Samoilo name. Love and family relationships

08.09.2019 Cell phones

Samuil's name day

Samuel's name day is March 1, August 22, September 2. Saints: Samuel the Egyptian, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr; Samuel, presbyter, Edessa; Samuel, prophet (judge of Israel).

Meaning of the name Samuel

Samuel means "the name of God" or "God heard" (this is the translation of the name Samuel from the Hebrew language).

Origin of the name Samuel

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Samuel with its origin. The history of the name Samuel has Jewish roots. It came from the Hebrew name????????? (Shemuel), which perhaps means "the name of God" or "God has heard."

What does the name Samuel mean according to B. Khigir

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Samuel according to B. Khigir, the owner of this name is an objective, tactful, intelligent, generous-hearted, balanced person. Efficient, but without fanaticism. He always sets a clear and definite goal for himself, and brings the work he has started to the final stage. Chooses a profession from the perspective of its social significance. Possessing a good memory, analytical mind and extensive knowledge, he is able to grasp the whole problem and accept correct solution. Achieves success where a competent and selfless person is required. He treats people around him sensitively and kindly. Does not change his beliefs, does not succumb to the influence of others.

Highly moral. His principle is to act in accordance with conscience in personal and public life. U hearth and home Samuel warms the souls of people. Temperamental, but rarely allows himself to succumb to sexual desires, impulses and temptations. Samuel believes that if a person wants to achieve something, then he does not have time to be sick. The weak point of the body is the respiratory organs.

A good family man, a demanding and affectionate father. This is an extraordinary personality living a rich inner life.

Characteristics of the name Samuel according to D. Zima and N. Zima

According to the description of the name Samuel by D. Zima and N. Zima, its energy has significant mobility and does not imply any aggressiveness. This is the name of a rather good-natured and cheerful person, who, however, is not a stranger to pride. As a child, Samuel is unlikely to be diligent; he loves all kinds of games, and his interests are usually so wide that it is difficult for him to give preference to any one activity. It is possible that he will have problems with his studies at school, but his curiosity and quick mind will allow him to easily absorb information and quickly catch up on lost knowledge.

It is extremely unfavorable if the parents begin to fight Samuel’s restlessness with any punitive means, which are usually a belt and standing in the corner - in this case, Samuel’s vivid imagination and his agile mind can early suggest to him a way to avoid punishment through cunning and deception. Empty persuasion and appeals to Samuel’s conscience are also ineffective; it is much more reasonable to simply try to instill in the child the right interests, then the problems may disappear on their own.

In general, if Samuel manages to resist the temptation to achieve what he wants by cunning, his life can turn out very successfully. He is ambitious enough that sooner or later he will begin to make significant efforts to achieve his goals, and his ability to think quickly, if not lightning fast, coupled with a wonderful imagination, can find good use in some profession that requires creativity. In addition, a sense of humor, optimism and good nature allow Samuel to quickly get along with people and provide a favorable atmosphere in the family and in communication with loved ones.

The nature of the name Samuel is such that there are usually no problems in communication with its bearer, unless, of course, his pride is affected. In addition, Samuel knows how to value friendship and always strives to remain faithful to this feeling. He is very impressionable, and it is unlikely that a story about your problems will leave him indifferent; rather, even Samuel will not only listen to you carefully, but will also be able to help with some practical advice.

Derivations of the name Samuel

Variants of the name Samuel: Samoilo, Samoila, Samuel.

Diminutives for the name Samuel: Samuilka, Samunya, Samukha, Sanya, Samoilushka, Samonya, Samokha, Samosha.

Name Samuel in different languages

  • Name Samuel on English language: Samuel (Samuel, Samuel).
  • The name Samuel in German: Samuel (Samuel, Samuel).
  • Name Samuel on French: Samuel (Samuel).
  • Name Samuel on Spanish: Samuel (Samuel).
  • The name Samuel in Portuguese is Samuel.
  • Name Samuel on Italian: Samuele (Samuel).
  • The name Samuel in Catalan is Samuel.
  • The name Samuel in Hungarian is S?muel (Shamuel).
  • The name Samuel in Ukrainian: Samіilo, Samuil.
  • The name Samuil in the Belarusian language: Samoila, Samuil.
  • Name Samuel on Greek: ??????? (Samuel), ????????? (Samuelos), ????????? (Samuilis).
  • The name Samuel in Polish is Samuel.
  • The name Samuel in Czech is Samuel.
  • The name Samuil in Bulgarian is Samuil.
  • The name Samuel in Dutch is Samu?l (Samuel).
  • The name Samuel in Danish is Samuel.
  • The name Samuel in Swedish is Samuel.
  • The name Samuel in Norwegian is Samuel.
  • The name Samuel in Icelandic is Sam?el (Samuel).
  • The name Samuel in Finnish is Samuli.
  • The name Samuel in Welsh is Sawyl.
  • The name Samuil in Serbian: Samuilo, Samuilo (Samuel).

Famous Samuels:

  • Samuil Alekseevich Greig is a Russian military officer and statesman.
  • Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak is a Russian Soviet poet, playwright, translator, and literary critic. Winner of the Lenin and four Stalin Prizes.
  • Samuil Grigorievich Nevelshtein is a Soviet artist, painter, graphic artist, teacher, member of the Leningrad organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR.
  • Samuil Iosifovich Aleshin is a Russian playwright and satirist.
  • Samuel (Samuel) Georg Gottlieb Gmelin (Samuel Gottlieb Gmelin) - German traveler and naturalist in Russian service. Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.
  • Samuil Abramovich Samosud is a Russian and Soviet conductor. People's Artist of the USSR. Winner of three Stalin Prizes.
  • Samuel Beckett is an Irish writer. One of the founders of the theater of the absurd. Laureate Nobel Prize on literature 1969.
  • Samuel Leroy Jackson is an American film and television actor and producer.
  • Samuel Barber is an American composer.
  • Samuel Colt was an American gunsmith, inventor and industrialist.

In Russia it is not so often that you meet a man whose name is Samuil. The nationality of the name (so to speak) is Jewish. Among the representatives of this people, the name Samuel has been popular for many thousands of years. It was born precisely in the land of the ancient Jews. All variations of this name found in other countries, including Russia, arose through the transformations of Samuel into Samuel, Semyon, Shamil, and so on. This name sounds beautiful and melodious. He combines strength of spirit and poetic beginnings. You may want to name your baby this. Let's see what meaning the name Samuel offers us ononomastics, how it affects the character of the person who bears it, and how his fate develops.

Origin story

Our consciousness and subconscious are always greatly influenced by information about any unusual event. If it is connected with God, we involuntarily experience spiritual trepidation and feel the greatness of what happened. Everything related to this event is also perceived by us as something special. This fully applies to the Hebrew name Samuel.

According to ancient manuscripts, Samuel was a prophet, the last of the Israeli judges (11th century BC). He lived in a difficult time for the Israelites, when their moral qualities were not distinguished by righteousness. In the battle with the Philistines, they suffered a shameful defeat, as a result of which they lost the Ark of the Covenant - their most important shrine.

Samuel managed to raise the morale of his people, and at the same time their well-being. This man often talked with God, listened to his instructions and passed them on to people. It is because of this that the lives of the Israelis have improved.

The translation of the name Samuel from the ancient Israeli language is: “heard by God” or “he whom the Lord heard.” Another interpretation of it is “the name of God.” Ancient writings report that it was this man who anointed King David to reign.

In addition, there is Archangel Samuel, who helps children and all talented people. Here is an unusual story about the origin of the name Samuel. Agree, these circumstances make you perceive it as something beautiful, divine, bright, unearthly.


We found out what nationality the name Samuel is. For Jews it can also sound like this: Shmuel, Shemuel.

Over many millennia, the name went beyond the borders of the Jewish land and spread throughout the world, of course, being somewhat transformed in each country. Now there are such interpretations of it:

  • Russian name Samuel is Semyon, Samoilo.
  • In Armenian it is Samvel.
  • Muslims have Shamil.
  • Belarusians have Samoila, Samuil.
  • In Ukrainian - Samiylo.
  • In Finnish - Samuli.
  • In Italian - Samuel.
  • In Spanish, Portuguese - Samuel, Samuel.

There are also female name Samuela.

If you are impressed by the meaning of the name Samuil, and you name your son that way, then the middle name of your grandson will be Samuilovich, and your granddaughter’s name will be Samuilovna.

You can affectionately call your baby this way: Samuilushka, Samunya, Samuilchik, Samushka, Samonka. In the last two options, the emphasis is on the first letter “a”.

In many countries, particularly in America, it is customary to abbreviate names - Al, Nick, Ted, and so on. Following this tradition, you can use the abbreviated name Samuel, which can sound like this: Samonya, Samukha, Sam, Sammy. It is rare to hear such interpretations: Sanya, Samuilka, Samilka. Here the richness of each person’s imagination comes first.

In the international passport, Samuel will be written as follows: SAMUIL.


Let's look at the meaning of the name Samuel for a boy. Your dear Samushka will show curiosity, as they say, from the cradle. It is unlikely that you will be able to force him to sit quietly for a long time in a crib or playpen by throwing toys in there for him. Get ready for the fact that your little one will want to explore the world beyond the territory allotted to him. A whole ocean of irrepressible energy will rage in Samuel.

Typically, such babies try to crawl to the edge of the sofa in order to get down to the floor, get out of their room and go explore the kitchen/hallway. Therefore, little Samuel requires constant attention. Otherwise, you cannot avoid the appearance of bumps, scraped knees, abrasions and scratches.

The characteristics of the name Samuel do not indicate this, but the practical experience of parents and teachers suggests that energetic children take their first steps early and utter their first words. With a high degree of probability we can assume that your Samuel will be just like that. This child will instantly grasp everything that you consider necessary to explain to him. Therefore, we advise you to communicate more with your Samushka, in game form conduct age-appropriate activities with him, do not brush aside his many “whys” and “whys”.

To prevent your inquisitive and restless little one from harming himself, we advise you to close all sockets in the house, especially in the children's room, put away scissors, knives, needles and other dangerous objects, and do not leave your baby alone in the kitchen, where there might be something on the stove. stew.

School years

Time does not pass, but rushes at cosmic speed. It seems like only yesterday your son said his first “aha,” and today you are already getting him ready for first grade. What does onomastics tell us about the meaning of the name Samuel for a schoolchild? You are already accustomed to the fact that your son is working inside perpetual motion machine. This restless fidget is busy all day active games. Samuel gets along well with his peers, often acting as a leader in boyish amusements and pranks. But your child is so sweet and spontaneous that it is impossible to be angry with him.

Perhaps the origin of the name Samuel plays some role here (after all, in ancient times this man was able to lead the people), but your son will enjoy great authority among his peers. He won't even have to make any special efforts to do this in the form of treating his friends to candy or letting them ride his bike. Leadership will be facilitated by Samuel’s confidence in his knowledge and judgment, the ability to “hold an audience,” quick wit, and the ability to quickly respond to changing situations.

It would seem that such abilities, inherent in nature itself, would allow Samuel to become an excellent student at school. This could have happened if he hadn't been so restless. Revealing the meaning of the name Samuel for a schoolchild, it should be said that it will be difficult for him to sit quietly for all 45 minutes of the lesson, it is difficult to accurately write numbers and letters in a notebook. Quickly grasping educational material, Samuel will not be able to calmly wait for his classmates, whom nature has not endowed with such a clear mind, to learn. On this basis, you may have conflicts with teachers.

To help your son use his abilities correctly, it would be a good idea to interest him in additional activities in some club, send him to sports section. The child will need to throw out his energy somewhere. Otherwise, he will begin to perceive school classes as punishment. Of course, his successes from this perspective are unlikely to please you.

In addition, to make it easier for Samuel to adapt to school rules, you need to teach him responsibility in advance. He must learn to understand that everyone has certain responsibilities in life. The meaning of the name Samuel predicts that he will grow up to be very responsible if he internally realizes the need for this.


The last bell rang. School is a thing of the past. What awaits Samuel in adulthood? Where can he realize himself? Even if your son graduates from school with straight A's and wants to get higher education, do not advise him to enter technical universities. The work of an engineer or a machine worker is not for him. He has more suitable profession teacher, consultant, marketer. He will be interested in areas of activity where he can communicate with a large group of people. The gift of leadership will help him become a good manager of middle and large management (workshop, laboratory, faculty, department, and so on). However, this can happen if Samuel manages to work for some time as an ordinary employee. At the same time, he will show all his best qualities.

Don't be surprised if your son shows talent in music, creativity, or artistry at an early age. Perhaps the nationality of the name Samuel plays a certain role here, so to speak, because among Jews you rarely see a famous turner or agronomist, but among them there are many poets, musicians, scientists, and artists.

In the adult Samuel, from the period of his childhood, the ability to lead people will remain. He will still be smart, inquisitive, restless, purposeful. Only with age do these wonderful traits transform into creativity, sociability, and self-realization. Also, a sense of responsibility and justice will manifest and develop in Samuel.

He can try himself in law, politics, or the legal profession. However, most successful Samuel will be if he goes into private business.

Now let's talk about what activities are definitely not suitable for Samuel. He will not be able to work where he needs to do something monotonously and measuredly, repeating it day after day. This is work on an assembly line, regardless of industry, the profession of a tram or trolleybus driver, a machine operator, a merchandiser, a bank clerk.

Samuel can try to realize himself in medicine (especially as the owner of his own clinic), in the profession of an economist or consultant.


While revealing the meaning of the name Samuel, one cannot ignore his health. Onomastics reports that both children and adult men with this name will rarely get sick. Their activity and mobility provide good prerequisites for maintaining the body in excellent shape. This is especially true for those Samuels who will play sports. Since these people are characterized by sociability, sociability and logical thinking, depression will bypass them. Only Samuels who are in old age may develop problems with the heart and blood vessels. But this is true for most older people, no matter what their name is.


The origin and meaning of the name Samuel give us the right to confidently say that hypocrisy and deception will be alien to him. These are some of the main pitfalls against which family ships are broken into pieces. Samuel will build relationships with the opposite sex on the basis of trust and mutual respect. Most often, men whose name is Samuel are Jewish by nationality. It is still customary among these people to start a family with the person chosen by the parents. Therefore, crazy love and everything connected with it are usually not observed among Jewish couples. They are characterized by stability, balance, consistency. However, there are almost no divorces among Jews. They create strong families in which, as a rule, they feel happy people.

If there are no matchmaking traditions in your family, and your son’s name is Samuel, get ready for the fact that he will choose a mate according to his heart. When it “calls” it, onomastics does not tell. This can happen at 18, and at 25, and at 30. He will not start a family with a woman for whom his soul does not lie.

Of course, in the family, as in life, Samuel will be a leader. He will not get along with a woman who wants to keep her husband under her thumb. However, his leadership does not mean despotism. It is assumed that Samuel will be a caring, attentive, faithful, helpful husband, a master in the best sense of the word. He will confidently navigate his family ship, skillfully avoiding all obstacles.

A woman will be happy with him if she can show tact, patience and wisdom. The most favorable alliance for him is with Bella, Violetta, Asya, Ekaterina, Bogdana, Lydia, Aida, Larisa and Zlata.

However, this does not mean that Samuel will not be able to start a family with ladies whose names are different. He will not choose a beauty queen as his bride. For him more important qualities in a woman - this is the ability to compromise, thriftiness, sociability, intelligence, good character. He will not even be able to form friendship with a closed, always dissatisfied, selfish and hysterical person, despite all her external advantages.


While revealing the meaning of the Hebrew name Samuel, it is worth talking about what kind of father he will be. This people traditionally has only a good attitude towards their own children. As a rule, parents try to provide well for their heirs and create for them a worthy position in society. In their families one can often see continuity, that is, if the father is a doctor, then the children go into medicine, if the father is a lawyer, then the offspring choose a profession in law. We can confidently say that Samuel will treat his children very carefully and try to ensure that they do not need anything. His sociability and the makings of a leader will ensure that he becomes an indisputable authority for his offspring.

It doesn't matter what his nationality is. Samuel will become a wonderful husband and a wonderful father, whether he is Jewish, Russian, Belarusian, Kazakh or a representative of another nationality.

Characteristics of the name

Let's summarize what the name Samuel means. Let's call positive features possessed by a man bearing this name:

  • Firmness in your beliefs.
  • Communication skills.
  • Balanced calm.
  • Self-sufficiency.
  • Independence.
  • Reasonableness.
  • Authority.
  • Optimism.
  • Ingenuity.
  • Foresight.
  • Intelligence, talent.
  • Hyperactivity (idea generator).
  • High morality.
  • Reliability.

Every person has negative character traits. The main thing is that they do not dominate the positive ones. The origin and meaning of the name Samuel allows us to say that a person whose name is this will be able to control his emotions and will not become a slave to irrepressible desires.

What negative traits are inherent in Samuel? In childhood, this is restlessness, inability to concentrate on doing things homework. An adult Samuel may exhibit ambition, love of luxury, and authoritarianism. However, these qualities can be used for good, for example, to pursue a career or open a successful business.

Of course, all these traits will not necessarily manifest themselves in one person, because we are all different. Our character and our destiny are influenced by many factors, for example, the year and month of birth, planets, heredity and much more. Among these factors, not the least important are the letters of the first name, last name, and, to complete the picture, even the middle name.

Spelling out the name

If you believe the Kabbalistic hypothesis, then the Hebrew language was transmitted to the first man on earth by God himself. Therefore, each letter in it has a higher, one might say, divine meaning, which is inextricably linked with the fate of the individual. There is even a rare book “The Science of Letters”, where the author sets out the theory of “three levels” or “three worlds”, which unites knowledge of the principle of the existence of all things and the creation of the world. We can no longer accurately reproduce what the name Samuel sounded like more than three thousand years ago. But we have a modern version of the meanings of the letters that compose it, which also helps to draw some conclusions. To do this you only need to take full name. Samuel includes the following letters:

C - she occupies the first position, that is, it is her characteristics that will most clearly manifest themselves in a person. The letter “s” rewards a person with prudence, prudence, and logic. As a rule, people whose names begin with this letter are bright and extraordinary personalities, but not vain. They achieve all their benefits through diligence and hard work.

A is one of the letters that appears most often in names. Such people strive for success, have the rudiments of leadership, and are results-oriented. Those whose names begin with this letter can be selfish and inattentive to the problems of others. But for Samuel this is irrelevant. In his name, “a” occupies the second position.

M - the doctrine of letters says that “m” gives a person the ability to solve difficult problems. However, such people are often shy and uncommunicative. In Samuel, the meaning of “m” is only partially revealed, because this letter is in the middle of the name. She ranks third.

U - this letter is also in the middle of the name, so it does not fully reveal its meaning. According to the science of letters, it rewards the individual with acute intuition, humanism, and developed imagination. Usually people who have a “y” in their first or last name devote their lives to the fight for justice. The most striking example of this is Ulyanov (Lenin). However, the Samuels will not develop these qualities 100%. They will only help to develop morality, prudence, foresight and kindness (towards children, to animals, to people in general).

And - the letter occupies a place closer to the end of the name, but it is under stress. These two factors are surprisingly intertwined, exerting an extraordinary influence on Samuel. “I” endows people with romance and ingenuousness, a penchant for fantasy and exorbitant kindness. However, these traits are not typical for Samuel. In it from “and” you can see diligence and intelligence, dexterity and insight, which help to achieve great success in life. Samuel fantasizes a little. Rather, he prefers realism and a sober view of the situation.

L - this letter “closes” the name. Her position is twofold. It can either take almost no part in a person’s fate, or prevail when paired with the first letter. In general, “l” rewards those in whose name it appears with high creative abilities. There are many examples of this. The names of dozens of our “stars” contain one, or even two “l”. There are also plenty of creative personalities whose name is Samuel.

There are no repeated letters in the name. This means that a person does not have a dominant influence on his character; they are all equal.

Note that if you named your son Semyon, his character will have many traits inherent in Samuel, but the new letters will introduce their own characteristics. Thus, the double “e” (“e” is not interpreted separately) will reward a person with impulsiveness, the ability to take decisive actions that he will take before he thinks them through well. The letter “n” will add a bit of stubbornness and unwillingness to make concessions to his character.

We have figured out what the name Samuel means in letters. However, you also need to take into account the letters of the surname. Men change it much less often than women. Many ladies notice that after getting married and changing their last name, certain changes began in their lives. This is connected not only with the appearance of children and new worries. Even childless women can confirm that with a change of surname, things began to go a little differently for them in some areas. This could be relationships with friends, the situation at work, health, and so on.

Therefore, having chosen the name Samuel for your son, pay attention to the surname that he will bear.


It turns out that not only letters, but also their number in a name have meaning and influence on the character and destiny of a person. There are 6 of them in the name Samuel. A detailed explanation of how the number of letters in a name affects a person’s future was presented by the famous astrologer Pavel Globa. According to his theory, male names, including 6 letters, are not very favorable for their owners.

They are under the protection of Venus, which carries feminine energy. This makes them need to collaborate with a suitable partner.

With men whose names consist of 5 letters, not everything will go smoothly for the Samuels. Most likely, their common business will not be successful; they will not be able to work together.

Pavel Globa advises men whose names have 6 letters to form an alliance with women who have 5 letters in their names. From the list above, these are Lydia, Zlata, Bella.

The mystery of the name

It is believed that men whose name is Samuel are vulnerable and sentimental at heart, but they try not to show it. Only those closest to you know about these character traits.

There is no general consensus regarding the patron planet and the talismans of Samuel. In some sources you can find the following information:

  • Zodiac sign - Virgo.
  • Planet - Proserpina.
  • Color - purple. Accordingly, the flower is a violet.
  • Tree - elm (elm).
  • The totem animal is the stork.
  • The stone is chrysolite.

Other sources report that the Samuels are protected by the following elements and energies:

  • Libra.
  • Planet - Moon and Mercury.
  • Brown color.
  • The tree is chestnut.
  • The totem animal is the turtle dove.
  • The stone is jasper.

Samuel's lucky day of the week is Monday.

Angel's Day (name day) is celebrated by men named Samuel on the following days:

  • March 1, September 2, August 22 (Orthodox).
  • February 16 (Catholics).

People with the name Shamil do not celebrate Angel Day because they are not Christians.

Celebrities named Samuel

There are many such people in world history. If we talk about ancient times, we can name the prophet Samuel and the king of Bulgaria, who ruled the country since 971. His name was also Samuel.

Among the Russian and Soviet celebrities who bore this name, the most famous is the children's poet Samuil Marshak. He began to use his real name only after the revolution. At the beginning of his career, he signed his works with the name Weller, and during the period of the White Guard occupation, his accusatory feuilletons were “written” by a certain Dr. Fricken. It was this pseudonym that helped Marshak avoid arrest. Samuil Yakovlevich was a purebred Jew. He was engaged not only in writing poetry for children, but also in drama, translations, and worked as a screenwriter and literary critic.

Another talented Samuil is a cellist, teacher, and conductor with the somewhat unusual surname Samosud.

I would also like to name the writer Samuil Mirimsky, better known under the pseudonym Poletaev, artist Samuil Nevelshtein, astrophysicist Samuil Kaplan, cinematographer Samuil Fried, screenwriter, artist and cameraman Samuil Rubashkin, theater director Samuil Margolin.

Among foreigners, the most famous American is Samuel Finley Breeze Morse. He came up with a code that bears his name and invented the writing telegraph.

The Pole Samuil Bugomil, a famous historian and philologist, the Israeli poet Samuil (Shulem-Shmil) Schwartzburd, who killed Ataman Simon Petlyura, and the Russian-American Samuil Gardner, a composer and violinist, also left their mark on history.

What does the name Samuel mean?
This name means - God heard.

Origin of the name Samuel:
This name, first of all, has very ancient biblical roots, known to many. And, of course, this is where the energy of this comes from. beautiful name. But these days it is quite rare.

Character conveyed by the name Samuel:
If we talk about Samuel’s earliest childhood years, then, as a rule, he is always a very active boy. Thus, possessing an incredibly lively mind, he practically grasps on the fly everything that other children are given with maximum hard work. And this is probably why his extreme restlessness, although it brings some not too serious problems at school, is always perfectly compensated by the fact that Samuil manages to almost everything, catching up on time. His parents should, of course, pay attention Special attention to be able to instill in the boy at least some kind of perseverance, otherwise he may well have some problems in later life. It should be noted, however, that punishments will not help at all here. Incredibly dexterous and smart, Samuel, of course, will quickly learn to avoid punishment by any means, say, with the help of cunning, and this, in turn, can easily teach him to act in the same way in adulthood. But a properly raised Samuel will always be very responsible and even extremely principled.

It should be noted that his character, as a rule, is kind and very sympathetic; moreover, he always values ​​warm friendship and, of course, family relationships. His lively mind and always creative approach to any business will help him become an excellent worker over time, especially in some area of ​​creativity or communication with people. Among other things, Samuel always has an incredibly large number of friends, and his cozy home is open to absolutely everyone. And probably thanks to his excellent ability to clearly analyze all situations, Samuel will be an unusually good assistant or even an adviser to anyone who needs help at this moment.

He always knows how to listen to people, and can enter into all their problems, he is able to empathize with them. Also not at all devoid of sexual interests, Samuel will never make them an absolute priority. For him, as a rule, good relationships with women are important. In addition, he is always quite constant, and probably therefore will be a fairly good family man, moreover, a demanding, but very affectionate and gentle father, and also a madly loving spouse. He is extremely hospitable and incredibly friendly, and can be very hardworking and responsible. And besides, it’s always a pleasure to be around him, both for his friends and loved ones.

Short form of the name Samuel. Samuilka, Samunya, Samukha, Sanya, Samoilushka, Samonya, Samokha, Samosha, Sam, Sammy, Samuelito, Muel, Samu, Mumu, Samuka, Samuelino, Lele.
Synonyms for the name Samuel. Samoilo, Samoila, Samuel, Samuel, Shamuel, Shamil, Shimon, Shamo, Simon, Samvel, Samuel, Samuel, Zamuel, Samuel, Samuelos, Samuelus, Samuli, Sauil.
Origin of the name Samuel. The name Samuel is Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish.

The name Samuel is a modern version of the Hebrew name Shemuel (Shmuel), translated meaning “God heard.” This name is widespread among Jews, but also has various variations among other peoples.

So the name Samuel in Russian is most often used as Samoila, in European countries - Samuel, Samuel, among Armenians - Samvel, among Muslims - Shamil. One of the options for pronunciation and use of the name Samuel is the name Shimon (Simon), an analogue of the name Semyon (Simeon). The paired female name is Samuela.

The name Samuel was born in Old Testament Samuel is a great prophet and the last and most famous judge of Israel, who anointed Saul and David to the kingdom. Dates Orthodox name days Samuel - March 1, August 22, September 2, the remaining dates indicated are the Catholic name days of Samuel.

Samuel can be characterized as an objective, intelligent and generous-hearted person. Trying to achieve more in life, he forbids himself to be weak. Main character traits this man - activity, will, morality and receptivity. In addition, Samuel is active and somewhat proud.

IN early years Samuel is more active and mobile than assiduous. He is fascinated by all kinds of games, and his range of interests is so wide that it is difficult for the boy to stop at just one thing. Despite their curiosity and quick mind, some difficulties with their studies may arise during their school years. But in the end, Samuel catches up with his peers, quickly mastering the material he missed.

Parents should not deal with their son's restlessness by resorting to punishment. The boy's quick mind will tell him ways around it, and so Samuel will learn deception and cunning. Persuasion and appeals to conscience will not give the best results. The only way is to instill in Samuel the right interests, then the problem will disappear by itself.

During his years of study, Samuel becomes a diligent student, and then a student. His parents do not need to guide him; the young man himself approaches the choice of his future fate quite responsibly. If during these years the young man does not get used to deception and cunning, his fate can turn out very well. He is ambitious and will gradually learn to make efforts to achieve his goal. Especially in his career, his ability to think quickly and have a rich imagination will help him. Good success awaits the young man in a profession related to creativity.

Although Samuel is quite efficient, you will not see a fanatical zeal for work in him. He sets himself a task that will be clearly defined and brings it to the end. A man chooses a profession largely from the standpoint of its social significance. Samuel has extensive knowledge, which he acquires thanks to his good memory and analytical mind. He is able to look at any problem in its entirety and make the right decision based on this. Samuel’s willpower also helps him in solving problems, although a man shows this quality only in the most extreme cases. Samuel's greatest success awaits him in a career in which competence and selflessness are important.

Samuel is highly moral. Both in life and in work, he will never act contrary to his conscience. Although a man is temperamental, he rarely follows his desires and temptations. Having married, Samuel becomes good husband. As a father, he is demanding and affectionate. A man lives a rich inner life, which makes him an extraordinary person.

When communicating with Samuel, one cannot help but notice the tact and balance of this man. He treats all people sensitively and kindly, but does not give in to the influence of others. You shouldn't even try to convince him of anything. Communication with Samuel has a very positive effect on people. This person is completely devoid of even the slightest drop of aggressiveness. Friends appreciate his sense of humor and optimism. Problems in communicating with Samuel can only arise if the interlocutor touches his pride.

Samuil's name day

Samuel celebrates his name day on February 16, March 1, August 9, August 20, August 22, September 2, October 10.

Famous people named Samuel

  • Samuel (Shmuel) (biblical prophet, the last and most famous of the judges of Israel (XI century BC). Samuel was brought up at the Tabernacle during the most difficult and troubled time in the life of the Israelis. He was the reformer of his people. Under the weak high priest and Judge Elijah (Eli) morale fell to the extreme; the people had to endure a severe defeat from the Philistines, who as a result captured the greatest shrine - the Ark of the Covenant.)
  • Archangel Samuel (one of the angels. He is the patron saint of musicians, poets, writers, artists - people who have talents from God, or a penchant for creativity. He also often and with pleasure helps children.)
  • Tsar Samuel ((d.1014) king of Bulgaria (980-1014) from the Komitopulov dynasty. In fact, he began to rule Bulgaria in 971 as a military leader. After the death of his older brothers David and Moses in 980, he became the king of Bulgaria, marking the beginning of the Komitopulov dynasty. )
  • Metropolitan Samuil ((1731 – 1796) in the world - Simeon of Mislavsky; Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia. Philosopher, theologian.)
  • Samuil Samosud ((1884 - 1964) Russian and Soviet conductor, teacher, cellist. People's Artist of the USSR (1937). Winner of three Stalin Prizes (1941, 1947, 1952).)
  • Samuil Marshak ((1887 - 1964) Soviet poet, playwright, translator, literary critic. Laureate of the Lenin (1963) and four Stalin Prizes (1942, 1946, 1949, 1951). Streets in Voronezh, Cheboksary, Kyiv, Donetsk are named after Samuil Marshak , Kramatorsk and Yalta. The image of Samuil Marshak was used in Vyacheslav Butusov’s humorous song “Zvezdochka” (solo album “Ovals”, 1998. In Voronezh, 2012 was declared the Year of Marshak.)
  • Samuil Barsky ((1853 - ?) Russian journalist. Brother of the St. Petersburg journalist, employee of the magazine “Rassvet” Abraham Barsky.)
  • Samuil Mirimsky ((born 1922) pseudonym - S.E. Poletaev; Russian writer, editor. Awarded medals. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1965) and the Union of Moscow Writers.)
  • Samuil Nevelshtein ((1903 - 1983) Soviet artist, painter, graphic artist, teacher, member of the Leningrad organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR)
  • Samuel Cunard ((1787 - 1865) one of the largest shipowners of the 19th century. He signed a contract with the British government to transport mail between Boston, Newfoundland and Halifax. By 1812, the company owned a fleet of 40 sailing ships. During the War of 1812, he volunteered and rose to the rank of captain. By 1837 he became a millionaire and the father of 9 children (2/7). In 1839, together with a number of partners, he founded a shipping mail company - the British and North American Royal Mail Packet Company, which later received his name (nowadays). The Cunard Line Company), with the support of the British Postal Administration, in 1840, the voyage of the steamship Britannia from Liverpool to Boston marked the beginning of regular transatlantic cargo-passenger shipping. shipping, Cunard received a knighthood from Queen Victoria.)
  • Prince Samuil Koretsky ((d.1622) the head of the Koretsky magnate family after the death of his father Yakim in 1613, on his mother’s side he was the nephew of Hetman Jan Karol Chodkiewicz. During the campaign against Moscow he led one of the Cossack detachments, distinguished himself at Klushin, delivered provisions to the Polish garrison in the Kremlin. Having married Katerina, the daughter of the Moldavian ruler Jeremiah Mogila, he supported the Mogil family in its claims to rule in the Moldavian principality.)
  • Samuel Kaplan ((1921 - 1978) Russian astrophysicist, professor, author of seventeen books and more than one hundred and fifty scientific papers)
  • Samuel Finley Breeze Morse ((1791 - 1872) American inventor and artist. The most famous inventions are the electromagnetic writing telegraph (“Morse apparatus”, 1836) and the Morse code. On May 24, 1844, the first dispatch was sent between Washington and Baltimore using the Morse method with text: “Wonderful are Your works, O Lord.”)
  • Samuil Frid ((1909 - 1985) Soviet cinematographer and director)
  • Sidney Reilly, other translations Reilly, Reilly (Georges de Lafar), Reilly ((1873 - 1925) birth name, presumably Solomon or Samuel or Sigmund Rosenblum; British intelligence officer active in 1910-1920 in Russia and the Middle East. One of the prototypes of James Bond in Ian Fleming's novels.)
  • Shulem-Shmil (Samuel) Schwartzburd, also known as Shulim Shvartsburd, Sholem-Shmuel Schwartzbord and Sholom Schwartzbard ((1886 - 1938) Jewish poet, publicist and anarchist who killed Simon Petlyura and was acquitted by a French court. He wrote in Yiddish under the pseudonym “Bal- Haloymes" (Dreamer).)
  • Samuel Zwilling ((1891 - 1918) one of the organizers of the 1917 revolution in St. Petersburg, a major figure in the RSDLP(b) Southern Urals in 1917-1918)
  • Samuel Furer ((1909 - 1979) Soviet violinist, graduate of P.S. Stolyarsky’s music school, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Samuil Rubashkin ((1906 - 1975) Russian screenwriter, cinematographer and artist)
  • Samuil Aizikovich ((1882 - 1963) Russian and Soviet architect, civil engineer, specialist in the design of residential buildings)
  • Samuil Bohumil (Theophilus) Linde ((1771 - 1847) Polish scientist-lexicographer, philologist and historian. Compiler of the six-volume Dictionary published in 1807-1814 Polish language" - the first voluminous dictionary of the Polish language.)
  • Samuel Gardner ((1891 - 1984) American violinist and composer of Russian origin)
  • Samuil Margolin (Mikaelo) ((1893 - 1953) Russian theater director and critic)
  • Samuel (Shamuel) Aba ((c.990 - 1044) Hungarian king (1041-1044), was married to the sister of King Stephen I the Saint. From Samuel Aba comes his origin, although without convincing evidence, of one of the Hungarian noble families, whose name V late XIX century was called the county of Abauj (part of the modern county of Borsod-Abauj-Zemplén).)
  • Samuel (Sammy) Ameobi ((b. 1992) English footballer of Nigerian origin. England youth team player. Sam plays as a striker, but can also play as a left or right winger.)
  • Samuil Krym ((1835 - 1898) prominent Karaite public figure, teacher)
  • Samuel Theodor Quelmaltz ((1696 - 1758) German physician-writer)
  • Samuil Medvedovsky ((1891 - 1924) holder of two Orders of the Red Banner of the RSFSR, full Knight of St. George, participant in the First World War and the Civil War)
  • Samuil Polyakov ((1837 - 1888) famous concessionaire and builder of railways in Russian Empire, philanthropist. According to S.Yu. Witte, Samuil Polyakov was “the most famous of the railway aces.”)
  • Samuil Guz ((1905 - 1969) a major Soviet metallurgical engineer, “the father of Soviet titanium”. He worked at the Dnieper magnesium plant, from 1935 - the chief engineer of the plant. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, continuing his activities as chief engineer, he supervised the relocation of the Dnieper magnesium plant to Solikamsk. Developed (together with A.F. Pavlov, N.N. Kichin, V.P. Sipailov and V.V. Shchenkov) a technology for the industrial production of titanium. Participated in the creation of the Soviet titanium industry. Since 1942 - director of the Polevsky cryolite plant (Polevskoye). In 1954-1960 - chief engineer of the Zaporozhye titanium-magnesium plant. In 1961-1968 - chief metallurgist of the Titanium Institute (Zaporozhye). During these years, he took part in the construction and launch (including as chairman of the State Reception Committee) of the Bereznikovsky and Ust-Kamenogorsk titanium-magnesium plants. Author of textbooks on titanium production technology.)
  • Samuel Müller ((1848 - 1922) Dutch historian)
  • Samuel Gibs ((d.1795) vice admiral, hero of the Archipelago expedition of 1769-1774)
  • Samuel Zaks ((1884 - 1937) literary pseudonyms - I.I. Gladnev and I.I. Gladyshev, party pseudonyms - Alexander and Khoma Brut; Russian revolutionary, son of a wealthy St. Petersburg manufacturer Marcus Rafailovich Zaks)
  • Samuil Levitin ((1876 - ?) Russian educator, national teacher, member of the editorial board of the famous pedagogical publication “Russian School”, journalist)
  • Samuil Zhukhovitsky ((born 1916) Soviet and Russian chess player, international master (1967), coach)
  • Samuel Gordon ((1909 - 1998) Soviet Jewish writer (Yiddish))
  • Samuil Velichko ((1670 - ca. 1728) Ukrainian chronicler. The main work is “Chronicle of events in South-Western Russia in the 17th century” (1848-1864), in which Velichko, using a relatively wide range of Ukrainian and foreign sources, sets out history of Ukraine in connection with the history of Russia, Poland, Moldova. In particular, one of the sources was the diaries of the Polish chronicler S. Okolsky about the suppression of the peasant-Cossack uprising in 1638 by Polish troops, translated by S. Lukomsky in the 18th century.)
  • Samuel Buachidze ((1882 - 1918) pseudonym - Noah; Russian Bolshevik revolutionary, one of the leaders of the struggle for Soviet power in the North Caucasus)
  • Samuel Amsler ((1791 - 1849) Swiss engraver of the 19th century. Amsler’s first major work was “Magdalene” by Carl Dolce, after which he went to Rome in 1816, where he joined the New German school. Amsler was a passionate admirer of Raphael and achieved great success in the reproduction of his works. Together with Karl Barth, he prepared the title page for the book “The Song of the Nibelungs” from a drawing by Peter Joseph von Cornelius. During his second stay in Rome (1820-1824), he began his large work depicting the triumphal procession of Alexander. Thorvaldsen. The accuracy of the drawing and the free, bold manner of his cutter, completely consistent with the original - qualities that he showed in his other work, in the engraving from the statue of Danneker "Christ" - gave him a place among the most famous masters of copper engraving. His most significant works were the engraving of “John” by Domenichino. His last major work, on which he worked from 1840 to 1847, was a copy of Johann Friedrich Overbeck’s painting “The Triumph of Faith in Art” (in Frankfurt, at the Städel Institute).
  • Samuil Bernstein ((1910/1911 - 1997) Russian linguist-Slavicist, Balkanist, dialectologist, specialist in the Bulgarian language, linguistic geography. Author of memoirs, historian of science.)
  • Samuil Kozinets ((1912 - 1941) Soviet football player, defender. At the turn of 1930-1940, he was considered one of the best defenders in Leningrad.)
  • Samuel Maikapar ((1867 - 1938) famous pianist and composer, teacher at the Petrograd Conservatory, music writer. Grandfather of Alexander Maikapar. Karaite by origin. A multi-talented musician, Maikapar was known as the author of a number of piano pieces for children and youth. In particular, His cycle of piano miniatures “Spillkins”, his romances and “Musical Ear” (Moscow, 1900) gained great popularity.)
  • Samoilo (Samuel) Zborowski ((d.1584) Polish military and political leader, royal captain, magnate, hetman of Ukraine in 1581. Son of the Castellan of Krakow Martin Zborovsky and Anna Konarska, the most famous of the brothers.)
  • Samoilo Samus ((died about 1713) Ukrainian political and military leader, Colonel Vinnytsia and Boguslavsky (1688-1713), appointed hetman of Right Bank Ukraine. With I. Samus played a major role in the restoration of the Cossacks in Right Bank Ukraine in the 80s of the XVII centuries.)
  • Samoilo (Samuil) Koshka aka Matvey Kushka ((1530 - 1602/1620) Koshevoy ataman, hetman (1574-1575, 1599-1602). He led the Cossack army in the Infland campaign, a number of sea campaigns: to Gezlev, Izmail, Ochakov, Belgorod -Dnestrovsky.)
  • Samoila Ryabov ((1813 - ca. 1880) Russian soldier, participant in the Caucasian War. For his distinction during the assault on Akhulgo Ryabov was awarded the insignia of the Military Order of St. George for No. 74554. In 1880, court adviser A.V. Derzhavin wrote down a story in Stavropol Samoily Ryabov about his military service in the Caucasus and the fall of the Tsatanykh fortification. This story was published in the 18th volume of the “Caucasian Collection” for 1897. Ryabov’s story is one of those extremely few sources on the history of the war in the Caucasus, belonging to the lower ranks of the Caucasian army. .)
  • Samuele Romanini ((born 1976) Italian bobsledder, accelerater, played for the Italian national team from 1998 to 2011. Participant of two winter Olympic Games, winner of a bronze medal at the World Championship, medalist and winner of the World Cup stages.)
  • Samuele Dalla Bona ((born 1981) Italian football player, central midfielder. Player of the Mantova club.)
  • Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann ((1755 - 1843) founder of homeopathy)
  • Samuel Didier Biang ((born 1974) former Cameroonian footballer, forward)
  • Samuel Graves ((1713 - 1787) British admiral, best known for his role in the early American War for independence)
  • Samuel Kwok ((born 1948) master of Wing Chun Kung Fu, student of Ip Chin and Ip Chun - sons of the patriarch of Wing Chun - Ip Man. For several years, Samuel Kwok studied Wing Chun under the guidance of Ip Chun and subsequently opened his first school in Hong Kong. In 1981, master Ip Chun appointed Samuel Kwok as the overseas representative of the Ip Man Martial Arts Association. In the same year, master Samuel returned to the UK and began giving private lessons in Wing Chun. The popularity of the art, which was not yet very widespread at that time, grew. In the same year, the master opened his first school. In 1981, he organized the first Wing Chun seminar in the UK. Over the next 10 years, seminars were held regularly. In 1991, Master Samuel Kwok held the first joint seminar in the UK with two great masters and direct heirs of knowledge. Wing Chun Kung Fu by Ip Man - by his sons Ip Chin Ip Chun Similar seminars were also held in the next 10 years, including in the United States. In 1998, Master Samuel Kwok received an honorary Bachelor of Arts from the University of Manchester for his contribution to the development and promotion of martial arts. Currently (2011) the Samuel Kwok Wing Chun Kung Fu Association is one of the largest communities practicing Kung Fu. Her students are in Russia, the USA, South Africa and Australia, Brazil. Samuel Kwok continues to personally teach students and conduct seminars.)
  • Samuel Inkum ((b.1989) Ghanaian footballer)
  • Samuel Le Bihan ((born 1965) French actor)
  • Samuel Liddell (or Liddell) "McGregor" Mathers ((1854 - 1918) born Samuel Liddell Mathers; famous magician, one of the most influential occultists of his time, Rosicrucian and tarot reader. Mainly known as one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn - ceremonially -a magical order, branches of which exist to this day.)
  • Samuel (Chaim) Granovsky ((1889 - 1942) French artist, painter and sculptor Jewish origin. He was interested in Dadaism. Known as a set designer, artist of Tristan Tzara’s play “Heart of the Air” (1923) and a sculptor, participant in exhibitions at the Salon of Independents.)
  • Samuel Weiner ((1910 - 1980) birth name - Samuel Chaimovich Weiner; prominent Brazilian journalist and editor. Samuel Weiner was for many years a reporter for the newspaper Diários Associados, the only Brazilian journalist at the Nuremberg trials. A school in San is named after Samuel Weiner Paulo (Escola Estadual Samuel Wainer).)
  • Samuel von Coczei ((1679 - 1755) German lawyer and statesman. Von Coczei was at the forefront of the work on the Prussian legal reform carried out by Frederick the Great. In 1749, Samuel von Coczei completed and entered into legal force a new set of laws “Corpus juris Fridericianum ", which in its impact on the socio-legal sphere is comparable to the Justinian Code. His works earned him the nicknames of the “prince of lawyers” and “Hercules, who cleared the Augean stables of Prussian law.” In 1780, however, this code was revised again by von Karmer. .)
  • Samuel Eto'o Fis ((born 1981) Cameroonian footballer, forward)
  • Samuel Eilenberg ((1913 - 1998) Polish and American mathematician. Main works in the field of algebraic topology (the most famous system of axioms of the Eilenberg-Steenrod homology theory) and homological algebra. He was the creator (together with S. McLane) of category theory. They also introduced spaces Eilenberg - MacLane K(G,n), having a unique non-trivial homotopy group G in dimension n. His work in the field of automata theory is important. He was a member of the famous “Nicolas Bourbaki” group, and one of its few. participants are not French.)
  • Samuel Tsegay (Eritrean runner long distances. Silver medalist at the 2009 World Half Marathon Championships in the team competition. Silver medalist at the 2010 World Cross Country Championships in the team competition.)
  • Samuel Richardson ((1689 - 1761) English writer, founder of the “sensitive” literature of the 18th and early XIX centuries He became famous for his three epistolary novels: Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded (1740), Clarissa, or the Story of a Young Lady (1748), and The History of Sir Charles Grandison (1753). In addition to his writing career, Richardson was a reputable printer and publisher and published about 500 different works, numerous newspapers and magazines.)
  • Samuel Gridley Howie ((1801 - 1876) in Russian translation also Gou, Gove; prominent American doctor and teacher of the 19th century, abolitionist, philhellene and philanthropist, participant in the Greek War of Liberation of 1821-1829 and the American Civil War)
  • Samuele Longo ((born 1992) Italian football player, forward)
  • Samuel Salmi ((born 1951) bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, has headed the diocese of Oulu since January 1, 2001)
  • Sauil the Arrogant ((488 - 590) Briton, eldest son of Pabo, King of the Pennines. Sauil was buried under a mound known as the Mound of Benahela, but in 1850 his remains were removed from the grave, stripped of the royal regalia and reburied under a simple hexagonal stone resembling shaped like a shield.)

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Samuel is detailed description origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Samuel. Samuilka, Samunya, Samukha, Sanya, Samoilushka, Samonya, Samokha, Samosha, Sam, Sammy, Samuelito, Muel, Samu, Mumu, Samuka, Samuelino, Lele.
Synonyms for the name Samuel. Samoilo, Samoila, Samuel, Samuel, Shamuel, Shamil, Shimon, Simon, Samvel, Samuel, Samuel, Zamuel, Samuel, Samuelos, Samuelus, Samuli, Sauil.
Origin of the name Samuel. The name Samuel is Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish.

The name Samuel is a modern version of the Hebrew name Shemuel (Shmuel), translated meaning “God heard.” This name is widespread among Jews, but also has various variations among other peoples.

So the name Samuel in Russian is most often used as Samoila, in European countries - Samuel, Samuel, among Armenians - Samvel, among Muslims - Shamil. One of the options for pronunciation and use of the name Samuel is the name Shimon (Simon), an analogue of the name Semyon (Simeon). The paired female name is Samuela.

The name Samuel was borne in the Old Testament by Samuel, the great prophet and the last and most famous judge of Israel, who anointed Saul and David to the kingdom. The dates of Samuel's Orthodox name days are March 1, August 22, September 2, the remaining dates indicated are Samuel's Catholic name days.

Samuel can be characterized as an objective, intelligent and generous-hearted person. Trying to achieve more in life, he forbids himself to be weak. The main characteristic features of this man are activity, will, morality and receptivity. In addition, Samuel is active and somewhat proud.

In his early years, Samuel is more active and mobile than assiduous. He is fascinated by all kinds of games, and his range of interests is so wide that it is difficult for the boy to stop at just one thing. Despite their curiosity and quick mind, some difficulties with their studies may arise during their school years. But in the end, Samuel catches up with his peers, quickly mastering the material he missed.

Parents should not deal with their son's restlessness by resorting to punishment. The boy's quick mind will tell him ways around it, and so Samuel will learn deception and cunning. Persuasion and appeals to conscience will not give the best results. The only way is to instill in Samuel the right interests, then the problem will disappear by itself.

During his years of study, Samuel becomes a diligent student, and then a student. His parents do not need to guide him; the young man himself approaches the choice of his future fate quite responsibly. If during these years the young man does not get used to deception and cunning, his fate can turn out very well. He is ambitious and will gradually learn to make efforts to achieve his goal. Especially in his career, his ability to think quickly and have a rich imagination will help him. Good success awaits the young man in a profession related to creativity.

Although Samuel is quite efficient, you will not see a fanatical zeal for work in him. He sets himself a task that will be clearly defined and brings it to the end. A man chooses a profession largely from the standpoint of its social significance. Samuel has extensive knowledge, which he acquires thanks to his good memory and analytical mind. He is able to look at any problem in its entirety and make the right decision based on this. Samuel’s willpower also helps him in solving problems, although a man shows this quality only in the most extreme cases. Samuel's greatest success awaits him in a career in which competence and selflessness are important.

Samuel is highly moral. Both in life and in work, he will never act contrary to his conscience. Although a man is temperamental, he rarely follows his desires and temptations. Having married, Samuel becomes a good husband. As a father, he is demanding and affectionate. A man lives a rich inner life, which makes him an extraordinary person.

When communicating with Samuel, one cannot help but notice the tact and balance of this man. He treats all people sensitively and kindly, but does not give in to the influence of others. You shouldn't even try to convince him of anything. Communication with Samuel has a very positive effect on people. This person is completely devoid of even the slightest drop of aggressiveness. Friends appreciate his sense of humor and optimism. Problems in communicating with Samuel can only arise if the interlocutor touches his pride.

Famous people named Samuel

  • Samuel (Shmuel) (biblical prophet, the last and most famous of the judges of Israel (XI century BC). Samuel was brought up at the Tabernacle during the most difficult and troubled time in the life of the Israelis. He was the reformer of his people. Under the weak high priest and Judge Elijah (Eli) morale fell to the extreme; the people had to endure a severe defeat from the Philistines, who as a result captured the greatest shrine - the Ark of the Covenant.)
  • Archangel Samuel (one of the angels. He is the patron saint of musicians, poets, writers, artists - people who have talents from God, or a penchant for creativity. He also often and with pleasure helps children.)
  • Tsar Samuel ((d.1014) king of Bulgaria (980-1014) from the Komitopulov dynasty. In fact, he began to rule Bulgaria in 971 as a military leader. After the death of his older brothers David and Moses in 980, he became the king of Bulgaria, marking the beginning of the Komitopulov dynasty. )
  • Metropolitan Samuil ((1731 – 1796) in the world - Simeon of Mislavsky; Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia. Philosopher, theologian.)
  • Samuil Samosud ((1884 - 1964) Russian and Soviet conductor, teacher, cellist. People's Artist of the USSR (1937). Winner of three Stalin Prizes (1941, 1947, 1952).)
  • Samuil Marshak ((1887 - 1964) Soviet poet, playwright, translator, literary critic. Laureate of the Lenin (1963) and four Stalin Prizes (1942, 1946, 1949, 1951). Streets in Voronezh, Cheboksary, Kyiv, Donetsk are named after Samuil Marshak , Kramatorsk and Yalta. The image of Samuil Marshak was used in Vyacheslav Butusov’s humorous song “Zvezdochka” (solo album “Ovals”, 1998. In Voronezh, 2012 was declared the Year of Marshak.)
  • Samuil Barsky ((1853 - ?) Russian journalist. Brother of the St. Petersburg journalist, employee of the magazine “Rassvet” Abraham Barsky.)
  • Samuil Mirimsky ((born 1922) pseudonym - S.E. Poletaev; Russian writer, editor. Awarded medals. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1965) and the Union of Moscow Writers.)
  • Samuil Nevelshtein ((1903 - 1983) Soviet artist, painter, graphic artist, teacher, member of the Leningrad organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR)
  • Samuel Cunard ((1787 - 1865) one of the largest shipowners of the 19th century. He signed a contract with the British government to transport mail between Boston, Newfoundland and Halifax. By 1812, the company owned a fleet of 40 sailing ships. During the War of 1812, he volunteered and rose to the rank of captain. By 1837 he became a millionaire and the father of 9 children (2/7). In 1839, together with a number of partners, he founded a shipping mail company - the British and North American Royal Mail Packet Company, which later received his name (nowadays). The Cunard Line Company), with the support of the British Postal Administration, in 1840, the voyage of the steamship Britannia from Liverpool to Boston marked the beginning of regular transatlantic cargo-passenger shipping. shipping, Cunard received a knighthood from Queen Victoria.)
  • Prince Samuil Koretsky ((d.1622) the head of the Koretsky magnate family after the death of his father Yakim in 1613, on his mother’s side he was the nephew of Hetman Jan Karol Chodkiewicz. During the campaign against Moscow he led one of the Cossack detachments, distinguished himself at Klushin, delivered provisions to the Polish garrison in the Kremlin. Having married Katerina, the daughter of the Moldavian ruler Jeremiah Mogila, he supported the Mogil family in its claims to rule in the Moldavian principality.)
  • Samuel Kaplan ((1921 - 1978) Russian astrophysicist, professor, author of seventeen books and more than one hundred and fifty scientific papers)
  • Samuel Finley Breeze Morse ((1791 - 1872) American inventor and artist. The most famous inventions are the electromagnetic writing telegraph (“Morse apparatus”, 1836) and the Morse code. On May 24, 1844, the first dispatch was sent between Washington and Baltimore using the Morse method with text: “Wonderful are Your works, O Lord.”)
  • Samuil Frid ((1909 - 1985) Soviet cinematographer and director)
  • Sidney Reilly, other translations Reilly, Reilly (Georges de Lafar), Reilly ((1873 - 1925) birth name, presumably Solomon or Samuel or Sigmund Rosenblum; British intelligence officer active in 1910-1920 in Russia and the Middle East. One of the prototypes of James Bond in Ian Fleming's novels.)
  • Shulem-Shmil (Samuel) Schwartzburd, also known as Shulim Shvartsburd, Sholem-Shmuel Schwartzbord and Sholom Schwartzbard ((1886 - 1938) Jewish poet, publicist and anarchist who killed Simon Petlyura and was acquitted by a French court. He wrote in Yiddish under the pseudonym “Bal- Haloymes" (Dreamer).)
  • Samuel Zwilling ((1891 - 1918) one of the organizers of the 1917 revolution in St. Petersburg, a major figure in the RSDLP (b) in the Southern Urals in 1917-1918)
  • Samuel Furer ((1909 - 1979) Soviet violinist, graduate of P.S. Stolyarsky’s music school, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Samuil Rubashkin ((1906 - 1975) Russian screenwriter, cinematographer and artist)
  • Samuil Aizikovich ((1882 - 1963) Russian and Soviet architect, civil engineer, specialist in the design of residential buildings)
  • Samuil Bogumil (Theophilus) Linde ((1771 - 1847) Polish scientist-lexicographer, philologist and historian. Compiler of the six-volume “Dictionary of the Polish Language” published in 1807-1814 - the first voluminous dictionary of the Polish language.)
  • Samuel Gardner ((1891 - 1984) American violinist and composer of Russian origin)
  • Samuil Margolin (Mikaelo) ((1893 - 1953) Russian theater director and critic)
  • Samuel (Shamuel) Aba ((c.990 - 1044) Hungarian king (1041-1044), was married to the sister of King Stephen I the Saint. From Samuel Aba comes his origin, although without convincing evidence, of one of the Hungarian noble families, whose name at the end of the 19th century it was called the county of Abauj (part of the modern county of Borsod-Abauj-Zemplén).)
  • Samuel (Sammy) Ameobi ((b. 1992) English footballer of Nigerian origin. England youth team player. Sam plays as a striker, but can also play as a left or right winger.)
  • Samuil Krym ((1835 - 1898) prominent Karaite public figure, teacher)
  • Samuel Theodor Quelmaltz ((1696 - 1758) German physician-writer)
  • Samuil Medvedovsky ((1891 - 1924) holder of two Orders of the Red Banner of the RSFSR, full Knight of St. George, participant in the First World War and the Civil War)
  • Samuil Polyakov ((1837 - 1888) famous concessionaire and builder of railways in the Russian Empire, philanthropist. According to S.Yu. Witte, Samuil Polyakov was “the most famous of the railway aces.”)
  • Samuil Guz ((1905 - 1969) a major Soviet metallurgical engineer, “father of Soviet titanium”. He worked at the Dnieper magnesium plant, from 1935 - chief engineer of the plant. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, continuing his activities as chief engineer, he supervised the relocation of the Dnieper magnesium plant plant in Solikamsk. Developed (together with A.F. Pavlov, N.N. Kichin, V.P. Sipailov and V.V. Shchenkov) the technology for industrial production of titanium. Participated in the creation of the Soviet titanium industry. Since 1942 - director of Polevsky cryolite. plant (Polevskoye). In 1954-1960 - chief engineer of the Zaporozhye titanium-magnesium plant. In 1961-1968 - chief metallurgist of the Titanium Institute (Zaporozhye). During these years, he took part in the construction and launch (including as chairman of the State Reception Committee). Bereznikovsky and Ust-Kamenogorsk titanium-magnesium plants. Author of textbooks on titanium production technology.)
  • Samuel Müller ((1848 - 1922) Dutch historian)
  • Samuel Gibs ((d.1795) vice admiral, hero of the Archipelago expedition of 1769-1774)
  • Samuel Zaks ((1884 - 1937) literary pseudonyms - I.I. Gladnev and I.I. Gladyshev, party pseudonyms - Alexander and Khoma Brut; Russian revolutionary, son of a wealthy St. Petersburg manufacturer Marcus Rafailovich Zaks)
  • Samuil Levitin ((1876 - ?) Russian educator, national teacher, member of the editorial board of the famous pedagogical publication “Russian School”, journalist)
  • Samuil Zhukhovitsky ((born 1916) Soviet and Russian chess player, international master (1967), coach)
  • Samuel Gordon ((1909 - 1998) Soviet Jewish writer (Yiddish))
  • Samuil Velichko ((1670 - ca. 1728) Ukrainian chronicler. The main work is “Chronicle of events in South-Western Russia in the 17th century” (1848-1864), in which Velichko, using a relatively wide range of Ukrainian and foreign sources, sets out history of Ukraine in connection with the history of Russia, Poland, Moldova. In particular, one of the sources was the diaries of the Polish chronicler S. Okolsky about the suppression of the peasant-Cossack uprising in 1638 by Polish troops, translated by S. Lukomsky in the 18th century.)
  • Samuel Buachidze ((1882 - 1918) pseudonym - Noah; Russian Bolshevik revolutionary, one of the leaders of the struggle for Soviet power in the North Caucasus)
  • Samuel Amsler ((1791 - 1849) Swiss engraver of the 19th century. Amsler’s first major work was “Magdalene” by Carl Dolce, after which he went to Rome in 1816, where he joined the New German school. Amsler was a passionate admirer of Raphael and achieved great success in the reproduction of his works. Together with Karl Barth, he prepared the title page for the book “The Song of the Nibelungs” from a drawing by Peter Joseph von Cornelius. During his second stay in Rome (1820-1824), he began his large work depicting the triumphal procession of Alexander. Thorvaldsen. The accuracy of the drawing and the free, bold manner of his cutter, completely consistent with the original - qualities that he showed in his other work, in the engraving from the statue of Danneker "Christ" - gave him a place among the most famous masters of copper engraving. His most significant works were the engraving of “John” by Domenichino. His last major work, on which he worked from 1840 to 1847, was a copy of Johann Friedrich Overbeck’s painting “The Triumph of Faith in Art” (in Frankfurt, at the Städel Institute).
  • Samuil Bernstein ((1910/1911 - 1997) Russian linguist-Slavicist, Balkanist, dialectologist, specialist in the Bulgarian language, linguistic geography. Author of memoirs, historian of science.)
  • Samuil Kozinets ((1912 - 1941) Soviet football player, defender. At the turn of 1930-1940, he was considered one of the best defenders in Leningrad.)
  • Samuel Maikapar ((1867 - 1938) famous pianist and composer, teacher at the Petrograd Conservatory, music writer. Grandfather of Alexander Maikapar. Karaite by origin. A multi-talented musician, Maikapar was known as the author of a number of piano pieces for children and youth. In particular, His cycle of piano miniatures “Spillkins”, his romances and “Musical Ear” (Moscow, 1900) gained great popularity.)
  • Samoilo (Samuel) Zborowski ((d.1584) Polish military and political leader, royal captain, magnate, hetman of Ukraine in 1581. Son of the Castellan of Krakow Martin Zborovsky and Anna Konarska, the most famous of the brothers.)
  • Samoilo Samus ((died about 1713) Ukrainian political and military leader, Colonel Vinnytsia and Boguslavsky (1688-1713), appointed hetman of Right Bank Ukraine. With I. Samus played a major role in the restoration of the Cossacks in Right Bank Ukraine in the 80s of the XVII centuries.)
  • Samoilo (Samuil) Koshka aka Matvey Kushka ((1530 - 1602/1620) Koshevoy ataman, hetman (1574-1575, 1599-1602). He led the Cossack army in the Infland campaign, a number of sea campaigns: to Gezlev, Izmail, Ochakov, Belgorod -Dnestrovsky.)
  • Samoila Ryabov ((1813 - ca. 1880) Russian soldier, participant in the Caucasian War. For his distinction during the assault on Akhulgo Ryabov was awarded the insignia of the Military Order of St. George for No. 74554. In 1880, court adviser A.V. Derzhavin wrote down a story in Stavropol Samoily Ryabov about his military service in the Caucasus and the fall of the Tsatanykh fortification. This story was published in the 18th volume of the “Caucasian Collection” for 1897. Ryabov’s story is one of those extremely few sources on the history of the war in the Caucasus, belonging to the lower ranks of the Caucasian army. .)
  • Samuele Romanini ((born 1976) Italian bobsledder, speeder, played for the Italian national team from 1998 to 2011. Participant in two Winter Olympic Games, winner of a bronze medal at the World Championship, medalist and winner of World Cup stages.)
  • Samuele Dalla Bona ((born 1981) Italian football player, central midfielder. Player of the Mantova club.)
  • Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann ((1755 - 1843) founder of homeopathy)
  • Samuel Didier Biang ((born 1974) former Cameroonian footballer, forward)
  • Samuel Graves ((1713 - 1787) British admiral, best known for his role in starting the American Revolutionary War)
  • Samuel Kwok ((born 1948) master of Wing Chun Kung Fu, student of Ip Chin and Ip Chun - sons of the patriarch of Wing Chun - Ip Man. For several years, Samuel Kwok studied Wing Chun under the guidance of Ip Chun and subsequently opened his first school in Hong Kong. In 1981, master Ip Chun appointed Samuel Kwok as the overseas representative of the Ip Man Martial Arts Association. In the same year, master Samuel returned to the UK and began giving private lessons in Wing Chun. The popularity of the art, which was not yet very widespread at that time, grew. In the same year, the master opened his first school. In 1981, he organized the first Wing Chun seminar in the UK. Over the next 10 years, seminars were held regularly. In 1991, Master Samuel Kwok held the first joint seminar in the UK with two great masters and direct heirs of knowledge. Wing Chun Kung Fu by Ip Man - by his sons Ip Chin Ip Chun Similar seminars were also held in the next 10 years, including in the United States. In 1998, Master Samuel Kwok received an honorary Bachelor of Arts from the University of Manchester for his contribution to the development and promotion of martial arts. Currently (2011) the Samuel Kwok Wing Chun Kung Fu Association is one of the largest communities practicing Kung Fu. Her students are in Russia, the USA, South Africa and Australia, Brazil. Samuel Kwok continues to personally teach students and conduct seminars.)
  • Samuel Inkum ((b.1989) Ghanaian footballer)
  • Samuel Le Bihan ((born 1965) French actor)
  • Samuel Liddell (or Liddell) "McGregor" Mathers ((1854 - 1918) born Samuel Liddell Mathers; famous magician, one of the most influential occultists of his time, Rosicrucian and tarot reader. Mainly known as one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn - ceremonially -a magical order, branches of which exist to this day.)
  • Samuel (Chaim) Granovsky ((1889 - 1942) French artist, painter and sculptor of Jewish origin. He was fond of Dadaism. Known as a set designer, artist of Tristan Tzara’s play “Heart of the Air” (1923) and a sculptor, participant in exhibitions at the Salon of Independents.)
  • Samuel Weiner ((1910 - 1980) birth name - Samuel Chaimovich Weiner; prominent Brazilian journalist and editor. Samuel Weiner was for many years a reporter for the newspaper Diários Associados, the only Brazilian journalist at the Nuremberg trials. A school in San is named after Samuel Weiner Paulo (Escola Estadual Samuel Wainer).)
  • Samuel von Coczei ((1679 - 1755) German lawyer and statesman. Von Coczei was at the forefront of the work on the Prussian legal reform carried out by Frederick the Great. In 1749, Samuel von Coczei completed and entered into legal force a new set of laws “Corpus juris Fridericianum ", which in its impact on the socio-legal sphere is comparable to the Justinian Code. His works earned him the nicknames of the “prince of lawyers” and “Hercules, who cleared the Augean stables of Prussian law.” In 1780, however, this code was revised again by von Karmer. .)
  • Samuel Eto'o Fis ((born 1981) Cameroonian footballer, forward)
  • Samuel Eilenberg ((1913 - 1998) Polish and American mathematician. Main works in the field of algebraic topology (the most famous system of axioms of the Eilenberg-Steenrod homology theory) and homological algebra. He was the creator (together with S. McLane) of category theory. They also introduced spaces Eilenberg - MacLane K(G,n), having a unique non-trivial homotopy group G in dimension n. His work in the field of automata theory is important. He was a member of the famous “Nicolas Bourbaki” group, and one of its few. participants are not French.)
  • Samuel Tsegay (Eritrean long-distance runner. Silver medalist at the 2009 World Half Marathon Championships in the team event. Silver medalist at the 2010 World Cross Country Championships in the team event.)
  • Samuel Richardson ((1689 - 1761) English writer, the founder of the “sensitive” literature of the 18th and early 19th centuries. His three epistolary novels brought him fame: “Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded” (1740), “Clarissa, or the Story of a Young Lady” ( 1748) and "The History of Sir Charles Grandison" (1753) In addition to his writing career, Richardson was a reputable printer and publisher and published about 500 different works, numerous newspapers and magazines.)
  • Samuel Gridley Howie ((1801 - 1876) in Russian translation also Gou, Gove; prominent American doctor and teacher of the 19th century, abolitionist, philhellene and philanthropist, participant in the Greek War of Liberation of 1821-1829 and the American Civil War)
  • Samuele Longo ((born 1992) Italian football player, forward)
  • Samuel Salmi ((born 1951) bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, has headed the diocese of Oulu since January 1, 2001)
  • Sauil the Arrogant ((488 - 590) Briton, eldest son of Pabo, King of the Pennines. Sauil was buried under a mound known as the Mound of Benahela, but in 1850 his remains were removed from the grave, stripped of the royal regalia and reburied under a simple hexagonal stone resembling shaped like a shield.)