Horoscope for the year briefly by month. All zodiac signs by month and date

04.08.2019 Education

Horoscope 2017 portends for all zodiac signs interesting year, there will be many unusual impressions. Are you wondering how the next year will affect your life? Read the horoscope for your sign and find out what the stars promise you good luck in, what difficulties you will have to face, how relationships, love and financial circumstances will turn out. Look for a fair wind in your sails and make the most of all the opportunities that lie ahead.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aries

An interesting year awaits Aries. Representatives of your sign will feel an innovative impulse that encourages them to make changes, something fresh and romantic in their lives, to rebuild it or renew it, to remake themselves. This will be a time of defining new priorities, building new concepts, the foundation of which was laid during previous years. Many of you will abandon outdated stereotypes and decide on something new.

Horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

The year promises to be very busy for Taurus. Opportunities will constantly appear, and your task is to notice them in time. Amazing changes will occur in life and worldview; cherished dreams may come true. However, you should not rely only on the stars and luck, because inaction will not bring results. Choose responsibility and integrity as your guiding light.

Horoscope for 2017 for Gemini

For Gemini, the year brings opportunities for growth and progress in various areas of life. Career achievements are expected, relationships with friends and relatives will be warm and positive. The stars will help you, but don’t forget about your contribution - do your best to make all your wishes come true. The romantic component of life promises to be quite stormy and varied, because until October 2017, Jupiter, the planet of luck, is in Gemini’s house of love.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancer

2017 will be an important year for the Cancer home and family. Jupiter, the planet of luck, is in your sign's family sector for the first nine months, promising you great opportunities to improve your quality of life. The influence of Jupiter can be expressed in the purchase of an apartment, construction of a house, renovation, expansion or modernization of housing. It is possible to move to a larger house or purchase durable goods that increase the feeling of comfort. Some of you are expecting a change of residence, moving to another city or even country.

Horoscope for 2017 for Leo

Lviv will have a successful time when you can reach new heights. However, to do this, you need to intensify your energy in order to take advantage of the favorable opportunities that the stars provide. Representatives of the Leo sign have the support of Saturn and Uranus, two slow planets that enhance your potential. The period is favorable for your career, especially if you do not refuse new opportunities. In addition, on a personal level, you will achieve what you strive for.

Horoscope for 2017 for Virgo

The year is marked by mixed influences for Virgo. It can bring a lot of trouble, but even more joy. Representatives of your sign are known for excellent analytical skills, so it will not be difficult for you to follow the right course. You will be able to bring harmony into your life, find reliable friends and conquer new heights. Until October 2017, the planet of luck, Jupiter, remains in your money sector. This is a good planetary position, promising growth in material and financial terms.

Horoscope for 2017 for Libra

This time promises to be quite favorable for Libra. The planet of luck, Jupiter, remains in your sign Libra until October 2017; its influence is positive in many respects. It's time to make your deepest dreams come true. Jupiter gives you self-confidence, energy and vitality, and brings success. You will feel that life becomes fuller and more prosperous. Focus on the goal and take action, and then what you want will become yours. Connections with foreign countries and foreigners will be beneficial for you.

Horoscope for 2017 for Scorpio

2017 will be a fairly stable year for Scorpio. Many of you will be focusing your efforts on professional development. As for relationships with friends and family, they will develop calmly. IN personal life Your significant other may cause some concern. Misunderstandings related to the partner’s short-sightedness cannot be ruled out, although serious problems are also not expected. Romantic Neptune is located in Scorpio's house of love, inspiring hopes and promising the joys of love.

Horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

A favorable period awaits Sagittarius. You will be able to realize your ambitions, planetary energies will have a positive impact on all aspects of life. At the same time, you need to remember that the stars do not guarantee success in everything, they will help if you decide to act wisely and show persistence. To achieve success, the horoscope advises you to focus on the most important tasks. It is undesirable to scatter your strength in different directions; it is better to choose those that you feel confident that you can handle. This year could be very successful for love.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn

The 2017 horoscope portends a successful time for Capricorn. Possibly astrological influences recent years made you nervous, but this year everything will calm down, achievements await you in all areas of life. Relationships will return to normal, and a fresh wind of positive change will blow in your direction. Favorable circumstances will arise for career and financial growth. Jupiter, the planet of great happiness, is in Capricorn's house of career, so you have high aspirations and grand plans.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius

For Aquarius, the year may be happy and successful. You will take a significant step forward in your career, the influence of the stars is on your side. You need to study, gain new knowledge and experience, and then you will be able to create favorable situations yourself or take advantage of good chances. You will be pleased to notice that people will become more friendly towards you, they will look at you with respect and appreciation or with love, if it comes to personal relationships. Many of you will receive offers to participate in projects that will turn out to be very profitable.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces

For Pisces, the period may turn out to be quite successful. You will be able to direct your energy to the implementation of the most daring projects without fear of loss. No one and nothing will stand in your way, success awaits you. There are chances to earn big money and improve your financial situation. However, the stars advise remembering that moderation is important this year, so you need to set priorities and not try to get everything at once.

The horoscope for 2017, as a subtle sense of the predetermination of events, as a feeling of correctness at the moment of choice (sometimes bordering on a kind of higher justice), is capable of leading us away from the abyss.
Just not to give free rein to the dark side. Here it all depends on us, whether we are disappointed, whether we are not desperate, whether the thread that keeps us from falling is strong.

Horoscope for 2017

A person can and should influence his own destiny! There is no use relying only on the past or present. In 2017, the Rooster’s understanding of the future, as well as our understanding of both future events and our direct participation in these events, will be an integral part of the reality of the changes taking place.

According to the horoscope, 2017 will be the year of the Red Fire Rooster, whose soft tread will surprise, delight, frighten and perhaps disappoint less efficient representatives of the zodiac circle. Everything as usual! We have no right to demand manna from heaven falling into our palms from 2017; there is no point in relying on a miracle or secret knowledge. In 2017, pragmatism and realism are still unrivaled. What to do, the last few years have shown and proven in practice who is who, who has crumbs inside, and who has a truly solid foundation that does not change guidelines at the first changes in the conjuncture of surrounding events. Everything as usual! In 2017, we can only rely on ourselves and our own capabilities. Yes. Everything is as always!.. However, past mistakes did not disappear in vain. It was now, more than ever, that the main lesson was learned. So 2017 is an honest and frank period, a time without illusions and outdated dogmas. In this time period, everyone knows their place, everyone knows what they are worth, as well as what their opponent’s capabilities are worth. And although 2017 has not yet begun new era, new ideas are just emerging and require cutting, however, the choice of which side you are on needs to be made now (if not yesterday), of course, if you do not want this choice to be made for you... This is the time to separate the grains from the chaff! This is the main leitmotif of 2017.

So, let's take a look and analyze in detail what awaits us in 2017 from an astrological point of view. First of all, it should be said that according to the eastern zodiac system (which is also sometimes called Chinese Zodiac) the patron of 2017 will be the Rooster with the element of the year Fire, which automatically gives it the color red. IN in this case the epithet “red” is synonymous with the epithet “fiery”, which is obvious even to Europeans, although it often turns out that the figurative systems of the East and West are fundamentally different. But this is clearly not the case, and the primary synonymous series that appears in our heads when we hear the phrase “red fiery rooster” is indeed fully true. Fury, aggressiveness, pressure, belligerence, but at the same time - the desire to stand out, selfishness, power. At the same time, of course, all of these definitions are quite relative; in each specific case, the position of our current (in relation to 2017) patron will be in highest degree individual. However, it is clear that this time period will be incredibly active and dynamic. It will bring many positive moments, but there will also be enough difficult situations. At a minimum, it will be interesting, and the winners will be those who are used to acting and not reasoning.

In the eastern tradition, the Rooster is an incredibly diverse image. In addition to the obvious hot temper, impulsiveness, emotional instability and fury, he also possesses such qualities as responsibility, accuracy, generosity, and courage. In general, those born in the year of the Rooster usually combine all these aspects, although, of course, to varying degrees. But we should not forget that in our specific case (horoscope for 2017) we are talking about the Red Rooster, which corresponds to Fire. Fire is one of the primary elements that created the world. A flame can both give life (in particular, ash, which remains after the combustion process is completed and is an excellent fertilizer) and take it away (for example, Forest fires destroying all living things in their path). To a certain extent, Fire here is a symbol of justice, as well as law. That is why they say about the Year of the Fire Rooster in China that at this time everyone gets what they deserve. In other words, there will be a minimum of any spontaneous, sudden situations here. The cause-and-effect relationship is clear: income, outcome love affairs, career success - all this and much more will greatly depend on how we behaved at the previous time stage. Of course, our actions and actions throughout this year will also be important. Do not forget that the Chinese annual cycle does not fully correspond to the European one. Just like thousands of years ago, during the era of the great imperial dynasties, in the Celestial Empire they still use moon calendar, in which the 2017 Year of the Rooster begins on January 28, 2017, and ends on February 15, 2018.

The sensual and psycho-emotional sphere will undergo significant changes in 2017. It is important to note that the Rooster is also a jealous person, and everyone who has lived in the village for even a short time knows this. How fiercely does this egocentric leader protect his hens?! In this sense, the upcoming stage of life will not differ from an ordinary rooster. But remember, jealousy can destroy many relationships, marriages, family unions, even those that seemed truly strong. There is no need to perceive this as a kind of test of fate; there is no subtext of this kind here. We are talking about a general emotional trend, which is enhanced by the fact that in 2017, the Moon, as well as (to an indirect, but still significant extent) Neptune and Pluto, will have a special influence on us, the inhabitants of the Earth. This will only add fuel to the fire, and you need to be especially careful about your words and actions. In addition, the Rooster always strives to take part in any conflict, he loves to criticize and does not hesitate to do so. It is important to understand this image, because in 2017, communication, communication as such, will be of decisive importance, in particular, in the process of resolving conflict situations. But even here you need, as they say, to know when to stop, because compromise is not always possible in the process of mutual concessions. Sometimes it is fair and natural to speak from a position of strength, and this often becomes the only right decision. This is what the Fire Rooster will teach us throughout the year, namely: aggressive diplomacy.

The zodiac signs of the Western horoscope, which belong to the element of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), will naturally receive special bonuses in 2017, but you need to understand that great opportunities always lead to more restrictions in other areas, and greater power leads to greater responsibility. In other words, these people will really be lucky, more than once, and not even twice, but they will also have to work twice as hard as others, otherwise their unrealized potential will destroy them. And Pluto will definitely try to do this, because it’s not for nothing that he bears the honorary title of the Dark Planet, and it’s not for nothing that our ancestors called this planet Viya’s Earth. In turn, the signs of the element of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) will find themselves in a less positive situation, that is, circumstances will not be favorable everywhere. But the demand from them will also be lower, in other words, there will be no need to resolve any truly large-scale, let’s say, fundamental conflicts on which the fate of the world will depend. But the Rooster will still not give any concessions, because, after all, the element of the current period is radically opposite in relation to the element of Water and certain difficulties are natural here. As for the air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) signs of the Zodiac, only the most general trends indicated above are valid for them, and only this is worth focusing on.

In general, 2017 will be successful for businessmen, athletes and military personnel, in general – for people of action. If you are used to doing first and thinking later (figuratively speaking), if thinking drives you into severe melancholy, and dynamic activity gives you strength, then the Red Rooster will like you. Entrepreneurship, hard work, generosity and honesty are key positive features this period. Fanaticism, self-centeredness and rudeness are weaknesses that you will have to get rid of.

Everyone knows that 2017 is a year in which the Fire Rooster is the main one. Both men and women who were born under this zodiac sign are usually very good family men. They always look after themselves appearance, take care of loved ones. They set clear goals for themselves and always achieve them. Even if the tasks seem too difficult, warlike Roosters find ways to solve them.

In general, the coming year will be favorable for all zodiac signs, but not very calm. Astrologers recommend meeting the Fire Rooster in the family circle. You definitely need to wear something catchy and bright. In 2017, you can't be lazy. After all, the Rooster is fast and active, so he does not like couch potatoes.

The first month of 2017 will be difficult for everyone. However, if you reconsider your life priorities and reassess the current situation, then the problems that arise will immediately seem less serious and significant.

In terms of work, many will be lucky in the Year of the Rooster. You can safely change your place of work and open a new business. It would also be useful to learn a new profession and take advanced training courses. All these steps will help you move up the career ladder.

Money must be treated with care in the Year of the Rooster. The Rooster is also a robber; he likes to take risks and tempt fate. Therefore, before starting each new business, you need to weigh everything several times. It is better to postpone serious operations and deals until 2018 - the risk of bankruptcy is too great.

In the winter of 2017, viruses and infections will be rampant, so you need to take care of your health. Exacerbation of existing chronic diseases is possible, so prevention should be carried out in advance.

For more complete information You can order Personal horoscope for 2017. This astrological forecast main trends of the year plus a personal calendar have a nice day, left individually for you by competent astrologers.

2017 - horoscope for all zodiac signs


2017 will give Aries many interesting opportunities and pleasant surprises. What is most interesting is that all significant changes in their lives will be a consequence of changes occurring in themselves. Aries will finally become more mobile and active, open up to the world around them and tune in to the positive. It is possible that the coming year will radically change their outlook on life and even get rid of old habits.


In 2017, Taurus will be able to bring to life those ideas that they had a long time ago. Many representatives of the sign will understand that their worldview has changed. January will be the most successful month for planning future projects. February will be full of difficult challenges, so Taurus may have difficulties.


2017 will be the starting point for Gemini happy life. Fate will give them a lot of positive emotions and pleasant surprises. Representatives of the sign will feel such a powerful charge of energy that they will happily take on even difficult work. All the troubles that happened in 2016 will be forgotten.


In 2017, the Rooster will protect Cancers from rash actions. Therefore, if it turns out that it will not be possible to bring your plans to life, you should not be upset - it means that it was necessary. Representatives of the sign will discover new qualities in themselves and look at some things differently. They will set new goals for themselves and finally understand for whom and what they should live for.

a lion

In 2017, Leos need to develop a team spirit, because it is good acquaintances and close friends that will determine how far and how quickly they will be able to advance. You should forget about the habit of being alone and not taking into account other people’s opinions. If Leo learns to listen to the opinions of other people, everything will be fine. Even a rapid rise up the career ladder is not excluded.


Virgos should devote the first days of 2017 to summing up the results of the past year. It is important to analyze the mistakes made and evaluate how correct they were. decisions made. As a result of such an analysis, an initial base will be formed that will allow you to understand in which direction it is best to move in the year of the Rooster.


Libra will be purposeful in the coming year. They will program themselves for success, and therefore no obstacles will be able to prevent them from achieving their goal. Many representatives of the sign will discover almost limitless opportunities for expanding business and friendly connections. The Year of the Rooster will give Taurus new friends, generous sponsors, and friendly colleagues.


It won't be easy for Scorpios in 2017, but they won't do without victories and joy. Many representatives of the sign will be able to solve problems that have been bothering them for a long time. Also, most will be able to successfully complete “frozen” projects that were started in 2016.


If Sagittarius is not lazy, 2017 will be one of the most successful years for him and generous with happy events. It is necessary to make new acquaintances, communicate politely with others, plan your time wisely and constantly develop. The main traits that Sagittarius will need in the coming year are organization and restraint, responsibility for decisions made.


In the coming year, Capricorns should think about moving up a few steps up the career ladder. The Rooster will help them in this in every possible way. And even close people will involuntarily push you to conquer new career heights. You should wisely use information coming from friends and the media - a lot of information will turn out to be important and useful.


2017 for Aquarius is a period of creative solutions and original discoveries. The Rooster will give the sign the opportunity to realize everything planned, and family and friends will always be there and support at the right time.


2017 will be remembered as a time dedicated to family and home. Meeting your other half, starting a family, having a child, improving your love nest - all this the year of the Rooster promises to representatives of the water sign. Ideas related to land management, construction and farming are sure to be crowned with success. What is important is that the moral state of Pisces will also improve significantly - they will become calmer, more responsible and balanced.

Red Fire Rooster- symbol of 2017. Element of fire and scarlet color will intertwine into a harmonious mixture. Consent is expected in all matters. The color red predicts a wedding for single people and the restoration of former passion for married people. This is the color of good luck, so there is no need to doubt the new year, no need to be afraid of change. The Rooster tries to complete everything perfectly; he strives for perfection.
The bird loves the truth; a lie cannot be hidden. Politicians this year will often organize cockfights, from which the winner will be a person with a cool mind. This year promises a way out of their crisis.

How to appease the Rooster

To celebrate the New Year you need to dress stylishly. The outfit is chosen carefully, all the details are thought through. Preference is given to expensive and bright things.

The Rooster does not like tiger and leopard prints on clothes, worn pants and cheap T-shirts.

Also read this

Table setting in New Year's celebration– 2017 must be rich, some elements are expensive. Metal products are not allowed; the Rooster loves ceramics, porcelain and earthenware.

On festive table You should not cook chicken and egg dishes (for example, stuffed eggs), but you can add them as ingredients. It is better to place meat dishes from lamb, beef mixed with seafood, then luck will definitely visit the house. Do not spare your imagination by exhibiting several types. A large bowl of fruit is placed at the head of the table.

Be sure to bake cookies to treat guests and decorate the Christmas tree.

Not allowed in New Year's Eve treat guests to semi-finished products and ordered food. The table is set with home-cooked dishes so that there is prosperity in the house.

Be sure to prepare gifts for all children, relatives and close friends. What gifts to choose and how to give them

The Rooster loves order - make a list of invited guests in advance.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Rooster

Everyone born this year should remember their abilities and will, and direct them towards their goal.
The Rooster will be very capricious, sometimes unbearable due to selfishness and irritability. It’s better to hide your temper and be tactful. The year will bring a lot of interesting things to the Roosters; they will find adventures themselves. Taking advantage of his charm, the Rooster will get out of any difficult situation.
At work in 2017, the Rooster should be diligent, then there is no doubt about a successful career. Cheating is not permissible, otherwise there will be problems with money.
On the personal front, love, passion, jealousy, and scandals await Roosters. By remaining strong, the rooster will be able to make reconciliation, otherwise he will be left without a companion.

Eastern horoscope for other signs

Snakes They will feel a surge of energy, but starting a business in the new year is not worth it. Take care of your wallet and reduce spending. You will be careful about your health, you will even stock up on pills.

Dragons in 2017 there will be many challenges that they can easily cope with. Selfish men will have to make concessions to loved ones.

Will experience the most shocks Bulls. You need to give up procrastination and force yourself to take risks.

Horses They will use their charm and make many acquaintances. New companies will be unusual and strange for them.

Tigers They will be lucky, they just need to work hard. They will be in demand and will occupy an important place in society.

Rats It’s better to preserve old connections that will help them overcome obstacles along the way. Do yourself and others some favors.

Dogs Challenges await, which impudence and sharpness will help you cope with. But these qualities are not inherent in Dogs, so they will not budge.

Year Pig promises to be meaningful, so she will be happy. Feel the taste of victory by overcoming the obstacles of your ill-wishers.

The Rooster is favorable to Monkey, although a lot of insults and troubles await her. Events will change your worldview for the better and make you stronger.

Goats (boars) will feel swaggering in 2017. Those around you will notice a creative transformation in goats. Perhaps even a scientific discovery and an increase in mental abilities.

Rabbit in 2017 will be tired, some will become depressed. Days will begin to burn due to the lack of purpose.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aries

Aries. A period of self-transformation continues for you, which began around 2012 and will last until 2019. During this time, you should have time to update yourself for the better. Remove everything that bothers you and buy everything you need. These changes can concern anything - personal and career growth, breaking up old ones and finding new relationships, if such a situation is ripe. Buying a new home or vehicle. Or simply change your image, behavior or place of residence.

In January you will have to resolve some conflict situations, unresolved disputes, misunderstandings on the part of loved ones that were not resolved earlier. Be sure to finish the job, otherwise it will come back to haunt you for a long time and ruin your life.

Working Aries expects several large projects, the work on which will not go smoothly. Build relationships with your colleagues; you will need their help in the spring, when you start to feel completely overwhelmed. And in the fall the situation may repeat itself again. The bosses will notice your zeal, but the reward will be closer to the end of the year. Most likely, you can count on a promotion if there are no global changes in your production area in September and you do not change your job.

There may be problems with wages in August.

Aries businessmen can relax a little. The year promises to be stable for you, without shocks. But only if you can organize it correctly work time yours and your employees. And interesting projects with great prospects may appear in August. Just listen carefully to the opinions of your partners and companions.

Aries, who have small incomes, be attentive to your finances. Your income may decrease slightly, and in the fall there is a high probability of an expensive unexpected purchase.

You shouldn’t go abroad on holiday this year. On vacation, it’s better to go to your native area, out of town, or, in extreme cases, to the Black Sea.

Your health will not fail you if you continue to exercise, exercise, and eat healthy food. But injuries are possible, so be careful on the road during icy conditions. Watch your step and follow safety precautions. If you work in a dangerous industry or are into some kind of extreme sports, be doubly careful. Try to be outdoors more often.

Aries, who suffer from some kind of disease, will be able to fully recover and regain strength before September.

In May, if possible, it is better not to go to medical institutions. There is a high probability of medical errors. Try to reschedule planned operations and examinations to another month. If an emergency arises, try to carefully monitor the work of the doctors, ask and recheck them. Or contact different specialists.

This year will add charisma to the representatives of this sign. They will constantly flirt with you. But, if you already have a loved one, do not fall for flirting, and especially avoid resort affairs and romances. Because this year everything secret becomes clear very quickly. Better all Give your passion to family and work. But if you are free, flirt, get carried away for your health. But don’t start holiday romances anyway, they will lead you to nothing but disappointment.

Family Aries will have to resolve issues with some property, problems with which can cause discord in the family. If you show reasoned persistence, then victory will be yours. Parents may require increased attention. There may be unpleasant surprises from your children that you don’t even know about right now.

Be sure to purchase the symbol of the Year.

Horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

Taurus. This year will be very favorable for the implementation of those plans or ideas that arose in your mind in the past year. If they are not there yet, then January is the most suitable month for their planning and development.

This year you can almost easily make your dream come true, especially if you are engaged in literary work in the field of mysticism, occultism or sex. For athletes, the coming year promises high achievements and victories.

But constantly listen to your inner voice, to your intuition. It is she, guided by the Rooster, who will point out your main priorities and set accents.

In general, this year may become a turning point in your worldview, attitude, attitude towards yourself and others. A change of job is very likely, but not earlier than September, or marital status.

At work, be careful what you say and to whom. Your lack of restraint in language may later backfire on you. Be restrained especially in the spring, when your irritability reaches its peak. Only your reputation and ability to work can save you from the wrath of your superiors. But this year's promotions are pretty vague. Everything depends on you. If the boss's chair becomes vacant, then most likely your competitor will sit in it. But there is one BUT here! If you have developed warm and friendly relations with your colleagues, if you are highly respected by the team and by your superiors, then there is a high probability that you will be the one to sit in this chair.

But this year you can start a business yourself, even if you haven’t thought about it yet. This can happen in May - July. Just don't forget to make a clear action plan. And enlist the support of friends, you will need their help when competitors appear on the horizon. From mid-summer to mid-autumn, there is a high probability of a major quarrel with relatives or friends over money.

If you are planning large purchases, then do it at the beginning of the year, but leave a reserve of funds for a rainy day, because in early June you may have major financial problems. Money this year will constantly flow away, no one knows where, and will be spent on all sorts of little things. Don't lend money to anyone! You will never see this money again and will forever ruin your relationship with a relative or friend.

The health of Taurus people who do not suffer from chronic diseases will be at their best. But be careful while driving and eat only proven, familiar foods. In the spring, try not to overwork or overexert yourself. Otherwise, you will face inevitable vitamin deficiency and loss of strength. In summer, you should not let your guard down, since the likelihood of injuries and fractures is very high. You should approach autumn with a calmer pace of life. It is worth taking preventive procedures. Try to eat a balanced diet so as not to gain extra pounds. Stick to this rhythm until the end of the year.

Don't bring conflicts home from work. Your excessive nervousness, irritability and harshness will cause scandals in the family and its eventual collapse. If you value your loved ones, control your emotions. Sign up for training or find a hobby that can extinguish your anger. January and February are especially dangerous for conflicts. From March to May, relationships will improve and become smoother both at home and at work. And September - October - best time create a family.

Horoscope for 2017 for Gemini

Twins. The year promises to be successful for you if you are able to identify envious people and even enemies in people you consider friends. Bring them to clean water and it is recommended to remove it away from yourself until the middle of the year, but as early as possible. Just don’t rush too much; mistakes and misunderstandings are possible. Ill-wishers will manifest themselves, you just need to be very attentive to the words and actions of those around you, as well as watch for signs from the outside that may be given to you by strangers.

3 – 4 years you are already in a very stressful phase of your life. But all the crisis and critical moments have already passed. Although, this year your investments may not generate income and even become unprofitable.

But at the same time. From January to September, some significant financial injections into your budget await you. This could be receiving an unexpected inheritance, large financial assistance from relatives, or receiving a loan on very attractive terms.

In January Special attention refer to various documents and papers. Serious mistakes may be made in them, or something may be completely lost.

At work, you are expected to come up with creative proposals and non-standard solutions. Show all your imagination and success in terms of your career is guaranteed. Only you will have to work on your project in order for everything to work out as it should, and not push everything onto your colleagues. The busiest time in this regard will be summer. Therefore, it is better to plan your vacation for the fall.

This year, scammers and swindlers of various stripes are especially active around you. Be careful with your finances, especially government ones. There is a high risk of misappropriation, which will quickly become apparent, with all the ensuing consequences.

Watch your words in your family. Due to your harsh statements towards your partner, various disagreements and even quarrels may occur in the first half of the year. Raising and maintaining children may require unexpected expenses, and older relatives may require more attention. Don't refuse.

In general, serious changes are coming for Gemini on the personal front. This can be either a complete severance of marital ties or even their further strengthening. It could be the birth of a child. If single Taurus does not waste time on petty affairs and office romances, they can easily start a serious relationship with the opposite sex.

Your body is just screaming about it. that it is necessary to get rid of all bad habits. And this applies not only to smoking, drinking alcohol or eating. You still have a lot of addictions that it’s time to part with before it’s too late. But you need to do this gradually, throughout the year, so that by the next you don’t have any left. Do relaxation exercises, yoga, go on vacation to the sea, and best of all, go to a sanatorium. This year it is better to give up extreme sports. Get outdoors more often and eat right.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancer

Cancer. This year, your extremely heightened intuition will guide you. The year will not be easy for you. Many stressful situations will arise. You'll want to grab more and hold tighter. You will want to reassess your values ​​and reconsider the system life principles. You will discover something new in yourself, some hitherto hidden possibilities and passions.

Many of your endeavors will fail in the bud. Dont be upset. If this happened, then they were unpromising. And fate protects you from wasting energy and finances.

The Rooster will push you into various financial adventures. Do not give in under any circumstances! The maximum you can spend your money on is purchasing the necessary real estate and improving it. If there is no such prospect, keep your savings to yourself, putting them on deposit, for example.

From the very first day of 2017, start new life. Give up what has been bothering you for a long time, do what you have been planning to do for a long time. Review your social circle. Now you can easily determine who is really a friend and who is not. Communicate more, make new acquaintances and connections. Read the necessary literature, improve your qualifications. All this will come in handy in the middle of the year.

In February, take care of your personal life, and postpone solving production issues until the end of the month. In April, you will have to devote all your strength to work and maintain the most intense rhythm. In October - November, it is possible to climb the career ladder or take on a new interesting business or project.

2017 is very suitable for love relationships. Many Cancers will meet their soulmate. In this case, the stars advise spending a vacation with your chosen one to understand whether this is your person. Therefore, do not rush to immediately enter into a marital relationship. Think, listen to your inner voice.

Every 10th and 28th, take a close look at the people you meet with names starting with I or S. Don’t miss your future love.

With married couples everything is simple. If things are heading towards divorce, then it will most likely happen this year. If you still live in perfect harmony, then be especially attentive to your partner in November-December. It is at this time that conflicts are possible. If your companion is dear to you, then hide your ambitions and your own self away.

At the beginning of the year you will feel a slight loss of strength. No need to ignore him. Slow down the pace at work and on the personal front. Subsequently, this ailment is fraught with more serious overexertion, which only a specialist can cope with. Replace coffee green tea with lemon and completely avoid alcohol.

In spring, there is a high risk of catching a cold or being poisoned by poor-quality food. In summer, beware of various types of injuries. During the winter, you'll most likely notice that you've suddenly gained a few extra pounds. Sign up for a fitness class, play sports, or go on a diet. By next New Year you will be back in shape.

Horoscope for 2017 for Leo

a lion. Presence of spirit and self-confidence are the necessary qualities that should become your guiding star in the new year. Don’t show off your individuality, as they say, blend into the team, develop the ability to work in a team. It is on the shoulders of your colleagues that you will be able to enter the boss’s office and sit in a warm chair. If you do everything right, your promotion will happen much sooner than you expected.

Don't indulge in laziness this year. But use your intuition to the fullest.

Troubled and busy months in terms of work are January, February, April, May. In the second half of November, make only well-weighted and proven decisions, and be attentive to your affairs.

July is the most successful month in all respects. The work will progress, new useful connections will appear, and the mood will be high. Make good use of this time. At the end of September and until mid-November, you will again have the opportunity to realize yourself. The Rooster will help you with this. Improve what didn’t work before, use new methods in your work, fully reveal all your talents. You just need to put your natural laziness aside.

Spring is the most favorable time to start your own business. Any investment you make this year will be successful. But it’s still better not to take rash actions.

In the first half of the year, Leos will have to communicate a lot. make new friends. Lonely Leos or those looking for romantic adventures will be drawn into a whirlpool of flirtations and affairs. Those of them who are looking for Serious relationships, they can meet a foreigner, a person from out of town, or get acquainted on some trip or travel. Most likely, this person will be very different from you in age and will speak several foreign languages. Such a fateful meeting is possible in January, February, June or August.

In July or August, you may have a whirlwind romance with a person whom you have long considered only a friend or girlfriend.

Pay attention to every 9th and 27th throughout the year. Fate may give you a meeting with your future soul mate. The person's name must begin with I or R.

In the second half of the year, serious disagreements or conflicts with relatives may arise, especially if you work with them. This can be prevented only by fulfilling the promises made earlier or living up to the hopes placed on you.

This period is also unfavorable for some married couples. Long-standing grievances will be remembered and aggravated, this will lead to catastrophic discord. If it comes to divorce, then property will be divided.

At the beginning of the year, get your nerves in order, go somewhere to relax during the New Year holidays. If you don’t take care of your emotional state now, it may come back to haunt you several times throughout the year and quite seriously.

In the spring, you should not abuse alcohol and junk food, otherwise in the summer you will not be able to boast of excellent health. And take care of your nervous system all year round.

Horoscope for 2017 for Virgo

Virgo. The beginning of 2017 is a kind of work on mistakes for you. Take into account all the shortcomings that you made in your work, in communication, in your personal life, rethink them and, if possible, correct them. This must be done so that your future life will be successful and successful.

The second half of January is the time to show all your positive qualities - perseverance. hard work and punctuality. Rest assured, they will be appreciated. In February it is better to relax and slow down.

An amazingly successful streak in your life and work will begin from the end of May and last until the end of August. Everything will be easy for you, your circle of contacts will expand significantly, and significant personal growth will emerge. In September you need to give yourself a break again. Do not make important decisions at this time, do not conflict with colleagues, superiors, or loved ones.

However, in the summer, your performance and the performance of your colleagues may decline sharply. This could lead to the collapse of the company you work for. The only way out for you in such a situation is to open your own business. Just create a clear and detailed business plan. Even if the profit is predicted to be very meager at first.

At the end of September you will again feel an unprecedented surge of strength. Feel free to start new things or continue old ones, using the most radical solutions and innovations. Your level of competence will rise to a higher level. In the second half of November, carefully smooth out emerging disputes and conflicts.

It is possible that you will receive an inheritance or a big win. If you want to invest somewhere or invest money, think carefully and do the math. But most likely, the project will be successful and will bring you decent dividends. Don't waste your money on unnecessary little things. Purchasing a new home is very likely.

At the very beginning of the year, your charm and sexuality may attract an interesting person to you. A long-forgotten old acquaintance may appear to whom you feel attracted. The stars are not advised to rush into creating a couple with him. Take off your rose-colored glasses and take a closer look.

In January and April, people with a soulmate love relationship may cool slightly. This will especially affect those Virgos who do not separate personal relationships from material and career ones. Spend more time with your chosen one or chosen one. Do everyday household chores together. This will help you become even closer.

Some serious problems with children will require serious financial expenses. Relatives will either take a clear position opposite to yours or demand help. which will weigh heavily on you.

In April, various gossip and rumors about your person are not excluded, from which you will learn a lot of new things about yourself. And in September, most likely, a new love will finally appear in your life. Your friends will be shocked by your choice, but this will not stop you, and everything will turn out well.

In any month, on the 8th and 26th, a contender for your heart may appear in your life. This person's name begins with N or X.

Everything will be fine with your health this year. Although there are several nuances. On New Year's Eve, do not indulge in fatty foods, salads with mayonnaise and alcohol. Otherwise, you will soon need medical assistance or even hospitalization. One more thing. As soon as you start to feel mentally tired, drop everything and rest so as not to develop neurosis or neuralgia.

Horoscope for 2017 for Libra

Scales. If you started a project last year, you will successfully implement it, but only towards the end of the year. At the same time, you still have to solve many production problems. In critical situations, do not hesitate to seek help or advice from colleagues and co-workers. February promises to be difficult. Checks are possible emergency situations. Concentrate, use all your skills and natural charm. After successfully completing all your tasks, take time off and relax.

From the end of August until your birthday, moderate your work enthusiasm, do not enter into new deals and contracts, do not start new projects, try not to catch the eye of your bosses. This period is fraught with conflicts and failures. Everything will resolve itself only by December. Now you can act boldly.

Do not boast of your superiority, do not flaunt it. Envious people will quickly appear and will immediately begin to put a spoke in your wheels, which will greatly hinder your career and personal life.

This year is good for improving your skills and education. Expand your knowledge and skills, this will be very useful to you in the future.

This year you will find a lot of stupid, completely unnecessary expenses. Don't be in a hurry to throw money away. Perhaps in the middle of the year you will begin to have health problems. In winter or summer, you can expect solid material support from relatives or income from real estate. In October, you may be given a bonus or a salary increase.

Single Libras should pay attention to a person with a name starting with the letters D or P, whom they can meet in any month on the 7th or 25th. There is a high chance that you will meet your love while traveling abroad. The position of Venus suggests that love and wedding will definitely happen this year.

In January, many Libra women find out about their pregnancy. This news will help mend a shaky relationship with your lover.

Divorcing spouses will continue to fight for a long time about the division of property and custody of children.

And those who have not yet reached the point of divorce must finally make a choice. If love wins, then you have a long time ahead. happy years life together. If you meet strong love on the side, provided that your marriage has already begun to crumble, go to a new relationship and free your current companion.

Already at the beginning of the year, you will finally understand that your success at work and in your personal life directly depends on your well-being. Get rid of bad habits and start leading a healthy lifestyle. You can even get rid of some chronic disease. which brought discomfort into your life.

Due to climatic anomalies in the spring, your health may worsen. This will happen because many Libras are very weather dependent. First of all, the impact will be on the lower back and spine. Slow down at work, rest, or see a doctor.

By the end of the year you will experience complete prosperity. It can only be overshadowed by the pre-New Year rush at work. This may result in headaches, migraines or insomnia. The best cure for these ailments is rest.

Horoscope for 2017 for Scorpio

Scorpion. A certain crisis has emerged in my career, which most likely can be defined as stagnation. And we can say that this is stability. Don’t get into trouble, don’t show initiative, in your case it’s punishable. Just fulfill your duties clearly and that’s it. You may want to change jobs. But you are unlikely to find a new one this year. Therefore, it is better not to rush, but wait for a good offer.

With colleagues, try to keep your mouth shut. Any word you say will definitely become known to the public and, most importantly, to your superiors, and will be used against you, up to and including dismissal.

By summer, the situation will change, and you can begin to implement previously outlined plans. By the end of the year, you may have the opportunity to start your own business. The proposal will come from a relative or close friend. Carefully weigh all the pros and cons, consult with knowledgeable people, because you are so easy to deceive in the financial sector! But maybe this is your chance.

If you don't lose your job, then everything will be fine with money. Try to collect all your debts by the end of the year and save some money to start your own business, if such an offer comes up.

Restrain your emotions when communicating with loved ones. At times, you will feel like everyone is bothering you. Take a time out and rest for a few days. Everything is returning to normal.

Before the beginning winter period You are advised to receive all necessary preventive vaccinations and procedures. Otherwise, there is a high probability of serious colds. The health situation will not improve in the spring. There may be colds, injuries, exacerbations of existing diseases. To prevent all this, give up alcohol, eat right, walk more, do light sports or exercise. In summer, monitor your blood pressure; it may be unstable. Avoid long periods of sun exposure and excessive exercise.

At the end of the year, your allergies may worsen if you suffer from them. Insomnia and restlessness may occur. It's OK. A good specialist will advise you how to deal with this.

For married couples who already have some disagreements, difficult times begin. Some long-standing secret that will be revealed this year may complicate the relationship. This will cause irreparable damage to your reputation. Intemperance and the desire to insist on their opinion can lead Scorpio to a complete break in relations with a loved one. In January, March and April, serious conflicts with relatives may arise.

In a strong family, on the contrary, the purchase of a new home, reconstruction or repair of an old one is expected.

For lonely Scorpios, the stars predict the acquisition of new serious romantic relationships in the cold season. But you shouldn’t make any fateful decisions in this regard until the summer. In October you may hear a marriage proposal.

On the 6th or 15th of any month, in some catering establishment, you can meet a person who works as a doctor or is studying to become one. Most likely, this will be your new love.

Horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Sagittarius. Serious shocks are already in the past for you. But they will reverberate in the present for a long time. You will succeed if you focus more clearly and with a certain asceticism on the tasks you want to solve this year. If you manage to be disciplined, then from the outside it will seem that you are doing everything as if by itself. But you yourself know the price of such ease! Involve your colleagues in your work, show them your methods and techniques. In this way, you can get rid of envious people and demonstrate to your superiors that you know how to work with a team. The stars say that the authorities will be able to make the right choice regarding you.

Try to be a little more productive than in previous periods to improve your financial condition. It’s better not to spend money in January; you may soon need it. In general, the Year of the Rooster is quite difficult for you financially. Don’t waste money, don’t make thoughtless purchases that, in principle, you can do without. This year, especially in the fall, do not invest money in any projects, even the most attractive ones, even those proposed by the closest and most trusted person. All this is in vain best case scenario, and at worst, can lead to ruin and bankruptcy. In addition, a new person, which will “help” you part with your own or government money. This can be very serious. Be alert, don't relax.

In autumn, there is also a high probability of losing some important documents or papers. Get things in order by September.

You have to improve both professionally and change your inner world for the better. This year is good for education, study, and advanced training. Use this chance, perhaps later you will receive a job offer from another field of activity.

Hard times are coming for family Sagittarius. If your marriage has already cracked, then it will most likely grow inexorably, until a complete break. If you don't want this, then you will have to work very hard. If all is well so far, then you will have to make every effort to prevent your marriage from breaking up. In the second half of the year, all sorts of gossips and ill-wishers may appear on your horizon, including at work, who will further push you to break up your relationship.

Children will take a lot of energy and finances. But this is only for the good, for their good future.

The social circle of lonely Sagittarius will expand in the first half of the year. It will appear interesting people that can completely and irrevocably change your life. But whether it’s good or bad, the stars don’t specify. An affair may arise with a person from out of town or a foreigner.

At the beginning of spring, you may fall in love with someone at first sight, and this relationship will continue. But the end of summer will bring you a new acquaintance, which at first will be friendly. This year, pay special attention to the 5th and 23rd of each month, in particular the people you meet on that day. If their names start with B or E, take a closer look, they might be your soulmate.

In general, everything will be fine with health this year. Just rest, if possible, for a few days at the end of February. It’s better to completely change the situation, go somewhere. By spring, try to completely give up unhealthy and fatty foods and alcohol. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the next New Year you will find yourself in a hospital bed due to stomach or intestinal problems.

In the summer you need to relax again, preferably on the sea coast. In October - December, there is a high probability that various hikes, trips and excursions will have a bad effect on your health in the future.

Throughout the year, beware of injuries and be careful with electricity, fire and sharp objects.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn

Capricorn. Life-changing events will continue to happen to you. The loss or acquisition of relatives, a change in place of residence, even moving to another country, receiving an inheritance, the birth of children and similar circumstances leave a certain mark on your inner world. He will never be the same again. You have to change your lifestyle, your habits, and adapt to the current situation. For some, this is burdensome and depressing, while others, on the contrary, are happy about such changes, even though they were difficult to achieve.

Many Capricorns who have experienced something similar try to be alone in order to concentrate, put their thoughts and feelings in order, digest the current circumstances and think about how to live further. But this is a temporary phenomenon.

You should think about professional or career growth. Everyone around you, willingly or unwillingly, will push you towards this. Colleagues will conduct conversations and push you to some necessary idea that you want to implement. The bosses, seeing your work zeal, will give you more and more complex tasks, the implementation of which will require increased knowledge, creativity and energy from you. Sometimes you will want to give up everything and run away. But think it over carefully. The stars say that in the second half of the year it will become easier and you will even receive help from where you did not expect.

But your efforts will be appreciated in the end. In February you may feel a slight depression at work, but by March it will pass successfully. In addition, your performance will increase several times. But already in April you should moderate your work ardor, otherwise you risk your health. By mid-July, try to sort out all your affairs and have a good rest by taking a vacation. Then, until the end of the year, you will be completely overwhelmed with work, which will appear as if by itself.

Soon you will begin to notice sidelong glances and whispers from envious people. But don’t pay attention to them, firmly walk towards your goal without looking back.

All your financial income this year is the result of your successful work. But don’t rush to thoughtlessly spend the funds you receive. Perhaps you will need them in the summer.

If you want to invest them somewhere, first consult with experts and think carefully about your decision. Although the stars still advise you to keep the money for yourself.

Unfortunately, single Capricorns will be content with fleeting, short-term relationships this year too. But the stars advise you to take a closer look at your friends and acquaintances. Your soulmate has been among them for a long time, you just need to find her.

Family Capricorns are strongly discouraged from breaking the ties that bind you. Otherwise, you are doomed to a long, joyless loneliness. Therefore, try to save your marriage at all costs. If it’s completely unbearable, then go with your couple to a family psychologist.

I can only envy your health. Thanks to your immunity, seasonal diseases and epidemics will not affect you. But don’t stop there, keep working on your body. If you allowed yourself a little detox in the spring and had a good rest in the summer, then until December you will feel great. By the way, summer is a traumatic period for you. In December you may feel some moral discomfort. In this case, take time off.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius

Aquarius. The cosmos continues to remake your inner world. This will last another three years. This is quite a difficult time for you. Old psychological stereotypes are being broken down, a painful cleansing of the subconscious is taking place. Thoughts jump around in your brain, changing every now and then. You have difficulty making important decisions because after a while you already doubt their correctness. For Aquarians who are weak in spirit, there is a high probability during this period of falling under the influence of religious sects or other prohibited organizations. If you are having a hard time experiencing your current psychological state, consult a specialist.

If there is a child in your family, especially a teenager, born under this sign, pay close attention to him. Surround him with care and warmth so that no harm happens to him.

During this period, many Aquarians can discover the talent of a writer - a science fiction writer or a screenwriter of tragic productions. They will feel the ability to interpret dreams. They will feel an irresistible desire to engage in psychology, esotericism or mysticism.

For a successful career this year, it is enough for you to clearly fulfill your duties and maintain smooth relationships with colleagues. And in the summer you may be pleased with a new offer. This will be unexpected for you, because you did not strive for this. But a new position comes with great responsibility and increased demand. Think carefully about whether you need this.

Aquarians who have their own business, on the contrary, make far-reaching plans. They will spend the whole year looking for partners who would help implement their grandiose project. But they should be honest with prospective investors, and not try to make money through fraudulent, dishonest means.

Keep track of your finances. You shouldn't buy something just because it's bright and beautiful. This year, try to buy only necessary, practical things. Do not make any investments or invest money in any projects. Even if you use the services of financial advisors, are you sure that they are not lying to you?

You will meet the beginning of the year with good physical health, but your moral state will leave much to be desired. There may be a depressive or stressful state, a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself and others. Use your physical strength to restore mental balance. Walk more or, if possible, ski through the snowy forest. Go fishing or hunting. Visit or sauna with a steam room. Take up a hobby you love. In general, give yourself constant relaxation until your state of mind returns to normal.

This year you are very susceptible to various kinds of experiences and stress. If you cannot avoid severe anxiety, consult a specialist; do not self-medicate.

By spring, try to completely give up alcohol and fatty foods. Your liver may be at risk. Eat healthy. Eat more vegetables and fruits raw. Try to drink 1.5 liters of fresh water per day. Start doing morning exercises or engage in light sports.

In summer, your condition may worsen. This will manifest itself in dizziness, palpitations and general weakness. The eyes may darken, and the legs may become weak and give way. If these symptoms bother you greatly and frighten you, consult a doctor. Get tested and take a course of medications. But don’t panic, your body is simply giving you signals that it is overloaded and needs rest. Take a vacation, go to a place where there is a lot of fresh air, there is a body of water for swimming and there are no objects that irritate your psyche. If vacation is not possible, use your free time and weekends for complete relaxation. But be careful: summer is a traumatic period for you. By autumn everything will be fine again. Work on strengthening your immunity.

Lonely Aquarius will be lucky to meet a person for a long-term serious relationship at the end of the year. Moreover, a radical change of image can help you meet a wealthy partner. In the meantime, you can while away the time in non-binding affairs and novels.

The stars advise family Aquarians not to take out their malaise and blues on their relatives. This is fraught with scandals and quarrels, which will further undermine your mental health. Look for a reasonable compromise in communicating with your family during this difficult period for you. And don’t even think about looking for solace on the side. This will bring you neither joy nor satisfaction, but only a feeling of complete devastation. And you may lose your family.

But it is not all that bad. If depression has not yet visited you, then it is quite possible that it will not come. And any stress can be relieved with good relaxation. And if your natural optimism and cheerfulness have not left you, then boldly go towards your goal and enjoy every day of the new year.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces

Fish. For the fourth year now, Pisces will be in a period of soul-searching, formation or rethinking of their inner world, their personality. For more experienced people, this period is declining, but for younger people it continues to rage. This year you will especially feel an irresistible desire to retire, to be alone. Perhaps you will become interested in fishing, hiking, collecting something in the forest, etc. The desire to express one's inner quest can be poured out onto paper in the form of poetry or a story, or onto canvas in the form of a painting.

Otherwise, 2017 should pass under the slogan: “Everything for home and family!” Shaky marriage ties can be strengthened, and strong ones can be further strengthened. The construction of new housing or the improvement of old housing will be successful. Joint holidays will significantly improve the atmosphere in your family. There is a very high probability that single Pisces will enter into a marriage that will be successful and strong.

In June, you may be faced with the question of what to prefer: continue to improve your inner world or plunge headlong into work. You will have to decide what is more important for you - to fail in your career or to give up building inner spiritual harmony. Just think very carefully and don’t rush to conclusions.

Favorable time for fruitful labor activity– this is January – March, and then – December.

An idea submitted by you or a proposed project accepted for implementation will require constant monitoring on your part. Even if you are not directly involved in its implementation. Otherwise, his colleagues may overwhelm him.

Your hard work may be noticed by your business's competitors. They may try to lure you away by promising Better conditions labor and wages. Weigh the pros and cons well. But it's better to accept the offer. Changes will only benefit you.

This year you should get closer to people who love to gossip. Listen to conversations in the office. Perhaps someone has started a not entirely fair game, and is going to use you blindly, like a pawn. Keep the situation under control.

Control your expenses. Somewhere in the middle of the year, you may need a considerable amount, which you may not have. The stars do not advise borrowing money; it will be quite difficult to repay. But you can lend money to your friends, and then they will be able to pay you back in full and on time.

In terms of health, there is a high probability of nervous overstrain. Get a preventive examination from a specialist. Eat more green vegetables and fruits. Take a course of vitamins. Try to be less nervous and rest more. The optimal time is the end of August - beginning of September. It’s better to spend your vacation “doing nothing” somewhere on a warm, quiet beach.

In general, no matter what zodiac sign and no matter what year you were born, remain yourself, learn from the mistakes of past years and do not make them in the new year. Improve internally and become better and better every year!

Tell VK

Astrology as a science has its roots deep in antiquity, and this causes unconditional respect, because thousands of generations of people have confirmed the influence of the stars and the universe on the life of every person on Earth.

It is believed that the Sun visits 12 constellations in turn throughout the year, thereby influencing human destinies and the character of each individual person. That is why it is important to know the zodiac signs by month and date.

The traditional school of astrology identifies 12 zodiac signs, each of which is assigned to a person depending on his date of birth and, accordingly, the location of the Sun at that time in a particular constellation.

This division is based on the division of the celestial sphere, conventionally representing a circle, into 12 parts of 30 degrees. The resulting parts coincide with the number of months in the calendar year and correspond to the 12 numbers of the zodiac signs. Just remember your date of birth and see what day of the month your zodiac sign begins on. This is the so-called tropical zodiac.

New astronomical zodiac

NASA astronomers have recently insisted on the following:

What kind of Ophiuchus is this?

You ask a completely reasonable logical question, and where did it come from?

It turns out that the ancients were also aware that there are 13 constellations. However, they deliberately excluded Ophiuchus from the calendar of zodiac signs. Why? And it was like this.

IN Ancient Greece the beautiful god Apollo fell in love with the nymph Coronis. However, Koronida turned out to be, although a beautiful, but flighty creature, she was captivated by the charms of another man, and carried a child from her lover.

Apollo was furious! Still would! The beautiful god was fooled and someone else was chosen over him! Apollo angrily deals with the unfaithful nymph. Unable to see a living reminder of failed love and betrayal of his beloved, Apollo gives his newborn son Aesculapius to be raised by the centaur Chiron, the legendary healer.

Aesculapius grew up as a smart boy, grasping on the fly all the secrets of medicine that the famous healer generously revealed to him. Since ancient times, snake venom was considered a medicine, so Aesculapius often carried live snakes with him, for which he was nicknamed Ophiuchus.

Captivated by the opportunities that had opened up and his abilities, Aesculapius decided to do the impossible: try to bring the dead back to life. The gods became aware of these plans, and the supreme god Zeus, horrified at the chaos that Aesculapius’ plans could lead to, strikes him with his lightning and places him in the vault of heaven.

Ophiuchus is located on the path of the Sun from November 27 to December 17. And the ancients also knew about this. However, the constellation Ophiuchus did not fit into a clear schedule, where 12 constellations are organically inscribed in the firmament, dividing it into even parts of 30 degrees each and corresponding in number to 12 months. Thus, the zodiac signs of the traditional horoscope and the constellation are harmoniously combined with each other by month, date and year.

In connection with these facts, a number of scientists are now proposing a new astronomical calendar of zodiac signs, which is compiled taking into account changed circumstances, as well as taking into account the thirteenth constellation - Ophiuchus. Remember your date of birth to find out which zodiac sign corresponds to you.

Your date of birth
from 19.01 to 15.02Capricorn
from 16.02 to 11.03Aquarius
from 12.03 to 18.04Pisces
from 19.04 to 13.05Aries
from 14.05 to 19.06Taurus
from 20.06 to 20.07Gemini
from 21.07 to 09.08Cancer
from 10.08 to 15.09Leo
from 16.09 to 30.10Virgo
from 31.10 to 22.11Libra
from 23.11 to 29.11Scorpio
from 30.11 to 17.12Ophiuchus
from 12.18 to 18.01Sagittarius

Compatibility of zodiac signs

Do you know the feeling when you meet a person for the first time, but it seems to you that you have known each other all your life: you can’t talk to each other, you finish each other’s sentences, and you don’t have to explain anything again - and so everything is obvious.

And sometimes you intuitively feel uncomfortable with a person. And obvious things have to be explained several times. And conflicts arise over trifles out of the blue. Sometimes it even gets to the point where human touch is unpleasant.

Some will say fate. However, most often the explanation lies on the surface - it’s all about the mystery of the compatibility of men and women according to the zodiac signs. Just think about what day of the month you and your interlocutor were born, and correlate everything with the table.

Who are you according to your zodiac sign?Good compatibilityPoor compatibility
Capricornwith Taurus and Aquariuswith twins and leo
Aquariuswith Sagittarius and Capricornwith Virgo and Scorpio
Pisceswith Gemini and Scorpiowith Aries and Leo
Arieswith Taurus and Geminiwith Libra and Cancer
Tauruswith Libra and Arieswith Cancer and Virgo
Geminiwith Virgo and Pisceswith Aries and Capricorn
Cancerwith Scorpio and Tauruswith Aries and Gemini
Leowith Cancer and Sagittariuswith Gemini and Capricorn
Virgowith Sagittarius and Aquariuswith Taurus and Leo
Librawith Cancer and Virgowith Scorpio and Pisces
Scorpiowith Leo and Pisceswith Aquarius and Libra
Sagittariuswith Capricorn and Pisceswith Scorpio and Libra

Characteristics of the zodiac signs

  • Capricorn

A zodiac sign with a strong, stubborn and even stubborn character. They know how to set a goal and persistently move towards it, without paying attention to anything. They understand that the most huge and complex projects begin with the first step, which simply needs to be taken. It is difficult to achieve balance in work and personal life; as a rule, there are always imbalances in one direction or the other.

  • Aquarius

Very sociable, easy to find mutual language with the most different people. They are easy and spontaneous in communication, and are considered the life of the party. They understand beauty and are able to surround themselves with things of exceptional beauty, even without having enough money for that. Money. They experience difficulties due to their lack of concentration and disorganization.

Dreamy, idealistic in many ways. They do not tolerate hypocrisy and slander, which is why they encounter difficulties in the team and when building a career. Possess well developed intuition, however, are indecisive. Before making any decision, they will weigh everything very carefully, thinking and consulting with those they trust.

These are born leaders. Only those who are able to demonstrate strength are respected. Having set a goal for themselves, they are able to move towards it, sweeping away everything in their path and not disdaining any means. Terrible in rage and anger. They are not able to find compromises; they are convinced that there is only one correct opinion - their own.

  • Taurus

A calm, balanced, peace-loving character is what sets Taurus apart. These are real conservatives who prefer to act proven and reliable methods. Loyal and constant in relationships. They are financially successful because they are pragmatic and persistent. They can be overly stubborn and overly cautious in making decisions.

  • Twins

Sociable, friendly, artistic, can easily turn your head opposite sex. Frequent mood swings give rise to the expression “seven Fridays in a week,” which perfectly reflects the essence of this zodiac sign. They are extremely unfocused and cannot focus on achieving goals and finishing what they start.

Representatives of this sign are extremely emotional, expressive and capricious in communication, which is both their weakness and charm. Patient in achieving your goals. Loyal to loved ones and incapable of meanness and betrayal. They need constant praise and encouragement from loved ones.

Proud, power-hungry, calm in their greatness. They love to be the center of attention and be liked by others. They feel great in leadership positions and are able to organize and complete any assigned task. In order to please others, they are able to put on a mask and behave not as they really feel, but as society demands. They risk falling into the trap of narcissism and narcissism.

True skeptics, ready to explain everything in this world using logic and science. Intelligent, observant, balanced and practical. As a rule, they make a choice in favor of work rather than family. Real workaholics and a godsend for management. They are secretive, complex and often busy with soul-searching.

Pleasant, friendly, reasonable and calm. Periods of amazing performance are interspersed with feelings of relaxation and laziness. Intellectually developed and peaceful. Honest, sincere, romantic in personal relationships. Often many projects remain in dreams, never starting due to indecision.

  • Scorpion

These are bright personalities and born leaders. Emotional and impulsive. If they are nearby, life is in full swing. They have irrepressible energy, a sharp mind, and are able to lead people and inspire. They can be harsh in communication and offend without choosing the right words. The desire and love for managing people can turn Scorpio into a despot and tyrant who does not tolerate objections and other people's opinions.

  • Sagittarius

This is an innovator sign, constantly moving towards new horizons and knowledge of the unknown. Self-development and mastering new skills is the meaning of life for Sagittarius. They are assertive, but charming, so they easily find a common language with others. Optimistic and successful in business. They know how to plan and achieve their goals. They believe that the end justifies the means and do not disdain various methods.

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