream is especially unpleasant for politicians, artists and lecturers, that is, for those who speak to an audience. Son recommends refusing to speak on the 9th, 18th and 27th of the current month.

ROULETTE - if you dream that you got into a casino and bet on the numbers 9, 18, 27 or 36, then this means that you have entered into a fight with a strong competitor. It can be both business and love confrontation, and to see that you have won is very auspicious sign, in real life you will also be on top. If your bet did not bring you victory, then in reality you will remain a loser. This dream advises married women to pay attention to the health of their husband - probably in nine days he will show symptoms of a serious illness, do not ignore them, urgent treatment is needed.

If you dream that you are betting, but the numbers 9, 18, 27 or 36 are constantly winning, then this is a symbolic appeal of higher powers to your subconscious.

The number "18" is a warning to you to settle family conflict, if you do not do this, then after 18 days you will experience a real shock, and you will be aware that this is the result of your thoughtless behavior.

If the number "27" wins, then it's time for you to make a decision about the issue that you constantly put off "for later." This very “later” has already come, and if you deal with this problem on the 27th of the current month, you will achieve a very good result. If you saw a dream later than the 27th, then you can start considering this issue after 9 days.

The number "36" indicates that fate will soon give you a gift and fulfill your most cherished desire.

SEPTEMBER is the ninth month of the year, so if you dream that you find yourself in September, this means that in reality you will have to pay the most serious attention to issues of power and self-education.

If you dream that you are going to school on the first of September, then soon you will realize that in order to take this or that position or take on a new business, you do not have enough professional knowledge. If at the same time you feel much older than the schoolchildren around you, then you will have to abandon your plans for the sake of your future - an important conversation for you will take place on the 27th. If you saw your dream in September, then exactly nine days later, expect changes at work.

If the September you dreamed about is rainy and gloomy, then you are in danger of loss and annoyance. This will most likely be due to your unsuccessful attempts to take a leadership position or win favor from influential people. If September is clear, sunny and warm, then don’t worry about anything, your good time will come soon, and the person whose phone number (see also 9, TELEPHONE) begins with the number “9” will help you.

INFORMATION - in a dream, contacting the help desk means waking up the problem of organizing an important event. If you can't dial "09" in any way, then in reality you will find yourself in difficulty, but if in the end you master the telephone dial (see also 9, TELEPHONE), you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Working in a help desk in a dream means striving to take a wrong place in life. Most likely, you will have a conflict with colleagues or trouble at home.

TELEPHONE - dialing a phone number in a dream and getting stuck on the number "9" means that in reality you will be left in the cold, as your environment behind your back weaves all sorts of intrigues. However, the person who first comes to you or calls on the 9th or 18th will help you get out of the fetters of intriguers with minimal losses.

If you dial a phone number consisting of only nines, then in life you will have to give up comfort and convenience for a while. If at the same time it’s hard for you to turn the disk or you don’t get your fingers on the buttons, then a period of deprivation and failure will take you by surprise. If you quickly cope with the number, then the streak of bad luck in your life will pass quickly and will not leave a trace.

Dial a phone number in a dream and remember only the number "9" means you need the help of a person who is superior to you in mind. Most likely, this person will find you on the 9th or 27th, or his phone number ends with "18".

If in a dream you add up all the numbers in telephone number and you get a nine, then a global event will soon happen in your life, for example, you will be given Nobel Prize or sent to jail. Whether the change is pleasant or not depends on whether it was easy or difficult for you to make calculations: if it’s easy, then you can rejoice, if not, then prepare for the worst.

CLOCK - it is good to see an ordinary wall clock in a dream, on which a nine stands out brightly, which means that in reality you will take a risky step and do something that no one expects from you.

If both arrows point to nine, then in nine weeks the long-awaited guests will come to you or you will receive news that will give you all the trump cards and allow you to win an honorable victory over competitors and rivals.

See Digital Watch, which displays 09.00 or 00.09, means anxious waiting: do nothing until you receive a notification that it is time to act. If the electronic clock shows 09:09, then you should think about the means by which you are going to achieve your goal. If the electronic watch is broken, then do not hesitate, if you get down to business now, then soon you will have a lot of money.

To look at the cuckoo clock and hear how the bird says its “cuckoo” nine times means to fall out of the common cause in reality. If the voice of the cuckoo is sonorous, then after a certain time you will return to business, you just need rest. If the cuckoo has a hoarse voice, then you will be bypassed and pushed out, perhaps at work you will lose your place, and a split will occur in the family.

FLOOR - if you dream that in a dream you found yourself on the ninth floor, then in reality you will receive a promotion, and this will happen no later than 9 days after you see the dream. The more pleasant you are on the ninth floor, the more confident you will feel in a new place.

Fall in a dream from the ninth floor - lose your powers in reality. If you fall for a long time, then the difficult period will last from 9 days to 9 months. However, after this period, you will understand that sometimes a loss can become a find - do not cling to old beliefs and rules, free your mind, look for new ways and do not forget that the number "9" in this period of life is fundamental for you.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Why does a woman dream of nine:

number is a good sign to win.

The latest dream book

Seeing nine in a dream means:

To see the number nine, especially multi-colored - you need to fast for 9 days and only after that start the business that you have planned (if it is not illegal).

Modern dream book

A dream with nine in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

For women, this number - symbolizes the desire to become a mother; for men - the desire to create a family.
If you saw this number in a dream, it means that in all subsequent days you will be successful in all those matters where it appears in one way or another, be it gambling or business.

Gypsy dream book

Sleep with nine means:

Number nine - family and children.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

Sleep meaning nine:

Nine points - this dream is especially good for athletes, since getting nine points for them means going to the final. However, if you dream that you are speaking to the jury and at the end of your speech, everyone raises the signs on which there is a “9”, then expect news in the near future. Perhaps you will be offered a new job or you will have the opportunity to move, make a bargain purchase or sell real estate, the main thing is to think about everything properly. The number "9" in this case is a call not to take everything for granted, the situation is not what it might seem to you at first glance. Free your thoughts from routine, it is best to tell fortunes on the success of your enterprise - remember, nine is a mystical number.
If you dream that you are playing cards, and you have solid nines in your hands, you should rethink your behavior. You are too wasteful and frivolous, the number "9" tells you to act wisely, abandoning the usual and convenient ways. This is especially true of the last case, which you took on with several like-minded people (their number corresponds to the number of people playing with you). Be careful and careful - if you do not use your mind, you will be deceived. If you had a load on your soul, for example, some unresolved problem tormented you, then seeing a card in a dream is like getting a clear answer to your question. Moreover, the nines of hearts and diamonds will tell you that your problem is solvable, and the two remaining nines, spades and crosses, will show that the matter will not work out. There are also subtleties here: the nine of hearts is “responsible” for heart affairs, and the tambourine is for money, but both of them clearly show that things will turn for the better on the 9th, 27, 18 or in September, since this is the ninth in a row month (see also 9, September). If you get a peak or cross nine, then in nine days you will receive confirmation that your projects are not destined to come true. Be prepared for this.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

What does it mean if a woman dreams of nine:

Nine - consists of three triples, which means omnipotence, and represents the triple Triad. This is fullness, fulfillment, achievement, beginning and end, whole, heavenly and angelic number. It completes the main series of numbers. Being the last and largest number in the series from 1 to 9, it therefore symbolizes all the "higher" qualities. "9" is the number of "initiation", the end of one stage of spiritual development and the beginning of a new stage. Nine is the figure of intellectual and spiritual perfection, because 9 months pass from the moment of conception to the moment of birth of a person. This is the number of love, since the male power is multiplied in it 3. The nine is understood as the totality of people.

Find out what the numbers are dreaming of - do not miss the opportunity to get a hint from higher powers. Perhaps these dreams mean important dates or numbers, or maybe they just signal fatigue.

In the article:

Why do numbers dream - important signs of fate

To the question of what the numbers dream of, Eastern dream book answers like this - higher powers are sending you a sign that cannot be ignored. With a high probability they mean an important date for you. Think of a question you've been asking yourself most often lately. Perhaps you expect profit or hope for the completion of failures? If what you see looks more like a date, most likely this is the “hour X” you are expecting.

According to the same dream book, the numbers can mean the length of the period of life that is currently observed.
In addition, they may indicate other important information. For example, you may have seen lucky lottery ticket numbers or the office number of the institution where you will receive help. Listen to yourself, and you will understand these signs of fate - no interpreter will do this better than you.

The numbers are quite difficult to interpret. In order to understand their meaning, remember what you thought about before going to bed. If you have previously asked questions to higher powers through meditation, or in other ways, in this way you could get an answer. The answers of higher powers are rarely simple and understandable, almost always you have to rack your brains over them. This is how your patrons are convinced that you are worthy of receiving their tips. They especially like to give clues in numbers. There is even a separate esoteric discipline -.

If you often see numbers in your dreams, dream books recommend memorizing them. You need to pay attention to such dreams, otherwise you will miss important events or gifts of fate. However, numbers can also mean tests - their dates, duration, and much more.

Write or hear numbers in a dream - dream books of different authors

Why do numbers dream if you write them down? By The latest dream book they indicate awakening magical abilities. If you write from dictation, remember who dictated them - that's exactly what your teacher will be. The appearance of a teacher often depends on the student - perhaps the meaning of sleep suggests looking for him. But he can also warn about the arrival of a teacher - as you know, he appears when the student is ready for this.

By Longo's dream book writing numbers in a dream means that in reality a person is a pedant. Your love of systematizing information seriously interferes with relationships with others. In order to improve the situation, try to distract yourself from this habit at least for a while and listen to the opinions of loved ones.

If you do not just write down numbers, but do some calculations, the dream suggests that soon you will have to seriously think about making an important decision. Your choice will be able to change your life - for worse or better. The dream recommends not rushing into a decision. Perhaps it makes sense to seek advice from a knowledgeable person.

If you erase the written numbers, the dream warns that in the near future you will have to get rid of the consequences of your actions. How easy it will be to do this depends on how easy it was to erase the numbers in a dream. If the numbers remain visible despite attempts to erase them, the consequences of your actions cannot be completely eliminated.

If you are watching the writing of numbers, this portends admiration or envy towards someone from your environment. If you remember the person who wrote the numbers in your dream, we are talking about him. Try to avoid envy in relation to his achievements, leaving only positive emotions in order to maintain friendship.

Hearing numbers in a dream is a good sign if the voice was pleasant. An unpleasant voice reading out numbers warns of negative events. With a high probability, the events that the dream predicts will be associated with the numbers heard. Perhaps it is a time, a date, an amount of something, or something else.

Numbers in a dream as a sign of fatigue

By Family dream book the meaning of numbers in a dream is a sign of an extreme degree of fatigue. It can influence your behavior. You can fail an important meeting or disrupt an event that is of great importance. Dreams warn you that before you take on an important matter, you need to give yourself a break.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya recommends checking all the things that you did in a state of mental fatigue. Most likely you made a mistake. Remember this mistake and don't make it again.

In addition, the numbers may portend an emergency period that will seriously tire you. This is a warning dream that you saw for a reason. The higher forces have decided to give you time to prepare for difficulties. Try to settle all the things that will distract you from solving problems.

The meaning of numbers according to different dream books

By Dream interpreter D.N. Ushakov, each number seen in a dream has its own meaning. One portends a society of people, two - gossip, three - a conversation about business. The number 4 indicates efforts that will be in vain, 5 - to the dispute. If you saw the number 6 or any other larger number in a dream, this is a deception.

IN dream book of Peter Leiman numbers have a different meaning. They are reflections of future events or expressions of desires that come from the subconscious of the sleeper. The meaning of numbers in a dream according to Leiman is as follows:

0 - emptiness, absence.

1 - flexibility and mobility.

2 - understanding and submission to fate.

3 - joy and creative enthusiasm.

4 - stability.

5 - change. Why is the number 5 dreaming? Either serious changes, or this dream means a desire to change something.

6 - the need to make a choice, as well as guidance or advice from higher powers.

7 - leadership.

8 - balance and harmony.

9 - completeness.

10 - a new cycle or work on old mistakes.

According to the same dream book, the number 11 means strength - either manifested in your life, or the need for it.

12 - endurance, patience.

13 - rejection of the old or the departure of something from life.

14 - knowledge.

15 - the need to see the will of higher powers in what is happening.

16 - the need to find the gifts of higher powers in situations that seem catastrophic at first glance.

17 - search for differences, comparison.

18 - courage.

19 - life force or personal energy.

20 - honor and dignity.

21 is a new beginning.

22 - selfishness.

23 - destructive behavior, destruction.

24 - fear.

25 - temptation.

26 - illusions.

27 - resistance.

28 - abuse of the good given by higher powers.

29 - abuse in a general sense.

30 - manipulation.

31 - danger from the mind or logical thinking.

32 - disharmony.

33 - freedom.

According to Leiman, numbers that are greater than 33 must be reduced to a smaller value through numerological manipulation. Let's use the example of this dream book to analyze the numbers seen by many people in a dream - 666:

Accordingly, in this case The number 666 signifies the need for courage.

Why dream of numbers that you can’t remember

Seeing numbers in a dream, but not remembering them is a bad sign. It portends financial problems of a large scale. Most likely, they will happen due to your own carelessness. Perhaps in the recent past you made a serious mistake that will be reflected in the near future.

The number 0 in a dream represents power. Zero on its own can represent the power to choose if you want to do something. Open Opportunities. Also, zero can represent nothing, or something that has no value.

Zero increases the strength of the previous number. For example, if you see 5000 in a dream, this represents a change (property of the number 5), zero reinforces the meaning of five. The number of zeros is 4, this represents the power of change that will take place to further stabilize your life.

Number 1 / One

A unit in a dream represents undertakings. When you dream of 1, it means that something new is starting the way you intended. In addition, the unit can represent your confrontation with a person or group of people.

Number 2 / Two

The number 2 in a dream symbolizes duality, duality, or opposition. Two opposite sides interact with each other, either harmoniously or through conflict. In a positive variant, 2 means the search for harmony with a partner or within oneself, support from another person. If you see a deuce in your dream, it can also represent conflict in your life, or contradictions between thoughts and feelings. Different ideas, beliefs or choices fight each other. Quarrels or troubles are possible to achieve the goal.

Number 3 / Three

Seeing the number 3 in a dream means the creation or embodiment of your plans, goals and intentions. Three can reflect both creative process, and chaos. There may be unpredictability in your life.

Number 4 / Four

4 represents balance, stability, or sacrificing the negative: character traits, habits, etc. When you see 4 in a dream, it indicates that there was something negative in your life and you have dealt with it. The period of uncertainty is over. Four symbolizes confidence and balance, just as a four-legged chair remains stable, so 4 represents peace and security.

Number 5 / Five

Seeing 5 in dreams symbolizes change. Something is changing in your life, or changes are being prepared.

Number 6 / Six

The number 6 in dreams means negative. If you see 6 in a dream, it highlights the negative direction of thoughts, emotions, behavior or life experiences. It can reflect unpleasant traits: infidelity, greed, arrogance, deceit.

Number 7 / Seven

Seeing 7 in a dream signifies purity, cleansing and wisdom acquired after facing negative experiences. Difficult situations are resolved or already gone. Seven can reflect harmful beliefs and habits that you have abandoned, cleansed yourself in some way.

Number 8 / Eight

Dreaming of 8 represents completion. Something is coming to an end and will end soon. Eight can reflect the feeling that you have everything you need and are satisfied with it.

Number 9 / Nine

Seeing 9 in a dream means the end of the situation. Something ends or has already ended, it can be both a positive experience and a negative one. The situation will never happen again.