10 Russian folk games with descriptions. Ancient folk games for children

04.07.2019 Sport

Experience as a preschool teacher

The material may be useful for preschool teachers when writing work experience for participation in competitions.
Last name, first name, patronymic Gorkovskaya Anna Alekseevna
Position Educator
Date of birth: 03/15/1977
Full address of residence Rostov region, Volgodonsk, *********
Contact phone numbers, address Email cell **********
Education, academic degree(level, educational institution)
State educational institution average vocational education Volgodonsk Pedagogical College,
qualified as a child educator preschool age
majoring in early childhood education
Professional career (total work experience, dates, places of work, positions)
14 years at MBDOU DS "Vesna" in Volgodonsk - teacher of the highest qualification category

Availability of awards, titles(if available)
City competition "Educator of the Year 2006" - participant diploma 2006.
Final of the regional competition “Best preparatory group on the study of traffic rules and the organization of work to prevent accidents among preschool educational institutions of the region (2009) - 2nd place in the city stage of the regional competition and 1st place in the final of the regional competition.
Certificate of honor from the Department of Education of Volgodonsk for the successful formation of the intellectual, cultural and moral foundations of the personality of preschool children in 2010.
Certificate of honor from the city organization of the Trade Union of Education Workers for active work in the primary trade union organization, many years of conscientious work, loyalty to the trade union movement in 2013.
Winner diploma (1st place) of the All-Russian competition "Umnata" in the blitz-olympiad: "Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education" 2015.
Diploma (2nd place) of the All-Russian online publication "Teacher's Portal" in the All-Russian competition
"ICT competencies of teaching staff in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard" 2015
Diploma (3rd place) of the All-Russian general education portal "Prodlenka.org" in the All-Russian pedagogical competition dedicated to Mother's Day "Native Heart", "holiday script for Mother's Day" 2016.

Name of preschool educational institution (in full):
Full address of the institution:
The subject of the Russian Federation: ____________________________________________________________
index: ________________________________________________________________
locality: _______________________________________________________
Street: _________________________________________________________________
house: __________________________________________________________________
federal telephone code city: ________ phone: ________________
fax: ____________________ e-mail: __________________
Head of a preschool educational institution (full name, contact phone):

I believe that the kindergarten of the future should be a second home for children, where they can find happiness. A happy man- first of all healthy man. Therefore, in kindergarten In the future, conditions must be created for the full development of the physical, creative, and cognitive abilities of each child in accordance with his individual abilities. The kindergarten of the future is a home of positive emotions, smiles and joy, where every child recognizes himself as an individual and knows how to rejoice not only in his own, but also in others’ achievements.


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten "Vesna" Volgodonsk
(MBDOU DS “Vesna”, Volgodonsk)
I, Gorkovskaya Anna Alekseevna, have been working at the MBDOU DS "Vesna" in Volgodonsk for 15 years. Teaching experience 14 years. In 2005, she graduated from the Volgodonsk Pedagogical College, a state educational institution of secondary vocational education, and was awarded the qualification of a teacher of preschool children, specializing in preschool education. In 2015 passed the final certification under the advanced training program at the ANO "St. Petersburg Center for Additional Professional Education" on the topic: "Organization of the educational process in kindergarten in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard." I have the highest qualification category.
Currently I work as a teacher in a compensatory preparatory school group with severe speech impairments.

1. Characteristics of the teacher’s contribution to the implementation of the main educational program of the MDOU
MBDOU DS "Vesna" in Volgodonsk carries out educational activities according to the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "Childhood" edited by T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogobidze, Z.A. Mikhailova. It is the first to implement an approach to organizing the holistic development and education of a preschool child. I consider my contribution to the implementation of this program to be the creation of the "Educational working program teacher" (Appendix No. 1).
The content of the Program in accordance with the requirements of the Standard includes three main sections - target, content and organizational.
The goal of implementing the main educational program of preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education: development of the personality of preschool children in various types communication and activity, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics.
Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:
1. Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;
2. Ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities).
3. Ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs at various levels (hereinafter referred to as the continuity of the main educational programs of preschool and primary general education).
4. Creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world.
5. Combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society.
6. Formation of a general culture of the personality of children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities.
7. Ensuring variability and diversity in the content of Programs and organizational forms of preschool education, the possibility of creating Programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health status of children.
8. Formation of a sociocultural environment appropriate to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children.
9. Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.
10. Ensuring continuity of goals, objectives and content of preschool general and primary general education.

2. Characteristics of the effectiveness of a teacher’s use of modern educational technologies
When implementing this Program, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, I use modern educational technologies in my activities:
1.health-saving technologies;
2.technologies of project activities;
3. information and communication technologies;
4.personally-oriented technologies;
5.game technology

1. Health-saving technologies.
The goal of health-saving technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop necessary knowledge, skills for a healthy lifestyle.
I carry out a set of physical education and health activities aimed at physical development and strengthening the health of the child - technologies for the development of physical qualities, hardening by walking barefoot on massage mats using sports equipment (gymnastic sticks, balls, dumbbells, etc.), holding breathing exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova, psycho-gymnastics according to
M. Chistyakova, eye gymnastics, finger and articulation gymnastics, self-massage of the face, the use of moving and sports games, rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, relaxation, etc.
The use of health-saving technologies in my work has led to the following results:
- increasing the level of development of children’s physical abilities;
- stability of the emotional well-being of each child;
- increasing the level of speech development;
- reduction in morbidity rates.

2. Technologies of project activities
Goal: Development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.
For the second year, the priority area of ​​my work is “Development of speech in preschool children through moral and patriotic education.” In this regard, I have developed and are successfully implementing a creative educational project “Springs of Russia” (Appendix No. 2).
Goal: developing children's knowledge about Russia, the characteristics of the population, the history and culture of the Russian people, Russian national holidays; expanding knowledge about the Don region; nurturing love and respect for one’s small Motherland.
As a result, the children developed a feeling of love for their small Motherland with its distant past, became acquainted with Cossack folklore and dialect, with the customs and traditions of the Don Cossacks, with Cossack games, learned what Cossack household items looked like and learned their names; they know the State symbols, the capital of our Motherland with its sights, the traditions and customs of the Russian people, the State holidays of the Russian Federation.

3. Information and communication technologies.
The world in which a modern child develops is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. This places qualitatively new demands on preschool education as the first link of lifelong education: education using modern information technologies (computer, interactive whiteboard, tablet, etc.).
Informatization of society poses tasks for preschool teachers:
- to keep up with the times,
- become a guide for the child to the world of new technologies,
- mentor in choosing computer programs,
- to form the basis of the information culture of his personality,
- improve the professional level of teachers and the competence of parents.
I use ICT in my work to:
1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, offices (scanning, Internet, printer, presentation).
2. Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarization with scenarios for holidays and other events.
3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, the developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad.
4. Preparation of group documentation and reports.
5. Creation of presentations and films in the Power Point and Windows Movie Maker programs to increase the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings.

4. Personality-oriented technologies.
The technology of cooperation implements the principle of democratization of preschool education, equality in the relationship between teacher and child, partnership in the “Adult-child” relationship system.
Together with children, I create conditions for a developmental environment, we produce manuals, toys, and gifts for the holidays. Together we determine a variety of creative activities (games, work, concerts, holidays, entertainment).
Pedagogical technologies based on humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations with procedural orientation, priority of personal relationships, individual approach, democratic governance and a bright humanistic orientation of the content. The new basic general education program of preschool education “Childhood”, edited by T.I. Babaeva, has this approach,
A.G. Gogobidze, Z.A. Mikhailova.

5. Gaming technology.
It is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by common content, plot, and character. It includes sequentially:
games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features objects, compare, contrast them;
groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;
groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena;
groups of games that develop the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction to a word, phonemic awareness, ingenuity, etc.
I believe that compiling gaming technologies from individual games and elements is the concern of every educator.

In activities with the help of gaming technologies, children develop mental processes.
Gaming technologies are closely related to all aspects of the educational work of a kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks. When implementing the “Springs of Russia” project, I use folk games in my work as a means of pedagogical correction of children’s behavior.

The use of all these pedagogical technologies in my work helps me make the process of solving problems orderly, consistent, thoughtful and conscious, allows me to achieve the planned result, helps me to convey the content of my professional activity in the optimal form for its implementation, to build professional actions in a consistent logical chain.

3. The system of teacher activities for educating preschool children based on patriotic values ​​and cultural and historical traditions of the Don Territory
The implementation of the national-regional component is carried out according to the N.V. program. Elzhova “Introducing preschool children to the history of the Don region”, as well as through the group work “Cossack gatherings”, which is carried out within the framework of the project “Springs of Russia”.
Goal: Development of cognitive interest in the history of the Don region and nurturing a feeling of love for one’s small homeland.
- To form in children the beginnings of moral consciousness and the beginnings of personal self-awareness based on the cultural and ethnic norms of a given region, the content of the child’s consciousness;
- Continue to expand the content of the child’s consciousness through information and events, phenomena that are inaccessible to his direct observation;
- Contribute to enriching ideas about the past of the small homeland;
- Maintain a cognitive and creative attitude towards the surrounding world of Don nature;
- Maintain a constant interest in the world of adults;
- To promote the desire in children to convey their feelings and thoughts in communication with peers;
- Create conditions for the formation in children of a feeling of love for the Motherland;
- Promote the development of productive imagination in children of senior preschool age.

Topic 1: “History of the Don Region”
1.Introduction to maps.
2.Map of the Rostov region.
3.Our city.
4. Don Steppe - “Wild Field”
5. Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars.
6. Model of the Don steppe.
Topic 2: “Cossacks are free people”
1. Origin of the Cossacks.
3. Cossack towns.
4. Cossack clothing.
5. Cossack songs.
6. Traditions and customs of the Cossacks.
7.Creation of a mini-museum.
Topic 3: “Cities of the Rostov region”
1. Rostov.
3. Taganrog.
6. Compilation of a guide to Cossack cities.
Topic 4: " Animal world Don region"
3. Pisces.
4.Donskoy pearls.
5.Red Book of Animals.
Topic 5: “Plants of the Don Region”
1.Trees and shrubs.
3.Medicinal herbs.
4.Plants as a means of cosmetics.
5. Red Book of Plants of the Don.

Topic 6: “How we vacationed on the Don”
1.Children's games.
2.Orthodox holidays (Easter, Trinity)
3.Gatherings on the rubble.
4.Hike to the reservoir.
5. Population of the reservoir model with animals and plants.

Expected result.
1. The consciousness of children will expand due to information and events, phenomena that are inaccessible to his direct observation.
2. A cognitive and creative attitude towards the surrounding world of Don nature will be formed.
3. A feeling of love for the Motherland will be formed
4. The desire to learn about the folklore of a given region.
5. Productive activity of children in exploring their region will be formed.

4. The system for the teacher to implement the principle of individualization in educational activities based on the pedagogical assessment system approved by the preschool educational institution.

In accordance with the educational program of the preschool institution, in accordance with the annual group work plan at the beginning and at the end school year Monitoring of children's achievement of positive dynamics in the results of mastering the educational program is carried out, during which the individual development of children is assessed. The assessment is carried out within the framework of pedagogical diagnostics (assessment of the individual development of children, associated with an assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions, which forms the basis for their further planning).
The results of pedagogical diagnostics are subsequently used to solve the following educational problems:
1. individualization of education (supporting a child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of his developmental characteristics);
2. optimization of work with a group of children.
Pedagogical diagnostics are carried out as part of observation of children in everyday situations, in order to conclude that the educational process as a whole achieves its result, namely the main goals set by the educational program: health protection, creating conditions for the timely and full mental development of children and their joyful living during the preschool period.
Analysis of the results of pedagogical diagnostics over the past 3 years has shown positive dynamics in the development of the educational program by my students. At the end of the 2013,2014,2015 school year, the number of children with an acceptable level of mastering the educational program was 100%, which confirms the effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies and methods.
5. Characteristics of interaction between a teacher and specialists: participation in the development and implementation of individual child development programs

The implementation of the “Teacher Educational Work Program” takes place in close cooperation with specialists:

Teacher-speech therapist (development of articulatory motor skills, phonemic perception, finger motor skills, consolidation of assigned sounds in speech, development of coherent speech on lexical topics, consolidation of lexical and grammatical categories);
- teacher-psychologist (games for the development of communication skills, games for the development of cognitive processes; games that promote the development of communication skills, establishing mutual understanding, partnership; development of self-regulation, emotional development, psycho-gymnastics);
- musical director (logorhythmic classes; singing nursery rhymes, chants; imitation games, dramatizations; automation of staged sounds based on folklore material);
- physical education instructor and swimming instructor (development of gross and fine motor skills; chants, counting rhymes, outdoor games with speech accompaniment, recitatives, games for coordinating speech with movement)

I take an active part in the development and implementation of individual child development programs. After the monitoring, data about the child is entered into the card of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social development (Appendix No. 3) according to the following parameters:
- Knowledge, skills and abilities according to the program,
- Orientation activities,
- Cognitive activity,
- Self-control,
- Orientation activities in new conditions,
- Receptivity to help,
- Transfer to new conditions.

An individual program of psychological-pedagogical and medical-social assistance to a child (Appendix No. 4) is implemented through the following areas: medical (doctor, nurse, exercise therapy instructor), pedagogical (educators, music director), speech (teacher-speech therapist), psychological (teacher-psychologist ). First, teachers identify the problem of the child’s development, then describe his rehabilitation potential, select areas of correctional work, select the necessary technological tools, and indicate the predicted result. Actual
the result is written at the end of the year.

6. The teacher’s creative position in transforming the child’s development environment.
The developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational organization is one of the main means that shapes the child’s personality, a source of knowledge and social experience. The subject-spatial environment created in kindergarten affects the development of the child, promotes his comprehensive development, and ensures his mental and emotional well-being. Therefore, this question is especially relevant for me today.

Zones, centers and microcenters of the group.
Zone of choice and self-determination.
Designed for storing materials and equipment that provide the ability to organize all types of children's activities in accordance with the age of the children. These are wall storage cabinets that represent one or another center of children's activity: intellectual, constructive, center of experimentation; social-emotional; artistic and productive; game; motor; speech, library; duty corner; corner of nature.

Work zone.
It directly involves the educational activities of the teacher with children and the independent activities of children based on their interests.
The work area contains furniture structures that reflect the specifics of any activity or content, and light furniture structures: transformable tables on wheels.
Active zone. Designed to implement motor activity children and activities that require movement in space.
Quiet zone. Designed for relaxation and privacy. It contains: a small carpet, light banquettes, soft poufs, a light table.
When organizing the teaching staff, I took into account that the boundaries of the zones should be flexible. When building teaching staff, I use so-called mobile modular structures, screens that combine well with each other, move, and slide apart. Such modular furniture is multifunctional and mobile, easily transformed and folded.
I always try to approach creatively when creating a subject-spatial environment in a group. In my work I use author’s manuals developed by me, original didactic and educational games, original teaching and educational tools.
The game “Field of Miracles” and “Field of Miracles-2” helps me in speech development classes:
in the automation of delivered sounds (“Name the picture(s) with such a sound”, “Where is the sound hidden?”);
in the development of coherent speech (“Come up with a riddle about...”, “Come up with a sentence”, “Make up a story about...”);
in the development of vocabulary and grammar (“Tell me which one (which one)?”, “Pick up a word”, etc.
The manual contains two playing fields a hundred pictures each.
This manual contains more than 50 game situations in various educational areas: speech development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.
In the speech therapy corner of our group I use a number of games and aids that I have developed: sets for modeling fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Zayushkina Hut”, d/i “Visiting Tap-Tapych”, d/i “Nitkobukovka”
"Casket with fairy tales", sets for the development of air flow ("Snowflakes", "Flowers", "Leaves"), for the development of fine motor skills "Zayushka", "Nimble Fingers", "Mom's Beads", "Nitkobukovka."
In the safety corner: d/i “Place the pictures in order”, d/i “Road signs”, d/i “Causes of a fire in the house”, d/i “Find your soulmate”, d/i “Dangerous objects in the house” , capes for role-playing “DPS”, “EMERCOM”, “Policeman”, “Dangerous Situations” cards, a card index of safety games, consultations “For you, parents”, memos “How to make a child’s life safe”.
In the corner of the "Theater Living Room": theater on spoons "Lozhkarev Family", "Kinder Theater", theater on fingers "Little Stompers", theater on scarves "Masha and the Bear", "Shadow Theatre".
The “Sports and Health” center has produced the following games: “Traps”, “Throw and Catch”, “Massage Traces”, a card index of outdoor games and exercises.
The Center for Local History produced the visual aid “Don Cossacks”, the d/i ​​“Say it in Cossack”, the d/i ​​“Brew Lunch for a Cossack”, the d/i ​​“Dress up a Cossack Girl”, the model “Cossack Compound”, the visual aid “State Symbols of the Russian Federation” ", card index of Cossack games.
The subject-spatial environment created in kindergarten and the use of my own author's manuals, didactic and developmental games, original teaching and educational tools have a beneficial effect on the development of children in the compensatory group, promotes their comprehensive development, and ensures their mental and emotional well-being.

7. Characteristics of the joint activities of the teacher with parents and the public to develop the educational environment.
In joint activities with parents, I use various forms and methods of work. The implementation of activities (including the work of the parent club "Holidays of Russia") is carried out according to plan:
Parent meeting Topic "Features of child development at the 7th year of life"
Questionnaire: "Family Social Passport", "Child's health is above all"
Conversation "Child and Parent"
Instruction "Basics" safe behavior children in kindergarten and at home"
Topic:Knowledge Day.

Information corner 1. Work schedule of specialists,
daily routine, activity schedule
2. "What awaits us in September"
3. Reminders “Dangerous objects in the house”
4.Consultation on the benefits of vegetables and fruits "Vitamin calendar"
Festive events Theme: Day of Knowledge “Visiting a Fairy Tale”
Summer birthday day.
Promotion: “Don’t be invisible, glow in the dark”
Exhibition of children's creativity "Volgodonsk - the city where I live"
Teacher's Day. "Portrait of a Beloved Teacher"
working with parents Events
Individual work with parents Conversation “Child and Parent”
Parents' club: "Russian Holidays"
Topic: Older People's Day.
Information corner 1. "What awaits us in October?"
2. Reminders “How to save yourself from the flu?”
3.Consultation “You have an anxious child”
Festive events Exhibition of crafts from autumn leaves"Tales of Autumn Leaves"
Photo exhibition “Grandma and I, best friends” (for the Day of the Elderly)
Autumn fun"Autumn Ball"
Exhibition of joint creativity of children and parents “Bird of Happiness, Bird of Friendship and Kindness”
Exhibition of crafts “Madam Potato”
Autumn entertainment “Autumn Gifts”
working with parents Events
Parent meeting Topic "New Year holidays"
Individual work with parents

Conversation "Sensory education of children with speech disorders"
Parents' club: "Russian Holidays"
Topic: Mother's Day.
Information corner 1. "What awaits us in November?"
2. Reminders “Play with children”
3Consultation “Teaching a child to communicate”
Festive events Photo competition “My Passion” - among employees, parents and children
Photo exhibition for Mother’s Day “Look into Mom’s Eyes”
Promotion "Bird's Canteen"
Exhibition “My mother has golden hands” (for Mother’s Day)

working with parents Events
Individual work with parents Conversation “How to build relationships with conflict-ridden children”
Parents' club: "Russian Holidays"
Subject: New Year.
Information corner 1. "What awaits us in December"
2.Memo "Advice for parents of withdrawn children"
3.Consultation “Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.”
Festive events Exhibition of drawings “In Search of the Snow Maiden 2016”
Promotion “Christmas Tree of Wishes”
Crafts competition "New Year's toy"

working with parents Events
Individual work with parents Conversation “Happiness is when you are understood”
Parents' club: "Russian Holidays"
Topic: Christmas.
Information corner 1. "What awaits us in January?"
2. Reminders “How to overcome absent-mindedness in a child?”

Festive events Farewell to the Christmas tree - Vasily's Day
Making family photo albums “Family Traditions”
Exhibition of drawings: “So that there is no fire, so that there is no trouble.”
Entertainment “The Adventure of a Match”
working with parents Events
Individual work with parents Conversation “Children are taught by what surrounds them.”
Parents' club: "Russian Holidays"
Topic: Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Information corner 1. "What awaits us in February?"
2. Stand “Cooperation with family.
Forms of work."
3.Consultation “Hyperactive child”

Festive events Leisure “Strong, brave”
Exhibition of drawings “Our Army”
Musical and sports entertainment “We are military”
Creative competition “Vesnyanka Doll”
working with parents Events
Parent meeting Theme "Spring mood"
Individual work with parents

Conversation “The whims and stubbornness of preschool children, their causes and manifestations”
Parents' club: "Russian Holidays"
Topic: Day 8 March.
Information corner 1. "What awaits us in March?"
2. Reminders “You cannot punish or scold when...”
3. Consultation “A healthy mind in a healthy body”
Festive events Holiday “Mom is my sunshine”
Exhibition of works “Spring motives”
Sports entertainment “Girls Go!”
Festival "Theatrical Spring"
- viewing of theatrical performances.
working with parents Events
Topic: Easter.
Conversation “Rules of behavior for children in in public places»
Information corner 1. "What awaits us in April?"
2 Instruction “On the roads of the city”
3.Consultation " Poisonous plants. Walking in the woods"

Festive events Entertainment for April Fool's Day "Jumble"
Presentation of the project "Springs of Russia", holiday "We sing about you, my Russia"
Leisure “Take care of nature”
Exhibition of drawings " Space trip»
Exhibition of children's works "Bright Easter"
Review competition “Best vegetable garden on the window”
Exhibition of drawings “Floral Fantasy”
All-Russian campaign “Attention, children!” - “Safe road to school.”
working with parents Events
Individual work with parents Parents club: "Russian Holidays"
Topic: Victory Day.
Information corner 1. What awaits us in May
2.Consultation “Sun, air and water are our best friends”
3. Memo “Safety Lessons”
Festive events Exhibition of drawings and crafts “This Victory Day”
Creative competition – greeting card
“Happy anniversary to my favorite kindergarten”
Trip to school country"Ship of Knowledge" Graduation party.
In my work, I also use a form of activity called “Trust Mail,” where parents are happy to share their experiences with me, ask questions, and solve problems.

Provided by parents charitable help in the purchase of furniture, educational games, toys and teaching aids.
As part of the project "Springs of Russia" a parent club "Holidays of Russia" was organized
Goal: developing children's knowledge about Russia, the characteristics of the population, the history of the origin and celebration of holidays in Russia;
nurturing love and respect for one’s homeland;
- Stimulate the desire of children (with the help of an adult) to acquire knowledge about traditional Russian holidays.
- To instill in children the traits of a citizen of their Fatherland.
- To develop the ability to sympathetically perceive and understand the historical experience of the older generation.
- Foster interest and respect for the cultural diversity of Russia and the history of the people.

Parent performances are held monthly. According to the indicated topics, each speaker selects information: the history of the holiday, how it has long been celebrated in Russia, what traditions and customs this day carried, games with children on the topic. We collect all the accumulated material into the album "Holidays of Russia".
As a result, children learned a lot of new things about traditional Russian holidays, became interested and respectful of the cultural diversity of Russia, knew many traditions and customs, folk games, and developed the ability to sympathetically perceive and understand the historical experience of the older generation.

7. Characteristics of the current innovative experience of the teacher.
For the second year, the priority area of ​​my work is “Development of speech in preschool children through moral and patriotic education.” In this regard, I have developed and are successfully implementing a creative educational project “Springs of Russia” (Appendix No. 2). I believe, that project activities in preschool educational organizations is currently a relevant and effective modern educational technology.
The “Springs of Russia” project is carried out through the implementation of the national-regional component, the work of the “Cossack Gatherings” circle, as well as the active activities of the parent club “Holidays of Russia”.
Goal: developing children's knowledge about Russia, the characteristics of the population, the history and culture of the Russian people;
expanding knowledge about the Don region;
nurturing love and respect for one’s small Motherland;
promoting the formation of grammatically correct coherent speech and the expansion of vocabulary.

1. Foster interest and respect for the cultural diversity of Russia, for the history of the peoples inhabiting our country and the Don region.
2. To develop the ability to sympathetically perceive and understand the historical experience of the older generation.
3. To instill in children the traits of a citizen of their Fatherland.
4. To form ideas about the history of the Don region and its inhabitants; introduce the life and work of the Don Cossacks;
5. Improve knowledge about your hometown Volgodonsk;
6. Activate and enrich their vocabulary with new words.
7.Develop coherent, monologue and dialogic speech.
8. Develop correct speech exhalation when singing and reading poems.
8. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

The project is being implemented over the course of a year in three stages.
No. Event Goals Responsible Dates
Stage 1
Find out parents' interest in the topic of the project.
Gorbenko A.P.
Gorkovskaya A.A.

2nd week of September

Selection and study of literature. Implementation of the project Educators:
Gorbenko A.P.
Gorkovskaya A.A. September
Creation of a developmental environment: production of teaching aids, games, attributes, selection of consultations for parents, selection of illustrations, creation of albums, presentations on the topic. Implementation of the project Educators:
Gorbenko A.P.
Parents of group children.
Selection of proverbs and sayings on the topic of the project, songs and poems about Russia Implementation of the project Educators:
Gorbenko A.P.
Gorkovskaya A.A.

Musical director:
Mezheritskaya V.V.
September - April
Stage 2 - main

Screening of the presentation "Russia is my Motherland."
Get to know the features natural areas and the climatic conditions of our country,
cities of Russia, the main attractions of these cities.

2. Show presentation
“Moscow is the capital of our Motherland”
Introduce the main attractions of the capital of Russia: buildings, museums, theaters, cathedrals, architectural monuments.
3. Conversation
Topic: State symbols of the Russian Federation: coat of arms, flag, anthem.
Introduce children to the symbols of our country; discuss the content of the text of the Russian anthem, introduce new words
("Power", "Sacred", "Property"),
develop patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, develop speech Gorbenko A.P.
4. Drawing
Topic: Russian coat of arms
Continue to introduce children to state symbols, develop patriotic feelings, love for their native country, strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly, and combine colors.
Gorkovskaya A.A. 11.11.
5. Conversation
Topic: Russian Holidays. Mother's Day Introduce children to the features and traditions of Mother's Day. To cultivate feelings of love, tenderness and respect for the most precious and to a loved one-mom. Parents:
Commissioner O.A.

6. Quiz with presentation showing
Topic: My favorite city.
Continue to introduce children to the sights of our city, cultivate love for their native land, teach them to solve riddles using rhyming words.
Gorbenko A.P.

7. Drawing
Topic: Favorite corner of Volgodonsk. Learn to independently (from memory) depict your favorite places in your hometown; cultivate love for the native land, develop creative imagination.
Gorkovskaya A.A.
8. Conversation with slide show
Topic: Russian Holidays. Nativity. To acquaint children with the features and traditions of the Christmas holiday. Teach to preserve and respect the traditions of the Russian people.
Ivanova L.V.

9. Drawing
Topic: Flag of the Don Cossacks.
Continue to introduce children to the coat of arms and flag of the Don Cossacks, know the meaning of each color on the flag, strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly, develop patriotic feelings and love for their native land.
Gorkovskaya A.A.
10. Conversation
Topic: Russian Holidays. Defender of the Fatherland Day. To acquaint children with the features and traditions of the holiday -
Defender of the Fatherland Day. Teach to preserve and respect the traditions of the Russian people.
Tsipun Yu. A.
11. Participation in the competition “Childhood is wonderful years, childhood is a holiday forever!” with the song “There beyond the Don, beyond the river.” To acquaint children with the forms of Cossack folklore - songs, learn a song, develop a smooth speech exhalation when singing, develop memory, attention, musical perception, develop patriotic feelings, love for their native land. Gorkovskaya A.A.
Parent committee of the group Listening and learning the anthem of the Russian Federation.
Topic: Russia is our sacred power.
Introduce children to the text of the anthem, explain the meaning of unfamiliar words,
learn it by heart,
develop smooth speech exhalation when singing, develop memory.
Gorbenko A.P.

13. Drawing
Topic: “Razdolnaya steppe”
To introduce the concept of “perspective”, to learn how to obtain new colors by mixing paints, to distribute proportionally the details of a drawing on a sheet, to learn to admire the beauty of the steppe, to develop patriotic feelings and love for one’s native land.

Stage 3 – final
Presentation of the project "Springs of Russia"
Holiday "We sing about you, my Russia!" Develop creative activity, the ability to expressively read poems, convey the character of the characters in the scene; develop speech, attention, memory of children. Educators:
Gorbenko A.P.
Gorkovskaya A.A.

Musical director:
Mezheritskaya V.V.

Parents of group children. 6.05.2015

As a result of the project, together with parents, a mini-museum “My Favorite Don Region” was created and is being replenished with Cossack household items, Cossack costumes were sewn for each child, albums with illustrations “There beyond the Don, beyond the river” were created, a selection of presentations on this topic, regularly The card index of Cossack words, games, songs, proverbs and sayings is being replenished. Children annually take part in the city competition “Childhood - wonderful years, childhood is a holiday forever” in the “Folk Song” category.

The consciousness of children expands due to information and events, phenomena that are inaccessible to his direct observation. A cognitive and creative attitude towards the surrounding world of Don nature is formed. A feeling of love for the Motherland and a desire to learn about the folklore of a given region are formed. Productive activity of children in exploring their region is formed.
9. The teacher’s contribution to the formation of current teaching practice in the process of working in creative groups, methodological associations, research and experimental activities, etc.

I consider my contribution to the formation of current teaching practice in the process of work to be participation in the following events:
Participation in the city methodological association

Relevance. Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation No. 1155 of October 17, 2013, defines as one of the main principles of educational relations the personal developmental and humanistic nature of interaction between adults: parents (legal representatives), teaching and other employees of the Organization and children. Accordingly, the role of the teacher himself, parents and children in the preschool education system is changing. In this regard, there is an urgent need to create conditions for the development of the child, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization, personal development, development of initiative and creativity based on collaboration with adults and peers and age-appropriate activities.

The purpose of this article is aimed at considering the organization of partnership activities between an adult and children in preschool education, which is provided in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. (hereinafter - Standard).

The interaction between an adult and a child occurs mainly in two social institutions - in the family and kindergarten, and is carried out in several ways:

– the child is directly involved in joint activities with adults;

– the child observes the activities of adults;

– the adult transmits knowledge and cultural samples in a ready-made form, the child passively perceives them.

Today it is well known that the latter method of education (direct training) not suitable for preschoolers. The situation when educational activities are determined by the motives of adults, and the child’s own interests remain aside, leads to a number of negative consequences. This fact has been repeatedly confirmed in psychological concepts of personality development (A. G. Asmolov, L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev), in psychological and pedagogical educational systems (P. P. Blonsky, O. Decroli, J. Dewey, N. A. Korotkova).

In accordance with the requirements of the Standard, educational activities must be structured in such a way that the child becomes the subject of his own activity, so that his purposeful and conscious activity serves as the main means of his own development. This implies the introduction of innovative forms of implementation of the educational process, a review of the adult-child relationship.

Consequently, the role of the teacher himself in the education system is changing.

The teacher must turn into a professional who will teach the child to independently acquire knowledge, help develop cognitive interest, the need for new knowledge, motivation to learn, and at the same time he will be the subject of organized activities along with the children.

The process of acquiring general cultural skills in its entirety is possible only if the adult plays the role of a partner, and not a teacher.

What is it "partnership" ? Partnership - English partnership; Joint activity based on equal rights and responsibilities, aimed at achieving a common goal. The main functional characteristic of partnerships is the inclusion of an adult in the process of activity on an equal basis with respect to the child.

Adult-child partnerships in kindergarten and in the family are a reasonable alternative to two diametrically opposed approaches: direct teaching and idea-based education. "free education" .

The organization of direct educational activities in the form of joint partnership activities between an adult and children is associated with a significant restructuring of the teacher’s behavior style.

The partner position of the teacher presupposes the adoption of a democratic style of relations, and not the authoritarian one associated with the teacher’s position.

Features of partner positions:

Concept: a partner is always an equal participant in the matter and as such is connected with others by mutual respect;

Position of the adult in the group space: adult – partner, next to the children (together), in a single space (for example, sitting in a circle with children at a common table). The adult's position is dynamic (can change seats with his work if he sees that someone especially needs him); at the same time, all children are in the field of view of the teacher (and each other).

Organization of space: maximum approximation to the situation "round table" inviting equal participation in work, discussion, research.

Degree of freedom: free placement of children and movement during activities. Free communication allowed (work hum)

Children can discuss work, ask each other questions, etc.

"Pregnancy" teacher’s position: promotes the child’s development of activity, independence, the ability to make decisions, try to do something without fear that it will turn out wrong, evokes a desire to achieve, promotes emotional comfort

The main theses of organizing partnership activities between adults and children were formulated by N.A. Korotkova:

  1. involvement of the teacher in activities on an equal basis with the children;
  2. voluntary participation of children in activities (without mental and disciplinary coercion);
  3. free communication and movement of children during activities (subject to compliance with the organization of the workspace);
  4. open temporary end of educational activities (everyone works at their own pace).

Every day it is necessary to take into account the time for joint games adults with children, and the initiative in these games should belong to the students, and teachers should encourage it in every possible way. Also, the daily routine should include time for preventive measures, relaxation and musical breaks.

When organizing direct educational activities in the form of joint partnership activities, the situation of children also changes.

  1. Children can decide for themselves whether or not to participate in the common work. But this is not the introduction of permissiveness and anarchy. The child has the opportunity to choose - to participate in this work or organize something else, do something else. This is freedom of choice between activities and their content, and not between activity and doing nothing.
  2. The order and organization of joint activities are developed: free placement of children at a common table, their communication with other children during work and movement as needed. As the work progresses, children can turn to the teacher, approach him, discuss with him issues of interest to them related to the performance of work, receive the necessary help, advice, etc.
  3. Children can work at different paces. Each child can determine the amount of work for himself: what he will do, but he will do it well and will complete the work he has begun. Children who finish work early can do what interests them. If the child did not cope with the work, he can continue it in the following days.

What an adult suggests doing must be necessary and interesting for the child. The meaningfulness of the activities proposed by adults for the child is the main guarantee of the developmental effect.

As practice shows, organizing joint partnership activities causes certain difficulties for preschool teachers, for example, insufficient mastery of the technology for organizing such activities, namely creating motivation, presenting new material, organizing children, summing up.

Here the teacher faces a problematic situation - how to involve children in joint activities?

And here the motivational orientation of children’s activities comes to the rescue. At the same time, such techniques are needed that will ensure the emergence of the necessary motivation in the vast majority of children. In the pedagogical literature, four types of motivation are distinguished:

The first type is game motivation - "Help the toy" , the child achieves the learning goal by solving problems with toys. The creation of this motivation is based on this scheme:

  1. You say that the toy needs help, and only children can help them.
  2. You ask the children if they agree to help the toy.
  3. You propose to teach children to do what the toy requires, then the explanation and demonstration will interest the children.
  4. The same toy - the ward evaluates the child’s work and always praises the child.
  5. After finishing work, it is advisable for the children to play with their charges. With this motivation, the child acts as an assistant and protector, and it is appropriate to use it for teaching various practical skills.

The second type of motivation - helping an adult - "Help me" .

Here, the motive for children is communication with an adult, the opportunity to gain approval, as well as interest in joint activities that can be done together. Creating motivation follows the following scheme: You tell the children that you are going to make something and ask the children to help you. Wondering how they can help you. Each child is given a feasible task. At the end, you emphasize that the result was achieved through joint efforts, that everyone came to it together.

Third type of motivation "Teach me" - based on the child’s desire to feel knowledgeable and capable. The creation of this motivation is carried out according to this scheme:

  1. You tell the children that you are going to do some activity and ask the children to teach you about it.
  2. You ask if they are willing to help you.
  3. Each child is given the opportunity to teach you something.
  4. At the end of the game, each child is given an assessment of his actions and must be praised.

The fourth type of motivation “Creating objects with your own hands for yourself” - based on the child’s internal interest. This motivation encourages children to create objects and crafts for their own use or for their loved ones. Children are sincerely proud of their crafts and willingly use them. The creation of this motivation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. You show the children some kind of craft, reveal its advantages and ask if they would like to have the same one for themselves or for their relatives.
  2. Next, you show everyone how to make this item.
  3. The completed craft is given to the child. Pride in the work of your own hands is the most important basis for a creative attitude to work. If a child is already busy with some activity of interest, and therefore already has the necessary motivation, you can introduce him to new ways to solve problems.

Using game characters. In classes with children, you can’t do without game characters. The use of game characters and game motivation are interrelated. Gaming and fairy tale characters can "come to visit" , "meet" , "give tasks" , "tell captivating stories" , can also evaluate the results of children’s work. When motivating children, the following principles should be observed:

  • You cannot impose your vision on solving a problem on a child. (maybe the child will have his own way of solving the problem)
  • Be sure to ask your child’s permission to do something common with him
  • Be sure to praise your child’s actions for the results obtained

By acting together with your child, you introduce him to your plans and ways to achieve them.

By following these rules, you give children new knowledge, teach them certain skills, and develop the necessary skills.

Thus, partnerships between an adult and a child are the most suitable form of constructing educational activities in preschool childhood.


  1. Anthology of humane pedagogy. Vol. 1. Vygotsky L.S. / Comp. and entry Art. A.A. Leontyev. M., 1996.
  2. Barshai, V. M. Active games for children: Textbook / V. M. Barshai. - Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix" , 2001.
  3. Blonsky P.P. selected pedagogical works. M., 1961.
  4. Doronova T. M., Gerbova V. V., Grizik T. I., Upbringing, education and development of children 3-4 years old in kindergarten: Method. Guide for teachers working under the program "Rainbow" T. M. Doronova, V. V. Gerbova, T. I. Grizik. – M. Education, 2004.
  5. Doronova T. M., Gerbova V. V., Grizik T. I., Upbringing, education and development of children 6-7 years old in kindergarten: Method. Guide for teachers working under the program "Rainbow" / T. M. Doronova, V. V. Gerbova, T. I. Grizik. – M. Education, 1997.
  6. Kravchenko, I. V. Dolgova, T. L. Walks in kindergarten. Senior and pre-school groups. Methodological manual / I. V. Kravchenko, T. L. Dolgova. - Moscow: Sphere shopping center, 2009.
  7. Kravchenko, I. V. Dolgova, T. L. Walks in kindergarten. Junior and group average. Methodological manual / I. V. Kravchenko, T. L. Dolgova. - Moscow: Sphere shopping center, 2009.
  8. Krasnoshchekova, N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children / N. V. Krasnoshchekova. - Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix" , 2008.
  9. Skorolupova O.A. Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education: Development of the Educational Program of the Preschool Educational Institution. - M.: publishing house "Scriptorium 2003" , 2014. -172 p.
  10. Sushkova I.V. Social and personal development: analysis of preschool education programs. - M.: TC Sfera, 2008.
  11. Tretyak N.V., Skorolupova O.A. “About preschool education programs” // Preschool education. – 2007. - No. 3.
  12. Federal state educational standard for preschool education. – M: UTs Perspektiva, 2014. – 32 p.

Organize your child’s yard or village friends and offer them one of these entertainments.

Game "Bear in the Forest"

Two straight lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of 6-7 meters from each other. Behind one line there is a “bear” (driver), behind the other there are children. Players leave the house and go into the forest (the space between two lines) to collect berries and mushrooms. They “tease” the bear by coming as close to its den as possible and singing a cheerful song in chorus:

Like a bear in the forest

I take berries and mushrooms.

But the bear doesn't sleep,

He keeps looking at us.

As soon as the text ends, the bear must jump out of its den and try to make fun of one of the players. Children strive to quickly run into their house (beyond the line). The one whom the driver catches becomes a bear himself.

Game "Pretties"

This ancient Russian folk game has several names, one of which is “Traffic Light”. A “monk” (driver) and a “seller” are selected. The remaining participants in the game agree and guess the colors of the paints so that there are no repetitions (each participant will have their own color). The monk comes to the seller and asks for some paint. The “seller” says: “I have a lot of paints, but which one do you need?” The monk names a color, for example, blue.

Game "Tag"

A fun folk outdoor game for children. A driver is selected - he must catch up with the players and “salt”. The one who is salted becomes “water” and must run after the other participants, while holding the part of the body that the former leader just touched.

If no one has asked for this color, the seller replies: “Walk along the blue path, find blue boots, wear them and bring them back.” The monk starts the game again. If blue paint is hidden by someone, the player tries to escape from the monk, and he catches up with him. If you succeed in catching up and making a face, then the monk becomes a “paint”, and the made player becomes a monk. If not, the game starts again with the same driver.

Game "Cossacks-robbers"

The famous Russian folk game for preschoolers and older children. Children are divided into two teams - Cossacks and robbers. The Cossacks have their own shelter, in which a watchman sits - he will guard the captured robbers throughout the game. The Cossacks first give the robbers the opportunity to run away and hide. At the same time, the team must leave behind “evidence” - arrows are drawn on the ground, notes are left, etc. tips. But traces can also carry false information.

After 10-20 minutes, the Cossacks come out of their hiding place and begin to look for the robbers. The end of the game comes when all the robbers are found and taken under the protection of a watchman. Then the robbers and the Cossacks change roles.

Game "Geese"

On the playground, at a distance of 10 meters, two parallel lines are drawn - these are “houses”. The players (geese) go behind one line, and one person (the owner) goes behind the other line. There is a wolf (leading) between the houses.

Geese-geese? (owner) - Ha-ga-ga! (geese) - Do you want to eat? - Yes Yes Yes! - Well, fly! - No no no! The gray wolf behind the mountain won't let us go home!

After this, the geese must run over to the owner’s side so that the “wolf” does not insult them. Anyone who gets caught by the driver becomes a “wolf” himself.

Game "Hide and Seek"

This Russian folk game for children is familiar to everyone, but not everyone uses its variants. The basic rule is that “water” is looking for children hidden on the street or indoors. The place near which he begins to count out loud to 20, 50 or 100 is called the kon. This can be a wall, a tree, etc. As soon as the driver sees one of the players, he runs to the stake, knocks on it and loudly pronounces the name of the person found.

If the discovered participant manages to reach the horse before the “water”, he is not considered caught - the child moves aside and waits for the end of the game. Next time, the one who was discovered most recently is assigned to the role of leader, unless, of course, he had time to knock on the stake. When the “water” is very far away, each player has the right to jump out and quietly make his way to the stake, knock and say his name - this will guarantee that he will not be the last player found.

Game "Catch a Fish"

This Russian folk game is quite suitable for indoors. The players form a circle. “Water” is selected - he stands in the center and picks up a rope or jump rope. In kindergarten, his role is played by the teacher. The water rotates the rope on the ground around its axis, and the participants must have time to jump over it. Whoever falls for the “bait” (does not have time to jump over) is eliminated from the game or takes the place of the leader.

Game "Hush your ride"

An excellent folk game for kindergarten. “Water” and the players stand on opposite sides of two lines (they are drawn at a distance of 5-7 meters from each other). The goal of the participants is to reach the driver and touch him as soon as possible. The one who does this before the rest takes his place. As the players move, the water periodically says: “The slower you go, the further you will go. Freeze! The players should freeze at this word. Now the presenter’s task is to make someone move, laugh, or speak. Then the participant will have to return to the beginning of the path - beyond the line. It is allowed to make faces at the players, tell them something funny, look carefully into their eyes, but not touch them.

Game "Burners" One of the Russian folk winter games. The kids line up in a column of twos, holding hands. The presenter stands with his back to them a few steps away and says: “Burn, burn clearly, so that it doesn’t go out! One, two, three - the last pair run out!” The guys who are last in the column quickly run across and stand in front. The leader must hurry to get ahead of them, taking one place in the first pair. Whoever does not have enough space becomes the “water”, who himself nominates the running pair (last, second, fourth, etc.). The players' task is to be attentive and remember where they stand in the column.

Games of the peoples of the world for children

Game "Storks" (Ukrainian)

The game involves 6-8 children who pretend to be storks. All players stand in a common circle, and each of them draws a smaller circle around themselves (1 meter in diameter) - this will be a “nest”. The driver stands in the center of a large circle - he does not have a “nest”. When the “water” gives a signal, the storks must raise their right leg and remain standing like that. The driver also jumps on one leg, and then jumps into someone’s “nest”. Then two competitors jump out of the “nest” and jump on one leg, going around a common circle (you are allowed to change legs). The first one to return to the original circle remains in the “nest”. The latecomer is appointed driver.

Game “Lame Chicken” (Turkmen)

Players are divided into teams, each of which has three people. All participants stand along the starting line. The two outermost of each three join hands, and the one standing in the middle throws his left leg over their interconnected hands. It turns out to be a “lame chicken” with five legs. At the signal from the leader, a race begins, in which the team that reaches the finish line before its opponents wins.

Game "Quinta" (Lithuanian)

This game of different nations for children involves 5 players. A square with a side of 10 meters is drawn on asphalt or ground. Four participants stand at the four corners of the figure. A circle with a diameter of one and a half meters is drawn in the center of the square - the fifth person (quint) stands in it. The “corners” throw the ball at the fifth, and he tries to dodge the object without going beyond the boundaries of the outlined circle. The one who falls into the fifth takes his place.

Game "Shpen" (Belarusian)

A peg (wooden block) is installed in the center of the field. The presenter stands next to him. The players form a circle, each holding a bat. The goal of the participants is to throw the bat with force so as to hit the peg and have it roll as far from the center as possible. If someone manages to do this, then the presenter runs after the block, and at this time the players must pick up the thrown bats.

When the “water” installs the peg, he must have time to grab one of the bits before its owner does. If he fails, he remains the leader in the next round. A wonderful game of the peoples of the world for children not only in the countryside, but also in urban settings (in a park, square). The pin can be replaced with pins, and the bats with balls (this will make it even more difficult to hit the pin).

Game "Alone in a Circle" (Hungarian)

Children stand in a circle with the driver in the center. The players begin to throw a small ball to each other. The task of the “water” is to intercept the toy. Any child can unexpectedly throw a ball at the leader. If he does not dodge the ball, the game continues. If the driver caught the ball in his hands or dodged it, then he takes a place in the circle, and the player who threw the ball at him stands in the center.

Game "Balteni" (Latvian)

For such an active game of the peoples of the world for children, it is better to choose summer time. The venue can be a park or clearing. All players lie face down on the grass and close their eyes. The driver throws the balteni (bat) as far as possible into the grass or bushes. At his signal, the participants run to look for the object. The one who finds it first becomes the driver.

In the open-air Museum of Russian Fun, created specifically for the revival of Russian folk games, local historians have collected games that Vyatka peasants played a century or more ago. We present to your attention some of them:


Malechina-kalechina is an ancient folk game. The game consists of placing a stick vertically on the tip of one or two fingers (you cannot support the stick with the other hand) and, turning to the boy, reciting the rhyme:

how many hours until evening?
One two Three..."

They count until they manage to keep the stick from falling. When the stick sways, it is picked up with the second hand, preventing it from falling. The winner is determined by the number he reaches.


In Rus', “Babki” were widespread already in the 6th-8th centuries. and was a favorite game. For the game, dibs are taken - specially processed bones of the joints of the legs of cows, pigs, and sheep. Russians hold cow pasterns in the highest esteem: they are larger and can be hit from a great distance. Each player must have his own bat and 3-10 grandmas. The largest and heaviest headstock is taken as a bat (its internal cavity is often filled with lead or tin). The grandma games themselves are divided into countless types. Here is an example of one of them. Players place a socket on the cue ball out of the blue. Then the conditional distance is determined - horses. Who should start the game first and who should hit after, lots are drawn. Players, standing on the line, hit their cue balls in order of seniority. If they knock down the money at stake, they consider it their winnings. When they have all hit, then everyone goes over to their cue ball and hits from the place where their cue ball lies; Whoever lies further begins to hit first, and the rest finish the game according to the distance of their cue balls.


Rope is an old wedding game that amuses married and family people at gatherings, at get-togethers and youth parties for girls, alone, without men. But this has happened before; Nowadays, all wedding planners play indiscriminately with string. The matchmaker brings a rope into the room, the ends of which are tied by the matchmaker or friend in one knot. Players grab this rope with both hands, making a circle around it. A matchmaker or matchmaker stands in the middle of the circle to begin. Walking around everyone, the matchmaker says a nice word to whom, sings a saying to whom, or sees a fairy tale, trying to express in it the characters of the conspirators. Her words, although sometimes quite offensive, are responded to with praise, a smile and kind youth. The circle - this is the name of the matchmaker standing in the middle of the players - among the tales, notices who is looking around, and, lying in wait, immediately hits him on the hand. The mistaken one stands in a circle, with everyone laughing, and begins his tales. Sometimes, instead of fables, players sing wedding songs.


Fun based on the Russian folk tale “Turnip”. All players stand one after another, clasping the previous one around the waist. The first player grabs a small tree trunk or pole. “Grandfather” begins to pull the last player, trying to tear him away from the rest. There is another version of the game: Players sit opposite each other, resting their feet on the opponent’s legs. Hands hold onto a stick. On command, they begin to pull each other towards themselves without getting up. The one who pulls the opponent wins.

Fun "Cherry"

This fun is intended for young boys and girls of marriageable age. Everyone stands shoulder to shoulder in two ranks opposite each other at arm's length (or a little closer). Participants place their hands in front of them at a level just above the waist, palms up, or clasp their hands for a stronger connection. It turns out to be a corridor. A volunteer (cherry) runs up and jumps into his hands like a fish at the beginning of the corridor. The task is to throw the cherry to the end of the corridor. Cherry should extend his arms forward and keep his legs together. The corridor should sit down a little and at the same time, while shouting “Eee-h”, throw the cherry up and forward along the corridor. The main thing here is to take a wider run and fly higher and further, and after that the hands of his comrades will bring the player to the girl who needs to be kissed. After rolling over the waves from your hands for a couple of tens of meters, the kiss turns out to be very sensual. The main thing in the game is to slow down in time, otherwise you will fly past the desired destination.


An old Russian game. Girls and single young men played Gorelki. A guy was always chosen as the driver, and he could only catch a girl, so the game provided an opportunity to meet people, communicate, and choose a bride. “Single boys and girls are placed in pairs in a long row, and one of the fellows, who by lot gets to burn, stands in front of everyone and says:

- “I’m burning, I’m burning the stump!”

- “Why are you burning?” - asks a girl's voice.

- “I want a red maiden.”

- "Which?"

- “You, young one!”

At these words, one couple scatters in different directions, trying to get back together with each other and grab each other with their hands; and the one who was burning rushes to catch his girlfriend. If he manages to catch the girl before she meets her mate, then they stand in a row, and the one who remains alone takes his place. If he fails to catch, then he continues to chase other couples, who, after the same questions and answers, run in turns.” A.N.Afanasyev


Not a single holiday in the old days was complete among young people without this game. Here you have a struggle for your beloved, and jealousy, and a test of feelings, and a magical touch on the hand of the chosen one. The game is wonderful, wise and extremely meaningful. The players stand one after another in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, take hands and hold them high above their heads. The clasped hands create a long corridor. The player who did not get a pair goes to the “source” of the stream and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a pair. Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose couple was broken goes to the beginning of the “stream”. And passing under clasped hands, he takes with him the one he likes. This is how the “trickle” moves - the more participants, the more fun the game is, especially fun to play with music.


In Ancient Rus', head over heels games were one of the most common. Already in the 10th century. The kubar had such a perfect shape that it has hardly changed to this day. The simplest kubari were hewn out of a wooden cylinder with an ax and a knife by cutting its lower end into a cone shape. A mandatory accessory for games with a head over heels is a whip (a rope on a short stick) or just a rope, with the help of which the head over heels is spun to a fast and stable rotation. Kubar is launched in different ways. Sometimes it is untwisted between the palms, and more often a rope is wound around the head and the end is pulled forcefully. This gives the kubar a rotational movement, which can then be maintained by whipping the kubar with a whip or rope. At the same time, the kubar does not fall, but only bounces slightly “as if alive” and begins to rotate even faster, moving gradually in a certain direction. Skilled players compete by driving the kubar in a predetermined direction, often winding, maneuvering between various obstacles or overcoming an obstacle.


Chizhik is a children's game, it makes children happy and saddens them with accidental beatings. The eldest of the children draws a square on the ground with chalk or a sharp stick - a “cage”, in the middle of it he places a stone on which he places a stick - a “siskin”. Everyone takes turns approaching the “cage” with another long stick and hitting the “siskin”, which flies up from the blow. Then other players hit the “siskin” on the fly, trying to drive it back into the “cage”. The game continues until one of the players appears with a broken face and, screaming, begins to find the culprit. But since the beatings are soon forgotten by the children, the game of Chizhik soon resumes.


The players stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players, “Zarya,” walks behind him with a ribbon and says:

Dawn - lightning,

Red maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Blue ribbons,

Rings entwined -

Let's go get some water!

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes a “dawn”.


Boys love to bully, push, even fight - in a word, get cocky. But real boys' fights were not carried out in any way, but according to the rules. To play, a small circle was drawn and two players stood in its center. The rules were strict - the guys had their hands behind their backs, you couldn’t stand on two legs, only jump on one leg. Guys were allowed to push with their shoulders, chest, and back, but not with their heads or hands. If you manage to push your opponent so that he steps on the ground with his other foot or jumps out of the circle, you win.


Good old fashioned fun for guys. Two young men sit on a bench opposite each other, cross-legged under the bench, and slap each other. A narrow bench and crossed legs make it difficult to deliver strong blows with a tense arm. Once one of the guys tried to hit harder, and even with his fist, which was against the rules, but it got worse for him - he became a victim of his own unextinguished inertia and a narrow bench and flew to the ground.

Sack fight

Two good fellows stand up or sit on a log, take a bag in their hands and, on command, begin to hit their opponent with the bag, trying to throw him off the log to the ground. To make it more difficult, you can keep one hand tightly pressed to the lower back and act with the other hand. Here the ability to move, feel the enemy’s movement, and use his inertia becomes more important.

Pole riding

This folk winter pastime was once widespread in the provinces of Russia. On the slope of a mountain or hillock, two smooth, smoothly planed poles (poles) 15-20 m long are placed parallel to each other at a distance of about 1 meter. You get two smooth rails along which you can slide down the mountain. The poles are repeatedly watered so that they freeze solidly and become slippery. Anyone who wants to ride the poles selects a partner of similar height and weight. Partners stand on poles facing each other, supporting each other with their hands on the shoulders or waist. However, there can be a variety of methods, just to resist a rapid slide down. Coherence of actions, the ability to maintain balance, ingenuity, and courage allow some to ride in the most daring and comical poses.


For this fun you need a rope 2-3 meters long. Two people hold the rope, or you can tie one of the ends to a tree. The rope is not twisted, but only swung above the ground at different heights - from 10 centimeters and above. Guys and girls, one by one (or in pairs), run up and jump over the swinging rope or start jumping different ways: with closed legs, on one leg, with crossed legs, with a turn when jumping, etc. They jump until they make a mistake. The one who made a mistake replaces one of those swinging the rope. Not only an unsuccessful jump, but also any brushing of the rope is considered a mistake.


Biryulki are small straws (or sticks - wooden, reed, bone or any other, even artificial material) 10 centimeters long, and numbering from sixty to one hundred. The bunch is thrown onto the table, or any flat surface, so that the spillikins lie in a chaotic disorder, one on top of the other and side by side. The playing participants in the game strictly take turns removing them one at a time - whichever is more convenient: with their fingers or with a special wire hook attached to a stick. Whoever barely moves the neighboring spillifish immediately passes the hook to the next player. This continues until the entire pile is completely dismantled. The participant who has accumulated the largest number of flawlessly removed spillikins wins. Heads are attached to some spillikins, calling them: king, general, colonel, etc.; You can also give the sticks the appearance of a spear, knife, saw, shovel, etc. For such special spillikins, more points are awarded.


The leading player is called a “blind man’s buff”.

The blindfolded woman is blindfolded (usually with a scarf or handkerchief). They unwind it and then ask:

- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

- In the kettle.

- What's in the kneader?

- Catch mice, not us.

After this, the players run away, and the blind man's buff catches them. Zhmurka must catch any other player and identify him. If successful, the caught person becomes a blind man's buff. Players can run, freeze in one place, “tease” the driver in order to attract his attention and, perhaps, thus save the player to whom the driver or “blind man’s buff” came too close.


This is an old Russian game. The players stand in a circle. Two people go to the middle - one with a bell or bell, and the other is blindfolded. Everyone else sings:

Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,

The daredevils called:


Guess where the ringing comes from!

After these words, the blindfolded player must, by the sound of the bell, catch the participant dodging him. When a participant with a bell is caught, he becomes the driver, and the second player joins the general circle.

Golden Gate

In this game, two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise them up. The result is a “gate”. The rest stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front or simply join hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate. And at this time the “gate” says:

Golden Gate

They don't always miss!

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is prohibited

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

After these words, the “gate” sharply lowers its hands, and those players who are caught also become “gates”. Gradually the number of “gates” increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all players become gates.

Swan geese

Having chosen two or one wolf, depending on the number of players, they choose the leader, the one who starts the game. Everyone else becomes geese. The leader stands at one end of the area, the geese stand at the other, and the wolves hide to the side. The leader walks around, glances, and, noticing the wolves, runs to his place, claps his hands and shouts:

- Geese-swans, go home!

- Run, fly home, the wolves are behind the mountain!

- What do wolves want?

Gray geese pluck and gnaw the bones!

After these words, the geese must have time to run to the leader before the wolves grab them. Caught geese leave the game, and the remaining players repeat the game again until the wolves catch all the geese.

Easter egg rolling

Egg rolling is a competitive game and the goal is to obtain eggs from other players. A path (also called a skating rink or tray) is installed on a flat area, which is a trough made of cardboard or wood, at the end of which painted eggs, as well as toys and other trinkets are laid out. The path can be inclined, and its shape varies. Sometimes they do without a special path; the eggs are rolled on the floor or on the grass. Each player rolls their egg along the track. If it hits any of the items, that item is won. If the egg does not touch any object, it is left on the site, and another player can get it as a prize.


Elephant is an old Russian game that boys especially love, as the game reveals the strongest and most resilient. The players are divided into two equal in strength and number of team members. One of the teams is an elephant, the other jumps on it. The strongest and strongest player stands in front, facing the wall, leaning against it, bending over and lowering his head. The next participant grabs him by the belt and hides his head, followed by the third, fourth, and so on. They must hold each other tightly, imitating an elephant. Members of the other team take turns running and jumping onto the back of the elephant so that they can sit as far forward as possible, leaving room for the next ones. The players' task is to stay on the elephant as a team and not fall off within 10 seconds. After this, team members change roles.

Kiss, girl, well done

The game will require many participants - girls and boys. The players stand in a circle, and one person stands in the center. Then everyone starts moving: the circle rotates in one direction, the one in the center rotates in the other. The player in the center rotates with his eyes closed and his arm extended in front of him. Everyone is singing:

A matryoshka was walking along the path,

Lost two earrings

Two earrings, two rings,

Kiss, girl, well done.

With the last words everyone stops. The player to whom the leader's hand is pointing goes to the center. The players stand with their backs to each other and, on the count of three, turn their heads left or right; if the sides match, then the lucky ones kiss!

The ringleader

First, all players stand in a circle facing the center. The driver moves away from the players, who, in turn, choose the “ringleader.” The “ringleader” shows all the other players various movements, and the players repeat these movements, keeping up with the “ringleader”. The driver must guess who the “ringleader” is. If after 20 seconds he fails, the driver is eliminated from the game, and the players choose a new driver.


Everyone is sitting on a bench. The driver is selected. He has a ring or other small object between his palms. The rest keep their palms closed. The driver with the ring goes around everyone and seems to give them a ring. But only the one who got the ring knows who he put it to. Others must observe and guess who has this item. When the driver says: “ring, ring, go out onto the porch,” the one who has it should jump out, and the others, if they guessed it, should hold him back. If he managed to jump out, he starts driving, if not, the one who detained him drives. Moreover, you can only hold it with your elbows, since your palms remain closed.



Fun outdoor games are our childhood. Who doesn’t remember the constant hide-and-seek, blind man’s buff, catch-up, and tag?
When did these games originate? Who invented them? It is probably impossible to find an exact answer to these questions. These games, like songs and fairy tales, were created by the people. They perfectly temper the body and soul.
These games force you to move a lot and require resourcefulness, ingenuity, dexterity and perseverance. They are usually held in the fresh air in an open area.

Their rules are simple and clear.

The plot of the game is very simple: one driver is selected, who must catch up and make fun of the players scattered around the site.
But this game has several options that make it more difficult.
1. The taunted player becomes the driver, and he must run, holding his hand on the part of the body for which he was taunted.
The first player whom the driver touches becomes the driver himself.
2. The upset player stops, stretches his arms to the sides and shouts: “Tea-tea-help out.” He is "bewitched".
Other players can “disenchant” it by touching their hand. The leader must “bewitch” everyone. To do this faster, there can be two or three drivers.

The basic rules are: one person leads and the others hide.
The driver must find all the players and make fun of them before they have time to hide “at home.”
The driver, chosen using a counting rhyme, stands in the appointed place with his eyes closed. This place is called "con".
While the driver counts loudly to 20–30, all the players hide in a certain area. After the end of the count, the driver opens his eyes and goes in search of the hidden ones.
If he sees one of the players hiding, he loudly calls his name and runs to the stake. As a sign that the player has been found, the stake must be knocked on a wall or tree.
If the found player runs to the stake and knocks there before the driver, then he is not considered caught. He steps aside and waits for the game to end.
The driver must “catch” as many hidden players as possible.
Next time, the driver becomes the player who was found and “caught” last (or, according to the decision of the players, first).
Every time the driver moves far from the horse, hidden players can sneak up to the horse unnoticed and knock. In this case, they will not be considered detected.

On the site, at a distance of 10–15 meters, two lines are drawn - two “houses”.
In one there are geese, in the other their owner.
Between the “houses”, “under the mountain”, lives the “wolf” - the leader.
The “master” and the “geese” conduct a dialogue with each other, known to everyone from early childhood:
- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want something to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
- So fly!
- We are not allowed. The gray wolf under the mountain won't let us go home!
After these words, the “geese” try to run over to the “master”, and the “wolf” catches them.
The caught player becomes a “wolf”.

The players line up in a column in pairs, holding hands.
The driver stands in front of the column a few steps away, with his back to the players. He says:
Burn-burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
And one, and two, and three.
Last couple run!
On the word “run”, the last couple standing must quickly run around the column and stand in front. And the driver strives to get ahead of them and take one of the places of the first pair. The one who does not have enough space becomes the driver.
Instead of the words “last pair,” the driver can say: “Fourth pair” or “Second pair.” In this case, everyone playing must be very careful and remember where they stand in the column.

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 6–8 meters from one another.
Behind one line is the driver - the “bear”, behind the other is the “house” in which the children live.
Children go out from the “house” into the “forest” to pick mushrooms and berries.
They approach the bear's den with the words:
By the bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries.
But the bear doesn't sleep,
Everything is looking at us.
At the last words, the “bear” jumps out of the “den” and tries to grease the children running away to their house.
A player hit by a bear becomes a bear.

The driver is selected - the “monk” and the leader - the “seller”.
All other players make a secret secret from the “monk” of the colors of the paints. Colors should not be repeated.
The game begins with the driver coming to the “shop” and saying: “I, a monk in blue pants, have come to you for some paint.”
Seller: “For what?”
The monk names any color, for example: “For blue.”
If there is no such paint, then the seller says: “Walk along the blue path, you will find blue boots, wear them and bring them back!”
"Monk" starts the game from the beginning.
If there is such a paint, then the player who has wished for this color tries to run away from the “monk,” and he catches up with him.
If you catch up, then the “paint” becomes the driver; if not, then the paints are guessed again and the game is repeated.

The game takes place on a small limited area with no dangerous obstacles.
The driver is blindfolded, or he simply closes his eyes. He must make fun of one of the players with his eyes closed.
The players run away from the driver, but do not go beyond the boundaries of the site and be sure to raise their voices - call the driver by name or shout: “I’m here.”
The spoiled player changes roles with the driver.

They choose Alyonushka and Ivanushka and blindfold them. They are inside the circle.
The players stand in a circle and join hands.
Ivanushka must catch Alyonushka.
To do this, he can call her: “Alyonushka!” Alyonushka must always respond: “I’m here, Ivanushka!”, but she herself is in no hurry to meet Ivanushka and, sensing his approach, runs away to the side.
The drivers' movements are comical and sometimes unexpected.
It happens that Ivanushka mistakes someone standing nearby for Alyonushka and rather grabs onto him. The mistake is explained to him.
As soon as Ivanushka caught Alyonushka, other guys take their place and the game starts all over again.

The players are divided into two groups. One depicts Cossacks, the other – robbers.
The Cossacks have their own house, where there is a watchman during the game. His responsibilities include guarding captured robbers.
The game begins with the Cossacks, remaining in their house, giving the robbers the opportunity to hide. In this case, the robbers must leave traces: arrows, symbols or notes indicating the location of the next mark.
The traces may also be false in order to intimidate the Cossacks. After 10–15 minutes, the Cossacks begin searching.
The game ends when all the robbers are caught, and the one whom the Cossacks saw is considered caught.
It is better to play the game in a large area, but limited by some signs.
At the end of the game, the Cossacks and the robbers change roles.

A fishing rod is a jump rope. One end of it is in the hand of the “fisherman” - the driver.
All players stand around the “fisherman” no further than the length of the rope.
The “fisherman” begins to spin the “fishing rod”, trying to hit the legs of the players with it.
The “fish” must protect themselves from the “fishing rod” and jump over it. To prevent the “fish” from interfering with each other, there should be a distance of about half a meter between them.
The “fish” should not leave their places.
If the “fisherman” managed to catch the “fish”, that is, touch the “fishing rod”, then the place of the “fisherman” is taken by the caught “fish”.
The following condition must be observed: the rope can be twisted in any direction, but it cannot be lifted from the ground higher than 10–20 centimeters.

Two people are selected for the game: one is the “cat”, the other is the “mouse”. In some cases, the number of “cats” and “mouses” is even greater. This is done to spice up the game.
All other players stand in a circle, holding hands, and form a “gate”.
The task of the “cat” is to catch up with the “mouse” (that is, to touch it with your hand). In this case, the “mouse” and “cat” can run inside and outside the circle.
Those standing in the circle sympathize with the “mouse” and help it as best they can. For example: by letting the “mouse” into the circle through the “gate,” they can close it for the “cat.” Or, if the “mouse” runs out of the “house”, the “cat” can be locked there, that is, you can give up, closing all the “gates”.
This game is not easy, especially for a “cat”. Let the “cat” show its ability to run, its cunning, and its dexterity.
When the “cat” catches the “mouse”, a new pair is selected from among the players.

The driver and the players are on opposite sides of two lines, which are drawn at a distance of 5–6 meters from each other.
The task of the players is to reach the driver as quickly as possible and touch him. The one who did this becomes the driver.
But getting to the driver is not easy.
The players move only to the words of the driver: “If you drive more quietly, you will go further.” Stop!" At the word “stop” all the players freeze.
The driver, who had previously stood with his back to the players, turns and looks.
If at this moment one of the players moves, and the driver notices this, then this player will have to go back beyond the line.
The driver can make the frozen guys laugh. Whoever laughs also returns beyond the line. And then the game continues.

The players are divided into two teams and stand, holding hands, facing the opposing team, at a distance of 5–7 meters.
One of the teams starts the game with the words: “Ali Baba!” The second team answers in unison:
“About what, servant?”
The first team speaks again, calling the name of one of the players on the opposing team, for example: “Fifth, tenth, Sasha is here for us!”
The named player leaves his team and runs to the enemy team, trying to break the chain with a run, that is, to unhook the players’ hands.
If he succeeds, he takes the player who unclasped his hands to his team.
If the chain is not broken, then he remains on the opposing team.
The teams start the game one by one.
The team that has the most players after a certain time wins.

For this game you need a board and twelve sticks.
The board is placed on a flat stone or small log to create something like a swing.
Twelve sticks are placed on the lower end of the board, and one of the players hits the upper end so that all the sticks fly apart.
The driver collects the sticks, and the players at this time run away and hide.
When the sticks are collected and placed on the board, the driver goes to look for the hidden ones. The found player is eliminated from the game.
Any of the hidden players can sneak up to the “swing” unnoticed by the driver and scatter the sticks again.
At the same time, hitting the board, he must shout out the name of the driver. The driver collects the sticks again, and all the players hide again.
The game ends when all the hidden players are found and the driver manages to keep his sticks.
The last player found becomes the driver.

This game is also a good test of attentiveness. It is very simple, its rules are easy to explain.
Right hand point to the floor and say: “Floor.”
Then point to your nose (it will be better if you touch it), say: “Nose,” and then raise your hand up and say: “Ceiling.”
Take your time.
Let the guys show with you, and you will call.
Your goal is to confuse the guys. Say: “Nose,” and at this time point to the ceiling. The guys must listen carefully and show correctly.
It’s good if you cheerfully comment on what’s happening: “I see someone’s nose fell on the floor and is lying there. Let's help find the fallen off nose."
The game can be repeated many times at a faster pace.
At the end of the game, you can solemnly invite the owner of the “highest nose in the world” to the stage.

Take small sheets of paper and write the name of the animal on each.
Give the sheets to the children and ask them to draw the animal they received.
While they are doing this, place chairs in a circle, one less chair than the children.
Children occupy chairs, and one of the players becomes a wild animal tamer.
He slowly walks in a circle and names all the animals in a row.
The one whose animal is named stands up and begins to walk slowly after his handler.
As soon as the tamer says the words: “Attention, hunters!”, all the players, including the tamer, try to take empty chairs.
Anyone who does not have enough space becomes a tamer of wild animals.

To play you need a large basin of water.
Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and remove it from the water.
Since children will almost certainly spill water and get splashed themselves during play, it is best to play outside and dress the children in something that won't fade or get wet.

This is enough old game, it uses a traditional object that children may have never seen before.
The clothespin can be replaced with a coin, candy, or other small item.
Children take turns kneeling on a chair and trying to throw a small object (which you choose to play with) into a box or basket.
The one who could throw the most items into the basket won.
If the game involves candy, the child takes whatever is in the basket as a prize at the end of the game.

It is better to play this game outside, in a spacious and level place, and it is advisable for more people to play.
Children choose a leader, and the rest sit on the ground in a circle.
The leader begins to walk slowly from the outside of the circle, touches each player with his hand and says the word “duck” or “goose”.
If the player is called a duck, he continues to sit quietly; if he is a goose, he jumps up and catches up with the leader before he manages to take the goose’s free place.
If the leader succeeds, the “goose” leads the next game.

To prepare for the game, take a button, thread a string or wire through it, and make a ring large enough for children to sit around the ring and grasp it with their hands.
One of the players is the leader, he is outside the circle.
At a signal, the children begin to pass the button to each other along the wire in such a way that the presenter does not guess who has it at the moment.
Whoever gets caught with a button in his hand leads the next race.

Children choose a leader, he leaves the room for one minute, and at this time the children appoint a “chief”.
When the leader returns, at his command, the “main” begins to make various movements, for example, shaking his head or stamping his foot, and the children must repeat these movements after the “main”. They must do this so that the presenter does not guess who comes up with these actions.
The presenter’s task is to try to quickly guess who is “in charge”, and if he succeeds, then the “main person” becomes the leader in the next game.

This is a relay race, it is similar to the game “Collect a box”.
Children are divided into two or more teams, each team is given a plastic cup of water.
At a certain distance from the start it is installed large saucepan or a bucket.
At the signal, the participants of both teams begin the relay race. They run with a glass of water in their hands to the pan and pour water into it. Then the players run to their teams as quickly as possible and pass the cups to the next participant.
The cup is filled with water from a hose or other source (both teams share the same hose for more fun) and the player runs to the pot again.
The first team to fill the bucket with water wins.

The game is intended for children, it is better to play it outside, where there is plenty of space.
Children choose a leader. His task is to come up with and perform actions that would be difficult for other players to repeat, for example, jumping over something, jumping 50 times on one leg, etc.
Anyone who fails to repeat after the leader is eliminated from the game.
You can also introduce a rule that children take turns driving, then no one drops out of the game, everyone plays just for fun.

Children sit in a circle. One of the players receives a piece of paper with a sentence written on it, or one of the adults speaks this sentence to him in his ear (if the child cannot read).
Next, the player whispers into the neighbor’s ear what he heard or read, who whispers to the next one, and so on, in a circle.
The last player says the sentence out loud, and then you read out the original version.
What the children end up with is usually very different from your version!

This is very simple game, and, most importantly, no one loses at it. The players' task is not to laugh.
Children sit down or stand in a circle, and one of the players says as seriously as possible: “Ha!”
The next one says: “Ha-ha!”, the third says “Ha-ha-ha!”, and so on.
Anyone who says the wrong number of “Has” or laughs is out of the game.
The game continues, and those who dropped out try to do everything to make the remaining players in the circle laugh (just without touching them).
Whoever laughs last wins.

Players stand opposite each other, feet shoulder-width apart, the right foot of one participant is next to the right foot of the second participant.
They then clasp their right hands and, on cue, begin to push or pull each other, attempting to make the other lose their balance.
Whoever moves first from the original position loses.

This game is played by 8 or more people.
You must have 1 coin of 10 rubles or 1 ruble (for small ones).
Children are divided into two teams and sit opposite each other at a long table.
One team receives a coin and the children pass it to each other under the table.
The leader of the opposing team slowly counts to ten (you can silently), and then says: “Hands up!”
The players of the team that passed the coin must immediately raise their hands up, with their hands clenched into fists.
The commander then says, “Hands down!” and the players must place their hands, palms down, on the table.
The one who has the coin tries to cover it with his palm.
Now the players of the opposite team confer and decide who has the coin.
If they guessed correctly, the coin goes to them; if not, it remains with the same team.
The team that correctly guesses who has the coin the most number of times wins.

There are many variations of this game.
Give the kids a high five playing cards, shelled nuts, drinking straws, etc. and ask them to hit the hat with these objects while standing at a certain distance from the target.

Three circles with a diameter of 1, 2 and 3 steps are drawn on the floor from one center.
The numbers 10, 5 and 3 are written in circles; the smaller the circle, the larger number.
The player stands in the smallest circle. They give him a matchbox and blindfold him, placing a strip of clean paper under the bandage.
The player walks 8 steps in any direction and, turning around, takes the same number of steps back.
Stopping, he places the box on the floor and removes the blindfold.
The number of the circle in which the box is placed determines how many points the player is awarded.
The box may appear on the line between the circles, then the winnings are equal to the smaller of the two numbers.
If the player, when returning, deviates too much to the side and places the box outside the circles, 5 points are deducted from his score.
Each participant in the game, when it comes to his turn, if desired, has the right to indicate in advance in which circle he will put the box.
Under this condition, if the player is lucky, the number of points that is twice the number that marks the circle is counted; If the player makes a mistake and puts the box in the wrong circle that he indicated, then he will not be counted a single point.

Five to six bags measuring 6x9 cm are sewn from dense fabric.
The bags are tightly stuffed with uncrushed peas and sewn over the edge.
Place a stool on the floor and mark a line 4-5 steps from it.
From the line, the player throws three bags, one at a time, so that the bag falls on the stool and remains on it.
Each time the player manages to do this, he gets 1 point.
The organizer of the game stands near the stool and, if a bag remains on it, immediately removes it.
The player who scores 10 points before others wins.

Holding their hands behind their backs, the players stand shoulder to shoulder in a circle. One of them is holding an “invisibility hat” - a cocked hat folded from a sheet of paper. The driver is in the middle of the circle.
At a signal, the participants in the game begin to pass the hat to each other behind their backs, trying to do this so that the driver does not know who has it.
The driver walks in a circle and vigilantly watches the movements of the players. From time to time he stops and, pointing at one of the players, says loudly: “Hands!” The one to whom the driver is addressing must immediately stretch his arms forward.
If the player ends up with the cap, he changes the driver.
In a moment of danger, you should not throw your hat on the floor. Anyone who violates this rule leaves the game.
Any participant in the game, when he gets a hat, can put it on his head, unless the driver pays attention to him or is not very close.
After showing off your hat for a second, you need to take it off and pass it around.
If the driver gets dirty while the hat is on his head, you will have to give him your place and drive him yourself.

Traditionally, the game used real potatoes, but they can be replaced with a tennis ball or volleyball.
Children sit in a circle, the leader is in the center. He throws a potato to one of the players and immediately closes his eyes.
Children throw it to each other, wanting to get rid of it as quickly as possible (as if it were a natural hot potato).
Suddenly the presenter commands: “Hot potatoes!”
The one who currently has a “hot potato” in his hands is eliminated from the game.
When one person remains in the circle, the game ends and that player is considered the winner.

This game is familiar to everyone; as a rule, two people play it.
Each player, on the count of three, draws a shape with his hand - a stone (a clenched fist), paper (an open palm) or scissors (two fingers extended in a letter).
The winner is determined as follows: the scissors will cut the paper, the paper will wrap the stone, the stone will dull the scissors.
For each victory, the participant receives one point; the one who scores the most points wins.

This game, like other outdoor games, is best played outdoors, with a large number of players.
Children stand in a circle, hold hands, and the leader slowly walks inside the circle.
Suddenly he stops at any two players, unclenches their hands and says: “Run, otherwise you will be left without dinner!”
Two players begin to run around the circle of children in opposite directions, and the leader stands in a circle instead of one of the players.
Whoever fills the empty space in the circle first wins, and the second player becomes the leader.

This game is the opposite version of hide and seek.
Players close their eyes and count to 10 while the leader runs away and hides.
After some time, one of the players goes in search of the leader and if he does not find him in one minute, he drops out of the game. If he finds the leader, he hides with him.
Then the next participant goes out in search of the leader, and if he finds him, he also hides; if not, he drops out.
The game continues until the last person leaves the game or until everyone hides together with the leader, like sardines in a barrel.
The main thing is not to laugh!

Players are divided into two teams, each team receives a sealed envelope with a “secret” task - to find another package, in it there are instructions on how to find the next one, etc.
(Each group is given different tasks and envelopes).
If the children are younger, the envelopes can be hidden at home or in the yard. For children older task You can make it difficult to hide all but the last envelope outside the house.
In this case, the penultimate package will contain instructions on how to discover the last “secret package” in the apartment.

All the guys know the spinning top. You can start with a spinning top fun game. 5-6 guys stand in a circle.
One takes plywood the size of a notebook, launches a spinning top on it and quickly says: “I had a spinning top, it whined and left.”
Having said this tongue twister, you need to immediately pass the plywood with the spinning top to the neighbor on the right.
So the spinning top passes from one player to another; You can pass it on only when you say a tongue twister.
Some of the guys will have a spinning top fall sideways onto the plywood and “freeze.” Then everyone shouts: “Yula froze!”
The one who has a spinning top frozen in his hands is considered an “onlooker” - he passes the spinning top along with the plywood to his neighbor, and he himself jumps in a circle on one leg.
When the onlooker gets to his place, his neighbor launches the spinning top and the game continues.
Be careful not to drop the top on the floor when passing the plywood: whoever drops the top also becomes an onlooker - he will have to jump on one leg.