The golden ratio is the power of the Cheops pyramid. Golden Pyramid of Yu Shinse: illnesses pass, old age and death recede

10.09.2019 Auto/Moto

The unusual properties of the pyramids are described in such a large volume of relevant publications that they could be used to construct buildings much larger than the famous pyramids of Giza. Simple, harmonious and at the same time, mysterious forms of these ancient structures have been discovered on almost all the continents of planet Earth, and what is especially surprising is that not so long ago an American research probe brought to us their images from the surface of Mars.

The oldest location on earth for pyramids is Tibet.

Around the sacred Mount Kailash, which also resembles a pyramid in its shape, there is a whole complex of ancient pyramidal monuments. Their mutual arrangement is so reminiscent of the structure of the genetic code - the DNA molecule, that a hypothesis has emerged about the involvement of this complex, created by an unknown intelligence to us, in the emergence of life on Earth.

There is a complex similar to the Tibetan one on Chinese territory, but the authorities are restricting access to this mysterious place.

In South America there is a sacred valley of the Incas, also consisting of a complex of temples and pyramids. There is a legend among local residents that this complex was built in ancient times by fair-skinned and fair-haired people.

In the center of the famous Bermuda Triangle, on the seabed, a pyramid was discovered that was larger in size than the Cheops pyramid. Its smooth, polished edges are made of an unknown material reminiscent of glass or ceramics.

Not long ago, a complex of 37 underground pyramids up to 45 meters high was discovered in Crimea. Their material is heterogeneous and consists of metal oxides and organic compounds. A Crimean group of researchers put forward a hypothesis about the cosmic function of the pyramids, which act as special generators of torsion fields, the so-called shape generators, in which the torsion field is formed without rotation. In this capacity, the pyramids perform the functions of receiving and transmitting devices connecting the bowels of our planet with the Cosmos.

According to one hypothesis, the Egyptian pyramids on the Giza plateau, which include the most famous pyramid of Cheops, were built more than 10 thousand years ago by representatives of the legendary civilization of Atlantis. The Atlantean civilization was in many ways superior to ours in terms of its level of development, however, they did not avoid internal confrontation, which became the cause of a global catastrophe. As a result of this disaster, Atlantis disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Ancient Egypt, in which the Atlanteans had their settlements, on the eve of the catastrophe, became the site of the construction of giant pyramid-shaped structures. The Atlanteans built them with the expectation of transferring their colossal knowledge about Nature and Space to the future, many millennia distant from them. This knowledge is hidden in the geometry of the pyramids, in their relative position, in those mysterious dungeons that, with the help of ultra-modern technology, Japanese researchers discovered under the pyramids.

It was in our difficult time of change that the mysterious messengers of the past revealed some of their secrets to those seeking knowledge.

The most significant discovery was the fact of the presence in geometry Cheops pyramid based on the Golden Ratio principle. This principle was first formulated by Euclid: the ratio of the whole to its larger part must be equal to the ratio of the larger part to the smaller. If we divide a straight line segment into two unequal parts in such a way that its length (a + b) relates to the larger part (a) as this most of to the smaller one (c), this will be a graphic representation of the principle of the Golden Ratio.

Everything related to natural systems is subject to the principle of the Golden Section - these are the proportions of the human body, the structure of the genetic code - DNA and RNA molecules, according to this principle the sound and color series, the system chemical elements and periods of revolution of the planets of the solar system.

Everything that gives a person a feeling of harmony is created according to this “golden principle”.

In the Cheops pyramid, the principle of the Golden Section is reflected in the triangle section along the axis of symmetry in the vertical plane (Fig. 3)

Sum of 2 equal sides of an isosceles triangle GCF is to its base in the same way as the sum of equal sides and the base is to the sum of equal sides, i.e.:

Such equality is possible only if the angle of inclination of the faces of the CFG pyramid is 53 degrees. It is precisely this tilt that takes place in the Cheops pyramid, which can conditionally be called classical.

A pyramid built according to the principle of the Golden Section generates with its shape a special torsion field that harmonizes the surrounding space, putting in order everything that is in the zone of its influence. It is this unique harmonious combination of the dimensions of the base of the pyramid and its height that allows it to work most efficiently in the “Earth-Space” mode, which will be discussed in the next chapter. It is probably this factor that explains the following properties of the pyramids, tested in practice:

Neutralization of harmful radiation from pathogenic zones.
With the help of pyramids, by selecting their height and relative position, it is possible to neutralize or reduce to a value safe for humans the dangerous influence of geopathogenic zones, both natural and man-made. Pyramids are used both in open areas and indoors, for example, to neutralize geopathogenic zones in an apartment. Here it is necessary to note that the torsion field of the pyramid reaches its maximum value when its faces are oriented strictly along the cardinal points. Usually, using a compass, one of the faces of the pyramid is oriented towards the north.

Neutralization of harmful radiation from computers, TV, electrical appliances.
Photographs of the aura of a person exposed to these radiations, taken with the help of special equipment before and after the installation of a neutralizer pyramid, actually show the restoration of the dimensions of the aura suppressed by harmful radiation. Instrumental studies also showed a reduction in the elevated radiation background of the room to a safe level for humans after installing a neutralizer pyramid in it.

General improvement of the human body.

Numerous examples from the literature on pyramidology allow us to state the facts of the beneficial effect of the pyramid field on the human body. Under its influence, the duration of diseases is significantly reduced, metabolic processes in the body are stabilized, and the healing of wounds and fractures is accelerated. Under the influence of the energy of the pyramids, viruses and bacteria die, thereby preventing the spread of epidemics.

Particularly interesting are the properties of water charged in the upper third of the volume of the pyramid. It has a rejuvenating effect on the human body, strengthens the immune system, and relieves chronic fatigue syndrome.

Our compatriot, the famous Egyptologist Mikhail Vladimirovich Saryatin, who took the pseudonym Enel, conducted a series of experiments with pyramids in the 60s of the last century, identifying several types of their radiation. One of them, which the researcher called the “Pi” beam, destroys tumor cells and destroys microbes, the second, the Omega beam, rejuvenates and heals the human body, increases its immune properties.

This short list does not exhaust the list of amazing properties of the pyramids that have now been discovered. However, as an “exotic” feature, it is worth mentioning such a rather unusual property of the pyramid field as sharpening razor blades. This effect was discovered by the Czech engineer Karl Drable in the middle of the last century. During a trip to Egypt as a tourist, an inquisitive Czech noticed that after his visit to the Cheops Pyramid, a dull safety razor blade that accidentally ended up in his pocket regained its novelty. Interested in this effect, Drable made a model of the pyramid and conducted a series of experiments that showed that the greatest effect of sharpening the blade occurs at a height of 1/2 to 1/3 from the base of the pyramid. In this case, the pyramid was oriented with its edge to the north, and the tip of the razor placed in it was oriented to the west. He subsequently patented his discovery.

However, the most interesting thing in this story is the results of research on a blade sharpened in such an exotic way. Photography through a microscope and spectral analysis showed that its structure was restored due to the introduction of additional mass of metal, and precisely from the same deposit where the ore containing the metal of the main blade was mined. All this is very reminiscent of teleportation, known from science fiction stories - the instantaneous movement of a material object from one point in space to another.

The frequencies of the Magic Block have a wide range of applications and not only in healing.

Some frequencies require long-term development, such as Midi, Hektas, Agni-Hum and Do. Others are revealed through mental imagery, for example, Agni, Agni-Hum, Thor, Golden Pyramid, First Magic, Moonlight, Hecatta.

The basic rules of operation are given directly by the teacher when tuning frequencies.

Without Initiation (attunement), it is impossible to use frequencies, no matter what you come up with.

Frequency is used for cleansing and protection. Healing of wounds and burns. Restoring health and vital functions. Strengthening intention to achieve goals. Cleansing from various energetic influences, incl. energy entities. Cleaning large areas, epidemics, diseases, mass unrest. Complete cleansing of the spine, energy centers and meridians. Environmental harmonization. Like HUBY, it allows you to quickly change the weather locally.
It is used as a cleansing and facilitating treatment frequency in the treatment of hereditary diseases, HIV infection, skin lesions, blood vessels, tissue damage (perforated ulcers, frostbite, diabetic ulcers, gangrene), erysipelas.
When working with territories or large groups of people, it is advisable for several operators to work together, in turn.
Frequency directly related to karmic laws. With its help, you can evaluate the events you need. Especially when you are faced with a difficult choice...

Powerful cleaning channel. Protection of the energy-information matrix of the personality. Used to treat seriously ill patients. Gives energy, harmonizes internal state, relieves aggression, nervous stress, corrects behavior. Used for aggressive, antisocial people with mental disorders. Restores mental balance and harmony. To correct behavior, it is used in conjunction with the Anael channel.Draws together energy dirt, removes damage, evil eyes, curses, necrotic bindings, connections to lower worlds, expels entities. And what is also characteristic of her work is that she gives a “return” to the black magician...

The channel is used for cleaning from all types of magic, witchcraft (damage, evil eye, curses, love spells, etc.) gives a return to the sorcerer and the customer. Used to remove lower bindings (burns them). When working with a MIDI channel, you can “count” who did it, but you can also make a mistake, therefore, if they are zealous with the question “Who did it?”, I suggest looking at who from the environment will feel bad in 3-5 days.
Harmonizes the emotional state, relieves stress, breakdowns, tension, corrects behavior, both for yourself and others. Relieves pain caused by spasm. Increases self-esteem. Harmonizes family relationships. Restores energy in the room.
Removes (facilitates) heartache, feelings of guilt, anxiety, worries. Slows down the aging process. Works with oncology caused by damage to death.
Helps in restoring the 4th and 6th energy centers. Develops vision by clearing the field. Helps in the implementation of plans...

Channel of love and harmony. Forms in a person such qualities as mercy, compassion and unselfish love. Brings the energy of goodness and creation. It is used to prevent, stop scandals, quarrels and swearing, as well as for a favorable, friendly attitude towards you and people exposed to the frequency. Reduces the level of anxiety, fear, aggression. Relieves stress, suspicion, jealousy, anger, ruthlessness, contempt, greed, harmonizes your internal state, and creates a positive impression of you among others. The channel is applied (soft) and there is no healing factor in it...

Earthly information frequency, carries planetary information, no medicinal properties does not carry. Promotes the expansion and purification of consciousness, the opening of energy vision, develops a cocoon, and activates the work of the upper chakras. Provides information about the past, present and future, answers almost all questions, helps in diagnosis, and provides information on cause-and-effect relationships.
Works well when searching for forgotten and lost items, finds missing people, returns spouses and children to the family, removes interference during dowsing, and organizes meetings. Helps on the road, travel, removes obstacles. Works well in tandem with Hektas. You can work from a photo.
The channel opens not only to itself. For example, the frequency opens to people whose meeting you want to organize. In order to bring a person to yourself, you need to open Midi to yourself and this person with the intention of organizing a meeting. In these cases, the factor should be taken into account indoors(prison, psychiatric hospital), and under such circumstances, do not work frequently.
It takes up to 1 month to organize a meeting with a person. Everything in space should be laid out gently, by mutual agreement. If the meeting did not take place, then it is not necessary, or perhaps the person does not want to meet with you.
Midi can be used in nature, to ensure a relaxing holiday, while fishing, while picking berries, mushrooms, etc., the frequency will always help you find the right path, protect you from accidents, and prevent you from going down an unnecessary path (for example, entangling your face in a cobweb) .The frequency can be used to work with elemental energies (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind)…

Powerful cosmic information frequency. Cleans and removes everything that interferes with the reception of information. Clears and expands consciousness, promotes development creativity. Together with Midi, she answers any questions (open at the same time). Hektas strengthens the work of the Midi channel...

Earth channel. It has feminine calming energy and is constricting. Powerfully cleanses, prevents scandals and fights, relieves stress, depression, tension, aggression. Used for cleaning premises...

The channel is universal, general health, because... carries the pure energy of HEAVENLY FIRE. Carries masculine energy, relieves stress, gives vitality, powerfully cleanses and restores. It excites, increases tone and therefore is used to relieve depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, lethargy, and the inability to realize one’s creativity in material terms. Promotes business development, material well-being, implementation of plans and ideas, charisma, and advancement in society.
With the Agni channel (as with other channels) you need to be careful and not just open it. It is necessary to take into account that this wonderful channel “revitalizes” the depressed, gives strength, increases tone, as the patients themselves say, “brings them out of hibernation,” “transforms them from a robot into something alive,” but temporarily strengthens such character flaws as incontinence, irritability and short temper. Even if a person is in the slightest excitement, after the session it will all intensify...

One of the most complex and powerful frequencies of the Magic Block. Provides neutral energy and evens out the energy balance. Masculine aspect of this frequency (Agni) cleanses and fills the cocoon with the energy of activity and movement, the female aspect (Hum) draws in dirty energy, relieves aggression, and calms. When working with seriously ill patients, the use of frequency provides an improvement in mood, an incentive for recovery, i.e. faster recovery. Used in severe cases and in the treatment of any disease.
Frequency affects the respiratory system - inflammation, pulmonary edema, as ambulance or auxiliary frequency during treatment. On the digestive system during intoxication of the body, food, chemical poisoning, dysentery, viral infections. Treats liver diseases caused by poor diet and various addictions. Helps cope with erysipelas of the skin and kidney disease of various etiologies. Treats cystitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the urethra.
The neutral energy of the Agni-Hum frequency is necessary where there is death, decay, and stagnation.It is used for general therapy with all types of anomalies, such as witchcraft, damage, evil eyes, etc. Promotes liberation from Entities.
Promotes business development, material well-being, implementation of plans and ideas, and advancement in society. Agni-Hum brings balance to the inner world, and further work with the frequency of Agni helps progress….

The frequency is used for local anesthesia (pain relief). Toothache, wounds, cuts, etc., except bruises and gout. Soft feminine energy calmness imparts attractiveness and tranquility. Cleanses, relieves stress, emotional peaks in women, including during menstruation and menopause (work on the uterus). Aligns energy (synchronizes the work of energy centers in women). Helps remove a negative image from a person (a type of damage).It can be given without contact when there is mental turmoil, anxiety, division, or internal contradictions. It works on some schizoid manifestations, but it relieves the consequences rather than treating the cause. In some cases, it relieves inflammation of nerve endings. Helps with migraines and allergic reactions to food, but you need to work immediately on the first signs. Energy cuts in in this case not to do…

The channel is used to work with frequent psychoses, depressive disorders, chronic insomnia, and panic attacks.It is used for the treatment of schizophrenia, and cannot be replaced when working with cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy). Relieves emotional and mental stress. Improves interaction with environment. Relieves exacerbation of nervous and mental diseases in the autumn-spring period and on full moon days, and is also used as prophylaxis.
Promotes the manifestation of a person’s hidden capabilities and talents. Harmonizes personality. Helps you make a decision. It is used as an auxiliary frequency when recovering from a state of binge drinking or drug intoxication. Requires constant monitoring of use. Before working with this frequency, it is necessary to work with the chakras (including working out the head), restoring energy balance...

A channel for healing our smaller brothers - animals, flowers, plants (animals do not have a lotus). It doesn’t matter who needs to be treated: a goldfish, an elephant or wheat.Lugra works on almost all diseases. There are no restrictions on the amount of use of the LUGRA channel; the larger the plant or animal, the more often it must be used.
The channel is a bit harsh in perception. Not always and not all animals like its effects. To avoid an inadequate reaction on their part, at the beginning of the sessions we work slowly; we can alternate or supplement the work with the Farun-Buddha, Hum, Anael channels. In severe cases, the canal can be pushed (pressing movement - the hand clenches into a fist, unclenches) for 10 minutes. The canal can be opened to a large area, such as a farm….

Channel of astral travel. Can be opened with Sutra-Karma. If there is no dedication, i.e. kind of help when working with frequency. The channel is strictly forbidden to use, and neither are the techniques given below. The result may be: the soul is in the astral plane, and the body is on the bed at home in a coma. It is advisable to carry out the first developments under the supervision of an experienced master, so that “if anything happens...” he will help you get back out of the astral plane. It is not recommended to work up to the Master level if there are no clear and expressed abilities to maintain adequacy in extreme situations, without succumbing to fear and panic...

The channel of flying Yogis, for developing abilities in levitation, working with seriously ill patients, especially with the musculoskeletal system, who cannot get out of bed, quickly raises bedridden patients to their feet.Gives a feeling of lightness, alleviates the general condition when other channels do not help or work slowly. Treats fresh stroke, infectious stroke, post-traumatic conditions, sore legs. Any problems of the musculoskeletal system, works as an auxiliary frequency, facilitating the condition and treatment. Used for radiculitis, osteochondrosis. Participates in blood purification, in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, and in relieving heart attacks. Given in pre-infarction, pre-stroke conditions at the end of the session, with the lotus closed.
Works on mental illnesses, the vestibular system, and helps with dizziness. Restores blood circulation to the brain and fundus muscles. As an auxiliary frequency it is used for impotence, adenoma, prostatitis, herpes, immunity problems, vitamin deficiency, metabolism. Removes necrotic bindings. Cleanses the energy field.Using this frequency, with enough practice, you can get off the ground.

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The Thor channel belongs to the Magic block, but is compatible with the channels of the Buddhist block. Used as a shock channel for local breakdown of dark energy if they cannot be removed in any other way. It opens and works through a mental image. After working with the Thor frequency, under any circumstances, it is necessary to work with the “motor-well” method. It is used very rarely, but gives positive results in severe cases both in working with the patient and in the healer’s work with himself. Frequency not used for breaking up physical objects (rocks, salt deposits). The channel cannot be developed.

It is used to break up heavy masses of dark energy if we cannot get rid of this or that pain (toothache, headache, etc.). For example, with migraines, dirty energy is very strong and we cannot do without the help of TOP.

We build a phantom above the right shoulder mental image: a bearded, red-haired God in armor, with a hammer in his hands, stands in a golden, two-wheeled chariot drawn by three red, fiery-colored horses. For each utterance of TOP, he throws the hammer at the patient’s sore spot and immediately returns it back. When working on the head - no more than 5-7 blows, otherwise the patient will have a severe headache. You can do more for kidney pain; you can’t break kidney stones. Exhaust after working with the TOP channel is required. The shock channel is therefore used only in cases where the capabilities of other channels have been exhausted and do not bring tangible results.

Can be used in cases of persistent severe pain (migraines, renal colic, etc.). When working with the energy field of the head, moderation is required, no more than 5-7 blows, for other problems - depending on the circumstances.



The shock frequency of the magic block is compatible with healing channels. Used to tune energy centers in cases where for some reason it is not possible to tune the centers with other frequencies.

Considering the shock properties of this channel, it is not recommended to use it for seriously ill, weakened people. In these cases we use Zeus + Firast + F-B. Also, in order to avoid unstable conditions, we do not apply Titan to the “heart” chakra, that is, we bypass this chakra with Zeus. Cleaning the head, as before, according to the formula Zeus + Firast + F-B.

Open the channel at the beginning of the main session, along with other channels of the Magic Block. The channel is strengthened throughout the session. The channel should be opened for all patients; he himself finds whom to work for.



Universal channel of the seventh cosmic race.

It is used for any disease when recovery is delayed, and is also indicated in difficult cases. It opens according to a magical scheme no more than three times a month and only if they have received information from the Midi and Hektas channels. The channel is used in rare cases when working with other channels does not give the desired effect. If karma is heavily loaded and there is a hidden disease, working with the channel may not give a visible effect. Not subject to management or control

The channel is unique in its perception; it goes neither from above, nor from below, nor from the side. When the Hutta channel opens, the patient stands in a cloud of small vibrations, similar to “golden worms” or “golden flies”.

We work with the channel extremely rarely, since sometimes the work of the channel goes through exacerbations, distracted attention, nausea, insomnia or drowsiness, headaches, temperature and mood swings, aggressiveness and more may appear... On the contrary, euphoria and lightness may appear.

It all depends on a person’s karmic load. The healing effect of the channel can last 10 minutes, and sometimes even a week, until it does its job - it is not possible to close it, it will close itself when it does the job. Therefore, the patient needs to be warned and consent to open this channel.

I repeat again, we work with the channel only in a particularly difficult case, if the recovery is delayed, and working with other frequencies does not give the desired result. If there is a desire to open HUTTA, the patient must be warned that he may have exacerbations described above, and that he should be more careful and attentive; driving vehicles is not advisable.


Sutra Karma.

Frequency of work with karmic accumulations. Removal of karma from previous generations (up to the 7th generation, opens on the patient only once a year). The channel does not remove the karma accumulated by the patient in this life. Opens with a password.

It is used when healing is very slow, this may be a hint about the heavy load of karma and the need to open the SUTRA KARMA channel to it. The channel is used only in difficult cases and is compatible with healing ones.

Before working with the Sutra-Karma frequency, you need to understand that karma, as such, is not an instrument of punishment, but an instrument of correction, of changing a person. If a person, for any reason, realized, repented and managed to correct his thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions, then the karma of these actions has fulfilled its function and can be considered “spent”. A person does both good and bad deeds in life, accumulating both “positive” and “negative” karma.

The Sutra-Karma frequency only allows you to replace one thing with another, without waiting for the physical death of a person. But this frequency does not give the patient any understanding (awareness), no repentance, no change, but only temporary relief. The Sutra-Karma frequency is opened, used to replace “positive” and “negative” karma for the purpose of partial or complete (this is unlikely ) compensation for the latter.

Masters and Masters do not use it consciously, since the frequency, if necessary, is revealed during the session on its own, spontaneously, while the patient can laugh or cry.

In conscious discovery, the frequency is used for a specific patient only once, contactally, in the aura, between the fourth and fifth energy centers, usually at the end of the session. Warn the patient that the work of the channel may have the following manifestations: anger, apathy, shyness, depression. If a person has more good (good) accumulations, then the channel will work without manifestations.

The Sutra-Karma frequency cannot be closed. If this cosmic frequency has to do its job, then it will do it and close itself. The duration of the channel is from several minutes to 10 days.

The channel opens at the end of the session through the hands between the 4th and 5th chakras. The frequency can be used both during a session according to the general scheme, in combination with other necessary channels, or separately.

When the channel does not open above the patient, this is an indicator that there will be no removal of karma and that the patient is very “complicated”. By removing karma we mean reaching conditions that allow us to work out karmic debts but in a mild form.

Note: not used on elderly people and people with a severely damaged physical body (those near death, cancer patients of the 4th degree).

21 Channel of Consecration of Items Cleans things, allows you to make amulets and talismans for a variety of purposes. Charges objects with Divine pure energy. You can work with gold and other jewelry, while the patient receives energy. If you work with gold, whoever puts on jewelry first will buy it. If the icon bad energy(the frame retracts), clear the icon. To clean the things of a deceased person, open a channel to the closet; the things will not bear necrotic connections. You can't work for money.
Ratha (Ha) Protective-punishable channel. It is not therapeutic and is never used when working with a patient. The opening of the channel is regulated by the Higher Powers.In most cases, it opens automatically, protecting from persons who have caused any harm to the dedicated cosmoenergy (physical, moral, slander, envy, revenge). A black, pulling, fiery well opens under the offender, which takes away vital energy. The healer does not take any part in this.At the same time, the frequency disciplines the cosmoenergy itself. Neutral perception of the situation... The ability to control thoughts and actions... This is our defense. Opened by Kosmoenerget itself in exceptional cases. If it is decided at the level that this person has really offended you, then RATHA will open automatically.An example of using a channel. A man steals money set aside for his grandson's healing. Cosmoenerget (in his hearts he opened a channel to him, it opens according to a magical scheme, just think about it). Eight months later, the completely healthy man died. In this case, Cosmoenerget receives a partial refund; it does not have the right to decide the person’s fate. But since he has protective channels, and even if half of the “return” goes to him, he will not die, but the troubles will be noticeable.Therefore, in the Cosmoenergy tradition there is a golden rule: “Cosmoenergy must be neutral!” If Cosmoenerget is angry with a person in his soul, the channel opens automatically (you can be angry, but only with your head). If Cosmoenerget was offended, and he also forgives the offender, then RATHA works twice as hard. In order for the channel to close, the offender must ask for forgiveness from the heart (not with the head).The channel does not open to close people; it can only be opened consciously. For the Master, the RATHA channel works on the physical level. The Master's field shrinks; one has only to think about the channel and open the lotus of the offender, and RATHA begins to work down to the physical level. The frequency must discipline the cosmoenergy. Cosmoenergy must be neutral. If a cosmoenergeticist is angry with a person in his soul, the frequency opens automatically (you can be angry, but only with your head).If the cosmoenergist was offended, and he also forgave the offender, then Ratha works 2 times harder. In order for the frequency to close, the offender must ask for forgiveness from the heart (not with the head).

On close ones, the frequency does not open. With loved ones, the frequency can only be discovered consciously.

If you see that a black well has automatically opened under a person, the person does not realize that he is wrong and does not repent in his soul for what he has done, and you began to feel sorry for him and try to close the well, then you will automatically share the punishment with the offender.

Individual initiation is not given, but when initiated into a Master, initiation is carried out in blocks, and this channel is still present.. That is. all the channels into which there have already been initiations are strengthened, and all the others are further initiated into all channels of the Buddhist and Magical block. The Ha Channel is part of the magic block, so initiation into it occurs automatically.

Most importantly, you know that all channels have intelligence. With a higher mind! But no one took away the freedom of choice from a person. Be carefull! Good luck!


How to make a Pyramid yourself.

Here we will talk about a simple and convenient method for making a portable model of the Pyramid in the proportions of the “golden ratio”.

How to make a pyramid yourself or how to make a pyramid at home?

It is this question that we will try to answer and practical advice in this article.

Making a portable golden ratio pyramid

For more than 4 years I have been making not very large pyramids in the proportions of the “golden section” (the size of which I justified based on knowledge of the wavelength of our material world, equal to 7.23cm) and during this time they have proven themselves very well, even despite such a miniature appearance. Let's start with them.

So, we will make the so-called classic shape of the Pyramid, very similar in appearance to the shape of the most famous Pyramids on the Planet - the Egyptian pyramids.

But as I said, for our calculations we need knowledge of the primary value - 72.3 mm. I use this value to calculate all subsequent sizes of the Pyramids and explain this with simple logic. If the wavelength of our three-dimensional world is 7.23 cm, then in order for the Pyramid as an object of this living space to enter into harmonious resonance and alignment with the energies of this world, we need to take this value into account as the basic unit of the geometric dimension of the Pyramid model.

For those who want to learn more about the number 7.23 cm, read the book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life,” chapter two (2), although I came to this number from my spiritual search and analysis of the secret laws of our dual world.

The following operation is necessary to bring the geometry of the Pyramid to the standard of the “golden section”. And for this we need to know the “golden ratio” coefficient, which is considered the key to understanding the divine harmony of life. This is a well-known number in many sciences, from mathematics and geometry, to architecture and medicine; not only all the main mysteries in the geometry of the Egyptian Pyramids are associated with it, but also many parameters in the work of the heart and human biorhythms.

So, we have a length segment and a coefficient 1,618 .

Multiplying 72.3 mm by a factor of 1.618 gives us a size of 116.981 mm, so we round given value up to 117 mm. This will be taken as the size of the length at the base of the Pyramid or the size of the base of the triangle necessary for making the side of the Pyramid.

If this length is not enough for you, multiply the number 116.981 again by 1.618 and get the length size for a plus size model.

Well, we continue to work with these numbers 72.3 mm and 117 mm.
For our Pyramid with the geometry of a classical shape, we will have the following: the height of the Pyramid is 72 mm, the length of the base of the Pyramid is 117 mm.

In order for us to make a geometric development of parts for our Pyramid model, we need to know the dimensions of the triangular faces from which this Pyramid will be assembled. One size we already know is the length of the base of the Pyramid, equal to 117 mm.
Knowing the Pythagorean law, we will quickly find the apothem of the Pyramid. We need the height of the Pyramid and half the length of the base of the Pyramid.
Using the Pythagorean formula we get the number 92.769 and round it to 93 mm.
So we have everything we need to quickly, and close to the standard of the classical form, build a portable model of the Pyramid. Our model will consist of the following parts: four triangles with dimensions of 117 mm (base of the triangle) and 93 mm (height of the triangle), in the version of a hollow Pyramid. And plus the square of the base of the Pyramid with dimensions of 117 mm by 117 mm, in case our model needs to make a bottom.

And then we take a ruler, a pen and the material from which our mini-pyramid will be made. Everyone has long heard that it is better to make Pyramids from dielectric materials (cardboard, plywood, fiberboard, plastic, glass, etc.).

We will not move away from this tradition, although I will explain the following on my own: pyramids can be made from different materials and even from conductive ones, i.e. made of metal, but it is worth correctly understanding the nature of such manufacturing, and it lies in the fact that the pyramid should be as homogeneous as possible, both in its geometry and in the material of construction. If it is wood, then it is all made of wood or in combination with dielectrics. If it's metal, then it's all metal. Point fastenings based on screws, nails and bolts are not advisable, especially if the main material in the structure is dielectric, because these point attachments will create a different nature of fields, relative to the general field of the Pyramid, which will create “noise bursts” in the energy of such a Pyramid.

On our piece of working material (in my case it’s plastic) we mark the parts - first, measuring a size of 93 mm for the height of the triangles, and then 117 mm for drawing the triangles, taking into account the length of the base. The whole scheme is clear in the photo appendix.

And in this order we mark all four sizes of triangular faces. And then we take up the tool - some with scissors, if it is cardboard, and some with a knife for plastics or a saw, in the case of plywood or fiberboard.

In a minute or two, you should end up with four identical triangles, which will serve us for gluing together the three-dimensional figure of the Pyramid.
But if you had thick material, then you will need to spend more time removing the side chamfers to accurately connect the adjacent faces in the triangles.

Here you can go in several ways, either again take up the basics of geometry and calculate the angular values, and then divide the angle in half, and taking it as a template, rebuild the tool for chamfering, or go the experimental route and, first, chamfer a little edges, and then attach the triangles to check. And so in a couple of passes you will make a fairly accurate fit of the parts. As a result, everything should converge to a point at the top of the Pyramid, this will be high-quality work.

It is also necessary to chamfer the base of the triangles in order to fit the Pyramid along the horizon, but here there will be a slightly different angle. Although look for yourself, even without this the Pyramid will already be solved.

We are approaching the assembly and gluing of the parts of our Pyramid. To do this, you need to carefully lay out all the triangles on the table and fold them edge to edge, so that a Pyramid is formed in a flat pattern. And from the outside, fasten the edges of adjacent triangles, for example, with tape, self-adhesive paper or glued pieces of paper. And already at the stage of the last triangle, you can lift the assembled model so that the triangles touch the bases of the table, and the development itself curls into a Pyramid, forming a three-dimensional model. This is where you need to accurately glue the first and fourth faces, combining the corner points at the top and base of the Pyramid. If your figure turns out to be stable, then turn the Pyramid over and, having access to the inside, go along the seams and fill them with glue. After this, check again that the square of the base is preserved, and give time for the glue to set.

At this stage we will have a hollow model of the pyramid and this will be enough for many, because It is precisely by having access to the under-dome zone of the Pyramid that you will be able to work with it more effectively.

In the case when you want to have a Pyramid with a closed bottom, you should prepare the base of the Pyramid with a size of 117 by 117 mm and then glue the dome of the Pyramid to the base square.

When the glue on the seams of the Pyramid has completely hardened, you can carefully remove the previously applied pieces of adhesive tape at the joints of the edges and now your Pyramid will be strong and intact.

But I would recommend a few more details for refining this model, the introduction of which will ensure a more targeted and high-quality action in the work of the Pyramid.

Imagine that we have a source of energy, a force field or a stream of light, this is already good in itself, but this field has a very wide range of influence, but we still need a certain target task in the work of this force and we need to adapt this flow informationally for yourself, i.e. impose some useful structure.

In other words, imagine that the Pyramid is some kind of analogue of a filmoscope, i.e. Certain rotation fields are created in it, like the light flux inside a filmoscope. And our task is to superimpose useful information on this field, just as in a projector images are superimposed on the light flux. The pyramid provides a field of beneficial influence, and the master’s task is to direct this field to solve more specific problems. And for this we must learn more about color therapy and the energy-informational impact on the sympathetic and mental nature of a person.

Healers, scientists, doctors and people involved in spiritual practices have long and successfully used and know about the positive effects of color vibrations and special energy signs, matrices, mandalas and pentacles on a person, his mood and health. Color causes an intensification of certain processes both on the subtle vibrational plane of a person’s aura, and on the physical plane in the work of his organs and systems. Therefore, when you have a source of power in the form of an active Pyramid of the “golden ratio”, it will be very correct to give its external qualities a certain information program tuned to a pleasant perception for you.

This may be a specific color of your Pyramid; appliqués or patterns you made on the edges; just a pasted photo or flower cut out from a magazine; good wishes for yourself or to loved one, written by hand or in another form, but most importantly with love and from the heart; a small icon of a saint or Archangel and it is better if it is in a circle; prayer, command, verse, everything that is close and dear to you in the strength of Faith and your aspirations for good. Now you are here the creator of your future and the magic of good (in the understanding of the law) is now completely in your hands and bright thoughts.

Create and envelop your Pyramid with ideas and thought-forms, because it has the law of the fourth dimension and therefore is a connecting link and guide to higher octaves of life.

And for those who are no longer so young, but are full of the desire to live more and more, I will advise a very correct method. Attribute it to magic, look at it as self-hypnosis, believe it or not, or know and believe, or even better, study the work on wave genetics, and then you will learn and believe that information can be transferred using light, vibrations and subtle fields of thought , love and intention. This method can be classified as Juvenology– science of preserving and prolonging youth. It's simple but very effective!

You need to choose a series of photographs or hand-drawn portraits of you when you were young, beautiful and cheerful. Next, take your source of power - the Pyramid, and place the photos you like on its edges, or at least one photo on one edge. And then you need to place your Pyramid in the cardinal directions and try, in a relaxed state, to look at your young face and remember how good it is to be young and how happy you were at that time. At this time, thanks to your joint work with the Pyramid, information about your youth will be transferred, and the Pyramid will charge you with this energy. But it’s even more correct if you start charging drinking water with the help of his “rejuvenating” Pyramid.

To do this, you need to take a glass or jar filled with water and cover it with the dome of the Pyramid, while exposing it to the cardinal directions. Such water will have a number of useful properties, including information about your youth, read from photographs and your emotional memories.


Material for making pyramids

Working with a pyramid does not always produce the expected effect.

If there are no positive results, this means there is a violation in the selected material, size, installation or use of the pyramid. Therefore, first, let’s decide on the choice of the right material.

So, the pyramid model can be monolithic, hollow, made of plastic, metal, glass, cardboard, etc., and can be represented by a frame made of aluminum or copper wire.

However, it turned out that the wire pyramid has a large dissipation of energy. “A magnetic field cannot arise under a wire frame,” says German physicist Professor Gerhard Piefke, who studied the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a pyramidal funnel.

In early publications, about 15 years ago, it was recommended to cover the inner surface of non-metallic pyramids with a metal film, foil, which does not allow energy dissipation, like in wire pyramids. And if two permanent magnets are placed in small internal “pockets”, then in addition to cosmic energy, the pyramid will also have magnetic energy.

Nowadays, it is believed that the most effective pyramids are those made of non-conductive material (the presence of large quantity metal in its design significantly reduces the effective impact, because its field introduces distortion into the field of pyramidal space).

A pyramid can be made from plywood by joining it with glue. It is also made from other natural materials: boards, plexiglass, flat slate, etc., which have dielectric (insulating) properties. You can also make it from stones and minerals. Moreover, I would recommend using these materials taking into account their corresponding qualities. Here you can decide, for example, by which zodiac sign the stone corresponds, you can take into account certain characteristics by which they were chosen for target amulets in ancient times.

In one of the advertisements I read an offer of beautifully designed onyx pyramid-amulets and became interested. I read in my notes: “The ancient Greeks and Romans were very fond of this stone and made amulets from it. Many peoples, including the Slavs, believed that onyx warded off storms, lightning and various everyday misfortunes. However, the Arabs called this stone “sad” and attributed ominous properties to it. Some peoples believed that onyx quarreled lovers. The ancient Chinese generally had a superstitious fear of onyx."

I don’t know, I don’t know... I would want such an amulet, even if it is made in the shape of a pyramid, especially since there are many other stones and minerals with less controversial properties.


Rule of the "Golden Section"

In various sources, when calculating “home” pyramids, different values ​​of the “calculation coefficient” are shown. Moreover, everywhere there is a reference to the mysterious “rule of golden proportions.”

I wonder which of them is the true meaning, I thought and conducted my own investigation.

To calculate the “home” pyramid, multiply its expected height by the number 1,57075 , i.e. given a height of 17, it would be 26.7 (rounded). The length of the sides of the isosceles triangle forming the face (edge ​​length) is determined by multiplying the same height by the number 1.4946, which gives 25.4.

Take cardboard and draw a line L = 26.7 cm on it. From the center of this segment, use a square to restore a perpendicular, mark a point on it at a distance of 25.4 cm from the two ends of the segment and connect it to them with straight lines. Cut out the resulting triangle, and so on three times. Connect the triangle and secure the edges with tape.

I would like to note that these calculations are given in the ratios that are present in the Egyptian pyramids, does this mean that they are the only correct ones? However, A. Golod, since 1991 - CEO NPO Gidrometpribor in Moscow, which has been studying and building pyramids for many years, insists on other values. As a result of numerous experiments, he derived the ratio of the side of the base and the height of the pyramid as 1:2 as the most correct. His observations showed that deviating from this “golden” proportion, the pyramid did not give the expected results. It’s hard not to believe him, an experienced “pyramid builder”, with so much research. G. Turkin considers the most successful calculated coefficient 1.6. The fact that this person also began studying the properties of pyramids not yesterday, has been doing this successfully for a long time, and has accumulated extensive practical experience in this area is also no secret.

Who should we trust for people who are only at the initial stage of working with the pyramid? First, let’s figure out what the “golden ratio” is. The golden ratio is a geometric series of numbers that is widely used in architecture. This is also a natural proportion, the so-called progression of the Fibonacci number series. It looks like this: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc. In this series, each subsequent number is equal to the sum of the previous two. You can build such series of numbers yourself, starting from any number, for example, like this: 3, 3, 6, 9, 15, 24, 39, 63, 102, etc. The golden ratio is obtained by dividing one Fibonacci number by the previous number. Moreover, the higher the number of the series, the higher the accuracy of this value. In a pyramid this is represented as follows: the sum of the four sides of the base of the pyramid is equal to the length of a circle whose radius is equal to its height. As you can see from the first row, the ratio 1:2, which is present in A. Golod’s calculations, corresponds to the “golden proportions” method.

As for 1.6, the value involved in G. Turkin’s calculations, this is best explained by research from the P.K. Institute of Normal Physiology. Akhonina. Several hundred sick and healthy people were examined at this institute. Heart function was measured at the same time, arterial pressure, temperature, condition of muscles and other organs; this is 20 parameters(!). The indicators were entered into a computer, where all the readings were automatically processed and the survey results were displayed in the form of a circle, on the radii of which the values ​​of the studied parameters were plotted. After which all the lines were connected, and a geometric reflection of the health status of the person being studied was obtained. The better the person's health readings, the closer the resulting curve was to the center. Accordingly, when the radii of values ​​went beyond the circle, this meant that a malfunction had occurred in the human body that required intervention and treatment.

It is no secret that in a healthy person all indicators of the body’s functioning are close to a certain norm. In addition, they are in some relationship with each other. Everyone knows from their own experience that a disease of one organ automatically leads to the failure of others if no means of recovery are taken. So, even elevated temperature can change the functioning of blood vessels, lungs, etc. The nervous system regulates all this, maintaining balance in the body.

Upon further research, it turned out that the ratio of the parameters of the model, which can conventionally be called the “standard of health,” is very close to the famous “golden section” - the “divine proportion”, which is a measure of beauty and harmony in fine arts and architecture. It turns out that human physiology is not alien to the laws of beauty, which, among other things, determine the standard of health. It also turned out to be unusual that the analysis of factors influencing the feeling of happiness (according to surveys of both domestic and foreign data in 15 countries of the world) showed that the number of “happy” and “unhappy” people also obeys the law of “golden proportions” or in this case, the “golden ratio” (the smaller part of the whole is related to the larger one as the larger part is to the whole). This definition was introduced by the great Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemy (90-160), and it became famous thanks to Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519).

The golden proportion of health corresponds to the number 1,618 (G. Turkin has 1.6 - the value is probably rounded) and expresses the proportionality and beauty of all natural components of the World - for example, the human physique (the ratio of height to the distance between the navel and the soles of the feet).

As you can see, the results of my “research” showed that all three values ​​(the “calculated coefficient”) shown at the very beginning of this page are correct, and all indeed obey the parameters of the “golden ratio”. Well, then... judge for yourself.

I would like to note the fact that according to the same surveys studied by the institute, it turned out that 63 percent of respondents consider themselves happy. An amazing number, because " golden ratio" falls precisely on the number 63.

If someone wants to doubt the last figure, pointing out that from year to year the number of “happy” people decreases significantly, I can agree with this, but with a reservation. If this really happens, it is likely that the rule of the “golden ratio” is also violated, and therefore, one should not be surprised that the morbidity and mortality curve is growing, and the birth rate is decreasing. In this World, everything is interconnected. The desire for the revival of spirituality, the harmonization of man with nature and cosmic laws is the only way for humanity to survive as a race.

/Founder Natalia Vesna/

Golden pyramid 999- This is high frequency energy and requires great awareness. It was transmitted by the conductors of the subtle plane of energy, Reiki Money, as a continuation of this practice or can be used as an independent system.

Dear friends, I am glad to offer you a new energy system The Golden Pyramid 999 is a very powerful energy tool for resolving any financial problems and creating a prosperous life.

Very often, many of you, working with abundance and financial flows, do not achieve much results. The difficulty is that the problem of finances and abundance for most of us has multidimensional causes - it can be a whole tangle of various problems and in most cases their resolution is limited by consciousness and living life in the dual world. And in order for the energy of abundance to fully enter your life, you need to let in the expanding sparkling multidimensional DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS!

“When several years ago, I began to consciously let abundance into my life, I tried many techniques to attract wealth and discovered for myself that many techniques do not give such a sustainable result, it became obvious to me that there are some other “mechanisms” »attracting abundance. But the question became which ones? I studied the Reiki Money system, and went through initiations into other money channels, my Mentors, a team of Angels, conductors of the Reiki Money energy worked with me, and so, piece by piece, puzzle by puzzle, I received the answer that in New Times, the usual methods of attraction do not work money used in lower vibrations, especially among those people who have reached personal awareness, engage in spiritual practices, healing, etc. OTHER methods work in the fifth dimension, allowing you to be in abundance” (highlight this text and put quotation marks)

What does it mean?

In the consciousness of duality and in the three-dimensional world, people are characterized by poverty and a beggarly perception of the world. Such people live in constant need, they think, think from lack and often limit their opportunities for a prosperous life with fear. Such consciousness can be formed in early childhood and transmitted by parents, or it can be a consequence of a vow of poverty given in a past incarnation, etc., as mentioned earlier, this can be many MULTIDIMENSIONAL reasons, collective consciousness and means mass media only reinforce this attitude by focusing on poverty and loss, instilling in us the subconscious belief that we are helpless victims.

In fact, everything is the other way around, God, the Universe, the New World - which has now opened its doors for everyone living on planet Earth, requires a person to comprehend NEW KNOWLEDGE namely, the knowledge of life in the consciousness of abundance, in joy, in creative realization, in love and in complete prosperity. The Universe supports the state of man as the Master and Creator of his life.

In New Times, we are basically free from various karmic burdens and debts, and all that is required from each of us is the intention to accept this truly Divine gift, and all those new energy tools of the Spirit that have now become available to everyone in order to best move into another reality a world of complete well-being, prosperity and love.

Working with energy Golden Pyramid 999 - gradually, step by step, increases the level of consciousness, multidimensional DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS I am a man - God the Creator, changes the negative programs embedded in DNA into programs of abundance and prosperity. Opens the personal power of each person, revealing his limitless abilities and releasing (manifesting) his Abundance FROM the inside to the outside!

Who is this system for:
  • If, despite all your efforts, you feel a lack of money in your life, and often find yourself in a situation where there are not enough funds to meet your needs.
  • Do you want to get rid of debts and loans and become truly financially free?
  • Ready to let go of your fears and worries about money
  • Ready for profound changes in yourself and access to completely different levels of life,
  • We are ready to reveal our limitless possibilities, talents, potentials and use them to their full potential.
  • Ready to develop spiritually and take responsibility for your life.

After initiation into this system, you will have access and the opportunity to work in your personal Golden Pyramid of Abundance in the 5th dimension, and will be able to -

  • carry out cleansing of all your energy bodies from the consciousness of poverty, from programs and attitudes (karmic, collective, tribal, parental, personal, etc.) that block and interfere with the flow of money into life.
  • carry out rituals of creation, resolution of your difficult financial situations to get rid of worries and fears about money
  • be filled daily with the energy of JOY, CREATIVITY and ABUNDANCE.

-Activation of the flow of abundance -MEDITATION– you will go through an amazing activation experience, through a charged audio recording especially for you.
-Initiation into the energy GOLDEN PYRAMID 999 1st and 2nd level–via audio recording
-Practical advice and training— all materials are provided in in electronic format, after payment and completion of the application.


Irina Zakaryukina:
“I thank master Natalia Vesna for the excellent course Golden Pyramid 999!
During this course, I worked on the level of sensations. Starting with the analysis of sensations when filling out a workbook and ending with the awareness of sensations when being in the Pyramid. The energy was relaxing and calming. The Central Committee manifested itself with attacks of anxiety. After the meditations I felt calm and satisfied. It is this feeling that cooperation with the energy of ZP999 gives me. Thank you The gift attunement to the Light of Prosperity energy is also absolutely wonderful! When working with this energy, a feeling of lightness and joy arises! Thank you I wish us all prosperity and love! For the benefit of everyone! Thank you!"

“It’s better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness”


This section is constantly updated according to incoming questions (see below).

1*. Attentively re-read the printouts with the opening keys and the study guide.

Overconfidence leads to mistakes. It would seem nothing special, four or five words and you’re done. No. Pupils who are completely confident in themselves and their memory manage to distort even three words.

Imagine. There is nothing special in a regular key either, but if you sharpen it slightly with the teeth wrong, the lock will not open. That's why he's the key.

Some students say that when they reread they find something new every time. It seems like I've learned everything. But reading it again I realized that not everything. This is how our brain works. He only assimilates information that is interesting or understandable to us. for now and skips the rest. When re-reading after a certain period of time, the brain begins to record the following nuances, which later become interesting. Or it captures information from one angle of perception, and when the assemblage point of perception changes in principle, the brain perceives the same information in a wider range (as if between the lines).

Everyone makes mistakes. People with two or more are especially surprised higher education when, seemingly out of the blue, simple truths are not learned. It is their arrogance that lets them down. In spiritual terms, this is a good lesson. This is what distinguishes magical (at first glance simple) words from the rest.

2*. Right imagine mental images of the channels. Don't make up a "gag". The technique was issued by Higher Powers through information channels for use without harm to humans. Don't put yourself above the Cosmic Mind. This is pride.

For example: a student invented that the channel of Saint Muhammad comes from some kind of staff. Another student invented (claiming that it was written so on the printout) that the ray from the Golden Pyramid flows from the side of one of its faces. We re-read the printout together - there is nothing like that there. The student is surprised, “Where did she read that?”

3* . Not come up with other channel colors.

4*. Not stand in a session with others . We treat and clean ourselves separately. You can conduct group sessions with others, but not with yourself. I constantly repeat - You can’t treat yourself at the same time as someone else - but they don’t seem to hear me and don’t read my advice. a huge number of students make this gross mistake, and even demand to justify it)))))) . Do you know what this looks like? "They tell you not to put poison in your food, but you demand justify this ban."

But I'll try anyway. When you are engaged in healing and cleansing other people (it doesn’t matter whether they are your children, brother, matchmaker) you come across their EGO in best case scenario, at worst with entities - there are millions of varieties. You are the object that is going to cancel all this crap so that the person can be healed. There are varieties of these entities of diseases and illnesses - there are conscious ones, there are unconscious ones, there are cunning but not smart ones, there are aggressive ones and very strong ones, so you must be protected as much as possible!!! The role of protection is, of course, played by channels.

But then you stood in a row with your patients))))) and opened yours - lotus and so on. Now you are not a healer, but a “godsend for a spy.” That's all the rationale. What if a person feels bad, and at that moment you are busy with yourself? How are you going to clean a person’s chakras when you are busy with yourself? After all, everyone at the session stands in their personal space with their eyes closed, and you also fence yourself off from the patients, when the channels go to them through your prism. It's complete chaos.

If you are too lazy to take care of yourself separately, don’t take on others at all!!! Don't make the devils laugh.

Then they ask me the following question (restless) - “Why can people stand in a whole group at a session. I answer - because with your eyes open you regulate the whole process, because in this case the channels go through you to people, through your prism of consciousness, and you strengthen the protection on them through yourself. They are not initiated, they do not have access to the channels! The whole process goes through you. You can also ask the question - “why is the wheel round and not square? Why 2*2=4?")))))))))

5* .

6* . It is impossible for several cosmoenergetics to work with one patient at once!!! All people have individual energy levels, energy levels differ in frequency characteristics. Some are higher, some are lower. It could be chaos and you could end up hurting the client. Not

7* . Not Remember to open channels of protection for yourself when you are going to work with other people.

8* . interfere in the lives of strangers using channels - unless you were asked to do so. Not everything is measured by money. Take care of your Karma. (this does not apply to working with loved ones; you can work with loved ones without asking - using a phantom, using a photo) Fee with loved ones you can Not with loved ones you can take, but distant

9* . blood relatives should thank - at least with flowers, sweets, gifts, etc. otherwise there is no point in doing them. In return, you will automatically take away their personal Power, their potential. Load up their karma - they will owe you. This makes more sense for blacks, that’s why they are black. Not acceptable for fair skinned people. From strangers

people fee is required! They come to you loaded with sins and debts, and that’s why they get sick. If you don't take payment, you'll load them up with even more debt. This is not logical. Do them a disservice. The pay should also be reasonable. A healer is, first of all, a person and needs, like everyone else, food, clothing, money, etc. A thin, hungry and ragged healer is not a healer, but a misunderstanding.

One lady asked me a question - “What about in monasteries? There are also monks there who will heal practically for free! People give them as much as they see fit.” I answer - these monks are on the monastery’s allowance, others take care of them. Believe me, they have much more time to recover than we do. They are limited from the world by the walls of the monastery. They are protected by the egregor of Christianity, they don’t even need to move))) And I don’t believe that in our church anything is free. But the most important thing is that no one even asks for a guarantee from them! And for some reason they demand 100% from us)))

10*. Not Moral satisfaction from healing is grateful patients and positive results. Material satisfaction is payment for work. imagine that you are working on yourself as a phantom another

Another student imagined that during his session (when he is working on himself) my phantom cleanses his chakras. You absolutely cannot do this. This is vampirism. You will be punished.

The third (and again a man?!) meditates on my photograph all the time.

Anyone who wants me to work, come to me and pay, and don’t steal.

11* . It is forbidden treat yourself according to the phantom while sitting in a chair. This is laziness and confusion. There is no such thing in the method. Damage your psyche.

12*. It is forbidden talk during a session or Initiation, you cannot be distracted , turn off your phones.

13* . It is forbidden walk with an open well all the time! (and they do this) The well is opened only during a session with a Buddhist block.

14* . At a session with a magic block- well absolutely forbidden open.

15* . Not forget to thank channels in household use.

16* . Not close channels after the session. You must always be under the Buddhist or Magical channels, switching from block to block at will. Cedar Block, Magister Channels, Fairy Nature, Archangel Michael, Metatron, Mary Magdalene, Rod of Solomon, Christ Consciousness - compatible with any block. There is no need to close them at all - just thank them.

17* . Not remove the mental image of “shells” and “pyramids” after construction, for example at night. This is silly.

18* . Not work through channels on Holy Week - Thursday, Friday, Saturday. On Saturday after 12 o'clock at night you can already open. These days we do not open or close channels - we simply remain under those that were opened earlier. You can use and open only the channel for protection Archangel Michael no limits! Do not be afraid! You will be under the protection of the Higher Powers. Simply - this is respect for the egregor of Christianity in which we live. The rest of the time all year round We use channels all the time without restrictions, wherever you want.

19* . At working with channels is always appropriate on right to a person or an animal.

20* . Not forget give instructions to the well - “for goodness, processing and fertility, up to the magma of the earth.” The setting when closing the lotus is “breathe 1 centimeter”, when you imagine that the lotus is closing and leave a gap at the back.

21* . Not torment older people with long sessions. It may have the opposite effect. It all depends not on the time of the sans, but on the duration of therapy as a whole. For old people after 65-70-80 years we reduce the time of sessions - from 15 minutes. up to 45 min. , but not an hour or an hour and a half. There is no need to conduct contacts at all. Decide depending on the person’s condition.

22* . If you feel that when cleaning your head, the mental image of the channel is difficult to imagine, which means there are a lot of connections above the patient’s head. Not conduct contact sessions for such people immediately, do not provoke aggravation, let at least the course (5-8-10 sessions) be similar to simple sessions (without contact), alternating treatment sessions with the “Removal” session negative programs".

23* . It is impossible for several cosmoenergetics to work with one patient at once!!! All people have individual energy levels, energy levels differ in frequency characteristics. Some are higher, some are lower. It could be chaos and you could end up hurting the client. rely on third parties for method advice. I mean organizers, assistants, secretaries (they are also just learning). Don’t be shy about asking the Teacher for nuances and doubts. The teacher must be accessible.

24*. I have heard more than once from strangers in Barnaul that cosmoenergetics allegedly contaminate the earth by opening “wells”. Don't believe it conjectures of the ignorant, it may be that competitors are spreading rumors or unbalanced people have made it up.

Example. We put manure in the ground in our garden to improve the harvest. Without fertilizer, the land will be depleted. For us, manure is animal feces and a complete infection, but for the earth it is fertilizer. So it is in the method. We give the installation “for processing and fertility”. The way it is.

Spiritually- Earth Mother accepts our experience, what has already been worked out. We are all connected to her. If everything went into the “well”, people would get rid of all their problems in one session. But no. It takes time and effort. I repeat once again - only that which is already appropriate to leave, thanks to the life experience gained, leaves, or that which is no longer appropriate for your karma.

25*. It is forbidden work with Shaon on the liver if there are stones in the gallstone. If the stones are huge, then it is better to remove them surgically. Refer the patient to surgeons. Don't take on too much. It is better to then carry out therapy for prevention, so that there is no formation of new stones, so that there are no adhesions.

26*. It is impossible for several cosmoenergetics to work with one patient at once!!! All people have individual energy levels, energy levels differ in frequency characteristics. Some are higher, some are lower. It could be chaos and you could end up hurting the client. convince the patient to stop taking the pills. When getting rid of ailments, all means are good. We are not a panacea. We work with the mental and subtle bodies of a person, but we must not forget about the physical body.

27* . If you are not going to work professionally as a healer That- do not “force” yourself with frequent, everyday developments of information channels. Do everything to the best of your strength and physical capabilities. It's no secret that developments are accompanied by mental and physical transformations. Take your time. Yours will not leave you. Work it out once or twice a week. Or once a week.

28 .* If you have decided that conducting sessions with strangers will give you extra money, that is, there are mercantile interests, and they prevail in you - doesn't blame e of their teachers in failures. I'm not talking about myself. I read many sites and observed the “ferment of minds”, complaints, dissatisfaction of people who had dialed up channels up to the Master’s level, and then did not know what to do about it. Due to their own “idiots,” or simply due to lack of time to deal with issues of professionalism in the field of healing, people tend to look for those to blame.

I have watched for more than one year how women of pre-retirement age dialed channels at the Key school in order to have extra work in retirement, even as an exorcist, and then complained that “the patients don’t come”, “nothing works out”. They still didn’t understand - healing is not a side hustle, it’s a state of mind.

Focus on your direct responsibilities, your main job. Dedicate yourself only to those channels that are necessary for you. In this position you have channels more will bring benefits. They help well in maintaining health, in business and personal life.

29.* Don't blame your teachers because your patients only got worse. Your patients get everything through yours prism. This means you are responsible for your own actions.

An example from my practice:

I have was a student who, after studying, took up healing activities in her town. Six months later, complaints from her clients poured in, disdaining me. She praised the method on my behalf and my merits. People came to me with complaints. But what does this have to do with me? They receive therapy from her. I can’t watch this lady’s actions, fantasies and mistakes every day from another city. I had to refuse her further education - I am not going to be responsible for the tyranny of an adult who considers himself adequate.

One of the cases. She performed long contact sessions on an old woman (70 years old), including on organs, and provoked the splitting of gallstones. She worked on the gall contact. Although I have repeated more than once - you can't do that!!! All the rules are also spelled out in the textbook. She convinced the patient not to go for surgery. As a result, the old woman underwent emergency surgery.

Another student convinced cancer patients to refuse medications and those with Parkinson’s disease to refuse to take pills, although when exposed to the channels, the grandmother shook without interruption. It is a crime against a person on the part of “healers” to be so arrogant.

In any system, in any method - present human factor! This does not mean that the method itself is to blame! We are adults!

30* . If In your region, magic predominates - conduct more sessions of “Removing negative programs” (minimum 3, preferably 5), and only then use healing ones. This will result in 3-5 cleaning sessions + 5 healing sessions. Enough for the course.

31* . Necessarily take a break between courses of 20-30 days for patients, including your relatives. Clients told me that they attended 30-60-80 sessions with others without a break. This is neither correct nor effective. The person seems to be “hooked” on the healer’s energy, does not adapt, and subsequently cannot live without you. Such long-term therapy is of little use - because a person in any case gets only that what it can accommodate. The rest will go to waste. Your energy, his money. If a healer misleads on purpose, because of money, then he himself has ended up in the wrong place. No matter how long the rope twists, it will end.

32* . Don't "write off" , and don’t work as a “motor” after reading other sites and books. Believe me, I see what happens when you work with this technique, which has absolutely nothing to do with the cosmoenergetics method. I am dedicating you to two channels at once, precisely to avoid temptations - Farun Buddha and Mom. Mom will replace any “motor”. It’s better to use the channel more often - you’ll get better results faster.

33*. We do not conduct therapy with brain tumors. The reason is that when the tumor is reabsorbed with the help of channels, the tumor at first increases in size, but loses density. It's like soaking the crust of bread. Hardness and density decrease, and volume increases for better absorption. Since the brain is located in the hard shell of the skull - swelling nowhere to go get away. After swelling, the tumor decreases and disappears. But this is in other systems of the body, where, in principle, stretching will not interfere with other organs. The brain is our “computer”. Any increase leads to even greater pathology of its other parts. Don't take risks. Leave it to the doctors to deal with this surgically. But to recover after surgery, in order to avoid side effects, the cosmoenergetics method is irreplaceable.

34*. How often do you use the Zeus channel?

3 - Of necessity. You can pump up your aura at home. Firast + Zeus. It is not used without Firast. Not used under magic channels. Only with Buddhist channels.

The channels of the Buddhist block are intended for the treatment of cleansing human defenses. They cleanse the aura, align the aura, cleanse consciousness and chakras. Basically, the purpose is to pump up, remove dirt, cure, level. And a person, being vigorous, healthy, clean and self-sufficient, will be able to help himself develop something.

To do business Practical channels are exactly right - Agni, Titan, Cedar of Abundance, Nature of Fairies, Cedar of Discovery of Personal Potential, Shiva, channel of Archangel Michael, channel of Material Well-being.


Is it possible to use the Archangel Michael channel on an airplane? I often fly on business trips.

Example Yes need. When you board a plane or when you just approach the ramp, you open channels for the entire plane - Archangel Michael or Illumination of Objects or the Golden Pyramid or Cedar Immunity Protection - whatever you have. Better all at once. You maintain the mental image, periodically strengthening it while you fly. It won't get any worse. first

: The student just dedicated himself to the channel of Archangel Michael and the next day he flew on a business trip. I flew there, opened the channel, and was so tired on the way back that I only remembered it on takeoff. He opened the channel, in his words, it was like they turned it off. I woke up a moment later. It turns out that the plane suddenly slammed on the brakes on takeoff after being manipulated. They were transferred to another plane. We suffered a lot of fear, but arrived safely. That first plane turned out to be faulty. Second example

: I personally experienced it. It was a long time ago. I just joined the Golden Pyramid channel. My windows look at the airport. I live on the ninth floor. I watch a large plane land and take off. When he again went for another lap - the sixth in a row, I was overcome with curiosity. I took binoculars and began to look. Information came into my head: “Aren’t you ashamed? It would be better if I helped! His landing gear doesn’t work. Open the Golden Pyramid.” I immediately felt ashamed. I rather started opening a channel right across the entire plane. It stood out well against the background of the sunset. On a subtle plane, I saw how the ray of the Pyramid blew dust out of it and.... at that moment I practically passed out, clinging to the window sill. I felt sick. In the morning, it was reported on the news, in the newspaper and on the radio that there was an emergency at the airport, but the plane still landed - its landing gear did not come out. At that time I was not so experienced in extrasensory perception, so I was very glad that my information turned out to be accurate. It turns out I saved the plane.- disconnected, disconnected - if the channel did not have time to operate, then similar effects may occur. It's harmless, you'll only gain Strength. After all, when the student flew for the first time, he also opened the channel, but nothing happened to him. A large release of force occurs when there is obvious danger.

37.* Is it necessary to develop the Mom channel?

With constant periodic use both in a session and in everyday use any channel, not only Mom, will gain the Power of influence. Open up more often both to yourself and to others (family, friends). For healers, the channels are stronger and the Strength is gained faster, because they work with a large number people than a person who was dedicated to the methodology for working - only with himself and loved ones. It `s naturally.

38.* How to remove the temperature using the Farun-Buddha channel?

The body needs temperature to fight the disease, because at a temperature of more than 38 degrees. , pathogenic organisms die. This is a natural process - a program for developing immunity. If you start to struggle with a temperature of 38 degrees. -39gr. , then you interfere with the body, prolonging the agony, so to speak.

Exception: prolonged period of elevated temperature. For example a week or more. This suggests that the body continues to fight, but cannot cope - there is some kind of latent (hidden) course of the disease. You should support it with medication, specifically with medicinal drugs or herbs, and continue to work through the channels.

At In this way, the healing process can be supported by cosmoenergy channels. If you have in your arsenal only Farun-Buddha channel, then you conduct “small” sessions of 15-20 minutes. - without contact - 2-3 times a day. Only with the opening of the well to pull out the negativity and pump the patient with pure healing energies of the channel. Do this until the crisis passes. Don't touch the chakras!!! May have the opposite effect. The body needs strength to fight the disease, not increased transformation. Separately, open the Farun-Buddha channel for resuscitation. Resuscitation is the improvement of any condition. It is even used to improve tone and mood.

39.* How to work professionally with the 1st Magic channel?

As well as unprofessional (just kidding). The scheme of work is given by the teacher who initiated it.


Is it possible to pump the Shiva channel into the aura? When? You can and should if you have it. Possibly at a magic session. Can outside

41*. session under the circumstances, it is possible at a Buddhist session with a closed well. from one teacher to another, and then back again. Little use. You can accept initiations from the Dark One and become Light. You can do the opposite - accept initiations from the Light One - squander everything, and then blame someone for your own insolvency.

Of course, there are exceptions, because there are careless “teachers” who bought channels, but are completely illiterate and not suitable for the role of a teacher.


What channels help pregnant women? First of all, Farun Buddha for resuscitation, and Cedar of Healing for resuscitation. We know that resuscitation is about improving any condition. It is also worth conducting sessions with a Buddhist block (mini sessions). Sitting, without contact, for 10 minutes under the well, and 10 minutes with the well closed, using all the channels that are available (Buddhist block). Also include Shiva (Magisters) and the Block of Cedars, and Archangel Michael. Do not touch pregnant women with your hands! Do not arrange long sessions. Once, twice a week - contactless. Then a break. If you are pregnant before you become pregnant Not

If you have undergone therapy, then it’s better not to take it. Or do photo therapy, also in soft mode.


Which channel is used to treat sinusitis?

Use the channels Firast+Shaon+Farun-Buddha+Cedar of Healing. But in principle, it is enough for Firast and Shaon to apply contact to the sinus area, in a short session, with the well and lotus open. A short session (I call it “as needed”) is carried out for 10 minutes with an open well and + 5 minutes with a closed well, plus pump up the aura with Firast and Farun-Buddha.


What is the difference between the Mom channel and 1st Magic?

Channels - both - of the Magic block. But the Mom channel carries feminine energy, and the 1st Magic channel carries masculine energy. 1st Magic is stronger in terms of cleansing from damage, evil eyes and curses. Also, unlike the Mom channel, it can tighten necrotic connections, which is not unimportant during cleansing, even if a person does not have damage - necro connections with the dead can cause a lot of harm to a person’s health. Worse than any damage.

Let's say. A person is too aggressive - then it is better to soften his mental state with the Mom channel. If, on the contrary, it is passive, it is better to use the 1st Magic. But in principle, it is better to have both channels in your arsenal, and to open both channels during a Magic session. This will bring yin and yang into harmony. 45*. Pirva Canal. Is it dark or white?. Do you want to kill? That is, your motive is to kill, and you will get the same result. But. If your opponent's motives are purer than yours, you will receive a blow on yourself. How do you know the exact motives of the enemy? Are you sure that your collision does not have karmic prerequisites from the past (maybe from past life) and not in your favor.

I advise you to always think about motivation- yours first of all. It’s better when opening a channel, clearly define in your mind the corresponding task - the destruction of entities and protection from attacks by black magicians.


Why do cosmoenergy schools give initiations into black channels that serve only evil?

This should be asked of those who give. I'm not giving. I believe that a person who decides to reach the Master level must understand what he is doing. Why was he dedicated? He must also understand the full extent of the responsibility for the use of certain frequencies.

Without asking, they also initiated me into everything, without explaining why. The printouts said that use it, there will be no karma in this life. The question immediately arises - “What about the next one?” Apparently these teachers think they are immortal. Naturally, I have never used these channels and do not intend to. Gradually their niches were replaced by other light channels given to me directly. And thank God. That’s not why I went into space energy, to cripple people. I learned to heal. Unfortunately, many so-called teachers who initiate people into the practices of cosmoenergetics do not even deign to explain to their students in full subtleties

application and operation of the Master's channels - they do not know them themselves. When I asked Ki about the Master's channels, I received an answer from the printout, nothing more. Apparently she herself didn’t know why. I am not saying this unfoundedly.

People write and talk. For example, this: - “I initiated you, but you better not use them. I don’t use them myself.” But the channels did. It's called temptation in the application. The synthesis of channels was collected for scientific purposes - this has already been voiced several times. The scientists did not care what would happen to the experimental subjects. People got drunk and went crazy while everything was more or less synthesized. Scientists even mindlessly experiment on themselves. People die in this field and statistics are not kept. “This miracle came down to us from the mountains of Tashkent and the Urals” in the form in which it was worked out - in synthesis. Taking into account the fact that a person should approach such practices slowly, purification and expansion of consciousness. When the appropriate awareness of application and deep understanding of the processes comes, you no longer want to create whatever you want!

But. There is always this BUT. It's called the human factor. In permissiveness and the desire to earn money, the rules are forgotten. People began to be initiated quickly, unconsciously, illiterately, if only. No knowledge, no experience, no responsibility to the future (at least for your children). But there are opportunities.

In custody. If someone did not catch the essence of the answer. I repeat - similar synthesis is first of all test for the newly minted Master. It is at this level that natural selection- it turns out - whose side is this Master on? Is a person so pure in his aspirations, as stated earlier, at the very beginning? Through his motives and actions this a person will automatically be on one side or the other.

In the “Training the Method” section, it is clearly written that I do not give initiations into demonic channels. If someone wants to kill, let him go to other teachers.


What channel is used to remove the effects of psychotronic weapons? Treatment block

- Firast, Shaon, Zeus, Titan. Head cleaning is mandatory. Magic block

- Agni-Hum (pump into the aura), Golden Pyramid, Archangel Michael, Cedar Immunity of Protection, Rod of Solomon, Christ Consciousness, Metatron, Shiva (into the aura), Perun.

48*. Why am I hungry after Initiation? During initiation, the Teacher raises the student to the next level of consciousness (higher frequency). Including transfers part of the healing power. Naturally at Initiation loss occurs negative energy that does not correspond to a given level. Although the energy is negative, it is energy, so when it is lost, desire appears


(in this case through food). This is a natural reaction of the body. 49*. Is it possible to open the Golden Pyramid channel outside of a session for yourself? When can you open a well? Golden Pyramid Channel Can open on yourself or any other object - when you have it necessity ! If you open the Golden Pyramid - in a large spatial range, then you should give setting:

"Taking into account causally - investigative connections

everyone who falls within range." only Restrictions on the number and frequent use of the channel -

Can be used on the plane if you are flying anywhere. You open the channel before landing, in front of the ramp, and then strengthen it periodically during the flight. Of course, don’t forget to give the settings written above.

Don't be afraid to frequently use the channel for "domestic use". You'll get it done sooner rather than later.

50*. Which channel is better to remove damage?

Any negative programs should be removed everyone the means available in your arsenal. First, we carry out cleaning with the channels of the Magic block, then necessarily with the channels of the Buddhist block. If you are a Master, then all the relevant Master channels. Why Is it not enough to use just one thing?

Ways to cause damage - thousands. Methods used to cause damage different nations, different vibrational and egregorial systems, so removal also requires different channels - capable of neutralizing the negative program embedded through one or another egregor. As they say - “wedge knocks out wedge with wedge”, “as many poisons as there are antidotes.”


I can’t concentrate when working on the Sirius channel. Please advise me something.

At the beginning of production, open the Perun channel in parallel with the channel being developed (any). Hold the mental image of Perun for 5-10 minutes. Then close Perun and continue developing the information channel. Do not forget the installation at the opening of Perun - “the white will be cleansed with gratitude, the black will burn to the end, in the struggle between good and evil, pity is not appropriate.”

If you are developing the Cedar of Clairvoyance, then I give a special technique using other channels. It's called a "session for developing intuition and purifying consciousness." In this case, when developing clairvoyance, there is no need to close the protective channels at all and the development process goes smoothly.52*. I recently passed initiations into the Buddhist channels Farun-Buddha, Firast and Zeus. I feel very bad during the sessions. I practically faint. What am I doing?


So? At the initial stage of working on oneself, there may be unpleasant sensations up to fainting in people with subtle bodies heavily loaded with negativity and past karma. No need to be afraid! This is why you took the channels to get rid of the most difficult karmic problems. When the angels appeared to the prophets, the first thing they said was, “Do not be afraid.” After all, people tend to fear the Light because of their low-frequency vibrations. And Light is high-frequency vibrations. It's hard to bear, I agree. You should continue to work hard on yourself. So that it doesn't happen scary- although there would seem to be no reason for this. Just open separately for resuscitation. This will help you both feel mentally protected, and physically it will be easier to tolerate the release of negativity.

I know for sure that many forget open a channel for resuscitation in general. They suffer, they endure, but for some reason they cannot remember this action in time.

When people undergo Initiation for the first time, they take only one Farun-Buddha channel - to them difficult cope with the accumulated negativity (of your entire life). Therefore, in our school I put the constant condition - receive two channels at once in the first stage. Farun Buddha and Mom. Mom pulls. Farun Buddha fills. If a person is financially ready to accept a channel as well Cedar of Healing- then there are too severe crises when working with him First of all, Farun Buddha for resuscitation, and Cedar of Healing for resuscitation. We know that resuscitation is about improving any condition. It is also worth conducting sessions with a Buddhist block (mini sessions). Sitting, without contact, for 10 minutes under the well, and 10 minutes with the well closed, using all the channels that are available (Buddhist block). Also include Shiva (Magisters) and the Block of Cedars, and Archangel Michael. Do not touch pregnant women with your hands! Do not arrange long sessions. Once, twice a week - contactless. Then a break. If you are pregnant before you become pregnant arises. Why?

Healing Cedar is compatible with both Buddhist and Magical channels. It softens the work. He also performs resuscitation, like the Farun-Buddha channel.

For example, you are under the Mom channel and at the same time you are opening the Cedar of Healing. Mom pulls. Cedar of Healing - fills.

At the Buddhist session you also open Farun Buddha and Cedar of Healing. They both work on the chakras and biofield. Cedar of Healing is used to cleanse the head of negativity.

For the above reasons, it is better to take three Initiations at once (at the 1st stage). If finances do not allow, then still start secondary initiations with the Cedar of Healing.

53*. Recently my chakras began to work at 30-40%. Tell me how can I promote them faster?

Stop thinking primitively! Chakras- these are not buttons or holes - which need to be “untwisted”. Chakras- these are the levels of human consciousness. Aura cameras are not accurate diagnostics of the stability and operation of your energy centers. To be able to accurately analyze the work of the chakras, you need to have this apparatus yourself and measure the state of the biofield every day. Then draw conclusions from the weekly average.

After all, while you are walking or driving to this device, you can experience 10 times along the way. stress and lose field stability. You can then come home and restore your field again using the channels.

One the photograph taken is not an indicator - in any case.

There is another side to the coin. Here you (for example) have achieved a certain level of awareness in this life, stability and harmony with the surrounding space. It is at this level that you feel great. The equipment will show 80-90% of the chakras working.

But a person by nature gets used to everything quickly, and always wants more. Especially cosmoenergetics. The “languishing” of the soul begins again. You begin to undergo the next initiations. An ordinary person begins to look for new opportunities. And this is a new level of awareness for him.

Changes necessarily lead to transformation of the familiar. Naturally, at the new level the chakras will not yet function at 80-100%. You haven't mastered a new level! The indicators will not be stable. The tension is rising. “Until the new slippers seem soft, familiar and worn out.”

Levels of consciousness - this is the road from the bestial state- to the spiritualized.


I felt sick at the initiation. Why? I am now afraid to devote myself further and work through channels on my own.

The teacher who gave you initiations should answer this question. But since you are looking for an answer on the Internet, it means that not everything is in order with your trust in the teacher. Are you afraid? No trust in the Teacher? Better not start.

“My name is Legion,” the demon answered Jesus, when Jesus cast out the possession of many demons from the sick man into the pigs. It was not necessary to undergo initiations, but first of all therapy

get. The fact that you are afraid and feel bad indicates that your subtle bodies are heavily loaded with fears and phobias. In this case, rushing into initiation is extremely unwise. During initiation, a person takes on the impact of high-frequency energies an order of magnitude higher than in a simple session. At this time from subtle bodies leaves a huge mass of negative layers, in such a continuous stream that simply opens up the subtle bodies (naturally for a while). The man is in a semi-fainting state from the created voltage

. Naturally, then the bodies converge to their original position. The niche formed by the departure of negativity is filled with the pure energies of the channel. Substitution

is also accompanied by transformation. For example

: You squeezed out the boil. Isn't this painful? The area needs to heal and it takes time to heal. You should not be afraid, but continue to work, so that the previous state does not back!

Fear has no place here.


I dedicated myself to several channels of cosmoenergetics, but now I don’t want to. What could happen to me?

The man asked me a question in a capricious manner, curling his lips playfully and raising his eyebrows high, like a young child. And what will happen to her now? Yesss! A quick question. It seemed so to her. I answer for everyone. Adults who consider themselves adequate do not ask such questions. We're not at the fair.

“Product” cannot be returned.

Let me explain with a metaphor. Imagine. You have laid a pipeline. Voluntarily. Not for free. For myself. The contractor did everything in good faith, on time - for centuries. He turned on the water. That was the end of his tasks. But you suddenly change your mind about turning on the water. They didn't turn it on for a long time. The pipes began to rust. First, mold started growing in them, then worms, then homeless people and rats, and a bunch of other living creatures. If something has left, something has arrived. That's basically what will happen. with loved ones you can The most important. When your time on earth ends, you will not be able to take anything with you to the upper world. No cars, no apartments, no gold mines. The only thing that will go with you is the channels and your evolutionary developments. And, depending on the frequency of vibrations, you will find yourself on the plane to which these same vibrations of yours correspond. Plus - according to life

aimless this life, get a calmer next one. Draw your own conclusions. I especially advise the woman who asked the question to use her brains.

56* What literature do you recommend reading, besides textbooks on cosmoenergetics?

1. “The Four Paths of Karma” (Kovalyova)

3. "Letters from Home" (Kryon)

4. "Act or Wait" (Kryon)

5. "Bringers of the Dawn" (Barbara Marciniak)

6. "The Gospel of the Age of Aquarius" (Levi H. Dowling)

7. “The Birth of the Child Christ” (T.Yu. Platonova)

8. “Tibetan Gambit” (Redko A.P.)

9. "City of the Gods" (Muldashev)

10 . "The Astral Plane" (Leadbeater)

11. "The Path to Initiation" (Annie Besant)

12. “Shambhala is not a myth” (Kovaleva)

13. "Life on the Other Side" (Sylvia Brown)

14. "Masters and the Path" (Leadbeater)

15. Books by Mikael Aivankhov.

16. "Egregors" Nekrasov

57.* What should I do if I have a terrible fear while developing channels? Do not be afraid! Fear may appear at the initial stage of initiations and developments. That negative (having rationality) that comes out

In spite of the fear that arises, continue to strengthen your channels! Nothing can not darkness do to a man - if he has firm intention from her get rid of !

58.* Can I open channels for my student? The child is 8 years old. I work as a tutor for him. He's so stupid! I want to make the task easier for myself, and it won’t make things worse for him.

Under no circumstances should you open channels if you are told about this didn't ask!!! Especially small child without knowledge and consent his parents!! This is a gross violation of cosmic law - " If they don't ask, don't do it"; "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Don't imagine yourself as omnipotent!

We can only offer our services. Whether to use our help or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

As for the lady asking the question - if you cannot bear children patiently, do not take on them. It is a crime.

From your question it is clear that you cannot fulfill your responsibilities properly, and you call someone else stupid. You have come to teach your child in a calm environment. To give knowledge, and not to make your tasks easier through esotericism.

This child was not born according to your wishes, not from you, and not for you. He and his parents have their own Karma. Maybe he was born into this family in order to shatter the illusions of his parents. If he were not “stupid,” as you put it, then his parents would not hire you as a tutor.

Unfortunately, in our country the problem is with such teachers!

59.* It’s been two years since I became a cosmoenergeticist. Until this moment, I constantly had to go to the grandmothers and remove damage from myself. Then I underwent cleansing and training with you. I am satisfied with everything! Damages are now removed instantly! But! I haven’t stopped getting into different situations. They are still trying to damage me. Moreover different people, new people, not the same ones that did before. What's wrong with me!???? Did I really sin in my last incarnation and now I don’t have a peaceful life?

Answer to asked question cannot be unambiguous. Maybe she really sinned in the past, or maybe in a different way. Maybe, on the contrary, she couldn’t find a way to escape and died. How distinguish?

First. If a person engaged in black practices in the past, in this life he will repeatedly experience the same thing, only not to the point of death, but for edification. He will suffer until he understands the whole tragedy and fully realizes how disgusting the use of black practices on defenseless people. As soon as he realizes it, the deliverance program will work and no repetitions are expected. He will no longer be visible to the dark. The threads of fate will lead away from this. But if only he really understands.

Second. In the past, a person himself became a victim of black energy violence, which led to his unjustified death. In this case, even before this incarnation, his soul determines its task - to develop a powerful immunity to protect against energy attacks in the future. It's no secret that there are people who are not affected by any kind of damage or evil eye. This means they have developed an automatic defense mechanism. To such "thick-skinned" difficult pick up a black magic trick, only something new will work, something from which they are not immune. And the magicians declare - “he has a strong Guardian Angel.”

So here it is. If damage does not stop, now from new opponents, then you have such a program - it will learn to repel attacks “playfully” and develop immunity. This is the task of your current incarnation. And not only this. You should learn to behave with strangers in such a way that they did not arise a reason, even a thought, to do something nasty to you. As they say, what one can do, another cannot.


Before initiations, I treated people with spells and prayers. Now I use the channels, but I really want to at least sometimes say prayers with some charmed water. Can I combine channels and spells in a session?

I don't recommend combining anything. That is, do both at the same time. Since you really want to, it’s better to divide the procedures into different times or different days.

The channels even have different frequency characteristics among themselves, and the characteristics of the spells are even more different. Why interfere? I personally don't understand. This is primitive thinking. Why then devote yourself at all?! Well, they would work with spells and prayers.

To make it clearer, I will explain in the form of a metaphor:

Imagine. Channels are an excavator. Spells for water are a shovel. Your task is to quickly dig a quarry using these tools. So what will you choose? I would choose an excavator.

The answer is simple. I don't trade knowledge. Students pay me only for Initiation. Training is provided free of charge. For lectures, payment is only 300 rubles symbolically. I. There was a lot of plagiarism.))))) Esotericism itself is a secret science. Everyone, well, maybe not everyone, but still has their own experience, their own personal achievements.

What a person has, he passes on to his students. Some have nothing of their own. They repeat from other people's books and videos. Some, under the guise of reports required from students, collect information and appropriate it for themselves, then write books.))))

My lessons are not alike. Every time I share with my students new exclusive information, my observations, my personal experience in healing.

Nonresidents receive answers to their questions by phone or e-mail. Every day I set aside personal time for this. No one can complain that I am not available.

The one who attends classes regularly always knows more than others. This is his work, his desire. There are those who, after Initiations, do not go to classes at all. This is also their choice. That means they don’t need it, and I don’t waste time on them. There are those who ask the same questions over and over again, but do not assimilate the answers - I tell them to their faces - “this is vampirism.” In general, I don’t stand on ceremony - after all, they don’t stand on ceremony with me either. If they can't remember, let them write it down.

My goal is not to collect biomass and a large number of students, but to transfer knowledge, almost on an individual basis.

I believe that the student should receive information directly from the teacher - precisely wanting to get an answer. To the extent that his teacher is knowledgeable about the method, his student receives knowledge from him. To the extent that the student himself is interested in this knowledge, he receives it orally.

Cosmoenergetics complained from other teachers that they initiate them very cheaply, and then, after completing the initiation (for example, in 5 channels at once), they unexpectedly announce that training is a separate topic and costs 10 times more than the initiation itself. It’s because of these “teachers” that I don’t post everything on the Internet.

I also don’t like posting my photos. You know that a photo is a phantom and we work with phantoms. There are many curious people who want to “probe” you, “look through” you, and even harm you. Such idiots distract from work.


You won't believe it, but it's the same for me. The water that I charge for myself at home is less charged than the water that I bring home from the office.

I asked the channels about this and received a very simple answer.

We do not keep water charged at home during one session for a long time under the canals - we drink it. The water in the office is charged for many sessions in a row, since I buy it in large quantities. Naturally, this water is not sorted out at once and it is constantly saturated and saturated with channels.

And I remembered. A long time ago, about eight years ago, I listened to a lecture by the scientist Sharkov in Moscow about our water. He talked about experiments with water.

From his words, it turns out that the first 15 minutes. Nothing happens. Then, exactly 15 minutes later. the water turns out to be charged, then assimilation occurs for some time, and a new jump in the density of information put into the water by the channels. And so on and so forth. Every 15 minutes. Water molecules (in his words) stick together in 4 pieces (droplets). Scientists called this clusters, and it is in this form that they contain and carry information from healing channels into the body when we drink this water. If a glass of densely charged water is poured into a bath of plain water, a chain reaction occurs - all the water in the bath is charged. The reaction is weakened by adding even more liquid.

It turns out that over several sessions the water gains more information density. Patients say it flows like oil along the walls of a glass.


I was initiated into several channels of cosmoenergy. I’ll tell you straight, I feel better, but the attacks from my former teacher, the magician, don’t stop. Like clockwork, every night at 2 o'clock, I wake up and feel anxious and afraid. True, before cosmoenergetics it was not just alarming - it was terrible, scary and very bad. When will this stop???

Only then - when you yourself rise to a higher energy level of consciousness. Secure yourself at this level. Change your behavior. You will become kinder and more forgiving towards other people, and stop blaming everyone for your own mistakes.

Well, for example. You must conduct introspection - why did you go to study with a black magician yourself. Take responsibility for your actions. Understand that like attracts like. Think about why. What conclusions need to be drawn, what lessons need to be learned?

As long as you make excuses and shift all the blame for your own mistakes onto others, little will change. You haven't learned your lesson.

Jesus Christ, having cured the woman, said: “Go and sin no more, so that it doesn’t get worse.” What was he talking about? About learning lessons, about not repeating the mistakes of the past. And he clarified - “so that it doesn’t get worse.”


What does it mean to have Karmic prerequisites in order to be a successful healer? This means your Karma is extensive and not limited and allows you to communicate with a huge amount
of people. Kindred souls who are part of your main karmic group will come into your life for help. By helping others, we help ourselves. After all, not everyone becomes president, but each president has his own team.

The achievements of past incarnations in the field of esotericism, now being initiated into practice - you seem to remember what you have gained in the past, only in a different form, receiving it through the teacher without tension.

Some students have just started this path - they definitely won’t have many patients, but only close ones and acquaintances, that is, their karmic group, which for them is already progress.
I have no doubt about the treatment and the power of the channels. I want to know something else - no
Do channel energies reboot the healer’s system? After all, every day you

you work with them. there is no excess of this flow. After all, I will work and
with yourself and with your loved ones...

If you work with yourself and with others, your guides gradually expand, you get used to it. It will be the high-frequency channels that treat your loved ones, not you. You will receive exactly as much energy as you need. But. a person is designed in such a way that when he receives, he always wants more development, and since the conductors expand (gradually), this means that a larger capacity is formed than before. (It’s like new shoes - at first they are too tight, the flood has carried you away and you don’t feel it).

In essence, by working on yourself and your loved ones, you cleanse your gene pool, give better opportunities and a better future to your children. And there are also “blind spots” in karma - this is what we can stubbornly refuse to admit there are many lives in you. We carry the attributes of karma, we suffer until we figure it out and decide to make drastic changes (for example, someone needs to learn to refuse more often when they are used, and for someone, on the contrary, to say yes, that is, not only to take, but also to give).

4 books were not enough for me to explain at least a fraction of what cosmoenergetics provides for self-development and how everything happens. Therefore, it is impossible to give you a comprehensive answer, so quickly.

The main thing, the key word, is that it is not you who are healing, but the high-frequency intelligent channels. Simply - the Higher Mind.

66. I read bad reviews about cosmoenergetics on other sites. There people write that cosmoenergetics who treat others sooner or later get sick with new diseases themselves and die. And everything is smooth and sweet with you. Are you lying?

After this question, I looked through other sites about negative reviews about cosmoenergetics. I actually found a similar statement and more than one. Analyzed the texts.

At first glance, it seems like a sincere report about the experience of using the channels.... But upon careful reading - everything is not as it seems. Answering now, I will rely only on my 15 years of experience.

Firstly, in no field of activity everything goes smoothly. I have already referred to the human factor more than once. I still refer to it now. God gives us people clean flow. We often turn everything into a trash heap.

It’s like in life - “careless tourists came to a pristine forest and left a heap of garbage. Then another, and another. Now you can’t even see the forest behind the garbage. But the forest exists, just as it stood and remains in its place.”

Secondly, the person writing himself is probably lazy, accustomed to only taking, seeing only shortcomings. With him “you can’t even see the forest for the trees.” "As you are, so are the sleighs"))))))))

The philosophy of these “scribblers” is not particularly different. Key words - “they take a lot of money”, “I felt a stink at the session”, “they don’t answer my questions well, which I ask the same thing six times”)))))), “the church saved me, but there is not enough prayer for a week, then everything comes back" .... and so on and so forth. They contradict themselves and simple reader is unlikely to understand such a contradiction. The reader sees only negative feedback.

I'll break it down point by point:

1 . They take money so as not to leave a karmic debt to the target, which may actually have saved your life.

2 . The stench at the session comes from the client himself when his own negative energy is burning. His devils are burning, and he accustomed to blaming on others, he thinks that the stench comes from others))))))! From the words of my patients - at the same session, one smelled of violets, the second of bleach, the third rotten eggs, and the fourth with vanilla, the fifth with burnt wool. Although people stood nearby. The distance between them is only a meter.

3. Primitive people practice magic in parallel with cosmoenergetics. By the way, when cosmoenergy first came out to the masses, magicians realized its high rating, began to suffer from the return of their manipulations, and...... they also went to be initiated!! Our teachers dedicated everyone indiscriminately. Draw your own conclusions. It's no secret that there are black channels in cosmoenergetics. I don’t know why the healer needs them. Although there is an assumption - this is a test - are you as fluffy... as you seem to be. The temptation is great, I tell you. I was also initiated into everything without explaining why.

In our school I do not give initiations into these black channels. Their niches are replaced by the block Cedar of Healing (7 channels), Metatron, Archangel Michael, Rod of Solomon, Mary Magdalene. Christ Consciousness.

In principle, I can refute all the arguments of negative reviews, but only with regard to my work using the method. You cannot rely on other accountants. It's not for me to judge them.

4. It is no secret that competitors in any field are now acting in a similar way, not only in space energy. It's like an information war. The enemy's fear - the people reached out to you. In Agni Yoga it is said - " And they will enter your house, with your own prayer, and woe to those who do not recognize."

I officially declare- cosmoenergetics as a method has nothing to do with it!!! People do everything that distorts the method, I cannot say that all cosmoenergetics are good, that they treat with high quality. Unfortunately.

Why? Students from different schools and from different cities write to me a lot. Really! What they do to them is beyond comprehension! One “teacher” declares, “now I have you all under my control,” the other intimidates, “don’t even think about going to anyone else, I’m a clairvoyant, I’ll see it and punish you.” the third declares - “you must now feed me with your energy, I dedicated you, you owe me for life...”, the fourth - “heals the 1st chakra” through sex with him....

***This happens because the “founding fathers” dedicated everyone, regardless of a person’s mentality, en masse, in crowds, but at the same time They didn’t bother to work with people and educate and cultivate positive aspects in them.

Some "teachers" encourage the use of black demonic channels.

It's not possible to keep track of everyone when visiting the crowd. People are initiated and sent on a free voyage. Those who die are those who, through their mercantile, to put it mildly, actions, overfilled the vessel of karma. It's like natural selection is happening.

It is not possible to track all people from different cities. There is a confusion of thoughts, the method is added by “innovators”, distorted, altered. Many, due to their own incompetence, begin to speculate on the methodology, forgetting to look in the mirror.

Having the opportunity, some students try to study the work of channels in laboratory conditions, but they have little success, then they begin to criticize the method. They forget that the channels are on through them prism of consciousness. I think that what prevails in this case is the desire to become famous and become, so to speak, provably exceptional.

It turns out - “we wanted the best, but it turned out as always.” But this happens with religion too!!! For example, the Crusades in the name of Christ. Majahideen - in the name of Allah. Sigkha, introduced Jehovah..... There are radical idiots everywhere.

This does not mean that there is no God, it does not mean that religions teach bad things. It's just a human factor!!!

67. Do not neglect sessions - Removal of negative programs.

Some students love to stand during a healing and cleansing session and completely neglect a separate Magic session (Removal of Negative Programs).

But in vain!!! For clarity, I will describe case with one student. She decided to take a full course of 10 sessions with me. But all the time (4 sessions) I came to Buddhist sessions with chakra cleansing. I’m looking at the work of the channels in progress, and surprisingly I haven’t seen any changes. She leaves cleaned and comes back a day later - just like the first time!

In the end, at the fourth session, I couldn’t stand it and exclaimed: “What’s the point? Why are you wasting money? Why are you ignoring the sessions of Removing Negative Programs? After all, if you go through them, at least three per course, the result will be completely different.”

The student shrugged her shoulders: “Well, of course! I go to clean the chakras! That means I’ll be cleansed and cured. Well, okay, I’ll listen to you.”

After the first session of Removing Negative Programs, her chakras themselves activated. After three, the energy was restored by 90%. Then we conducted sessions - therapeutic and cleansing. The effect is complete recovery.

After that, I made it a rule not to carry out therapeutic therapy until the patient had undergone a series of Negative Removal sessions. This is a non-negotiable condition. And I advise you, my dears!!

I will add some nuances according to my observations:

a) If a person has negativity brought in from outside, then sometimes sessions of Removing Negative Programs are sufficient. For example, my patient underwent only three sessions to remove negativity and her tumor in the uterus disappeared. Why? Because this disease was not a disease at all - it was an induced damage, which the grandmothers call “putting a keel.” They fixed the problem and everything disappeared like last year’s snow.

b) Exactly the same situation with another patient - a tumor in the uterus. But. This patient requires a series of sessions of Removing Negative Programs, plus mandatory a series of healing and cleansing sessions. The difference between the problem in both patients is huge!!! When second patient - she grew her tumor herself. She has a psychosomatic internal conflict. She continued to live with her husband and quietly hate him for his rudeness and drunkenness. Helping in this case is much more difficult. It is advisable for the husband to conduct photo sessions at the same time. Otherwise, the results will be minimal.

c) You should take into account the fact that some people simply love to be treated. Paradoxical as it may seem, this is a fact. As soon as they approach the healing stage, they disappear from view. Then after six months or a year they return, having gone through a lot of more specialists during this period. Naturally, they are all bad and no one has cured them. I advise you to refuse such patients. After all, you are in vain investing your strength in them, those forces that can be useful to those who really need healing.

68. Can I prepay you for initiations or sessions in advance, immediately after salary. It's more comfortable for me. Why are you refusing?

No. I do not practice such prepayment in installments. I'll explain now. By paying for initiation, or a session, you bring balance balance karmic forces. The amount for real magic is already symbolic. In fact, there is no price for this.
You also pay only to with loved ones you can be karmically indebted to me - then balance energy is conserved. If you don't pay, that means I got you I will introduce you into karmic debt.
So here it is. If you make an advance payment and don’t receive anything for some time, then you too enter me into karmic debts, albeit for a while, upsetting my balance of well-being. There is always a catch.
This is why loans are always inherently flawed. This is why loans are not punishable for banks, because they must be repaid on time, which is why there are paper contracts to fix timely payments - for energy balance. You cannot take more than two loans to save own energy good luck!!!
There is one more nuance. Having few funds, accumulating them gradually for dedication - you pass trial- Is it really that important for you to take initiation? Isn’t it more important for you to spend on mortal things accumulated amount?)))) What do you value more?

Everything in this world perishable, everything disappears, breaks and collapses - except for spiritual accumulations and life experience. Only this can you transfer to your next incarnation!!!
Previously, I practiced (and not only me, K.T. and Bagirov too) initiations into debt. Everyone abandoned this practice. People thoughtlessly filled up channels with piles of debt, and then the Darkness did not allow them to pay off; all the time, students’ payments were magically postponed, or their existing well-being collapsed.

69. Please, if you can answer, can I open a channel for cleansing on a patient if I don’t see color. There is no mental image, although I have been developing channels for 5 months.

Seeing a channel with your mind's eye is astral plane. This vision of channel colors occurs - if there are developments or innate prerequisites. But you don't have to.
We work through the mental plane (3rd chakra) - you don’t need to see something there - you just need to imagine, which means imagining, inventing, imagining. (I deliberately wrote the same thing in different words). And the color of the channel as well.
If you have trouble imagining it, type in Yandex “ray of light in pictures.” Thousands of pictures will appear there, look and try to project onto yourself (as if to put on) the image of a ray of light, or onto another person for whom you want to open a channel.

I should explain such nuances to you your teacher, if he doesn’t consider it necessary to explain it or doesn’t know it himself, then he’s a bad teacher. My advice is to re-read the section on my website - “clairvoyance developments”. The difference in vision - the etheric, astral and mental planes is well described there.

70. As soon as I dedicated myself to Archangel Michael and the Christ Consciousness, these channels went very brightly, or rather, I directly saw them with my eyes closed brightly. Now for some reason this is not always the case. Olga Mikhailovna, are they fading away from me? Why?

Nothing “fades” for you. There are three reasons. Which one you have - decide for yourself.

1. When you accept Initiation, you will also receive a transfer of Power. Then this power becomes thinner - it is not yours and is given to you as a “debt” until it is developed, but you must develop your own - using channels constantly expand channel flows. If you few of them use, they weaken, but never close. Even if you haven’t used them at all, they will remain in the form of potential. Once you decide to use the channels again - frequently and consistently - they will expand.

2. At first the channels appear very bright, then they become weaker. I’ll give an example in the form of a metaphor, it will be clearer - “when you go out into the light of the sun from a dark entrance, you begin to squint at the sun, it seems so bright to you. Then you get used to looking and everything becomes normal, your eyes get used to it. But. If you go in into the entrance from the sun, then you won’t see anything from the darkness until your eyes get used to it.” So in this case - you are accustomed to the brightness of the channels, it no longer blinds you. They will flash brightly only when you move to a new level of consciousness after transformation. Then get used to it again. Then - a new level, and so on....

3. You received Initiation for the first time. My energies were directed towards you. They raised you to a new level, but you haven’t gained a foothold there yet. Consolidation comes from developing channels and their constant use, and not only that. You need to gradually change your mentality in order to stay at the level that the teacher set for you. Consolidation usually occurs in fits and starts - one step back, two steps forward. After all, duality (the veil of the physical plane covering from the subtle worlds) is difficult to let go of. You spend whole days in bustle and worries. The channels will clear your consciousness, duality is again trying to “throw” its veil. You are cleansing again - again more and more brightly, and again there is a new day of worldly worries, and again the veil is growing, and therefore you need to cleanse again. When I explained this to one student, she exclaimed, “What is this? Now I have to cleanse myself like this for the rest of my life?” . And I answered - “you brush your teeth, wash, do laundry and are not indignant that you have to do this all your life)))” Those who like to be “homeless” - let them live like that. Their choice.

71. Hello. I would like the “QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS LESSON” to be available to Olga Mikhailovna’s students. Preferably recorded so you can listen to it at any time. Thank you. Sergey. Moscow.

The lesson is available only to those who attend it. Distance learners ALWAYS receive answers to their questions individually - by phone or email. by mail - if you make contact yourself. No one can complain that I am not available.

There are no videos on the site due to plagiarism. Since my lesson - none of them repeats the other and lasts 2 hours - I am not able to post such a mass of information.

Students in the lesson receive answers according to their personal questions, only those students who attended the lesson (obtained individually but for all those present). To completely personal questions, the student receives answers separately from the public in a personal conversation and this is already considered a diagnosis.

Many distance learners tell me that only on my website you can find a huge amount of really useful information for work, that the site is radically different from others - not with template phrases and texts. I think that's enough.

72. (a question repeatedly asked by my students). - “I decided to surf the Internet and read other sites of cosmoenergetics. Olga Mikhailovna, for some reason they all scold each other, argue, criticize and say that only their school is correct. I was also interested in “blocking frequencies”. They write there that I I’ll get sick in a year or two if I treat other people. Is this really true? You tell us, “Treat everyone who comes in.” But now I’m afraid.”

I haven't read other sites. I don't have time for this. But I had to. I looked at the disputes and correspondence of various arguing heads of different schools. Basically, Peter's and the Intent school "flip" with each other. If you view such skirmishes as a “spectator”, without bias, then you can conclude that each of them has its own truth according to their experience that is imposed on the public. Oh! This energy would be used for good deeds.

Firstly- You shouldn’t treat others out of fear. Just take care of yourself. I have spoken about this several times.

Secondly- besides these two or three schools, there are a lot of other cosmoenergetics working conscientiously, who have neither the strength, time nor desire to prove their worth through unnecessary disputes and debates on the topic - who is better and more correct. Jesus said, “There will be many false prophets; you will see them by their deeds, not by their words.”

Third- like attracts like. Everyone, in any case, will find a teacher for himself, but not every teacher will be able to find wisdom in himself and say - “you are not my student.” I've said that more than once. If I don’t see any moral, mental or just human contact, I refuse.

My experience shows that there are indeed cases of illness among cosmoenergy healers. But! Each case should be considered individually! You shouldn’t “lump everyone with the same brush.” (this conclusion is from many years of experience and observations of other cosmoenergy workers who worked nearby in our city). And for some reason they were all of Peter’s line. They have already died or gone to other directions. I think it's only because own mistakes. There is no game without rules.

What I saw in the disputes was that people imagined themselves to be gods. They have completely forgotten about providence, karma, Higher powers, the circumstances of life and consider themselves to be the ultimate truth.

One thing I know for sure is that a cosmoenergy healer must follow some rules in order to always stay afloat.

1. (most important) Do not use black channels, no matter how angry you are. For example, such as Ha, and others from the Masters. They don't serve two masters. Cultivate altruism in yourself and leave to God what is God's, and to Caesar what is Caesar's.

2. If the cosmoenergy worker has worked out the mass of Karma of this incarnation, just after two or three years of intensive work on himself, those diseases will come to him (through his own karma) that were postponed by the Lords of karma for later, for a future incarnation. And he now has the opportunity to work more than expected at the beginning of his life. Those who argue do not take this fact into account at all. If a simple person is sometimes able to learn only one lesson from life, or even not a single one, then the initiate has a lot of such opportunities. It turns out that in one life the initiate is able to move to a completely new level of existence (and more than once), but Karma begins before this clean up your leftovers. And God will not give you more trials than you can withstand. From my experience, I can assure you that only a few initiates achieve this, and they are the stable healers; let the rest take care of themselves, and that’s enough for them.

3. Much depends on what kind of teacher you get, whether he will work with you and guide you unobtrusively. Or he’ll just dedicate it, get the money and “fuck off” to his own place. Or he will turn you into an obedient doll like in a cult.

4. Everything can't be perfect- neither from me nor from those who offer “the most unique technique”. Everything is individual! There is a Supreme Providence and a human factor for any situation. Sometimes you struggle with a student’s behavior, you struggle, you explain, it takes so much effort, but the person is simply not ready to hear and everyone is to blame except himself. Well, he’s not capable of introspection and that’s all. It’s worth letting him go freely without judgment. Anyone who wants to drown will drown anyway. There is a saying of Aristotle for this - “do not extend your right hand not to anyone." They will take a bite and leave without regret. Agni Yoga - "and they will enter your house with your own prayer, and woe to those who do not recognize."

5. Start any negative situation with self-analysis.

6. A teacher who initiates others must know that after initiation he forms an invisible energetic connection with the student. If a student envies, judges, or wants to mentally “sit in the teacher’s chair,” gossips, or “loves” his mentor too zealously, then through this invisible connection a continuous stream of negative low-frequency energy from this student will flow to the teacher (and what if there are many of them?).

“If the teacher is a highly spiritual person, then his subtle bodies will not suffer. But! The physical body will definitely suffer” (Agni Yoga). The same applies to patients who first in their minds put the healer “on a pedestal”, and then try to throw him off there and humiliate him, because they begin to understand what the healer saw all their essence and the cause of their illness. They do this out of shame or fear of exposure.

The only possibility of protection is constant cleansing after channel work, altruism, some detachment and understanding of responsibility for what is happening, constant self-analysis. Our school also has channels that “filter” the patient’s negativity and remove oversaturation with energy. These include the Metatron channel, Christ Consciousness, Cedar of Harmony, and the Nature of Fairies. Channel names symbolic .

I have a channel (individual) to protect students and patients from negativity.

7. Errors students leading to an oversaturation of energies or infection of the patient with negativity: 1 - fear; 2 - self-confidence; 3 - condemnation of the patient; 4 - immense use of frequencies. Some are ready to stand under canals for days, thinking that they will gain more. This is a mistake - you should always stick to the golden mean. It looks like gluttony.

8. A common mistake is consumer attitude- so I got the channels and they will do everything for me, I will open them and open them until I achieve my goal. I’ll dial more channels and they’ll do everything for me, and I’ll only enjoy superiority over others. Remember! In fact, Higher power- will not participate in the work of your EGO. This is not a fairy tale about the Golden Fish or Emelya - this is life. New life with even greater responsibility for what is happening.

No need to read squabbles of others, these people are just pleasing their EGO, you should not draw negative conclusions about the entire methodology as a whole from what you read. As they say, “paper will endure anything.” You need to educate yourself, read useful literature, take only that useful thing from what you read that appeals to your soul, because knowledge is power .

9. Don't imagine yourself as omnipotent. Learn wise silence. Do not think that using channels for evil, you with loved ones you can reward! Bagirov’s method says: “use the channel of evil, nothing will happen to you in this life.” Are you immortal? Is this the last time you live? Think with your head, you never know who will write something. Everything will be rewarded and rewarded, so new diseases appear. Anyone who has used black channels even once is not of interest to the Light forces. Don't flatter yourself. You will become dark without notice, and your Karma will catch up with you!

10 . Seeing cosmoenergetics - do not tell the patient everything you see about him! If they don't ask, don't do it! Build your speech so that it is short, clear, understandable, without emotions and less accusations. Conduct sessions, wait until the person is able to accept information about himself adequately. And this will definitely happen after several sessions.

73.* Olga, I learned that you teach your students to work from photos, but there is no such method in the classical cosmoenergetics methodology. We are taught to work using a phantom. Could you write your methodology on the website? I asked my teacher about this. He replied that working from a photo is a fiction.

At one time, I was also taught to work using a phantom. But, since I came to cosmoenergetics 16 years ago having patients and was engaged in healing before that, I have developed my own approach to this issue. I worked from photos and continued to work in this way when I was already a cosmoenergetist. Naturally, I teach my students how to work from photos. I will not prove its effectiveness. For 16 years everything has been proven by itself. What are the advantages?

When working with a phantom, the healer must keep a clear image of the patient in front of him the entire time he is working. But if you have 10-30 people at your session? You need to work with everyone on their problem, and at this time also support the phantom. This is labor-intensive for your brain, which is already strained to the limit. But this is not so important either. The problem is different. Phantoms created by a healer repeatedly do not disappear. They stay in the office for a very long time. What if the patient is corrupted or demon-possessed? Along with the phantom there is a whole “legion” of all kinds of creatures.

Here, you are taught to build a shell for protection and then it does not fall apart. To do this, you present it periodically. What do you think, isn’t that how a phantom works? It, too, with prolonged playback, will not dissolve for a very long time, and the person has long completed therapy.........

When working from photos, the only difficulty is that people are in different spaces and time frames. You have to work with each photo separately. At the same time, you can put a phantom of the person from the photo, and then send it back to the photo. Burn the photo after therapy. You know that fire burns any information, since we essentially work on fiery energies. You know that there is no speed, time or distance for channels. The channels will carry out their work properly, and there will be no phantom left.

My experience shows that as long as the photographs are in the office, invisible work with a person continues. I ask them to come pick up photos if they are valuable to customers. If you don’t come within a week or two, then I burn the photo. At the same time, I noticed that if I don’t burn them, then some people don’t come, they constantly postpone coming for various reasons. As soon as I burn it, people immediately show up, literally on the same day. Tested specifically many times. This means my energy flows away and flows away. This energy could be useful to other sufferers.

What if you have an accumulation of undecayed phantoms? Through your consciousness they will be nourished and not disintegrate. Helps them destroy the Glaich channel. But. Bachelors do not have this channel.

To the question - “how to work from a photo?” , I will not respond to the public. You have your own teachers. Let them teach.

74. Olga Mikhailovna, a patient comes to me for sessions. And at the 8th session of Karma Removal, from the words of his son, he sees that the whole apartment is filled with 160 cm entities in white robes (there are a lot of them), and with them a very large entity, he was asked to bow to it. What is this?

You call the Essences in robes the highest aspects of the Higher Self. These are the leading angels, in common parlance. They are in robes different color Sometimes, robes are needed as a sign of conformity, or to avoid being blinded, or as protection from us, from our low vibrations. It’s not for nothing that many magicians, monks, and other clergymen like to dress up in robes. They (according to your words, the Essence) come to heal, help, or free the soul from karma on some dimension, but we are multidimensional. But here you need to be careful. The dark ones will introduce themselves to you and your mother. I wrote in my book - you need to listen to yourself at this moment, if they appear on the left, then they are not ours and you need to ignore them, if you are experiencing a state of trouble, rejection, also beware, I cannot judge anything from afar. Usually ours do not inspire fear - they contain greatness and awe. The dark ones cannot appear in white robes; on the subtle planes there is order in this matter, since I repeat - the hoodie is a sign of conformity.
You need to look - did the person easily accept cosmoenergetic help? No persuasion. Usually “ours” are immediately drawn to cosmoenergetics; they may unconsciously feel that this is what will help them, which means they have has its own achievements in the past, others cannot accept it so easily, it is better for them to give magic in a more primitive way.

*****All students of our School can conduct separate sessions - “Removal of negative programs”, already at the Bachelor level there are channels available - Mom, Cedar of Healing, Archangel Michael. Or with those channels that are already available from those listed below. According to a special pattern on candles.

Ideally- Mom, 1st Magic, Anael, Agni, Hum, Agni-Hum, Titan, Golden Pyramid, (entire Cedar block), Archangel Michael, Metatron, Fairy Nature, Mary Magdalene. Plus for the Masters - Perun, Ass, Parajanya, Indra, Shiva, Toka-Ton. Plus Egregorous Zoroastrianism - Mithra, Nahid, Hubbi.